
I remember writing about Demond Fernandez when I heard that he was leaving Houston to come to Dallas for a reporter position at WFAATV 8.
One of the most commented on posts of the year for me, folks in Houston let me know that they were not pleased that he was leaving. Many talked about his character and his journalism.
For Brittney Griner, there is no place like home.
“Being back in Texas is wonderful. I’m just happy to get some barbecue and just seeing my family again,” she said. “I miss Texas so much. I miss being at home, I miss the culture.
“When you’re from Texas, you know it’s like the best place to be,” Griner continued. “I’m just happy to get back to that; to playing in front of people in Texas.”
The Houston native returns to her beloved state for two games between her Phoenix Mercury and the Dallas Wings at College Park Center on the campus of the University of Texas at Arlington. It will be more than two years since Griner has played in Arlington. She last played at College Park Center May 29, 2021.
Sure they wished him well, but they were not happy to see him go.
Fast-forward to today, Dallas is in the same position.
Which brings me to my truth.
Demond is moving to another market where his many skills will be appreciated, utilized, enhanced and celebrated.
He will be sitting at the anchor desk, doing something he is well prepared for and deserving of.
I told Demond that I hoped he would still be reporting because he is an outstanding, highly-regarded, award-winning journalist whose skills would be invaluable in any newsroom.
The Texas ties run deep for Griner. In addition to growing up in Houston, she went to college at Baylor University in Waco where she helped them win a national championship in 2012. She has also won multiple Gold Medals for the Team USA women’s basketball.
“We did a great job bringing our sister home and I am also happy that she wants to play and be out on the court,” said Dallas Wings forward Satou Sabally. “She’s from Texas so it will be a welcoming applause that she deserves. She’s a phenomenal basketball player.”
“It’s important for her to get all that love and know that we were pulling for her and praying for her in that hard time,” said Dallas Wings center Kalani Brown, who has followed Griner’s career since she was young and who also played at Baylor.
“For her to be playing so well after all of that adversity and she has triumphed over it – I am so proud of her. It just makes me have so much more respect for her.” Brown said. “I am glad that situation didn’t dim her light because she is the sweetest person. Every encounter we’ve had. I
never had a negative one. I’m so glad it didn’t change her because it could have easily done that.
Thank God for that.”
Griner was freed in December in a prisoner swap with the U.S. releasing Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. She had been detained in Russia for 294 days
since her after being arrested in February 2022 after authorities found hash oil in her luggage. She returned to the WNBA but won’t be playing abroad again, unless it’s with Team USA. “I’m never playing over-
When I’m not fulfilling my job as publisher and editor of the Florida Courier and its sister newspaper, the Daytona Times, much of my time is spent tending to the needs of my 57-yearold mentally ill brother.
It has been 30 years since my brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It was a frightening diagnosis that shook my family to the core. After all, we grew up in a nice, no-drama Christian home of three pretty good kids and two great parents. Our dad had become a pastor late in life and our mom was the consummate homemaker and ideal preacher’s wife.
A football high school standout who went on to earn a college degree in psychology – of all majors – my brother started acting erratically in the early 1990s. There were delusions, and he began hearing voices that told him negative things about himself.
My father sought help for him through the local mental health center. My sister and I consumed as much information that was available online at the time. We attended a support group for families offered by the local National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). And we did what people of faith did when faced with a crisis. We fasted and we prayed.
We as a family also kept much of it to ourselves because at the time it was a taboo subject, especially for Black church folks. And still is to some degree.
My brother tried but stumbled and fell. Over and over again. He was Baker Acted. He did drugs. Arrests. Jail time.
Eventually, he had to be institutionalized. For 23 years, the state was my brother’s keeper. He was a resident of multiple mental health hospitals and treatment centers. South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center in Florida City. North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center in Gainesville. South Florida State Hospital in Pembroke Pines. Treasure
Coast Forensic Treatment Center in Indiantown. Florida State Hospital in Chattahoochee, where he spent the most time.
Most of our holidays over the years were spent on the road – traveling to see him at state facilities where we could only spend a few hours each visit. Trying to make the best of a bad situation, we made sure those visits were filled with chats of hometown gossip, news about family births, weddings and reunions. We offered laughter and loving words of comfort and hope.
After a few years of his diagnosis, we got over the shame. No suffering in silence. As my mom would always say, “Who cares?’’ My brother had a serious brain disorder, and he could not survive it without family. Who cared that others knew? Most were dealing with their own trials and tribulations.
My brother was blessed. Many of the residents in those facilities are forgotten. We witnessed many walking around like zombies – sick, heavily medicated and abandoned. And many were African American men. Somebody’s baby far away and no balm from home.
A few weeks before my mom died in 2020, my brother was released to the care of my sister and brother in-law and was able to see our mother just days before she died at age 90.
My parents are both gone, but my small immediate family is blessed to have a great host of supporters. Extended family members and friends who know our journey offer words of encouragement and support. Just them asking about him and how he’s doing is often enough.
‘More Than Enough’ Mental Health Awareness Month is in May and the National Alliance on Mental Illness has observed it with a “More Than Enough’’ campaign.
