Cheshire Academy Viewbook

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Meeting students where they are, and taking them beyond where they imagined possible.

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Cheshire Academy is a college preparatory, boarding and day school for students in grades 9-12 and postgraduate. The historic 104-acre campus is nestled in the bucolic but central town of Cheshire, Connecticut, just two hours from both Boston and New York City. With approximately 304 students from 13 states and 21 countries, Cheshire Academy takes a flexible and tailored approach to education, allowing students to combine a variety of academic and extracurricular offerings optimal to their individual needs, strengths, and interests. Cheshire Academy is a community in which talented, dedicated faculty and staff motivate students to stretch beyond their comfort zone. We encourage our learners to embrace academic rigor, challenge themselves in their course load, and to try new activities to broaden their perspectives. We recognize that all students learn differently. Through our optional Roxbury Academic Support Program, our trained learning specialists create proactive, independent, competent learners by fostering tools and strategies to meet the rigors of a college preparatory environment and beyond. This proven approach yields thriving students who take responsibility for their academic success.

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Roxbury Academic Support

Fine & Performing Arts

College Prep & College Placement

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Academic Program

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Cheshire Academy students grow

challenge and support, for each student’s

increasingly capable of independently

needs and aspirations.

observing, questioning, explaining, interpreting, and analyzing the world. Our

We are the only independent school

academic process starts with what students

in the state to offer the International

know and want to know, and develops

Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma

active learners who reflect on their growth

Programme—recognized as the leader in

and the implications of their learning.

international education. All students take at least one IB course during their time

We offer more than 115 courses and have

at the Academy, while many take a mix

an average class size of 10 students. Each

of IB and non-IB courses. For students

child is assured his or her interests and

interested in our most rigorous, high-level

challenges are recognized and each voice

curriculum, the full Diploma Programme

and perspective will be heard.

helps them become thoughtful, global citizens.

Course selection is tailored specifically to each student through individual meetings

We offer a wide array of visual and

with advisors, college counselors, and the

performing arts experiences, including

Academic Office. And we find the exact

courses on drawing, painting, photography,

mix of classes, with the right level of

theater, and other mediums. Students serious about the arts pursue our unique Art Major program. For recent high school graduates, Cheshire Academy offers a comprehensive Postgraduate (PG) Program. A robust academic experience, the PG program is an opportunity for students to build upon their skills, improve their academic portfolio, and prepare for their next step of attending college.

The college counseling staff supports every student throughout each step of the college search and application process. Our expansive college matriculation list is testament to the team’s commitment of finding the best fit for each Cheshire Academy student. It also reflects the success of the Cheshire Academy experience and our college counselors,

this supplemental support, students

and includes impressive acceptances and

receive the individualized instruction

enrollments year after year in colleges

and resources they need to continue as

and universities throughout the world.

flourishing and productive learners.

Upon graduating, students are ready for their next chapter in life, confident in

Additional academic resources to help

their options and choices made.

students succeed as global thinkers include our Center for Writing, the Math

We provide a range of academic support

Lab, the library, our Advisory program,

services, including our signature Roxbury

ELL courses, and SAT/ACT prep.

Academic Support Program. Through

Students read diversely, converse deeply, and write passionately in their English classes. They explore how the world got to be the way it is, and how it might be made better through intercultural connections in their History and Social Science classes.

They discover, unearth, and enhance ways of engaging with the world through creative acts in their Fine and Performing Arts classes. Their minds are opened to new ways of viewing the world and the range of perspectives on life in their Language classes.

They learn to take risks and work collaboratively in their Mathematics and Computer Science classes. In their Science classes, students collect and interpret data which shows them connections between the natural world and the global community.

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IB Programme The International Baccalaureate®

Students who want the full experience

(IB) Programme is for globally minded

consider the IB Diploma Programme,

students looking to challenge themselves

which requires the completion of six

academically while potentially earning

IB courses (three high level and three

college credits. Recognized as the leader

standard level) and a three-part core

in international education, the IB

requirement. Because there is the

Programme is another way that Cheshire

freedom to choose which three high

Academy prioritizes an individualized

level and which three standard level

approach to high school education.

courses, the IB Programme can serve many areas of interest and expertise.

