Design | Product Design | Transportation Design Collection of 2020-22 #02 BEAM WAVE
2 Self introduction Chiayu_Tsui Center for EMI Teaching Excellence SEEK LUCID DREAM Isle of life Editorial Design PEGASUS (Industrial Design Works) Product Photography 03 04 06 26 34 40 46 58 62
National Kaohsiung Normal University BA, Industrial Design
Visual Communication Design Department of Industrial Design Department Graduation Exhibition 112th Deputy Minister
Visual Communication Design Department of Industrial Design Department Exhibition Minister
Artistic Design Department of Student Association of Industrial Design Department Minister
Shi Yang Miao Cultural Business Studio Internship
Taoyuan Municipal YungMing Senior High School
Award record
International Bicycle Design Competition, IBDC Award 24th Silver Award
Taiwan International Student Design Competition, TISDC Award 2021 Shortlisted
Activity Record
NKNU Department of Industrial Graduation Exhibition 112th NKNU Department of Industrial Design Exhibition 13th
Power of Asian Design Workshop 9th Power of Asian Design Workshop 8th Caning for the Environment Design Workshop 2020-2021
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe After Effects
Rhinoceros SolidWorks Keyshot
CIS, Design Visual Identity Design Editorial design
Vehicle design Product design
+886 975 765 967 summer45539@gmail.com
Chia Yu Tsui
The Logo Grid Creation
A personal project An identity design project A way to introduce myself
27 NKNU Department of Industrial Design Graduation Exhibition c100m70y0k0 Pantone 286c #004ea2 Standard Color Typeface #00ffff c0m0y0k0 Myriad Variable Concept ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 中文字體 Chiron Sans HK Pro
Cool Card
540 841
以理解為發散後的收斂,夢被精煉出來成為 你的記憶,也成為自我的一部分。 視覺統籌|崔鎵宥、張喬甯
2022.4.18→5.2 | 活動識別 國立高雄師範大學 工業設計系 112級 系級展覽
「你在午夜夢迴中,造就清醒夢。」 夢中的元素皆是現實中已知的,不會夢到未 知的東西。現實中的東西在夢中被拆解、重 組,變成新的想法。夢呈現的是潛意識中被 壓抑的想法、慾望。 許多藝術家、創作家都利用夢境汲取靈感。 夢是發散的,且比清醒時更發散,夢中沒有 限制,限制來自於自己。 有一種夢叫清醒夢,也就是意識到自己在做 夢,這時能夠自由操控夢境。夢境中的情節 在被夢到之前,已經先出現在潛意識中了。 人在清醒之後,往往只能記住片段的夢,可
平面設計|崔鎵宥、張喬甯 專刊編輯|崔鎵宥、張喬甯、葉昀錡 周邊設計|張喬甯 形象影片|何育倫、崔鎵宥
37 國立高雄師範大學 和平校區 活動中心 和平展 高雄市立圖書總館 8F 校外展 國立高雄師範大學 燕巢校區 科技學院 3F 燕巢展 國立高雄師範大學 燕巢校區 科技學院 3F 高中生設計營
38 |標準字| |ICON設計| |周邊設計|
39 整體以主要視覺,繽紛色彩呈現夢境的樣子, 而每個人都是自己夢境的主角,有許多不規則 色塊,且依舊有著書籍的整齊易讀性。 |專刊設計|
41 基隆城市品牌提案
企業實習作品 負責項目: 實習時間:大二暑期 實習單位:時秧苗文化事業工作室 品牌概念提案、識別設計 周邊應用、標準色修訂
Keelung City
創立主品牌『嶼之生』與負責小活動籌辦的『嶼 之聲』,讓其分工達到高效率。
|標準色應用| #00F4D1 #2D2D2D R:0 G:244 B:209 | C:60 M:0 Y:35 K:0 R:45 G:45 B:45 C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:80
43 |識別應用| |海報應用|
形象海報用點狀與線條拼湊出基隆的特色地形 與海流的流線感,以深藍色幾何呈現漁船,並 用細白線呈現出漁船聲納的符號,想帶出基隆 漁業的興盛特色。 船鳴的聲音、風吹過植被聲響、海潮刷刷, 讓線在海報上交織流淌,將基隆的一切能以視 覺的方式感受出每件細微的聲音。
嶼之港 -基隆港口印象|漁港風光
織呈現六種不同的產品,再依照故事性分別對 應其名字,讓之後產品的分類能有清楚的界定。 |設計概念| (因為只是品牌形象提案,並未更進一步依照產品不同而有不同)
47 Email summer45539@gmail.com Phone 0975 765 967 Instagram chiayutsui2001 Award record 獲獎紀錄 第24 屆 全球自行車設計競賽 銀獎 International Bicycle Design Competition,IBDC Award 24TH Silver Award 2021 台灣國際學生創意設計大賽 入圍 Taiwan International Student Design Competition,TISDC Award 2021 Shortlisted Activity Record 活動紀錄 第八屆 亞洲設計 工作坊 Power of Asian Design Workshop 8TH 2020-2021 環境關懷設計工作坊 2020-2021 Caning for the Environment Design Workshop 第九屆 亞洲設計 工作坊 Power of Asian Design Workshop 9TH 第十三屆 高雄師範大學 工業設計學系 系展 National Kaohsiung Normal University Department of Industrial Design Exhibition 13TH 崔鎵宥 Tsui Chia Yu National Kaohsiung Normal University Department of Industrial Design Artistic Design Department leader 國立高雄師範大學 工業設計學系 National Kaohsiung Normal University Department of Industrial Design 工業設計學系 系展 視覺組 組長 13th Department of Industrial Design Exhibition - Vision team leader 13th 國立高雄師範大學 工業設計學系 系學會 美宣組 組長 交通工具設計 Vehicle designer 產品設計 Product design 識別設計 Brand Identity System 編輯設計 Editorial design Treat people harmoniously and deal with things clearly. 待人圓融 處事清晰 motto Capability Analysis 能力分析 illustrator photoshop InDesign After Effects Premiere Pro for to 10 10 Rhinoceros 3D SOLIDWORKS Unity Cinema 4D Keyshot be yourself. 在逐漸成熟的年紀,心 裡有些什麼死掉了,理 性大於感性的結果是, 逐漸不認識自己。 Who am I? 關於設計,我想說 願為它付出一切,成為一位真而在握最美最綻放的年華,我這是最美麗也最勞心的事情, 的能解決事情的設計師。 デザインに関しては… これは最も美しく、最も骨の折れることであり、最も美しく開花した 年に、私はそれにすべてを捧げ、本当に物事を解決できるデザイナー になりたいと思っています。 我叫崔鎵宥, 我喜歡畫畫、游泳、美麗的東西。 我覺得我憂鬱與理性並存, 有時感性會不小心被放出來, 造成不小的騷動。 殚╜ㄕ栏殚 gk_ec jma_rgml A-C PEGASUS 表板 D-E airpods pro F-G airpods pro max H 機車避震展示圖 Bipolar� disorder Bipolar� disorder 是 魚 金 的 強 堅 很 四 季 的 風 坜 Outside window light rain, across traffic flow with small lights has begun rhythm city. typed "birth", "day", "happy" "happy" one were far away. How many years has it been? I, ask myself. Happy Birthday NKNU Editorial Design Project
Make an introductory poster for him in the style of a well-known designer.
