Chicago Street Journal
March 13-25²19, 2014
Page 1
March 13²26, 2014
Volume 1 No. 1
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Page 7 ing to a poll released early December of millions of dollars in this election – with many showed Quinn remains unpopular with voters, but Donnell Robinson of the state’s Republicans flocking to him. How- this year’s election remains tight between Quinn Staff Reporter The election is here as candidates running for ever, one of his republican challenger Kirk Dillard and any of the four Republican candidates. Over governor and other statewide offices are off and is still moving strong. looking Cease Fire former director Tio Hardiman running. As money do not always win the votes, accord- due to his lack of funds. Quinn has barely acknowlA sure sign money can edged opponent Hardiman, influence the votes, as a and refused all debates with group of journalist on the lone candidate. WBBM channel 11 proDespite the inability to claimed on Chicago’s Toraise campaign money, In the March 18, 2014 General Primary election night program. Governor Pat Hardiman and his Lt. GovPublic Act 98-051, effective January 1, 2014, allows a person who is 17 Quinn is ahead with money ernor running mate Brunell for the Democratics, and years old on the date of the general primary election to vote provided: Donald-Kyei is moving Bruce Rauner a billionaire (1) that person will be 18 years old on the date of the immediately fol- forward. who is prepared to spend tens &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH lowing general election, and (2) the person is registered to vote
The vote of 17 YEAR OLD
Frank Ottman
Staff Writer Owning an automobile is a person's right. However, driving is a privagde granted by the government. This gives the government the wherewithal to control the streets and roads basically in the name of safety. But WVON talk show host Mark Wallace views driving in Chicago has
Ed Yohnka of become ultimately a Chicago and the means of capitalizaAmerican Civil tion of those that drive Liberties Union of as the City began the Illinois Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) in WVON talk show 2003. , as a pilot prohost Mark Wallace gram at two locations: formed the Citizens to Abolish Peterson and Western and 55th and Western based on crash data. The Red-Light Cameras (C.A.R.L.C.) to City reported where ASE cameras have been address. installed, the number of recorded speeding events has dropped by nearly two-thirds and Furthermore, concern of the City’s said purhas issued more than 375,000 30-day warnpose of the cameras, Ed Yohnka of Chicago ings, 50,000 final warnings and 8,000 tickets to and the American Civil Liberties Union of date. Illinois (ACLU) feels that “Too many of our Since that time the Red-light camera encivil liberties are being lost and many here in forcement designed to increase safety on ChiChicago feel that red-light traffic cameras are cago streets has became a prime revenue ven &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH ture.
By Barbara J. Baker As students, teachers and staff moved last year protesting against the Chicago Public School (CPS) mandate to close a $1 billion budget deficit; others focus on Chicago’s election of 2015 in the closing of 50 schools and budget cuts citywide. Along with the school closing, more than 2,100 CPS employees were laid off, bringing the total number of pink slips to 3,000. The Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Jackson Potter, staff coordinator for the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), said 30 percent of teachers Precinct Organization has already adopted a posi &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH in CPS are African-American, but 43 percent of all teachers being laid off are Black. The CTU reported that CPS is creating a vicious emerge as thriving neighborhoods. Eighty-eight cycle of disinvestment and population suppression percent of the students affected by school actions that severely limits the ability of African-American from 2001 to 2012 were African-American. Only communities on the South and West sides to re &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH
January 1, 2014 Denver. Co. is the first State of &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH
By Michele Banks
ho would’ve thought that the beautiful silver screen siren, Angelina Jolie, would share such a private moment in her life with us, the less fortunate. &RQWLQXH RQ SDJH
³6RPHWLPHV \RX KDYH WR SLFN the gun up to put the Gun GRZQ ´ ʊ Malcolm X As the State of Illinois address concealed weapons:
2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH
Page 2
March 13²24, 2014
Chicago Street Journal
5HY &KDUOHV .RHQ RQH RI WKH QDWLRQ¡V OHDGLQJ FLYLO ULJKWV leaders and a human rights icon, most known for his efforts to issues
in Cairo, IL, during the 1960s from the historical segregation as imposed by law, discrimination and violence. Koen was persecuted and was sentenced by the State of Illinois on August 25, 2011 to 12 years in prison for crimes related to his work. Koen is in poor health and is working to appeal what many say an unjust conviction and needs moral and financial support. Supporters are working to raise funds for his appeal, which includes rHQRZQHG &LYLO 5LJKWV &RXQVHO Attorney Standish Willis and U.S. Representative Danny K. Davis. Other Supporters & Speakers Include: Dr. Webb Evans, Chuck Harris, Zaki Baruti, Jeff Baker, Josephine Wade ,Linda Mallory, Father George Clements, Bruce Crosby, Attorney Williams Jackson, Ezra McCann, Donald Muhammad, Bishop Jackson, and many more.
In 2012, more than $44 million was recovered from 20,000 people who wrongfully collected unemployment insurance, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) said Federal tax returns were confiscated from those who refused IDES’ offer of a repayment plan. So far this year, IDES has asked the Internal Revenue Service to seize an additional $226 million from 71,000 people who either purposefully defrauded the IDES or should have known they were not entitled to the temporary benefits. “Not only are we criminally prosecuting benefit fraud, this shows we are fighting to claw back the money,� IDES Director Jay Rowell said. “Every dollar we get back means businesses will pay less in taxes so they can use that money to hire more employees and help grow our economy.� This is the second year that IDES can garnish federal tax returns following reforms enacted in 2011. The initiatives to fight fraud, increase tax fairness and reduce costs for businesses are part of Gov. Pat Quinn’s plan to improve the state’s climate for job creation and strengthen the Illinois economy. Protecting the integrity of the Trust Fund is paramount. Money that pays for unemployment insurance benefits comes from a business payroll tax. The Trust Fund’s balance is among the factors considered when determining the payroll tax amount. The lower the Fund balance, the higher the payroll tax. Unemployment insurance’s temporary dollars most often pay for essentials at the neighborhood grocery, gas station and clothing store, thereby supporting the local economy. Every $1 in unemployment insurance benefits generates about $1.63 in economic activity.
3RWHQWLDO ER\FRWW RI 6FKDXPEXUJ DIWHU YLOODJH RIILFLDO EUDJV DERXW WKHLU PXUGHU UDWH National Block Club University (NBCU) reached out to the people of Schaumburg and Elgin seeking widespread help for the anti-violence efforts. A media contact from Schaumburg forwarded the request to the Village of Schaumburg’s Information Officer, responded to the fact that Schaumburg boast having only three murders in seven years and issued a deadline of one week to remove the title Schaumburg off of NBCU’s website. Totally shocked at the level of insensitivity, the founder of National Block Club University, Syron Smith, responded with a letter to the six trustees and the village president asking for an apology for the lack of concern to a fellow American. With no response from the administration. NBCU will focus on a petition drive from 20 neighborhoods in Chicago to possibly boycott spending in the Village. NBCU is an Illinois not for profit since 2003 designed to combat violence across 167 America’s most dangerous neighborhoods. Additional information Syron Smith 312 4058844 or email at
%URQ]HYLOOH In 2012, Unity Hall located at 3138-40 South Indiana was on Preservation Chicago's Most Endangered Buildings list. This building is a Chicago Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and over the years was threatened with demolition by neglect. Unity Hall is one of eight buildings and a monument that compose the National Register's Black Metropolis Historic District in Bronzeville. Built in 1887 as a Jewish social club, Unity Hall later became the home of The People's Movement, a black political organization headed by Oscar S. DePriest, Chicago's first Black Alderman and the nation's first Black Congressman from a northern state. In later years, the building was also used for public gatherings before being converted into the Moorish Science Temple of America and more recently into a church. The building, with its noble Queen Anne exterior, has sat vacant for the past few years and was the well known home for a family of raccoons. Thanks was given to Tom Boney, a resident of the 3rd Ward and local developer, with the active support of Alderman Dowell, Unity Hall will not face the wrecking ball. After weeks of negotiation and public presentations, the building was rezoned on March 5, 2014 by the City Council from RS-3 to RM-6 to allow for the rehabilitation of the building to include 21 units of market-rate student housing. The historic legacy of Unity Hall will be preserved in the common areas throughout the building. Alderman Dowell thanks the Gap Community Organization and the Michigan Indiana Condominium Association for their input and suggestions. Construction will begin in March and will be complete by August 2014.