The IB Programme’s demanding yet

Students who do not choose the full

balanced curriculum aims to develop

Diploma Programme are encouraged

a capacity for inquiry, research,

to take individual IB courses, including

collaboration, and problem solving.

the core requirements, to earn IB course

Students make connections by taking


courses across academic disciplines that prepare them to participate in a global society intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. Viewed as an alternative to Advanced Placement (AP) courses, IB is an internationally consistent, liberal arts means to global education that emphasizes creativity, synthesis, critical thinking, and deep understanding. It is a holistic approach to teaching and learning in which students are assessed through oral, written, and group projects, celebrating the knowledge they have acquired.

Academic Support

Roxbury Academic Support

The Roxbury Academic Support

Cheshire Academy offers several levels

Program, founded more than 20 years

of Roxbury support, differentiated by

ago, is a unique and effective approach

the number of sessions per week. Every

to supporting students and has grown

student receives all the components of

to meet the demands of secondary

the Roxbury academic coaching model

education and the evolving needs of

at every level of service with respective

today’s students.

programs individualized based on student needs. Sessions, which typically

The academic coaching model of

last 50 minutes, are scheduled as part of

Roxbury utilizes a robust theoretical

the student’s regular academic day.

framework and research-based practices tailored to the Cheshire Academy mission, approach to learning, and range of students at each grade level. The goal of the Roxbury Program is to develop proactive, knowledgeable, and independent learners who take responsibility for their education and academic success. To achieve this goal, we utilize our signature academic coaching model. The model includes five core components, designed to empower students to discover, master, and utilize effective tools and strategies. The five core components of Roxbury are: • Executive Functioning Skill-Building • Learning Strategy Instruction • One-on-One Student-Instructor Sessions • Goal Setting, Assessment, and Progress Monitoring • Ongoing, Two-Way Communication Among all Stakeholders

College Counseling At Cheshire Academy, our College

with students every fall. In the spring,

Counseling Office team is dedicated to

a college fair is held on campus for

finding the school that is the right fit for

members of the sophomore and junior

every student. While college “placement”

classes. Juniors also meet with visiting

is the term often used, college options,

college representatives one-on-one for

selection, and best match are the goals

mock interviews.

we persistently pursue. A workshop for seniors is held in midBeginning in their sophomore year,

October, where students meet with

students are assigned a college counselor

faculty and college counselors as they

who will help guide them through

finalize the necessary steps, allowing

every facet of the college search process,

them to submit their college applications.

including researching schools, registering and preparing for standardized tests,

We value the collaborative nature of

visiting college campuses, writing

the college process. As such, families

application essays, and navigating

are encouraged to remain involved in

financial aid, among other steps.

their child’s search, and are invited to the junior College Day program and the

Students meet one-on-one and in small

college fair. Parents are also informed

groups with their counselors, who act

about important dates and events in the

as confidants and guides. Counselors

college admission process.

get to know each individual student they work with, carefully understanding

While it can be a challenging, time-

and even challenging their aspirations

intensive, and sometimes confusing

and priorities. They tailor their support

experience, students and parents are

and provide a wealth of information

assured there is a professional advisor

necessary to navigate the college

at their side and an effective college

application process.

program that will help guide them to what is best and appropriate for the next

To further prepare our students, Cheshire Academy hosts more than 125 college representatives to meet

phase of the student’s academic career.

College Enrollment: Cheshire Academy's Classes of 2017–2021

College Pr ep & College Placemen t

In the last five years, 99% of Academy graduates attended selective colleges and universities. According to Barron’s Profile of American Colleges, there are five distinct categories: Most Competitive, Highly Competitive, Very Competitive, Competitive, and Less Competitive.

Enrollment in the "Most Competitive" category

Harvard University Haverford College

University of Notre Dame

Lehigh University

University of Pennsylvania

Bates College

Mount Holyoke College

University of Richmond

Boston College

New York University

Boston University

Northeastern University

Brown University

Princeton University

Bryn Mawr College

Purdue University

Carnegie Mellon University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Claremont McKenna College

Southern Methodist University

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Colby College

Stanford University

Yale University

Colgate University

Swarthmore College

College of the Holy Cross

Tufts University

Connecticut College

United States Military Academy

Cornell University Dartmouth College George Washington University Georgetown University Hamilton College

Union College

University of California-Los Angeles University of California-San Diego University of Chicago

Vanderbilt University Vassar College Villanova University Wake Forest University Wesleyan University Williams College

Fine & Performing Arts

e & ng Fin formi Per s Art

Students who have a passion for the arts

will develop the skill, focus, and tenacity

or are looking to expand their horizons

to confidently perform for a variety of

will find many rewarding experiences

school events either as a solo artist, or

through the Fine & Performing Arts

as part of one of the many ensembles

program at Cheshire Academy.


