November 2010
CAROL SERVICE We are pleased to invite you to our carol service, part of our celebration of the centenary of the District Scout Council: Chester Cathedral, Thursday 9 December 2010, 7.00 to 8.00 pm The Bishop of Chester and other guests will be with us but most importantly we invite all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and adult Leaders and Network members to come along. Please extend this invitation to all parents and friends of the Movement so that they can join us as we start the celebrations of Christmas with a traditional carol service with music provided by Colin Parfitt, musical director for our Gang Show, who did the same at St George's Day and County Scout Sunday. I look forward to seeing you at the service!
Six young members of the Scout Movement in Chester have taken part in the Speaker’s Reception at the House of Commons on 18 October. Representing both the City of Chester and Eddisbury constituencies, the Scouts were able to attend thanks to the sponsorship of Stephen Mosley MP and Stephen O’Brien MP. Mr Mosley is an honorary Vice President of the Chester and District Scout Council. The reception is an annual event and is held in the Speaker's State Room at the Palace of Westminster by kind permission of Mr Speaker, The Rt. Hon John Bercow MP. Jonathan Ducker, one of the participants, said: “It was an experience to be inside the Houses of Parliament and the tour we received was great. We were all able to ask questions that interested us.” Chris Harris, Regional Commissioner for North West England, commented: “Very well done Cheshire; glad everyone had a really good day and were able to “fly the flag” so effectively.” The Chester representatives were part of a larger number of Scouts from Cheshire and the UK generally. The Chester participants were: Jonathan Ducker, Simon Ebo, James Gibson, Robert McMahon, Luke Thornton and Paul Wolfendale.
NEWS FOR CHESTER SCOUTING To make our communications quicker and to reduce paper use, we only send our monthly News for Chester Scouting electronically. Please pass on the information to those who do not have Internet access. You can always download the latest (and some earlier) versions from the District web site.
JOIN THE ADVENTURE THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION CHESTER AND DISTRICT SCOUT COUNCIL District Centre: adjacent Westlea County Primary School Weston Grove Chester CH2 1QJ E: T: 01244 398635 W: Facebook: Twitter: Registered charity no. 511406
TRUSTEE WEEK The last week in October saw the launch of the first ever National Trustees’ Week. From 25-31 October, charities all over England and Wales celebrated the contribution of those volunteers who are responsible for the management and governance of charities, as well as highlighting the important work trustees do. Jo Turner, our District Chair, said "Many thanks to all our trustees, both in the Groups and on the District Executive. The work you all do is vital to delivering good Scouting!"
SUPPORT BY WOLF EXPLORERS FOR MILL VIEW PRIMARY SCHOOL Wolf Explorers worked very hard as a team over a weekend in October to provide service to Mill View Primary School in Upton. The work involved some major construction work and lots of manual work. They were are all a credit to Explorer Scouting and hopefully this was also a very good learning curve for them on the different skills needed for building works!
Go to for a video message from Sir Alan Craft, Chairman of the national Trustee Board, and for more information for on support and acknowledgement of our trustees.
JAMBOREE ON THE AIR For the 29th year, a JOTA station was set up at the Cestrian Group headquarters, led as always by Arthur Brighton. The Lord and Lady Mayoress visited and there were many contacts with other stations around the world, including Mafikeng (Mafeking). David Mullock also organised a station outside the District at Forest Camp. Our picture shows the Lord Mayor on his visit, when Arthur received his twenty five year service award.
The full project was a 5mt x 3mt outside shelter with seating for about 30 children, built in the style of a log cabin. The shelter will be used by Mill View and other schools in the area and will be a great advertisement for Scouting.
The national celebrations for the achievement of the Queen’s Scout Award will be focussed on the National Scout Service and Parade at Windsor Castle each year. The Association will not be hosting any more National Queen’s Scout Receptions. The next Windsor Service and Parade is on 1 May 2011. We hope that for the first time for several years, Chester will be represented. The opportunity to go to Windsor is the icing on the cake for Queen’s Scouts – everyone who takes part says how great an experience it is. Don’t miss it!
HUNDREDS OF SCOUTS ENGAGED POLITICIANS ON ISSUES THAT MATTER TO THEM DURING THE THREE MAIN PARTY CONFERENCES Scouts attended workshops at the Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative party conferences in Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham. The events, hosted by The Scout Association, were an opportunity for young people to challenge politicians and to express their hopes for the future.