52 上,鳥兒們在林中唱著動聽的歌清晨,陽光灑在波光粼粼的水面曲,青蛙聽見了,也 呱呱呱 地 魚和一條花金魚正在清澈的河水叫著,好像是在伴唱。一條紅金 中嬉戲。多麼快樂呀! 花金魚對紅金魚說: 來一場游泳比賽吧,好嗎? 紅 金魚答道: 比就比,看誰游得 她們請鳥兒姐姐做裁判。 ,話音剛落,兩條金 和花金魚爭先恐後,互不相讓,魚便順著河水向下游去。紅金魚 誰也不服輸,堅持向前遊。 游著游著,紅金魚突然發 現河水變黑了,花金魚不見了。紅金魚邊遊邊哭: 小花,小花, 你在哪裡? 但是沒有回答。水 而且還有一股股濃重的怪氣味。越來越黑,周圍都是黑洞洞的, 紅金魚感覺水中缺氧,趕緊 金魚的小腦袋終於露出了水面。向上游游去,不知遊了多遠,紅 人啊,請憐憫我們吧!請給 我們留下一片屬於我們自己的家 血,不要讓我們失去對未來的憧園,不要讓我們再次流淚、流 金魚是 很堅強的 即使跳出魚缸, 也有力量游泳。 美しく、美しく、魅力的で、揺れる、陽気で、明るく、かわいい、カラフルで、賢く、明るく、小さな提灯、カラフル 其實,那些錯過,並不代表 青春里除了悲傷,一無所 有。錯過之後,我們還要一 直走下去,並且,從未停歇。 有些人,有些事,有些記憶, 會一直停留下去,讓我們在 單薄的青春中一掠而過時, 仍然無路可走。 夢在浮動, 心也跟着跳動。 眼睛已微紅, 曾經一切是痛。 兩顆心交碰 劃破那寂寞長空。 記憶隨流水向東。 拾起來卻是空。 你我的時鐘, 何必去得那樣匆匆。 難道你真的不懂, 水與火能夠相溶。 我曾被你感動, 你的心已無蹤。 這故事該如何終, 全都由你操縱。 清晨,陽光灑在波光粼粼的水面上,鳥兒們在林中唱著動聽的歌曲,青蛙聽見了,也 呱呱呱 著,好像是在伴唱。一條紅金魚和一條花金魚正在清澈的河水中嬉戲。多麼快樂呀! 花金魚對紅金魚說: 咱們來 一場游泳比賽吧,好嗎? 紅金魚 答道: 比就比,看誰游得快。 她 們請鳥兒姐姐做裁判。一聲話音剛落,兩條金魚便順著河水向下游去。紅金魚和花金魚爭先恐後,互不相讓,誰也不服輸, 堅持向前遊。 游著游著,紅金魚突然發現 河水變黑了,花金魚不見了。紅 金魚邊遊邊哭: 小花,小花,你 在哪裡? 但是沒有回答。水越來 越黑,周圍都是黑洞洞的,而且 還有一股股濃重的怪氣味。 紅金魚感覺水中缺氧,趕緊 向上游游去,不知遊了多遠,紅金魚的小腦袋終於露出了水面。 人啊,請憐憫我們吧!請給 我們留下一片屬於我們自己的家園,不要讓我們再次流淚、流血, 不要讓我們失去對未來的憧憬! 美しく、美しく、魅力的で、揺れる、陽気で、明るく、かわいい、カラフルで、 賢く、明るく、小さな提灯、カラフル 即使跳出魚缸, 也有力量游泳。 金魚是 很堅強的 靜靜地,悄悄地,春天邁着輕盈矯健的步伐來了。她帶着生 命與希望,來到了世界的每一個角落。滾滾的春雷是她前進 的腳步,粉紅的桃花是她綻放的笑臉,綿綿的細雨是她甘甜 的乳汁……柳芽萌發了,花兒綻放了。繁茂的柳樹在春風中 搖擺,嫩綠的芽苞悄悄地探出了腦袋,沉睡的枝幹睜開了惺 忪的睡眼。綿綿的春雨滋潤着大地,潮濕的空氣夾雜着泥土 的芳香,隨着融融的春風迎面撲來,空氣清新得如同出水的荷花,散發出沁人心脾的芬芳…… 四 季 的 風 。 静かに、静かに、夏は燃えるような強力なステップで来ています。 有時天突然暗了下來,下起綿綿細雨,雨水洗去了暑熱, 洗去了人們煩躁的心情。 私も洗いたい! 關於洗衣店 洗出的愛情, 數位轉型也讓加盟業主可以隨時遠端遙控。 コインランドリーで洗い流された愛について、私も洗いたい! 若是不習慣用事務機,消費者也可以直接拿自己手機,掃瞄每台洗烘衣機上貼著的二維條碼,一次完成付費洗衣,輕 鬆又便利。如果對數位系統有使用障礙,或是只想先嘗試一次的顧客,也可以用最傳統的方式:直接投幣。在等待洗烘衣服的當下,消費者可以在明亮寬敞的空間中看看書、滑滑手機。也些加盟店長甚至在旁邊開起咖啡廳,販賣現煮咖啡和現萃茶,讓店裡充滿了咖啡香,使得美衣潔與一般傳統的自助 洗衣店非常不同。 走進全台任何一家美衣潔的自助洗衣店,就像進入數位化的無人商店般,所有洗烘衣機,全都與資訊系統連結,成為一套物聯網系統。 消費者把衣服放進洗衣機後,可以透過一台多功能事務機,選擇三種支付方式:會員儲值、掃碼支付,及包括 LINE Pay、 Apple Pay等 14 種支付平 台的多元支付;也可以透過這台事務機,直接選擇洗衣程序並啟動洗衣流 關於洗衣店 洗出的愛情, 私も洗いたい! コインランドリーで洗い流された愛について、私も洗いたい! 若是不習慣用事務機,消費者也可以直接拿自 己手機,掃瞄每台洗烘衣機上貼著的二維條碼, 一次完成付費洗衣,輕鬆又便利。如果對數位 系統有使用障礙,或是只想先嘗試一次的顧客, 也可以用最傳統的方式:直接投幣。 在等待洗烘衣服的當下,消費者可以在明亮寬 敞的空間中看看書、滑滑手機。也些加盟店長 甚至在旁邊開起咖啡廳,販賣現煮咖啡和現萃 茶,讓店裡充滿了咖啡香,使得美衣潔與一般 傳統的自助洗衣店非常不同。 數位轉型也讓加盟業主可以隨時遠端遙控。 走進全台任何一家美衣潔的自助洗衣店,就像 進入數位化的無人商店般,所有洗烘衣機,全 都與資訊系統連結,成為一套物聯網系統。 消費者把衣服放進洗衣機後,可以透過一台多 功能事務機,選擇三種支付方式:會員儲值、 掃碼支付,及包括LINE Pay、Apple Pay等14 種支付平台的多元支付;也可以透過這台事務 機,直接選擇洗衣程序並啟動洗衣流程。 我喜歡文字在排列時的整齊劃一, 也喜歡讓它成為躍動的情緒。
saving for breakfast
食べた プラム にあった アイスボックス そしてどれ あなたはおそらく 保存 朝食に 私を許して 美味しかったです とても甘い とても寒い
My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends— It gives a lovely light!
the plums that were in
the icebox and which you were probably 二度と私の側を離れることはありませんね?