In the visual arts, our instructors

Unique to Cheshire Academy is the Art

encourage students to explore the deeper

Major program—a class for aspiring

meanings of personal expression while

artists who wish to develop a complete

cultivating technical and creative skills

portfolio for the college admission

in a variety of disciplines, such as digital

process. Each student is given a personal

imaging, ceramics, painting, drawing,

studio space, has contact with visiting

printmaking, and photography.

college representatives, and takes part in an end-of-year Art Major exhibition.

The theater program provides students the opportunity to perform in front of an

There are many venues on campus for

audience in a comedy, drama, or musical,

students to perform or exhibit their work.

or work behind the scenes as a sound and

Plus, the Kohn-Joseloff Gallery, founded

light technician or set designer. With

in 1998 through a gift from the Kohn-

enough experience, they may also have

Joseloff Foundation, features the work

the chance to direct a play of their own.

of local and national artists on a rotating basis. Here, students can gain new

Whether they are a seasoned vocalist

perspectives on the arts as they attend

or musician, or just a beginner, students

lectures by these visiting artists.

in Cheshire Academy’s music program

Course Offerings Art Exploration Art Major Ceramics Digital Imaging Drawing IB Music (high and standard level)

IB Theater (high and standard level)

Music Theory

IB Visual Arts (high and standard level)


Music Skills and Performance Music Technology

Painting Songwriting


Interschol astic Athletics

The Cheshire Academy Athletics program

support one another. They struggle and

offers 18 competitive sports programs

succeed together in new or higher-level

for boys and girls, as well as a range of

challenges, and they continue to be

noncompetitive recreational sports.

lifelong learners through these afternoon activities.

At CA, students participate in an afternoon activity for all three seasons

Seasoned coaches with experience at

(fall, winter, spring) of every academic

the collegiate, semi-pro, and pro levels

year as part of an afternoon program.

lead many Cheshire Academy teams. In

A student's grade level determines the

addition, coaches and assistant coaches

number of competitive seasons they

are members of the faculty—athletes

participate in throughout the year.

themselves—who are passionate about

Theater, being a team manager, and

sports and the teams they lead.

Science Olympiad also fulfill CA's competitive activity requirement.

Having faculty on the field further strengthens the bond between students

Athletics is an important priority

and teachers outside the classroom. The

because it encourages all students to

dynamic of a classroom teacher working

take pride in contributing to something

with a student in both settings enhances

bigger than themselves. Students build

teaching and learning, creates stronger

new relationships with classmates,

connections, and has a positive impact in

learn how to work as a team, and

countless ways.

Cheshire Academy alumni have gone on to play at various colleges in recent years, including: • Brown University • Bucknell University • Colgate University • Columbia University • Dartmouth University • Fordham University • Harvard University • Holy Cross University • LaFayette University • Michigan University • Princeton University • Stanford University • The University of Alabama • Worcester Polytechnic Institute • Yale University At the professional level, our graduates have competed in the LPGA, NBA, NFL, and the Olympics.

3 Seasons 18 Sports 24 Teams FALL Cross Country Football Soccer Volleyball WINTER Basketball Fencing Skiing Swimming SPRING Baseball Golf Lacrosse Softball Tennis Track and Field

Campus Life

Campus Li fe 5-Day and 7-Day Boar ding

Our tight-knit and dynamic

dining facility, fitness center, study areas,

environment is rich in diversity. Boarding

and student center, and the convenience

and day students become friends,

of restaurants and grocery stores within

teammates, and confidants who form

walking distance. Our 5-day boarding

lasting connections.

program has all the benefits of 7-day and might be the ideal option for families

Our faculty members living on and

who live just outside of the commuting

off campus lend a helping hand to

range. This often allows students to

students at all hours, during study hall,

be home on the weekends for other

extra help sessions, afternoon activities,

commitments and to be with family and

and in the classroom. Weeknight and

friends. It’s also an ideal way to start

weekend activities include residential

high school boarding with the option to

programming, trips into nearby towns

change to 7-day when ready.

and cities, community service, college tours, adventure excursions, and countless

Boarding students make up 63 percent

other opportunities for exploring and

of the school community, hailing

forming friendships.

from 13 states and 21 countries. These students have access to one of the

5-Day and 7-Day Boarding

best ways to prepare for life at college:

Cheshire Academy offers two forms

through a safe environment to explore

of on-campus living: 5-day and 7-day

their independence and learn to take

boarding. Students enjoy a full-service

responsibility for their own lives. Living on campus provides students with the structure and adult guidance they need to build self-reliance and maturity that will serve them not only in college, but throughout their adult lives. Our five dormitories and several houses on campus are home to faculty members and their families, enhancing the campus experience for all.

