Mini-Lesson Figurative Language 1) ________________________________ – a language which cannot be taken literally since it was written to create a special effect or feeling. 2) Some examples of figurative language that will be covered in this Mini-Lesson are: a. Simile b. Direct Metaphor c. ______________ Metaphor d. Extended Metaphor e. _______________________ f. _______________________ 3) ______________________ – a comparison of 2 unlike things in which a word of comparison (like or as) is used. a. Ex. – _________ stood in front of the altar, ______________ like a freshly caught trout. b. 2 things being compared: _______________ and ________________ c. Quality that makes them similar: ______________________________ 4) Metaphor - There are several types a. _________________________ – directly compares the 2 things by the use of a verb such as is. i. Ex. – His ___________ is a __________ ___________ pocked with craters. ii. 2 things being compared: __________________ and ________________ iii. Quality that makes them similar:__________________________
1 © Elia Chesnoff 2010
b. __________________ Metaphor – implies or suggests the comparison between the 2 things without stating it directly. i. Ex. – Shut your ________________ ii. 2 things being compared: __________________ and ________________ iii. Quality that makes them similar:__________________________ c. ______________________ Metaphor – a metaphor that is continued and developed over several lines of writing through out an entire poem. d. *** Something to Think About*** - Why is the following quote, “The world is a wedding” a single metaphor that defines all metaphors? 5) ________________________________ – a special kind of metaphor in which human qualities are given to something that is not human. a. Ex. – The computer __________________ it’s secrets. b. 2 things being compared: _______________ and ________________ c. Quality that makes them similar: ______________________________ 6) _______________________ – an exaggeration or overstatement. a. Ex. – I am so hungry I could eat a ____________________. b. Ex. – I had a ________________ of homework. . c. Ex. – I've told you a __________________ times don't exaggerate.
2 © Elia Chesnoff 2010