:DVKLQJWRQ 3DUN The City Council approved an ordinance that leases the vacant firehouse located at 5349 S. Wabash Avenue on a $1, 10 year lease to Morris Davis, retired firefighter and founder of the museum. Earza
McCain, who has lead many of the fights for African American firefighters said the museum will honor black firefighters and their many contributions and inventions towards firefighting and is set to open next year. &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH
Business Management: 7ULSOH % &RQVXOWDQWV Writers Chinta Strausberg, Sonja Predue, Donnell Robinson, 6RQMD 3XUGXH 0LFKHOH %DQNV Francine Jeffries, Correspondent &DUO :HVW Advertising Sales: Sabeen E-leam
6RQMD 3HUGXH &KLFDJR¡V %ODFN %XVLQHVV 1HWZRUN social media manager Deborah D. Russell - Chicago Street Journal;
An MSNBC host apologize to Mitt Romney's family after she and guests on her show joked about a Christmas picture that showed the Republican presidential candidate's adopted, AfricanAmerican grandson.. Comedian Dean Obeidallah, said it 'sums up the diversity of the Republican party.' However, Sammy is living out being the adopted son of Romney family with skin lighting and blue eyes. On the &KLFDJRœV %ODFN %XVLQHVV 1HWZRUN 5DGLR Blog, produced by Sonja Perdue, 7KH ³5RFN´ Charles Dutton said hold him accountable to making a movie on the late great Mayor Harold Washington which he say he can play the part well and with the weight he has gained, In addition Jeffery Dawkins of the South Suburbs Black Wall Street want to follow-up with Dutton saying he would want to produce a movie on the Black Wall Street of Tulsa Oklahoma. John Porter not the director of the Bronzeville Visitor and Tourism Center on 35th Street. Hmmmm.
Amara Enyia, 30, a municipal consultant and community organizer, is planning to run against the 55th mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel in February 2015. In and out of Chicago is %LOO ¾'RFN´ :DOOV, 54, is questioned if will he have to address the same challenge of where he live as the present mayor did. Even more south suburban, former Alderman and County Commission Robert Shaw, 78, who now lives in the Hyde Park area, is running for the 5th floor office as well. Then there is Frederick Collins, 40 something, a Chicago Police officer from the Westside is campaigning for the office as well‌.PPP surveyed 557 Illinois voters; Thirty-six of those surveyed had a favorable opinion of Emanuel, with 46 percent unfavorable and 19 percent unsure. Numbers like that gives Emanuel a second term if three candidates are in the race. Who is the spoiler or part to run‌‌...However, Jimmy Tillman (2nd congressional candidate, son of Dorothy Tillman) will advocate for Chicago to have a two party municipal election in which he says to end the one party rule that has caused disenfranchisement, disengagement, and distrust of the Chicago election process. League of Women Voters of Chicago, Jodi Biancalana, Bruce Crosby, Will Crosby, Stephanie Crowell) Ignazia Angela Daidone, Jim Ignatowski) Gearld A. Judge, Amelia Kabat,Ernie) Luasik,Keith McDoanld, Robert McKay) ) No. 13-cv-2455 Lynn Seermon, Patricia Swindle and ) Alonso Zara Goza)P LAINTIFFS, ) JURY DEMANDED V. ) CITY OF CHICAGO, a municipal corporation, ) the defendant, the City of Chicago, is acting under color of law to deny plaintiffs their right to vote. Is a "thanks� in order from Union Team Members and Prairie Material for RTW Veteran Center on 55th and King Drive. On January 31, 2014, RTW reported a check of approximately $5,000 was collected on their behalf. However the checks) are still flooding around. RTW Veteran Center, understanding was that a check would possibly be ready on Tuesday, February 04, 2014 that was being prepared by Prairie Material. However, no check as of this date. The Name of the late Richard Pegue was Officially Placed Into Nomination Into The Radio Hall Of Fame but will he get into the Radio Hall of Fame'
In 1961 Dr. Webb Evans organized the United American Progress Association; the purpose was to get more Blacks to prepare and go into business and get more people to spend their money with Black owned businesses.
Today at 100 years old, the drive is to purchase commercial property in his name on a Black Wall Street District of West 79th Street. Dr. Evans stays busy trying to get people to invest their money in the Black community to build more businesses to create more jobs for Blacks. One may see him anytime in a protest march trying to make others give us jobs we are entitled to. He started marching with A. Phillip Randolph. He was with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington D.C. in 1963 and with him in other places. He has also marched with Lu Palmer, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Eddie Read and others. To continue his Legacy of promoting and supporting Black business in Chicago, UAPA is on the mission to purchase and dedicate a block of land in Evans honor, on the north side of 79th St. between Hermitage and Paulina
The Public Policy Polling (PPP) survey of ,OOLQRLV YRWHUV IRXQG 4XLQQœV DSSURYDO rating to be abysmal for most candidates seeking reelection, with only 34 percent approving DQG SHUFHQW GLVDSSURYLQJ RI WKH MRE KHœV doing. However, those numbers are trending slightly upward from the where he was last year, when PPP found him at 25-64, making him the least popular governor in the country. On the Republican side, Bruce Rauner a billionaire who is prepared to spend tens of &DOYLQ ³2PDU´ millions of dollars in this -RKQVRQ WKH election ¹ with many of IRUPHU WK :DUG WKH VWDWHœV 5HSXEOLFDQV 5HSXEOLFDQ are flocking to his camp. &RPPLWWHHPDQ .LUN 'LOODUG GRHVQœW have those kinds of resources or those kinds of pals. OHG 4XLQQœV IRXU FKDOOHQJHUV ZLWK SHU cent backing from likely GOP voters. State Senator Bill Brady was favored by 17 percent of voters, with 14 percent for state treasurer Dan Rutherford and 10 percent for state Senator Kirk Dillard. Thirty-six percent of Repub-
lican voters, however, were undecided on the race. In a head-to-head match-up, Rutherford was the only Republican ahead of the governor, leading Quinn 41 to 39. The Democrat led Rauner by a 41 to 38 percent margin and tied both Brady and Dillard. &DOYLQ ³2PDU´ -RKQVRQ WKH IRUPHU th Ward Republican Committeeman, is set to lead the charge for Republican gubernatorial candidate Senator Kirk Dillard of Hinsdale. Johnson and a group of concerned voters, comprised of ministers and community activists, arranged an early morning breakfast last month to discuss campaign issues with Dillard. Dillard served as the chief of staff to former governor Jim Edgar ¹ and subsequently as an Illinois state senator. Bruce Rauner is Among those issues, says -RKQVRQ LV ³WKH KRUUHQGRXV HIIHFW WKH DLOLQJ Illinois economy is having on the Black midGOH FODVV´ -RKQVRQ VD\V KHœV SDUWLFXODUO\ LQWHUHVWHG LQ 'LOODUGœV ³'HVWLQDWLRQ (FRQRP\´ jobs proposal. -RKQVRQ VD\V KHœV DOVR SXVKLQJ WR JHW PRUH African American voters interested in the Illinois Republican Party. According to JohnVRQ ³,WœV LPSRUWDQW WKDW %ODFNV XQGHUVWDQG WKH significance of the two party system and how
and name it the Web Evans Center for Economic Change.
There is movement surrounding the poten &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH
the leveraging of their votes will benefit them and their communiWLHV ´ While noting African AmeriFDQœV ORQJ ,OOLQRLV history of voting for Democratic candidates, JohnVRQ VD\V KHœV FRQ vinced that given the right Republican candidate with 7LR 0DULR +DUGLPDQ FDQGLGDWH IRU JRYHUQRU DQG KLV UXQ the right message, QLQJ PDWH IRU /W *RYHUQRU %UXQHOO 'RQDOG .\HL African AmeriFDQœV DUH ZLOOLQJ WR YRWH 5HSXEOLFDQ Johnson bers are traditionally viewed as Democratic DGGV ³, EHOLHYH .LUN 'LOODUG LV WKH ULJKW 5H voters, but that may not be the case in the SXEOLFDQ FDQGLGDWH ´ March primary. Dillard also received a big endorsement ³7KH ,OOLQRLV *RYHUQRUœV UDFH DSSHDUV WR EH from the Illinois Education Association throw- D WRVV XS ´ 'HDQ 'HEQDP 3UHVLGHQW RI 3XEOLF ing its support behind the state senator. 3ROLF\ 3ROOLQJ VDLG LQ D VWDWHPHQW ³7KDWœV The teacher's union and its 130,000 mem-
part of this secret electronic surveillance to spy on Chicago citizens. Chicago’s surveillance camera system has been called the most “extensive and integrated� in the country. The ACLU of Illinois believes it is critical that measures be put in place to protect against unwarranted violations of privacy. Financially, “Chicago is an operator of predatory ticket cameras for the sole purpose of collecting revenue that comes almost entirely from safe drivers. Chicago uses deliberately improper traffic light timing and underposted speed limits so that thousands of very safe drivers who are not causing traffic hazards for anyone will get tickets for the "crime" of safely operating their vehicles said James Walker, a concerned citizen. The Chicago Sun-Times reported findings of an audit that found no evidence to substantiate the city’s claim that red light cameras have either reduced accidents or are installed at the most dangerous intersections. Wallace wanted to rid the city of red light cameras, and have signed petitions to put the question on the 2014 election ballot. In doing so Wallace help organized Citizens to Ab olish Red -Ligh t Cameras C.A.R.L.C., a group committed to the removal of red and speed light cameras throughout all communities in Chicago and has staged protests calling for the immediate removal throughout the city of Chicago. However, C.A.R.L.C points out, Chicago is a major operator of predatory ticket cameras for the sole purpose of collecting revenue that comes almost entirely from safe drivers. Adding that it is be
tial amount of the money from the fine, the bulk of money from red light cameras go to the company that operates them. Redflex Holdings Ltd., the red light camera Australian parent company contracted with Chicago, revealed recently that an internal investigation uncovered evidence that its 10 year old Chicago program appears to have been connected to a
Mayor Rahm Emanuel is balancing his 2014 budget with $120 million in red-light camera/speed camera fines.
