2017/18 Annual Report

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m e ssage from th e ch a ir

dear cso friends and family, The 2017/18 season was a wonderful example of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s profound impact as a cultural leader. With artistic excellence as their hallmark, Riccardo Muti and the talented Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra continued to endear themselves wherever they performed—from their handsome Burnham home at 220 South Michigan Avenue to the north, south, and west sides of the city and beyond. Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti has won over audiences through his music-making as well as his demonstrated commitment to sharing classical music with a broad audience since his appointment in 2010. A great example of this from last season was the standing room only, free, community concert at Lane Tech High School in November. Later, in January, we were extremely pleased to announce that Maestro Muti would be extending his contract through 2022 with the promise of continuing to bring the CSO to ever-higher levels of achievement and influence. Serving as ambassadors for the City of Chicago, Muti and the Orchestra toured both coasts last season. Their reputation preceded them at every location, and they surpassed expectations in performance. Emblematic of the belief that the power of art is timeless, three recent CSO commissions were programmed alongside pillars of the symphonic repertoire on these tours. It is a tremendous undertaking when the Orchestra travels, but one well worth the effort in order to share the artistry of the CSO with new and eager audiences. There are numerous examples of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association making efforts to reflect the community it serves. The continued growth of the African American Network and Latino Alliance represent strong steps in creating a future for classical music through the sharing of unforgettable musical experiences. The CSOA also had the opportunity to represent its strengths to the symphonic community by hosting the League of American Orchestras Conference in June. We put our best foot forward providing a capstone discussion with Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma and a powerful performance at Symphony Center by the CSO, Muti, and Ma. To see our orchestra represent Chicago so compellingly and eloquently is a great source of pride. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many advocates of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, who have channeled their passion for music into meaningful support. The Trustees, Governing Members, Women’s Board, the League, and the Overture Council are models through their leadership and gifts, and the generosity of donors, foundations, corporations, sponsors, and patrons is equally essential to the life of the CSO. I also extend my thanks to our accomplished staff led by President Jeff Alexander for facilitating all that takes place at Symphony Center and beyond. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association represents not only the best in classical music performance but also the best in cultural leadership and advocacy. As you review this report, notice the many ways the CSOA affects the lives of our community and makes a strong case for its enduring place in our society.

helen zell Chair, Board of Trustees Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association 3

pr e siden t ’s m e ssage

dear friends, The artistic excellence demonstrated in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s 127th season resonated with a broad cultural audience. As a whole, the season curated by Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti represented diverse compositional styles that spanned five centuries in over 170 performances. Maestro Muti opened the season with violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, who performed Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto on subscription concerts and Mozart’s Fifth Violin Concerto at the annual Symphony Ball. His ten weeks of subscription concerts continued with his exploration of Bruckner’s symphonies (Symphony no. 4); the premiere of CSO viola and composer Max Raimi’s Three Lisel Mueller Settings; concerto performances by CSO concertmaster Robert Chen, principal harp Sarah Bullen, and the low brass section in the world premiere of a concerto by Jennifer Higdon; a concert featuring George Walker’s Lyric for Strings and Copland’s iconic Lincoln Portrait narrated by John Malkovich; remarkable performances of Prokofiev’s Third Symphony and Shostakovich’s Second Cello Concerto with Yo-Yo Ma; and celebrations of composer anniversaries, including a seasonlong commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Rossini’s death, which culminated in the season finale performances of his Stabat mater. As passionate advocates of the civic value of arts and culture, Muti and the CSO also gave a free community concert at the Lane Tech College Prep High School. Each performance was delivered with the signature beauty, nuance, and depth for which the Muti/CSO combination has come to be known. As part of our history of representing Chicago across the country and around the world, Maestro Muti led the Orchestra on two major U.S. tours. In October, the Orchestra performed in Kansas City, Missouri, and toured California, playing eight concerts, including a three-concert residency in Berkeley; performances in Costa Mesa, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles for its debut at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. In February, Muti took the Orchestra on an East Coast tour, including two performances at Carnegie Hall; a return to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.; and concerts in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and Naples and West Palm Beach, Florida. Again, Maestro emphasized the importance of supporting new music by programming commissions by both CSO Mead Composers-in-Residence and Higdon’s Low Brass Concerto on tour. Additionally, members of the Orchestra and Muti took time from their busy travel schedules on tour to engage with members of the community in hospitals, schools, and civic centers.


