Rochelle Zell Jewish High School E-News: Model UN Takes New York

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24 Adar, 5776 This Week at Rochelle Zell

March 4, 2016

Model U.N. Takes New York #1 Team Returns to NHSMUN Conference

Model U.N. Musical Showcase Night Rochelle Zell Meets CJDS STAND Senior Israel Recap Ad Book Community Events Alumni Trivia A Taste of Torah

Class Schedule ​Monday, March 7 A Tuesday, March 8 BC

Neither rain nor snow nor sleet, nor delayed flights nor gloom of night could keep our Model U.N. team from arriving in New York to open the annual Na>onal High School Model U.N. Conference! Our kids are doing great in commiDee and we had a really interes>ng and informa>onal mee>ng with diplomats at the French U.N. mission. Students had the opportunity to ask ques>ons about climate change, and heard answers about France's diploma>c perspec>ve on a variety of issues. Back in

Wednesday, March 9 BB Thursday, March 10 C Friday, March 11 No School

their own Model U.N. commiDee sessions, students have taken the lead in contribu>ng to debate and in wri>ng working draTs of resolu>ons. They have already developed rela>onships and friendships with delegates from schools around the country and the world, and they are excited to finish their commiDee sessions before enjoying a relaxing Shabbat in New York. Get the latest MUN news here.

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Save The Date ​March 2-­‐6 Model UN Conference March 11 No School March 18-­‐19 All School Shabbaton March 24 Purim March 25 2:15 Dismissal Begins April 10-­‐11 Wagner Ins>tute April 10 ACT April 14 School Musical

Fine Arts Showcase Rochelle Zell Musical Night Our arts ensembles brought the house down last Sunday for the annual musical showcase! The winter concert highlighted half a year's prepara>on from the vocal ensemble, the jazz band, and the new Rochelle Zell dance team! In addi>on to the jazz, pop, rock, and Broadway hits from the ensemble, we heard solo numbers from singer Dina Matkowsky and guitarist Ayelet Goldson.

STEM Corner Video entries for the High School Biodiesel Video contest are due on April 5, 2016. Students are asked to make a 1 minute video on biodiesel and its use. Top videos will receive $250 -­‐ $1,200 scholarships. For contest details and addi>onal informa>on Click here.

New this year was the faculty choir, as well as several incredible pieces from our new dance team. Yasher koach to all the performers! If you missed the performance, you can watch it on The Cube. Thank you to Tara Seymour for recording the show and puang it on The Cube for everyone to see!

Vocal Ensemble Performs at CJDS Annual Day School Get-Together Concert Last Friday, fourteen members of the Rochelle Zell choir traveled to Chicago Jewish Day School to perform for their school community. We joined together for a beau>ful Kabbalat Shabbat service followed by a fantas>c concert led by choir director Ellen Singer. This annual tradi>on is one of many that we look forward to celebra>ng with the CJDS community. Yasher koach to Becca Abrams, Zach

Becker, Emma Canter, Sarah Comar, Coby Drexler, Hana Lieber, Eli Johnson, Aitan Maeir, Dina Matkowsky, Maya Michalewicz​, Romi Moller, Gabrielle Pretekin, Emma Siegel, and Sarah Tenner on their great


STAND Collecting for Refugees Join the Tikkun Olam Initiative! Shout out, Rochelle Zell-­‐-­‐can we get 100% par>cipa>on? STAND is embracing the Jewish obliga>on to love the stranger and is focusing its efforts on the Syrian refugee crisis. There are 6.6 million displaced people in Syria, half of them children. STAND is partnering with the Karam Founda>on, a Chicago based non-­‐profit working directly in Syria, to assist Syrian families. Families receive s>pends of $50 a month on the condi>on that they send their child to school. This is money that the families would typically receive by making their children work. Karam will send us periodic updates about the families we sponsor. To learn more about the program, go to Karamfounda>on .org/sponsor. Please donate at STAND is very grateful for all dona>ons, and so are our brothers and sisters in suffering!

