Tuition Assistance (TA) Supplemental Information The information provided on this form will give our TA committee a more accurate picture of your financial situation. The committee will use this information to determine TA. Please complete and fax to FACTS Management Company at 866-315-9264. Date Parent Student College Tuition not applicable Student name/s College/s attending Total tuition cost Have you or your student/s applied for and received student loans or grants?
What has the college awarded you in tuition assistance? What is the net cost to you for tuition each year? Summer Camp/Program
not applicable
List each of your children who will attend Jewish camp this summer the name of the of camp name and amount you paid per child Name Name Camp/Program Name Camp/Program Name Cost Your cost Cost Your cost Name Name Camp/Program Name Camp/Program Name Cost Your cost Cost Your cost Synagogue not applicable Do you belong to a synagogue?
If yes, please write the synagogue name here Annual Dues Adjusted Dues If the synagogue has reduced your membership, please put the net amount you pay per year.