I Messenger 9-9-22

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I Messenger VOL XII NO 1 September 9, 2022 JACKSON STATE WON

I MESSENGER myimessenger.com The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from ra cial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 Garland,RowlettMesquiteRichardsonE.Dallas Free - Take One (903) 450-1397 1 Year Subscription $45.00 Garland,RowlettMesquiteRichardsonE.Dallas Free - Take One I MessengerAnIMMLLCPublication MAILING ADDRESS 320 S. R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 220 Dallas, TX WWW.TEXASMETRONEWS.COM75203214-941-0110 Cheryl stewartcuret@myimessenger.comeditor@myimessenger.comPUBLISHERSmith-EDITORwww.myimessenger.comS.CuretGENERALMANAGEREDITORIALASSISTANT Marva Sneed EDITORIAL TEAM Chelle Wilson Dorothy J. Gentry Eva RebeccaLajuanaColemanBartonAguilarVincentHall DESIGN/LAYOUT FzanStudio WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA CIRCULATION/DISTRIBUTIONEDITOR MB Distribution Editorial submissions editor@texasmetronews.com 2 Wear the masks, wash your hands and show love!



President Joe Biden made a campaign promise to al leviate some student loan debt, and on August 24, he honored his commitment. Some say it is too little. Obstructionists say it is too much. Some economists say it may be inflationary...

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com INSIDE 3

The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) has announced its honorees for the 2022 Hall of Fame Induction and Special Honors Awards. The awards were made during the #NABJNAHJ22 Convention & Career Fair in Las Vegas.

There are many disparities that need our voice AND our vote. Matthew 22:20-22 states, “They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.”

p9 p25 p32


there are more ways to support than attending a football game; however, support is support.

I have a few tips for alums who are not supporting their schools. And yes there are more ways to support than attending a football game; however, support is support.

• Call out the hotels and businesses that practice price gouging

Last year when I attend ed the inaugural Arling ton Showdown, where the Southern Jaguars and the Texas Southern Ti gers took to the Gridiron, I talked about the impor tance of supporting HB CUS.Ijust love it when I see folks out supporting HB CUs because I love all HB CUs.Ialso told you to get ready to support the Clas sic games in 2023.

• When you purchase tickets from Williams Chicken, at least get a two piece and a pepper or some corn fritters


• Support those business es that support HBCUs

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com MY TRUTH

• If you can, buy tickets for some high school students


• Attend the games even if your teams are not playing!

put toward your alumni dues

HBCU alums, here’s what I want you to do for •me!Start saving two dollars a week — then you can buy tickets for two to least one game (any thing over, donate it, or

• Get your company/cor poration to sign on as a corporate sponsor

• Support the vendors who purchase booths and travel annually to these classics

Did you do what I asked?

It was a message spe cifically for folks within a 300 mile radius of the two HBCU classics coming to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex; however the message is good for any and everybody, especially you sports fans and those who say they support higherWhicheducation!bringsme to my truth.Ihave a few tips for al ums who are not support ing their schools. And yes

• Support Black-owned businesses

• Even if you only attend ed one semester, join the alumni association

• If you feel compelled to ask for donated tickets, make an outright dona tion to the school

GoAnd out, have a good time, be safe and start the process all over again! Do this every year, in creasing your savings by a dollar each year. This is just a simple way to begin a process that could be so beneficial for so many!

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 5

Whether it’s the low water pressure or the boil-water order, the wretched, rusted water pipes underneath Jack son’ soil and foundation can no longer be ignored.

JACKSON, MISS.--About 83 percent of the residents of Jackson, Miss. are Black.

Although the city council of Jackson, Miss. has had over 4 decades of issues concerning their water treatment facility, lines, and infrastructure and quality water-report issues, the Mississippi Free Press and Jackson Free Press orga nizations both detailed the questionable money trail of problems, beginning in 2009.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com6

was recommended to the Jackson City Council by the Mississippi Development Au thorityAccording(MDA).to their website, MDA is Mississippi’s premier economic and community development agency helps from homegrown Mississip pi start-ups to international

corporations with business development assistance, sup port with business incentives and access to talent from workforce training programs, colleges and universities.

MDA provided a list of ap proved energy-service com panies which included along with Siemens, a Cleveland,

Ohio-based company called Amersco Inc., Indianapo lis-based ESG lackerationswithwhoshort-termplescandals,mysteriousCouncil,tookseriesers.no-billedover-billed,faultytractplanvided10-yearJacksonthetheoversight.toofheficecontinueever,movingicizedFreebyheSiemensonHarveyJackson,Africanatetric,ControlsMilwaukee-basedLaboratories,JohnsonandSchneiderElecaEuropeanconglomerheadquarteredinFrance.Electedin1997asthefirstAmericanMayorofMiss.in2012,MayorJohnson,Jr.signedoffthe$90M+contractwithIndustryInc.afterwasgiventhegreenlighttheMDA.AccordingtotheJacksonPressJohnsonwascritforgoingtooslowintosignthedeal.HowJohnsonwashopingtoafourthterminofasmayorby2013,wheresaidhewasattheforefronttheprojectandwasgoinghireaprojectmanagerforThiskeymissingfactortoprojectwouldremainasbiggestdetrimentfortheCityCounciloveraperiod.SiemensIndustryInc.proa“guaranteedsavings”forthecity’slargestconinthecity’shistory.Thesmartmeterswereduetothebatteryandunder-billedorfrustratedcustomFrom2013to2015,awildofunfortunateeventsplaceontheJacksonCityfromunexpected,deathstopoliticaltherewereacouofspecialelectionsandinterimmayorsweretryingtocatchupthebasicday-to-dayopofthecity--leavingaofoversightoverthecon

Jackson, Mississippi Flooding

As the overwhelming flood ing is destroying the resi dents’ properties and lives due to the torrential rains overflowing the Pearl Riv er, backing up the OB Curtis treatment plant, thousands are still without safe water.

By Black Headline News

The problem has been cov ered with weak band aids throughout the decades, as money allocated for water in frastructure in Jackson seems to disappear or get misappro priated.Many people continue to inquire about how the water woes of Jackson, Miss.’s have gotten so deep; the continual flooding matters have a trou bled history. By following the money trail, the answers be come crystal clear as to why the city’s water and sewage infrastructure is still not fixed-millions of dollars later.

The prime contractor, Sie mens Industry Inc., a subsid iary of German infrastructure conglomerate, Siemens AG,

yer, made sure the lawsuit was pursued against Siemens Industry Inc., originally su ing for $225M, doubling to $450M.Thefinal outcome of the winning lawsuit through a settlement would reward the city of Jackson almost $90M, although they lost so much more money from the start of the project in 2012.

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 7

Between 2010 and 2012 alone, Jackson dumped 2.8 billion gallons of barely treat ed sewage into the Pearl Riv er, the EPA found. The EPA consent decree also charges Jackson for unauthorized bypasses of treatment at the Savanna Street Wastewater Treatment Plant, the city’s largest wastewater treatment facility.Under the terms of the Siemens contract, $26 mil lion was earmarked for con

tinuing Siemens Industry Inc. operation.According to the Jackson Free Press, February of 2015, it would be a Department of Public Works employee who would find a water meter cali brated to read gallons instead of cubic feet, which could make a water bill more than six times larger than it should be.After that discovery, a city official halted all new meter installationsHowever,this halting of all operations in 2015 would not fix Jackson’s dilemma with the U.S. Environmental Pro tection Agency (EPA) cited violations; on Nov. 21, 2012,

EPA, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the Mississip pi Department of Environ mental Quality (MDEQ) cit ed Jackson for violating the Clean Water Act.

sent-decree compliance, including upgrades to the wastewater plants--of course this never happened; the con tracted company never com pleted the proposed work tasks.In 2017, Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba became the 53rd mayor of Jackson; mem bers of the city council had already lost trust in Siemens Industry Inc., fulfilling the proposed contract they had already been paid millions of dollars to complete.

Meanwhile by 2022, more winter freezes and heavy downpours caused more pipes to burst and more flooding.

Even with the recent win of the lawsuit, the city’s water in frastructure is obviously still a disaster; at least there is a bet ter understanding of why.