The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association also celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of the Chicago Symphony Chorus. Since 1957, the Chorus has made it possible for the CSO to expand its musical offerings both on stage and through many acclaimed recordings. Their performances of Poulenc’s Gloria, Ravel’s Daphnis and Chloe, Schubert’s Mass No. 5, and Rossini’s Stabat mater, among others, were highlights of the season. Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Ogonek completed their final season as Mead Composers-in-Residence. Their creativity and enthusiasm for the contemporary MusicNOW series made its twentieth season particularly memorable with a concert conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen, an evening of contemporary music at the Art Institute of Chicago, the premiere of Amy Beth Kirsten’s Savior, and an opening anniversary concert featuring works by seven of the CSO’s former composers-in-residence. Under the visionary leadership of Riccardo Muti and Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma, the Negaunee Music Institute at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra created opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds. Its programs reached 45,000 students, teachers, and families and provided training to more than a thousand young musicians. Highlights of the season included a special Concert for Peace at St. Sabina Church on the South Side of Chicago performed by members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, and Yo-Yo Ma; the CSO Youth in Music Festival; the Crain-Maling Foundation CSO Young Artists Competition; the concerts and activities of the Civic Orchestra; and a particularly dynamic School and Family Matinee concert series, featuring collaborations with the Field Museum and Joffrey Academy of Dance. The Symphony Center Presents series drew strong audience numbers through its wide-ranging programs performed by visiting soloists and ensembles. The SCP Chamber Music series was truly outstanding, culminating in a performance by pianist Evgeny Kissin and the Emerson String Quartet. The SCP Jazz and Piano series underlined their commitment to today’s most exceptional jazz artists and classical pianists in ten outstanding concerts respectively. In addition, the CSO at the Movies series hit new attendance records with the Orchestra celebrating its long relationship with John Williams in concerts conducted by the composer and featuring his beloved film scores. With the Chicago Symphony Orchestra at its core, the mission of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is to enrich, inspire, and transform lives through music, community engagement, and education—locally, nationally, internationally. All of our accomplishments, including over 200 ticketed and 200 free concerts and events, are possible because of the inspired dedication, artistry, and skill of our music director and musicians; the support of our Trustees, Governing Members, and volunteer associations; and loyal donors, patrons, and staff members who support the CSOA’s mission. In closing, please enjoy this reflection of an incredible year of music making and community engagement that allowed the Chicago Symphony Orchestra to inspire near and far. Sincerely,

jeff alexander President Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association 5

tr e asu r er ’s r eport

Just as we strive for continued excellence in our artistic offerings, we also strive to continue to improve our financial picture to one that can sustain the quality of our orchestra and programming for generations to come. This is a key strategic objective of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Our financial results for fiscal year 2018 represent a step forward on this path. Total operating revenues increased by almost $2 million to $72.7 million, helped by our best year ever in ticket sales at $23.3 million. Significant philanthropic support of $24.5 million provided critical support for our operations. These enhancements to our revenues slightly more than offset modest cost increases, which were primarily a result of investments made in artistic and operational initiatives. We ended the fiscal year with an operating deficit of $0.9 million, an improvement of over $0.5 million versus last year. The Association benefits greatly from the generosity of our donors through gifts to our endowment, and we manage our investment portfolios throughout the year to achieve solid risk-adjusted returns. During fiscal year 2018, our endowment, other investments and beneficial interest in trusts grew to $379 million. In addition, we made an optional prepayment on a portion of our long-term bonds, the first step toward a significant reduction of our long-term debt balance over the next several years. As a result of the growth in our assets and the reductions in our liabilities, our net assets increased by $24 million to $291 million. In many ways, the enhanced results in this fiscal year set the stage for our longer-term goals.Through the activities outlined in a robust new strategic plan, the Association is committed to a multi-pronged strategy to strengthen the financial foundation of this world-class organization that enriches the lives of so many people locally, nationally and internationally. We will continue to build our audiences and operating revenues by providing an unrivaled musical experience, grow our donor base and enhance our stewardship activities to increase operating and endowment support, and carefully manage our costs. We appreciate your continued involvement with, and support of, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association as we look with optimism toward a bright future.

