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Trinity: overrated or overhated?

Term of goodbyes

Georgie Cutmore


If you happen to spend time with anyone about to graduate this Trinity, pre pare to be hearing a lot of bizarre, melodramatic statements along the following lines: “This is the last time we’ll ever have hall dinner in 4th week ever again”. We’re all in one big toxic relationship with Oxford. Despite drowning us in work and giving us questionable standards of what is a normal, healthy lifestyle, Oxford terms are unique, exciting and full of adrenaline. I don’t know if Trinity is the best term, but it’s certainly the saddest - full of goodbyes, ‘last times’, and the realisation that you might just miss the place.

I love it!

Ailish Gaughan

Yes, unequiv ocally. Whilst the Gilmore Girls obsessive in me loves the autumnal vibes of Michaelmas, Trinity remains unbeatable. What would we do without sunny afternoons punting, swimming or sunbathing at Port Meadow, probably getting skin damage? Or all-day Pimm’s day-drinking at Summer Eights to procrastinate? Nothing makes revising for those pesky exams as bearable as sunny windows on the top floor of the Old Bod. Maybe we all have Seasonal Affective Disorder, but if you took away Trinity, I honestly think most of us would have rusticated by now.

Great for a fresher

Oli Sandall

Overpriced balls, day-drinking in sunny beer gardens, and cramming for exams - that’s kind of what I expected from Oxford, actually. After many weeks of grey skies and wet shoes, I look forward to slightly less grey skies and slightly drier feet. As a fresher, returning to Oxford in Trinity and once again seeing the (hopefully beautiful) college that you’ve learned (or have been forced) to love over the past two terms certainly makes you feel like you’ve settled in.

Artwork by Tom Godfrey

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