October 2010
Manager, for a speedy return to better health.
A member of the District has been nominated for a Your Champions award for Person of the Year in the scheme sponsored by the Chester Chronicle.
John Riley has devoted more than 20 years of his life to the Scout Movement and also helps to cook for charity for the elderly through the WRVS and is a volunteer walk leader for Age Concern.
On 21/22 August, twenty two Leaders and members of the 16th Antrim (Crumlin) group of Scouting Ireland stopped off at the District Centre on the way to the ferry at Holyhead after their camp at Jambville, France. We were pleased to offer this hospitality and look forward to seeing them again.
John was nominated on behalf of the District, who described him as a 'pillar of support'. “He has been a youth leader as well as a trustee and continues his involvement as a manager of support for the Movement in Chester. He has provided financial and accounting advice to the District Scout Council for more than half of his service and has helped steer Chester Scouting through demanding times, resulting in an 18% increase in membership in 2009/2010 – the centenary year of the District Scout Council. “John combines his work for the Scout Movement with other voluntary work, including serving in a luncheon club for the elderly. Chester Scouts are pleased to nominate John for a Champion award!” John said: “It keeps me busy!”
PERSONAL Best wishes to a number of District members who have been on the sick list recently. • • •
David King David Lithgow Smith Mike Shobbrook
NEWS FOR CHESTER SCOUTING To make our communications quicker and to reduce paper use, we only send our monthly News for Chester Scouting electronically. Please pass on the information to those who do not have Internet access. You can always download the latest (and some earlier) versions
Best wishes also to Debbie Phillips, the County Training
JOIN THE ADVENTURE THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION CHESTER AND DISTRICT SCOUT COUNCIL District Centre: adjacent Westlea County Primary School Weston Grove Chester CH2 1QJ E: enquiries@chesterscouts.org.uk T: 01244 398635 W: www.chesterscouts.org.uk/ Facebook: http://groups.to/chesterscouts/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/@ChesterScouts Registered charity no. 511406
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from the News and Events pages of www.chesterscouts.org.uk or from http://issuu.com/chesterscouts
INSPIRE Are you aged 18-25? Do you have views on Scouting that you want to be heard? Would you like to put your ideas across as part of a group of like minded people? If yes, then Inspire is for you!
All are welcome to attend during the weekend. Members of the Scout and Guide movements will be able to enter for the Communicator Badge at the event. There will also be information about the amateur radio hobby for interested parties.
Inspire is a series of fun and interactive events giving young people the opportunity to have their say on the work of The Scout Association at all levels. Whether you want to give us your views on the Programme or Campaigns, Activities or Communication there will be a chance to do so. In return for your views we’re offering party games, silly hats, funny voices, all sorts of prizes and even a free lunch! There’s no cost for Inspire, and there will be no need to wear uniform. We can help with transport costs - contact the DC to discuss this. To register for Inspire go to http://www.scouts.org.uk/inspire and click the link for the North West Region to complete the form. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and there are a limited number of places at our local event for each County. Please note that places will be reviewed to ensure a fair allocation across a County. If you have any questions, please contact the Inspire team.
GREETINGS FROM HOLLAND Whilst on holiday in the summer, Richard Johnson, our Local Training Manager, met up with Scouts from the Netherlands, who sent their greetings.
NATIONAL WEB SITE The re-structuring of www.scouts.org.uk continues and you will now find many resources at: http://www.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/ The information is gradually taking over from the ScoutBase site and at the new address you will find materials for the Sections, for trainers and training advisers, for those who want to know more about international Scouting and much more. Why not take a look?
FIRST RESPONSE The next First Response course will be held on Saturday, 4 December at the District Scout Centre (all day). The number of participants is limited to 12, to ensure an effective course. If you wish to take part, please email: mail@davidbull.net The course meets the requirements of Module 10 of the adult training scheme.
JAMBOREE ON THE AIR AND JAMBOREE ON THE INTERNET There will be JOTA radio stations at Forest Camp, under the call sign of GB4DXS and at the Cestrian Group’s headquarters at Vicars Cross (call sign GB2COS).
