17 Cheshvan, 5777
November 18, 2016
This Week at Rochelle Zell
Math Team Takes Second
Freshmen and Juniors Tie for First at Maine East
Spirit Week Pep Rally Basketball Scores Math Team Wins My Name is Mohammed Veterans Day Anatomy Adventures Alumni Night Ahead Griffith‐Schorsch Debate P.O. Chanukah Fund Honoring Bruce Scher Rochelle Zell Kippot Community News
Alumni Trivia A Taste of Torah
Class Schedule Monday, November 21 A
The Rochelle Zell Math Team had an amazing meet Wednesday night! We came in at a close second to Downers Grove South, earning 120 total points to their 127. Our freshman team earned first place, both our junior team and Oralist Hadar Halivini 䵤�ed for first place in their contests, and our senior team dropped to second place, only one point short of the championship! Now we’re hi�ng the ground running, ge�ng ready for Meet III on December 8. Go Mathletes!
Tuesday, November 22 C
Wednesday, November 23 A: 8:00 ‐ 1:15 schedule
Thursday, November 24 No School
Friday, November 25 No School
Teen Arab Israeli Ac䵤�vist Visits
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On Wednesday during lunch, Arab Israeli teen ac䵤�vist Mohammed Zoabi visited Rochelle Zell to speak to share his unique life experience. He grew up in an affluent Arab family and lived in Israel all of his life. In 2014, he made a video response that went viral in reac䵤�on to the three Israeli teens that were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. He received many death threats and the Israeli authori䵤�es recommend he go into hiding; later, he had to leave the country. Now, at age 18, he tours all across the country educa䵤�ng students about Israel. At the end of his presenta䵤�on, Q&A focused on how to build bridges and create a dialogue between the Israeli and Pales䵤�nian communi䵤�es.
November 23 Alumni Day 8:00 a.m. Start, 1:15 Dismissal November 24‐25 No School ‐ Thanksgiving November 26 Alumni Reunion
November 29 College Program for juniors and their parents
December 11 ACT
College Visits Rochelle Zell is pleased to welcome admission representa䵤�ves from over forty
The event was planned by Ethan Laney through his internship with StandWithUs. StandWithUs is an Israel advocacy and educa䵤�on organiza䵤�on that helps combat an䵤�semi䵤�sm, BDS efforts, and misinforma䵤�on about Israel all over the world. Thank you to Masa, Susan and Doug Laney, and the StandWithUs board for co‐sponsoring the event. Addi䵤�onal thanks are due to Rabbi Silver, the presidents of Interfaith Youth Corp (Emma Ma䵤� and Felix Rosen), and the presidents of Va'ad
colleges and Israel programs as we wrap up this year's college season!
Israel (Jonah Karoll and Meira Levine) for helping organize the event. Thank you again to Mohammed for sharing your amazing story and taking 䵤�me to speak to and inspire our students! Be strong, friend!
Spirit Week
Homecoming 2017
The announcers are saying it from across the court, "There goes RZ, playing with heart!" Felix Rosen gave the Dvar Sportsmanship at tefillah to kick off an all‐school Pep Rally, and the basketball teams are celebra䵤�ng Homecoming with Spirit Week! Spirit Club worked 䵤�relessly to plan this year's theme, Under The Sea, and inspire Moody Monday, Tie‐Dye Tuesday, Work‐Out Wednesday, RZ Thursday, and Grade‐Pride Friday, including Funky Freshmen, Super Sophomores, and Jungle Juniors. The Roar Store has also been selling some amazing new Rochelle Zell gear! It has been an all‐school pump‐up fest, culmina䵤�ng in the Homecoming dance this Saturday night.
Pep Rally
Fall and Winter Sports 2017
It was ge�n' a li㥼le rowdy at the homecoming pep rally yesterday, with the whole school decked
out in Tiger pride and classes vying for the spirit victory! This year's freshmen gave the seniors a thorough run for their money, both in the annual pain䵤�ng of the gym windows contest (for which the freshmen also completed the sophomore window) and the all‐school Tug of War compe䵤�䵤�on, where they soundly trounced the sophomores and were even able to pull past the six senior guys who challenged them! Winners of the pie ea䵤�ng contest included Rabbi Silver for the juniors; some say that Mr. Griffith won the match, but he took a close second. Henry Hoffman won for the sophomores, and an Honorable Men䵤�on goes to Coby Maeir for pretending he was a teacher. The pep rally finished with the announcement of the students par䵤�cipa䵤�ng in winter varsity sports. Amazing spirit was displayed by our students and staff! Go Tigers!