NAMI’s website states that, “It’s an opportunity for all of us to come together and remember the inherent value we each hold — no matter our diagno-
sis, appearance, socioeconomic status, background or ability. We want every person out there to know that if all you did was wake up today, that’s more than enough.
“No matter what, you are inherently worthy of more than enough life, love and healing. Showing up, just as you are, for yourself and the people around you is more than enough,’’ it continued.
A post on the website states: “I live with schizophrenia. I am not a burden. I Am #MoreThanEnough.’’
My brother has lived with me now for nearly two years. My sister and her husband are just 10 minutes away, along with my grown niece and nephew, who have been a tremendous help.
I won’t lie. It’s a struggle. I have had to take antidepressant medication, get counseling and engage in support groups to help me cope.
There are still occasional days when my brother’s ready to give up, when he asks us to give up on him and let him be cremated. He longs to live the life of someone “normal’’ – someone not required to take a heavy dose of hard to pronounce pills twice a day or attend therapy, or see a doctor regularly, or attend group classes. There are days when he’s loud and unruly and quite annoying.
And then there are days of great joy – when he shares fun childhood memories, shows off his dancing skills at family gatherings. There are the long, glorious chats with his high school buddies who check on him, his jubilance when his sports teams win a game, and the peals of laughter when he’s watching Wayne Brady on “Let’s Make a Deal.’’
He lives with schizophrenia. His life has value. He’s showing up, often doing the best he can. And that’s more than enough.
Ed Bell Construction Company
An Equal Opportunity Employer
An Equal Opportunity Employer
June 1, 2023
June 1, 2023
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Ed Bell Construction is a Dallas based heavy highway contractor doing business market since 1963. With clients such as TxDOT, Dallas County Public Works, Fort Worth, Richardson, and Mansfield (plus many others), we have a strong highway market locally.
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DeSoto Mayor Rachel L. Proctor and the DeSoto Veterans Affairs Committee were joined by the DeSoto City Council, City officials, community leaders, proud veterans, and patriotic residents for a Memorial Day Ceremony honoring those brave members of the US Military who died in the service of our country. The gathering of approximately 30 people took place at 10 AM Monday at DeSoto's Military Monument located on the grounds of historic Nance Farm, 1325 Greenbrook Drive, DeSoto.
What has been nearly a decade of jokes about Texas' Attorney General Ken Paxton being under indictment and still holding office, appears to be coming to an end this weekend.
In a bipartisan vote, 121 members of the Texas House of Representatives voted to impeach Attorney General Paxton on 20 articles of impeachment bribery, dereliction of duty, disregard of official duty and obstruction of justice.
Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer (D-San Antonio) in a statement, said,
“Today, alongside my colleagues, I cast my vote in favor of impeaching Attorney General Ken Paxton.
“Impeachments are both rare and very serious. The findings of the House Committee on General Investigations are significant, and they merit further review by the Texas Senate. We have a duty, when
required under the Constitution, to make a determination if there is sufficient evidence to support impeachment and trial by the Senate. Today's vote by the House to impeach General Paxton will begin this process where the accused will be tried by the Senate sitting as the Court of Impeachment.
“This vote is not about a political party. It is not about Ken Paxton. It is not about any one of us. This vote is about the people of Texas and ensuring their elected officials
are held accountable when they violate the people's trust. Without that trust, without that confidence that elected officials serve the people alone, our government ceases to function.
“The essence of our democratic system lies in the belief that elected officials exist solely to serve the interests of the people. When that trust is violated, the very foundation of our government is undermined. It is our duty as representatives of the people to restore and protect that trust, for without it, our government cannot fulfill its vital role. The people of Texas deserve nothing less.”
Paxton has previously criticized efforts and discussions surrounding his removal from office, citing President Joe Biden's influence, instead of a whistleblower's input and the Texas House's General Investigating Committee's unanimous vote recommending impeachment.
AUSTIN - For the first time in the history of the state of Texas, an economic development bill, CSHB5 (Committee Substitute House Bill 5), that prioritizes attracting major business entities to invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones, passed the Legislature. The bill will provide a 75 % tax abatement of school property taxes in exchange for new businesses committing to provide its employees a minimum salary that is at least 110% of the industry average and with healthcare benefits. This tool should assist local chambers and governmental entities in marketing their respective cities and counties.
We hear about property tax abatement projects in our downtown areas and in other cities that lure and entice businesses to relocate or to build in a specific area. CSHB5, which passed the Senate Wednesday, would establish provisions for property tax abatement agreements between school districts and business entities interested in constructing an eligible, large-scale economic development project in an Opportunity Zone that lies within district boundaries.
Projects eligible under the bill would include a national or state security project or supply chain infrastructure project, a manufacturing project, certain agricultural projects or a project that would require an investment in a Texas school district of more than $1 billion.
My goal was to make certain that Dallas County,
District 23 and similarly situated areas across Texas - that often sit on the sideline while the Friscos and Planos of the state land deal after economic development deal - were in position to take advantage of these game-changing opportunities that serve as catalysts for further growth, while also providing good paying jobs for the people who live there.
CSHB5 mandates that a higher percentage of businesses must identify the federally designated areas and relocate or build in older and often overlooked communities and also expanded the types of industries and businesses that are eligible to apply for the tax abatement program.
