Week of July 19, 2023 FREE | VOL 54 | ISSUE 30 citizennewspapergroup.com www.facebook.com/durrell.garth.9 w advertising@citizennewspapergroup.com twitter.com/citizennewsnow WEEKEND C WEEKLY citizennewspapergroup.com P2 P9 P5 BUSINESS P4 Novae Becomes First Fintech Company to Offer Debt Help to Struggling Americans MYAVANA Presents “The Hair That Bonds Us” A Docuseries Vans Skateboarding and Beatrice Domond Debut the New Zahba Mid Beat the Streets Chicago is a wrestling program that also provides mentoring and tutoring to young people ages 5-23. PHOTO PROVIDED BY BEAT THE STREETS CHICAGO. WRESTLING PROGRAM EMPOWERS YOUNG PEOPLE Inside a facility with the words Grit, Integrity, Accountability and Gratitude written on the walls, children and young people ages 9 and older are going through wrestling drills. In another room, a smaller group of young people are grappling.
Cook County – The Cook County Assessor’s Office (CCAO) received a National Association of Counties Achievement Award for the creation of a tool called the Property Tax Simulator, also known as PTAXSIM. This is a software code package implemented in the coding language R and is designed to recalculate changes to Cook County property tax bills. It uses real assessment, exemption, TIF, and levy data to generate historic, line-by-line tax bills for properties in Cook County from tax years 2006 to 2020. Why is this important? Policy makers, researchers, and journalists can now create historical counterfactual scenarios to determine how policy changes could impact the property tax system.
“This award is a testament to our continued commitment to using modern tools to build transparency, trust, and educate stakeholders throughout the County,” said Assessor Fritz Kaegi. “Researchers and policymakers can use PTAXSIM to analyze the whole system of appeals, exemptions, and tax levies – an unprecedented resource for academics, journalists, and policymakers.”Since its publication, PTAXSIM has been featured in a recorded talk for civic tech enthusiasts, received public suggestions for added data, used to produce five counterfactual analyses, and is currently in use by external policy researchers. The public can watch PTAXSIM in action on our YouTube channel.PTAXSIM is an R package that can be downloaded here: www.cookcountyassessor.com/property-taxsimulator-tool. The CCAO Data Department welcomes questions at Assessor.Data@ cookcountyil.gov. For more information and to view the complete list of award winners, visit www.cookcountyil.gov/NACo.
Hosted by the Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce, the Beloved Annual Shopping Event of the Season will Return this July with Over 20 Participating Local Businesses, Offering Fun and Unbeatable Deals
CHICAGO – Ready, set, get to shopping!
As the Chicago Summer heats up, the Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce (LPCC) is thrilled to announce the return of the neighborhoodfavorite Armitage – Halsted Sidewalk Sale, inviting locals and visitors alike to enjoy specials and sales from 20 participating local businesses Saturday, July 29 and Sunday, July 30. From 11:00 am – 5:00 pm both days, the ArmitageHalsted retail district will be buzzing with excitement as visitors enjoy open-air shopping, one-of-a-kind merchandise, and amazing specials along Armitage from Racine to Halsted, and on Halsted from just South of Armitage to Webster.
The family-friendly event is free to attend with no registration required and will offer an exclusive opportunity to enjoy the best Lincoln Park has to offer, all while supporting hardworking local businesses. From discovering unique fashions, bespoke gifts, home décor, accessories and more to grabbing a bite to eat in between shops or an incredible brunch to start the day, entertainment opportunities will be endless.
“The Armitage – Halsted Sidewalk Sale is the shopping event of the year,” said Kim Schilf, President & CEO of the LPCC. “This is a great opportunity to revisit some of the iconic businesses on Armitage and Halsted such as Art Effect and Lori’s Shoes as well as discover some of the fantastic new businesses that have opened this past year.”
For more information on the Armitage –Halsted Sidewalk Sale event, the Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce’s lineup of upcoming events or for more information on support the chamber provides to members, please visit lincolnparkchamber.com, follow them on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, or call (773) 880-5200.
Wrestling Program Empowers Young People
Continued from page 1
The young people are participants in the wrestling program, Beat the Streets Chicago, which started in 1994, with a mission to empower youth through wrestling. It serves young people between the ages of 4 and 23. In 2018, Mile Powell became the Executive Director.
Beat the Streets is the largest wrestling club in Chicago. Currently, there are 3,000 wrestlers who participate in the program, which includes mentoring and tutoring, as well as workshops.
“We help the kids with their classes, we help them find colleges, we help them get into trade schools, we serve them to help them find whatever path they want in life and give them a safe place to explore what they want to achieve,” said Justin Hames, marketing and media coordinator for Beat the Streets Chicago. During the summer, Beat the Streets Chicago has summer enrichment camp where young people take classes.
Demetria Griffin has been participating in Beat the Streets’ program for a couple of months. The 13-year- old came to watch her cousins wrestle when a coach suggested she try out wrestling. As a girl wrestler, Griffin said sometimes it’s difficult wrestling with the boys, but she likes being a girl wrestler. She’s being learning different techniques. Her favorite move is the double leg. While she didn’t win her first dual, she did learn what to do differently to improve her outcome in future duals.
Axel Rodriguez, 12, has been participating with Beat the Streets Chicago for about two or three years. He has been around wrestling his entire life. His father and uncle also wrestled.
“I’ve known Boyd for a few years of my wrestling career
and he’s an amazing coach. I just love being a part of this club, because I’ve been to a few clubs, but in this club, I get treated like family and I get treated with respect,” he said.