Il paraît qu’elles se « parlent ».
Il y a l’art et la manière, mais la climatisation est fournie.
On ne pénètre pas sous la canopée comme dans un Costco.
C’est Éric, notre docteur des arbres, qui m’a fait remarquer leur présence.
Il a aussi trouvé des chanterelles, pas très loin. Le lichen accroché aux rochers est un croisement d’algues et de champignons ; on pourrait presque en manger si Ricardo s’y intéressait. Quant aux mousses, les Autochtones s’en servaient traditionnellement comme absorbant dans les culottes des bébés.
I have eaten
Leave Alone
Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold.
The figs of lust bloom on you, I will pluck them.
Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression.
Late adolescence and early adulthood are peak years for the onset of bipolar disorder. The condition is characterized by intermittent episodes of mania and/ or depression, with an absence of symptoms in between. During these episodes, people with bipolar disorder exhibit disruptions in normal mood, psychomotor activity. constant fidgeting during mania or slowed movements during depression—circadian rhythm and cognition.
Mania can present with varying levels of mood disturbance, ranging from euphoria, which is associated with "classic mania", to dysphoria and irritability.
Bipolar disorder
The biological mechanisms responsible for switching from a manic or hypomanic episode to a depressive episode, or vice versa, remain poorly understood.
episode, or vice versa, remain poorly understood.
Bipolar disorder
from a manic or hypomanic episode to a depressive
The biological mechanisms responsible for switching
Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression.
Late adolescence and early adulthood are peak years for the onset of bipolar disorder. The condition is characterized by intermittent episodes of mania and/or depression, with an absence of symptoms in between.
During these episodes, people with bipolar disorder exhibit disruptions in normal mood, psychomotor activity. constant fidgeting during mania or slowed movements during depression— circadian rhythm and cognition. Mania can present with varying levels of mood disturbance, ranging from euphoria, which is associated with "classic mania", to dysphoria and irritability. Psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations may occur in both manic and depressive episodes; their content and nature are consistent with the person's prevailing mood.
How many years has it been?
During that time, suffered every day of not being able to see my mother for the last time, and not being able to take care of my old father for the rest of my life. From a sister in the church, saw a photo of my father and looked at the scrawny old man. didn't recognize him for a while. He was the father who loved me the most.
My mother died, the three of us sisters are not with my father, and his health is not good. How should spend the rest of my life?
I, ask myself.
Happy Birthday
Thinking of this, couldn't eat or sleep. As long as closed my eyes, would think of my parents being by my side when was a child, and sometimes dreamed of my parents being tortured. When woke up, was in a cold sweat.
the "Mockingjay"—a symbol of the rebellion—as part of a "hearts and minds" strategy.
District 13 in the rebellion, which caused Snow to bomb District 12 in retaliation. Coin asks her to become
rebel leader.
Katniss is told that her arrow destroying the forcefield led to riots in over half the districts, joining
the rebellion.
Katniss is reunited with her mother and sister Prim and is introduced to President Alma Coin, the
Finnick Odair are taken to District 13, a below-ground district isolated from Panem that has been spearheading
After being rescued from the destroyed arena in the 75th Hunger Games, tributes Katniss Everdeen, Beetee, and
At present, my father is still closely monitored by the CCP. want to contact him through the church, but it is difficult. don't know the current situation of my old father, whether he is safe or not.
the church.
and live peacefully in
day that he can survive
I can only hope every
The beautiful angel endows tranquility with a pair of gentle hands, just like the cool breeze in spring, sliding slowly without a trace, but it can gently tug at the heartstring deep in people's hearts, playing A crisp and pleasant tune. But when did she come? Here, why do you have to leave in hurry?
Legend has it that shaking hands with tranquility and dating with tranquility are all in the embrace of nature. Maybe we walk through high-rise buildings made of reinforced concrete during the day, and the oasis is just an island in the vast gray.
Jump! like a withered rose.
We can't quietly stop to savor this life, this fate, nor can we sit quietly and dig into our deepest inner world. But in the foggy mountain city on a rainy night, we can sit by the window and listen to the sound of the light rain falling, and the sky in our eyes is pulled down by a hazy rain curtain. The ripples in my heart are rippling and let go, a pot of tea is faint, and a handful of rain is clear.
54 |大小對比|
Katniss e uc ant y agrees afte seeing Peeta being man pu a ed on state elevision toquelltherebellion.
