Vol 44 No 8
The Monthly Newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters
September 2016
September 2016
What’s inside
president’s letter
Lee Tschetter, President Spencer Amend, Vice President
John Yost, Secretary Janet Sowell, Treasurer
fishing highlights
fishing on the sweetwater
game and fish newsletter
important notice
Terms expire in 2017: George Axlund, Joe Meyer, Lee Wilson, Cheryl Wilson Derrick Dietz Bob Fischer Terms expire in 2018: Wilbur Yankee, Jim Johnson Bruce Lessig, Bruce Chandler, Blake Jackson
The Backcast is the monthly newsletter of w Wyoming Fly Casters Editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views of the officers, board or members of the Wyoming Fly Casters. Annual dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a family, or $250 for a lifetime individual membership or $450 for a life- time family membership. Visit the club website at www. wyflycasters.org. To pay dues or contact the club, write to P.O. Box 2881, Casper, WY 82602. The deadline for submission of information for each issue is a week before the end of the month. Make contributions to the next issue by e-mailing material to the Backcast editor at cheryl_ea06@ hotmail.com or call (307) 267-1903. The Backcast is available either in electronic format or through USPS snail mail. To receive each newsletter through a monthly e-mail, you must be able to open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat, a software program available free of charge) documents. Usually, each issue is roughly 1 MB in size, some are larger. Your e-mail provider may have limits on the size of attachments. In order to be added to the e-mail list, send a request to cheryl_ea06@hotmail.com. In addition to receiving each issue of the newsletter earlier than your hard copy peers, e-mail subscribers are able to print each copy in vibrant color -- an added plus if the issue is rich in color photographs. By sub-scribing electronically, you also save the club roughly $17.40 a year in printing and postage expenses.
ten sleep
Front Cover and back cover Photo by: Lee Wilson
If you haven’t already, call Joe Meyer at 307-235-1316. He’ll give you pointers and advice to make sure you catch The big one! Mission Statement: The mission of the Wyoming Fly Casters is to promote and enhance the sport of fly fishing and the conservation of fish and their habitat.
The Wyoming Fly Casters club was formed in 1974. The membership currently consists of approximately 160 members. The WFC was organized by a group of dedicated fly fishermen and since the club’s inception the Wyoming Fly Casters have strived to further the sport of fly fishing through conservation and education. Conservation of our water resources is one of our primary goals and in cooperation with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department we have and will continue to carry out worthwhile projects for the benefit of Wyoming fisheries. In addition to conserving Wyoming’s water resources we encourage conserving the fish themselves. A fish safely released today will live to give sport to others. For easy access to digital version of newsletter go to: www.wyomingflycasters.org
Wyoming Fly Casters
President’s letter
Hello Flycasters,
September 2016
August has slipped by and we are already into September. The only thing that I can say is that I hope the heat is gone with it. I’m in no way ready for the “S” word but I certainly didn’t care for the heat. The first item of importance this month concerns the Backcast. After a lot of discussion over many months, the board has decided that the newsletter will no longer sent out by mail. We have discussed and reviewed this topic for quite some time and have decided that we are only going to be sending out the newsletter electronically. I’m sure that Cheryl will speak more on this topic in this issue. What we are considering is printing one copy and having it available at the general meeting each month for members to read. Any comments or thoughts are welcome. There was an email sent out asking that we collect days fished on Petro and Water Tank reservoirs. You will be glad to know that the new lease holders were fixing damaged lines and there is water flowing into both once again. Good work Flycasters. By staying on top of what is going on around us we are helping to protect our resources. The Tensleep outing has come and gone. I was unable to attend for the first time in 5 years and very much missed being there. I heard that attendance was down this year with only about 10 overall. I hope that this was only because life happened this year and you will be there next year. I just returned home from the Tongue River outing and am feverishly writing this to make up for not doing so before I left. There were 5 of us that attended this year and we were joined by five of Dick’s family for supper on Saturday night. The lesson learned this year was that if a ranger tells you that there is better fishing in a place that requires a vehicle with high ground clearance he is telling you straight. The fishing on the other hand was VERY subjective. We did take him at his word that he figured that there would be snow on the ground up there by Monday. We got off of the mountain in the rain and fog. On to new business. Don’t forget that our general meeting this month on the 14th will be our annual BBQ. Joe has told us to expect some new members this year. I hope that many of you can join us and please remember to bring a dish to pass. The club will be providing the burgers and brats. We are going to start arriving at 6:00 to set up and start the grills and should be eating at 6:30. Come hungry and ready to share some great stories with fellow club members. Another reminder is that the Platte River Revival will be held on Saturday the 24th from 9 to Noon. This year we need to register online and then sign and return a volunteer release form by Sept. 16th. Don’t forget to list the Flycasters as the sponsor organization. Those that are registered will receive a T-shirt and a meal for your 3 hours of work. Next month we will have our annual outing at the Miracle Mile on the Saturday following the general meeting. Casey will be the Stream Keeper once again. There will be more to follow in the days to come. Time to sign off friends. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the BBQ and on the water. Until next month: Tight Lines & Long Drifts, Lee
September 2016
TEN SLEEP The 2016 edition of this annual outing was sparsely attended, but those casting flies like Gene Theriault’s grand hopper found browns and brookies eager to take them on the surface.