Rodriguez has been able to put his energy into wrestling. Once he stepped foot on the mat, he knew wrestling was something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He said wrestling has changed his life and will always be part of his life. He recommends other young people who want to start wrestling to try it out.
“It’s mentally tough and I know a lot of the lessons I’m learning here, I’m going to take with me for the rest of my life,” he said, adding his favorite move is the collar steal, where the person is in a collar tie and the person throws their arm around and ends up on top of their opponent.
John Datu, 18, wanted to join Beat the Streets Chicago because he wanted to improve in wrestling. He has been with the program for a year and a half. Participating in the program also has made him improve as a person, building the circle around him and building his confidence. It was suggested that he get into wrestling as a high school freshman while he was on his high school’s football team.
“The most important part for me is the determination, the grit and overall being committed to something you didn’t like at first and eventually, four years later, I’m still wrestling,” he said.
Datu will be attending Elmhurst College in the Fall to study Kinesiology. He said the earlier young people join Beat the Streets Chicago, the better their wrestling career will be. He has learned a lot of new tricks and said participating in the program can get young people away from things they don’t want to regret in the future.
For more information about the Beat the Streets Chicago, visit www.btschicago.org.
Chicago— Attorney General Kwame Raoul called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to adopt more stringent greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria pollutant standards for light- and medium-duty vehicles from model years 2027 through 2032.
Raoul, as part of a coalition of 26 states and cities, submitted a comment letter to the EPA regarding its proposed standards for GHG and criteria pollutants, which are six common air pollutants that present serious health and environmental risks, for light- and medium-duty highway vehicles, including cars, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), pickup trucks and vans.
In their letter, Raoul and the coalition emphasize that the EPA’s proposal would lead to measurable progress – for instance, a 56% reduction in GHG emissions levels from the model year 2026 levels for light-duty vehicles, and a 44% reduction in GHG emissions levels from the model year 2026 levels for medium-duty vehicles. However, the coalition urges the EPA to move forward with more stringent GHG and criteria pollutant standards, which are feasible to achieve by using technological advancements that are already widely used.
“The EPA’s greenhouse gas emissions and criteria pollution standards for light-duty and medium-duty highway vehi-
cles are critically important in reducing carbon emissions and protecting the environment,” Raoul said. “I am committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of climate change throughout Illinois. Strengthening these regulations is critical to supporting states’ efforts to protect public health and the environment.”
The transportation sector is the largest source of GHG emissions in the United States, with light-duty vehicles being the largest contributor within that sector. In addition, lightand medium-duty vehicles are a significant source of criteria pollutants, such as fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides, that detrimentally affect air quality. Both the impacts of climate change and poor air quality disproportionately harm environmental justice communities.
In their letter, the attorneys general and cities: Emphasize that strong emissions standards are necessary to protect the environment and public health. From extreme heat to wildfires to drought, the coalition notes that we are already experiencing the devastating impacts of climate change, which will continue to mount and compound with rising concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere.
Detail that the technologies necessary to reduce GHGs
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NEWS Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 2 C
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Beat the Streets Chicago was initiated in 1994 and rebooted in 2018 when Mike Powell became the Executive Director. PHOTO PROVIDED BY BEAT THE STREETS CHICAGO.
Gov. Pritzker Announces Record-Breaking
Hotel Revenues in FY23 and Unprecedented Growth in Illinois Tourism
CHICAGO – Governor JB Pritzker joined the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), elected officials, and industry leaders to announce that Illinois reached its highest-ever hotel revenue figures in FY23 ($308 million) – surpassing the pre-pandemic record in FY19. Additionally, Illinois welcomed 111 million visitors who spent $44 billion in 2022 – representing 14 million additional travelers spending $12 billion more than calendar year 2021.
“I am proud to announce that in the fiscal year ending June 30, Illinois saw the highest ever hotel revenue numbers. More tourism means millions of new visitors exploring all the amazing things that our state and city have to offer –supporting small businesses and local economies along the way,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Whether you’re a life-long
resident of the Land of Lincoln looking to explore your own state, or an out-oftown visitor curious to discover the cool entertainment, award winning culinary delights, or all the great local shopping: we’re here to welcome you.”
State hotel revenue collections are provided by the Illinois Department of Revenue. The figure represents all of Illinois’ hotels, motels, and lodging establishment’s taxable revenue. Additionally, the annual economic impact of visitors is compiled by Tourism Economics and measures the number of visitors as well as their impact on Illinois’ economy during the calendar year.
State Hotel Revenues Collected (Measured by Fiscal Year)
FY19, FY20, FY21, FY22, FY23 $296,284,950.38, $249,905,941.23, $93,223,761.71, $226,465,760.39, $307,748,039.42
Visitor Economic Data (Measured by Calendar Year)
Year, Visitors, Visitor Spending
2018, 117 million visitors, $44.2 billion
2019, 122.8 million visitors (+5% from 2018), $45.5 billion (+3% from 2018)
2020, 67.4 million visitors (-45% from 2019), $23.3 billion (-49% from 2019)
2021, 97.1 million visitors (+44% from 2020), $32.2 billion (+39% from 2020)
2022, 111.3 million visitors (+14% from 2021; 91% of 2019 record level), $44.3 billion (+37% from 2021; 97% of 2019 record level)
Visitor spending surged to $44 billion in 2022 – $12 billion over calendar year 2021 and 97% of record 2019 levels, according to data provided by Tourism Economics. As a result of tourist spending and visits in 2022, the overall economic impact – which includes indirect and induced impacts – amounted to a staggering $78 billion, which is a 30% increase from 2021 figures ($60 billion).
of the state’s economy while directly supporting 270,600 jobs in the state’s tourism and hospitality industry, an increase of 38,300 jobs from 2021.