and is introduced to President Alma Coin, the rebel leader. Katniss is told that her arrow destroying the forcefield led to riots in over half the districts, joining District 13 in the
which caused Snow to bomb District 12
Coin asks her to become the
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Gucci is about to get the Hollywood treatment. Ridley Scott, of Blade Runner and Thelma & Louise fame, has made juicy movie, out later this month, about the Italian family’s murderous history starring Lady Gaga. “It was name that sounded so sweet, so seductive; synonymous with worth,” she purrs in the trailer. Of course, Gucci’s name has long been linked with Hollywood, and its connection with the movies was everywhere you looked at Alessandro Michele’s fab spring 2022 show tonight. There, in the front row, was Gwyneth Paltrow, wearing an updated version of the Tom Ford-designed red velvet Gucci tux she sported circa 1996. And there, on the runway, were dozen celebrity “friends Gucci,” including Macaulay Culkin, Miranda July, Jodie Turner-Smith, and Jared Leto, who has his own starring role Scott’s film. The backdrop was the iconic Chinese Theater and Hollywood Boulevard itself—“that temple of the gods,” Michele called Michele credits his mother, movie buff and an assistant in production company, with encouraging his love of old Hollywood. But equally this collection was about contemporary Los Angeles, place the designer first visited the age of 27 and that he has much affection for. “LA not fashion city, but it’s so fashionable,” he said backstage before the show. “Sometimes they are not appropriate, but in being not appropriate they are so precise. Maybe belongs my way looking at fashion—it’s personal.” When was finally time return to in-person shows after two seasons of the virtual experiences that lockdowns required, Los Angeles seemed the obvious choice. Seven years into his Gucci tenure, he’s presented in New York, Paris, Rome, and most often Milan, but Michele’s collections have never made more sense than this one did tonight on Hollywood Boulevard, with its neon lights and Walk of Stars. At the post-show press conference, Michele said he originally wanted to be costume designer. He spent part the day today the freshly opened Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, where he admired bow-covered Shirley Temple dress, among other pieces. On the topic of special occasion dresses, it’s fair to say he raised the bar for himself this season. With their cinematic sweep, his gowns don’t make it to museum, we’ll surely be seeing them soon on an awards show red carpet. With his hungry eye, he’s absorbed all manner Hollywood tropes, and mixed in with the screen sirens were would-be stars fresh off the bus in calico dresses, with dreams as big as their 10-gallon cowboy hats. “My Hollywood in the streets,” he said, and the sartorial-sporty mix of wide-lapeled jackets worn with brightly colored knit leggings and running sneakers did look lifted from real life, combining postpandemic polish with the famous California ease. As for the sex-toy jewelry, and the erotic undercurrent of skintight latex and see-through lace, Michele reminded the press conference crowd that Gucci isn’t “monarchy of bourgeois” like many of its heritage brand peers, but has its roots in the “jet-set, artists, and cinema.” Gaga got right. Very seductive. Gucci presents its Spring-Summer 2022 collection Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Mum worked in the film industry as an assistant in a production company. remember all the stories she told me, and the details, and the sparkles, about that dream factory. Wake up early in the morning with a birthday notification reminder from your phone. Staring at the screen, time suddenly freezes in blurry vision. Outside the window in the light rain, across the road on the other side of the river bank, traffic flow with small lights has begun to emerge. Before seven o'clock, the daily routines in life are starting one by one with the rhythm of the city. How many years has it been? I, ask myself. Then, decided to open the private message field. With unprecedented discretion, typed "birth", "day", "happy" and "happy" one word at a time, and sent it to friends who were far away.
After being rescued from the destroyed arena in the 75th Hunger Games, tributes Katniss Everdeen, Beetee, and Finnick Odair are taken to District 13, a below-ground district isolated from Panem that has been spearheading the rebellion. Katniss is reunited with her mother and sister Prim
in retaliation.
"Mockingjay"—a symbol of the rebellion—as part of a "hearts and minds" strategy.
Whenthedooroftheheartis opened,itisdifficulttocloseit quickly
"But after our performance, he was so moved he came and hugged us," she recalls.
Religious divides
"We had some financial difficulties but we were reallyhappy,"Mansiya-now27anddoingaPhDin DanceBharatanatyam-saysaboutherchildhood. entered their lives after their mother saw a colourfulperformanceonTVandbecame"fascinatedbythe costumes".
workingBackedbyherhusbandVPAlavikutty,whowasthen inSaudiArabia,AminaferriedMansiyaand theyhereldersisterRubiyatodanceclassesandensured practisedeveryday.
Their life was divided between school, dance and religiousstudies-AminawasadevoutMuslim.Mr wasAlavikutty,whomovedbacktoKeralawhenMansiya young,wasn'tveryreligiousbuthadnoproblems with his wife or children's faith.
was"It hectic, webut were toused the Iroutine. liked Mansiyait," says.
Malappuram,ItwasanunusualchoiceforaMuslimgirlfrom adistrictinthesouthernstate determined.SoofKerala.ButMansiya'smother,Amina,was hertwodaughterslearntnotjust suchBharatanatyam,butalsootherclassicaldances asKathakaliandMohiniyattam. communityItwasn'teasy-conservativeMuslimsfromthe saidthegirlsshouldn'tlearn"Hinduheadlines.dances".Thefamily'spersistenceoftenmade anTheincidenthasbecomeyetanotherfaultlinein increasinglypolarisedcountry. ButanunfazedMansiyawroteinherpost: discrimination."Ihavereachedhereaftersufferingfarworse Thisisnothingtome."
is"We'vefocusedoncaringforherwhilethebestmedicalcare supportgiventohermumandbrotherandjusttryingtogetthat fortheyoung15-year-old,"saidSuptNelson. time"Howshemaintainedhercomposureduringsuchaterrible isnothingshortofheroic,"hesaid. her"Itwasheartbreakingtoknowasshewasleavingthebush Authoritiesworldhadliterallychangedwithinthescopeofanhour." hadtowaituntilTuesdaytorecoverthebodies terrain.ofthemanandboy,describingitas"extremelydangerous"
WentworthThefamilyhadsetoutforahikeatpopulartrekkingspot Falls,some60miles(96km)fromSydney,on "UnfortunatelyMondaymorning.Theaccidenthappenedatabout13:40. there'sbeenalandslipwhilethey'vebeen frombushwalking.It'squiteatragicscene,"saidSuptJohnNelson NewSouthWalesPolice. intubatedThewomanandteenageboyneededtobesedatedand beforebeingwinchedtosafetyandflownto Thehospital,paramedicssaid.Theyhavebothundergonesurgery. "extremelyteenagegirlwasalsotakentohospitalandwas distressed",accordingtoauthorities.
Two members of a British family have died and two others are critically injured after a landslide while they were hiking on holiday in Australia.
Here’s the Lady. Where’s the Gaga?
Here’s the Lady. Where’s the Gaga?
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known professionally as Lady Gaga, is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She is known for her image reinventions and musical versatility.
Gaga began performing as a teenager, singing at open mic nights, and acting in school plays. She studied at Collaborative Arts Project 21, through New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, before dropping out to pursue a career in music. After Def Jam Recordings canceled her contract, she worked as a songwriter for Sony/ATV Music Publishing, where she signed a joint deal with Interscope Records and Akon's label, KonLive Distribution, in 2007. Gaga rose to prominence the following year with her debut studio
On “Chromatica,” Lady Gaga strives to bring introspection to the dance-pop that made her a star. But hallmarks like her audaciousness and sense of adventure are in shorter supply.
album, The Fame, and its chart-topping singles "Just Dance" and "Poker Face".
The album was later reissued to include the EP The Fame Monster (2009), which yielded the successful singles "Bad Romance", "Telephone", and "Alejandro".
Gaga's five succeeding studio albums all debuted atop the US Billboard 200.
Her second full-length album, Born This Way (2011), explored electronic rock and techno-pop and sold more than one million copies in its first week. The title track became the fastest-selling song on the iTunes Store, with over one million downloads in less than a week. Following her EDM-influenced third album, Artpop (2013), and its lead single "Applause", Gaga released the jazz album Cheek to Cheek (2014) with Tony Bennett, and the soft rock album Joanne (2016). She also ventured into acting, playing leading roles in the miniseries American Horror Story: Hotel
(2015–2016), for which she received a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, and the critically acclaimed musical drama film A Star Is Born (2018). Her contributions to the latter's soundtrack, which spawned the chart-topping single "Shallow", made her the first woman to win an Academy, BAFTA, Golden Globe, and Grammy Award in one year.