Israel on Campus Recap During the three-­‐week Senior Israel seminar, students heard from many perspec>ves about the current climate on college campuses about Israel. We heard from Hillel professionals, students, representa>ves from JUF, J Street, and AIPAC. At the end of the seminar, we asked students to reflect on the experience and students noted repeatedly that they appreciated the mul>ple perspec>ves they interacted with — there are mul>ple entrance points for students to relate to Israel and there are vast differences of culture across different campuses. Seniors par>cularly connected to the presenta>ons by alumni Alex Krule (CJHS ’11) and Isaac Johnston (CJHS ’15), each of whom have been quite involved in Israel and Jewish life during their >mes at Northwestern and University of Chicago. Students saw themselves when the alumni told their narra>ves. In turn, Isaac helped our students to tell their own stories about Israel, to bring sensory descrip>ons about their rela>onship, to describe the scene, to make the story personal. We con>nue to work to foster students’ love of the land and people of Israel as a central component of being in the modern world. This senior seminar was a big step in that process.​ Click here to hear from students in their own voices.

Alumni Trivia Which of our pioneer alumni is geang his MBA aTer a year in Copenhagen?

Wagner Institute Annual JTS Weekend of Learning at Rochelle Zell Jewish High School

Adbook Sponsorship Adver>se your business in the Rochelle Zell Jewish High School ad book supplement to the yearbook. Recall memories, give a bit of advice, or simply extend good wishes to students, the community or to the faculty and staff. Click here for an order form, or pick up a form in the school office. Complete and submit to the front office at Rochelle Zell Jewish High School in an envelope marked 'yearbook'. You can also email ad copy/artwork here. All ad book submissions are due April 15. For ques>ons or more informa>on, contact Ms. Averbach at 847.423.5977.

Save the Date!

Click here or anywhere on the image above to RSVP

Click here or anywhere on the image above to register

Sponsored Breakfast

Happy birthday, Sadie Hulkower and Benji Salzman! Thank you to their families for sponsoring breakfast this week. If you would like to sponsor bagels in honor of your favorite Tiger, contact Diane Zidman.

Community News and Events

JUF's Annual Jewish Day School Night Tuesday, March 29, 7:15 p.m. | 5300 West Touhy Avenue in Skokie, IL

DAY SCHOOL PARENTS, EDUCATORS & BOARD MEMBERS are cordially invited to aDend The 6th Annual Jewish Day School Night on behalf of the Jewish United Fund Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Dessert Recep>on: 7:15 p.m. Holiday Inn Northshore PRESENTING "Crea>ve Problem Solving" Making Kids Part of the Solu>on Featuring na>onally recognized clinical child psychologist and developer of the research-­‐based method now called Collabora>ve & Proac>ve Solu>ons Ross W. Greene, Ph.D. Reserva>ons required. Dietary laws observed. Valet parking available. Register here. There is no charge to aDend this program. A meaningful giT to the 2016 Jewish United Fund Annual Campaign is strongly encouraged. For more informa>on, please contact

Alumni Trivia

Pioneer student Jon Freed ('05) is geang his MBA at New York University aTer several years with Hugo Neu Recycling and a year at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. Jon earned his masters' in economics and finance from Brandeis Interna>onal Business School. Jon was the equipment reuse manager at Hugo Neu, a company which specializes in environmentally sound electronics recycling. Jon has been married to Kate Rubin-­‐Marx since 2014.

Kavannah from Friday's Tefillah Last Friday, senior Aviva Hirsch, the president of our STAND chapter that stands against genocide, brought a kavanah to the school community that touched the hearts and souls of all in aDendance, an ode to the humanity and infinite worth of every person on the planet. She noted the complexity of the diplomacy involved and elevated those ques>ons. And simultaneously asked us to open our hearts to the plight of others. As she writes, “ These ques>ons are clearly complicated. I cannot tell you the answers, because I do not know them. But a final message to all: Don’t close your eyes because they’re too hard to think about. Don’t shut the door because you can’t handle the noise. Understand that privilege does not jus>fy silence, that freedom imposes responsibility. Do your research. Give what you can give. But most of all, just learn to care. Because trust me, if things were reversed, you would want people to care too. Shabbat shalom." To read Aviva's moving words and stark depic5on of the plight of the Syrian refugees, click here.

1095 Lake Cook Road Deerfield, IL 60015 | | 847.470.6700

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