“Once again, we are showing that in order to have a prosperous future, it pays to make those investments now,” said Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch, (D-Westchester). “By making tourism promotion a priority in the budget, we can now boast record tax revenues and growing visitor numbers. This isn’t because of luck; we laid the groundwork and did the work to get to where we are today.”
Illinois has made significant investments in the travel and tourism industry, including $8 million for two funding rounds to support projects along Route 66, $3 million for tourism marketing grants, and $33 million for two rounds of tourism and festivals grants – amounting to nearly 200 awards benefiting communities across the state. Illinois has also distributed hundreds of millions of dollars directly to hotels, restaurants, and other tourism businesses through its Back to Business (B2B) and Business Interruption Grant programs.
Another key component of Illinois tourism’s success is the state’s award-winning “Middle of Everything” tourism campaign. Since it launched in 2022, the campaign has contributed to an additional 2 million trips equaling an additional $1 billion spent in Illinois hotels, restaurants, small businesses, and attractions, according to data from Longwoods International. Additionally, every $1 spent on the campaign equated to $91 in visitor spending while generating $10 in state and local tax revenue for every dollar spent – an enormous return on investment.
To learn more about Illinois and to plan an Illinois getaway, visit www. EnjoyIllinois.com.
In 2022 according to the Tourism Economics Report, state and local tax revenue from visitor spending generated an impressive $4.2 billion. This boost in revenue has invigorated various sectors
About the Illinois Office of Tourism: The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), Office of Tourism manages industry efforts that result in sustainable and significant economic and quality-of-life benefits for Illinois residents. To learn more, visit EnjoyIllinois.com.
ATTORNEY GENERAL... Continued From Page 2
and criteria pollutants from new motor vehicles already exist and are widely in use in the market today.
Explain that standards more stringent than the EPA’s proposed standards would align with the agency’s statutory mandate in Section 202(a). Under Section 202(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act, the EPA “shall by regulation prescribe . . . standards applicable to the emission of any air pollutant from any class or classes of new motor vehicles . . ., which in [its] judgment cause, or contribute to, air pollution which may reasonably be
anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.”
Raoul is joined in submitting the comment letter by the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin; the people of the state of Michigan; the commonwealths of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania; and the cities of Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York and Oakland.
As families across Illinois prepare for another school year, State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. is hosting fun and free community events to help students gear up for the fall. He is extending an invitation to his upcoming Annual Back to School Festival for families and students in the 17th Senate District.
“It is critical that we continue supporting parents, kids and teachers, which is why I’m proud to host this event again this year and provide resources to families in the 17th District,” said Sims (D-Chicago). “My office is working hard to make sure kids in Chicago and across Illinois will have a great start to this school year.”
The fun and family-friendly Back to School Festival will take place on Saturday, July 29 and feature games, food, entertainment, school supplies giveaways and more. The event will be held at Cole Park, located at 361 E. 85th St., between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Sims is also hosting an upcoming event for high school students and other people who are seeking higher education opportunities.
In partnership with Chesterfield Community Council, he is hosting a College Expo on Sept. 16 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Chicago State University – Jones Convention Center.
The free event – located at 9501 S. King Dr. – will include college, university and trade school representatives, seminars on scholarships, apprenticeships, HBCU life and more, as well as giveaways.
For more information, please contact Senator Sims’ office at (773) 933-7715 or info@ElgieSims.com.
State Senator Mattie Hunter, convener of the South Side Heroin/Opioid Task Force, is inviting the community to the task force’s inaugural street outreach event, which will provide information and support to those affected by substance use.
“We want to make sure that everyone has access to the tools and information they need to stay safe,” said Hunter (D-Chicago). “This event is a great opportunity for those struggling with substance abuse to learn about the resources available to them and will help equip our community with the knowledge and supplies they need to save lives.”
The event will be held Thursday, July 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the corner of 112th Street and Michigan Avenue. Hunter and members of the task force will be distributing Narcan, fentanyl test strips, opioid addiction resources and other harm reduction materials. Naloxone, commonly known as Narcan, is used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, whereas fentanyl test strips can detect the presence of fentanyl in other drugs.
The South Side Heroin/Opioid Task Force is comprised of community-based agencies, health care providers and governmental agencies to address the opioid epidemic facing those who reside on the city’s South Side. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m. to noon. To attend a virtual meeting, subscribe to their e-newsletter on the task force’s website.
The event is free and open to the public. For questions, call 773-840-7310 or email info@southsidetaskforce.org.
NEWS Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 3 C WEEKEND C citizennewspapergroup.com POLITICAL
SOUTH END Washington
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Novae Becomes First Fintech Company to Offer Debt Help to Struggling Americans
CONYERS, Ga., PRNewswire -- Over the last decade, Black-owned fintech company Novae has won numerous awards for customer experience, rapid growth, and innovation in the direct sales and finance space. Now they have a new offering: a program to help consumers get out of debt by obtaining partial debt forgiveness and more favorable repayment terms.
For more information about Novae’s Debt Help program please visit https://www.novaedebthelp. com
Over the last decade, Blackowned fintech company Novae has won numerous awards for customer experience, rapid growth, and innovation in the direct sales and finance space. Now they have a new offering: a program to help consumers get out of debt by obtaining partial debt forgiveness and more favorable repayment terms. Novae and its CEO, Reco McCambry, have been honored with numerous awards in the fintech space in recent years.