I amended CSHB5 to require businesses to indicate as part of their application, whether or not they considered locating in a Qualified Opportunity Zone.
Making more economic development opportunities available to more Texas cities and neighborhoods could be the rising tide that will lift us all.
weeks. If anyone could gauge and gravitate to my angst at paying close to four dollars a gallon for gas or a dozen eggs, Watson could.
Quit Playin'; Johnny Guitar was “fa reel!”
By Vincent L. HallLord, have mercy
I can't get ahead no way I try
Everything is outta pocket
Somebody do something
The present situation is abstract Listen, Listen!
Johnny Guitar WatsonAccording to the Library of Congress, the term "rhythm and blues," often called "R&B," originated in the 1940s when it replaced "race music" as a general marketing term for all African American music, though it usually referred only to secular, not religious music.
Johnny Guitar Watson's brand of rappin’ R&B was always secular and never considered religious. But he did have a religious following.
Johnny Guitar Watson, the legendary blues artist and groovy griot of the ghetto, has been my passenger of choice over the last few
Johnny Watson Jr. was born a few miles down the road in Houston, Texas, in 1935 and died a few thousand miles away from home in 1996. Unfortunately, Johnny succumbed to life’s ultimate “bitch” while performing in Yokohama, Japan. But by then, he had obtained legendary status among musicians and music lovers.
He was a producer and writer and played keyboards, drums, and guitar. He did a little singing too and amassed almost 20 albums. He was a respected journeyman who finally hit pay dirt with his 1977 album, "Real Motha Fa’ Ya."
The “Superman Lover” brought the blues into the disco scene and married a few generations of us together at the same party. He was known for his funky soul guitar, oversized sunshades, and a raspy tenor voice.
You might remember that Johnny used the word “bitch” to de-
scribe our circumstances rather than our women. Johnny Guitar could get every equation to its lowest common denominator. He knew how to break it down so that it was eternally and forever broken.
Three barometers indicate how Black folks feel about the economy. We will put up with a lot of mess but finally ask one question. How high are poultry, pork, and petro? If either is out of reach, we believe the whole damn economy has gone awry.
Because for most of us, when chicken, eggs, bacon, or gas gets too high, the time to conserve and contract has arrived. And my friend, the time is now. So, every time I drive away from the gas pump, I sing karaoke with Johnny Guitar… "Ain’t that a Bitch!"
R&B lovers who are inclined to listen to Johnny Guitar Watson are smart enough to realize that when things get tight and inflation
is high, our habits must change. We need to go back to counting our pennies, eating out in our restaurants, and supporting one another. Can you afford the gas to drive across town and buy dinner too?
Meanwhile, congressional Republicans are trying to put work restrictions on underpaid or unemployed Americans who don't have enough money to feed themselves or their families. However, they say nary a word of the trillions in welfare that farmers receive. They don't mention the rich skirting their share of taxes. Ain’t that a Bitch!
You can bet you that if a certain wealthy Dallas billionaire paid 20% in taxes annually, he wouldn’t spend money renting a Negro on the Supreme Court for his funsies and amusement. “Clearance” Thomas would have been pushed overboard off the luxury yacht!
Johnny Guitar Watson died on stage in Tokyo. He was felled by a
massive heart attack at age 61. But if you went to Glendale, California, exhumed his body, drove him to Burger King and bought him an $8 hamburger, no fries, no drink, he would repeat what he sang in 1976.
I'm working forty hours
Six long days
And I'm highly embarrassed
Every time I get my pay
And they working everybody
Lord, they working poor folks to death
And when you pay your rent and your car note
You ain't got a damn thing left Ain’t that a Bitch!
Publisher : Cheryl Smith
Address: 320 S.R.L. Thornton Freeway Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75203
Phone: 214-941-0110
The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and national antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.
“His mental illness screamed of profits prioritized over people. … His Blackness disquieted the American ideals and sensibilities that proclaim us all equal. His existence, on that train, on that day, exposed just how poorly America cares for her people and how poorly we care for one another.” — Brittany Packnett Cunningham
One man faces charges of criminal manslaughter, but Jordan Neely’s death had many accomplices.
Ignorance and fear of mental illness. Implicit racial bias. A desperately inadequate health care system. Reckless and distorted political rhetoric about violent crime.
Jordan Neely didn’t fall through the cracks. The world where he existed is nothing but cracks.
Neely’s short, tortured life ended in the 15 minutes Daniel Penny gripped him in a chokehold on a New York City subway. But as a severely mentally ill Black man in America, Neely spent most of his adult life at risk of a violent death.
Most Americans experiencing a serious physical health crisis in public can expect to end up in a hospital, receiving treatment.
An American experiencing a mental health crisis is far more likely to end up in prison — or killed at the hands of emergency responders. Black Americans with mental illness are even more likely to face a tragic outcome.
Penny’s lawyers claim he was acting in defense of himself and his fellow passengers. Whether he truly feared for their safety or simply was irritated by Neely’s
disruptive behavior is unknown. The risk of being assaulted in the New York City transit system is minuscule, and the chance an assault will be committed by
Neely. Fear often is irrational, however, especially when it is compounded by implicit racial bias and deliberately fanned by unprincipled politicians who distort and exaggerate the risk of crime for their own benefit.
someone experiencing a mental health crisis even smaller.
