Jan 27 2017

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29 Tevet, 5777

This Week at Rochelle Zell

January 27, 2017

DECA Delivers!

Business and Finance Club Porೀ�olio Compe


DECA Medalists MLK Day Senior Israel Experience New Students Literary Magazine Honored Anatomy Class Adventures This Week in Basketball Alumni News Curriculum Night Save the Date Community News Alumni Trivia A Taste of Torah

Class Schedule Monday, January 30

A Tuesday, January 31

Our business and finance DECA team performed brilliantly on Tuesday, despite the absence of our senior veterans! Mr. Baumstark reports, "You would all be proud of the professionalism and enthusiasm that our students showed in compe ng against other North Suburban schools in the annual regional conference. There were 20 schools represented at the compe on including Glenbrook North, Highland Park, and others from further afield. We had 22 students compete, including a record 14 newbies par cipa ng in DECA for the first

C ‐ Seniors Return

me! We had nine students (just over 40%) finish with medals‐‐ which are awarded for the top three scores in each event‐‐and RZJHS earned 14 medals overall. Although this sta s c is not tracked at the compe on, there is no doubt in my mind that our school once again led all schools in medals "per capita." I also want to give special kudos to the three freshmen girls, Dina Barrish, Rikki Drexler, and Ariana Handelman, who conducted themselves brilliantly!"

Wednesday, February 1 BB

Thursday, February 2

C Friday, February 3 A

Congratula ons to medalists Ethan Laney (silver overall, gold and bronze individual), Joey Schrayer (silver overall, bronze individual), and Jonathan Taitz (bronze overall). Several earned one or more medals in individual compe ons: Ben Lesch (gold), Coby Rosen (silver, bronze), Dina Barrish (silver), Rikki Drexler (bronze), Jonathan Taitz (bronze), Shai Sklar (bronze), and Ariana Handelman (bronze). Our other team members included Joshua Weisskopf, Eli Wein, Sol Treister, Ethan Harris, David Levin, Eli Ecanow, Liam Lynch, William Perlman, Josh Levitas, Sean Dreifuss, Jonah Singman, Ma Weiss, and Henry Hoffman.

Quick Links

RZJHS.org Calendars Lunch Menu Edline Give Now

Save The Date

"Be Connected."

Pastor Harris and Rabbi Siegel Deliver MLK Message

January 31 Classes Resume for Seniors

February 7 Academic Planning Mee ng for Sophomores

February 12 ACT

February 20 No School

February 22‐26 Miami Basketball Shabbaton

March 2‐3 All‐School Shabbaton

March 13 Shushan Purim

March 15‐19 Model U.N.

"Be connected. Be compassionate. Be concerned. Be caring. Be courageous.” Pastor Chris Harris, Sr. of Bright Star Church in Bronzeville and Rabbi Michael Siegel of Anshe Emet Synagogue in Lakeview preached brotherhood and connectedness Monday morning to con nue the legacy of Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. The two dear friends stressed how important it is for our two communi es to con nue standing together, listening to each other, caring about each other’s problems, and forging bonds of enduring friendship also during the other 51 weeks of the year. Pastor Harris and Rabbi Siegel shared with us the grim sta s cs about the more than 700 people killed in his South Side neighborhood since the last me he came to share morning prayers with us at Rochelle Zell, as well as the more hopeful developments about the online a er‐school tutoring program that Anshe Emet is developing for the a ercare kids at Bright

Star, keeping kids safe while suppor ng their efforts to achieve in school. To learn more about how you can be a weekly Bright Star electronic tutor and make a friend on the South Side, contact Rabbi Siegel or Mrs. Eliaser.

March 20 No School

Senior Israel Experience

Adventures in the North

Our seniors are on the move! A er a resೀ�ul Shabbat in Peki'in, they have been hiking the Carmel and the Arbel, clearing land for the farmers at Ein Kamonim farm, making chocolate at the De Karina factory in the Golan. Near Haifa, the class got to meet up with former CJHS teacher, Ms. Stephanie Susnow. Ms. Susnow told us about the mul ‐ cultural Haifa community that immediately made them feel welcome, and their good Arab friends whose preemie twins were born at the same me in the same NICU as their preemie twins. The group also spent me at the Nata"l center, where Pastor Chris Harris and his fellow South Side faith leaders are learning and sharing in a trauma counseling project for families affected by violence and terror. Follow the class' adventures at seniorisraelexperience.wordpress.com!

New Faces

Let's give it up for the newest faces in our hallways! Rosa Shanes is our newest freshman, transferring from Ida Crown. Claire Weingarten from Hannah Sacks and Grant Primer from Deerfield High School have also joined the junior class. If you see them in the halls, say hello and welcome them to our community!

The Prints Recognized

NCTE Award For the Second Year Running!