While the new Novae product may sound too good to be true, it’s based on longstanding practices within the debt resolution industry. Creditors often agree to accept less than the original amount of a debt in hopes of getting some payment rather than no payment from financially strapped consumers.
These agreements often involve creditors selling debt to a debt collection agency for a fraction of the amount the consumer originally owed. Novae is now seeking to
provide similar negotiations on behalf of consumers, rather than debt collectors.
Novae and its CEO, Reco McCambry, have been honored with numerous awards in the fintech space in recent years. Novae has appeared on Inc 5000’s list of America’s 5,000 fastest-growing businesses for three years running, while McCambry has received awards for
The new offering is available to individuals with unsecured debts including medical debt, private student loans, unsecured credit card debt, credit union debt, personal loans, and home improvement loans. The debts must be more than $250 per account and total over $7,500 per person to qualify.
Prospective customers can book a consultation on Novae’s website and a debt consultant will reach out to speak to them about their situation. If the customer has qualifying debts, Novae will tell them how much their monthly payments can be reduced, and the program can be initiated after this 30-minute phone call. The goal is a 40-50% reduction in monthly unsecured debt payments for those who enter the program.
Helping people with these debt types is important to CEO McCambry, who seeks to use Novae’s resources to empower those facing unfair financial circumstances.
Outstanding Leadership from Money2.0 and Innovator of the Year from the Bank Customer Experience Service Summit.
Now he’s bringing his innovative approach to Novae’s debt help program, which will use the company’s partnerships and finance lawyers around the country to professionally negotiate partial debt forgiveness and favorable repayment terms on behalf of consumers.
The new offering comes at a crucial time, with some financial indicators suggesting that more Americans are carrying more unsecured debt now than any other time in recorded US history, with loans reaching over $220 billion and credit cards reaching nearly $1 trillion last year. A recent survey found that 54% of Americans said debt was making it difficult for them to achieve long-term financial security, and 2022 saw America’s largest increase in total credit card debt since 2003.
“If you have distressed debt and have found yourself and or family in a tough situation financially,” McCambry says. “Novae’s goal is to help you.”
17th Annual Conference of African American Financial Professionals to Focus on Reclaiming Black Wealth
KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa., PRNewswire -- The largest gathering of Black and African American leaders, visionaries, and trailblazers across financial services returns in-person to continue the pursuit of equity, innovation, and generational impact. Hosted by The American College of Financial Services— a nonprofit, accredited institution delivering an educational and impact platform for financial professionals, nonprofit leaders, and consumers —the Annual Conference of African American Financial Professionals (CAAFP) will be held Aug. 7-9, in Chicago.
This marks the 17th year of The College hosting this premier event and since its founding, the CAAFP has served to advocate and advance the charge for increased representation of Black and African American professionals in the financial services industry. This year’s conference theme is “Reclaiming Black Wealth” and is a follow-up to a tremendously successful gathering last year in Washington, DC, focusing on empowering Black communities, businesses, and individuals.
This year’s expansive agenda will reinforce and elevate the conversation around how the financial services industry can inspire Black professionals and promote the
advancement of all underserved communities through education and empowerment, as we seek to narrow the wealth gap and create sustainable, generational change. This is the core mission of the CAAFP.
Keynote sessions will feature thought leaders from a variety of backgrounds in financial services and other areas, including Lauren Simmons, Eszylfie Taylor and Linda Clemons. There will be a wide range of breakout sessions, led by change agents and industry experts, covering and continuing education credit, with a focus on empowering Black communities and the advisors that serve them.
Four main tracks include:
Retirement - Prepare to help clients improve their financial fitness and retirement readiness no matter where they are in life.
Consumer Connections - Build skills and learning tools to cultivate personal and professional networks to better understand the real needs of clients and communities.
Applied Knowledge - Focus on foundational industry knowledge, insights from thought leaders and experts, and best practices from pioneers and bold new voices making an impact across financial services.
Niche Markets – Access opportunities and trail-
blazing strategies to increase professional and personal influence through community networks.
“As the nation’s leading financial services educator, we look forward to gathering with this outstanding community and introducing innovative programs to empower future generations of Black financial professionals,” says George Nichols III, President, and CEO of The American College of Financial Services. “The Conference of African American Financial Professionals has continued to grow and innovate over two decades. It is a true testament to the conversations, education and advancement that happens as a result of this gathering and the efforts of its attendees.”
Founded in 1927, The American College of Financial Services is the nation’s largest nonprofit educational institution devoted to financial services professionals. Holding the highest level of academic accreditation, The College has educated over 200,000 professionals across the United States through certificate, designation, and graduate degree programs. Its portfolio of applied knowledge also includes just-in-time learning and consumer financial education programs. The College’s faculty represents some of the foremost thought leaders in the financial services industry. Visit TheAmericanCollege.edu and connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Discover all the ways you can expand your opportunities with us.
To learn more about the CAAFP and register, visit TheAmericanCollege.edu/CAAFP-2023.
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Vans Skateboarding and Beatrice Domond Debut the New Zahba Mid
COSTA MESA, Calif., PRNewswire
-- On her board, Vans Skateboarding team member Beatrice Domond pushes street skating in a fresh, exhilarating direction that blends style and finesse. Off her board, she does the same: her incomparable personal style has made her a favorite of the fashion cognoscen ti. This versatility makes Domond a perfect choice to introduce the Zahba Mid, the newest member of the Zahba family and a silhouette that, much like Domond, can do just about anything.