j a m e s w. m a b i e Treasurer, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association


fi na nci a l high lights

[all dollar figures in thousands]


June 30, 2018

June 30, 2017

Total Operating Revenue and Support



Total Operating Expenses





Endowment, Other Investments, Beneficial Interest in Trusts



Total Assets



Bonds Payable



Other Liabilities



Net Assets



Ticket Sales



Number of Tickets Sold by the Association



  Paid Admission



  Free to the Public



Operating Surplus/(Deficit)


Number of Concerts*

*Includes CSO, Symphony Center Presents, and Institute events; does not include CSO performances presented on tour and at Ravinia. For a copy of audited financial statements, please contact the Finance Department at 312-294-3302. 7

r ecor d-br ea k i ng sa le s Over all, ticket sales       hit a record


($1.1 million growth over 2016/17)

CSO Main Series subscription renewal rate:

CSO at Wheaton series grew by over 2016/17, with

$308,000 in total revenue

63 Sold Out Concerts MusicNOW revenue grew to a record with additional MusicNOW concert at the Art Institute of Chicago

Group sales revenue for CSO Main increased

over the 2016/17 season for a record

CSO @ the Movies series:     ticket revenue record of (21% increase over 2016/17 season) 8

r eachi ng n ew au dience s The number of patrons involved with the African American Network nearly doubled to

over 1,800 total patrons Nearly

student tickets sold

ticket buyers attended Symphony Center for the first time OVER

more patrons purchased tickets in 2017/18 than in 2016/17 using the promo code for the Latino Alliance


more patrons purchased tickets in 2017/18 than in 2016/17 using the promo code for the African American Network

membership   increased by for a total of

soci a l m edi a follow ers (as of 6/30/18)

343 members


followers on Facebook


followers on Twitter


followers on Instagram 9

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c so m a i n ser i e s

Since its founding in 1891, the CSO has established a reputation for performing classical music at the highest level and engaging diverse audiences. That legacy continued throughout the 2017/18 season, with excellent music making featuring the CSO’s musicians alongside some of the world’s finest guest artists and conductors. Zell Music Director Maestro Riccardo Muti led 10 weeks of subscription programs with the CSO during the 2017/18 season. A number of these programs included world famous artists such as Anne-Sophie Mutter playing violin concertos by Mozart and Tchaikovsky; the CSO’s own Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma performing Shostakovich’s Second Cello Concerto; and actor John Malkovich narrating Copland’s Lincoln Portrait. Muti also conducted three world premieres during the season. In September, the CSO premiered CSO Mead Composer-in-Residence Elizabeth Ogonek’s All These Lighted Things. The 15-minute work, scored for strings, winds, brass, and an array of percussion, was well received by critics and an audience of 5,564 patrons during the weekend. In February, Muti and the Orchestra premiered Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Jennifer Higdon’s Low Brass Concerto, which featured members of the CSO’s legendary brass section. Finally, in March, Muti led the CSO in the world premiere of viola section member Max Raimi’s Three Lisel Mueller Settings for mezzosoprano and orchestra, based on work by the contemporary poet of the same name, for an audience of 6,393 over three nights.

photos, p.10 (top to bottom) Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti leads the CSO in a 2017/18 subscription concert in Orchestra Hall ◆ The CSO’s Low Brass section—Principal Tuba Gene Pokorny, Principal Trombone Jay Friedman, Trombone Michael Mulcahy and Bass Trombone Charles Vernon—join composer Jennifer Higdon onstage February 1, 2018, at Orchestra Hall for a bow following the world premiere of Higdon’s Low Brass Concerto led by Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti ◆ p.11 Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma greets Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti following his June 14 performance as soloist with the CSO in Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No. 2. 10