Submitted by Randy Stalker
Wyoming Fly Casters
Ten Sleep 2016 Thank you to everyone who came to Ten Sleep in August. We had a great trip!
Photos by Lee Wilson
September 2016
Calling All Flycasters! Volunteers are needed for the Platte River Revival!!! PLEASE register ahead of time- they are trying to completely eliminate any late sign ups or registration at the gate the day of the clean up. To register, go to www.platteriverrevival.org, complete the “volunteer registration” form AND complete and submit the “Release of Claim” form also by September 16th. Remember to list Wyoming Flycasters as your organization. Be a part of the biggest gathering on National Public Lands day in the Country! Help keep our Blue Ribbon River clean!
Wyoming Fly Casters
Fishing Highlights
Lee Wilson with a nice Brookie
Spencer with a 20� rainbow
Sydney Amend working to bring in a nice catch!
Want to be featured in the newsletter? Just send me your photos and stories! E-mail or Text! cheryl_ea06@hotmail.com 307-267-1903
September 2016
Fishing on the Sweetwater Preserve
John and Linda Yost, and Gene and Deb Theriault enjoyed a beautiful trip on the Sweetwater Preserve. This trip has been featured in the Silent Auction at the Spring Banquet for the last several years.
Wyoming Fly Casters
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department recently received $25,850 for several collaborative programs and projects to benefit Wyoming’s natural resources.
CHEYENNE - The Wyoming Game and Fish Department recently received $25,850 for several collaborative programs and projects to benefit Wyoming’s natural resources. The donations are a combination of support from the Wyoming Flycaster Club and the Cheyenne Field Archers. Wyoming Flycasters and Cheyenne Field Archers donated a total of $4,000 to Access Yes, a program facilitating the partnership between landowners and the department to create public hunting and fishing access on private land. The Access Yes programs consists of Walk-in hunting areas, Walk-in fishing areas, and Hunter Management Areas. Access Yes funds directly pay for access easements, not funding operating expenses of Game and Fish access programs. “Each dollar donated to Access Yes equates to approximately 3.5 acres of public access. These groups are helping every hunter and angler in Wyoming have more opportunities for years to come,” said Matt Withroder, Game and Fish regional access coordinator. Wyoming Flycasters also supported four additional collaborative aquatic projects with Game and Fish totaling $21,800 of the donated funds. Projects include: the Wyoming Flycaster’s Memorial Access Project to enhance fishing access and opportunity along the North Platte River, including improving access for navigating the steep terrain; the Encampment River Enhancements project to improve river stability, fish passage through the diversions, adult trout habitat, and boater safety; and the Water Level Loggers project to support restoring stream channels, improving fish passage, and managing water and riparian areas statewide. Furthermore, Flycasters contributed significant funds to the LaBarge Creek Fish Passage Project to improve passage on seven tributaries to upper LaBarge Creek. "We are fortunate to have strong partnerships with these organizations who are dedicated to providing funding for hunting and fishing access and improving the habitat for wildlife throughout the state," said Scott Talbott, director of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. “We’re grateful to the Wyoming Flycaster Club and the Cheyenne Field Archers for their generous donations and support.” Photo by Justin Binfet, WGFD (Wyoming Game and Fish (307) 777-4600
September 2016
WFC BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 17, 2016 *All votes on motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Lee T., Spencer, Janet, Wilbur, John, Joe, Derrick, Bruce C., Bruce L. Excused absences were: Lee W., Cheryl, Blake, and Jim. CALL TO ORDER: President Tschetter called the meeting to order at 1904. TREASURER'S REPORT: -Janet handed out copies of the club financials through 8/17/16. She reported that we balanced perfectly. Janet led a discussion on the cost of sending out the printed version of the Backcast to around 30 people. She reports that costs the club over $800 per year. She questions whether that is a good use of the club's resources and suggests thinking about eliminating the printed version, condensing the newsletter content, using a smaller font, or a combination of those alternatives. Derrick made a motion: The Club will go to a full electronic version of the Backcast and eliminate the hard copy printed through AMBI. This was seconded by Bruce C. The motion was passed 8-1. An amendment to that motion was made by Derrick: The hard copies will be made available until October, and the next Backcasts will include a notice of the switch to full electronic publishing and distribution. This amendment was seconded and was passed. -Janet reported that she has new information about debit cards that reveal they don't handle disputed charges well. Janet made a motion: WFC should obtain a credit card and eliminate the debit card. Spencer seconded the motion. The motion passed. SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes from the July Board Meeting were emailed to all board members. A motion was made by Bruce C. to accept the minutes. It was seconded by Janet and the motion passed. NEW BUSINESS: 1) Janet suggests we take action on the proposal to make thank you notes to landowners who participate in the Access Yes! program. She recommends we find the list of names, and have each Board member take one or two at the next meeting. Janet will follow up with Matt Withroder to get that list of names. 