22 Adar II, 5776 This Week at Rochelle Zell
April 1, 2016
Women's Soccer Is On a Roll! No-‐Loss Season Against St. Francis, Tepeyac, and Hope
Spring Sports Spring Musical Arts in April Meat Lunch Wednesdays JUF Day School Trust Tal Brody Basketball Shabbat Spring Blood Drive Cook, Pray, Eat Kosher Students in the News Condolences Alumni Trivia A Taste of Torah
Class Schedule Monday, April 4
Tuesday, April 5 C
Wednesday, April 6 A Thursday, April 7 B Friday, April 8 CC
Facebook Challenge!
Spread the word, Tigers, to
The women’s soccer team took the field within two minutes of their first game of the season, delivering a mighty win to start help us reach 1,000 “likes” on off the spring! Bobbi Hochberg reports from the road, "We Facebook! Share this post drove two hours to beat them 5-‐0 in the first half and 4-‐1 in the and invite your friends to like second." The final score was 9-‐1, Rochelle Zell against St. our page. Help us reach this Francis de Sales. Six goals came from superstar senior Jordan Krauss, and one each from senior Elliana Faletsky, junior Bobbi milestone… Get connected Hochberg, and freshman Ann Kushnir. Conference games today! Check us out at began this week against Our Lady of Tepeyac and Chicago Hope www.facebook.com/rochellezelljewishhighschool. Academy. The Tigers dominated with scores of 5-‐0 and 6-‐0. Goals were scored by Jordan Krauss (7), Hannah Taussig (3), and Livi Moses. Goalkeeper Emma MaV has been solid in goal and recorded two shutouts the last two games. Stay tuned for Quick Links updates on the season! Go Tigers! RZJHS.org Calendars Lunch Menu -‐ NEW! Edline Give Now
Save The Date
April 10-‐11 Wagner InsVtute Through JTS April 10 ACT April 14 School Musical: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee April 20-‐May 1 Pesach Break No School April 22 First Seder May 2 -‐ May 13 AP Exams May 27 Last Day of Classes All-‐School BBQ May 29 Rochelle Zell Community Naming DedicaVon & Prom May 31 -‐ June 7 Final Exams
Men's volleyball also kicked off last week, with two varsity wins against Cristo Rey. Leading the team in aces, kills, and assists were Eli NasaVr, Benjy Salzman, Akiva Stein, Sammy
June 1 Siyum and GraduaVon No Classes
Hoffman, Noah Cope, Joey Schrayer, and Ben Hirsch. On the JV squad, Liam Lynch took the lead with 3 aces, with Ben Lesch and Joey Zilber right behind him. Come out and see them play Holy Trinity on Tuesday!
STEM Corner
Musical Cast Announced!
STEM Voice Video CompeVVon The STEM Voice™ Video
Compeddon is nadonwide opportunity for students in grades 5 -‐ 12 to ardsdcally explore the importance of science, technology, engineering and math. The compeddon encourages creadvity and the use of video to show how much students love STEM. Group entries are now being accepted! Regional semi-‐ finalists and one Nadonal Grand Prize group winners will be selected and award cash prizes to support the club and/or classroom STEM-‐ related project materials. Entries will be accepted via this online form undl April 18, 2016. Click here to learn more!
Rochelle Zell is proud to present Sheinkin and Finn's one-‐act comedy The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, which debuted on Broadway in 2005 and was nominated for six Tony Awards. The musical chronicles the misadventures of several middle schoolers compedng for big bucks in the local spelling bee, with or without the assistance of the awkward adults who think they are in charge. Congratuladons to Arthur Sredni, Emma Canter, Eli Johnson, Aitan Maeir, Becca Abrams, Sarah Tenner, Hana Lieber, Noah Magill, Henry Hoffman, Maya Michalewicz, Gabi Pretekin, Samantha Brody, Sadie Hulkower, and Meira Groth, the cast of this year's spring musical. Get your spelling on, Tigers, because you are about to get schooled!
Arts in April RSVP for Opera Field Trip
Rochelle Zell is sponsoring a school-‐wide field trip to ajend the big-‐screen telecast of the Metropolitan Opera's producdon of Puccini’s Madama Bujerfly on Wednesday evening! The bus will leave school at 5:00 p.m. and will return shortly amer 10:00 p.m. RSVP to Ms. Friedman to reserve your spot!