Based in New York City, Domond has skated through the Big Apple’s streets in all four seasons but is particularly fond of fall — when the leaves on the city’s trees turn from a vibrant green to a rich gold. That shift in seasons is the inspi ration for her take on the Zahba Mid, which boasts a rich green suede upper trimmed with custom gold graphics on the heel and tongue badge as well as contrasting black hits on the Jazz Stripe, tongue, and laces.
The Vans Zahba Mid by Beatrice Do mond is also loaded with Vans Skate boarding’s latest and greatest tech. IMPACTWAFFLE™ provides next-level impact protection without sacrificing board feel, while above it, VR3CUSH™ supplies dual-density foam made with at least 50% bio-based EVA foam. Below this two-tech sandwich sits SICKSTICK™ rubber, with zonal tread for enhanced grip, durability, and life. DURACAP™ toecaps supply top-tier durability for even the most shoe-shredding tricks, and the sockliner is made from 98% recycled foam.
The Vans Skateboarding Zahba Mid by Beatrice Domond will drop via vans.com/zahba and at select Vans Skateboarding stockists on July 13 and is priced at $120. A Skate Style 53 created in collaboration with Beatrice Domond is set to land at the same time.
Vans®, a VF Corporation (NYSE: VFC) brand, is the original action sports footwear, apparel, and accessories brand. Vans® authentic collections are sold in more than 100 countries through
MILWAUKEE, PRNewswire -- Harley-Davidson (NYSE:HOG) and actor and entrepreneur Jason Momoa join forces to release a new lifestyle collection, On The Roam x Harley-Davidson. This collection celebrates Momoa’s admiration for the brand, rooted in the principles of freedom and authenticity, blending seamlessly with his unique and creative aesthetic.
Released as part of Harley-Davidson’s H-D® Collections, a grouping of unique lifestyle apparel lines, On The Roam is dedicated to those who seek the untamed thrill of adventure and embrace the open road, empowering individuals to craft their own stories.
The On The Roam collection combines ruggedness with Momoa’s signature aesthetic, resulting in a range of styles that are effortlessly wearable and exude a perfectly broken-in feel. From durable outerwear to timeless tees and shirts, each style from the collection is designed to endure the demands of the road.
The collection features easy-to-wear pieces that reflect the commitment to quality and craftsmanship that both Harley-Davidson and Jason Momoa embody. Key highlights include the workwear-inspired cargo pant, graphic tees and tanks, and a leather pullover. The inclusion of H-D’s historical roots is represented within the designs like the Crescent Harley Hoodie which features graphics reminiscent of Harley-Davidson’s 1930s racing apparel and The Knucklehead Hoodie that is inspired by the legendary circa ‘36 Knucklehead engine, Momoa’s favorite Harley-Davidson® engine.
“The On The Roam collection was born out of my love for Harley-Davidson,” said Jason Momoa. “In this collection, we honor 120 years of Harley-Davidson, embracing the adventure, empowering us to write our own story- the freedom to wander in the wild and live in the moments.”
With Jason Momoa as the creative force behind the campaign, and actively involved in the design process, the On The Roam collection exudes an authentic and adventurous spirit. Drawing inspiration from Harley-Davidson’s rich heritage and telling a personal story of independence, individuality, and the pursuit of unforgettable experiences.
a network of subsidiaries, distributors, and international offices. Vans® has more than 2,000 retail locations globally including owned, concession and partnership doors. The Vans® brand supports the journey of creative exploration and self-discovery across action sports, music, art and design, delivering progressive platforms such as Vans Pipe Masters and Vans’ cultural hub and international music venue, House of Vans.
Harley-Davidson, Inc. is the parent company of Harley-Davidson Motor Company and Harley-Davidson Financial Services. Our vision: Building our legend and leading our industry through innovation, evolution and emotion. Our mission: More than building machines, we stand for the timeless pursuit of adventure. Freedom for the soul. Our ambition is to maintain our place as the most desirable motorcycle brand in the world. Since 1903, Harley-Davidson has defined motorcycle culture by delivering a motorcycle lifestyle with distinctive and customizable motorcycles, experiences, motorcycle accessories, riding gear and apparel. Harley-Davidson Financial Services provides financing, insurance and other programs to help get riders on the road. Harley-Davidson also has a controlling interest in Livewire, the first publicly traded all-electric motorcycle company in the United States. LiveWire is the future in the making for the pursuit of urban adventure and beyond. Drawing on its DNA as an agile disruptor from the lineage of Harley-Davidson and capitalizing on a decade of learnings in the EV sector, LiveWire’s ambition is to be the most desirable electric motorcycle brand in the world.
To explore the On The Roam collection, visit hdcollections.com
Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 5 C FASHION WEEKEND C citizennewspapergroup.com
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Vans Zahba Mid & Style 53 by Beatrice Domond
6 | Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 WEEKEND TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW • TICKETS ON SALE NOW To Purchase Tickets In Person Visit Midway Wholesalers (773) 874-8000 ext 4024 Riteway Huggins Construction (773) 734-1600 * * Ticket prices are $25, $35, $45, & $60
CHICAGO -- Festival season is in full gear, and Chicago’s favorite pop-up bar Replay Lincoln Park, 2833 N. Sheffield Ave., is making sure to bring the vibes with its latest Lollapalooza inspired pop-up: Replaypalooza. Running through Sunday, August 6, this pop-up will bring to life the incredible artists and bands that make up today’s diverse music scene, with live DJ sets throughout the month, along with festival-inspired photo-ops throughout the entire bar and music-themed cocktails. Each of the weeks have an exciting, new theme, allowing for an experience where everyone’s taste in music is satisfied.