Muti leads the CSO and Chorus

In November, Sir András Schiff conducted Bach’s Piano Concerto No. 5 in F Minor from the piano on a program that also included the music of Haydn, Bartók, and Beethoven. Nikolaj Znaider enchanted audiences during his CSO Main Series debut in December, performing and conducting Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D Major, while Giovanni Antonini conducted and performed, on the flautino, music of the baroque and classical periods with mandolinist Avi Avital, both making their CSO Main series debut. Several notable conductors returned to Orchestra Hall. EsaPekka Salonen returned for a two-week residency, conducting the Orchestra in concerts featuring Mahler’s 9th Symphony, Schoenberg’s Transfigured Night, and Bartók’s Piano Concerto No. 3 featuring another CSO favorite, pianist Mitsuko Uchida. The 2017/18 season also saw the return of Christoph Eschenbach, Herbert Blomstedt, Semyon Bychkov, and John Williams, whose music was featured in four sold-out performances, April 26–29, 2018.

Several conductors and soloists made their CSO Main Series debuts this season, including mezzo-soprano Clémentine Margaine performing Chausson’s Poème de l’Amour et de la Mer (Poem of Love and of the Sea), and conductors John Storgårds, Matthias Pintscher, Marek Janowski, and Rafael Payare. In the 2017/18 season, the CSO joined worldwide celebrations honoring the 100th anniversary of the great American composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein, whose incredible contributions shaped cultural life in the 20th century and beyond. Payare conducted the Orchestra in exhilarating performances of the Symphonic Dances from West Side Story, and later in March, pianist Gilles Vonsattel was the featured soloist in a program featuring Bernstein’s Symphony No. 2 (Age of Anxiety) with Kent Nagano conducting. The Chicago Symphony Chorus continued celebrations in honor of its 60th anniversary season, performing works by Gounod, Schubert, Ravel, Mozart, and Debussy, and Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti led the Orchestra and Chorus in four stunning performances of Rossini’s Stabat mater to close the 2017/18 season.

DIGITAL MEDIA AND THE C SO R ADIO BROADC A ST SERIES During fiscal year 2018, the CSO maintained a strong national and international presence through its radio broadcast series, bringing unparalleled live classical music performances recorded at Symphony Center to more than 250,000 listeners each week. The series, currently sponsored by Bank of America as part of its Global Sponsor partnership with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, is available through streaming on the CSO’s Sounds and Stories web portal and broadcast on Chicago’s WFMT Radio each Sunday. In 2017/18, audiences from around the world streaming CSO radio, music, and interviews exceeded 400,000, with top countries being the United States, Egypt, and Japan. Our 2015 video of the CSO performing Beethoven Symphony No. 9 surpassed the 12 million view mark during the season. The CSO also continues to license Beyond the Score projects around the United States and Europe, with eight performances occurring in the 2017/18 season. 11


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c so on tou r

In 2017/18, Maestro Muti led the CSO on two successful domestic tours, visiting Kansas City and West Coast venues in October and East Coast venues in February. From October 11 to 22, the CSO and Muti performed eight concerts, beginning with a stop at Helzberg Hall in Kansas City, Missouri. From there, the CSO performed in California, including the Orchestra’s debut at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. In addition to L.A., Muti and the CSO traveled to Berkeley, Costa Mesa, San Diego, Palm Desert, and Santa Barbara, performing Bruckner’s Fourth Symphony, Rossini’s overture to William Tell, music by Schubert and Schumann, and Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto, featuring CSO Principal Clarinet Stephen Williamson. The CSO also performed Brahms’s Second and Third symphonies, as well as Mead Composer-in-Residence Elizabeth Ogonek’s All These Lighted Things. The CSOA is grateful for the generous sponsorship of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Shillman, supporting CSO concert appearances at West Coast venues. In February, Muti and the Orchestra headed east on a weeklong tour. The trip began with a performance at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., followed by two well-received concerts at New York’s historic Carnegie Hall and two later concerts at the Carolina Performing Arts Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Audiences heard the East Coast premieres of Jennifer Higdon’s Low Brass Concerto, featuring soloists Jay Friedman, principal trombone; trombone Michael Mulcahy; bass trombone Charles Vernon, and Gene Pokorny, principal tuba. Audiences also heard Mead Composer-in-Residence Samuel Adams’s many words of love, as well as selections by Verdi, Stravinsky, Brahms, Chausson, and Mozart. The CSOA is grateful for Betty Smykal’s generosity, supporting the CSO’s performances at Carnegie Hall this year. In an effort to extend its reach to CSOA friends and family outside Chicago, the Orchestra performed three concerts in Florida—two at the Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts in West Palm Beach, and one program in Naples presented by Artis-Naples. The CSOA is grateful for the consortium of generous donors who helped make the concerts in West Palm Beach and Naples possible.