Neely did have a history of violent behavior, but Penny could not have known that in the moment that he tackled him. Statistically, the passengers on that F train were as likely to be assaulted by any other passenger as by
Whether Penny was justified in restraining Neely in that moment is a fair question for debate. Less ambiguous is the question of whether he did it in a reasonable manner. As an ex-Marine, Penny almost certainly was trained in the responsible use of a chokehold. Crushing a man’s windpipe continuously for 15 minutes — long after his body had gone limp — is neither reasonable nor responsible.
At least one passenger warned Penny, “You’re going to kill him.” And when a bystander tried to revive Neely, Penny waved him off.
So it has come to this. House Republicans are about to force the U.S. government to default on paying its debts — obligations that the Congress voted to make. They bluster that they will blow up the economy, tank the dollar, and destroy America’s good faith and credit unless they get their way — even as they are bitterly divided about what “their way” means. The stakes are unfathomable — and so it is worth being clear about what is happening.
According to the Treasury secretary, June 1 is the likely date when the U.S. will hit the
so-called “debt ceiling” unless Congress acts. The debt ceiling is a silly gimmick that limits what the U.S. can borrow, even to pay the obligations that the Congress has already committed. Under Donald Trump — who ran up a staggering percentage of the U.S. national debt because of his tax cuts and military and pandemic spending — Democrats agreed to raise the debt ceiling repeatedly without any conditions. What they should have done was repeal the debt ceiling completely.
Now House Republicans want to use it as a weapon of mass destruction to get their way. Since they know that Americans can be scared about debt and deficits, they claim to be concerned about rising deficits, although deficits have been coming down since Trump left
office and the pandemic relief measures expired.
In reality, they are more passionate about tax cuts for the
than they are about curbing “out of control” spending. So they focus on cutting programs for the most vulnerable, even
about priorities. They favor tax breaks for the rich and corporations and cuts and punitive measures on any program that provides aid to the vulnerable — Medicaid, student aid, income support, aid for women with dependent children, housing, schools. They demand a complete roll back of Biden’s efforts to address climate change. They would revive billions in tax breaks for oil companies and repeal incentives for renewable energy or elective vehicles.
wealthy and corporations than they are about reducing deficits. They refuse to consider any package that asks the rich and corporations to pay their part.
They are also more passionate about military spending
though it is the military budget that has been rising the fastest, and is the biggest source of waste, fraud and abuse in the government.
In the end, their extortion isn’t about debt or deficits but
They demand a roll back of Biden’s initiatives to reduce the price of drugs — a gift to the Big Pharma lobby. They even want to roll back funding for the IRS to crack down on tax avoidance and fraud by the wealthy — which would provide billions
still impactful. Or think Arizona Senator John McCain whose populist Straight Talk Express was a feature of his failed 2008 Presidential bid.
By Dr. Julianne MalveauxSouth Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R) has joined the throng of Republicans seeking to unseat the former President as the frontrunner of that party..
So far, he is polling in the single digits, but he has $22 million left from his last Senatorial race that he can use for his Presidential race. Other than the historically myopic Florida governor, Scott has scant competition to date, and from my vantage point he has about as much chance of becoming President as I do. So why is he really in this race?
The siren call of the Presidency beckons many who are long on ambition and short on possibility. But sometimes long shots can make a difference and a statement.
Think Rev. Jesse Louis Jackson, whose historic 1984 and 1988 campaigns opened doors for hundreds of African American and progressive politicians, and footprints so deep that they are
There was Shirley Chisholm, whose Presidential bid was a landmark for Black folks and for women, and Colorado’s Pat Schroeder who considered a Presidential run. All these folks, and most of the others, ran to make a point and make a difference.
What is Tim Scott’s point? In his opening rally on May 22, mostly more diversely attended than usual Republican rallies, he spoke repeatedly of his faith. Punctuating his talk with frequent cries of “Amen, “ faith was part of his theme.
His talk was also replete with American exceptionalism, describing this nation as “the greatest nation on God’s green earth. Those who have experienced American oppression might argue the “great nation” point, but those who oppose truth-teaching claim that children are being taught to “hate” our country, when all Black Studies and Ethnic Studies want to teach is the truth.
What I find fascinating about
Tim Scott’s cherry=picking the Bible, with his constant scripture quoting, is that he cannot seem to find his way to the scriptures that address the way our Bible treats the poor. In Luke 6:20-21, the Bible reads “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.”
Or, in Matthew 25:35-40, where the Lord says “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. . .whatever you did for one of the least of these you do for me” Scott criticized people dropping out of the labor market without giving any context to the ways the labor market is changing.
Replete with platitudes, Tim dropped clichés, like “from victimhood to victory.” “I chose personal responsibility over resentment,” he said, and engaged in mindless class warfare.
Biden, he says, wants to get “mechanics and waitresses” to pay for student loan forgiveness. In his rambling hour long speech, Scott dusted off every Republican cliché about poor people, Black people and others. And he offered himself up as proof that there is no racism in this country.