Lumumba, a former law

In total, the city of Jackson has lost roughly $175M and it will still take another $75M to repair the disastrous project.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com8 here,belongsAdYour214-941-0110Contact:

Vincent L. Hall is an author, activist, and award-winning columnist.

uplift, and encourage oth ers.” Cheryl Lynn Smith bears that mark! She did it at Paul Quinn, and Dallas College. She teaches in class or in the moment.TheCheryl I know is a Warrior and shouted this out during her acceptance speech. Led by Commission er John Wiley Price, Cheryl was an original Warrior who was as good at fist-fighting as she was at making pick et signs. The Cheryl Smith I know stalked and printed the witness sketch of a seri al rapist for seven years until he was captured, jailed, and convicted.TheCheryl Smith I revere

is never satisfied. She was pleased that my two oldest daughters matriculated at her beloved Florida A&M Univer sity. But I got a call question ing why daughter number three didn’t choose Tallahas see. Cheryl Smith was HBCU when HBCU wasn’t as cool as it isCherylnow!

Smith paid homage to the literary heroes she read avidly during her remarks. Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovan ni, and Iceberg Slim. She hon ored her friends who are now with her ancestors, like Dick Gregory, publisher George Curry, and a local favorite, Lawrence Young. Finally, she mentioned the man in her corner, Stewart Curet. She is sweet about him!

The real Cheryl Smith came out when I tried to retire a few months ago. She only knows two curse words, and when I answered the phone, she used them both. “Negro, have you lost your mind? You betta getThat’syo……”the Cheryl Smith I know and love. She entered my Hall of Fame years ago! I love her and Black journalists love her too.

Vincent’s Hall of Fame!


The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) has announced its honorees for the 2022 Hall of Fame In duction and Special Honors Awards. The awards were made during the #NAB JNAHJ22 Convention & Ca reer Fair in Las Vegas.

The Cheryl Smith I know raised four of her sisters’ children with all the love any child could stand while she danced backwards in heels in her professional life. She epitomized the Black mother who knows how to brace her knee against the altar while she keeps her foot on your neck. Ain’t nothing better than a Black mother who can pray for you and discipline youAndre,simultaneously.theoldest and only male child, is in his 18th year of military service because character and accountability

Cheryl Smith is an award-winning writer, pub lisher, radio host, profes sor, mother, and more. She knows, as Jesse Jackson once said, “how to be pro-Black without being anti-white.” That’s how she has been able to parlay her work and news papers with the Dallas Morn ing News to create an infor mative collaborative.

el. Dallas Black journalism’s Grand Poohbah is Norma Ad ams Wade. However, Cheryl has adopted, trained, hazed, touched, or otherwise grown hundreds of budding print and video journalists. She stated her beliefs in the acceptance speech. “The mark of a true leader is the ability to recognize, cultivate,

Incidentally, “Don’t Be lieve the Hype’’ is the name of her 25-year-old Bowl-a-Thon that has raised more than a quarter million dollars. Scholarships that encourage and benefit journalism as a career.TheCheryl Smith I know is a mentor at the highest lev

were something he learned at home.The duo who introduced Cheryl knew her NABJ stories but didn’t know half of her whole story. She is a stalwart and advocate for “Buying Black.” Her closing statement hinted at it. “The last time I checked, all ice is 32 degrees

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 9

In honesty, Cheryl Smith is a giant in the national Black press. Not just in NABJ but among NNPA publishers and Black newspapers around the country. They gave her many accolades relative to her journalistic prowess but let me tell you about the Cheryl Smith I know.


that. What Cheryl was saying is don’t believe the hype. The white man’s ice is no colder than any other. But, sadly, too many of us won’t do business with people who look like us. Texas Metro News can publish it, but some of us won’t be lieve it until the Dallas Morn ing News confirms it in print.

Vincent L. Hall and Cheryl Smith

Among the names was one that you and I both surely know by now. They said Cher yl Smith, but I wasn’t sure. In the video, two young hosts introduced a sweet little old lady from East Orange, New Jersey, named Cheryl Smith.

TbaalRiverfrontJazzFest - Eric Benet

By Marva Sneed Photos by Eva G. Coleman

5th Annual Riverfront Jazz Festival 2022

The Black Academy of Arts and Letters 5th Annual Riverfront Jazz Festival, live Jazz, R&B, Soul, Blues and Neon-Soul was on Labor Day weekend. Day One, the Happy Hour and Unveiling of National Celebrities (Irma P. Hall, Millie Jackson, Lucky Peterson, Alberti na Walker) donating their garments to the TBAAL Art Gallery. The garments were unveiled and added to TBAAL’s Per manent Collection. Erykah Badu was the opening night headliner. As usual it was a great performance. Day Two on the

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com10

ductor, John McLaugh lin; were spectacular. On the Main Stage in the Arena the closing acts were Masters of Smooth featuring Marion Meadows, Alex Bugnon, Gerald Veasley, Poogie Bell, Karyn White, J.J. Sansaverino, and headliner Boney James; who all left you wanting more.

Main Stage was Avery Sunshine and Incog nito who brought ex citement to their performances, and the headliner was Cam eo who had the crowd singing and dancing. On the Naomi Bruton Theatre Stage there were performances by Arturo Sandoval, Dianne Reeves, Spyro

Gyra and headliner Eric Benet, who brought the house down.

Day Three the closing shows on the Naomi Bruton Theatre Stage with Kim Burrell and Cory Henry, Hiroshima, and a Tribute To Jazz Members of the Dallas Symphony Or chestra featuring B. Slade and guest con

TbaalRiverfrontJazzFest - Incognito

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 11

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com12

Riverfront Jazz #OpeningNightFestival

TBAAL was packed to witness headliner #Erykah Badu the kickoff was awesome. Featured artists included: Avery Sunshine, Cameo, Eric Benet, Incognito, and more.

TbaalRiverfrontJazzFest - Curtis


- Avery Sunshine

TbaalRiverfrontJazzFest - Cameo

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TbaalRiverfrontJazzFest - Erykah Badu

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TbaalRiverfrontJazzFest - Cameo 2

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September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com18

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Mrs. Universe Congratulations to Dorothy Bland, PhD.

Previously, Owner of Frank Gee’s Snack Shop Had A Partnership with Black Jack Pizza Family

My customers know me and we need to set the record straight so there is no confusion, she said.

for Black Jack Pizza that opened in 1990.Prior to that opening, Jones said Mr. Gee operated Frank Gee’s Snack Shop in East Dallas. He broached the Jones Family about forming a partnership and theyBothdid.locations, in Pleasant Grove and

Jones’ daughter and son-in-law, Mari lyn and Vincent Pond manage the second location at 2120 St. Augustine Road.

Big news for the Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta! Juanita Brown Ingram, an initiate of the Alpha Chi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and a graduate of Tennessee State University was just crowned this year’s Mrs. Uni verse by Ms. World International.

Former Business Man Frank Gee passes

The Mrs. Universe title sets itself apart from other pageant titles be cause it focuses on people who are married. Ingram is a wife and mother of two.Click on the link in our bio(@watch theyard) to read the full story we just wrote about her.

Frank Gee Ms. Dorothy Jones Photo: TMN

“Our family, from the very begin ning, put so much into establishing and building Black Jack Pizza so we want to make sure people have correct informa tion.Mr. Gee died on Sept. 1, 2022. --Cher yl Smith, TMN


When news was released recently about the death of Frank Gee, Dorothy Jones’ phone began to ring nonstop.

So while he was a part of the Black Jack Pizza Family, Gee, who hails from Corsicana, is not responsible for the founding of the popular pizzeria.

Some thought that the reports were talking about Jones, whose smiling face has been greeting customers at

The headlines told of the death of the 81-year-old “founder of Black Jack Piz za” but the face appearing on television and computer screens was not anyone most patrons knew of and with good reason, since he had not been around in more than a decade and had no af filiation at all.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com20

“We received all kinds of calls be cause our customers are hearing about a founder of Black Jack Pizza and react ing because while they were sad to hear about his death, they knew that Mr. Gee was not the founder of Black Jack Pizza and had absolutely nothing to do with us in years,” said Ms. Jones.

In setting the record straight, she pointed out that there are two locations

South Dallas were thriving and in 2009 the Jones Family bought out Gee’s in terest; according to Jones, who with her son Terry Jones co-manages the main location at 2536 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, where along with signature pizzas customers are very fond of their popular tea, burgers and spaghetti.

Ingram is US licensed attorney who is currently living and working in Sin gapore. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Tennessee State University and her MBA and Juris Doctor from the University of Memphis.

the main Black Jack Pizza location on Martin Luther King Blvd. in Sunny South Dallas for more than 30 years.

The SPJ Distinguished Teaching in Journalism Award goes to Dorothy Bland. She is a true role model for students, educators and professional journalists, and she has been a proud member of Society of Professional Journalists since the 1980’s. Congrats Dorothy. Read more https:// www.spj.org/news.asp?ref=1892HeresheiswithSPJPresidentRebecca Aguilar!

Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) BCL of Texas will offer loans ranging from $10,000-$75,000 to traditionally underserved businesses. The Dallas Small Business Diversity Fund, a $1 million investment from Co merica Bank, will specifically target Dallas County women and minority-owned business es with two or more years in operation.Anadditional $1 million in vestment from Comerica will be allocated to BCL's Growth Fund for larger business loans in its Texas target market.

ule a financial readiness as sessment to ensure they have a strong and organized path to growth. Approved borrowers will receive no-cost business coaching throughout the life of the“Atloan.Comerica, we remain committed to investing in CD FIs with more flexible under writing and collateral require ments than traditional lending programs,” said Omar Salah, Comerica Bank’s Director of Small Business Banking. “As the leading bank for business, it is imperative that we raise ex pectations in all the communi ties we serve by partnering with nonprofits like the BCL of Texas because they are playing an in

In 2021, Comerica made a three-year, $5 billion small business lending commitment to support communities dis proportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As of June 30, 2022, Comerica has assisted more than 8,600 small businesses and funded $2.4 billion (49% of goal) of the loan commitment.Toschedule a Dallas Small Business Diversity Fund con sultation visit bcloftexas.org/ DDF, or contact BCL of Texas Loan Officer David R. 688-7456(darriola@bcloftexas.org;Arriola(214)x126).

“We know that many mi nority businesses are often self-funded due to lack of ac

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 21

tegral role in closing the access to capital gap for minority and women-owned businesses.”

cess to capital, and a key com ponent of our mission is to provide emerging small busi nesses opportunities to expand their operations,” said Rosa Rios Valdez, BCL of Texas Pres ident and CEO. “We want to help level the playing field with thisLoanfund.”applicants must be a minority, woman or veteran business owner located in a rural, redevelopment or low- to moderate-income area. In ad dition, the Dallas Small Busi ness Diversity Fund includes a strategic coaching component with BCL’s Entrepreneurship Specialists. Prior to completing a loan application, prospective applicants are asked to sched

BCL of Texas Launches Dallas Small Business Diversity Fund with $1 Million Investment from Comerica Bank

Comerica presented BCL of Texas with an additional $50,000 grant in support of its small business technical assistance programming at last week’s launch event Brandon Jones, Comerica Bank North Texas External Affairs Manager; Beatrice Kelly, Comerica Bank Director of Community Development Lending; Rosa Rios Valdez, BCL of Texas President and CEO; Derric Hicks, Comerica Bank South Dallas Business Banking Group Manager and Omar Salah, Comerica Bank Director of Small Business Banking

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com22

Follow us to keep up with the trend!

Becoming my own best friend

There once was a tree in a beautiful park. The tree was known for its caring nature and I dubbed it the “giving tree.” The tree was a popular attraction and had many friends that would ask for its fruits. Overtime, the tree began to grow old. It stopped producing fruit and wilted. When the tree could give no more, its friends left. The tree became lonely, alone for the rest of its life.

One thing about me is that I have a lot of interests such as poetry to public speaking; however, what I love most in the world is helping others. The feeling I get when I know I caused someone to smile is priceless. When you help others, you give them a part of yourself.

Twitter: Facebook:Instagram:@TrendsetterTMN@thetrendsettertmnTikTok:@thetrendsettertmn@TheTrendsetterTMNPinterest:@thetrendsettertmnSnapchat:@trendsettertmn

I gained a support system, a new outlook on life and an ability to make many more accomplishments. But, what I truly found was my best friend. Becoming your own friend is the best thing you can do for yourself.

could not be more grateful that I did.


September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 23

I prioritize helping others more than anything else. While this is a good thing, it means that I tend to neglect one of the most important people in my life: myself. Giving takes up a lot of energy, and sometimes you use it up on external factors.Justas the giving tree, I used to give too much of myself to others. It was taxing and distorted my self image. It took a long time to get out of that cycle, but I

I chose to start a friendship with myself. I made more time to be alone and to do what I love. I would start off the day with reminding myself of my own worth. I had conversations with myself whenever I faced a problem in order to do what would make me happiest.

I made a conscious effort to surround myself with good people and gave less of my time to everyone. I started to find the balance between giving and receiving. I grew with the people around me, but that was not what I am most proud of.

I began to care, to truly love the person in the mirror. I used to hate myself and wish I was someone else. I tied my self worth to other people and what they thought of me. I felt as if I was not useful then I was not wanted.

Highland Springs Speciality Clinics, self diagnosing is the process of identifying a medical condition in yourself. Self diagnosis can be dangerous as it can cause you to identify the incorrect illness. For example, a headache is a general symptom ranging from the possibilities of a brain tumor toIt’sdehydration.important to seek help if you suffer from anxiety. Not only can it provide comfort, but if left untreated anxiety disorders can have severe consequences. There are many ways in which anxiety can be treated, whether it be therapy or medication.

Men t al Health Aware n ess: Anxiety

New school year signifies new beginnings. Although this prospect may be exciting for some, it can be overwhelming at times for people who suffer from anxiety disorders. According to the Mayo Clinic, people with anxiety disorders have frequent, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. This often means episodes of intense anxiety and fear that typically reach a peak, otherwise known as having a panic attack.


Liu Layout and Design Editor: Iniya Nathan Managing Editor: Kendall Gayle Washington


The Trendsetter is the Texas Metro News youth section, focused solely on the ideals, interests, occurrences and opinions of our youth. Here you will find the latest, hottest, jaw-dropping stories, appealing to those ranging from 13-25. Prepare to be informed and entertained!

Editor Angelina

It’s important to seek a professional rather than self diagnosing. According to

from feeling restless to having headaches, muscle aches, and pain.In order to diagnose an anxiety disorder, reach out to a primary care provider and ask them to check for signs of an underlying medical condition. From there, your provider could give you a psychological evaluation which involved discussing thought, feelings and behavior and comparing your symptoms to the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).


symptoms to the criteria i n t he Diagnostic and Statistical Ma nual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)


September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com24

Scan the QR code to follow our Spotify and see what we are listening to!

It's important to seek a professional rather than s elf diagnosing. According to Highland Springs Speciali ty Clinics, self diagnosing is the process of identifying a m edi cal condition in yourself. Self diagnosis can be dangerous as it can cause you to identify the

incorrect illness. For example, a headache is a general symptom ranging from the possibilities of a brain tumor to dehydration. It’s important to seek help if you suffer from anxiety. Not only can it provide comfort, but if left untreated anxiety disorders can have severe consequences . There are many ways in which anxiety can be treated, whether it be therapy or medication. O W O


F A C T O R S S Y M P T O M S interpersonal relationship issues social isolation and bullying Health problems/chronic pain Financial burdens substance abuse social withdrawaly lack of motivation and sluggishness expressing hopelessness/feeling trapped impulsivity practice a nonjudgmental mindset remember the warning signs routinely check up on loved ones take care of yourself Trevor Project: 1 866 488 7386 Canada: 1(833) 456 4566 U S : 800 273 8255 India: 8888817666 You deserve to live your life and people truly do care about you Reach out and stay safe


By Angelina Liu

in Chief: Maya Palavali Entertainment Editor:

Mental Health Awareness: Anxiety

There are several types of anxiety disorders. The most common being general anxiety disorder. Contrary to popular belief, all anxiety is not the same, and anyone of any gender or age can suffer from anxiety. According to The National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms can range

cont. from page 7

The Trendsetter

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 25 tree in a tree sometimeshelpinginterestsaloneleft.askmany“givingnaturewaspopularforthetreeItstoppedwilted.givenoThetreeforthemeisthatsuchspeaking;lovemostinothers.whenIknowtosmileyouhelpthemapartotherselse.thing,itneglectimportantmyself.lotofyou MentalBecomingownbestfriend

FRIEND, page 10 Editor-In-ChiefPalavali H O W T O H E L P H O T L I N E S Y O U M A T T E R M E N T A ML E N T A L H E A L T HH E A L T H A W A R E N E S AS W A R E N E S S S U I C I D E P R E V E N T I O N D E F I N I T I O N F A C T O R S S Y M P T O M S A broad term to describe a range of contemplations, wishes, attempts and precoccupations around death. interpersonal relationship issues social isolation and bullying Health problems/chronic pain Financial burdens substance abuse social withdrawaly lack of motivation and sluggishness expressing hopelessness/feeling trapped impulsivity practice a nonjudgmental mindset remember the warning signs routinely check up on loved ones take care of yourself Trevor Project: 1 866 488 7386 Canada: 1(833) 456 4566 U.S.: 800 273 8255 India: 8888817666 You deserve to live your life and people truly do New school year disorder.generalcommondisorders.typespanicknownathatanxietyepisodesThiseverydayandandfrequent,disorderspeopletheanxietywhoatcanexcitingthisbeginnings.signifiesprospectforbeoverwhelmingtimesforsufferdisorders.AccordingMayowithpersistentfearaboutoftenandtypicallypeak,otherwiseasattack.ThereareofanxietyanxietyContrary

By Angelina

Get lost in a book,

9. Read.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com26

Top 10 Ways to Boost your Mental Health

1. Experiment.

2. Take time to laugh.

Disconnect from the digital world and spend time with others face-toface.