Gaga returned to her dance-pop roots with her sixth studio album, Chromatica (2020), which yielded the number-one single "Rain on Me". She followed this with her second collaborative album with Bennett, Love for Sale, and a starring role in the biographical crime film House of Gucci, both in 2021.
"She was wonderful," Gaga gushed. remember said her, 'Okay, now, everything that you care about while you sing, want you forget and just sing. And the way, while you're doing that, going dance front you,' 'Oh my God. Oh my God, can't, can't. don't know. Oh she started do things with her voice that different. was the two artists going, see you Humans do this. We create things that make us feel comfortable. We put them around. do the time. We things make ourselves feel safe. And always challenge artists when work with them. 'Make unsafe, make super fucking unsafe and then do again.' And was just awesome
"And eventually she called me shit," Gaga continued. "She was, 'You're hiding.' And was, am hiding. I'm totally hiding.' And then this friendship blossomed and this song 'Rain Me,' the lyrics that wrote right here in this studio, 'I'd rather dry, but least I'm alive. Rain me.' This about analog tears being the rain. And you know what also metaphor the amount drinking that was doing numb myself. rather dry. rather not be drinking, but haven't died yet. I'm still alive. Rain me. Okay, I'm going keep on drinking. This song has many Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande released their big duet tonight midnight. "Rain Me." empowering pop song about persevering through hardship, healing, and finding beauty in the pain, heartbreak, and life.
You're giving me million reasons to let you go. You're giving me million reasons to quit the show. You're givin' me million reasons. Give me a million reasons. Givin' me a million reasons.
About million reasons. had a highway, would run for the hills. you could find a dry way, I'd forever be still. But you're giving me million reasons. Give me million reasons. Givin' me a million reasons. About million reasons.
bow down to pray. try to make the worst seem better. Lord, show me the way. To cut through all his worn out leather. I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away. But baby, just need one good one to stay.
bow down to pray. try to make the worst seem better. Lord, show me the way. To cut through all his worn out leather. I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away. But baby, just need one good one to stay. Baby I'm bleedin', bleedin'. Stay. Can't you give me what I'm needin', needin'. Every heartbreak makes hard to keep the faith. But baby, just need one good one. Good one, good one, good one, good one, good one.
in need of human connection," adding, "'Million Reasons' is about my ex, my father, and more."
you’re planning on watching JANET when premieres, here’s what you need to know.
On “Chromatica,” Lady Gaga strives to bring introspection to the dance-pop that made her star. But hallmarks like her audaciousness and sense of adventure are in shorter supply. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known professionally Lady Gaga, American singer, songwriter, and actress. She known her image reinventions and musical versatility. Gaga began performing teenager, New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, before dropping out to pursue career in music. After Def Jam Recordings canceled her contract, she worked songwriter for Sony/ATV Music Publishing, where she signed joint deal with Interscope Records and Akon's label, KonLive Distribution, 2007. Gaga rose prominence the following year with her debut studio album, The Fame, and chart-topping singles "Just Dance" and "Poker Face". The album was later reissued include Gaga's five succeeding studio albums debuted atop the US Billboard 200. Her second full-length album, Born This Way (2011), explored electronic rock and techno-pop and sold more than one million copies its first week. The title track became the fastest-selling song the iTunes Store, with over one million downloads less than week. Following her EDM-influenced third album, Artpop (2013), and lead single "Applause", Gaga released the jazz album Cheek to Cheek (2014) with Tony Bennett, and the soft rock album Joanne (2016). She also ventured into acting, playing leading roles the (2015–2016), which she received Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, and the critically acclaimed musical drama film Star Born (2018). Her to win an Academy, BAFTA, Golden Globe, and Grammy Award one year. Gaga returned her dance-pop roots with her sixth studio album, Chromatica (2020), which yielded the number-one single "Rain Me". She followed this with Bennett, Love for Sale, and starring role the biographical crime film House Gucci, both 2021. Lady Gaga was one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people of 2009. She the highest-ranked newcomer the 2010 Forbes Celebrity 100 list— coming No. 4—with earnings $62 million. Barbara Walters named her one last year’s “Ten Most Fascinating People.” Oprah Winfrey called her cultural and spiritual leader. Ever since Gaga’s first single, “Just Dance,” went No. 2008 (first Sweden, then Canada, then Australia, then the rest the world), she has been supporter of and hero the gay community— an audience always appreciative outrage, flamboyance, and fashion-obsessed stars. But comparisons made to other female pop stars are simply beside the point. Gaga has much better voice than Madonna, and she’s got those serious Rachmaninoff and Beethoven piano chops. Unlike anyone else who ever sang while sitting piano— from Carole King Tori Amos— Gaga has pianos that are actually part her attire; when she performed the Museum Contemporary Art L.A., her piano was designed Damien Hirst. Unlike Cher, Whitney, or Britney, Gaga writes all her own catchy, catchy, can’t-getthem-out-of-your-head songs. She swears that she doesn’t lip-synch in someone who kicked those dopey, Bush-era pop stars off center stage? prayed that God would teach me something, that he would instill me creativity and strangeness that all of those people that loved and respected Lady Gaga’s most recent album Joanne one her most personal yet, perhaps most evidenced by the country-tinged earlier this fall. On Wednesday, she premiered the “Million Reasons” video, which picks right where “Perfect Illusion” left begins with Gaga the desert, taking deep breaths and looking though she can’t totally remember how she got there. Her friends arrive and get her up and moving again she can get ready show, but she breaks down again her sister. Her now-common pink Joanne hat makes appearance too, scenes where she strums her guitar matching pink pantsuit. Say what you will about the hat, but this video makes very compelling case the monochromatic look. Recovering from heartbreak the desert, not so much. Artist: Lady Gaga Released: 2009 Lady Gaga Here's The Real Meaning Behind Lady Gaga's Grammy-Nominated Song, "Million Reasons" Lady Gaga's "Million Reasons" for Best Pop Solo Performance the Grammys this year and Joanne up for Best Pop Album, it's shaping up big night for Gaga. "Million Reasons" was one of the first singles drop brokenhearted Gaga going through the motions after breakup, who "Million Reasons" about? It's widely rumored about Gaga's ex-fiancé, actor Taylor Kinney. Kinney and Gaga got engaged Valentine's Day 2015, but the engagement was over by July 2016. that time, Gaga and Kinney had been together five years and seemed like end game. fair, think that Taylor’s pretty f*king cool that over the years, no our relationship, and he’s super supportive of me expressing myself artistically. SiriusXM, Gaga flat-out said "Million Reasons" about ex, while the majority Joanne about healing the wounds her family following the death her aunt, Joanne, back when her father was just teenager. Gaga said the interview, "I'm need human connection," adding, "'Million Reasons' about my ex, my father, and more." You're giving me million reasons let you go. You're giving me million reasons quit the show. You're givin' reasons. Givin' me million reasons. About million reasons. had highway, would run for the hills. you could find dry way, I'd forever be still. But you're giving me million reasons. Give me million reasons. Givin' me million reasons. About million reasons. bow down pray. try make the worst seem better. Lord, show me the way. To cut through worn the way. cut through his worn out leather. I've got hundred million reasons walk away. But baby, just need one good one stay. Baby I'm bleedin', bleedin'. Stay. Can't you give me what needin', needin'. Every heartbreak makes hard keep the faith. But baby, just need one good one. Good one, good one, good one, good one, good one. when premieres, here’s what you need