SCOUT SHOP Many thanks to Charlotte Churchill and Roger Hewitt, who have just handed over as managers of the Scout Shop. Their hard work has provided a great service to Groups and individuals and made a good profit for the benefit of the District as a whole. Well done! We welcome Vicky Taker, who takes over as Manager of the Shop and District Badge Secretary. Vicky and her team are getting into the swing of things at the shop but as always we need as always people to volunteer for the rota to serve on a Thursday evening. Call in and sign up or email Vicky at vickytaker@hotmail.com Thanks for all your support for the District Scout Shop (the cheapest prices in Chester!).
JOTA takes place on the weekend of the 16 and 17 October.
WOOD BADGE Congratulations to the latest recipients of the Wood Badge: • •
Susan Jones, GSL 18th Chester (St Mary’s) Tracey Patterson, ASL. 40th Chester
CHESTER AND DISTRICT SCOUT COUNCIL PRESENTS GANG SHOW 2011 We’re looking for young people to take part in our 55th celebration of Gang Show and we’d like representatives from every Cub Pack, Scout Troop and Explorer Unit, together with members of the Scout Network and young Leaders, to join together and really raise the roof at the Catholic High School, Chester during the week of 22-26 February 2011.
BEAVER SCOUT ANNIVERSARY Check out our website at www.chestergangshow.net. Gang registration has already started and rehearsals begin mid October 2010 (date to be confirmed) with weekly rehearsals after that. Contact: Keith Harding (Producer) 01244 301605 or 07889 428262 Email: keith@harwoodpartnership.co.uk
DISTRICT FELLOWSHIP ACTIVE SUPPORT UNIT Members of the ASU enjoyed a canal trip during the summer break.
Next year will mark the twenty fifth anniversary of the Beaver Scout section’s affirmation as an official part of The Scout Association. Having begun in Northern Ireland in the 1960s and slowly spread across the UK, the section was introduced with a uniform in 1982. To complete the process a simple Promise was established in 1986. To celebrate this anniversary, a badge is being designed for next year. This badge can be worn on the left hand side of the uniform, above the Membership Award. It will be available to purchase from December 2010 and can be worn from then until the end of 2011.
NEW COUNTY ROLES We welcome: • •
Graham Shaw as the new Assistant County Commissioner (Activities) Hannah Lapworth as the new Assistant County Commissioner Explorer Scouts)
Good luck to them in their new roles and thanks for all they have done so far. Thanks also to Rob Patheyjohns, who has stepped down as Assistant County Commissioner (Activities). More information on our Active Support Units is available from activesupport@chesterscouts.org.uk.
3 October – an evening based on Cub Activity Badges (Home Help/DIY) including how people with a disability can take part (District Scout Centre 7-9pm)
31 October- Halloween Camp
14 November - another Activity Badge theme
18 November - social evening pub quiz, cinema, bowling
10/12 December - Xmas weekend away
ACTIVITIES As part of the rolling review of the governance of activities within Scouting we have just launched updates and improvements within a number of activities. Details of each of these can be found below. Separate notification has been sent those with activity specific roles about changes in their specific activity (County Assessors, Advisers etc).
Mountain Biking Following the consultation that was carried out earlier this year it became clear that the best way to support mountain biking in terrain 0 is through extra guidance to leaders on this area, without the need for any extra governance in the form of a permit. New Resources: · FS120422 Mountain Biking in Terrain 0. New guidance when running this activity that falls outside the activity permit scheme. Updated Resources: · FS120456 Mountain Biking. Added detail that guidance is now available for mountain biking in terrain 0. · AC120920 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Leadership. Amalgamated all four mountain biking leadership assessment checklists (Summer T1, Summer T2, Winter T1, Winter T2). Further detail in syllabus (technical and equipment). · AC120839 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Personal. Amalgamated all four mountain biking personal assessment checklists (Summer T1, Summer T2, Winter T1, Winter T2). Further detail added to the syllabus (technical and equipment). Deleted Resources: · AC120840 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking (Terrain 2 Summer) – Personal. Amalgamated into AC120839 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Personal.