in opposition to for public officials to support a red-light camera program just because these cameras have the potential to generate vast revenues for their cities. Mayor Rahm Emanuel 2014 budget is geared to $120 million in red-light camera/speed camera fines. Public officials have a sworn obligation to protect the public by promoting public safety. As U.S. PIRG asserts, public officials, when considering red-light camera programs, should “put public safety first in decisions regarding enforcement of traffic laws and this includes evaluating privatized law enforcement camera systems against alternative safety options without regard to potential revenues.� Mayor Rahm Emanuel is balancing his 2014 budget with $120 million in red-light camera/speed camera fines. Despite Emanuel, many public officials have become aware of the cost-ineffectiveness of redlight cameras. Fines for violations are $35 for vehicles traveling 6-10 miles per hour over the posted speed limit while in a safety zone, and $100 for vehicles traveling 11 or more miles over the posted speed limit. CARLC said the camera at 99th and Halsted, which has brought in $9 million since it was installed. And unlike a moving violation ticket written by an officer from a municipality, where the city would get a substan-
$2 million bribery scheme involving a past Chicago city official. Other red light camera companies' tactics have been questioned for years. Senator Dan Duffy (RBarrington) tried to ban red light cameras in 2010, but his legislation was shut down by political insiders. Then as early as February 2009, ,OOLQRLV 5HYLHZ reported on the Red Speed camera company and their
lobbyists setting up a lucrative contract in suburban Schaumburg, which has since been eliminated. The company's business was pushed by influential state lobbyists who contributed thousands to lawmakers' campaign coffers: The US Attorney's office is launching a federal investigation of financial connections between Chicago insiders and red light camera lobbyists. Duffy says the $300 million obtained through "illegallyinstalled" cameras should be reimbursed to ticketed drivers. Senator Duffy said he's preparing to introduce legislation that would push for reimbursement of red light camera tickets. Wallace said the numbers counted into the 30,000 as of yet. Wallace and Newman believe the cameras are illegal and the city lied to citizens about their intent.
C.A.R.L.C. feel that the city’s red and speed light camera program is a violation of its citizen’s constitutional rights and is designed solely to increase the city’s financial coffers. In line with C.A.R.L.C., ACLU believes that Chicago does not need a camera on every sidewalk, on every block, in every neighborhood. Rather, our City needs to change course, before we awake to find that we cannot walk into a book store or a doctor’s office free from the government’s watchful eye. “We urge the City to order a moratorium on the expansion of the camera system. Then the City should initiate a thorough and open review of this surveillance system, including whether to reduce the number of cameras. Finally, for those cameras that remain, the City should implement new rules to safeguard individual privacy. After calls to several city officials for comment, Chicago has made it available for drivers to view video
of their red light violation on drivers who are unable to pay their red light ticket will have “an arrest warrant issued� and their “license will be suspended.� This can result in an inability to renew your license and/or vehicle registration until the fine has been paid. You will need to enter your license plate information to retrieve your red light violation video. CARCL objective is for 100,000 signatures to put it the voters to send a clear message to the city’s aldermen and Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The law requires 47,000 signatures or 8 percent of the total number of voters in the last municipal election, which were 585,628. Wallace said the difficult part is not in getting the signatures to the Board of Elections 90 days before the election, but there must be a city alderman willing to sponsor the referendum. He said they have a few people in mind but he admitted it will have to be an alderman that is willing to go against the mayor with a lot of political fortitude. CARLC meets on Fridays at Logos Baptist Assembly, 10805 S. Halsted St. For more information contact &RXUWQH\ 6FRWW (773)4011675.
%\ )UDQN 2WWPDQˆ As revelations from whistleblower Edward Snowden continue to mount, Americans have been shocked by the National Security Agency's incredible invasions of privacy some more so than others. Even more spying has evolved big business with big brother, as the signs of corporations taking an active role in the police state directions. The business of spying on American is now in the business courts, the U.S government says Spinit over charged the government $21 million in wiretaps using telephone spying. Spinit says it gave the government what it ordered and want to be paid. The courts will decide who is right. Surprising to many, in Chicago, the city has the nation’s most “extensive and integrated� network of government video surveillance cameras, according to former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Chertoff pointed out that Chicago has more than 20,000 public and private owned surveillance cameras. Redlight cameras track speeding cars and magnification of small objects at miles away. On the other hand the question is out are the redlight traffic cameras being used to spy on Chicago citizens as well. Social writer George Orwell in his novel “1984,� published in 1949, much of his writing is apropos to today’s world and present society. People no longer are putting him aside like they did years ago and his writings
being a lot of hyped up rhetoric in this Orwellian classic style knowing that citizens every move is being monitored, on the telephone and home and work at the office is bugged through electronic surveillance by some intelligence organization that may be private or one governmental. Mail thought of as private correspondence is opened by some snooping intelligence network; medical, school, financial records thought of as personal are left open for private organization and government agency to eavesdrop on. Chicago Police Department officer Sedevic stated that “At no time does the Chicago Police give out private information such as social security numbers of inmates or its citizens.� From the Guardian UK it noted that when NATO delegates came to Chicago in May 2012, it has been turned into a police state. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who several months before the world summit began implementing new draconian anti-protest measures, Chicago has gone on security lockdown. The Chicago Police Department began shutting down – prohibiting cars, bikes, and pedestrians – miles and miles of highways and roads in the heart of Chicago to create a security perimeter around downtown and McCormick Place (where the NATO summit is being held). It may be hard to see or experience the security measures from ZLWKLQ the perimeter, but for Chicagoans, the new experience is
chilling. As one Chicagoan reportedly told NBC Chicago, the mass of security equipment “made her feel like she was on ‘lockdown’.� A few further points are worth mentioning. First, it is astounding – but sadly, not surprising – that the City of Chicago would deny protest permits or make protest so difficult in Chicago because of alleged inconveniences to traffic and ordinary business. Chicago lockdown belies any suggestion caring about such inconveniences. While Mayor Emanuel bent backwards for NATO, first amendment free speech receives dramatically less accommodation. The 9/11 attack on the New York Trade Center Buildings created a new security agency has proven to be little needed and little information to the public on what it has done to combat terrorist attacks inside the United States. (6 reasons to close the Homeland Security by Kim Peterson Jul 16, 2013, moneyNOW) Peterson said, “The problem with Chicago as I see it is that there is/was a legitimate security concern for the OWS and anarchist thugs and any other misfits to destroy property and disrupt the lives of those living in the area affected. “Because of that, this gives fuel for the police to beef up security and put together apparatus that can smother individual liberties and collect pictures and information on any citizen who may legitimately be protesting against. I for one, have several issues with NATO.� Only a handful of terrorists, mostly mavericks have even tried to make a statement of terrorism inside the United States in the last
ten years since the 9/11 attack and according to records released on them their WHUURULVWV DFWV ZRXOG KDYH GRQH QR PRUH GDPDJH WKDQ GRPHVWLF YLROHQFH DW KRPH E\ VRPH PHQWDOO\ XQVWDEOH SHRSOH LQ RXWUDJH FDXVLQJ LQQRFHQW GHDWKV DQG SURSHUW\ GDPDJH. The technologically sophisticated cameras have the power to automatically identify and track particular persons, and the capacity to magnify and make visible small details and objects at great distances. Nevertheless, the City seeks to expand and enhance the level of surveillance. Former Mayor Richard Daley announced a plan to place a camera “on every corner� of the City. In the words of another top City official, the objective is to “cover one end of the city to the other.� In addition to Chicago cameras (as well as many other critical aspects of its camera program), the City does not dispute the repeated public reports that it has access to publicly and privately owned cameras throughout the City as well. In the downtown district, virtually every segment of the public way is under video surveillance. Ed Yohnka of Chicago ACLU feels that “Too many of our civil liberties are being lost and the government has unlawful border control of aliens, invasion of electronic surveillance at airports, domestic drone missiles and database spying.� And many here in Chicago feel that redlight traffic cameras are part of this secret electronic surveillance to spy on Chicago citizens. House Bill 1948 would require police agencies that own or have access to video surveillance cameras to disclose to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority the number of their cameras, and their privacy regulations, if they have any. It would also require the Authority to post this information on its website. The bill would extend to outdoor cameras (except for traffic cameras). The law does not seek information about the location of any cameras. “The expansion of surveillance cameras raises profound questions about all of our privacy and other civil liberties,� said Adam Schwartz, senior staff counsel at the ACLU of Illinois. “The transparency provided by this bill will begin to answer those questions.�
All of this is, sadly, here to stay. NATO will come and go, but the new anti-protest laws, the new riot-gear, the two LRAD sound cannons, and all the normalization of this police state ‌ that will be with us for a long time. source – Guardian UK
