Female Keynote Speaker | Chiara Condi

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Chiara Conidi is one of the most inspiring women in France. She is an international female keynote speaker at conferences, events. Chiara's mission is to make the world a happier place by helping people to discover their passions in life and live them fully.




Acknowledged for her extraordinary and engaging presentation methods she provides the right tools to bring transformation into people's lives.

Does gender equality really affect women Women negatively? benefit from gender


equality. Women in the workplace is a hot topic, and although many believe women suffer as a result of gender equality, studies show the opposite. However, even with recent positive developments, there are still differences between genders still seen in the workplace and society.

"Gender equality doesn't just help women. It benefits everyone – men and boys, too. The truth is, gender equality creates a better world for all of us." Chiaracondi.com

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