· AC120841 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking (Terrain 1 Winter) – Personal. Amalgamated into AC120839 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Personal. · AC120842 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking (Terrain 2 Winter) – Personal. Amalgamated into AC120839 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Personal. · AC120921 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking (Terrain 2 Summer) – Leadership. Amalgamated into AC120920 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Leadership. · AC120922 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking (Terrain 1 Summer) – Leadership. Amalgamated into AC120920 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Leadership. · AC120923 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking (Terrain 2 Winter) – Leadership. Amalgamated into AC120920 Assessment Checklist for Mountain Biking – Leadership. Caving Due to the different techniques and hazards involved, we have now split the caving permit away from mines, and introduced a new mine exploration permit. The types and levels of mine exploration permit mirror those available for caving but look specifically at the skills required and experience in mines. For both caves and mine exploration there is also a new level of permit ‘...with SRT for the Leader’ that allows the permit holder to use SRT, but not the rest of the group. New Resources: · FS120450 Mine Exploration. A factsheet to support the new permit of mine exploration. · AC120952 Assessment Checklist for Mine Exploration – Leadership. Syllabus for all leadership permits for mine exploration permits. · AC120861 Assessment Checklist for Mine Exploration – Personal. Syllabus for all personal permits for mine exploration permits. Updated Resources: · FS120451 Caving. Removed reference to mines, added details of the new SRT for the Leader permit, and further guidance of group sizes, first aid, seconds, belays and harness types. · AC120946 Assessment Checklist for Caving – Leadership. Amalgamated all three caving leadership assessment checklists (no vertical pitches, with ladders, with SRT for the group) and adds the syllabus for the new SRT for the leader permit. Further detail in syllabus. · AC120856 Assessment Checklist for Caving – Personal. Amalgamated all three caving personal assessment checklists (no vertical pitches, with ladders, with SRT). Further detail added to the syllabus. · FS120100 Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme. Added new permit types; caving with SRT for the leader and mine exploration. · FS120104 Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme – Approved Assessors. Amended the County Assessor requirement for caving with no vertical pitches to LCMLA1. Added assessor qualification details for new permit types caving with SRT for the leader and mine exploration.
Deleted Resources: · AC120857 Assessment Checklist for Caving with Ladders – Personal. Amalgamated into AC120856 Assessment Checklist for Caving – Personal. · AC120858 Assessment Checklist for Caving with SRT – Personal. Amalgamated into AC120856 Assessment Checklist for Caving – Personal. · AC120947 Assessment Checklist for Caving with Ladders – Leadership. Amalgamated into AC120946 Assessment Checklist for Caving – Leadership. · AC120948 Assessment Checklist for Caving with SRT – Leadership. Amalgamated into AC120946 Assessment Checklist for Caving – Leadership. Sailing Sailing is now split into three different activities (and therefore permits). Dinghy sailing (which remains the same as before), keelboating (new to allow keelboats to operate more easily without the same requirements of bigger boats that they had to work within before), and yachting (the new more relevant name for offshore sailing). New Resources: · FS120669 Keelboating. A factsheet to support the new permit of keelboating. · AC120951 Assessment Checklist for Keelboating Leadership. Syllabus for leadership permit for a keelboating permit.
Scuba Diving Updated Resources: · AC120847 Assessment Checklist for Scuba Diving – Personal. Amalgamated both scuba diving leadership assessment checklists (Sheltered Water, Open Water). · AC120931 Assessment Checklist for Scuba Diving – Leadership. Amalgamated both scuba diving personal assessment checklists (Sheltered Water, Open Water). · FS120104 Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme – Approved Assessors. County Assessor PADI qualifications updated. Deleted Resources: · AC120848 Assessment Checklist for Scuba Diving – Personal. Amalgamated into AC120847 Assessment Checklist for Scuba Diving – Personal. · AC120932 Assessment Checklist for Scuba Diving – Leadership. Amalgamated into AC120931 Assessment Checklist for Scuba Diving – Leadership. Dragon Boating Updated Resources: · AC120912 Assessment Checklist for Dragon Boating – Leadership. Equivalent level qualifications updated based on BDA changes.