“Lollapalooza is always one of the biggest weekends for Chicago every year,” said Mark Kwiatkowski, owner of Replay Lincoln Park. “With our latest pop up, we want to get the party started early and keep the excitement going all month long so festival goers are charged up for this year’s lineup!”
The full Replaypalooza lineup is as follows:
Diva Week (July 20-23): Who runs the world? These girls. The queens of the pop-music scene will be honored during this three night pop up, with the biggest names in pop culture today including Beyonce, Rihanna, and Ariana Grande
The Boys Week (July 27-30): We are on a roll with a tribute to the best male musicians with extraordinary voices and showmanship including Drake, The Weeknd, and Bad Bunny
EDM Week (August 3-6): It would not be a homage to Lollapalooza without a week dedicated to EDM. Week four will transport patrons back to Perry’s Stage with dance music, trippy visuals, and an atmosphere full of energy with the likes of Shrillex, Daft Punk, and Zeds Dead
To further tap into festival season, local muralists, artists, and additional vendors will be onsite to transform the entire space of the bar with endless photo opportunities. Themed cocktails will be plentiful, with names such as Sugar Going Down and Black Parade (Emo), Umbrella AA (Divas), After Hours (The Boys), and Robot Rock and Nice Spirits (EDM). Specialty shots will include Single Ladies (Divas) and Cabron (The Boys). Cutwater canned cocktails will also be featured during the run, including a Tiki Rum Mai Tai, Tequila Grapefruit Paloma, and Pina Colada.
Replay Lincoln Park features over 60+ free vintage arcade games, including pinball, air hockey, skeeball, and more. With no cover or tokens needed, Replay Lincoln Park invites guests for some festival fun.
For more information or to reserve event tickets, please visit www.replaylincolnpark.com, call (773) 665-5660, or follow Replay on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
60609, 60615, 60616, 60617, 60619, 60620, 60621, 60624, 60628, 60629, 60636, 60637, 60643, 60644, 60649, 60651, 60652, 60409, 60411, 60419, 60422, 60429, 60443, 60461, 60473, 60478 and more………
WEEKEND Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 | 7 Fall classes start August 24. ccc.edu/apply HAROLD WASHINGTON • HARRY S TRUMAN • KENNEDY-KING • MALCOLM X • OLIVE-HARVEY • RICHARD J. DALEY • WILBUR WRIGHT We’ll help you achieve your dream, right from your neighborhood. LOVE IT. LIVE IT. QUINTAE Student MALCOLM X COLLEGE 1. PROPERTY TAXES 2. MEDICARE INSURANCE PREMUIMS 3. CAR & HOME INSURANCE PREMUIMS They are eating up all your social Security & Pension check! I, CAN HELP YOU WITH THE CAR & HOME INSURANCE. IF YOU ARE PAYING, $2000 - $4000 - $6000 or more for car & home insurance and live in these ZIP- CODES!
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8 | Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 WEEKEND
MYAVANA Presents “The Hair That Bonds Us” A Docuseries
(Black PR Wire) “The Hair That Bonds Us” is a cultural conversation and captivating docuseries that delves into the extraordinary journey of the pioneering company, MYAVANA, and its revolutionary mission to transform the multi-billion textured hair care through science and technology. This thought-provoking series takes viewers behind the scenes to explore the company’s inception, cultural significance, and the transformative impact it has had on the textured hair care market.
In the first episode, titled “Myavana Takeover,” the spotlight shines on the visionary founder and CEO of Myavana, as well as her dedicated team, as they takeover the International Beauty Show (IBS) through the Powerhouse Pavillion. The episode unravels their ambitious quest to disrupt the personal and professional textured hair care industry by harnessing the power of science and technology.
With a deep understanding of the unique challeng-
es faced by black women when it comes to hair care, Myavana aims to revolutionize the industry by introducing innovative solutions backed by rigorous scientific research. Their mission is to provide luxurious, effective, and personalized hair care products and services that cater specifically to the needs of textured hair.
Episode 1 offers a glimpse into the determination, creativity, and unwavering commitment of the Myavana team as they navigate the complexities of the industry. Viewers witness their relentless pursuit of excellence and their passion for empowering black women to embrace their natural hair, while also promoting health and self-confidence.
Through compelling interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and engaging storytelling, “The Hair That Bonds Us” captivates audiences by shedding light on the cultural significance of textured hair and the transformative power of Myavana’s vision. The docuseries sparks a much-needed conversation about the intersection of
technology, entrepreneurship, and the empowerment of black women in the world of beauty.
As the series unfolds, viewers are taken on a captivating journey that explores the cutting-edge science, the groundbreaking technology, and the luxurious experiences that Myavana brings to the textured hair care market. Each episode delves deeper into the transformative impact the company has on the lives of countless women, ultimately leading to a greater understanding of the cultural, societal, and economic implications of this innovative approach to hair care.
“The Hair That Bonds Us” is a compelling docuseries that illuminates the triumphs, challenges, and untold stories behind the founding of Myavana. It celebrates the beauty, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit of black women in tech while providing a platform for necessary dialogue and change within the beauty industry.
