News for Chester Scouting Jan 2011

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January 2011




As we start 2011, we all I know wish all the best to all in Chester Scouting; may the coming year be active, fulfilling and full of service to others. And may you all enjoy what you do in Scouting and still remember to find time for your friends and families.

First Response course will be held on the following dates:

Thanks for all your involvement celebrations – now enjoy 2011!



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19 March 11 June 17 September 3 December

centenary We will also be providing at least two refresher evenings for those who have already done First Response and need to renew.

CHESHIRE SCOUTS ACTIVITY DIRECTORY The first edition of the Cheshire Scouts Activities Directory has just been published, the result of several months' effort by the Strategic Adventurous Activities Team. Please use this very valuable resource and make sure that everyone knows about it.

District Commissioner

CAROL SERVICE The carol service in the Cathedral in December was great. Thanks to all who helped organise and run the service and to the Groups who were represented: 5th Blacon Cestrian 8th Chester 18th Chester 40th Chester 42nd Chester

Dewa ESU 1st Guilden Sutton 1st Malpas 1st Saltney 1st Saughall

The aim of the document is to provide Groups and their Leaders with an easy reference guide to the wide range of activities that are available in Cheshire and ultimately increase the variety of activities that are made available to young people in Scouting. Many of the activities listed are already well-known and well-used. Others may not be so well-known and this guide will help to point Leaders in the right direction for help and advice should they wish to add these activities to their programme. All of the named contacts in this document are aware of its publication (many have been hands-on in its creation) and everyone is happy to receive your enquiries if you wish to try something new.

JOIN THE ADVENTURE THE SCOUT ASSOCIATION CHESTER AND DISTRICT SCOUT COUNCIL District Centre: adjacent Westlea County Primary School Weston Grove Chester CH2 1QJ E: T: 01244 398635 W: Facebook: Twitter: Registered charity no. 511406

This Activities Directory is (and will continue to be) a work in progress. Your feedback is welcome and will help to shape future issues of this document. If possible, please use the form at for feedback. Alternatively, you may e-mail feedback to me or to Please put [Activities A-Z] at the start of your subject line. The Activities Directory can be downloaded from and there is also a link in the Activities section of the Members' Area of

WOOD BADGES Congratulations to Leaders who have completed their Wood Badge: Chris Arner, Assistant Beaver Scout Leader, 1st Upton David Broady, Scout Leader, Cestrian Alan Reay, Group Scout Leader, 1st Ashton and Manley

30 April/2 May - Elysium: Explorer Challenge Camp, with Hollyoaks Network 30 April/1 May - Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition training 5 May – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 7 May - Beaver Barbie Bash, Huntington 14 May – Jamboree on the Trail 21 May - District Cub Scout Totem Pole Competition 2 June – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 7 June – County AGM, Chester 9 June – District AGM 11 June – First Response 16 June - Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 17/19 June - Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition assessment 25 June - Beeston Hike for Beavers 7 July – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 30 July/12 August - KISC 2011, Kandersteg International Scout Centre 1 September – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 17 September – First Response 22 September - Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 6 October – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 14/16 October – Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet

DISTRICT DIARY 2011 6 January – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 12 January - Young Leaders Module A, Weston Grove 15/16 January – Beaver Scout IT Activity Badge Stage 1, Weston Grove 21/23 January - Explorer Canal Boat weekend, Preston Brook 22 January - District Cub Scout Craft Competition January/February - District Cheshire Hike Practices 3 February – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 5 February - GSLs and DCs Day, Ribby Hall 20 February - Media Development Workshop, Weston Grove 22-26 February - Gang Show, Catholic High School 3 March – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 5 March – Beaver trip to Science Museum, Manchester 12 March - County Cub Scout Craft Competition 13 March – District Award Presentations 16 March - Young Leaders Module A, Weston Grove 19 March – First Response 17 March - Scouts District Bowling Competition 24 March – Validation sessions for GSLs/District Team, Weston Grove 7 April – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 9/10 April – Cheshire Hike 16 April – St George’s Day celebration 16 April - County Dinner