This Week in Basketball
Tigers Score!
The varsity girls basketball team got their season off to a great start last night, winning 46‐20 over Roycemore. The team was led in scoring and rebounds by Sam Wolf with 28 points, and then Elitsa Sklar with 10. Ariel Saxton did a great job running the offense, and everyone else contributed to the victory. We look forward to the rest of the season!
The victorious Tigers received a mighty cheer at Thursday's Homecoming pep rally, coming back from a 23 point deficit for a headline‐smashing upset of the sixth‐seeded YULA Panthers. Dave Vayngart led the charge in the first quarter, with Felix Rosen bringing in 11 points as the game wore on, and a buzzer‐ bea䵤�ng 3‐pointer from Eli Nasa䵤�r brought in the winning point with less than 30 seconds on the clock. Now, let's see what the JV team can do this Monday against Cristo Rey. Bring it on!
Anatomy Adventures
Beetle Pull is Back!
It was Human vs. Bug in Ms. Murphy's Anatomy and Physiology classes! Joey Zilber was the strongest hauler, pulling a long line of squealing classmates across the floor with eight 䵤�mes his own weight, with Daphne Budin close behind, able to haul seven 䵤�mes her weight! However, their mighty efforts s䵤�ll paled in comparison to the winning beetle, who doggedly dragged fi壇y 䵤�mes its own weight. Score one for the bugs!
Veterans Day
For Those Who Served
On Monday, Lt. Mike Luban (ret. USN), father of freshman Marc Luban, addressed the student body in honor of Veterans Day. Lt. Luban recalled the reasons that inspired him to join the armed forces a壇er graduate school: his desire to serve his country combined with his love of boats and watercra壇 and his childhood desire to "beat the bad guys." He soberly contrasted the world reali䵤�es of the 1980's with the current climate to answer what advice he would give to his own children should they express a desire to serve in the armed forces as well. Although he was the only Jewish officer in his area, Lt. Luban also recalled the very welcoming climate he found himself in, and the embarrassment he felt when his superior officers seemed to know more about his religious needs than he did; surprisingly, his tour in the Navy touched off a lifelong search to be㥼er his Jewish knowledge. Many thanks to Lt. Luban for coming to speak!
Alumni Trivia
Smile for the camera! Which alumna is the new face of nursing at ISU?
Save the Date: GriffithSchorsch Debate December 8, 7:00 p.m. | Rochelle Zell Jewish High School
Please join us on Thursday, December 8 as Dr. Rebecca Schorsch and Mr. Dale Griffith present “A Dialogue of Two Confessions – Albert Camus’ The Fall and Joseph Soloveitchik’s The Lonely Man of Faith.” How do stories inform the way we orient ourselves to the world around us, consciously or unconsciously? That ques䵤�on is one of the noble purposes in having adolescents read and reflect on literature. We invite you to consider, as our students have considered, Albert Camus’ depic䵤�on of secular ego䵤�sm in The Fall against Joseph Soloveitchik’s reading of the biblical narra䵤�ve of the crea䵤�on of man in his seminal work The Lonely Man of Faith. The hope is that all
those who a㥼end this presenta䵤�on will appreciate the significance of reading these two texts in dialogue and glimpse the rich and important learning experience of our Rochelle Zell students.
Save the Date: Alumni Reunion
Saturday, November 26, 7:00 p.m. ‐ 9:00 p.m. | Rochelle Zell Jewish High School
Featuring our annual Alumni Basketball Game! Recognizing the 10 Year Reunion of the Class of 2007!
Mingle with old friends and teachers and cheer on the alumni! Don't miss the annual interac䵤�ve ac䵤�vi䵤�es and goofy photo booth! There will be a suggested $10 dona䵤�on at the door. Each entrance dona䵤�on will include a Rochelle Zell tote bag. Are you interested in par䵤�cipa䵤�ng in the Alumni Basketball Game? Please click here to sign up. For ques䵤�ons, please contact Michelle Friedman at 847.324.3720.