Watch the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=TddnHf9uuUc
When you play, Illinois wins
Your play helped generate $775 million for education last year
Black PR Wire
ENTERTAINMENT Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 9 C WEEKEND C
Las Vegas Sands and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Announce the Inaugural Sands Hospitality Immersion Program
LAS VEGAS, PRNewswire -- Las Vegas Sands (NYSE: LVS) and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) today announced 12 college students will participate in the inaugural Sands Hospitality Immersion Program, July 2428 in Las Vegas. The intensive experience is designed to encourage interest in travel, tourism and leisure by exposing students to the inner workings of the Las Vegas hospitality industry.
Sands and TMCF, the only national organization exclusively representing the Black college community, established the Sands Hospitality Immersion Program to provide students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with a deep introduction to the travel, tourism and leisure industry and its wide range of professional positions, aiming to inspire them to consider one of the world’s fastest-growing and largest employment fields.
The 12 students selected for the exclusive summer program are all rising junior and senior college students at TMCF member schools and were chosen from a pool of candidates who applied through TMCF and were reviewed by Sands. Participants include Ta’Niyah Harris, Bowie State University; Erin Williams, Howard University; Jaida Robinson-Clark, Howard University; Jasmyn Love, Howard University; Joshua Williamson, Howard University; Nathanael Edwards, Langston University; Zay’Kori Jones, Norfolk State University; Brandon Smith, North Carolina A&T State University; Derrick Jacobs, North Carolina A&T State University; Joleen Buchanan, University of the Virgin Islands; Kayla Smith, Virginia State University; and Marquis Bell, Virginia State University.
“As a first-generation college student, my career has always been the light at the end of the tunnel while at Howard University,” said Jaida Robinson-Clark, a rising junior at
Howard University. “My participation in the Sands Hospitality Immersion is a glimpse into a promising industry where I could pursue my interest and learn about the many opportunities that may lie ahead. Considering how many applied to attend, this excites me, and I am grateful to have been selected.”
The multi-day experience curated by the William F. Harrah College of Hospitality at the University of Nevada,
opportunities in finance, marketing, sales, human resources, information technology, legal and other professional service fields.
“I want to thank Sands and Thurgood Marshall College Fund for their critical investment in building a pathway that develops and showcases the talented students who attend HBCUs,” said Brandon Smith, a rising senior at North Carolina A&T State. “As I embark on this immersion experience, I look forward to professionally fostering relationships within the industry and absorbing significant insight regarding the trajectory and landscape of the hospitality, tourism and entertainment industry internationally.”
Las Vegas will feature in-depth seminars, tours of integrated resorts with back-of-house access, visits to other types of hospitality venues, presentations by experts in various disciplines and interactive events such as a cooking competition with professional chefs.
“We are thrilled to partner with Sands on this tremendous immersion opportunity in Las Vegas,” said Dr. Harry Williams, president and CEO of Thurgood Marshall College Fund. “Creating these unique experiences for our students is at the core of our mission. The hospitality field is one of the fastest growing in America, and this strategic partnership allows TMCF to provide our talented students with a chance to learn more about the various careers in this important industry.”
The travel, tourism and leisure industry continues to experience tremendous job growth and encompasses a wide range of professional positions. Beyond traditional hospitality tracks in hotel operations or restaurant, meetings and venue management, the industry offers career
The Sands Hospitality Immersion Program was established through the Sands Cares global community engagement program and is one of the company’s many education and workforce development initiatives, which include contributions to and partnerships with higher education institutions, funding for scholarship programs, on-property and industry-supported training opportunities for students and hospitality professionals, and mentorship and instruction from company leaders and experts.
“Our goal for this program is twofold: to encourage the best and brightest students in all disciplines to consider hospitality as a career path and to ensure our industry cultivates a diverse and inclusive workforce that provides opportunities for people from all backgrounds and communities,” said Ron Reese, senior vice president of global communications and corporate affairs, who spearheads corporate responsibility initiatives at Sands. “This program is a foundation from which we plan to introduce other unique educational opportunities for HBCU students to experience our global destinations and gain even more perspective into the industry. We look forward to hosting this talented group of students.”
Orange Blossom Classic Announces SNICKERS® as Official Candy Bar of the Celebrated College Football Event
MIAMI GARDENS, Fla., PRNewswire -- The Orange Blossom Classic Committee is excited to announce its partnership with Mars Wrigley, by naming SNICKERS®, an official sponsor of the Orange Blossom Classic.
The Orange Blossom Classic (OBC), an annual football game steeped in rich tradition, brings together historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to compete in a thrilling matchup. This year, under the theme of “The Reunion,” the highly anticipated game will see the Florida A&M University Rattlers and Jackson State University Tigers face off once again. The exciting event is scheduled for Sunday, September 3rd at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, FL, and fans can catch the live broadcast at 3 PM on ESPN.
“Mars Wrigley is proud to sponsor the Orange Blossom Classic through our iconic SNICKERS brand,” said Martin Terwilliger, Senior Brand Director, Mars Wrigley. “Through this partnership, we have an opportunity to deliver moments of everyday happiness to fans, while highlighting the inclusive nature of sports. SNICKERS is all about bringing satisfaction to fans everywhere, and we’re excited
to have the opportunity to showcase our commitment to the HBCU community through this much anticipated and historic college football event.”
“We are excited to welcome Mars Wrigley as an esteemed partner of the Denny’s Orange Blossom Classic, and we appreciate their unwavering support for the incredible student-athletes, coaches, and fans that make this event so special,” said Kendra Bulluck, Orange Blossom Classic Committee Executive Director.
