Ams newsletter august 2013

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News, Muse and Mystical fix

August 2013

Spring is tantalizingly close as we, once again, bid hello and welcome to our wonderful friends of Adelaide Mystery School. We at AMS are also blossoming in spring as we excitedly look forward to seeing you in the fully booked Mediumship Workshop with visiting International Tutor Rev Dianne Parker, or our

NUMEROLOGY WORKSHOP with our most recent new facilitator, Numerologist of 30 years, William Carter. In addition to courses and events we are also dedicated to bringing you interesting and exclusive articles written by our facilitators on all things spiritual and mystical. This newsletter’s fabulous, insightful

‘Numbers ain’t Numbers’, is also by William. Last but not least are some wonderful ‘Things to Inspire’, a Free 21 Day Meditation, Good Reading, Signs flying into your life, and DIY Relaxation CD. ~ We hope you enjoy ~

Upcoming Courses & Events at AMS in 2013 August

Psychic & Mediumship Development FULLY BOOKED! A 12 week Course with Cheryl Rae.


Special Event 2013 FULLY BOOKED! A Three Day Intensive Workshop with visiting International Tutor Rev Dianne Parker of States of Grace School for Psychic & Mediumship Development Sydney.

Novermber Numerology Workshop ~ NEW TO AMS ~ A weekend workshop Saturday & Sunday 2nd & 3rd November with the wonderful, witty William Carter. Click here for more information and course registrations:

Consults Spiritual Healing with Toni Le Brun ~ Based in Tumby Bay or email for dates in Adelaide. Astrology Consultation with Lloyd Irving ~ Available at Adelaide Mystery School consultancy. Psychic Reading with Cheryl Rae ~ Available at Adelaide Mystery School consultancy. Tarot & Numerology Reading with William Carter ~ Available in Adelaide area. For further Information & Bookings click here:

Please Note Change of Phone Number for AMS, Cheryl Rae and Lloyd Irving (08) 8299 0276

Introducing William Carter William has spent many years exploring Metaphysics through Numerology, Tarot, astrology, Dowsing and Siddha Meditation. He is an experienced Numerology/Tarot intuitive counsellor who combines the two arts to understand the blue print of the Soul and cycles, together with the impacting now moment of Tarot. An irresistible combination to awaken True Purpose, Talents and a Serious Laugh at Life. He is warm, friendly, and easy to talk to, engaging to evoke, enlighten and evolve. Empowering others with insight, inspiration, strategies and understandings. After travelling through gracious Spiritual India in 2008 he received a powerful awakening through meditation that has unlocked key understandings, peace and presence. He works with esoteric tools to enhance readings, transform negativity and consciously contact the All Knowing on inside. All knowledge exists, it just has to be downloaded. William holds an Associate Diploma of Transpersonal Breathwork which can shift blockages and open up creative potential that has been suppressed through trauma. He has been actively involved in personal development courses, workshops and retreats and is constantly working on just “Being” ~ staying conscious in the Now and not getting ‘caught up’ in the what ifs, or things will be better when this or that is achieved. He is available for personal readings, parties, hens nights, corporate events and workshops. ‘We are so delighted that William has joined with AMS to share his extensive and expansive knowledge and insight into Numerology offering, initially, a beginners workshop. The basics of numerology can be gleaned fairly quickly for anyone to use, and over time, your understanding and insight endlessly evolves and deepens. I am sure that those who choose to work with William will be enlightened, and also as endeared, as we are by his humility, lovely nature and joyous humour along the way!’ Cheryl Rae Director AMS Contact William at Email:

Article Numbers ain’t Numbers

William Carter, Numerologist & Tarot Reader (website coming soon!) Numerology is easy to learn, fun and amazingly accurate system to understand self and others. As everything in the Universe vibrates, it has its own frequency. Just as the radio has different bandwidth to find stations, so to with numerology. You can tune the radio for classical, pop, alternative, talk back, hip-hop, grunge, sport, community with the flick of the dial. All are valid, as they make up this diverse world of ours.