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higher performing, the 125 of the 16,119 total students— investments needed to 0.78 percent—are white. create a quality, 21st cenCTU stated by closing the tury education for every schools, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and child. These investments CPS are declaring these communi- include: ties’ dead zones that are unworthy of Air conditioning in targeted investment. The closings every classroom, a library affect 40,000 CPS students and par- in every school, iPads for ents. all students in grades 3-8, However, CPS reported an in- New and upgraded techcrease of 63% high graduates com- nology supports including pared to 43% ten years ago. CPS expanded Internet bandCEO Byrd-Bennett said. “Our work width is just beginning – and cannot do Improved ADA accesthis work alone. With parents as sibility; Upgraded faciliactive partners and an engaged com- ties and cosmetic immunity, there is no limit to what can provements, including achieve. I look forward to working fresh paint, masonry together with parents and our school work, new windows, new communities to create a fresh, posi- ceilings and floors, and tive start for their new school this others fall.� Improved food service Karen Lewis CTU President said, capacity. “School closings are the largest Customized school amount ever closed at one time in safety plans, including any city in America. Parents and Safe Passage programs at community members are outraged every welcoming to provide safe that Barbara Byrdroutes to and from school. Bennett, Mayor CPS is also adding 10 Rahm Emanuel and new STEM (Science, the Board of EducaTechnology, Engineering tion would close and Math) programs, six that many schools, new International Baccaespecially amidst laureate (IB) programmes the current climate and a new Fine Arts proof youth violence�. gram in Welcoming “And this is by Schools to ensure that design.� said Lewis. students in every “These actions neighborhood have access unnecessarily exto high-quality programs. pose our students to The Chicago Teachers However, many are still gang violence, turf Union President Karen convinced in what they wars and peer-to- Lewis said. “Most of say, this handpicked peer conflict.� Board made some bad An independent WKH FDPSXVHV decision. board issued a re- DUH LQ WKH %ODFN An interview with a report opposing the tired educator in Gary, IN closing of 13 of FRPPXQLW\ school system illustrated Chicago’s schools, “And this is by that when a school was but Mayor Rahm closed and students were Emanuel has ex- design.� transferred to another pressed that he will school, soon that school not follow the rethen became overport’s recommendation. crowded. CPS stated in a press release by ‘Stand For Children’ an organizaconsolidating underutilized and un- tion that works with parents from der-resourced schools, CPS can every side of the city, its director, redirect its limited resources into Juan Jose Gonzalez said “This has been a challenging year in CPS, now the shift towards making the transition in the fall as smooth as possible. “We knocked on over 11,600 doors across the south and west sides of the city in impacted school boundaries, giving parents direct and clear information about what's happening�. tion favoring an elected school Gonzalez said, “Time and again, board. Last September, a group of we didn't hear screaming but heard 14 Chicago aldermen introduced pragmatic voices that just wanted an ordinance in the City Council quality school options for their to place a citizen referendum on kids.� He adds. “Now we need to the March 2014 primary ballot. It hold the Board of Education acwas promptly referred to the Rules countable for their role in ensuring a Committee, where it languishes smooth transition.� today. If the ordinance ever Community activist Pat Hill who emerges from the Rules Commitonce taught in Chicago schools tee, it could be placed on the Nopointed out that, the protestors vember ballot. It is an excellent &RQWLQXHG IURP SDJH
gauge for measuring the strength of voter commitment to an elected s c h o o l b o a r d . Accordingly, IVI-IPO members in Chicago are urge to their alderman to vote both the ordinance for an elected school board referendum out of committee and to place it on the November 2014 ballot. In add itio n, to co ntact state senators and state representatives asking them to support enabling legislation for an elected school board for the City of Chicago. There is no actual bill yet, but a shell bill - HB4520 - has been introduced to serve this purpose. For more information contact Marion 773-664-1785 or IVI-IPO State board 312 939 5105
Mass school closures have become a commonplace occurrence in urban school districts across the country. Philadelphia close 23 public schools, nearly 10 percent of the city's total. 81 % of students impacted are black, even though they make up only 58 % of the population. Unlike the occasional school closures that happen naturally due to shifting populations or new facilities, mass closures are catastrophic blows to the communities to which those schools belong. And as U.S. Department of Education data suggests, the rounds of mass closings in Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia disproportionately hurt Black and lowincome students. To highlight these disparities, the National Opportunity to Learn Campaign released the above infographic. Beyond disparate impact, no evidence suggest that school closures actually work the way policymakers claim. Reports have shown that the majority of students who are affected do not get placed in schools that perform any better²and in the case of Philadelphia, many students are sent to schools that perform even worse. And though closures are often touted as a way for districts to save money, those savings often fail to materialize and in reality cost taxpayers millions in hidden costs. The discriminatory impact of school closures will only exacerbate the hurdles that young black men face as they chart a course through high school, college, and the workforce. Last fall, the Schott Foundation for Public Education reported that only 10 percent of Black males in the United States are deemed proficient in eighth-grade reading, and only 52 percent are graduating from high school in four years. As Schott President John H. Jackson puts it ³7KHVH XQFRQVFLRQ able outcomes for these young boys and men are not reflective of their potential nor their abilities²but a direct result of denying them equitable supports and resources they need to be fully engaged and succeed. This is the opportunity gap at the root of the achievement JDS ´
Nationally the Color of School Closures
against closing schools are emotionally driven versus strategically directed. “It has become clearer that the powers orchestrating these protests want to keep it that way�. Hill explained. “For example, the constant focus on Barbara Byrd Bennett versus the Board members. Hill pointed out one of the more influential board members is the mother of Hip-Hop artist "Common". “How many groups or organizations that are opposed to school closings have approached her, Dr. Hines?� Hill proposed. With that, ’Action Now’ parents and community members did hold a “School Board Bullies Bus Tour� at the homes of three CPS members. The first stop was at the home of CPS member Andrea Zopp at 10920 S. Oakley Ave in Chicago. Zopp is the President of the Chicago Urban League which protectors say the CUL leader is going against the mission for economic, educational and social progress for African Americans by deciding to support the closing of schools, the majority of which are in African-American communities. The bus went on to Board of Education President David Vitale’s house, 4925 S. Woodlawn, then continue to Penny Pritzker’s home at 1875 N. Orchard. Questions continued to be raise for an elected School Board. The Chicago school board is appointed by the mayor, which Lewis said the fight must eventually move to the ballot box. CTU launched its series of voter registration and education workshops where nearly 150 CTU members, retirees, and others were trained to become deputy voter registrars. "Our next plan is to have to change the governance of CPS�. Said Lewis "Clearly this kind of cowboy-mentality, mayoral control is out of control". We're starting our
The Schott Foundation for Public Education is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations.
deputy registration, and we will be registering voters across the city." “This is the mayor's 25 percent solution." Their goal is to push the mayor and others who backed the school closings out of office, and to gather support for an elected school board. Mayor Emmanuel brushed off the politics indicating to reporters in two years Chicago will see improvements in the school system. Lewis said CPS is contributing to a vicious cycle of disinvestment and
population flight that severely hinders the possible revival of established African-American and integrated communities. “With all the closures that have taken place that target low-income minority communities, a disproportionate number of teachers that dedicate their lives to those students in those communities are AfricanAmerican teachers,� Potter said. “So when they target those schools and get rid of those teachers that are having a disparate impact.�
It’s Time for A New Sheriff
representatives as well as the student
are appointed by the /6& (OHFWLRQV representative Board of Education following a prefLocal School Council (LSC) members provide invaluable service to our schools and communities by partnering with local school leaders to improve educational outcomes for students. The three primary duties of an LSC are: approving how school funds and resources are allocated, developing and monitoring the annual School Improvement Plan, and evaluating and selecting the school's principal. LSCs consist of: 6 parents, 2 community members, 2 teachers, 1 nonteacher staff, the school's principal, and a student representative (high schools only). Members are elected by parents and community residents in an election that is held every two years. Teacher and non-teaching staff
erence poll of all full-time staff. The school's principal is automatically a member of the LSC. Every LSC candidate must fill out a set of forms that are available at the main office of any Chicago Public School, Alderman Dowell's office, or Completed forms must be submitted to the school where you intend to run no later than SP RQ )HEUXDU\ WK or the Office of Local School Council Relations (125 S. Clark, 5th Floor) by SP RQ )HEUXDU\ . For more information, contact the Office of Lo cal School Council Relations at (773) 553-1400 or visit
Help Make History in Cook County THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN SHERIFF Contact Phone: 312-659-1418
Only 15 percent of Chicago voters in the 2012 primaries went with the GOP. That was up from less than 9 percent in 2010.