“At the OBC, we believe in the power of unity and celebrating shared moments of joy. This partnership with Mars Wrigley provides an incredible platform to bring communities together through the love of college football and the rich history of HBCUs.”
As part of the sponsorship, SNICKERS will take center stage as the official Candy Bar of The Orange Blossom Classic, represented throughout game week at the golf tournament, luncheon, and other ancillary events, culminating with the main attraction, The Orange Blossom Classic Game taking place on Sunday, September 3, 2023.
For more information about Denny’s Or -
ange Blossom Classic presented by Ready Life, please visit www.orangeblossomclassic.com.
Mars Incorporated is driven by the belief that the world we want tomorrow starts with how we do business today. As a global, family-owned business, Mars is transforming, innovating, and evolving to make a positive impact on the world.
Across our diverse and expanding portfolio of quality confectionery, food, and pet care products and services, we employ 140,000+ dedicated Associates. With almost $45 billion in annual sales, we produce some of the world’s best-loved brands including Ben’s Original™, CESAR®, Cocoavia®, DOVE®, EXTRA®, KIND®, M&M’s®, SNICKERS®, PEDIGREE®, ROYAL CANIN®, and WHISKAS®. We are creating a better world for pets through our global network of pet hospitals and diagnostic services – including AniCura, BANFIELD™, BLUEPEARL™, Linnaeus and VCA™ – using cutting edge technology to develop breakthrough programs in genetic health screening and DNA testing.
For more information about Mars, please visit www.mars.com. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.
NATIONAL NEWS Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 10 C citizennewspapergroup.com WEEKEND C
8. Plural of fundus
9. Porto____, Italy
10. Got this!
11. Sodium hydroxide
12. Like Tim of "A Christmas Carol"
15. Foray
20. Giraffe's striped-legged cousin
14. Greek "t"
22. Like one of the Testaments
24. Fine-toothed metal cutter
25. *Famous road from Beatles crossing
26. Actress Watts
27. Minute parasite
29. *Spare one
31. "If all ____ fails"
32. Sarpa ____, coral reef fish
33. Tiny purses
34. Olden day phlebotomy instrument
36. Waterproof canvas
38. Clothing line
42. UAE's most populous city
45. Close the fastener, e.g.
49. Epoch
51. Between 90 and 180 degrees
54. E-wallet's content
56. Very, in music
46. Genesis twin
47. "The Odyssey," e.g.
48. Hooray!
50. Speaking platform
52. Campfire residue
53. What sailors are to captain
55. Lawyers' org.
57. *Jack of "On the Road" fame
61. *Refreshment break
65. Live sign for radio, 2 words
66. Shakespearean "fuss"
68. Bar order, with "the"
69. Ownership document
70. Mitt Romney's title, abbr.
71. Christmas Eve visitor
72. Keats' works, e.g.
73. *Major road,
57. Japanese zither
58. Author Bagnold
59. Goes with interest
60. Great masters' medium, pl.
61. *Hoofed "express" traveler
62. "The Summer I Turned Pretty" actress Lola ____
63. Solemn promise
64. Surveyor's map
67. Morning drops
Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 11 C classified Classifieds
Upscale, nice, clean, furnished or unfurnished, 2 chair hair salon; prime Chatham / Grand Crossing location, near 78th & Cottage Grove; heat & water included; available now. $675/month. Call or text 312 801 4078 for info. LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State," as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: Y23010686 on June 14, 2023 Under the Assumed Business Name of DARK SKIN DRAMA with the business located at: 7436 S EXCHANGE AVE UNIT 496597, CHICAGO, IL 60649. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is: Owner/Partner Full Name Complete Address MIESHA ROBINSON 7436 S EXCHANGE AVE UNIT 496597 CHICAGO, IL 60649, USA Hyd Park,So.Sub & CW Call us At (773) 783-1251
in the dumps
1. More down
Christmas character
Century Gothic, e.g.
6. Will
13. Twisted cotton
Vexed 43.
15. Biblical
16. Dessert sandwiches 17. Barley bristle 18. Pungent edible bulb 19. *Shared ride 21. *Yellow Brick Road traveller 23. Member of the Benevolent Order
Sword handle
The little one "stops to tie his shoe" 28. AI "fodder" 30. *Gas station option
Thailand money
Phone cam images 39. Fill with happy spirit
Uncontrolled swerve
Middle Eastern V.I.P.s
abbr. 74. *Certain number of cylinders
Cold War's Warsaw Pact, e.g.
Turkish money
One on drugs
Run off to Vegas?
Sold on eBay, usually
Short for "and elsewhere"
Hammurabi's code, e.g.
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12 | Weekend | Week of July 19, 2023 WEEKEND EXPERIENCE THE JOURNEYS OF THE CHEVROLET DTU FELLOWS #TheDTUExperience GO TO NNPA.ORG/CHEVYDTU TO EXPERIENCE THE DOCUSERIES Watch as these talented HBCU students Discover The Unexpected!
Eshe Ukweli Howard UniversityNNPA Fellow
Solomon Hayes Morehouse CollegeNNPA Fellow
Brielle Smith Howard UniversityNNPA Fellow
A&M UniversityChevrolet
Chevrolet Marketing Fellow Jordan
A&M UniversityChevrolet Marketing Fellow
Robertney Harlan Howard UniversityNNPA FellowChevrolet Marketing Fellow
Jacob Bellevue Howard UniversityNNPA Fellow
Sweeney Morehouse CollegeNNPA Fellow
Tullos Alabama
Marketing Fellow
Graham Delaware State University
Jennings Florida
Pearson Hampton University