He can’t explain the police killings of Black folks, though he did all he could to block the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (2020) from passing. His life, he says, proves that opportunity works in America. Clearly he is too myopic to acknowledge that there is not opportunity for everyone.
If I had a dollar for every time Scott said “radical left” or “left” I’d be dining resplendently this evening..He did a masterful job of tarring the left and making empty promises about what he will do. I’ll give him credit for energy and enthusiasm, but look askance at his promise to build up the military so that our allies can “respect” us while our adversaries will “fear” us. Military might, at what cost? Is every military dollar being spent efficiently?
What is Senator Tim Scott running for? Secretary of Commerce, Labor or Housing and Urban Development? He mentioned his Empowerment Zone legislation (which many say has not ;yielded great results)? Does he want a role in foreign relations, given his rhetoric about China? Does he want to beTrump’s running mate? Or Secretary of Education (“less CRT and more ABC”)? Or is he run-
“Stop cancelling our founding fathers,” Scott said of the slaveholders who dehumanized millions of Black people. “I am the candidate the far left fears the most,” Scott roared. “The truth of my life disrupts their lies,” he said.
Tim Scott doesn’t understand that it’s not just about him. The fact that he lives the American dream doesn’t mean that millions of others are missing it.
What is Tim Scott running for?
I think he is running against a series of simple truths. Our nation is in decline thanks to the culture wars he so willingly participates in. Platitudes and attitudes won’t change any of this. As long as Republicans are willing to punish the poor, restrict women’s right to choose, and improve our education, we will keep spiraling downward. And the scripture-quoting man needs to understand that Bible-thumping is not public policy and faith without works is dead (James 2:26).
A friend called me recently to ask for help. She was frustrated that a person I referred who initially said yes was now being unresponsive and not following up on their commitment. Not only have they placed this entity in a bad situation because of a deadline, but they are also jeopardizing their reputation. It would be okay if this was an isolated incident but it has become a pattern of saying yes only to fall through on their commitment. In a world that pushes multi-tasking and winning the rat race, it’s easy to say yes only to end up disappointing yourself and others. As a child, I was told your word
is your bond. The Bible tells us to let our yes be yes and our no be no (Matthew 5:37). Being overcommitted and not following through is being double-minded. The reference comes from James 1:5-8, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”
Double-minded is from the Greek word ‘dipsuchos’ which means a person with two minds or two souls. When we are double-minded, we are struggling between making things happen our way or staying resolute in our belief in God. Double-mindedness causes
us to trust our decision-making instead of asking God for wisdom to discern what is best for our lives. Ultimately, it is believing that money, momentary fame, influence, or relationships are our source. It is failing to put God first and when God does not answer or show up in the way we want, we are frustrated with God. Our decision to move forward without God creates an onslaught of responsibility and emotions that come from being overwhelmed. What would happen if we commit to God’s will for our lives instead of our own?
It’s so easy to believe that we can do it all. On our own, it is impossible. With God, this changes the possibilities (Matthew 19:26). So much of our desire to be all things to everyone is rooted in ego and pride. Our egos do not want to submit because we want to be in control. James 4:7-9. 10 reminds us that submission to God is paramount to our
success. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”
Pride will make you believe that you can do it all. The Bible warns us of what happens when we are prideful: “First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.” (Proverbs 16:18 MSG) The crash can result in damage to our reputation, our credibility, and our word. No one is perfect. The goal is more of God in our lives and less of our will. Without pursuing consistent time with God, we place ourselves in the position of deceiving ourselves into the lie that we don’t need God and that we can do it ourselves. Double-mindedness keeps us restless, unstable, over-committed and can affect
every area of our lives.
Matthew 6:33 (MSG) can help us with double-mindedness: “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.”
NNPA NEWSWIRE — From less access to quality healthcare, to the exclusion of anti-obesity medications from Medicare, and most Medicaid and general insurance coverage, our healthcare systems under-prioritizes the well-being of Black Americans. And we’ve learned from history that until we make our voices heard, this crisis will continue to be brushed aside.
Within the next seven years, researchers anticipate that half of American adults will live with obesity. Within the next seven years, researchers anticipate that half of American adults will live with obesity.
Whether we accept it or not, obesity continues to be a complex, chronic disease that kills thousands of Black Americans every year. Indeed, nearly half of Black Americans live with obesity, so we cannot afford to ignore this national emergency any longer.
The public discourse around
weight loss that has taken over recent headlines has entirely missed the mark. Our mainstream media, social media, and content providers are all either dissecting whether a movie star used weight loss medication or analyzing whether these medications are safe to take, even though they’re FDA approved.
The fact of the matter is that we are squandering a critical moment to focus on the deadly disease of obesity, and missing the opportunity to save thousands of lives, particularly Black lives. Within the next seven years, researchers anticipate that half of American adults will live with obesity. This is a personal health burden and a public health crisis, and we should talk about it as such.
Turning the narrative around on this disease, and on Black wellness overall, is critical to stemming obesity’s growth. The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), a trade association of more than 250 Black-owned community newspapers and media companies from across the United States, has consistently been the voice of the Black community since its founding 83 years ago.