:K\ WKH ' H P R F U D W L F 3DUW\" It goes back to the days of William Dawson and Mayor Daley. The lock is on. The Democrats have been the party of ease, embracing Black causes and candidates. The Democrats have presented the best Black opportunities. The late Mayor Daley not only courted the Black vote, he trained them with an army of precinct captains. The election of President John F. Kennedy was won from South Side voters. Members of the BARC Committeemen say they are “reopening the door of the GOP to Blacks� in time for the November 11 election, thanks to an incredible, outstanding show of support� Percy Coleman, said that the “Chicago Black community has increased its position and ability to not only insure a governor victory, but to also insure a two party system in the city of Chicago and Cook County.� Don Beachem, 21st ward co/ committeeman and the top Black Republican vote –getter in the said “Chicago like other cities across the country, is going to see an increased effort and a more citywide presence of young Black Republicans who highly visible and hard to work in the predominately Democratic wards of Chicago.� Waylon Johnson, 9th ward republican committeeman, echoed Beachem’s remarks, adding, ‘the young Republicans are the Blacks only hope to break the stranglehold and Democrats have on the loyal but misguided Black voters are 45 and up>“ Agreeing that Black voters can make a difference, Charles Seavers 21st ward and Jacoby Crutcher, 20th ward Committeemen and the oldest and youngest committeemen, respectively cited that a break from traditional voting� may prove very beneficial to the Republican ticket, locally and nationally, if we take this valid opportunity to increase and expected 6 percent voter writeo f f i n t h e Black community.� According to Coleman, newly elected Black Republican commit-
teemen are poised to hip hop political talk move their efforts into show host, he founded the strongholds of the the Martin Luther King Democratic Party. ’The Republicans organizadays of the smoke filled tion. backrooms where De"Voters in Cook mocrat ’shot-callers’ County and Illinois are split the Black vote are eager for an alternative vanishing. The new to the current all Deyoung Republicans are mocratic leadership that attempting to has delivered very litbecome the tle," Tillman remarked, party of inclu"It is important that our sion for young, 'RQ %HDFKHP community is repreaggressive sented in both political Black voters.� parties and not neglected by either." Committee members said As the largest African American that their party efforts to district in the nation, Tillman would promote their candidates be advocate for African Americans on the federal, state and as incense that the Republican Party county level “shows a was founded on and intended to be, sincere concern and inter- after the great principals of; Fredrick est to reach out to our Douglass, Monroe Trotter, Martin community. By doing so, Delaney, and Rev. Dr. Martin Luwe can only gain the ther King, Jr. needed prestige for the Tillman feels that "this is now for GOP and more exposure the community to send a representaand popularity for our present and tive to the party in the majority to future candidates.� make certain that African American Jimmy Lee Tillman, II is the only such as the Voting Rights Act, candidate for the Republican in the HR40, and HR5593 are addressed 1st Congressional District in Illinois while President Barak Obama is in primary. A political strategist and office. 3KRWR &KLFDJR 6XQWLPHV
'RQQHOO 5RELQVRQ 6WDII 5HSRUWHU The ongoing struggle over the direction of the Republican Party between the conservative principles its known for and those who want to take a more moderate, pragmatic approach that could resonate with a broader cross section of voters is now in the mist. The party has struggled to win over younger voters and minorities, and Percy Coleman co mmitteeman of the 34th ward and chairman of Black Alliance of Republican (BARC) said broadening the party's reach to potential new voters is a top 3HUF\ &ROHPDQ priority this election year. Coleman pointed out the Democrats in Chicago and overall the country has assumed that Black voters will vote in mass for the party because of its history and with the election of President Barack Obama. “They think ninety percent of all of the black votes are in one basket.
Tillman says he will recruiting and selecting advocate for Chicago to candidates. The 150 have two party municipal people who responded elections to end the one were asked to fill out a party rule that has caused questionnaire and then disenfranchisement, disenstand before a commitgagement, and distrust of tee to make their case. the election process. 18 of them were apTillman is the son of Dr. proved and subseJimmy Lee Tillman, I and quently filed petitions former alderman Dorothy to be on the ballot. Tillman. He is a graduate Chicago Republican of Central State University Party Files an Unpreceand father of three. dented 18 Candidates Tillman said the RepubThe Chicago GOP will lican Party must move -LPP\ /HH 7LOOPDQ ,, launch “Season 2� of ahead and set out to rethe campaign. build the party in a state VD\V KH ZLOO DGYR “We’re determined to where Democrats control FDWH IRU &KLFDJR fill as many ballot posiboth houses of the legisla- WR KDYH WZR SDUW\ tions as possible,� said ture and mostly every state- PXQLFLSDO HOHF Chicago GOP spokeswide elected office. man Chris Cleveland. WLRQV WR HQG WKH In other movement of RQH SDUW\ UXOH “We recruited an The Chicago Republican WKDW KDV FDXVHG outstanding crop of Party, it a new candidate candidates in the last GLVHQIUDQFKLVH recruitment campaign entiround, and we’re lookPHQW tled “A Republican Ameriing forward to meeting a can Idol, Season 2�. The campaign n e w g r o u p o f h o p e f u l s . � is designed to attract candidates to The campaign will consist of roborun for state legislature in the City calls, emails, social media placeo f C h i c a g o . ments, and general press releases. Last year, the Chicago GOP ran an “American Idol�-style process for
The are five simple facts about the “AIDS� Epidenice that are weill known and widely reported outside the United States in countries all over the world. 1.HIV is not the cause of AIDS 2.AIDS is not sexually transmitted 3.AIDS is not contagious 4.The Anit-HIV drugs are killing people. 5.The “HIV Tests� do not test for the HIV virus. The global community outside the United States is moving rapidly toward informing the general public that the idea that HIV causes the many illnesses mis-diagnosed as “AIDS� is now recognized as the largest, most embarrassing medical fraud and hoax in human history. The World Health organization reported in June, 2008 that the Heterosexual AIDS Epidemic is over. An eminent scientist and pioneer in the discovery of retroviruses challenges the widely accepted belief that HIV is the cause of AIDS. Peter H. Duesberg argues that HIV is merely a harmless passenger virus that does not cause AIDS. Sure to spark intense debate, this provocative book offers an original and incisive critique of the rise and fall of HIV. The book was negatively received within the scientific community for feeding into AIDS denialism, misrepresenting and ignoring the scientific evidence that HIV causes AIDS, and for relying upon poor logic and manipulation. The book was also the subject of an authorship dispute with one of Duesberg's graduate students . Since 1984, the mainstream media have been giving us only one side of the AIDS story-the officially approved side. When Dr. Robert Gallo and then Secretary of Health Margaret Heckler announced that the probable cause of AIDS had been discovered, H.I.V. became the sole cause of AIDS and the case was closed. The fact is, there have always been people questioning or disagreeing with the official theory and treatment approach, but they have been silenced. Now, with the In House of Numbers, an AIDS film like no other, the HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten. This is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players; in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based. House of Numbers could well be the opening volley in a battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic gone awry. - See more at: Aids.aspx#sthash.7i27Ch6N.dpuf For more information on the enormous date base of peer-reviewed scientific evidence on this subject, see Dr. Nancy Turner Book AIDS, opium, Diamands and Empire� also, a good starting point si the website The Norhtwest Inforamation Service Provided to Chicago Street Journal P.O. Box 8485 Rolling Meadows, Il 60008 (847) 991-8297
