Gran cestors neopagan progentors

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Gran-cestors: Neopagan Progenitors

The Elders

H. Salyx Nuit 3° Teaching Session for Werfriends

What can we really know about them—the old ones, of song and story? What our heart knows, what our head knows, what the delvings of modern-day scientific historians (bows to Dr. Beagle) show us: these may be all the same, or not the same. Do you know the dream? Have you had it yourself? Sun falling on old stonework—a cottage, and you know it is yours, at the edge of a sleepy village in Old England, circa perhaps 1520…you are sitting on the rim of the well in your herb garden, watching those peculiar new additions, the “love apples”, grow ripe in the sun. You know that they are good herbs because they have yellow flowers. But you are a little leery of the magical powers of these recent imports from the sunny land of Italia, for they are said to inflame passions! The scent of rosemary, sage, roses, mingles in a heady draught with the smell of the turned earth and your vegetable patch, the “kitchen garden”. Your pet nuzzles at your hand for attention, enjoying the warmth of late summer. Lugnassadh is past, soon it will be time for the grape harvest, the autumnal equinox, and the sun will lose its full warmth and potency… All American witchcraft necessarily begins elsewhere, and it is no surprise that the most contributory “grand-cestors” to modern neopagans have been English. Even the first collector of the ways of Italian stregheria was Charles Leland, from good ol’ Mom. Raven Grimassi, a latter-day hereditary stregha, has enlarged and elaborated on the traditions of his native land. Legends History abounds with witch legends. Grandmother is going to tell some of the more fantastic ones tonight in the circle, but what you really need to read thoroughly and know is what follows: verifiable facts about the historical personages who shaped the neo-Pagan movement as you have encountered it, in the year 2001, in America. Some of them are every bit as colorful as the legends of characters in the distant past, too! Historical Characters There is no question that the following people existed. Whether they actually were and did what they claimed to be and do is a conclusion best left to each reader. However true their claims, they were undoubtedly contributors to the body of custom and practice we now have and, therefore, significant to us. We will begin with the “first known” in our day and time, “Old George” Pickingill. You will notice that in many of the stories you heard tonight from Grandmother, the men were called “cunning” and the women were called “dame”. Our terms for them today might be “sage and crone” or “wizard and witch”, respectively. One thing our religion is large on is the veneration of “spiritual ancestors”…because although our roots are lost in the misty vastness of ancient times, our current progenitors don’t go back very far! How much of what Gardner claimed is true? No one knows for sure; but what we do know is that Doreen Valiente, who became his high-priestess, was a remarkable witch with a deep understanding of how to pursue the Art Magical. We know that Alex Saunders, the “bad boy” of modern witchcraft revival, was trained by Gardner. We know that Gardner was seriously influenced not only by the natural “wort-cunning” or “wort-kenning” (plant-knowing) witches like Pickingill, but also by ceremonial magicians (ritualists who may have derived about half of their method from Masonic Lodge principles and half from ancient texts by mystics of the past, which are linked to the Judaic book of mysticism, the Quabbalah (also spelled Caballa and Kaballa, and pronounced KAH-bah-lah).


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