Dorm rooms are designed for two students, and a limited number of single rooms are also available. More than just a place to sleep, on-campus housing for students and faculty becomes a second home–a place to relax, bond, share perspectives, and learn about one another’s unique lives and experiences. Day Students Day students are equally immersed in campus life. Many day and boarding

Cheshire Academy offers a comprehensive

students develop strong bonds and

learning environment and support

friendships that continue beyond their

system for international students

time at Cheshire Academy, formed


through the hours spent in classes,

• ELL classes

athletics, the arts, and a range of afternoon activities. Day students often host boarding students at their homes during short vacations. Similarly, day students can spend a night in a dorm with boarding friends to extend their time on campus and experience the independent lifestyle and camaraderie

• A private TOEFL testing site • A dedicated International Student Office • SEVIS/F-1 Visa and I-20 Support • A peer counselor program for new students • Monthly orientation meetings for new students

of living on-campus. Afternoon Program International Students

All students enroll in one of our many

Students at CA represent 6 continents

afternoon programs, which include

and more than 20 countries. They bring

athletic teams, student-led organizations,

their perspectives into the classroom and

and performance groups. The afternoon

daily life, enriching the experience for

program is part of our philosophy at CA,

everyone in the community. Traditions

and is as important and inclusive as the

and cultures are shared and celebrated

academic, social, and residential facets of

among the entire school community.

each day.

Postgraduate Program

uate grad Post ram Prog eshire h at C

Not just another senior year in high school! Cheshire Academy offers a Postgraduate

by our College Counseling Office team.

(PG) Program for students looking to

Each PG student is assigned a college

strengthen and develop their academic

advisor who provides a concentrated,

skills, improve their academic portfolio,

individualized plan to help the student—

and prepare for college. The program is

and parents—manage the college research,

a comprehensive experience specifically

decision, and admission process.

designed to help graduates of a traditional high school transition to a

PG students are also eligible to participate

college curriculum, well prepared for the

on our athletic teams, as sanctioned by the

requirements and expectations of life after

New England Preparatory School Athletic

high school.

Council (NEPSAC). Coaches work to gain exposure for our talented athletes, resulting

In the Classroom

in a high placement record for many alumni

More than just a fifth year of high school,

athletes in a range of sports.

the Cheshire Academy PG program is comprised of specific university-level

Campus Life

courses, complemented by a number of

For all PG students—especially for those

electives. PG students round out their

who have not lived away from home—

academic portfolio by pursuing interests

living at Cheshire Academy provides a

and passions while preparing themselves

college-like experience, but with much

for the increased course workload

more support and guidance. While they live

demanded at the college level. PG students

independently, with roommates and dorm-

learn and hone critical skills, such as time

mates, they also receive attention, care, and

management, public speaking, and focused

a level of camaraderie from their teachers,

study habits.

dorm parents, advisors, and coaches.

College Prep and Athletics

For international students, the PG

The PG year serves as a time to push one’s

program is an ideal way to further develop

self academically, taking a challenging,

and mature in the U.S., and prepare for

rigorous course load while gaining a level

success at an American university.

of freedom and flexibility. PG students are supported by the program’s advisor and





304 students from 13 states and 21 countries

104 acres (.42 km2)

Grades 9-12, and postgraduate

Two-hour drive from Boston and New York

27% international students

Walking distance to downtown Cheshire

63% boarding students (5-day and 7-day)

Short drive to the culture and vibrancy of New Haven and Hartford

37% day students Faculty 45 teaching faculty members

30-minute drive from Bradley International Airport (Hartford/Springfield) New York City ( JFK/LaGuardia) and Boston (Logan) airports are two hours away

73% with advanced degrees Academics 6:1 student-to-faculty ratio Average class size: 10 Curricular offerings: 115 courses, 33 IB courses Modern languages: French, Mandarin, and Spanish

Grades 9-12 and Postgraduate Coed, Boarding and Day

10 Main Street, Cheshire, CT 06410 Tel. 203-439-7250

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