Tiny House Research and Blueprints

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Works Cited Sustainable By Design :: Sunposition, susdesign.com/sunposition/index.php. Passive Solar Design, passivesolar.sustainablesources.com/. San Francisco Bay Area Real Estate & Homes for Sale | PARAGON, www.paragon-re.com/trend/bay-area-market-survey. “5’ Channel Buggy Hauler (B5).” PJ Trailers | 5" Channel Buggy Hauler (B5), www.pjtrailers.com/trailers/b5-5-inch-channel-buggy-hauler. “Copper Roof Stormwater Runoff - Corrosion And The Environment.” Copper & the Environment: Copper Roof Stormwater Runoff, www.copper.org/environment/impact/NACE02225/. “Copper Production & Environmental Impact.” Greenspec, www.greenspec.co.uk/building-design/copper-production-environmental-impact/. “Denim Insulation Pros and Cons and Installing Alternative Insulation.” Qualified Remodeler, 13 Dec. 2017, www.qualifiedremodeler.com/191184/pros-and-cons-of-installing-alternative-insulation/.

Works Cited Firsttimeowner, et al. “Weber Spirit E-330 3-Burner Liquid Propane Gas Grill in Black with Built-In Thermometer-46810001.” The Home Depot, 2 May 2017, www.homedepot.com/p/Weber-Spirit-E-330-3-Burner-Liquid-Propane-Gas-Grill-in-Black-with-Built-In-Thermometer-46 810001/206502538. “Green Home Technology Center.” Passive Solar Heating | Green Home Technology Center, greenhome.osu.edu/solar/passive-solar-heating. “How Much Energy Does A Solar Panel System Produce?” SolarCity, www.solarcity.com/residential/solar-energy-faqs/solar-energy-production. “Is Mushroom Insulation the World's Greenest Insulating Material?” Energy Vanguard, 17 July 2013, www.energyvanguard.com/blog/65314/Is-Mushroom-Insulation-the-World-s-Greenest-Insulating-Material. “Loose-Fill Wool Insulation from Oregon Shepherd.” BuildingGreen, 13 June 2016, www.buildinggreen.com/blog/loose-fill-wool-insulation-oregon-shepherd.

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Works Cited “Toxic Building Materials in Residential Construction.” Healthy Building Science, healthybuildingscience.com/2012/11/27/toxic-building-materials-in-residential-construction/. “U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis.” How Much Electricity Does an American Home Use? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=97&t=3..

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