Try new things. Do that one thing that you have always wanted to do but have never done.

4. forgiveness.Practice

Watch a comedy or hang out with the person who makes you laugh the most. Laughter can help us to calm down and stop feeling anxious.

7. Treat yourself.

6. Yawn.

binge watch tv, or all of the above!

Sleep improves our bodily function and makes for a healthier life.

10. Self care.

By Kendall Gayle Washington

8. Sleep.

It has been proven that people who forgive are better mentally.

Practice self care. Take a shower, brush your teeth, drink water, any and everything to ensure you have a happier and healthier life.

and take a break from everything that is stressing you out.

5. Journal.

If something has been bothering you or you are tired of keeping it all in, Journal.

Studies show that yawning not only stretches the brain, but improves mental efficiency.

3. Get off the screen.

Go out and do some shopping, eat a few pieces of chocolate,

Scholarship You must be or companies,home-schooled)bePermanentacurrentschoolintheU.S.graduatingacademicschoolhavea3.0GPA,pursueadegreepost-secondarybeachildorformerownersofCoca-TheCoca-Companydivisions,applicationopens

Deadline is Nov. 20, 2022.

To apply, you must either be or high school collegeDeadlinegraduateisJul.

a. Requirements: You must be a high school senior and part of a minority group. You must demonstrate a need for financial aid and have exhibited traits in leadership or civic engagement. You must also submit copies of standardized test scores, transcripts, four essays and letters of recommendation. Deadline is Jan. 12, 2023.

10. I Have a Dream Scholarship

and Angelina Liu

Apocalypse Scholarship

You must be a graduate student enroll within 12 18 or older, or at of your parent a free account 31, 2022.

a. Requirements: You must be a student and legal U.S. resident (including District of Columbia) and create a Top Ten list of why you should get the scholarship. Ages 14 years and older may apply. Deadline is Dec. 31, 2022.

a. Requirements: The scholarship is for Black and African American high school seniors who come from economically challenged backgrounds and have a focus on serving the public. You must submit two letters of recommendation, your SAT or ACT scores, an official transcript and answers to essay questions. Deadline is Jan. 9, 2023.

a. Requirements: You must be a student and legal U.S. resident (including District of Columbia) and submit an online written response to the essay question. Ages 14 years and older may apply. Deadline is Dec. 31, 2022.

6. Unigo $10K Scholarship

7. Top Ten List Scholarship

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 27


a. Requirements: You must be a U.S. student, 14 years and older (enrolled or planned to be enrolled by 2027, in a postsecondary institution of higher education). You must also fill out the application form and complete the essay. Deadline is Jan. 31, 2023.

Credit: Coastline College Down 1. Pool Party 3. Firework 4. Beach Ball 6. Kite Across 2. Lemonade 5.7.WatermelonBarbeque8.Goggles CrosswordMentalHealth 1.Down:Afeeling of concern towards someone or 2.somethingDesireto act in service of a goal 4. An intense feeling of deep affection 6. Breathe out 7. Breathe in 3.FreeAcross:expression towards a strong emotion 5. Helps to achieve an emotionally calm statemental Care,ANSWERS:Down:1.2.Motivation,4.Love,6.Exhale,7.Inhale Across:3.Vent,5.Meditation

Positive Affirmations


you’re going to afford Check out and scholarships to take stress.

You must years and older be enrolled DeadlineinstitutionbyofisOct.31, Scholarship Complete the and FAFSA.

9. Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship

8. Ron Brown Scholarship

So many of the issues we face at the core involve dignity and how we see others. If we are not living out what we espouse as Christians, we are hypocrites:

Officers continued to say that he did not identify himself al though bodycam video shows that he shared his name. There

are numerous examples of many unarmed Black men and women, not breaking the law, whose interactions with the police resulted in bodily harm and even Residentsdeath.of Jackson, Mis sissippi have been without water for days despite a state budget surplus of more than $2 billion but no clean run ning water in its capital city.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com28

For example, women at one time did not have the right to vote. Black people were enslaved against their will and freedom did not include equality or equity. Laws have been discriminatory or were created to protect the vulner able.There are times that we can’t sit by silently when oth ers are violated. According to the Texas Tribune, “Tex as has spent more than $12 million sending busloads of migrants to East Coast cit ies, according to the Texas Division of Emergency Man agement…. the Governor of Texas’ office announced that it had begun busing migrants to Chicago. Documents from the emergency management department show that the state has already paid a total of $12,707,720.92 to Wynne Transportation…from Tex as border communities to

There are many dispari ties that need our voice AND our vote. Matthew 22:20-22 states, “They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.”

Time Magazine said, “Some researchers and columnists point to “white flight” for Jackson’s failing infrastruc ture and a subsequent lack of taxes and state funding that instead poured into devel oping neighboring predom inantly white cities such as Flowood and Madison. More than 82% of Jackson’s popu lation is Black and almost a quarter of residents live be low the poverty line, a stark contrast to 1980 when over half of the city’s population wasSowhite.”many of the issues we face at the core involve digni ty and how we see others. If we are not living out what we espouse as Christians, we are hypocrites: “If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his broth er, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his broth er, whom he has seen, can not love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his broth er.” (1 John 4:20)


This week has illuminat

Dr. Froswa’ Booker-Drew is the Founder and CEO of Soulstice Consultancy, specializing as a Partnership Broker and Leadership Expert for companies and organizations to thrive with measurable and meaningful impact. She also is the VP of Community Affairs and Strategic Alliances for the State Fair of Texas.

In theory, this is what we should do but what happens when Caesar (the govern ment) is doing something that goes against what one believes is correct? There are times throughout history that individuals or groups have stood up for their rights that were being violated.

A Main Course of Hypocrisy

“If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (1 John 4:20)

ed the issues that we have as a country with those in po sitions of power, acting on behalf of the government. Recently, a Black pastor in Alabama was arrested for wa tering flowers for his neigh bors who were out of town.

Scripture commands us to treat people with care: “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” (Le viticus 19:34) “Cursed is any one who withholds justice from the foreigner, the father less or the widow.’ Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!’” (Deuteronomy 27:19)

Washington, D.C., and New YorkYet,City…”residents of Texas suf fered the loss of electricity during a winter storm across the state due to the electric grid’s instability in February 2021.Funding that could be used to repair the grid, focus on infrastructure, and so many other issues is being wasted.

It’s interesting to watch how so many Christians will po liticize issues without using scriptures as a basis for why we do what we do. Anoth er friend who is no longer a Christian told me some years ago that our problem is that we are buffet Christians. We pick and choose what works for us. We seek forgiveness when we mess up but when it comes to others, we seek the highest punishment and condemn be cause it’s not our issue.

Aude Sicard LOST her bid for District 8, which encompasses the Broward

liam D.C. Clark came close behind with 20.87% of the vote.


Municipal Service Dis trict, and parts of Coconut Creek, Fort Lauderdale, Lauderdale Lakes, Lau derhill, Margate, North Lauderdale, Oakland Park, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Tamarac and Wilton Manors.Shegarnered 13.05% of the vote to her opponents Bobby DuBose, former member of the Florida House of Representatives


by 71.26%% to challenger Hazelle Rogers.

Philippe Bien-Aime, North Miami Mayor, and Marleine Bastien, the com munity organizer, will have a runoff in the Nov. 8 gen eral elections for District 2, which encompasses North Miami, Opa-locka, North Miami Beach and parts of the city of Miami, Biscayne Gardens and Liberty City.

Haitians in Florida state races

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 29

Incumbent Dotie Jo seph won her District 108 race with 53.5%. The area encompasses northeast ern City of Miami and the western portion of North Miami; villages of Biscayne Park, El Portal and Miami

Haitian American oppo nents Wallace Aristide and Joe Celestin lost. African American candidate Wil

Incumbent Sheila Cher filus-McCormick WON District 20, which encom passes the area around Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach; including North Lauderdale, Lauderhill, Lauderdale Lakes, Tama rac, Miramar, Lake Park, Riviera Beach and parts of Pompano Beach and Sun rise.She received 66% to her opponent Dale Holness, former Mayor of Broward County and Anika Tene OmphroyIncumbent Rod Dorilás LOST District 22 which encompasses parts of Fort Lauderdale, Plantation, Sunrise, Lauderhill, Lau derdale Lakes and Oakland Park.He received 19.1% of the vote. Dan Franzese currently leads Deborah Adeimy by .4% of the vote.