I serve as the organization’s President and CEO and right now, we’re calling on our members to elevate
the conversation on the obesity crisis to one that clarifies the facts, shares reliable resources, and advocates for impactful changes for the benefit of our community’s health and longevity. We can address obesity in a way that gives hope, because this is not a hopeless fight.
norm in Black communities. This makes it nearly impossible for many Black residents to eat well even if they wanted to. That is to say, many people cannot access one of the key tools for combating obesity — a healthy diet — because of factors outside of their control.
It’s also important to note that obesity is a complex disease that may require more than diet and exercise. Our understanding of the disease has changed drastically over the years thanks to scientific research and advances.
or seeking the care they need. Societal weight biases strain the mental health of people living by obesity, prevent people from living their healthiest lives, and contribute to our country’s stagnant healthcare policies that exacerbate obesity’s disproportionate impact on Black communities.
To start, it’s vital that we correct the misinformation. Too often, people don’t know that obesity is a chronic disease and a long-term illness, with multiple contributing factors outside of a person’s control: environmental circumstances, inherently racist healthcare programs, poverty, and genetics. In cities across the country, like Washington, D.C., where nearly half the population is Black, food deserts and food swamps have become the
Where diet and exercise are not enough, some people may need the extra support of anti-obesity medications to fight the disease. Just as many of us take medications to manage hypertension, diabetes, or cholesterol — conditions you may have inherited — medications for chronic weight management may be needed as well.
Further, combating severe obesity may even require bariatric surgery. Chronic diseases are treated with a range of treatment options, and obesity is no different.
To be clear, the perception that people who live with obesity just need to take better care of themselves is false and dangerous, as it prevents thousands from receiving
From less access to quality healthcare, to the exclusion of anti-obesity medications from Medicare, and most Medicaid and general insurance coverage, our healthcare systems under-prioritizes the well-being of Black Americans. And we’ve learned from history that until we make our voices heard, this crisis will continue to be brushed aside.
Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, an expert on obesity, noted that we have been living through three pandemics: COVID-19, racism, and obesity. We must prioritize combating the obesity pandemic with the same energy we use to combat COVID-19 and racial injustice. Our lives depend on it.
Stellar event held at Dallas' Latino Cultural Center with Dallas Alumnae Chapter
Shooting Stars is a traditional tale of youth basketball players who form the nucleus of the man who becomes king, LeBron James.
Four friends, LeBron (Marquis “Mookie” Cook), Willie McGee (Avery S. Wills, Jr.), Sian Cotton (Khalil Everage) and Lil Dru (Caleb McLaughlin), find themselves shouldering a community with their playing skills which they’ve cultivated since playing with each other as preteens. While they each have their unique talents, they are formidable together.
The strength of their force is tested when it’s time for high school level play, with team
placements that would definitively break their stride.
The film hints at other breakdowns as well, including the father/son relationship. Coach Dru Joyce (Wood Harris), Lil Dru’s father who brought them together early on and quickly recognized their potential, is a source of contention as he makes decisions that undercuts his son’s desires and dotes on LeBron.
Lil Dru, the odd man out, becomes the odd man “in” as he comes up with a plan to keep The Fab Four together; enrollment at a Catholic school and playing for a new coach ((Dermot Mulroney) whose loyalty lies in returning to coach at the college level. Although Lil Dru is the smallest of the friends, his heart and leadership are enor-
mous assets to their unit.
Romeo Travis (Sterling “Scoot” Henderson) joins the squad and they play to win, well… most of the time.
As James' star rises, jealousy does rear its ugly head, however
the friends find a way to tame it and celebrate each other's success.
The scenes that detail how James met his wife, Savanna (Katlyn Nichol), and their courtship afterwards are sweet and
typical teenage love…boy messes up, boy gets girl.
A variety of family dynamics make up each of the boys’ being. The common thread is the desire for successful outcomes.
Shooting Stars is a classic coming-of-age film. The soundtrack will have you singing along to 90s hip-hop tunes reminiscent of the time period. Based on the book by LeBron James and Buzz Bissinger, and the recurring mantra of “It’s not how you start the game. It’s how you finish,” you’ll want to watch this one until the end. It includes details of where each of them land in their professional careers, and a loving photo capturing their existing friendship.
Shooting Stars is now streaming on Peacock.
Today, I am certain that Lucille “Big Mama” Allen’s playbook would place her in the White House as a domestic policy specialist in the United States G.A.D. (Grand Angel Division). When I pull any Lucille “Big Mama” Allen rules from her God-driven and God-inspired vocal ledger, I am guaranteed to influence someone else and definitely pass on wisdom from Big Mama that came to me on the back porch at a time when I had no clue how wise the statement was at the time! She had skin in the game.
“Big Mama just spoke her truth as a Black woman in the voice that would begin with love and leave with a lesson for life. Her lessons became part of our lifetime legacies.
She taught me how to find knowledge, recognize the good and celebrate life. Her most important request from her came as a Lucille “Big Mama” Allen’s grace and mercy statement. She said, “God gives us all a pulpit, mine is just the front porch.” She had a mighty pulpit for sure!