Alumni Trivia The 2016 women's soccer team is having a season of dreams-‐-‐can conference championships and IHSA glory be quite out of our reach? Which CJHS women's soccer star scored most of the goals in the thrilling 2013 game that clinched us an IHSA regional semifinals, and where is she now?
Fleishig Wednesdays New Meal Plan Includes Environmentally-‐Friendly Paper Goods and Meat Lunches Earlier this year, the Va’ad HaStudendm (Student Council) collected data from the greater school community survey exploring opdons for how to enhance the school lunch menu. Amer an overwhelming percentage of the student body requested meat opdons once to twice a week, the Va'ad and the administradon began making plans. Both students and administrators worked together to maintain kashrut standards, tackle social implicadons, implement planning strategies, and publish an official menu. This past Wednesday, with great andcipadon, Rochelle Zell Jewish High School rolled out its brand new meat lunch with brand-‐new salad bar, along with a full range of vegetarian opdons. The fleishig inidadve also coincided with the Environmental Club and administradon's joint plan to switch to environmentally-‐friendlier paper goods and eliminate Styrofoam from our lunch line. Click here to view the new Rochelle Zell lunch menu with updated pricing! If you have quesdons or concerns please contact any Va’ad representadve.
JUF Day School Guaranty Trust Fund We are grateful to the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federadon for its ongoing support of Rochelle Zell Jewish High School, including distribudons from the Jewish Day School Guaranty Trust Fund. Our school, which is one of 17 Federadon supported day schools, will receive $61,196 in the coming fiscal year, bringing the total to date that we have received from this fund to $559,939. Over 200 donors from across the Chicago Jewish community have generously commijed over $34 million to the Fund via muld-‐year pledges, cash contribudons and testamentary gims. Since its establishment in 2000, and the first distribudon in 2003, this program has allocated $15,692,819. The JDSGTF condnues to be a source of unrestricted dollars and is in addidon to the Federadon’s annual allocadon of over $3 million to the schools. And since the JDSGTF is an endowment, this Fund will condnue to support our schools in perpetuity.
Tal Brody Basketball Shabbaton Rochelle Zell and Ida Crown Players Meet Israeli Hoops Champ Rochelle Zell freshman Micah Tal Brody met his namesake earlier this month, when Maccabi ’77 basketball legend Tal Brody joined players from the Rochelle Zell Tigers and the Ida Crown Academy
Aces for a Shabbat in Skokie to share inspiradonal stories of his basketball career and life in Israel. “Micah’s middle name was to be amer my great grandmother, Tillie, so Micah’s dad suggested 'Tal,' amer Tal Brody the famous basketball player. I instantly loved the name, and thought that would be a very cool connecdon to Israel and the Jewish people,” said Laura Brody, Micah’s mother. “But now, amer meedng him and hearing about the upcoming movie On The Map, I have an unbelievable appreciadon for the man and the name.” She added, "This was a life-‐changing opportunity for all of us.” Thank you to Leslie, Andy, and Owen Stern, and Marianne Novak, Noam, and Hillel Stadlan for hosdng the players! To learn more about On the Map by award-‐winning Israeli writer, director, producer Dani Menkin, click here.
Spring Blood Drive This Upcoming Monday! As we get ready to retell the Passover story, we nodce blood playing two roles. In the instance of the First Plague, blood threatens the life source of the Nile, causing death and destrucdon. In the case of the Tenth Plague, blood on the doorpost saves the lives of terrified Israelites. This week, let us be givers of life; each individual's donadon has the capacity to save three lives. Over thirty people have already signed up, but we sdll need more pardcipadon in order to achieve our goal of making the biggest one-‐day blood donadon in school history! If you would like to donate, click here; complete your informadon to finalize your appointment. What a mitzvah for our staff to do together!
