January 15, 2016
5 Shevat, 5776 This Week at Rochelle Zell Senior Israel Experience JNF Tu BiShvat Fair Curriculum Night Save the Date Community Events Alumni Trivia A Taste of Torah
Senior Israel Experience The Many Faces of Jerusalem
Class Schedule Monday, January 18 No School Tuesday, January 19 B Wednesday, January 20 A
The seniors spent a glorious Shabbat in the city that is the bea4ng heart of the Jewish people. Rabbi Silver led the team on a quest to explore the complex tale of this ancient and modern city, one that has been the soul of the Jewish people since Biblical 4mes. Israel uniquely exists as a Jewish and democra4c state — this week showed how Israelis believe that this ideal should look on the ground.
Thursday, January 21 C Friday, January 22 BB
Neil Lazarus introduced the poli4cal dimensions of the city. What began with a touristy bus tour ended with a map: the complexity of drawing a map that cuts through both Jewish and Arab neighborhoods. On a map this is difficult enough; looking out on Jerusalem and seeing the neighborhoods intersec4ng with each other reinforces how difficult this truly is.
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Save The Date January 18 No School -‐ MLK Jr. Day January 19 Semester 2 Begins Academic Planning Mee4ng for Sophomores and Parents
Wednesday morning began with inspiring tefillot at the Kotel, a trip to Ein Karem to learn about Chris4anity, and a full day's exploring the three major religions of the city! The Jerusalem Running Club provided more leg work and less academic knowledge as runners from all religious and ethnic backgrounds joined for their weekly poli4cs-‐free run around the city. Equally strenuous was the a[ernoon spent packing enormous bags of rice at Pantry Packers, a food pantry run by Collel Chabad.
January 24 JNF Tu BiShvat Fair January 25 Classes Resume for Seniors Senior Parent Mee4ng Tu BiShvat January 27 Junior Parent Mee4ng February 7 ACT at Rochelle Zell February 15 No School -‐ President's Day February 17-‐21 Girls' Basketball Shabbaton
In Yaffo, the class enjoyed a very meaningful performance at Na LaGaat, a theater company made up of deaf and blind actors. During the lighter moments, our team enjoyed a few more "only in Israel" moments shoo4ng some hoops with the "Jewish Jordan" basketball star Tamir Goodman and filling up the annual Rochelle Zell fan bench for HaPoel Yerushalayim soccer team, as we cheered our favorite team on in Hebrew and noted
and Tournament in Miami
with approval the special suite not for Tampa Bay fans but for terror vic4ms and injured soldiers.
February 23 Curriculum Night for prospec4ve families March 2-‐6 Model UN Conference March 18-‐19 All School Shabbaton March 18 2:15 p.m. Friday Dismissal Begins
Shabbat shalom to all our staff and seniors off to enjoy their free weekends! Read more about their adventures with fellow teens and touring high-‐tech startups in Herzeliya, and hear their stories in the class blog! READ MORE >>
Alumni Trivia In honor of MLK Day, Rochelle Zell High School wonders which of its dis4nguished alumni have good causes to be in prison! No, really. Who?
Mazal Tov
Mazal tov to alumna Aliza Stein ('06) on her recent engagement to Aaron Zivic. Aliza lives in Chicago and is currently earning her PhD in learning sciences at Northwestern. Kol hakavod also to Jordy Shapiro ('11) on receiving a Schwarzman Scholarship (the Chinese equivalent of the Rhodes Scholarship) to study at Tsinghua University in China. Read all about it in the Stanford News! A hearty mazal tov also goes to alumna Judaic Studies teacher Ms. Stefanie Susnow and her husband Mah on the birth of an adorable new son! Aviv Shai Susnow joins his two-‐year-‐old twin brother and sister in Haifa, where Ms. Susnow works as a program coordinator for Onward Israel.
Community News and Events Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Social Justice Congress 2016
Monday, Jan. 18 | 1:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. KAM Isaiah Israel | 1100 E Hyde Park Blvd, Chicago, Illinois 60615
Please join Mothers Against Senseless Killings (the South Side neighborhood watch team) and The Survivor Engagement Network this MLK day as we celebrate his life and legacy by bringing children together from all over Chicagoland to discuss current events and other burning issues of the day. We are hoping that we can help our children break down barriers and build bridges. There will be
fun, educa4onal games and lunch provided. Click for more info or go here to RSVP.
Orot Day of Learning, Music, & Action Sunday, Jan. 17 | 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
BJBE MLK Community Day of Service Monday, Jan. 18 | 12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Join BJBE right across the street from our
school on Monday, January 19 as we honor the memory of Dr. Mar4n Luther King, Jr. by helping repair the world. Click here to register to volunteer on a project at one of 10 local sites, including BJBE. We will meet at BJBE at 12:30 p.m. for a short program and then head out to volunteer. Age restric4ons are unique to each project. Please note that projects will "close" as the limit for each is reached, so register online sooner than later! Contact Susie Selbst or Kelly Goldberg with ques4ons.
Alumni Trivia Baye Miller ('14) spent last year volunteering with Tivnu: Building Jus4ce, and is now a freshman at the University of Vermont, studying natural resources in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources; Baye has also decided to minor in community development. "Next semester," Bay reports, "I will be volunteering with the Prison Project where I, along with a few other volunteers, will head to the local women's prison once a week to spend 4me and do ac4vi4es with the women incarcerated there." Good for you, Baye!
A Taste of Torah: Bo This is the weekend for us to leave our insular communi4es and engage with the wider swath of humanity around us. If not now, when? In the most famous summons of the Exodus narra4ve, God does not tell Moshe to get up and go, as worthy as such an endeavor would be. God bids Moshe, "Come to Pharaoh." The language is an invita4on to meet as equals, with an expecta4on of progress, dialogue, and even success. Moshe is not sent away, "Go to Pharaoh," but invited to come to a place where he should already be. Pharaoh nego4ates in bad faith, but he does nego4ate: the grassroots effort from his own people have seen to that. Now, it is our turn, and we must nego4ate in good faith. We must see our brothers and sisters in adversity as allies and teachers, not means to an end or way to "do good." Even our adversaries must be met at their own level. There is where we should be. Like Moshe, we should come to them.
Ms. Shira Eliaser
1095 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL 60015 | tigers@rzjhs.org | 847.470.6700