• Backcast
Vol 45 No 2
The Monthly Newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters
March 2017
March 2017
What’s inside Lee Tschetter, President Spencer Amend, Vice President
president’s letter
John Yost, Secretary Janet Sowell, Treasurer
5-6 Cabin fever
Terms expire in 2017: George Axlund, Joe Meyer, Lee Wilson, Cheryl Wilson Derrick Dietz Bob Fischer
• Backcast
lyin’ and tyin’ 2017 ballot
Terms expire in 2018: Wilbur Yankee, Jim Johnson Bruce Lessig, Bruce Chandler, Blake Jackson
The Backcast is the monthly newsletter of the Wyoming Fly Casters Editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views of the officers, board or members of the Wyoming Fly Casters.
Annual dues are $20 for an individual, $30 for a family, or $250 for a lifetime individual membership or $450 for a life- time family membership. Visit the club website at www. wyflycasters.org. To pay dues or contact the club, write to P.O. Box 2881, Casper, WY 82602.
The deadline for submission of information for each issue is a week before the end of the month. Make contributions to the next issue by e-mailing material to the Backcast editor at cheryl_ea06@ hotmail.com or call (307) 267-1903. The Backcast is available either in electronic format or through USPS snail mail. To receive each newsletter through a monthly e-mail, you must be able to open .pdf (Adobe Acrobat, a software program available free of charge) documents. Usually, each issue is roughly 1 MB in size, some are larger. Your e-mail provider may have limits on the size of attachments.
In order to be added to the e-mail list, send a request to cheryl_ea06@hotmail.com. In addition to receiving each issue of the newsletter earlier than your hard copy peers, e-mail subscribers are able to print each copy in vibrant color -- an added plus if the issue is rich in color photographs. By sub-scribing electronically, you also save the club roughly $17.40 a year in printing and postage expenses.
If you haven’t already, call Blake Jackson. He’ll give you pointers and advice to make sure you catch The big one!
Mission Statement: The mission of the Wyoming Fly Casters is to promote and enhance the sport of fly fishing and the conservation of fish and their habitat.
The Wyoming Fly Casters club was formed in 1974. The membership currently consists of approximately 160 members. The WFC was organized by a group of dedicated fly fishermen and since the club’s inception the Wyoming Fly Casters have strived to further the sport of fly fishing through conservation and education. Conservation of our water resources is one of our primary goals and in cooperation with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department we have and will continue to carry out worthwhile projects for the benefit of Wyoming fisheries. In addition to conserving Wyoming’s water resources we encourage conserving the fish themselves. A fish safely released today will live to give sport to others. For easy access to digital version of newsletter go to: www.wyomingflycasters.org
Wyoming Fly Casters
President’s Letter
Hello Flycasters,
March, 2017
Election time is here again. We have some new faces that are standing for the officers positions this year. We have 3 open two year board positions that we need to fill. A sample ballot will be included in the Backcast. I spoke with Joe Meyer earlier and I regret to say that he is stepping back for a time. He said that he has delegated his side activities and will not be standing for a board position this year. Blake will be taking over with new members, Jim Johnson will be handling Cabin Fever, Wilbur is in charge of the memorial area, and Derrick will be handling Lyin’ & Tyin’. Please give these folks a hand as they try to fill some big shoes. Joe hasn’t made it easy for people to keep up with all that he does for the club. Another name that you may have noticed that is absent from this year’s ballot is Spencer. Spencer is not standing for VP and is stepping down from the board as well. He will be focusing the Foundation side of the house in the upcoming months. Cabin Fever Clinic is this coming Sunday from 1-4 at the Rec Center. Unfortunately, I will be out of town but I hope that several can attend and help out. I hope that I am correct in saying, contact Jim Johnson on this matter. Things are not going smoothly for the planning of the spring banquet. There is still a lot to do and time is running out. Cheryl was just today (2/27) able to make contact with the Ramada to confirm our reservation. She has been trying repeatedly to contact them. As a group, we need to start making calls and working out details if we have any hopes of being ready for an April banquet. Lars is planning a work weekend in April from the7-9 to start work on the steps at the Memorial Landing. Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated. We also have to really start gearing up for our Thankful Thursday event in May. It may seem like that is a ways out there yet but it is coming fast. I think that this event has great promise for fundraising for the club and we need to put some real effort into making it the very best that we can. On a parting note: looking at the names on the ballot, I see some go getters that will move the club along in a good way. THEY NEED YOUR HELP! They can’t do this on their own. To keep this club moving along its mission more than just a handful of people are required. Even if you can only spare the time to help with one or two events, please do so. Many hands make for light work. Please be willing to show them the support that they need and deserve while representing the Wyoming Flycasters and you. Until next time: Tight Lines & Long Drifts, Lee
March 2017
Lyin’ and Tyin’
Lyin’ and Tyin’ is back! The first meet up will be held on November 12th. For the next few months, we will be meeting on the second and third Saturday of every month, starting at 9:00 a.m. Where: The Oil and Gas Commission on King Blvd. Don’t have fly tying gear? Give Joe a call and he will make sure you are all set up to start learning to tie with a club vice and materials. Questions? Call Joe:235-1316
Wyoming Fly Casters
March 2017
Cabin Fever 2017
Top 3 Reasons you should attend the Cabin Fever Clinic this year: 1. Support your club! Even if you can’t stay to volunteer, come say hello! Come visit with members and chat with potential new members! 2. It’s a great excuse to get out of the house! The weather lately has not been cooperative for fishing or other outdoor activities... unless you really like standing out in the hurricane force winds! 3. Learn something new! Improve your skills! Come watch some fly tying demonstrations- tie one yourself for free. Learn a new way to cast your fly rod- last year we had some veteran fisherman giving tips on casting into the wind! 4. Learn more about what the club is planning for the next year! Outings, classes, and more! 5. Swap fish stories - that’s what we do best, after all.