Shores; and the unincorpo rated Dade county areas of Gladeview, Golden Glades, Pinewood, West Little River andHaitianWestview.American op ponent Michael Etienne, Democrat, a former North Miami City Clerk, received 26.36% of the vote.

Supporters of Marleine Bastien arrive for an election night watch party to await the results of Tuesday’s election. Featured in the photo is Tessa Petit, co-executive director of Florida Immigrant Coalition, endorsed various candidates including Marleine Bastien.

Photo: Ashley Miznazi

Wins and losses for Haitian American candidates in Florida races

Peter Arianas and Car rie Lawlor were also in the race.

and Robert McKinzie, a Fort Lauderdale city com missioner.

Bien-Aime received 26.48% with 5,259 votes. Bastien received 23.65% with 4,697 votes.


Roy Hardemon, who served District 108 from 2016 to 2018, lost.

Guithele Ruiz-Nicolas LOST her bid for District 9 which encompasses parts of Fort Lauderdale, Plan tation, Sunrise, Lauderhill, Lauderdale Lakes and Oak land

Haitians Congressionalinraces

The Haitian BYwww.haitiantimes.comTimesASHLEYMIZNAZI

MIAMI — Two Haitian American are heading to a runoff in November after tying for first place in the Miami-Dade County Com mission District 2 race, while in Broward County, two Haitian American lost separate bids to become countyTuesday’scommissioners.primary bal lots included seats for state executive offices, United States senators and repre sentatives, state legislators and local offices that vary by municipality. Here’s a roundup of results in the key races featuring Haitian American candidates on the Aug. 23 ballot.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com30

215 W. Tyler St. Gilmer, Texas 75644 (903) 680-3333

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 31

Nena's Finds

Abortion Rights. Former President Trump and those who rally around him have become the party of those who would reduce or eliminate rights that so many have fought and died for.

But be not mistaken, the Democrat ic Party, while it has worked long and hard to restore and protect the kind of gains we have seen under President Biden, still have not done as much as it could for the people who put him in office. Without the Black vote, there would be no President Joe Biden. Yet he did not move to sign Executive Orders to fight Voter Suppression as he did with great speed to help over come or provide protections avail able to him after the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe vs.Wade.

der the leadership of Senator Mitch Mc Connell, has voted against every bill passed by the House of Represen tatives to bring relief to the American people in such areas as reducing the cost of prescription draws, restor ing the Voting Rights Act provisions struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013, and the restoration of the pro tections lost under the recent Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision on

It appears that our recent discus sions about the importance of each of us becoming Registered Voters and using our right to vote has been taken by some as an endorsement of a po litical party preference, as a necessity to voting. For the record, there is no constitutional requirement of a polit ical party affiliation as a condition of voting. One only has to declare a par ty affiliation in states requiring such affiliation for voting Democratic or Republican in primary races. While the Democratic and Republican par ties are dominant political entities, in the State of California there are more Independent registered voters than Republicans. There are also other parties that many of you have heard of, such as Libertarian.

For those who register to vote in the coming General Election, one may register as an Independent and still vote on November 8th. This time, it’s the Democratic Party which is the lesser of the two evils. Therefore, we need Democrats to keep control of the Senate and we need Democrat ic members elected to Congress to keep control of that body since all the legislation geared to the needs of everyday people are coming from the Democrats at this time.

Let’s stop looking for excuses for not registering or preparing to vote and look at what we need and want in elected officials at all levels during the next two years. Without a vote, needs and wants don’t count.

For those who register to vote in the coming General Election, one may register as an Independent and still vote on November 8th. This time, it’s the Democratic Party which is the lesser of the two evils. Therefore, we need Democrats to keep control of the Senate and we need Democratic members elected to Congress to keep control of that body since all the legislation geared to the needs of everyday people are coming from the Democrats at this time.

Right to Vote is Not Tied to a Political Party


September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com32

Those who are in office make poli cy, as we have seen with the remov al of ballot boxes, the elimination of

Voting Precincts so as to make lines longer and to create more difficulty for voters, the passing of laws pro hibiting giving people in voting lines food or water while they wait to vote, and in some places the elimination of Sunday voting. The Republicans, un

We have focused on the Republi can Party as a threat to Democracy because of their national efforts to impose voter suppression in states where they have intentionally made it more difficult to vote. The Republi can Party has systematically redrawn election districts so as to weaken or neutralize the Black vote with the intention of limiting Black folks and other people of color from gaining political office.

Dr. John E. Warren is publisher of The San Diego Voice and Viewpoint.

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 33

Buy Black!

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com34

Dr. Frederick D.Haynes III

By Cheryl Smith Texas Metro News

Imani Boutique was established in 2018 as a women’s clothing boutique and named after the

business is made up of innovators and forward-thinkers, with the drive and wherewithal to constantly update and improve the online shopping experience. The online store has become synonymous with quality, and they ensure a continuous variety of fantastic merchandise that fit any budget. Check it out and start shopping today. At Mogul Chic, TJ Young creates personalized gifts with you in mind! They specialize in making items that will make you happy! Visit the Website: https://www.mogulchic.net/




Mogul Chic is a trendsetting online store, offering first-rate products and exceptional customer service to shoppers from the comfort of their own homes. The

Call issued to Support Black Businesses

Cynthia Mickens Ministries is a collection of programs and services that provide the tools and resources to help individuals live the life they were created to live. Specifically, these programs serve women, children, and single mothers in the Dallas County area through courses and coaching, a housing program, a free summer learning and feeding program for kids, and prayer. These programs and services provide encouragement and support that help individuals find purpose and reach self-sufficiency. Location: 302 West Palestine St., Hutchins, TX 75141 1-888-419-0957. For mor information, assistance or donations visit the website: cynthia-mickens-ross/https://cynthiamickensministries.org/dr-


Ask The Kings is a Podcast hosted by Vincent and Shirley to help individuals and couples maintain healthy relationships. Married for 30 successful years, the Kings keep it real as they answer relationship questions with tips, facts and personal stories. Follow them at: UCC16pAEQhclw1gZ7g79K0zghttps://www.youtube.com/channel/Forquestionsemail:askthekings@yahoo.com


When Dr. Fred erick D. Haynes III, of Friend ship-West Bap tist Church, an nounced 100 Days of Buying Black in acknowledging the 100th Commemoration of the Tulsa Race Massacre, we joined the move ment. December 31, 2021 marked 100 days of featuring Black Businesses. and we decided that the struggle continues and we must also. So enjoy reading about more Black-owned businesses and please support.

Black Knowledge, Current events, past events, quotes and discussions on Black knowledge and history. Knowledge is power. The Black Knowledge Blog page is dedicated to all beautiful brothers and sisters out there. Let’s get our minds right. “Like” them on Facebook for interactive discussions! blacknowledge.wordpress.com/pages/Black-Knowledge/214574530309?ref=ts.https://www.facebook.com/VisitthierBlogforBlackKnowledge:http://Productssoldat:https://bit.ly/3B35PFS

owner Cassandra’s daughter, “Arianna Imani.” We are true believers to walk by Faith and not by Sight. “Imani” means Faith. Imani Boutique is designed for women who are seeking a classy or professional look with a unique twist that will set them apart from the crowd. In addition to its uniqueness, they are dedicated to providing the best customer service from start to finish. Men’s Apparel will be added soon! Location: 1220 North Towneast Blvd Ste #240 Mesquite, TX 75150 (469) 399-0403 Visit the website: https://imaniboutiquedfw.com/ Follow them Facebook: Imani Boutique, Facebook: Imani Boutique Private Group, Instagram: #imaniboutiquedfw

Cynthia has written two books in her Dr. Olivia C. Maxwell Novel series which include Reasonable Insanity, and Insatiable Revenge. Under the pen name, C. F. Gibbs, she has written a Twisted Fairy Tale Fantasy, Jack Dante LaBanks and The Beanstalk. She co-authored Writing Is Essential which was published by United Black Writers Association in 2019. Cynthia is currently working on a screenplay for an educational film. She is thrilled to write stories for the world to enjoy. To learn more about Cynthia and purchase her books visit the website: https:// www.cynthiafreemangibbs.com/author



Queens Building Queens, Mentorship With Purpose. What is Queens Building Queens Mentoring Program? Queens Building Queens strives to educate, uplift, and build connection through mentorship. By placing an emphasis on young African American/Black teen age girls leadership skills, mental health, financial literacy, and etiquette, QBQ prepares its mentees by equipping them with life skills that are necessary for adulthood. Visit the website: http://Queensbuildingqueens.org/ Call 469607-7972 or email: info@queensbuildingqueens.org

Nearly half of all Black college graduates owe 12.5 percent more than they did when they graduated, mainly because of accrued interest. In contrast, 83 per cent of white students owe less. What’s the difference?