P.O. Chanukah Fund
Contribute to the Annual PO Teacher/Staff Chanukah Gi壇 Fund
The suggested contribu䵤�on is $18 per student, but any amount is greatly appreciated! Checks must be received by Thursday, December 15, but are welcome sooner! Please send cash or check made out to Rochelle Zell P.O. to the school main office in an envelope with your student'(s) name(s) labeled Rochelle Zell P.O. Chanukah Fund. You may also contribute online by clicking here. Ques䵤�ons? Contact Mar䵤�ne Gorstein at 847.791.0223. Looking forward to a Happy Chanukah for all our teachers/staff and the en懡�re school community. Thank you so much!
Click the image above to RSVP
Rochelle Zell Swag
Special Items: Kippot and Magnets
Everyone's spor䵤�ng them this holiday season! Handwoven kippot from Jerusalem are available for $20 from the development office. Contact Michelle Friedman at mfriedman@rzjhs.org to get yours today.
Now available for only $5 in the Roar Store: Rochelle Zell Jewish High School car magnets! Proudly display your Tiger Pride. See Coach Mar䵤�nez to purchase. #go䵤�gers
Sponsored Breakfast
Yasher koach to freshman Sammy Korol for an absolute POWERHOUSE of a Dvar Torah this morning! Many thanks to his family for sponsoring breakfast. To sponsor bagels in honor of your favorite Tiger, please contact Diane Zidman in the front office. Look for Sammy's drash in next week's E‐News.
Community News and Events
Students in the News Junior Ska䵤�ng With Team USA
Congratula䵤�ons to Claire Gruenberg and her Starlights Junior Synchronized Ska䵤�ng team for being named Team USA! The team will be a㥼ending the Zagreb Snowflake Trophy in Zagreb, Croa䵤�a in February where they will represent the United States. Congratula䵤�ons and best of luck!
Alumni Trivia
Alena Burda (CJHS '14) is following in her mother's footsteps as she studies to become a nurse! Alena reports from among the Redbirds at Illinois State, "I have a Psychomotor Skills For Nursing class which focuses on teaching us hands‐on skills, such as inser䵤�ng an IV. I am also enrolled in a Health Assessment class, where we learn the difference between normal and abnormal findings. My third class is in partnership with my clinical experience: we learn about aging as we switch
between observing and working with pa䵤�ents in the nursing home and the hospital. In Pharmacology, I learn about drugs and their effects on the body." Alena advises her fellow students to "learn 䵤�me management skills and not to procras䵤�nate. Time managing skills are very important in nursing school!" READ MORE>>
A Taste of Torah: Vayera
In the first verse of Parashat Vayera, God appears to Avram during the heat of the day. The Rabbis
of the Talmud rhetorically ask, “Why did God approach Avram at this 䵤�me?” Looking back at the end of the previous chapter, they note that Avraham just had his Brit Milah, a considerable medical procedure. So why does God approach Avraham, who is si�ng outside his tent? To visit the sick.
What does it mean to imitate God, to walk in God’s ways? The Talmud suggests that walking a壇er God means to reach out to the vulnerable during their 䵤�me of strife. To walk in God’s ways is to imitate the virtues that God demonstrates (Sotah, 14a). The Talmud con䵤�nues by sta䵤�ng that just as God clothed the naked, so too must you clothe the naked. Just as God comforted mourners, so too must you comfort mourners. Just as God buried the dead, so too must you bury the dead. We call these acts “chesed,” interpersonal kindness and compassion between two humans.
In a world with so much hatred and division, there has never been a more important to follow the Rabbinic vision of what it means to walk in God’s ways. The God of the Bible is a God who cares passionately for the downtrodden. We must strive to live up to God’s example and Rochelle Zell Jewish High School must be a beacon of chesed both inside of our own walls and shining out into the rest of the Chicago community. Psalms suggests that “The World is build with Chesed.” Let us build that world together.
Rabbi Zach Silver, Rav Beit Sefer
1095 Lake Cook Road • Deerfield, IL 60015 • 䵤�gers@rzjhs.org • 847.470.6700