Wyoming Fly Casters
WFC 2017 Officer and Board Election Ballot PRESIDENT (Vote for one) __Blake Jackson________________ � ______________________________ � VICE PRESIDENT (Vote for one) __Janet Sowell__________________ � ______________________________ � TREASURER (Vote for one) __Dave Tuttle___________________� ______________________________ � SECRETARY (Vote for one) __Eric McCormick_______________ � ______________________________ � BOARD -- 3 year term expiring 2018 __Wilbur Yankee________________ �
INSTRUCTIONS Mark through the boxes adjacent to the candidate(s) of your choice. Vote for one candidate for officer positions, and as many as four for board vacancies. In order to be entitled to vote, you must be a WFC member in good standing (dues current). Absentee ballots can be mailed to the club (P.O. Box 2881, Casper, 82602). All other ballots will be marked and collected during the membership meeting on March 8th. Nominations from the floor will be accepted before ballots are cast, especially for the position without any announced candidates. Officers and board members elected in March take office in April. The obligation of an officer or a board member is to attend a general membership meeting and a board meeting, on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
__Jim Johnson__________________ � __Bruce Chandler________________ � __Bruce Lessig__________________ � ______________________________ �
BOARD -- 1 year term expiring 2018 (VOTE FOR 4) ___Cheryl Wilson________________ � ___Lee Wilson__________________ �
BOARD -- 2 year term expiring 2019 (VOTE FOR 3)
___Derrick Dietz_________________ �
__George Sichterman_____________�
___Lee Tschetter________________ �
__OPEN_______________________ � __OPEN_______________________ � ______________________________ �
March 2017
WFC GENERAL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 8, 2017 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-President Spencer, filling in for President Lee Tschetter, called the meeting to order at 1900. He led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. FISHING REPORTS: There was only one member with a recent trip. He reported that he landed 5 fish caught on dry flies and several more on nymphs at the river near the hatchery. They were rising to dries for only about an hour in the early afternoon. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) We have one new member/guest tonight, Todd Hambrick. 2) Janet mentioned that we could use help for the Banquet and the Thankful Thursdays fundraising organizing. If anyone is interested, see her. Janet also mentioned that she has spoken with Lars Alsager of Wy G&F about completion of the projects at Speas/Jessica’s Pond, and the need for help during workdays scheduled for April 7,8 and 9 from 8-5 each day. Janet will send around a sign-up sheet for anyone interested. These projects are ones funded, in part, by our club, so we have an invested interest. We would like 4 Flycasters to volunteer for each of those days. Janet also reminds members about the Fish-A-Month club, and the need to document, and, finally, that the Board has just voted to discontinue the monthly raffles. 3) Spencer made several announcements leading with a reminder about the upcoming Cabin Fever Clinic on March 5th at the Rec Center from 1-4 PM. He reminds everyone that this clinic is for all, including Club members who want to practice their skills. Spencer then issued a reminder that club elections are next month and there are open positions for Board members and officers. He then announced that dues increases will go into effect after next month’s meeting (on March 8th). The new dues will be $30 for an individual membership and $50 for a family. 4) Derrick announces that the Project Healing Waters rod building class will take place this Saturday from 9-12 at the oil and gas building. It will take place simultaneously with the fly tying session. All are encouraged to come to the fly tying (also known as “Lyin’ and Tyin”). 5) Cheryl made an announcement that we need leadership for this year’s fund-raisers. Please contact Cheryl, Lee Tschetter or any board member if interested. 6) Joe sent around a sign-up sheet for members to take over his duties for the club. Joe is cutting back on his participation for now. Joe does an enormous amount for the club, and has done so for many years, but needs to cut back his schedule and focus on his health at this time. Thank you for all you do, and have done for the Club, Joe! SPEAKER: Spencer introduces Steven Cowley, a GIS specialist with the city of Casper. Steven was the team leader for the WFC group of volunteers during the last Platte River Revival where we did an inventory of Russian Olive trees along a stretch of the Platte River. Steven informed the Club that this effort is part of a much larger effort to rehabilitate a 13 mile stretch of the river through and around Casper. The next region