President Joe Biden made a campaign promise to al leviate some student loan debt, and on August 24, he honored his commitment. Some say it is too little. Ob structionists say it is too much. Some economists say it may be inflationary, and loan defaulters like Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green, who default ed on a federal loan of her own, say it is “not fair” that some taxpayers should sub sidize others.

Consider a graduate with a passion for education. She is agile in mathematics and would be a great math teacher. She could also go into some aspect of the fi nance industry as a bank, broker, or portfolio manag er and earn twice what she’d make as a teacher. With stu dent loans crushing her, she might pragmatically choose finance instead of teaching. With a little help, she might follow her first love and go to the classroom. She might be forced to choose a lucra tive but unfulfilling career with student loan shackles.

administration for this step in the right direction. And let’s ask those attempting to incite class warfare about the roots of their objection.

While the loan forgive ness amounts are being trumpeted, I think the more significant part of President Biden’s announcement is the change in repayment

Dr. Julianne Malveaux is an economist, author, and Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies at Cal State LA. Juliannemalveaux. com

terms and structure. Cur rently, loan repayments are capped at 10 percent of gross income, with forgive ness happening after ten years.The new terms cap re payments at 5 percent with forgiveness after ten years. These new terms provide in come flexibility for millions of borrowers who postpone adult decisions because of the heavy burden of student loan debt. Some defer mar riage and childbearing, new home and furniture pur chases, and even aspects of career advancement be cause of their student loans.

Some multi-million dol lar franchises seeking relief were shamed into turning their loan money back. The equity argument is nonsen sical and deceptive, and for the record, most of the loan forgiveness goes to people who earn less than $75,000 a year.Thank you, President Biden, for this drop in the bucket. May you be inspired to do more, including ex amining higher education financing. What would it take to make undergradu ate education free for every one?

I say that student loan for giveness is a step in the right direction. It is a drop in the bucket, to be sure, but it is a critical drop that makes way for a more insightful analysis of the cost of atten dance and how people pay for higher education.

Family assistance. Black families have just a tenth of the wealth of white families.

Few Republicans op posed the 45th President’s tax cuts. Instead, they ap plauded them. The rest of us paid for them. I didn’t hear the MAGA right lamenting that most of us were paying for tax breaks for just a few of us. When Black business es had difficulty qualifying for PPP loans because of the paperwork load, I didn’t hear Republicans suggest ing that less-advantaged companies were subsidiz ing, through their taxes, bet ter-advantaged businesses.

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 35

Student Loan ForgivenessA Drop in the Bucket

Too many have raised a “fairness” and “equity” ar gument to oppose Biden’s plan. It’s a done deal, y’all, and President Biden needs to do more. Let’s pause and applaud the Biden-Harris

look at the debt that some of my graduates were car rying, sometimes as much as $50,000 or $60,000. Why? They may have had some grants but had to take out loans to cover their cost of attendance. Most colleges use the interest on their en dowment to provide schol arships. Many HBCUs with small endowments have less grant money to offer than richly endowed col leges.Before the pandemic, stu dent loan repayments be gan six months after grad uation. After six months, interest begin accruing. Stu dents who did not find jobs still had hundreds of dollars of loans to repay, regardless of their employment status. Because interest continued to accrue, some students owed more three years af ter graduation than they did when they graduated.


I was President of Bennett College, I’d often

The headlines have fo cused that everyone with federal student loan debt will get $10,000 of forgive ness for that debt. Those with Pell grants and stu dent loans will get $20,000 in debt forgiveness. Any amount of loan forgiveness is a good thing, but for those who carry six figures worth of debt, it’s just a drop in the bucket.When


It was a weekend that Flor ida HBCU fans most likely would not like to remember as University of Miami de feated another SWAC new bie, Bethune Cookman Uni versity, 70-13 and Southern University trounced Florida

By Cheryl Smith

JSU takes Championship Trophy for second year

Memorial University, 86-0; making for a long trip back home from Baton Rouge.

Photo: Orange Blossom Classic

JSU victorious 59-3 in Orange Blossom Classic

an impressive and for some astonishing record-breaking win, 59-3.

Of note is the impressive display by Sanders’ son, She deur, who broke his own per sonal record for completed passes, before a crowd of just under 40,000.

One coach was full of praise over his team’s victory while another coach said the matchup showed his person al Southwestern“worst.” Athletic Con ference (SWAC) powerhouse Jackson State University’s Coach Deion Sanders kicked off his second season against SWAC neophyte, Florida A&M University (FAMU), for Den ny’s Orange Blossom Classic at Hard Rock Stadium in Mi ami this past Sunday, with

Speaking after the game, Sanders praised his team and he also had a message of hope and love for the peo ple of Jackson, MI, who have been dealing with a water crisis. Sanders said the game was like an escape for citizens but it was also an opportunity to share information and call attention to the crisis and gar nerThatsupport.support came in the form of several water drives

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com36

that were held in Florida, with water shipped to Jackson. Members of Delta Sigma The ta Sorority referenced a mes sage from their leadership calling for donations of water and outreach from Eva Cole man, National Association of Black Journalists Region 3 (which encompasses Missis sippi) Director stressed the importance of providing aid.

Even JSU football players talked about the problem with citizens having to boil water. For the players, staying in the hotel a few days was a

Coach Sanders seized the opportunity to highlight the issue before talking about the game and the perfor mance of the players.

About Sunday’s game, he said, “We had a specific un derstanding on what we could not do and what we could not allow. We made some mistakes with some key areas. But, if I look at it positively, offense, defense as well as special teams especially the kicking game was on point.

JSU Coach Deion Sanders and FAMU Coach Willie Simmons

Photo: Orange Blossom Classic

FAMU Coach Willie Simmons admitted the day was a very disappointing one.

Photo: Orange Blossom Classic

2022 Orange Blossom Classic Champions

“Everybody talks about what they have and who they brought in. They’ve forgotten we got better too. Not only in the locker room, but with the coaches. The staff is much better. Our support staff is much better... So, all three phases, we were dominant and the only way these young men are going to get to the next level is to domi nate everything in life.”

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 37

much-needed relief from the devastation back home.

“This loss falls squarely on my shoulders,” he said. “This is, by far, my worst coaching job as a head football coach.“Today’s game wasn’t indicative of the type of team we have. My job as a head coach, and the job of my coaches, is to get our guys prepared to play offensively, defensively and in the kicking game. And we didn’t do that.“Next week Jackson State faces Tennessee State and FAMU will try to regain its momentum in a contest against Albany State University.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com38

Nearly 40,000 fans gathered at Hard Rock Stadium for the sophomore return of Denny’s Orange Blossom Classic, Pre sented by Ready Life (DOBC), Sunday, September 4, 2022, for the much-anticipated rematch between HBCU powerhouses Florida A&M (FAMU) and Jackson State University (JSU).

The Greater Miami Con vention Visitors Bureau Commissioner’s Welcome

Friday with the Allstate Ca reers in Sports and Entertain ment Symposium presented by Coors Light, which brought together leading minds in the Sport Industry together on the campus of St. Thomas University for an event fo cused both on career eleva tion and collaboration. The growth and networking op portunities for students and industry leaders alike contin ued during the Amazon Ca reer Recruitment Fair hosted by Career Source, which pro vided career prospects from Molson Coors, Riddell, NFL Films, DuCon, Onyx Finan cial, Balfour Beaty, Ready Life, Allstate, Denny’s, Baptist Health and AT&T.

the annual OBC Golf Tourna ment, a fundraising event for both participating universi ties.The events continued into

By Kennedy Williams

The weekend of events forecasted to exceed the $12 million mark set in 2022 with more than 70% benefiting small and minority-owned businesses. With multiple events held throughout La bor Day weekend, attendees descended upon South Flor ida for a weekend of events focused on community, ed ucation, empowerment, and familyThousandsfun. of fans, alums, HBCU students, and sports enthusiasts arrived in South Florida to experience the action both on and off the field, the four-day weekend kick-offed with HBCU Music Mogul Cortez Bryant hosting

Return of Denny’s Orange Blossom Classic Presented by Ready Life Continues to Produce Positive Impact

Sponsors of this year’s Orange Blossom Classic included Den ny’s, Ready Life, Miami-Dade County, FPL, Celsius, Orange Bowl, Cricket, FSF, Miami Gar dens, SGWS, Greater Miami Conventions Visitor Bureau, Pepsi, Visit Lauderdale, Lowe’s, Wells Fargo, AEA, GT Law, To bacco Free, Bacardi, AARP, and Amazon.

