The Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter 2012 Fall Newsletter

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Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter Jack & Jill of America, Inc. December 31, 2012 Newsletter Vol. 1 Issue 1

Chapter Moms and Teens Plan for Fantastic 2012 2013 Year


Bloomers and Inquisitive Minds Japanese Immersion Excursion – Host Moms: Tonya Tarpeh and Sonji Cosby.

Cooper’s Spa and Conference Center proved again to be an ideal location for chapter moms to reflect, prepare and plan the 2012-2013 calendar. The Executive Board began with training followed by a scavenger hunt and full day of training and planning for a season of activities and service to the community. Our guest facilitator, Tracy Madison, is an adjunct professor and professional trainer, and associate from a neighboring chapter. The teen executive board held their retreat and discussed upcoming activities and events. Congratulations to the teens for meeting one of their goals to submit an application for a grant to the Jack & Jill Foundation!! The Regional Teen officers have asked teens across the region to increase contributions to Foundation and to compete for grant awards. Thank you to Danesha Bethune, Chapter Foundation Chair, for her leadership in ensuring SWSD submitted an application on behalf of the moms and assisting the teens. MOMS, KNOW YOUR ONE-IN-FOUR STATUS (CHECK YOUR STATUS: - MEMBER CENTRAL (MIS))

DeSoto Mayor Carl Sherman Dialogue with Teens Legislation in Action. Voice vision on the Economic Development agenda.Host Moms: R. Jones & Amy Moore


Public Relations Committee: Mattye Gouldsby Jones, Editor Tonya Tarpeh Patricia Miller Sonji Cosby

President Obama Wins a Second Term --SWSD Chapter Registers Voters Kids from every age group, Chapter Moms, Associates, Fathers and volunteers assisted in the voter registration drive. Red, white and blue patriotic displays traveled to the Big Lots in DeSoto, Junior College in West Dallas, Southwest Center Mall, and to the Lakewest Shopping Center, registering first time voters and updating data. The SWSD commitment was strong and continued from 4 years ago – moms and volunteers became deputized and educated the public. Thanks again to the planning committee: Mattye Jones, Darcy Donelson, Corliss Stokes, Tonya Tarpeh, and Paulette Baines and to every family who participated to :get out the vote to have a voice in our future. Look for our registration advocates in the chapter collage of pictures. Many will enjoy the Inaugural Pink & Blue Ball in DC. Have Fun!

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The Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter 2012 Fall Newsletter by Cheryl Rischer - Issuu