On that amazing moment, in time and space, when you entered this incarnation, the heavens offered you coordinates (DOB) to guide you, nurture you, grow you, push you and learn you. Even your name is coded with information through the values of letters. And you thought it was just a name! “In the beginning was The Word… and the word was vibration” Numbers ain’t numbers…they have Souls. These little digits, 1 through to 9 hold information for our path in life, talents, gifts and more. They can show cycles we will go through and bridges to be crossed. Just as our bodies cleverly house the Soul, numbers hold the blue print to the Destiny of our Soul. If you can read their

secrets, you will flow with the current and master the lesson of your journey. All roads lead to Rome and there are 9 adventurous paths, plus 3 extra off road safaris. You didn’t come with a road atlas??? Well maybe you did!!! Your numerology chart is a map for the uncharted terrain of this life. You have an opportunity to synchronize the data to steer your vehicle where you want to go. In numerology, you just keep adding to get a single number. Your Day number, say for example the 15th of Sept would become 1+5 = 6. So your Day number is 6. Your Life Path number is found by adding all the numbers of your birth e.g. 9th of Jan 1983 would become 9+1+1+9+8+3 = 31 then 3+1 = 4. So your Life Path is 4. If your number comes to 11, 22 or 33 then we don’t reduce as these numbers have added information for the off road safari ventures. The Day number can reveal your innate gifts and talents that you brought into this lifetime. The Life Path number can reveal how you will share these talents and evolve your soul. Even the shape of the number can reveal its own interpretation. Check out number 1. No mucking around with this one, straight up and down. Those people with 1 in their numerology chart are very direct. They can speak their mind and just like those winning Olympic athletes who raise their pointer finger in the air, they are here to be number 1. Positively they can be leaders, energetic, confident, persuading, independent, powerful and resilient. You cannot keep a good 1 down, for as the Sun rises, they too will climb. Is it all predetermined? Well yes and no. Notice how the baby already has a personality and talents. Even without the knowledge of numbers, people just gravitate in certain directions. You have free will. You can go kicking and screaming in another direction. A wise person goes with the flow. An even wiser one knows they are not boxed in with fate. They can adjust the sails for the weather, learn from past experience, approach from another angle, work on themselves to master what’s lacking in their traits, skills and transcend any negative aspect. What about house numbers? Did it choose you, or you choose it?? Ponder,ponder!! Are you in a nice cosy number 2 home or a busy Grand Central Station number 5? The Chinese have a firm belief in the number 8 for a prosperous Business. They even adorn their Great Wall vehicles; with personalized 888 rego plates just for good measure. The 8 is a karmic number and related to the, Father of Time, good old taskmaster Saturn. “What you sow, you reap!!” That’s why Father Christmas asks if you have been good before he delivers (I’m a bad, bad boy…still no bike!!!) Those in Business with integrity, good service and quality work will be rewarded 10fold with referrals. There seems to be a very fatalistic trait in the 8. It’s a wonderful strange ride that seems to open doors for some and close for others. Does it stretch over many life times with rewards and penalties? The 8 is definitely a material number and its higher octave is very spiritual for the user. Beware the Karma bus. The phenomena of the 11:11 (which you may have seen on digital clocks, buses or will now come into your awareness) reminds me of the Native American story of the Dragonfly (notice also the Dragonfly is reappearing as tattoos, light designs, jewellery etc) The story goes that Dragon was a great spiritual being, magician and manifester extraordinaire. One day Coyote tricked him, demanding, if he were such a great magician, would he be able to turn himself into a fly. Dragon said he could do anything and began to slowly shrink. Flying from that lost paradise into the April sun in Cuba, Dragon became trapped as the Fly in today’s world. That prehistoric iridescent wonder is agitated and searches for home. The trick for Dragonfly is to break the illusion of playing small and to be a fully realized, co-creating, manifesting Dragon. Does that remind you of the “Human condition?” The deeper meaning of numbers is to wake our slumbering consciousness. Could 11:11 be a reminder of the sleeping giant inside? Are numbers Sacred Language? Ask a crop circle and they will by-pass your brain and speak to your Heart through pretty Sacred Geometry of codes, frequencies and vibrations. Can they alter our DNA structure and help us Shift into the Age of Universal Love?

There is such a wealth of knowledge in numerology. Through number analysis you can understand not only yourself but others as well. Be it family, work, friends or total strangers. It can identify abilities, specific talents, challenges, personality traits, issues and trends in life. The subject is a great tool for personal discovery, understanding and self-growth. It is as simple as adding up your date of birth. From there the magic unfolds. Yes, Numbers ain’t Numbers… From the Sacred Seed of Numerology ~ William Carter