2) Janet reports that we have received a thank you note from Gary Wolfe, a commissioner with Montana Fish and Wildlife, concerning the flies our club members tied for the WAFWA meeting in Cody. 3) Blake has reported our club website is down, but he is willing to resurrect it, and it will cost the club about $20/month. Janet made a motion: Blake is authorized to re-create our website and can spend up to $30/month without BOD approval. Derrick seconded the motion and it passed. Spencer pointed out that he strongly believes the Backcast should not be limited to just members. Derrick noted that there is already a Facebook link to the Backcast that is available to anyone. 4) Derrick announces there will be another joint outing of WFC and PHW this Sunday at Walker Jenkins Lake. He has obtained permission to cross the private land in order to easier access the shore. 5) John suggests that the club compile an accurate estimation of "Angler Days" for Petro and Watertank ponds as suggested by Al Conder. This information should also be distributed to BLM to encourage them to continue to support these entities as fisheries. Joe will compile this information. OLD BUSINESS: 1) Lee T. will talk to Lee W. about the status of the WFC club table runner. 2) John gave an update on the Platte River Revival coming up on September 24th. 3) Janet reports that Project Learning Tree has returned their contract in order to receive the WFC grant. 4) There was a general discussion about the lifetime membership of MacTavish members. It was noted that this covers only that member, and is Continued on page 11
Wyoming Fly Casters
not a family membership. 5) Lee T. led a discussion on the WFC Memorial out at the Speas area. It was mentioned that Casey may know more about this than anyone since Herb Waterman has passed. We will make another attempt to contact Casey. Lee T. suggested a committee of about 3 to be in charge of the memorial, and to finally set some criteria for inclusion on the memorial. Wilbur and Joe will be on the committee with possibly Casey and Art mentioned as members. SPEAKERS: Joe introduced Dustin Burger of the BLM who is the Rangeland Management Specialist and is in charge of handling issues with the grazing lessees in this area. He will speak about Petro and Watertank ponds. BLM creates such ponds with livestock, fish and wildlife as considerations, so they try to balance those aspects if possible. Currently, both ponds are low and only Watertank has the potential to get supplemental water as the irrigation pipe has been diverted away from Petro. The goal should be to keep these ponds full in order to sustain the fish populations. The water source for the ponds is a well created by an energy company and, because Anadarko sold their leases to another company, the responsibility for adding new water to the ponds is a bit murky. Dustin will try to find out more information about this issue. Several Club members emphasized that these ponds are a significant resource for our fishermen, and we would like to see them maintained for future use. Al Conder added that it would be a good idea to quantify the angler use with an estimate of "Angler Days" for both G&F and the BLM. A handout was circulated that listed G&F stocking data and observations for Petro in 2016. Lee T. introduced Al Conder who reported that G&F would like to get a creel survey for Pathfinder Reservoir, but they would need more funding in order to do that. Perhaps the Walleye club will assist. Al reminded us that the limit for walleye will be 12 as of January 1st at Pathfinder. The meeting was adjourned at 2022. Respectfully Submitted, John Yost, Secretary WFC GENERAL MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 2016 President Tschetter opened the meeting at 1908. After the Pledge of Allegiance, the members were asked for any fishing reports. Walker Jenkins and the 33Mile ponds were mentioned positively. ANNOUNCEMENTS: -President Tschetter awarded the Patriot Award, the most prestigious award given by the Project Healing Waters Board of Trustees to Derrick Dietz. It was conferred for Derrick's successful efforts in starting the local chapter, and for his prodigious accomplishments in fundraising, promotion and expansion of the chapter. Derrick Presented a "Club Excellence Award" from Project Healing Waters for our efforts in sponsoring the local chapter. President Tschetter accepted the award on behalf of the Wyoming Flycasters. Derrick announced that Joe Meyer, Bruce Chandler and Mike Bradford will receive a week long salmon fishing trip to New Brunswick from PHW for their efforts in promoting The local PHW chapter. Derrick also revealed that he now has permission to access the private property that borders Walker Jenkins Lake in order to hold another outing for the WFC and PHW. -Spencer reported that Scott Talbot of the Wy G&F Commission sent a thank you note to our club for providing the flies for recreational use during their recent wildlife conference. Continued on page 12