‘The decisions of today will affect me tomorrow’ tomorrow’ Lewis, 15, an Explorer Scout, attended all three workshops. ‘Most decisions that politicians make today will directly affect me tomorrow. I want to influence my future, and even though I’m too young to vote, Scouting has given me the voice to make myself heard. These events have allowed me to meet the MPs face to face. It’s an experience I wouldn’t otherwise have had. I’ve also got my school involved, so it’s been really interesting.’ Citizenship, university cuts and poverty The Scouts and MPs debated a wide range of issues, including citizenship, crime, voting at 16, volunteering and poverty. Kiron, a 20-year-old Scout Leader was at the Conservative workshop. ‘I’d invited my MP along, Pauline Laithem (Derby) so was really pleased to see her there. We discussed national issues, but also a local rise in crime, and how we can get young people involved in positive initiatives, such as Scouting.’ Explorer Scout Jimmi, 16, was at the Liberal Democrat event in Liverpool. ‘I jumped at the chance to meet with the MPs and give them my thoughts on the things that affect me and my friends. I hope that I was able to persuade some of them to put more resources into getting young people active in sport and involved with the outdoors through things like Scouts, which is brilliant.’ Sam Mowbry, Head of Public Affairs, The Scout Association: It’s been heartening that so many MPs took the time to come to the events. And it shows not all young people are apathetic about politics.’ Year three of speaking up This is the third year that The Scout Association has run youth workshops during the three main party conferences. As well as youth issues, MPs gained an insight into how Scouting, with over 500,000 members in the UK helps develop young people to become responsible citizens within their communities, as well as
offering a wide range of challenging and adventurous activities to young people.
DISTRICT DIARY 2010 – CENTENARY OF SCOUTING IN CHESTER 3 November – District Cub Scout Swimming Gala 4 November – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 6 November – District Beaver Challenge, Hoole 12/14 November – Leaders’ Weekend, Great Tower 13/14 November - KISC 2011 participants' camp 14 November – Remembrance Day 20 November – Taking the Lead - County Patrol Leaders’ Forum, Runcorn 21 November – Gold Chief Scout’s Award presentations 27 November – County Swimming Gala for Cubs and Scouts 2 December –District Leaders’ Meeting (General) and Safeguarding training 2, 3, 4 December - Christmas at Tatton for Beavers and Cubs 4 December - First Response, Weston Grove 9 December - Centenary Carol Service, Chester Cathedral 16 December – Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove December – District Cheshire Hike Practices 2011 6 January – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 12 January - Young Leaders Module A, Weston Grove 15/16 January – Beaver Scout IT Activity Badge Stage 1, Weston Grove 21/23 January - Explorer Canal Boat weekend, Preston Brook 22 January - District Cub Scout Craft Competition January/February - District Cheshire Hike Practices 3 February – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 5 February - GSLs and DCs Day, Ribby Hall 20 February - Media Development Workshop, Weston Grove 22-26 February - Gang Show, Catholic High School 3 March – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 5 March – Beaver trip to Science Museum, Manchester 12 March - County Cub Scout Craft Competition 13 March – District Award Presentations 16 March - Young Leaders Module A, Weston Grove 17 March - Scouts District Bowling Competition 24 March – Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 7 April – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 9/10 April – Cheshire Hike 16 April – St George’s Day celebration 16 April - County Dinner 30 April/2 May - Elysium: Explorer Challenge Camp, with Hollyoaks Network 30 April/1 May - Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition training
5 May – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 7 May - Beaver Barbie Bash, Huntington 14 May – Jamboree on the Trail 21 May - District Cub Scout Totem Pole Competition 2 June – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 7 June – County AGM, Chester 9 June – District AGM 16 June - Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 17/19 June - Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition assessment 25 June - Beeston Hike for Beavers 7 July – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 30 July/12 August - KISC 2011, Kandersteg International Scout Centre 1 September – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 22 September - Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 6 October – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 14/16 October – Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet 3 November – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 13 November – Remembrance Day 1 December – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs)
Leaders’ District Lea ders’ Meetings: first Thursday in each month (except August) 8 pm (Section meetings alternate with general meetings) District Core Team (DC, District Chair, ADCs, DESC and Active Support Manager; also attended by the Local Training Manager): second Thursday in each month (except August) District Executive Committee: third Thursday in each month (except August) District Appointments Approval Meeting: last Thursday in each month (except August and December) Chester Scout Fellowship Active Support Unit: first Tuesday of each month (for further details email
REMEMBRANCE DAY We know that many of our members will observe Remembrance Day in their local communities and parishes – those taking part in the Leaders’ weekend at Great Tower will also. The District will also be represented at the service at the Cathedral. Adult members of the Movement are welcome to join us; we outside Barclays Bank at 9.45 am. Full uniform, please.
Adult Training Modules: check the separate listing and form registration fo rm
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