riddle your body? If I hit a nerve, I’m glad if it’s ho would’ve thought going to wake us up to that the beautiful silver the real cause of diseases screen siren, Angelina of the mammary and reJolie, would share such a private moment in her life productive organs. They with us, the less fortunate. are often a result from This is not a sarcastic play on words‌ unfortuhormonal influence from nately it’s the sad truth that the privileged can ‘live’ meat and dairy products and the less fortunate will die an early and painful and other food ingredients such as GMOs, death. You may feel this is an unfair assessment of (genetically modified organisms), sweetener replacethe headlines which recently revealed Angelina’s ments, etc . If you do a little research you’ll find that recent ‘voluntary’ double mastectomy. there is a direct correlation to many of these cancers. I do feel compassion for Angelina and her family. It’s not rocket science. If you eat animals that have They are blessed to have the best that money can buy. been fed huge amounts of hormones, steroids, and That brings up an interesting question, “can money antibiotics, their meat and milk will contain the same buy lifeâ€?? The answer is â€?yes it canâ€?. To some, this hormones and antibiotics that invade your body and may be a surprise, but for the majority this is just cause bleeding and tumor irregularities, premature more of the same, but the gap between the’ haves’ and breast growth as well as mammary over-growth (big the ‘have nots’ gets wider and wider every year. breasts), leaky or painful breasts, or reproductive To refresh your memory, according to the gene challenges, just to name a few. I guarantee you will be test results, Jolie has a high percentage of getting hard-pressed to find life-long vegans who have breast breast cancer due to her mother having tested positive or prostate cancer. for the "faulty" BRCA1 While breast cancer prevengene and having subsetion is the subject of this artiquently died of ovarian cle, keep in mind that women cancer at age 56. Jolie’s are constantly steered toward breast removal reduces the body re-orientation directed possibility of getting breast by male scientists. The cancer from 87 percent "to ‘feared’ mammogram fits that under 5 percent." That’s a category. The medical comsure bet one might say to munity would have you beeliminate the offending lieve that there is only one mammary all together by form of testing to reveal the undergoing a preventive onset or existence of cancer. If double mastectomy at the you do a little research, you’ll anonymous mastectomy patient photo. age of 37. discover breast care alternaBut I have a couple of tives on the Internet that can replace painful mammoquestions. First, I’d like to know what preventive grams (which exposes the patient to high amounts of measures have been put in place for males? How radiation annually). Unfortunately, insurance coverlikely is a man going to undergo a preventive “double age isn’t available for the more ‘humane’ or alternatesticle removal, or orchidectomy, to prevent prostate tive tests but fortunately the alternative for mammocancer? I’d bet you can count them on one hand. grams are relatively inexpensive. A little bit of reWhy is this country mastectomy happy? Could it have search can save you a lot of money and heartache to do with a hefty price tag dominated by the male especially if you are willing to make the necessary surgeons? The cost can range from $15,000 to dietary changes to increase your chances of avoiding $75,000 depending upon the restorative cosmetic surkiller cancers. gery and aftercare of the wounds. So, in closing, my advice to my readers and Jolie, Perhaps you aren’t comfortable with my questionis watch what you put in your mouth because it can ing the medical profession. My question to you is determine whether you will have to go under the knife “why aren’t you questioning your medical profes– voluntarily or involuntarily. sionals when it comes to health care?â€? What about For questions on preventive wellness tips look me asking them what you can do to prevent getting these up on YouTube – Michele Banks, Wellness Coach. debilitating diseases besides female castration? I sonally feel some of these surgeries are antiquated, All information in this column is intended for barbaric practices that resemble chop shop mentality, your general knowledge only and is not a substibut I do acknowledge the lives that have been saved, tute for medical advice or medical treatment and but more lives can be saved and the horror of such is not intended to replace professional medical radical surgeries can be minimized by exploring alteradvice. Always seek the advice of your physician native methods. or other qualified health care provider regarding Has it ever occurred to you that what you put in questions you may have about any medical conyour mouth has a major effect on what diseases will dition.
Former Cook County Commissioner Joseph Moreno was sentenced to 11 years in federal prison for engaging in a series of corruption schemes over a span of three years. Moreno pleaded guilty on July 1, 2013, to conspiracy to commit extortion after he was initially charged in late June 2012, about 18 months after he left public office. Moreno, 61, a lawyer served more than 16 years as a county commissioner until December 2010, was ordered to forfeit $100,000 and pay a total of more than $138,000 in restitution He was ordered to begin serving his sentence on April 21. Judge Feinerman said, Moreno in FY14 Adult obstructed justice by providing the Literacy Grants to help students degovernment with false invoices in velop and enhance their reading, an effort to conceal his criminal math, writing and language skills. FRQGXFW ´ Nearly 22,000 students are served Moreno extort an un-named comby adult literacy programs around the pany that was awarded a contract to state. More than 8,500 volunteer LPSURYH &RRN &RXQW\ +RVSLWDOœV tutors provide training for students to revenue cycle into using his friend obtain skills that put them on the path and co-defendant, Ron Garcia, and to lifelong learning. his business, Chicago Medical Adult Volunteer Literacy Grants Equipment & Supply, Inc., as a provide training for volunteers who minority subcontractor in return for tutor adults over age 16 in basic read- a $100,000 bribe. Garcia forgave a ing, math, writing or language skills. $100,000 mortgage loan to Moreno Participating literacy providers may LQ H[FKDQJH IRU 0RUHQRœV HIIRUWV WR include libraries, volunteer tutoring steer the sub-contract to Garcia, and organizations, community-based Moreno tried to disguise the bribe organizations, community colleges, by claiming that he had repaid the regional offices of education, schools purported loan. Moreno also agreed (individual and public), pre-school that he sought to obtain orders of programs, school districts, domestic- Dermafill bandages from Cook violence shelters and correctional County in return for kickbacks facilities. while he and his staffer, coPersons interested in becoming defendant and former Chicago Ald. volunteer tutors are encouraged to Ambrosio Medrano, were Cook contact the Illinois Adult Learning County officials. He avoided taxes Hotline at 1-800-321-9511. between 2007 and 2010 by misreporting the income from his law office.
6HFUHWDU\ RI 'HSW RI /DERU JUDQWV 6WDWH -HVVH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLO to improve the long-term :KLWH KDV labor market prospects of youth DZDUGHG QHDUO\ involved in the juvenile justice V\VWHP 7KH ³)DFH )RUZDUG´ grants are designed to give youth PLO &RQWLQXHG IURP SDJH
a chance at success by offering support services, and skills development that can help them obtain employment and overcome the stigma of a juvenile record. Approximately 26 grants of up to $1 million each will be awarded to serve juvenile offenders between the ages of 16 and 24. Eligible participants must be between ages 16 and 24, and must have been involved in or currently involved in the juvenile justice system or be candidates for state juvenile diversion programs. The solicitation for grant applications, which includes information about how to apply, is available at http://
claims of cancer research grant fraud by a former researcher and physician
DW WKH XQLYHUVLW\ÂśV 5REHUW + /XULH Comprehensive Center for Cancer in Chicago. Northwestern agreed to the settlement in a federal False Claims Act lawsuit that was unsealed after the government investigated the claims made by a former employee and whistleblower who will receive a portion of the settlement. Northwestern allegedly allowed one of its researchers, Dr. Charles L. Bennett, to submit false claims under research grants from the National Institutes of Health. The settlement covers improper claims that Dr. Bennett submitted for reimbursement from the federal grants for professional and consulting services, subcontracts, food, hotels, travel and other expenses that benefited Dr. Bennett, his friends, and family from Jan. 1, 2003, through Aug. 31, 2010. The allegations were made in by Melissa Theis, a former employee of the Lurie Cancer Center, who will receive $498,100 in settlement proceeds. Northwestern, did not admit liability as part of the settlement. But did agreed to pay the settlement.