Reception and Luncheon pre sented by Florida Power and Light celebrated the 30th Anni versary of the Year of the Wom an, honoring exceptional HBCU alumnae in Sports, Politics, and Entertainment and providing a pivotal opportunity to reach further fundraising goals for the Orange Blossom Classic schol arshipNotwithstandingfund. the unique hardships both schools faced heading into the weekend, the teams arrived in South Florida with a clear focus. It was shown as student-athletes Shedeur Sanders, Devonta Davis from JSU, and Nadarius Fagan, Xavi er Smith from FAMU, joined by their Coaches Deion Sanders and Willie Simmons for the pre game press conference moder ated by Don Jackson at the Hard Rock

On the eve of the football game, nearly 6,000 fans gath ered at the University of Miami Watsco Center for a magnifi cent showcase of talent from high school bands from the tri-county area and a preview of the mighty FAMU Marching 100 and the Jackson State Sonic Boom during the AEA Battle of the“ThankBands.you for making this year’s Denny’s Orange Blossom Classic Presented by Ready Life more than just a game through the support of teams, fans, our partners, and sponsors; we’re afforded the opportunity once again to positively impact our communities, share and show case both culture and tradi

tion of HBCUs while tangibly supporting infrastructure, aca demics, and athletics in inno vative ways,” stated Kendra Bul luck-Major Executive Director of the Orange Blossom Classic Committee.Throughout the weekend, the Orange Blossom Committee and partners consistently fo cused on HBCU tradition, ath letics, and academics, raising scholarship funds for students interested in pursuing post-sec ondary education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Sponsors of this year’s DOBC committed more than $100,000 in donations to help level the playing field. Check presenta tions during the game included $10,000 from Lowes, $25,000 from Truist, $5,000 from Coors, $50,000 from Wells Fargo, and $10,000 from Denny’s.

Former Rattler Congressman Al Lawson and Jackson State alumni Congressman Benni Thompson were honorary cap tains for this year’s game. Jack son State Tigers came away with another victory, leaving the onfield rivalry to continue.

The weekend of events fea tured appearances from no tables such as Grammy award winner Ledisi, Rashan Ali, Roy Wood Jr, Cultural Advisor Wallo, Congresswoman Fredricka Wil son, State Representative Felicia Robinson, Edgerrin James, U.S. Senator Val Demings, Bravo re ality TV star Phaedra Parks, Cor tez Bryant, NFL pro bowl Chad Johnson, AJ Calloway recording artists Uncle Luke, Ballgreezy, Fredo ****, and Gillie da King.

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 39

WhileStadium.theplayers focused on the big game, the Orange Blos som Classic Committee deliv ered on its pillar of community impact, orchestrating a bottled water donation drive. With the generous support of South Flor ida residents heading the call to action, lining up Saturday morning to drop off over 2,000 cases of bottled water for Jack son, Mississippi residents.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com40

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 41

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sorrell 13 years

Gino and Chiquita Nutall Blakely Happy

Wanda Spivey 34 years

Marvyn and Brenda Williams 17 years

Darryl and Tanya Harris 40 years

Keithan and Sonya Jones Ross 29 years

Cedric The Entertainer and wife Lorna- 23 years Johnny and Jeannette Jackson 25 years

Mr. and Mrs. James Shackelford - 66 years


Roland and Nikki Young 9 years

Mr. and Mrs. Barnes 50 years

Mr. and Mrs. James Shackelford 66 years

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com42


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September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com44

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 45

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com46

Join Councilwoman Shaunte L. Allen from 9:00

Register NOW:K9D8ADPDsXhttps://forms.office.com/r/


Metro Community Calendar powered by


The World According to Andrew on BlogTalkRadio.com 8 am.-10 am. CST. Sundays Tune in for thought-provoking, enlightening, informative, and entertaining news and commentary. Join the call 646200-0459 on Andrew’s World.

I Was Just Thinking with Nor ma Adams-Wade “History Class is in Session” Join in on Facebook/@TexasMetroNews and BlogTalkRadio.com at 11 am -1 pm. CST. Wednesdays. Join the conversation call 646-200-0459.


10th Legends of North Texas Journalism at Texas Theatre. LEGENDS: Ed Bark, Karen Blair (posthu mous), Karen Blumenthal (posthumous), Cheryl Hall, Molly Ivins (posthumous), Verne Lundquist, Murphy Martin (posthumous), Scott McCartney, Laura Miller, Liz Oliphant, Bob Schieffer and Brett Shipp.****

Friday night- Vinettis 14388 Midway, Addison, TX 5 PM until hosted by Mr. and Mrs. James Price 13

am – 12:00 pm for the “Parenting Under High Stress: Resources for Relief” Summit at 1932 S. Hampton Road, Glenn Heights, TX. The Parent ing Under High-Stress Summit offers resources for parents and teens. You will receive advice and encouragement from mental health experts and school counselors. And, you can participate in a meditative writing session or a yoga session. Free of charge. Refreshments provided.

Anna’s House 10th Annual Domestic Violence Gala 2022 at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, 7p.m. The keynote speaker is Judge Kim Brown with special guest speaker: His Royal Highness Prince Gharios EL Chemor Royal House of Ghassan www.awayoutproject.org or gmail.comannashousegala@

Come Laugh With Me, by D. ELLI$ Entertainment!

The Press Club of Dallas

Oak Cliff’s Got Talent 11am - 7m




The Southern University Alumni Federation - Fort Worth Chapter will host “Jaguar Take over Night,” an annual scholarship dinner party and fundraiser, at 7:30 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Suites, 700 Avenue H, in Grand Prairie. Tickets may be purchased on Eventbrite 17


The Pastors Luncheon will be 11:00 a.m. Typically hosted during the State Fair of Texas, this event was designed to create an environment to celebrate congregations and invites clergy leaders from the community to 15fellowship.

September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 47

African American Leadership Institute Fall Policy Summit 8am-1:30pm at Paul Quinn College, 3837 Simpson Stuart Road, Dallas. For more informa tion, call 610-416-556816


Night of Worship through the Arts! Musical Guests, Art, Give-aways, food & more! Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Main Sanctuary Vendor shopping begins at 6pm Live Art Party begins at 7pm!

#ComeLaughWithMe is a Comedy series that was started a few years ago, by D. ELLI$ to showcase season talent and new talent! 8 to 11 pm at Tk’s, 14854 Monfort Dr. Dallas. Tick ets: https://bit.ly/3e3D0Qn23

Grambling State v. Prairie View A&M Universities at the Cotton Bowl. Game time 4p.m.

Send your calendar items editor@texasmetronews.comtoorcall214-941-0110


NAACP Garland 31st Annual Freedom Fund Brunch & Silent Auction - am Hyatt Place Dallas/Garland/Richardson 5101 N. President George Bush Hwy Garland


21st Sister to Sister Fitness Festival, 5K Walked and Run at the Alan E. Sims Cedar Hill Recreation Center, 310 E. Parkerville Road,Cedar Hill. Fea turing KRNB Radio’s Lynne Haze and WFAA-TV’s Tashara Parker. Register on line at www.celebrat Stateinglife.com.***FairClassic

Verna’s H.E.L.P. Foundation, Free Business Work shop, 9a-1pm at Dallas College (Eastfield), 3737 Motley Drive, Building S, Parking Lot 4, Room 1

Dr. Mathew Knowles will make a guest appearance. To sign up, go to www. tasteoakcliff.com. To learn more, visit www.mathewknowles.com

Click for

Tuesday at 1pm, Chef Isabel presents a delicious cooking demo featuring the weekly samples at the Tasting Pavilion at the Dallas Arboretum. OCDFW/ABJTOBER13 honors NABJ award winners at Soiree Coffee Bar, 320 Singleton Blvd Suite 190, Dallas, TX 75212 Soul20Food 816 Montgomery St., Dallas Lifestyle Metro Calendar powered by Send your calendar items editor@texasmetronews.comto

McKinney Oktoberfest

The Southern University Alumni Federation - Fort Worth Chapter will host “Jaguar Takeover Night,” an annual scholarship dinner party and fundraiser, at 7:30 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Suites, 700 Avenue H, in Grand Prairie. The scholarship event is one of several activities held on the same weekend that SWAC com petitors Southern University of Baton Rouge, La. and Texas Southern University of Houston meet for the His torically Black College classic, the Arlington Football Showdown. Single tickets to the fundraiser are $50. A table for 8 guests at the scholarship event is $400. Tickets may be purchased on Eventbrite night-scholarship-fundraiser-730-pm-sep-16th-2022-https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-jaguat:ar-tickets-339007680097?aff=ebdssbeac17-18OakCliff’sGotTalent11am-7mDr.MathewKnowleswillmakeaguestappearance.Tosignup,gotowww.tasteoakcliff.com.Tolearnmore,visitwww.mathewknowles.com

FREE Grant Writing & Business- Workshop with co-host GSA-Albert Garza and SBA-Nancy Alvarez which will be on September 23 and the last Legal Clinic is 10-22-22


7:00 am - 11:00 am LAKE CLIFF PARK 300 E. COLORADO BLVD. DALLAS, TX 75201

Verna Melton -A woman-owned GSA MAS holder for three terms. To share how to write a winning proposal for GRANTS and her experiences with GSA at Dallas County EASTFIELD COLLEGE. Register at Eventbrite.com Business Workshop to help Start-Up. Women Owned, Veterans Small Businesses.