scheduled for work is from the water treatment plant to Mills, and they will attempt to improve public access to this area if Homeland Security doesn’t object. Due to funding, this may not take place for a couple of years. The data we collected correlated well with aerial surveys that are done every 3 years for the entire state by the USDA. Therefore, he will probably be able to use the archived aerial survey data to monitor the Russian Olive canopy coverage, and we can devote our efforts to other tasks such as monitoring treated areas for regrowth. Steven reviewed the 2 main methods of removal: using an excavator to literally pull the trees out of the ground, and to cut the tree close to the ground and immediately treat the stump with glycosate. Steven mentioned that their may need to be a volunteer day in order to replant willows that were vandalized along the Morad Park bend. ADJOURNMENT: Spencer adjourned the meeting at 2005. Respectfully submitted, John Yost, Secretary
Wyoming Fly Casters
WFC BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8, 2017 *All votes on motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Spencer, Joe, Janet, George, Derrick, Lee W., Jim, John, Bruce C., Bruce L., and Wilbur. Excused: Cheryl and Lee T. CALL TO ORDER: Vice-President Spencer call the meeting to order at 1800. He is substituting for President Tschetter, who is ill. TREASURER'S REPORT: Janet hands out copies of the monthly banking summary. She reports that the transition of the Club's banking to First Interstate is about complete, but we should wait till next month's election of officers to complete the process as the officer's names will need to be listed in the BOD minutes before they can be authorized to sign banking documents. She also reports that WFC has fully funded the grant for the Wyoming G&F "Access Yes" program. Janet has crunched income and expense numbers from her time as Treasurer and that analysis is included in her treasurer's handout. She concludes that our dues are too low, and do not cover our basic expenses. She recommends we think about increasing dues, discontinuing the monthly general meeting raffle, and reducing the loss during the annual Christmas party so that we can donate more money to the projects that the Club supports. Janet also reports that she and Blake have spoken to Rodeo Rick about fundraising for our banquet as well as the Thankful Thursday fundraiser. Rick has a long and successful history with these type of events and offered to be a consultant for our Banquet for $300. He also would like to come to our March meeting in order to hear our philosophy and discuss fundraising ideas. Janet made a motion: The Club will hire Rodeo Rick as a consultant for our Banquet for $300." George seconded and the motion passed. Janet has met with Lars Alsager at the Speas/Jessica's pond area and has set a deadline of Memorial Day for the completion of: 5 sets of stairs to the river, new signage erected on the Interpretive Trail and parking lot expansion. This is all projects that WFC have helped to fund. Lars has scheduled a work weekend on April 7, 8 and 9 from 8 AM to 5 PM and would like at least 4 Flycasters helping out on each day. Janet will pass around a sign-up sheet at the general meeting. Lars has thought out future projects that could be funded by the Club if finances allow. These would be projects like: Picnic/gazebo area tables, fencing of the area, trees/irrigation/ dredging of the stream/inlet area of the pond, food plots for birds/deer, more vigorous treatments of aquatic plants at the pond for more fishing ease, more fish, trail guide/app for the interpretive trail, a trash container from March-Sept @ $540/month and 5 more picnic tables for other locations. Lars reports that 10,000 anglers and 6,000 children use this area per year. The final item is that Lars believes the area needs to be monitored with 3 trail cameras. This would be helpful with vandalism as well as to help generate usage data. They are $108 apiece and he is prohibited from requesting this item through a grant request. Janet suggests we try to fund this through donations and she will be the contact person if anyone would like to donate. OLD BUSINESS: 1) Spencer is concerned that the planning for this year's Cabin Fever Clinic is behind schedule. A discussion ensued about what we still need to do and volunteers came forward. A sign-up sheet will be sent around at the general meeting. We were reminded that this is not just for the general public, but also for our members to practice or learn skills. It is scheduled for Sunday March 5th at the Rec Center from 1-4 PM. 2) Spencer reminds the Board that the Banquet is rapidly approaching on April 8th. Lee W. reports that the Ramada is under new ownership and doesn't seem to know about our event. We have a signed contract with them so we need to follow up. Cheryl is quite busy and would like more help.