Artists: Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga Featured artist: Ariana Grande Album: Chromatica
Lady Gaga's 'Rain On Me' Lyrics Are About Surviving Heartbreak "And eventually she called me on my shit," Gaga continued. "She was, 'You're hiding.' And was, am hiding. totally hiding.' And then this friendship blossomed and this song 'Rain On Me,' the lyrics that wrote right here this studio, 'I'd rather be dry, but least I'm alive. Rain on me.' This about an analog tears being the rain. And you know what it's also metaphor for, the amount drinking that was doing numb myself. rather dry. I'd rather not be drinking, but haven't died yet. still alive. Rain on me. Okay, I'm going keep on drinking. This song has many layers." "911" song American singer Lady Gaga (2020). appears the album's eighth track, preceded by string arrangement titled "Chromatica II". was written by Gaga along with Justin Tranter, BloodPop, and Madeon, with the latter two also producing along with Benjamin Rice. Eurodisco, synth-pop, and electropop song with influences from funk and techno. Lyrically, talks about mental health and the antipsychotic medication Gaga takes. "911" was serviced to French and Italian contemporary hit radio the third single the album on September and 25, 2020, respectively. the best from the album, praising both production and songwriting. The "seamless" transition between "Chromatica and "911" was also highlighted and was turned into several memes upon the album's release. Tarsem Singh and features surreal dreamscape and twist ending. was largely inspired Armenian film director Sergei Parajanov's 1969 Soviet art film The Color Pomegranates. Gaga performed "911" the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards as part medley. The song received remix versions December 2020, while new version by Charli XCX and A.G. Cook appeared Gaga's remix album, Dawn Chromatica (2021). Lady Gaga dropped the waiting for. The music video for “911” has landed. Since the release Gaga’s sixth studio album “Chromatica,” conjunction with the seamless transition from the instrumental interlude that precedes “Chromatica Gaga revealed that the album’s third single about her use the antipsychotic drug olanzapine, which helps her combat self-destructive behaviors. The short film, set to both “Chromatica II” and “911,” reflects not only her need for medication but also the importance receiving support from others. Laden with surreal imagery and heavily influenced by Armenian filmmaker Sergei Parajanov’s “The Colour of Pomegranates,” the video begins with Gaga standing the midst of Spanish mission an uncanny depiction life jerks around her. man smashes head into pillow on the ground, woman cradles mummy, and two figures woman white gown and miter and scantily clad man black follow her throughout the film, keeping her grounded Artist: Lady Gaga Album: Chromatica Pop
Ariana Grande And
Artist: Lady Gaga Album: Joanne Released: 2016 Here's The Real Meaning Behind Lady Gaga's Grammy-Nominated Song, "Million Reasons" Lady Gaga's "Million Reasons" is up for Best Pop Solo Performance at the Grammys this year and Joanne is up for Best Pop Album, so it's shaping up to be big night for Gaga. "Million Reasons" was one of the first singles to drop from Joanne and was an instant hit. The "Million Reasons" music video shows brokenhearted Gaga going through the motions after breakup, but who is "Million Reasons" about? It's widely rumored to be about Gaga's ex-fiancé, actor Taylor Kinney. Kinney and Gaga got engaged on Valentine's Day 2015, but the engagement was over by July 2016. By that time, Gaga and Kinney had been together for five years and seemed like end game. To be fair, think that Taylor’s pretty f*king cool that over the years, no matter what creative transformation that I’ve gone through, he’s always been very supportive of that and loving. There’s lot on this record [Joanne] inspired by our relationship, and he’s super supportive of me expressing myself artistically. In an interview with Howard Stern on SiriusXM, Gaga flat-out said "Million Reasons" is about an ex, while the majority of Joanne is about healing the wounds in her family following the death of her aunt, Joanne, back when her father was just teenager. Gaga said in the interview, "I'm
|連續編排作品| 主題: Lady Gaga
Maximilian Missoni
give young designers platform show their work, but also to get input from professionals the field order improve their skills. we see somebody who really with our team and who has our sense aesthetics, are willing go further and discuss internships jobs. also creates forum discussion about design the intersection of technology and design of the future. Since this an annual event, will grow put into your calendar because you're excited see what the designers are coming with next year and course also have fun.” The Polestar Design Contest has now been closed submissions, and shortlisted designs have been notified prepare for the next phase. Read more about here.
True change always seems like an insurmountable obstacle. But if it’s needed, we have to find a way. Like bringing the car industry into a climate-neutral future, for example. Because as the saying goes: it always seems impossible until it’s done.
But Polestar was not built by those who stood by. We were built by those who challenged conventions, dedicated to making the impossible possible. And this conviction will also help us realise Polestar 0 project, our goal to create the first truly climate-neutral car by 2030, as announced earlier this year.
Truly climate-neutral means that we will not rely on offsetting, but reduce emissions throughout the supply chain and production, and by doing so, change the way that cars are made.
Reaching full climate neutrality throughout the value chain, however, is an unprecedented challenge for such a complex product as a car. An internal task force is up and running under engineer and automotive veteran Hans Pehrson’s leadership, placing it right at the heart of our R&D effort.
The project has been split into three stages, leading up to our 2030 target. The first phase, in which preparations are well underway, involves launching an open call for research and collaboration. This global call will not only address suppliers, but entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, universities, researchers, authorities, and consumers at large.
In addition, the task force is also focusing on establishing collaborations to jointly find all sources, down to the smallest component, of CO2e in the entire supply chain. Every step, from material extraction (or recycled source) to vehicle handover, needs to be evaluated based on whether solutions are readily available, or if further research is needed.
“Climate action is a matter of collaboration,” Hans Pehrson opines. “Achieving climate-neutral modern products is an absolute must for our future. Cars are complex, they consist
of tens of thousands of components and rely on intricate layers of suppliers and sub manufacturers. Making the car climate-neutral is therefore not only an extremely important challenge but an extremely difficult one. Understanding and accepting the challenge is the first step, getting all the way will require that we collaborate in ways that have never been done before. This is not a solo mission.”
The call for research is to be followed by advanced engineering and product development.
Polestar 0 project is the biggest challenge we could set for ourselves. And it will become even harder as we get closer to zero. But rather than fixating on the obstacles, the industry should look at the risk of not having harder goals and recall that it always seems impossible until it's done. Let’s not waste another minute.
