approach 2022

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c h e y e n n e g r a n a h a n a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n p o r t f o l i o


Approach implies the impossibility of finding a means to the end. The verb emphasizes the idea of the journey, forging concepts, discovering the in-between, exploring the emotional.


c o n t e n t s

type title page

project i project ii project iii project iv project v project vi curation i studi i studi ii studi iii internship

repeat weep thrive amplify investigate transform lead dream illuminate compose competition

4 8 10 14 18 20 24 26 28 29 30

japanese tea house fall 2022

chichu art museum, japan william tate

The Japanese Tea Ceremony is a ritualistic action that invites exploration into spirituality and patience. Through a circular momentum of typology, fragmentation, and density, the structure became a passage of encapsulating darkness, tuning light as an instrument of controlled sight. This phenomenological experience enhances the individual’s participation in the practice of cleansing, spiritual respect, tea ceremony, and the art of archery.

r e p e a t
exploration models
experiments of shadow and space

spiritually pleasing - h e r r i g e l

elevation on cliff

plan with chichu

walk-through sections

garden fall 2022 bucha, ukraine william tate

In response to the on-going devastation in Ukraine, this project acted as a point of remembrance to the people affected by the Bucha massacre. The project originates from repeat. The floorplans of the fragment models were employed to design the rises and falls of the garden. Two caverns within the garden symbolize doors for the dead to respect the victims of the war.

w e e

axonometric section of the integration of the garden into the soil plan

2022 habitat for humanity acsa design competition multi-family housing complex spring 2022 wynwood neighborhood, miami, florida golnar ahmadi

With the overarching concerns of affordable housing and sustainable living in the city of Miami, this community was designed to thrive in Florida. The project involved a collection of investigative research into the site, natural disasters, urban life, and environmental qualities. Site knowledge guided the design choices for sustainable systems and communal family lifestyle.

t h r i v e 10
working models
topography analysis hurricane study zoning research materiality collage

water filtration diagram

lifestyle sections of three houses

solar-cell system diagram community masterplan

a m p l i f y

community dance theater fall 2021 shockoe bottom, richmond, va golnar ahmadi + nick brinen displayed in annual undergraduate juried exhibition

This cultural congregation space is designed specifically as a venue for dance and theatrical performances. The theater explores the concepts of expansion and contraction to determine the function of interior spaces. To amplify moments of remembrance, the sounds and movements of sean nós dance influence the atmospheric experience of the user.

pre-meditation explorations
iterative gateway models spatial functions examination

section A

movement research
section B N 16

i n v e s t i g a t e

mapping spring 2021 harrisonburg, va jori erdman currently in review for scholarly publication

Through a process of collecting data and layering information into visual explorations, this mapping project questions the status-quo pertaining to urban planning in neighborhoods. The technique of psychogeography (developed by the Situationists Movement) was employed to observe methods of movement and atmospheric conditions relating to personal emotions. The final mapping inserts an intervention to improve community life by adding gathering spaces that promote neighborly habits.

analysis of harrisonburg

to reflect the spirit of discovery - s i t u a t i o n i s t i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n t h o l o g y

layering of research

immensity is the movement of motionless man - b a c h e l a r d t r a n s f o r m

meditation space fall 2020 purcell park, harrisonburg, va jori erdman displayed in calm in chaos exhibition Cantilevered over a running river, this space of serenity and personal investigation fosters the interconnection of two people, while being at a safe distance. The river sings echoes of nature that engages the meditator’s mind, as they ponder current events through the lens of “transform.”


section looking south-west

italo calvino invisible cities: thin cities collages collage diagrams 22

section looking north-west

model iterations plan of interaction

architectural design exhibition april 2021 studio center gallery jori erdman + beth hinderliter

Moving from the project transform, this art exhibition is an extension of the project, which displays the sophomore work of ARCD Class of 2023. The event provided the opportunity to enhance leadership knowledge, while working with a team of faculty. Cross-generational leadership and emotional intelligence skills were employed throughout the curation. The event was produced in accordance with the Architectural Design Department, Honors College, and Duke Hall Gallery.

l e a d
final exhibition

multi-functional staircase fall 2021 dukes dining, jmu campus nick brinen

The project analyzed an existing staircase located in a college campus dining hall to metamorphize into a multi-functional path. The program solves the issue of college students’ sleep deprivation and bad study habits, by inserting sleep cubbies and study nooks into the staircase through the concept of modular design.

d r e a m

longitudinal section transverse section

i l l u m i n a t e

triptych fall 2021 sketchup, adobe suite nick brinen

Through this project, an analysis of light and shadow was conducted to discover radically designed spaces. The exploration consists of multiple orientations of the structure to gain an understanding of the ways natural light and shadow can affect the visual representation of the building.


volunteer + community engagement project spring 2021 collaborated with anna stegmeier displayed in guitars for music exhibition

I volunteered with Anna Stegmeier (studio art major) to reinvent Yamaha Guitars that were donated to OASIS Art Gallery. We revitalized these imperfect instruments into furniture, by employing woodshop skills. These pieces were auctioned off to raise funds for the Harrisonburg Public Schools System Music Program.

c o m p o s e

c o m p e t i t i o n

amsterdam light festival submission summer 2022 edwin baruch & associates


I worked alongside architect Edwin Baruch to submit a proposal for a light gate installation for the 2022-2023 amsterdam light festival. The submission was accepted and it is in the process of being constructed.






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