bad for Democrats given the blue leaning nature of the state,, but it could be a lot worse given where 4XLQQœV DSSURYDO QXPEHUV DUH ´ As Rauner wants to roll back the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour. Dillard addressed Gov. Quinn's comments on raising the minimum wage in Illinois and Rauner posit i o n . ³, NQRZ IDPLOLHV DUH VWUXJJOLQJ RXW there, and times are tough. But Governor Quinn is just trying to FRYHU XS WKH IDFW WKDW VLQFH KHœV EHHQ JRYHUQRU RXU VWDWHœV EXVLQHVV climate has sunk to historic lows. We need to bring good paying, real jobs back to Illinois --- jobs that have a future --- jobs that families can build a life on. Raising the minimum wage as an election-year VWXQW ZRQœW GR WKDW ´ For Rauner, Dillard said This is another sign of the times as it relates to some candidates being out of touch with the suffering of the working class people in Illinois. What was this guy thinking? Working class people and the unions have fought hard to bring the minimum wage up to $8.25 an hour and I support increasing the minimum wage. This guy is a billionaire and the only thing he can think about is stepping on the working class people. Everybody earning a minimum wage should ER\FRWW WKLV FORZQ ´
laws, but they could not prevent a RIIHU WKH VHOO VLJQHG D ELOO IRU grower or dispensary from setting JURZLQJ LW LQ ,OOLQRLV RI PDUL up shop in town. Marijuana use would be MXDQD IRU VRFLDO XVH DV WKH &LW\ RI &KLFDJR GHFULPLQDOL]HG PDUL banned in public, in vehicles, MXDQD XVH DQG *RYHUQRU 3DW around minors and near school 4XLQQ, joining 19 other states grounds. Employers would mainaround the country. The pot would tain their rights to a drug-free work be provided locally by licensed place, meaning someone with a growers and dispensed under strict valid medical marijuana card could state regulations. be fired for using the drug if their The Rule making the way for employer prohibits it. the medical Some in the marijuana bill in medical comApril this year munity think allowing doctors medical marito prescribe as juana's risks much as two-and may out-a-half ounces of weigh its marijuana every benefits, and 14 days to. A some in law patient must be enforcement at least 18 and worry about suffering from potential one of 40 debiliabuse. tating medical However, conditions - like House coMS, cancer, HIV sponsor Chris HDFK \HDU WKH FLW\ RI Welch -AIDs. of &KLFDJR VWDQGV WR JDLQ The patient Maywood u n d ergo es a IURP WR PLOOLRQ p r e d i c t e d criminal backfuture general ground check. There will be 60 assemblies will consider legalizing dispensaries located around Illi- pot for general use. nois. The marijuana will come The Chicago City Council from 22 cultivating centers - pot moving closer to legalizing pot growing warehouses overseen and voted overwhelmingly last year taxed by the state, one for each decriminalize possession, joining a State Police district. wave of states and big cities that Growers and dispensaries will have opted for fines instead of be charged a 7 percent "privilege arrests for small amounts of the tax," which will be used to enforce drug. the medical marijuana law. PaChicago police can issue ticktients will be charged a 1 percent ets of $250 to $500 (Californians tax for purchasing pot, the same tickets are $25) for someone rate that applies to pharmaceuti- caught with 15 grams or less of pot cals. ² the equivalent of about 25 cigaPatients and caregivers would r e t t e - s i z e d . M a y o r R a h m be fingerprinted, undergo back- Emanuel's administration did not ground checks and must promise say how much it anticipates raisnot to sell or give away marijuana. ing. But given that more than Workers at grow centers and dis- 18,000 people are arrested for pot pensaries will undergo the same possession in Chicago each year, vetting. the city stands to gain from $4.5 to Exactly where those growers $9 million, depending on the and sellers could locate will be up amount of the ticket officers decide to state regulators. Local commu- to write and how many people nities could enforce strict zoning actually pay what they owe. &RQWLQXHG IURP SDJH
The Board of Directors of eta Creative Arts Foundation today announced that Kemati Janice Porter has been named Interim Executive Director at eta. The appointment follows the resignation of Phillip Thomas who helmed the 43 year old institution for three years. Kemati has been affiliated with eta since 1976, serving under the tutelage of founding members Abena Joan Brown and the late Okoro Harold Johnson.
Cook County, the nation’s 2nd most populous county in the U.S. (with over 5 million residents), four Democrats strive on the ballot to be the next Sheriff of Cook County. Bill Evans, says he is ready to address improvements needed in fiscal responsibility, the millions spend on avoidable lawsuits, unprecedented low morale, dangerous understaffing issues, undertrained personnel, and other million dollar management concerns. Evans, a 23 -year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office, says Sheriff Thomas J. Dart has no law enforcement experience. And he believes the job should go to someone who has professionally trained and worked in law enforcement. The other candidate for sheriff is Sylvester Baker for the second time, issued a statement concerning the settlement of a lawsuit filed by Cook County Sheriff Deputies
against Sheriff Dart, the $2.4 million of taxes being approved to deputies by the Cook County Board Of Commissioners. In settlement of the lawsuit alleging political discrimination. Baker stating that� political discrimination in the Cook County Sheriff’s Department will be brought to an end “When, I am elected as Sheriff of Cook County.� “This settlement is costing Cook County taxpayers 2.4 million dollars and one of many reasons why Tom Dart needs to be replaced as Sherriff of Cook County. The responsibility for this lost to the taxpayers of Cook County lies solely in the hands of Sheriff Tom Dart alone.� Baker continued to say that, “A better use of $2.4 million dollars of county taxpayer’s money would be to expand the electronic monitoring program which would
(YDQV help to drastically reduce the overcrowding at Cook County Jail.â&#x20AC;? Baker said â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will enact other measures that will be implemented when I am elected as Cook County Sheriff that will improve the operations of the Cook County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s o f f i c e . â&#x20AC;? Baker said â&#x20AC;&#x153;This lawsuit could have been avoided if Dart had simple followed Cook County Sheriff Department rules against political discrimination.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am aware that there are many other lawsuits that have been filed against Dart like the one filed by Cook County sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deputy Patrick Sheahan who is also a nephew of Sheriff Tom Dartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political mentor former Sheriff Michael Sheahan and is suing the Dart, alleging that he was punished for complaining about work conditions and requesting light duty after two on-the-job scuffles with i n m a t e s . â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;These lawsuits have or will cost Cook County taxpayers even more millions of dollars and I will have more to say about them in the coming weeks. â&#x20AC;&#x153; Baker said. Evans said he plans to use his expertise to restore quality in law enforcement at the Cook County Sheriff's Office. 1R 0DWWHU :KDW 7KH 7HVW 0D\ %H *RG :LOO 7DNH &DUH RI <RX Join
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Live Taping and Broadcast on WGCI -AM 1390 - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday Channel 25 (Comcast) 7:00 p.m.
Leon Daniels, Pastor 821 West 69th Street %LEOH 6WXG\ Tuesday 7 pm Wed 6 pm )UL 6HUYLFH 7 pm 6XQGD\ 6FKRRO 9:30 am 6XQGD\ 6HUYLFH 11 am 773-487-9062
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
On July 9, 2013, Illinois became the last state in the country to allow the concealed carry of firearms. Moms Demand For Gun Sense in America, Purpose Over Pain, and Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence collaborate to host a informational workshop on Conceal Carry & Stand Your Ground gun laws to educate the public, at The Faith Community of Saint Sabina. In the law of Carry and Consealed over 5,000 permits have been issued to people in Chicago. In which Chicago Police McCary says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Watch what happensâ&#x20AC;? the law is danours for citizens and police officers. In response to such dire statistics, 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale is in support of comprehensive, common sense gun legislation for the city, state and nation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I disagree with the National Rifle Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assertion that the â&#x20AC;&#x153;only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.â&#x20AC;? Millions of gun owners and non-gun owners alike know thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not true. Better gun enforcement and stronger gun laws are both needed to reduce gun violence. More guns mean more gun murders and more gun suicides,â&#x20AC;? explains Beale. As co-sponsor of the Cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gun Ordinance, Beale says he will work with
Despite her pleas and others for cooler heads to prevail, the House voted 77-31 to override Quinnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amendatory veto and the Senate voted 41-17. And, though Father Pfleger said if any of those who voted to override Quinnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amendatory veto comes to Saint Sabina, he will call them out, Rep. Monique D. Davis (D-27) who voted to override his amendatory veto because the federal government gave them a July 9th deadline to have a concealed carry law in place. Illinois is the last state to pass such a law. Âł3DUWV RI P\ GLVWULFW DO Davis disagreed with the governor on UHDG\ UHVHPEOH WKH ZLOG his opposition to carrying guns in dining restaurants where alcohol is :HVW 7RGD\ , YRWHG RQFH served. She said 77 lawmakers voted DJDLQ WR UHMHFW WKH IDOVH to override Quinnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bill when â&#x20AC;&#x153;it takes SUHPLVH WKDW PRUH JXQV only 71 votes. She is also opposed to the governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of my district alMayor Rahm Emanuel and Police SuperZLOO PDNH RXU VWUHHWV demands to force people to have 16ready resemble the intendent Garry McCarthy in support of VDIHU ´ hours of weapons training. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We canwild West. Today, new Chicago gun legislation. not keep pretending that Chicago is an I voted, once 6WDWH 6HQDWRU %\ &KLQWD 6WUDXVEHUJ island. We have more gun laws, but again, to reject the -DFTXHOLQH < &ROOLQV Referring to state lawmakers who false premise that we have the highest crime rate. It voted to override Gov. Quinnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s changes to more guns will make our streets safer.â&#x20AC;? doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make sense,â&#x20AC;? said Davis. Illinoisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Concealed Carry bill, Saint SaShe took her anti-violence push one step In explaining her vote against overriding binaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Parish Council voted to post â&#x20AC;&#x153;no Gov. Quinnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amendatory veto of the con- further by calling on the federal government to guns allowedâ&#x20AC;? signs on all of its buildings cealed-carry legislation, Collins said the sena- dispatch the National Guard to Chicago espeand schools with Father Michael L. torâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;were faced with a Hobsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s choice: to cially after the last two shootings of babies. While Davis said most believe the turn down a chance to make Illinoisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; concealed Pfleger urging others to follow suit. shootings are gang-related or mistaken Saying he takes this personally identity, she asked, â&#x20AC;&#x153;then what about given the shootings and killings, the shootings of these babiesâ&#x20AC;?? Pfleger said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to put signs up Davis took a swipe at Police Supt. immediately where we stand. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Garry McCarthy who said crime is disappointed in Springfield. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m down compared to the same time last ashamed of the legislators who voted year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tell that to the mother of the for it. baby who is burying her child,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;If any legislator who voted for quipped Davis. this bill comes to our church, I will call â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is not a normal situation them out for voting for this horrible bill where more children are dying than that the NRA sponsored. We will put older people.â&#x20AC;? signs up on our buildings as quickly as them in will end the shooting, but possible to make it clear that we do not weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in a crisis,â&#x20AC;? Davis said. want guns here unless you are turning a â&#x20AC;&#x153;The federal government needs to be gun in,â&#x20AC;? Pfleger said. involved given the spike in shootings During the Parish Council meetin Chicago. I want President Obama to ing, members voted in favor of posting send someone to be a part of this task the no guns allowed signs including an â&#x20AC;&#x153;If any legislator who voted for this bill comes to our church, force I am proposing to alleviate what is amendment that made one exception. , ZLOO FDOO WKHP RXW IRU YRWLQJ IRU WKLV KRUULEOH ELOO WKDW WKH going on. I do know that people want The only guns allowed on Saint Sabina NRA sponsoredâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;? jobs. They want to work, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t property will be at the Rectory Office, )DWKHU 0LFKDHO / 3IOHJHU believe if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not working it makes th 1210 W. 78 Place, where they can turn you a killer,â&#x20AC;? she said in criticism of in any guns without any questions asked. those who blame the shootings on the -carry law less risky, or to allow a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;wild westâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Praising, Illinois Senator Jacqueline unemployed. th scenario in which concealed carry becomes Collins (D-16 ) for voting against HB No. Proving her point, Davis said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we 183â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s override amendatory veto, Pfleger said legal tomorrow by court order and no law is in were in slavery and were released, they were place to restrict how and where firearms are she is to be commended for her eloquent renot trying to find weapons to kill each other. marks on the floor and her stand to bar guns carried.â&#x20AC;? These shootings are unacceptable, and I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Making it clear, Collins said she voted from places like restaurants that serve liquor want to be quiet about it. A child should not her constituents wishes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I kept faith with my and schools. The have to stay in the house because they might constituents who live every day in embattled Senate voted 41 yeas be killed. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s insane.â&#x20AC;? neighborhoodsâ&#x20AC;Ś. I remain committed to laws and 17 nays. On the Senate floor, that protect our neighborhoods and our chilCollins said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Parts dren from the scourge of violence.â&#x20AC;?