I am reminded of when I worked on the Essence on Tour junket. I managed multiple sites for the vulnerable communications brand and I had the God blessed pleasure of working with Essence Editor-in-Chief, Susan Taylor, who I got to know because of my relationship with the Dallas' beloved Emma Rodgers of Black Images Bookstore and Sharon Wynne, National Events Manager at Black Enterprise but then Essence Tour manager.
I remember Susan telling every-
one, “You (us/consumers) have to change and redirect companies to the AD pages in the magazine.” She stood in a Los Angeles bookstore during our tour and said, “Think about it. We all use Maybelline but are they advertising in
our people forward.”
Big Mama, I get it.
Big Mama was telling me the same thing! Oh My! What is my pulpit? City Men Cook is my voice!
City Men Cook is entering its 23rd year of transforming the
All Those Black Men Cooks are Your God-Given Pulpit
our publications and supporting our stores?”
Susan told the audiences “Just as our churches have pulpits so do all of us, Essence readers have given me a powerful pulpit. I'm a doer, a worker. What's important to me is my integrity, contributing to the larger good and my family and to moving
celebration of Father’s Day into a meaningful movement of the way the world views men in relationship to their families and community. High profile DFW leadership, business owners, celebrities, fathers, mentors, and families donate their name and time to the event. Mentors, fathers, leaders and all men in the community
cook their favorite dishes and all proceeds go to local charities in Dallas. The event has youth activities, entertainment. Black and Brown men have participated in City Men cook since its inception, please check the video https:// and join us for the largest Sunday Dinner in North Texas.
Celebrate this newspaper! It has a pulpit and you are the congregation. Advertise, read and share. Join me on the Red Carpet at City Men Cook, June 18, 2023
YES, we all must speak out! Will you let me know you got the message at
Terry Allen is an NABJ awardwinning Journalist, DEI expert, PR professional and founder of the charity – Vice President at FocusPR, Founder of City Men Cook and Dallas Chapter President of
From free family photos and pop-up experiences to wellness checkups, swag bags, prizes and food trucks, the 4th annual He’s My Hero Father’s Day event returns Saturday, June 10, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center (1800 Bonnie View Rd., Dallas, TX 75216). While the free event is open to all dads, bonus dads and father figures, registration is required at Eventbrite. (Please include the name of the honorary male when registering.)
Sponsored by The Heroes
Foundation and the Mark Cuban Foundation, the Father’s Day event will offer free mini family photo sessions with a professional photographer plus a variety of unique photo popup experiences to uniquely capture the special memories with their kids, family members or young people they mentor. Photos will be printed onsite. In addition, a variety of vendors will be on hand along with food trucks offering free fare.
In addition, a popup Father’s Day experience will be held
Sunday, June 18, from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at Concord Church (6808 Pastor Bailey Dr, Dallas, TX 75237).
The event kicks off a year-long He’s My Hero series of activities celebrating – and supporting – father figures. The 2023-2024 lineup includes everything from health-focused events – physical and mental health screenings and checkups – to grilling/ culinary classes with chefs, nutritionists and dietitians. Also planned are financial- and career-targeted sessions address-
ing professional/personal life audits, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, wardrobe styling and grooming.
Family matters are also tackled. Chalk talks with father figures and their kids/mentees will be held along with childgeared support sessions for life-altering changes (such as older children leaving for college or jobs, living on their own and even starting families).
“He’s My Hero is our way of celebrating these often-unsung heroes,” said Trina Terrell-An-
drews, chief executive officer of the Mark Cuban Heroes Basketball Center. “Dads, bonus dads and father figures are not always acknowledged for the significant contributions and sacrifices they make. We hope He’s My Hero will provide families an opportunity for quality time, preserving memories, and showing support and appreciation for dads not only on Father’s Day but throughout the year.” For more info, go to or call 214379-7451.
area! 7PM CST at the Dallas/ Addison Marriott Quorum by the Gallery, featuring speakerCheryl Polote Williamson-For tickets: https://www.
African American Museum - Dallas
The National Kidney Foundation’s 13th Annual Bonne Sante’ Culinary Experience at the Omni Frisco
Seattle Storm at Dallas Wings, College Park Center 1p Arlington, TX
What Women Want Tour...... Limited VIP tickets available...... Hear from a panel of SPG men about Marriage, Relationships, Sex, etc. 5pm-7pm -- Purchase tickets at www.
African American Community Leaders Reception- Daisha Board Gallery at Joule Hotel
Los Angeles Sparks at Dallas Wings, College Park Center 1p Arlington, TX
Best Southwest Juneteenth Celebration will be hosted by the City of Duncanville, 3 - 10pm CDT
Armstrong Park 100 James Collins Boulevard, Duncanville, TX
The City of Garland is proud to be hosting its annual Juneteenth event from 5-8 pm at Audubon Park.
City of Rowlett, Juneteenth Block Party Downtown Green Space, 4500 Sothridge Drive, 10 am to 1 pm and Introducing the newly appointed INAUGURAL Miss Juneteenth Rowlett!