The Dallas Opera will be performing at the Dallas Arboretum for two special nights of music as you watch the sunset over White Rock Lake! Bring your friends and family to enjoy a picnic and night of beautiful music! 7-9pm


Join the “Old School Jam Day-Party” with DJ Jimmy Porch, DJ TDK and I as we take old-schooling to another level. Even if you don’t plan on attending any other party this year, this is the “one” you don’t want to miss!

Hispanic Heritage Celebration on September 10 & 11 featur ing our Quinceañera Fashion Show! Save the date for the fifth annual Dallas Arboretum Hispanic Heritage Celebration on September 10-11, 2022 featuring our Quinceañera Fashion Show and Cultural Celebration! Visit the garden for a celebration you won’t want to miss. Food, vendors, live music, a cooking demonstration and of course, the much anticipated Quinceañera Fashion Show. Free with garden

.\\ Donations may be written off as a tax https://hbcufortheculture.eventbrite.comdeduction.***It’stheOldSchool70’sPartyoftheYear!

The 9th Annual HBCU Scholarship Fundraiser, 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm CST, at 4Thirteen Kitchen and Sports Lounge located at 755 TX HWY 121 Lewisville, TX 75067.

Dr. Linda Amerson Day Parking Lot Take Over during Alopecia 6-8pmScholarshipMonthAwarenessFundraiserfromatLA’sHair&ScalpClinic,2304W.PioneerParkway,#6,Pantego,TX30PrairieViewA&MUniversity -Dallas Alumni 25th Anniversary Scholarship Gala and Silent Auction Renaissance Dallas Hotel - Mardi Gras Theme 6:30pm ***



During this HBCU Scholarship Fundraiser, up.to four scholarships will be awarded to the university(ties) that raise the most funds.


23 AT 12 PM – SEP 25 AT 7 pm Historic Downtown McKinney 111 N. Tennessee St., McKinney


September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com48



6000school-jam-day-party-on-sept-24th-tickets-389629681867https://www.eventbrite.com/e/youre-invited-to-the-old-ticketsGrabyourticket(s)ortabletodaybeforeitstoolate!***Sisters,6000stepsforHop,BreastCancerWalkandExpo,8am-12pm,atFriendshipWestBaptistChurch,2020W.WheatlandRoad.ThehonorarychairisMirandaMooreSyntakesoftheSouthwesternRegionofSigmaGammaRhoSorority,Inc.Registeratwww.sistersnetworkdallas.orgCurtisDerallFergusonOneManArtExhibitionReceptionatUmbrellaGallery,2803TaylorStDallas,TX6-8pm 25

Dallas Carnival Caribbean Festival at Joe Pool Lake, 5700 Lake Ridge Parkway, Grand Prairie. For more info, www. dfwcarnival.com23

2022 UNCF National Walk for Education – North TX

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September 9, 2022myimessenger.com 53 ARRESTED HE IS A SERIAL RAPIST He targeted members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. but this is more than about a sorority. We’re talking about a community. Come on PEOPLE! Don’t you CARE? Will it matter when it is your sister, mother, aunt or grandmother or maybe YOU? Crimestoppers 877-373-8477

Bernard Shaw

David A. Arnold

Shaw began his broadcasting career as an anchor and reporter for WNUS in Chicago. He then worked as a reporter for the Westinghouse Broadcasting Company in Chicago, moving later to Washington as the White House correspondent. He worked as a corre spondent in the Washington bureau of CBS News from 1971 to 1977. In 1977, he moved to ABC News as a Latin American correspondent and bureau chief be fore becoming the Capitol Hill Senior Correspondent. He left ABC in 1980 to move to CNN as its Principal Anchor.Shaw is widely remembered for the question he posed to Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Mi chael Dukakis at his second Presidential debate with George H. W. Bush during the 1988 election, which Shaw was moderating. Knowing that Dukakis op posed the death penalty, Shaw asked Dukakis if he

In 2001, at the age of 60, Bernard Shaw decid ed to retire from CNN. He now spends time with his wife, Linda, and two children. Shaw says he misses his colleagues, but he does not miss working. He ap peared in Robert Wiener’s book Live from Baghdad. He appeared as a character in the 2002 HBO film of the same name where Robert Wisdom portrayed him.

would support an irrevocable death penalty for a man who hypothetically raped and murdered Dukakis’s wife. Dukakis responded that he would not; some crit ics felt he framed his response too legalistically and logically and did not address it sufficiently personally. Other critics thought the question inflammatory and unwarranted at a presidential debate.

September 9, 2022 I MESSENGER myimessenger.com54

hosts, Roger B. Brown and Maryellen Hicks in 2010. Hailing from Cleveland, OH, Mr. Arnold was born on March 15, 1968. A writer, producer, actor and stand-up comedian, he was married and the father of two Heredaughters.aresome of his VLOGs. Yes they are graphic and he does use the N-Word. Also check out more on his website www.davidaarnold.com. He was a creative genius!

in the U.S. Marine Corps including stints in Hawaii and at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, NC, wherein 1962 he was a “Message Center” specialist as a Corporal, E-4. He had a passionate interest in the print media, clipping articles from newspapers, often traveling at weekends to Washington, DC (“Big W”). He cultivated an acquaintance with Walter Cronkite and had an interest in baseball.

Queen Elizabeth II dies


Queen Elizabeth II

Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson released the following statement after the death of Queen Elizabeth II:

Veteran journalist Bernard Shaw died on Wednes day, of pneumonia,

David A. Arnold

All-around entertainer and performer David A. Ar nold has joined our ancestors. Social media was abuzz last night when word was released about the passing of Mr. Arnold. Many in Dallas became familiar with Mr. Arnold for his entertaining and thought-provoking VLOGs or contributions as a writer and comedian. He also appeared at the Don’t Believe the Hype Celeb rity Bowl-a-thon and 20th Anniversary Celebration of Soul 73 KKDA Talk Show Host Cheryl Smith and other

After serving 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II’s death dominated headlines around the world on Thursday, September 8, 2022. While expressions of sympathy were pouring, there were also cheers and mixed re views about the British Empire of which she reigned over following the death of her father, George VI, in 1952, when she was 25. She was born Elizabeth Alex andra Mary Windsor on April 21, 1926. She was 96.

Bernard Shaw

The National Association of Black Journalists rec ognized Shaw with the Lifetime Achievement Award and upon his death released the following statement: “Stay vigilant! Words Bernard Shaw gave NABJ mem bers when accepting our 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award. An NABJ Hall of Famer, we’re honored to have been inspired by his journalism excellence. We mourn his loss & extend condolences to everyone he impacted.”HIsbio:BorninChicago, Illinois, he attended the Universi ty of Illinois at Chicago from 1963 to 1968. He served

On January 4, 2006, CNN analyst Jack Cafferty relayed an anecdote about Shaw when discussing the role of the media in the Sago Mine disaster. Cafferty said on CNN’s Situation Room that when conversing with Shaw about why he was the only anchor covering the 1981 assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan to not report that James Brady was dead, Shaw said that he didn’t go on air with the information because he didn’t have confirmation with “anyone in the room.” According to Cafferty, Shaw did not report the errone ous information, when all the network anchors did.

“On behalf of the City of Dallas, I want to send our deepest condolences to the people of the United Kingdom. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a conse quential and remarkable world leader — and a friend to our city, where she made an official visit in 1991. We mourn her passing.”

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