Cook, Pray, Eat Kosher Tuesday, April 5, 7:30 p.m. | Rochelle Zell Jewish High School
Click here or anywhere on the image above to register
Wagner Institute Sunday April 10 -‐ Monday, April 11 | Rochelle Zell Jewish High School
Baruch Dayan Emet We are saddened to announce the passing of David Huss, grandfather of junior Tallulah Bark-‐Huss and Chapman Bark-‐Huss '08. Funeral services were held today. We are also saddened to announce the passing of Marcia Hart, grandmother of freshman Molly Hart. Funeral and shiva occurred this past week. We also offer condolences to Director of Finance Bob Krakowsky on the loss of his mother in law, Janet Kahn Novin. וירושלים ציון אבלי שאר בתוך אתכם ינחם המקום May God's presence comfort both families among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Sponsored Breakfast Happy birthday to Sara Behn and Josh Levitas. Many thanks to their families for sponsoring breakfast. To sponsor bagels in honor of your favorite Tiger, please contact Diane Zidman in the front office.
Community News and Events Students in the News Junior Wins Essay Contest and Fellowship
It's been a busy month for junior Zev Mishell! Zev won first place in the Tribute to the Rescuers Essay Contest sponsored by the Insdtute for Holocaust Educadon and the Plains States And-‐Defamadon League. His essay about Roddie Edmonds was chosen from 350 essays submijed in combined categories. He was also selected as one of five finalists in the John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Essay Contest for High School Students. His essay on US Congressman Jerrold Nadler was one of the top seven essays selected by the Profile in Courage Award Commijee of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundadon from 2,070 essays submijed. Zev has also just been named a Bronfman Youth Fellow, and will now spend five weeks this summer in Israel immersed in an intensive exploradon of Jewish text and pluralisdc community. Kol ha kavod, Zev, on your phenomenal accomplishments, and thank you to Mr. Kassner and Dr. Schorsch, his sponsoring teachers.
Alumni Trivia Elizabeth Barras ('14) was the junior star of the soccer season, with three out of the seven goals that clinched our first post-‐season women's soccer dtle! She is now in her sophomore year at Brandeis, majoring in business and minoring in legal studies. She is also greatly interested in
philosophy. "This summer," Elizabeth reports, "I am interning at the Chicago Innocence Center," which is a nonprofit organizadon devoted to invesdgadve repordng of wrongful convicdons. "I play IM tennis and IM soccer. I'm also the vice president of fashion design club." Good for you, Elizabeth!
A Taste of Torah: Shemini and Kosher Parashat Shemini is known for the laws of kashrut: which animals and birds we may and may not eat. Now, we all know that a close reading of the text will reveal a startling absence of laws regarding color-‐coded lunch trays, new microwaves, and strictures about who can and can't eat in the faculty lounge: these laws, while important, are not Biblical in origin and deal with the fine details, rather than the big picture of what keeping kosher really means. However, what is not commonly remembered is that equally glaring in its absence is the word kosher itself! The Levidcal laws of eadng mendon pure and impure, permissible and sheketz ("disgusdng"), but they never actually use the word kosher! The word kasher/kosher appears in only two books of our Torah and only once in its recognizable adjecdve form. In Megillat Kohelet, the verb is used to predict whether or not an enterprise will prosper, e.g. turn out okay. But the word kosher as we know it is first seen in Megillat Esther, where, as we heard last week, Queen Esther used it to describe not a new Paleo-‐Persian heath diet, but a radical regimen of social change. "If the thing is kosher before the king," i.e. if the thing is right and proper for the king to consider, "let him recall the writs that Haman ben Hammedatha the Agagite wrote to destroy all the Jews in the king's provinces." As people of God, we know that there is a right and proper way to eat, and that way comes from God, transcending human diet fads, sciendfic knowledge or lack thereof, and the individual perspecdve of each society and century. But in our zeal to keep kosher, to maintain the right and proper way to eat, we must remember that kosher applies to our way of life as well. We must not proscribe whole species, natural resources, or fragile ecosystems to destrucdon by our way of life-‐-‐ and if we have inadvertently or foolishly done so, we must change! What other groups of human beings in our own country and around the world have their lives destroyed so we can live as well as we do? There is a right and proper way to live, and that way comes from God as well. And as far as the word kosher goes, that way came first! -‐-‐Mrs. Shira Eliaser
1095 Lake Cook Road • Deerfield, IL 60015 • dgers@rzjhs.org • 847.470.6700