Things to Inspire Book ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’ by Brian L. Weiss, M.D. This book, first published in 1988, recounts a psychiatrist’s personal journey with one of his patients into the realm of hypnotic regression (that is, exploring memories of past lifetimes through hypnosis). At the beginning of the book Dr Weiss gives his credentials as a practitioner of conventional Western psychiatric medicine. He then relates his story of therapy with his patient and the way he slowly concluded that the paranormal events he was witnessing – inexplicable in terms of modern Western science - were authentic and real, despite his initial reserve and scepticism. Dr Weiss confirms much of the phenomena well known to participants and practitioners of the New Age movement including: reincarnation; psychic abilities; an individual tuning into their “higher super conscious self”; channelling the utterances of “Masters” – personalities of higher wisdom existing in non-material realms; a hierarchy of knowledge and wisdom reflected in “seven planes of spirit/ the astral”; the idea that an individual’s learning experiences in every incarnation is directly tied to their movement through the levels of spirit planes; and the idea that previous lifetimes have a direct effect on the individual’s future lifetimes in terms of the “karmic debts” they take from one to the other. Through the testimony of his experience, Dr Weiss invites the reader to tap into or become more aware of a spirit world which lies beyond the normal world of sensate experience but is nevertheless intimately tied up with who and what we are, how we make our ethical and moral decisions in life, and where we are ultimately going. We are encouraged to realise that we are all on a spiritual journey. We are also encouraged to let go of our fear of death; to understand that life is about learning and understanding and acting in wisdom, and as we do so, to enter greater wholeness and healing in the here and now. - review by Lloyd Irving Available at and

The Owl that flew into Toni’s Garden! This gorgeous picture of an owl that came to visit Toni’s garden is just amazing. Beyond the obvious joy of such occurrences, we can also look what they symbolise and perceive them as signs and messages that we receive from the divine every day, in many ways. Take note of the unusual or recurring events and look into the deeper meaning of events or happenings, and then see how that relates to your life at the moment, or near future.

Owls, for instance, have nocturnal vision and are not earthbound, but fly silently! When looking symbolically, animals represent our own animal nature, or instincts, within our self. Some live in watery, (emotional/spiritual) realms, and others are able to fly enabling higher or broader vision than those of us walking on the ground. Hence birds can often signify messages, (through the realm of air), and when we look specifically at owls ability to see in the dark, it can indicate our own ability to see what others can not. In particular owl often represents clairvoyance, psychic and mediumship and messages from spirit realms, and also, possibly, the ability to move silently through life, going unseen perhaps. Once we look at the possible meanings of events or occurrences jot them into your diary and ponder how this information may assist or guide you, or maybe affirm something about yourself, even warn you of something you need to be aware of in the coming days or weeks. From the smallest feather that floats into your day to the momentous, magic is all around us when we realise, in our everyday mundane life, there is meaning in everything.

D.I.Y. Relaxation CD

‘Breathing with Awareness & Massage’

A lovely CD for relaxation with guided Meditation and accompanying instrumentals has been wholly created and produced here in Adelaide by Fran Williams. As a massage therapist and community worker she sought to give clients something that would continue to facilitate healing and relaxation for themselves anywhere, anytime. ‘Using Breathing with Awareness we can nourish our body with vital life giving oxygen and gently relax our senses. So as our mind works on our body we unconsciously release emotions and tension, enabling us to cope better with life.’ ‘Massage is also a wonderful skill to have and anyone can do it. Wherever you have tight spots you can reach, massaging helps them to relax and become more supple’. Special offer ~ Adelaide Mystery School ~ $15.00 per 2 CD set. (1. DIY Relaxation 2. Instrumental only).

FREE 21 Day Mantra Meditation Beginning September 10th ‘We invite you to join us on September 10 for a three week inner adventure into the powerful world of mantra meditation. Each day we introduce a mantra with a guided meditation, followed by an exploration of its meaning and energetic properties. You will discover how chanting these ancient sound formulas brings us into a state of profound inner peace and well being. This is an opportunity to acquire a powerful tool for healing and transformation, one that supports you on your journey through life's adventures and challenges. We are delighted to share these precious and sacred moments together, with the intention of making this world a more peaceful place, within and without.’ With love, Deva & Miten "As you listen to the music of Deva and Miten, the sacred space that lies beyond the mind emerges naturally and effortlessly. Pure magic." - Eckhart Tolle

This program is again being made available again for free. Click the link below to register

We hope you enjoyed our late August/September edition and that you join us for the next newsletter due out just after Christmas bringing you articles and things to inspire over your holiday break, as well as our full 2014 calendar dates of courses and events.

‘Quote for the Day’ ‘Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you Love.’


Please Note the New Phone Number for Cheryl Rae, Lloyd Irving and the Adelaide Mystery School is (08) 8299 0276

Yours in Truth, Love & Light, Cheryl Rae, Lloyd Irving, Toni Le Brun, and William Carter

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