Cheshire Young Carers Summer 2022 Programme Review

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Cheshire Young Carers - Summer 2022




his week we travelled back over five hundred years, to the reign of the Tudors. Our young carers warmed up by completing some Tudor themed word searches, puzzles, and colouring sheets.

Firstly, each young carer made a Tudor book. They painted their books neatly and whilst they dried, everyone coloured in their old-style letters ready to glue on to the front cover. There were some fantastic designs and the young carers tried hard to make them look authentic. Our young carers also had a go at making their own Tudor roses. The Tudor rose is the traditional floral heraldic emblem of England and takes its name and origins from the House of Tudor. It consists of five white inner petals, representing the House of York, and five red outer petals to represent the House of Lancaster. Making the Tudor rose was quite intricate work, and took a lot of time and patience to complete.

‘ Massive thankyou for all your support and fab days out! Matt has had the best summer and met some lovely friends. You have all helped my little boys confidence grow. Thankyou! ’ | | 0151 356 3176 | Get in touch

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