HILLWALKING Updated Resources: Resources: · FS120652 Dinghy Sailing. Updated definition to incorporate the introduction of keelboating. · FS120657 Yachting. Updated definition to incorporate the introduction of keelboating. Name changed from offshore sailing to be more relevant and avoid confusion. · AC120833 Assessment Checklist for Dinghy Sailing – Personal. Layout updates only. · AC120911 Assessment Checklist for Dinghy Sailing – Leadership. Layout updates only. · AC120926 Assessment Checklist for Yachting – Leadership. Name changed from offshore sailing to be more relevant and avoid confusion. · FS120100 Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme. Added new permit types for keelboating and changed offshore sailing to yachting. · FS120104 Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme – Approved Assessors. Added assessor qualification details for new permit of keelboating and changed offshore sailing to yachting. County Assessor qualification for Yachting updated based on change in terminology from the RYA. Windsurfing Windsurfing Updated Resources: · AC120945 Assessment Checklist for Windsurfing – Leadership. Equivalent level qualifications updated based on RYA changes to their windsurfing awards. · AC120855 Assessment Checklist for Windsurfing – Personal. Layout updates only. · FS120104 Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme – Approved Assessors. County Assessor qualifications updated based on RYA changes to their windsurfing awards.
We have just launched a consultation on the way we manage and operate hillwalking, particularly with regard to terrain definitions, group sizes and technical terrain not properly covered by the hillwalking permit scheme. This consultation is based on all the comments and thoughts we have received on this subject so far. You can find the full consultation at www.scouts.org.uk/documents/activitiesx/hillwalking_cons ultation.pdf along with a link to let us know your thoughts. This is not a closed consultation so feel free to pass to anyone else you think may have thoughts to add. The aim is to make sure we know exactly how any proposed changes will affect these activities within Scouting to ensure any changes improve the way this is offered for all. The deadline for feedback is 31 October 2010. 2010
CHIEF SCOUT’S GOLD AWARDS We delighted to announce that UK Chief Commissioner, Wayne Bulpitt, has agreed to present this year's awards to those Scouts in receipt of the Chief Scout's Gold Award on Sunday 21 November 2010 at 2.00pm at Brine Leas High School, Audlem Road, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7DY Charly Hillier has already sent out information on what to do to make sure your Award recipients get their chance to take part. Please pay careful attention to the deadline for registration. It is very unlikely that this will be extended or late applications considered due to the expected high demand for tickets.
SUPERVISION OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES - RISK ASSESSMENT AND HEAD COUNTS The Scout Association rules and guidance require risk assessments be carried out for all activities. A risk assessment allows those running the activity to identify potential hazards and to take steps to minimise these whilst delivering an exciting activity to the young people in their care. In addition The Scout Association rules and guidance sets out adult to young people ratios in certain circumstances and in others these should be determined by a risk assessment. However, some people may rely too heavily on these ratios in terms of monitoring the group and need to consider the importance of when head counts need to be conducted, where and by whom.
Risk Assessment A risk assessment must be carried out for all activities but this does not need to be a time consuming process. More important is that a risk assessment is regularly reviewed both before and during an activity. Experience shows it is often the activity which is run regularly with little perceived risk where incidents may occur. Regular reassessment of familiar activities will allow those running the activity to identify changes in the risks over time. Further information can be found in factsheet FS120000 Activities – Risk Assessment.
Head Counts It is difficult to be prescriptive as to when head counts should be done. It is important that these are considered for all age groups in all outdoor activities and, specifically, when young people are moving as a group. A considered view is that these should be done when there is a change of terrain or overcoming a particular hazard. In the younger age groups this could be done when a walking group moves from one terrain to another (eg from one field to another or from a road to a track) or crossing the road. For those in adventurous activities it could be when paddling around a bend, moving around a rocky outcrop or, generally, when moving in poor visibility. Furthermore, for larger groups, it should be agreed as to who conducts these to remove the expectation that these will be conducted by someone else.