Forney Juneteenth Celebration
Forney Community Park Pavilion, 241 S Farm to Market 548, Forney, TX 4-9pm
Juneteenth - Old City Park, 1515 S. Harwood St, Dallas, TX, Come to the Park for the United States’ second independence day as we acknowledge and celebrate the emancipation of the African American enslaved.
Elite Experience Events Cultural Organization presents Dallas Juneteenth Festival - at Lofty Spaces, Dallas, TX. 816 Montgomery Street
Atlanta Dream at Dallas Wings, College Park Center 7p Arlington, TX
Let’s enjoy a different spin on Juneteenth. Celebrate it with tennis! The Juneteenth Tennis Exhibition has family fun for everyone. The exhibition opens at 7 a.m. at Kiest Tennis Center, 2324 W. Kiest Rd.
High school players from Southern Dallas will participate, hustlin’ to earn three tennis tutoring scholarships. In addition, two special events are scheduled.
One is the awesome Celebrity Doubles Match. Celebrities include Dallas City Council Member Chad West; Rev Andy Lewis, Director of Missional Outreach and Assistant to the Bishop of the North Texas Conference, UMC; Rev. Edlen Cowley, District Superintendent in the North Texas Conference, UMC; and Melissa Clay, Director of Children/Youth and Lay
cont. from page 1
Speaker at The Village UMC.
The celeb match is scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m.
“We hope to spur more interest in tennis in youth in more communities, says Gemeral Berry, Jr., committee chair. “We’re also thrilled to have Chad, Melissa, Edlen and Andy in our Celeb Match. Accomplished folks making a difference, The gathering sim-
cont. from page 1
His new employers agree so he will be reporting as well.
More importantly, he has an impeccable work ethic. He doesn’t wait until there is a story to visit certain areas of a city. When he arrived in Dallas, the Baltimore native put his boots on the ground, exploring the entire D/FW Metro-
ply demonstrates wide support for our program. It’s for a good cause and folks attending should have plenty of fun seeing our celebs play their hearts out, and sweat a little bit.”
The ”New School vs. Old School” Match is scheduled to return. “It pits two young players against two very old dudes,” Berry says.
The charity event is orga-
plex. He wanted to delve into the culture, meet and understand the citizens and learn about all communities.
A long-time member of the National Association of Black Journalists and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Demond is a member of the D/FW Association of Black Journalists.
The University of Maryland-College Park alum devoted countless hours to community organizations, programs and activities.
nized by Camp Wisdom UMC, and primarily supports its Youth Outreach.
Tickets may be purchased at the event or online at Simply scan the QR code here which will take you to the payment process. From the drop down menu select Tennis Exhibition. Scroll to the bottom. Please place a “check mark” to cover the processing fee.
When you get a good thing, you want to hold on to it. Sometimes you have to let go, Demond is going to be alright. He’s a pro. And did I mention the man can sing!
We wish him well and will show love on Thursday, June 8 at 6p.m. at 413 Kitchen and Sports Lounge in Lewisville.
He deserves our love. He's the type of guy you love to see coming and hate to see leaving.
If we could all be that way!
seas again,” the two-time Olympic gold medalist said during her first press conference since being released. “The only time I would want to would be to represent the USA.”
Photos of her family is what helped her keep her head and her hopes up while imprisoned.
“Just being able to see their faces, that did it for me. The moment where you kind of want to give up, you look at the photos and it kind of brings you back
to what you’re waiting on,” she said. “You’re waiting to be back with your families, with your loved ones in a safe place.”
Through a horrible ordeal Griner is happy to be back home with family and grateful for the resiliency she displayed.
“I’m no stranger to hard times. Just digging deep,” she said. “You’re going to be faced with adversities in life. This was a pretty big one. I just relied on my hard work to get through it.”
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Black Music Month
Saluting Fathers Pride Month
Dallas County District Attorney RSVP REQUESTED 6:00-7:30pm
5110 Southbrook Drive Dallas, Texas
Hosted by Jeff Tillotson, Lisa Blue Baron and Black Family Good Governance
Wylie’s 4th Annual Juneteenth Freedom Celebration at 10:00am Olde City Park • Wylie, TX
Have a great Father’s Day with City Men Cook at the African American Museum
QueSino Weekend - The Ultimate Weekend Experience. PreQuel // Golf // QueSino Night // Brunch SPONSORED BY SEE IT THROUGH CHARITIES AND OMICRON GAMMA GAMMA. For info, visit 10
2023 Gentlemen’s Toast, fatherhood, faith, finance -- 10am-2:30pm - a collective of professional Black men focused on building their kingdoms.
Dallas Police Department African American Outreach Community Juneteenth Celebration at William Blair Jr. Park, 3000 Rochester St. 10am-2pm
Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce Power Breakfasts at Soiree Coffee Bar ***
Dallas Police Department Juneteenth Free Movie Night
7:00 PM
Southwest Center Mall • Dallas, TX
Dallas Police Department Office of Community Affairs and Employee Communications (OCA) 214-671-4045
Juneteenth Celebration
12:00 PM
Dallas City Hall • Dallas, TX FREE
City of Dallas Office of Equity and Inclusion
Men’s Health EXPO, 10a-3p at the Hiawatha Williams Recreation Center, 2976 Cummings St. FREE- an