September 2016
-Joe reports that the BLM has apparently quit putting water into Petro and Watertank ponds. Justin Burger of the BLM will come to our BOD meeting in August and give us an update. Joe also reminds members that he is meeting with a Boy Scout troop at City Park on Tuesday evenings at 1840 to teach fly fishing skills. Any help is appreciated. -Lee T. reminds members that the Ten Sleep outing is this weekend. EntrĂŠes will be provided by club members Friday and Saturday evening and Sunday morning. -The Dick Depaemelere Tongue River outing is scheduled for September 2-4. This is always a good time. -Lee T. reports that the next general meeting on September 14 will be a BBQ. Members should bring a side dish. -Lee reminds the club that on September 14th, he, Spencer and Lars Alsager will be speaking at 0700 at the Rotary Club meeting. -John circulates a sign-up sheet for the upcoming Platte River Revival Volunteer Day on September 24th. -The raffle is conducted. SPEAKER: President Tschetter introduces Lars Alsager, Hatchery Superintendent of the local G&F Speas Hatchery. He began by noting that the WFC has donated $10,000 to date for the Speas access area. The plan is to try and complete the ongoing improvements by Memorial Day of 2017. Lars brought a document that shows the design of the 3 sets of stairs to be built, necessary because the 1/2 mile of river access has a steep bank. He also brought examples of signage to be deployed at the site that will provide rules of use and information about the habitat and flora and fauna. Moss and water cress control is ongoing at Jessica's Pond. They plan another work day this fall that WFC could participate. Janet inquired about promotion of the dedication, and that is still under consideration about the details. Lars reminded the audience that rattlesnakes are among the fauna at that location. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was closed at 2001. Respectfully submitted, John Yost, Secretary
Wyoming Fly Casters
Attention Everyone! This issue of the Backcast, September 2016, will be the last printed issue. Starting in October, we will only be sending out digital copies of the newsletter. For more information about this decision, please see page 10 of this newsletter. We are currently working on a system to have ONE printed copy, in full color, available at each General Meeting for members to read and review. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with any board member.
Thank you!
Letter from the Editor
September 2016
Flycasters, Another month has passed. This month marks the beginning of Autumn! That means a lot of really great fishing and beautiful weather, as it starts to cool off a bit. I am hoping we get a nice mild Fall this year so I can get out there and do some fishing before the cold sets in! Just a few note-worthy items. First, we will be getting a new updated website, courtesy of Blake Jackson. The website has been down for a short time, but we hope to get it up and running soon, so watch for updates! Next, the board has decided to stop printing hard copies of the Backcast to be mailed out. We are working on a system to print ONE copy each month, in full color, to have available for members to read and enjoy at the general meetings. Any questions or comments? Contact a board member. Please - PLEASE consider volunteering for the Platte River Revival if you are able to do so. Let’s help keep our wonderful Blue Ribbon Fishery clean! If you have physical limitations but still wish to participate, just contact Joleen Martinez at the City, or John Yost. The Annual BBQ is coming up on the 14th of this month- please bring a side or a dessert to share! Until next time, thanks for reading!
Cheryl Wilson
One of my all-time favorite pictures. Lee and Roger taking in the breathtaking view of Cloud Peak
Wyoming Fly Casters
Simms Boots - Headwaters Rubber sole. Size 12. Two years old. Used less than 10 times. $75 or offer. Call or text Matt Stanton 307-258-9915.
For Sale: Twenty five(25) + years collection of fly fishing related books. Most in excellent + condition. Some are collectibles, signed, or inscribed. Prices are realistic and below prices of on-line book sellers. If you have an author or book you're looking for--call or email with your request or list. Thanks--Art Van Rensselaer 307-262-7655 or avanr@bresnan.net
INDOOR DRIFT BOAT STORAGE on the river $50/month or $500/year.
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Outdoor storage $40/month. Call Clarke 307-262-3306
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info@jamielangartist. com Armadillo Storage. Cheap, safe and affordable storage located right behind the NCSD#1 central offices. Call Bill at 307-472-1073 Indoor and outdoor storage available. Local ownership.
SEPTEMBER 2016 Monday
Patriot Day
September 2016
Labor Day
Grandparents Day
Annual BBQ 6:30 p.m.
Autumnal equinox
Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.
August 2016 S 7 14 21 28
M 1 8 15 22 29
T 2 9 16 23 30
W 3 10 17 24 31
Th 4 11 18 25
F 5 12 19 26
Platte River Revival
October 2016 Sa 6 13 20 27
2 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24 31
T W Th F Sa 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29
September 2016
Wyoming Fly Casters P.O. Box 2881 Casper, WY 82602