Dr. Webb Evan founder and President of the United American Progress Assoication with the Chairman Minister Rahm Aton (Sax Preacher).
tial of the building fund â&#x20AC;&#x153;home,â&#x20AC;? but along with that UAPA face the challenge of the renovation and construction expenses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have already raised $1,000 thanks to the help of Leak and Son Funeral Homes, our TMR families and some very generous supporters.â&#x20AC;? Said Minister Rahm Aton (Sax Preacher) Chair of UAPA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are so proud of this accomplishment, but the first phase of our build project is to raise $200,000â&#x20AC;?. The building fund project consists of Fund Raising collaboration to include the supportive role of organizations/ co sponsorship, and an internet campaign, example KickStart Product sales. For the past 50 years, Dr. Evans has continued to lead the agenda in Chicago and around the world for thousands which include; organizations, churches, and of course businesses. The reason unemployment is so high among blacks is because there isn't that many black owned businesses. "Our research indicates that there should be 2.5 million African-
Americans in business and we only have half that many. If one look at the black and white unemployment disparity the essential idea is the only way African Americans going to get the level of employment is the need to support black businesses," â&#x20AC;&#x153;But, what provides for me and members is the gift of selfconfidence and good citizenshipâ&#x20AC;Ś and countless life-long friendships to our mission!â&#x20AC;? said Evans/ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Over the years, we have found it necessary to move four different times in order to accommodate the expanding interest and growth of our programsâ&#x20AC;? Evans said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But this is by far the most ambitious of our moves. There is a lot of excitement surrounding the potential of our own building but this is where we need your help.â&#x20AC;? Heading the Fund Drive is Randolph Dolphin. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are actively seeking donations. The community financial participation will help us pay for the cost of new flooring, walls, ceilings, air conditioning, etc., and will also assure that we can continue to provide quality business ventures.â&#x20AC;? Dr. Webb Evans states that when
it comes to economics the Black church are the greatest sleeping giants we have. Most of them donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spend their money with the business people, who live in the community, Webb Evans stated that he believe they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t realize how much they are destroying their own community by not spending money with the business owners who live in the community. Most of the Pastors are as guilty as the members. Min. Aton stated, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are looking forward to all members and friends to join us in supporting this project and making this a great success.â&#x20AC;? Upon interested in helping UAPA with a tax deductible donation, (no matter how big or small): Checks should be made out to UAPA â&#x20AC;&#x153;Building Fundâ&#x20AC;? in the memo section of your check. Join the UAPA Black Business Network on the last Monday of each month. Make check/money order payable to: United American Progress Association Mail to: United American Progress Association 1716 West 79th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60620
7KH :HEE (YDQV &HQWHU IRU (FRPLQF &KDQJH LV RQH RI WKH %ODFN :DOO 6WUHHW 'LVWULFWV LQ &KLFDJRODQG GHYHORSHG RYHU WKH SDVW \HDV Carrying on that spirit during the second inauguration of President Barack Obama,the President paid honor to the historical event of Black Wall Street Tulsa Oklahoma, and the remaining decedents. the lessons of history strongly recommend a second-term agenda for African-Americans. Certainly by all indicators the Black community has not witness as other ethnics the presence of economic parity of business ownership in their respected communities. Inasmuch, May 19, 2007 South Street Journal on its salute to Malcolm X hosted a forum for a business agenda. The body embraced what is now known as Black Wall Street Chicago; and simultaneously the Chicago League in 2007 launched ProjectNext business development in Chicago. In doing so Cheryl Jackson, the former CEO of CLU proclaimed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chicago will be the next â&#x20AC;&#x153;Black Wall Streetâ&#x20AC;?, tailored from Tulsa Oklahoma of 1921, where African Americans were in control of their economics; just as in Chicagoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s China Town, Greek Town and Little Village, now even the near west and south side of the Loop has quietly became classified as the new â&#x20AC;&#x153;White Wall Streetâ&#x20AC;? from the new development in the last ten years. The Illinois State Senate Passes Resolution SR 0432 recognizing Black Wall Street District Chicago ( The SR 0432 resolution comes on the heels of two recent proclamations from Illinois State Senator Donne Trotter in August, and from the Honorable Dorothy Brown, clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Circuit Court of Cook County in September. Senator Kwame Raoul (D) 13th District, along with Representatives William D. Burns (D) 26th District and Andre M. Thapedi (D) 32nd District has signed on to the campaign. This is a welcomed recognition of the labor and energy of the Chicago team. "This makes all of the hard work by our volunteer staff worth the blood, sweat and tears." he said "We are pleased with this recognition but there's still a ways to go yet, but it is indeed a positive development and a step in the right direction."
In addition, lead by the South East Chicago Chamber of Commerce the State of Illinois House of Representative General Assembly passed the resolution for Stony Island as a Black Wall Street District sponsored by former Representative Melvin Colvin; 71st Street to 95th Street of Stony Island. In the making State Senator, Jacqueline Collins is proposing legislation for 69and 79th Street, and Congressman Bobby Rush is preparing for National Recognition of Black Wall Street. With the theme of â&#x20AC;&#x153;All Eyes on the Districtâ&#x20AC;? BWSC is continuing the agenda with Summit XIX in May of this year.
The agenda will i n clude how to facilitate directives and support of BWS District, and encourage appropriate commercial developers, public and private at the earliest signs of development that is available for lease / sale. This is not just about today, but for future generations avoiding what should have happen before this generation. Of course, the adoptions of the agenda items are long-term stability with short-term progress. There is an opportunity here to bring different interests together in the best interests of the Black Wall Street `District economy movement.
How many times have you heard someone say that they want to support black businesses? According to the Nielsen Report, African Americans will have buying power of 1.1 trillion dollars by 2015. That is 1.1 trillion dollars! Our goal is to create an African American global discount shopping network utilizing the Black Wall Street Loyalty Discount Card. We are comprising a database of elite African American businesses to join our shopping network. When consumers present the Black Wall Street Loyalty Discount Card to our network, not only will they receive discounts, but they will become a part of a global movement that encourages buying power within our community. It is part of our mission to help our community sustain some of the wealth that we have created. Become a part of the vision! Please log onto our website, and join today.
Our Goal is to Create an African American Global Discount Shopping Network with a Black Wall Street Loyalty Discount Card