Hearty congratula ons are in order! The Na onal Council of Teachers of English Program to Recognize Excellence in Student Literary Magazines has awarded The Prints (Spring 2016) with the SUPERIOR award! It is the second year in a row NCTE has honored The Prints. Thank you to Prints 2015‐16 class members: Izzy Brekher, Daphne Budin, Michael Daugherty, Natalie Ecanow, Eden Kahn, Eliana Kaufman, Sophie Kaufman, Isaac Kramer, Mollie Kramer, Ann Kushnir, Nina Levine, Shachar Rosenbla , and Jono Rosenblum. Says advisor Mrs. Hines, “A special debt of gra tude is owed to Editors‐in‐Chief Aviva Hirsch ('16) and Celia Pivo ('16) and Managing Editors Sarah Gilman ('16) and Jordan Krauss ('16). Thank you also to everyone in the school community—the levels of par cipa on in both The Prints and Open Mic Night are humbling. Check out the lis ngs of all the ranked magazines: Rochelle Zell is in great company!” Both 2015 and 2016 lis ngs are available at ncte.org/awards/student/PRESLM.

This Week in Sports

Women's Basketball Says 'W'!

The women's basketball team is on a roll! On Tuesday, we beat Beacon Academy 54‐24. Emerging star Jenna Miller led the way with 25 points, and Elitsa Sklar and Ann Kushnir had 10 points apiece. On Wednesday, we triumphed over North Shore Country Day 38‐22. Jenna Miller again led the way with 22 points, and Coach Pan ch credits the en re team with playing some great defense. Our record is now 9‐4!

Take a Deep Breath Anatomy Students Model Respira on

With the seniors in Israel, juniors in upper‐level subjects are enjoying some specialized classes! Ms. Murphy's Anatomy and Physiology students are tes ng their vital capacity and the amount of carbon dioxide in their bloodstreams, at rest and a er exercise. So go easy on those students running down the hall‐‐it's all in the name of science!

Alumni Trivia

Mazal tov! Love is in the air with another alumni engagement! Which member of CJHS Class of 2010 is not marrying another alumnus‐‐despite what you may think?

Curriculum Night

Save the Date Performing Arts Night, P.O. Book Club, and Wagner Ins tute

Sponsored Breakfast

Happy birthday to Eli Nasa r, and many thanks to his family for sponsoring bagels in his honor. Condolences also to Ms. Vanessa Averbach on the upcoming yahrzeit of her father, Paul Anik, and thank you to Ms. Averbach for sponsoring bagels in his honor. To sponsor bagels in honor of your favorite Tiger, please contact Diane Zidman in the office.

Community News and Events

Alumni Trivia

Mazal tov to Dani Wolf ('10) on her engagement to Dan Weiss. Danielle completed her degree in human development at the University of in Champaign and earned her MSW at the University of Chicago. She now works as the care coordinator at Rush Medical Center, in the Department of Health and Aging. Her fiance works at the Lake County Department of

Health and has his Masters in public health. Dani and Dan met on staff at Camp Ramah in 2010 and live in the Gold Coast neighborhood. Dani reports, "We love to cook together, and we love having the same ini als!"

CJHS graduate Daniel Weiss (CJHS '07, no rela on to the above groom) studied social work at Boston University, finishing a MSW there in 2015. Daniel is the public informa on manager at GLAD, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders, in Boston and has been a ending a lot of marches and rallies lately. Good for you, Daniel!

A Taste of Torah: Va'era

In this week's parasha, God uses three different listening verbs and five different rescuing verbs in what may seem an unusually lengthy speech, even to Moses. Wouldn’t it have been enough to say one of those phrases “I will redeem you,” or “I will deliver you,”? [Last week's celebrant] explained that before God uses all of this repe ve language to declare that God will rescue the Israelites from the cruelty of life in Egypt, God emphasized that God HEARD the Israelites: “‫אֲ נִ ֣י‬ ‫ו ְַג֣ם‬ ‫י ִשְׂ ָראֵ֔ ל‬ ‫בּ ְֵנ֣י‬ ֙‫אֽת־נַאֲ קַ ת‬ ‫י‬ ֶ ִ‫”שָׁ מַ֗ עְ תּ‬ ‐ God has taken the me to bear witness to the horrendous experiences of Israelite suffering in Egypt. God understands that REDEMPTION, powerful change of an en re society, cannot happen without listening.

In fact, God teaches us that LISTENING is a key ingredient to redemp on, and arguably the most important one. We need to listen to each other, to hear the personal stories of those in our midst who suffer. We must bear witness to the painstaking details of the hardship of others. And this kind of listening is so HARD. We don’t like to confront this ugliness, the misery of an individual and the oppression of a par cular community. Maybe that’s because once we know about the suffering of another person, we cannot help but feel responsible for relieving it. And maybe we don’t know how to relieve this suffering or we don’t want to invest our me and energy rescuing another person. Life is hard enough for each us, never mind taking care of another.

How can we engage in ac ve listening, to interact with others who are suffering? READ MORE >>

Ms. Tamara Frankel

1095 Lake Cook Road • Deerfield, IL 60015 • gers@rzjhs.org • 847.470.6700

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