March 2017
(con’t) 3) Spencer reminds us that elections will be held at the March General Meeting. 4) Spencer introduces the concept that our dues are too low. Discussion follows that mentions no increase has occurred for a long time and that most other clubs will be around $35. Derrick makes a motion: WFC annual dues will become $30 individual and $50 family. That motion was seconded. George makes an amendment: The dues increase will go into effect after the March 8th, 2017 meeting. That amendment was seconded by Wilbur and the motion, as amended, was passed. Bruce C. recommended sending out a reminder to those who are not current. 4) Janet makes a motion: WFC will cease having a monthly general meeting raffle. This motion was seconded by Lee W. and passed with Derrick and George voting "Nay". 5) Spencer reminds the Board of our tradition of swapping out a guided fishing trip between us and the Walleye club to be auctioned off at our respective fundraisers. Janet makes a motion: We will trade guided fishing trips with the Walleye Club. This was seconded by George. Janet proposed an amendment: Each trip needs to be a full-day, professionally-guided, 2 person trip. This amendment was seconded and the original motion, as amended, passed. 6) Spencer mentions that he has been trying to get the new head of our Bureau of Reclamation office to come speak to us. The discussions are at a standstill. 7) Bruce C. wonders about whether the attendance raffle should be continued at the monthly general meetings. It was decided to postpone that decision. 8) George reported that he, Spencer and John Dolan talked with Rob Thompson about the Foundation. Rob will ensure the annual fees with the Secretary of State are paid to keep the Foundation status in compliance with state regulations. ADJOURNMENT: Spencer adjourned the meeting at 1848. Respectfully Submitted, John Yost, Secretary
Wyoming Fly Casters
Letter from the Editor
Flycasters, It’s already March! How did that happen? This year is flying by faster than ever. We have lots of fun events coming up, starting with the Cabin Fever Clinic. I encourage anyone who is available to come down to the Rec Center and say hello! Learn a new fly pattern, get some help with casting or learn a new skill. Last year we had someone giving tips on casting into the wind- that sure does come in handy here! Banquet Update: So far, no one has been interested in stepping up to take over the planning of the Spring Banquet. I recently went back to work, so between my new job, Roger, and other obligations I just don’t have the time to dedicate to the planning. We will be discussing this at the next board meeting- hang tight! I will be sending out information as I have it. We are looking for anyone who is interested in being the stream-keeper for the Ten Sleep outing in August. It will be the first weekend in August this year. Requirements for “hosting” this outing are pretty easy. Attend the event, and make yourself available for those who attend. You don’t have to provide meals (although we usually have a group dinner at least one of the nights). I know that Lee, Roger and I are planning to attend, and we have been for the last few years. If you have any questions, please contact me at 307-267-1903, or Lee Tschetter at 307-267-7261. The club will be hosting elections at the next board meeting, Wednesday March 8th at 7:00. Please plan to attend, as we are getting a whole new set of officials! If you are interested in being a board member, please come to the meeting and nominate yourself (or have someone else throw your name into the hat!). Please also make sure you have paid your dues for this year- see Janet if you have any questions. I will be sending out banquet updates and possibly a committee meeting request in the next week. Keep an eye out for emails! That’s all for now! Send me those fishing pictures!
Cheryl Wilson
Wyoming Fly Casters
Patagonia SST Jacket Size: Small Color Green Great Shape Photos Upon Request
For Sale: Twenty five(25) + years collection of fly fishing related books. Most in excellent + condition. Some are collectibles, signed, or inscribed. Prices are realistic and below prices of on-line book sellers. If you have an author or book you're looking for--call or email with your request or list. Thanks--Art Van Rensselaer 307-262-7655 or avanr@bresnan.net
INDOOR DRIFT BOAT STORAGE on the river $50/month or $500/year.
$75 Email Scott for more information: gscottn@gmail.com
FREE See your ad here! Just send in your ad information and any picture you have to accompany it and we’ll run it for you!
ZACH EVEN Artist & Outdoorsman Lander, WY
Outdoor storage $40/month. Call Clarke 307-262-3306
PHONE 307.332.0210 EMAIL: info@zachevenart.com
info@jamielangartist. com Armadillo Storage. Cheap, safe and affordable storage located right behind the NCSD#1 central offices. Call Bill at 307-472-1073 Indoor and outdoor storage available. Local ownership.
MARCH 2017
CABIN FEVER CLINIC 1:00-4:00 Casper Rec Center
Daylight Saving
March 2017
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
Lyin' and Tyin' 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
General Meeting
7:00 p.m.
St. Patrick's Day
18 Lyin' and Tyin' 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Vernal equinox
February 2017 S
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
T W 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28
Th 2 9 16 23
F 3 10 17 24
April 2017 Sa 4 11 18 25
2 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24
T W Th F Sa 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29
Upcoming Events Thankful Thursdays - Thursday May 4th
March 2017
Wyoming Fly Casters P.O. Box 2881 Casper, WY 82602