This is a positive too. Inspiration striking at any time means that it can also come from any number of unlikely sources.
Sometimes, what served as inspiration isn’t evident in the final product. That doesn’t make it any less important, however. It kickstarted the process, after all.
The project has been split into three stages, leading to our underway, involves launching open call research and collaboration. This global call will only address suppliers, but entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, universities, researchers, authorities, and consumers large. addition, the task force also focusing on establishing collaborations jointly find sources, down the smallest component, CO2e the entire supply chain. Every step, from material extraction (or recycled source) vehicle handover,
Three Heads Are Better Than One.
complex product as car. An internal task force up and running under engineer and automotive veteran Hans Pehrson’s leadership, placing right the heart our R&D effort.
non-essential, leaving pure, yet iconic aesthetic. Great design the result daring experiment, innovate and challenge traditional concepts. Take the Precept as an example, the design bold enough catch people’s attention, yet realistic enough to keep them inspired. the dream not realistic enough it’ll remain the stage being designer’s vision, concept. And as we know, Precept not just concept. commitment of where we want go as brand.
5 Describe your design style and its main characteristics. am always looking to create character in design. Beauty the entry ticket and leads an impulse to engage, character the key to long term relationship. 6
What was the biggest challenge with this project? We understood, that new player the automotive world we cannot quote the traditional paradigms and symbols to quickly be recognised as premium brand. We have use the power we have as designers create desire for the right materials, using the right processes to contribute to positive change. Turning rough natural fibres and recycled bottles into true luxury product was the biggest challenge.
What are your top three favorite things about our industry?
The emotional connection people have with our product. The impact our products have people’s lives and the responsibility that comes with The incredible potential
Position principal designer
out create excellence design and part that also discovering excellent designers, which these competitions
less is morePolestar Maximilian Missoni on his life as Head of Design at Polestar This weekend Polestar, the electric performance car brand from Sweden, opens its first three Polestar Spaces the Netherlands. In these retail environments in Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Leidschendam, the Dutch public can meet Polestar for the first time. The fourth Space will open later this year near Amsterdam. Polestar moving forward towards more sustainable future and believes electric vehicles are crucial step on this journey. These ‘physical’ Spaces are designed match the minimalist ways; through interactive displays with touchscreens with Varjo virtual reality that matches the resolution the human eye. For questions they can always contact Polestar Specialists that, interestingly, do not work commission basis. The Polestar which will debut the Netherlands this weekend, fully electric performance fastback. also the first car the world with integrated Android infotainment system, which means access Google services such Google Maps and voice recognition. As Polestar working out recycled and vegan materials. Being Head of Design progressive super design brand we are extremely curious: What does day in the life Maximilian Missoni look like? It’s probably more down earth than you’d imagine. We work many future car models simultaneously and volume can be very tedious times. spend probably two thirds my days dark rooms with size projections virtual reality rigs where we assess proposals and designs, implementing improvements. also spend time intense discussions with engineering about how get the desired results. The remaining third would split into team development, management meetings and strategic tasks. feels like there never enough time just roam and find inspiration.
do you keep inspired when handling The biggest task when setting the design language for new brand team distill philosophy and values into three dimensional objects and ultimately products that people want live with. see as my main task identify great ideas that emerge within the design team and develop them into stage where we can present them and convince the rest the management team support this vision. have handpicked guys and girls my team and have done because believe their individual talent and unique styles. So, they are actually the ones who often inspire me. Coming future probably my biggest privilege. top that immerse myself whenever can into contemporary art and design. And keep learning lately everything about electric propulsion and the challenges and opportunities sustainability or even circularity our next frontier. What's your home like? Do you practice what you preach? try surround myself with furniture design classics and ethos the most besides the cars own brands which drive my boat, designed by Swedish boat designer and friend mine, who studied with back the days. Its clever, Scandinavian, minimalistic solutions make me happy time and time again. Maximilian Missoni the Head of Design Polestar. Maximilian Missoni studied Vehicle Design at the Royal College London then started his career the Volkswagen Group. 2018 became Head Design Polestar. Please give us brief bio yourself and your design background. What made you become/why did you choose become designer/artist? Designing has been big part my life already from early age. teenager with boats, but soon cars captured my imagination. Tell more about your business/ company, job profile, and what you do. brand unlike any other. We innovate drive progress and create better future design and move away from traditional For me, accelerating industry’s transformation more sustainable future priority, and believe that you have from the inside out. That’s one the most exciting aspects me joining Polestar. new brand, Polestar offers great opportunity to break new ground, not only design also the materials used and production possibilities. The biggest task when setting the design language for new brand team to distil philosophy and values into three dimensional objects and ultimately products that people want you, what makes “good” design? most interesting. Stripping away the non-essential, leaving pure, yet iconic aesthetic. Great design the result of daring experiment, innovate Take the Precept example, the design bold enough to catch people’s attention, yet realistic enough keep them inspired. the dream stage of being designer’s vision, concept. And know, Precept not just concept. It’s commitment where we want go brand. main characteristics. design. Beauty the entry ticket and leads an impulse engage, character the key long term relationship. Congratulations! As the winner the 2021 MUSE Design Awards, what does mean you and your company and design-led brand, winning MUSE Design Awards means wanted consciously question the conventions within the automotive industry, using avant-garde design highlight possibilities for redefining sustainable premium. Can you explain bit about the winning work you entered into the 2021 MUSE Design Awards, and why you chose enter this project? We entered into MUSE Design Awards Polestar, we know that electric vehicles offer route climateneutrality but being electric isn’t enough. With Precept we’ve gone further than sustainable and innovative materials don’t have come the expense design or quality. The vehicles’ design futuristic yet realistic, representing why we chose enter with Polestar Precept was show the world that possible redefine premium with sustainability top mind. We believe starts the drawing board, meaning we must experiment and innovate every step, focusing designing away waste and finding innovative and recycled What was the biggest challenge with this project? We understood, that new player the automotive world we cannot quote the traditional paradigms and symbols the power we have as designers create desire right materials, using the right processes contribute positive change. Turning rough natural fibres and recycled bottles into true luxury product was the biggest challenge. The impact our products have people’s lives and the responsibility that comes with The incredible potential we have positively affect the issues we face with climate and resources taking the right steps within this huge industry. Where do you see the evolution design industry going over the next 5-10 years? Design increasingly recognised key creating fully circular products. Only product redefined fulfil the right prerequisites from conception we can ensure circularity. This will redefine the role design within product people. has become our most important tasks use this ability responsibly. What your key success? Any parting words wisdom? Car design and will always be very competitive field compared other areas within car industry. design, we encourage healthy competition because we need push each other to get the best results. But that also means that important learn how deal with defeat. With losing project or competition. never easy, but when you overcome and you are able turn the occasional defeat into motivation, you're going succeed.