3 November – District Leaders’ Meeting (General) 13 November – Remembrance Day 1 December – District Leaders’ Meeting (Sectional and GSLs) 3 December – First Response

District Leaders’ Meetings: first Thursday in each month (except August) 8 pm (Section meetings alternate with general meetings) District Core Team (DC, District Chair, ADCs, DESC and Active Support Manager; also attended by the Local Training Manager): second Thursday in each month (except August) District Executive Committee: month (except August)

third Thursday in each

District Appointments Approval Meeting: last Thursday in each month (except August and December) Chester Scout Fellowship Active Support Unit: first Tuesday of each month (for further details email Adult Training Modules: check the separate listing and registration form


FOUNDER’S DAY AND THINKING DAY Girl Guiding UK have confirmed that from 2011, the arrangements will be changed in the light of increasing local opportunities to celebrate these special occasions, in Guiding for Thinking Day and in Scouting for Promise Renewal around St George’s Day. Going forward, we are grateful to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for offering two occasions annually for us to be at the Abbey in the future. On the evening of 22nd February (which falls on a Tuesday in 2011), the lives of Robert and Olave BadenPowell will be recognised by a short ceremony of special prayers and the laying of flowers at their Memorial in Westminster Abbey. This will immediately follow the public service of Evensong, which commences at 1645hrs. During the Service, there will be public prayer for Scouting and Guiding. Immediately after the Service, there will be a small ceremony at the Memorial, during which the Scout and Guide Promises will be renewed and the flowers will be laid as a mark of respect. The service is open to all, without ticketing. Later in the year, there will be a special Saturday-morning Service of Thanksgiving for Scouting and Guiding. This will focus on giving thanks to, and for the service of, adult volunteers. The Dean and Chapter are very supportive that whilst the Abbey is a Christian venue, they wish to ensure that the Service will be ecumenical and inclusive for leaders and adult volunteers from all faiths. In the first instance, invitations to this service will be for volunteer leaders and supporters who in the previous year had been recognised with significant Good Service Awards or who had achieved significant Long Service Awards. In 2011, this will be held on the morning of Saturday 5th November. For The Scout Association, this will also be the date for an invitation Luncheon for those awarded the Silver Wolf in the 2010 and the 2011 St George’s Day Awards.

adventure. To get started, all you need is a compatible GPS unit and cache coordinates that can be found online. Cache locations – maintained by a worldwide community of geocachers – are hidden high and low around the globe. Once found, a cache may offer small rewards for you. In keeping with caching etiquette, if you take something from the cache, you should leave something in return. For some, the biggest reward is the thrill of the search and the discovery of a place that they have never been – sometimes in your own neighbourhoods. There is a wide variety of lightweight, rugged, waterproof (or water-resistant) GPS handheld units that are perfect for geocaching. These units have long battery lives and space to hold coordinates for many geocache locations. How can Geocaching fit into Scouting? It is a good reason to get out and do a hike. It can be used for Alternative D of the Scout Navigator Badge Geocaching can also be used as part of the Cub Scout Navigator badge as part of a treasure hunt. Geocaching with Chester Scouts There are a large number of Geocaches in and around the Chester area. The District has six Garmin 60 GPS units, which are available for use. A training day for leaders can be arranged to make you aware of the equipment and how to do geocaching. Contact Alan Reay for further information: or telephone 07810 303490

NEWS FOR CHESTER SCOUTING NEW YEARS HONOURS 2011 Congratulations on the award of the MBE to: Paul Boskett - for services to Cheshire Youth Service (Paul has been a Scouter in South West Cheshire and a member of the County Team – he led the Scout’s Own at Chamboree last summer) Martyn Bracegirdle - formerly chairman, Cheshire and Warrington Connexions Partnership

To make our communications quicker and to reduce paper use, we only send our monthly News for Chester Scouting electronically. Please pass on the information to those who do not have Internet access. You can always download the latest (and some earlier) versions from: the News and Events pages of or from:

GEOCACHING IN SCOUTING Information is also available from:

What is Geocaching? Geocaching is a high-tech version of hide-and-seek where you explore the outdoors in search of hidden treasure and


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