MOUNTAIN BIKING Following consultation earlier this year it became clear that the best way to support mountain biking in terrain 0 is through extra guidance to leaders on this area, without the need for any extra governance in the form of a permit. New guidance on mountain biking is now available in fact-sheet FS120422 (Mountain Biking in Terrain 0) http://bit.ly/c6f1Um
DISTRICT DIARY 2010 2 October – Support for Restricted Growth Association Convention, Crowne Plaza Hotel 7 October – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 15/17 October – Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet 23 October – Alton Towers trip for Scouts and Explorer Scouts 29/31 October – Scout Network/Explorer Scout Halloween Camp, Forest Camp 3 November – District Cub Scout Swimming Gala 4 November – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 6 November – District Beaver Challenge, Hoole 12/14 November – Leaders’ Weekend, Great Tower 14 November – Remembrance Day 20 November – Taking the Lead - County Patrol Leaders’ Forum, Runcorn 21 November – Gold Chief Scout’s Award presentations 27 November – County Swimming Gala for Cubs and Scouts 2 December –District Leaders’ Meeting (General) and Safeguarding training 2, 3, 4 December - Christmas at Tatton for Beavers and Cubs 9 December - Centenary Carol Service, Chester Cathedral 16 December – Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove December – District Cheshire Hike Practices 2011 6 January – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 15/16 January – Beaver Scout IT Activity Badge Stage 1, Weston Grove 22 January – District Cub Scout Craft Competition January/February - District Cheshire Hike Practices 3 February – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 5 February – GSLs and DCs Day, Ribby Hall 20 February – Media Development Workshop, Weston Grove 22 – 26 February – Gang Show, Catholic High School 3 March – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 5 March – Beaver trip to Science Museum, Manchester 12 March – County Cub Scout Craft Competition 13 March – District Award Presentations 24 March – Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove
7 April – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 9/10 April – Cheshire Hike 16 April – St George’s Day celebration 30 April/ 2 May – Elysium: Explorer Challenge Camp, with Hollyoaks Network 5 May – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 7 May - Beaver Barbie Bash, Huntington 14 May – Jamboree on the Trail 19 May – Scouts District Bowling Competition 21 May – District Cub Scout Totem Pole Competition 27/30 May - Elysium: Explorer and Network Challenge Camp 2 June – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 7 June – County AGM, Chester 9 June – District AGM 16 June - Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 25 June - Beeston Hike for Beavers 7 July – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 1 September – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 22 September - Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 6 October – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 14/16 October – Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet 3 November – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 13 November – Remembrance Day 1 December – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs)
Great Tower also has a range of on-site activities which could be used / booked if the required permit holders are participating. Or of course you could actually come along and just chill, read a book and enjoy the peace and quiet (hopefully there will not be too many Scouts on camp that weekend!!). This weekend is about coming together as a group of adults who support Scouting in Chester, and having the time to meet new friends or catch up with older ones that we might not normally have the time for in our normal weekly routines. Places are strictly limited due to the bunk accommodation available so it will be on a first come first served basis with booking reply and cheque sent to Keith Harding please. As we will have no dedicated catering team for this event so that everyone has a chance to enjoy their weekend away, all participants will be required to help in some form or other. Please advise any special dietary requirements at the time of booking. This is an event for adults so we won’t have a complex InTouch system while we are away: • With your booking please give your next of kin contact details • Contact with the group during the weekend will be via 07889 428262 • The normal emergency procedures will apply, as on the purple card. The number to ring to advise the District of any problems is 07711 580862 We look forward to having a”Full House” for the weekend!
District Leaders’ Meetings: first Thursday in each month (except August) 8 pm (Section meetings alternate with general meetings) District Core Team (DC, District Chair, ADCs, DESC and Active Support Manager; also attended by the Local Training Manager): second Thursday in each month (except August) District Executive Committee: third Thursday in each month (except August) District Appointments Approval Meeting: last Thursday in each month (except August and December) Chester Scout Fellowship Active Support Unit: first Tuesday of each month (for further details email activesupport@chesterscouts.org.uk) Adult Training Modules: check the separate listing and registration form
LEADERS’ WEEKEND IN THE LAKES After many years’ break we are re-introducing “the Leaders Only weekend” as part of our Centenary celebrations. This gives you the chance to get away without having the responsibility of any young members for an enjoyable weekend in the Lake District with your fellow Leaders from the District! We shall be staying in Cartmel Lodge at Great Tower Scout camp site near Windermere, arriving from 7.30pm onwards on Friday 12 November and leaving by 3.30pm on Sunday 14 November and the cost is £40 inclusive of bunk accommodation and food. All cheques payable to “Chester and District Scout Council” please. All activities will be organised by participants and historically have included fell walks, lower level rambles, Christmas shopping and tea room surveys!!