Maximilian Missoni the head of design for Polestar Precept. Throughout the years, he has been delving in design within the automobile industry.
Missoni was interested design from an early age, not least since comes from family architects and grew up surrounded by design. the very beginning, was particularly interested boat and yacht design, however, after learning about the Italian car design company Pininfarina and their work, his interest shifted to cars. From that day on, he When comes to building career car design, Missoni sees an exciting future ahead: electrification, we're going for high degree autonomous driving, and we're really focusing sustainability which monumental task. Not since the invention the motor car has the industry been exciting as right now.” Creating career in car design not easy though, and Missoni talks about the importance knowing how to face the challenges: “Car design and will always be very competitive field compared other areas within car industry. design, we encourage healthy competition because we need push project competition. It's never easy, but when you overcome and you turn into something that motivates you, you're going succeed.” Polestar guiding star and through the Polestar Design Contest, we can engage with designers from around the world and help guide them creating the future car design. Missoni talks about what this means for Polestar: “At Polestar, we are
do. We want to
joined 2018 from Volvo Cars over years. Maximilian has 20 years of experience within the automotive industry.
change always seems like an insurmountable obstacle. But it’s needed,
we have find way. Like bringing the car industry into climate-neutral future, for example. Because the saying goes: always seems impossible until done. But Polestar was not built those who stood We were built by those who challenged conventions, dedicated making the impossible possible. And this conviction will also help realise Polestar project, our goal create the first Truly climate-neutral means that we will not rely on offsetting, but reduce emissions throughout the supply chain and production, and by doing so, change the way that cars are made. Reaching full climate neutrality throughout the value chain, however, an unprecedented challenge for such
needs evaluated based
solutions are readily available, or further research needed. tens thousands components and rely intricate layers suppliers and sub manufacturers. Making the car climate-neutral therefore not only an extremely important challenge but extremely difficult one. Understanding and accepting the challenge the first step, getting the way will require that we collaborate ways that have never been The call for research be followed advanced engineering and product development. Polestar project the biggest challenge could set for zero. But rather than fixating on the obstacles, the industry should look at the risk not having harder goals and recall that always seems impossible until it's done. Let’s not waste another minute. This positive too. Inspiration striking any time means that can also come from any number unlikely sources. Sometimes, what served inspiration isn’t evident the final product. That doesn’t make any less important, however. kickstarted the process, after Exterior Designer Nahum Escobedo explains the exterior design Polestar Precept, including some unorthodox
on whether
They jointly established Volvo Cars as one of the world's leading premium car brands. Thomas Ingenlath, Robin Page and Maximilian Missoni worked closely together developing proud and confident Scandinavian design language through their differentiating, collaborative approach. Last week, Volvo Cars the first time range new cars they designed special event Stockholm. The new range exemplifies transformation sales records since 2014 and strong three SUVs the range won prestigious Volvo's new design language. "We have seen massive change during the past five years, from where Volvo was where we are now," Robin Page said. "A lot that about the design the cars and the fact they represent Volvo and Scandinavia so well. Looking the next generation cars, will interesting see how we embrace new technologies and create the essence "Working with Max and Robin very pleasant. We feel comfortable around each other and inspiring working together," said Thomas Ingenlath, chief design officer. "What am most proud taking this incredible brand and putting into the right frame premium Scandinavian brand, with design that makes attractive and desirable product." "We have really good friendship and good way working together as colleagues," said Robin Page, head of Volvo design. "Before Max and arrived Volvo, Thomas created the strategy and then we built the team
Maximilian joined in 2018 from Volvo Cars where he was Vice President Exterior Design and Chief Designer Exterior for over 8 years. Maximilian has 20 years of experience within the automotive industry.
Please give us brief bio yourself and your design background. What made you become/why did you choose become designer/artist? Designing has been big part of my life already from an early age. As teenager spent lot of my time drawing, started with boats, but soon cars captured my imagination. Tell more about your business/ company, job profile, and what you do. Polestar an electric performance car brand unlike any other. We innovate to drive progress and create better future design and move away from traditional conventions. For me, accelerating the industry’s transformation more sustainable future priority, and believe that you one the most exciting aspects me joining Polestar. As new brand, Polestar offers great opportunity break new ground, not only design but also the materials used and the production possibilities. The biggest task when setting up the design language for new brand team distil philosophy and values into three dimensional objects and ultimately products that people want to live with. 4 To you, what makes “good” design? For me, minimalistic designs are the most interesting. Stripping away the
Exterior Designer Nahum Escobedo explains the exterior design of Polestar Precept, including some unorthodox sources of inspiration, in “From Concept to Car, Episode 3: Exterior Design”.
distinction? As design-led
MUSE Design Awards means lot
us. With
Precept, we wanted consciously question the conventions within the automotive industry, using an avant-garde design highlight possibilities redefining sustainable premium. Can you explain bit about the winning work you entered into the 2021 MUSE Design Awards, and why you chose to enter this project? We entered into MUSE Design Awards with our commitment car Polestar Precept. Polestar, we know that electric neutrality but being electric isn’t enough. With Precept we’ve gone further than we’ve done before, showing that sustainable and innovative materials don’t have to come at the expense design quality. The vehicles’ design futuristic yet realistic, representing the next logical step Polestar. The reason why we chose enter with Polestar Precept was show the world that possible redefine premium with sustainability top mind. We believe that the journey towards zero already starts at the drawing board, meaning we must experiment and innovate at every step, focusing on
Congratulations! As the winner of the
MUSE Design Awards, what does mean you and your company and team to receive this award
brand, winning the
designing away waste and finding innovative and recycled
we have to positively affect the issues we face with climate and resources by taking the right steps within this huge industry. Where do you see the evolution design industry going over the next 5-10 years? Design increasingly recognised as the key to creating fully circular products. Only the product redefined fulfil the right prerequisites from conception we can ensure circularity. This will redefine the role of design within product development. As designers, we are able to evoke desire people. has become our most important tasks use this ability responsibly. What your key success? Any parting words of wisdom? Car design is and will always be very competitive field compared other areas within the car industry. design, we encourage healthy competition because we need push each other to get the best results. But that also means that important learn how deal with defeat. With losing project competition. It's never easy, but when you overcome and you are able turn the occasional defeat into motivation, you're going to succeed. |連續編排作品| 主題: Maximilian Missoni
24 th Internation Bicycle Design Competition Silver Award
Taiwan International Student Design Competition Shortliste
By 2020, the hearing impaired population in Taiwan will account for 29% of all people with physical and mental disabilities, making it by far the most numerous impairment category.
People with hearing loss are often limited in transportation because driving requires the senses to pay attention to what is going on around them, and people with hearing loss
often do not notice or even hear the warning horn or other people's shouting, causing great danger in traffic.
PEGASUS is an urban road vehicle that allows people with hearing loss to commute to and from work in traffic with greater safety and security, as well as a safe means of transportation during leisure time.
Hwyl Product photography
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