photos, p. 12 (clockwise from top left) On February 14, 2018, Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti and the CSO performed West Palm Beach, Florida. The concert included a selection from Schubert’s Rosamunde performed as an encore, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting ◆ Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti and the CSO acknowledge applause from the audience following their debut performance at LA’s Walt Disney Concert Hall ◆ CSO flute Emma Gerstein warms up before a West Coast tour concert in Costa Mesa, California ◆ Principal Bassoon Keith Buncke performs in UC-Berkeley’s Zellerbach Hall during the CSO’s Fall 2017 West Coast tour ◆ p. 13 (left to right) A dramatic view at dusk of Kansas City’s Kaufmann Center for the Performing Arts, the first stop on the CSO’s fall 2017 tour before heading to the west coast ◆ CSO bass Daniel Armstrong warms up backstage during the Orchestra’s East coast tour.



photos, p. 14 The Chicago Symphony Chorus, prepared by Chorus Director Duain Wolfe, performs the Poulenc Gloria with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Guest Conductor Alain Altinoglu ◆ p. 15 (clockwise from top) The Chicago Symphony Chorus with Chorus Director Duain Wolfe and Associate Directors Cheryl Frazes Hill and Don Horisberger and Assistant Director William Chin on the Armour Hall Stage in Orchestra Hall ◆ Esa-Pekka Salonen leads the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in a program of works by Bartok, Brahms and Schoenberg as part of his two-week residency in May 2018 ◆ Riccardo Muti and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra perform Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 3 “The Fiery Angel” on June 14, 2018 ◆ Riccardo Muti leads the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in a concert at Zellerbach Hall on the campus of UC Berkeley during the Fall 2017 West Coast Tour. 15

spotlight on phil a n thropy

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra was founded through the generosity of some of Chicago’s most successful civic leaders who believed the arts to be central to the life of the city. Today, philanthropy continues to play a critical role in the success of the Orchestra and its service to Chicago communities. We are grateful to the many individuals, philanthropic foundations and government agencies as well as corporate partners whose support make the work of the CSOA possible. ■ The Zell Family Foundation’s continued generosity supported several exciting concerts during the season, including the Schubert Mass conducted by Maestro Muti, the appearance of the Labéque sisters under the baton of Semyon Bychkov, and major support for the CSO’s contemporary music series, MusicNOW. ■ We are also grateful for major concert support from the Negaunee Foundation, Josef and Margot Lakonishok, Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock, and Dietrich and Erika Gross. The CSOA is additionally grateful to the Julian Family Foundation for making a $5 million commitment to support the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the only pre-professional training ensemble of its kind affiliated with a major American orchestra. ■ Meaningful gifts from our donors supported innovative programming and helped the Orchestra mark significant events and anniversaries during the 2017/18 season. We are thankful for visionary support from Jim and Kay Mabie and the Walter E. Heller Foundation, whose generosity helped the Chicago Symphony Chorus celebrate its 60th anniversary season with captivating performances; Patricia Hyde’s and the Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation’s support of the Symphony Center Presents Jazz series; and Robert J. Buford, Jim and SuAnne Lopata, and Robert C. Peterson for support of the season residency of Esa-Pekka Salonen.

above, (left to right) ◆ Carol Sonnenschein, director, and Cathie Ryan, president, of the Walter E. Heller Foundation, celebrate the Chicago Symphony Chorus' 60th anniversary season with Chorus Director and Conductor Duain Wolfe, along with Kay and Jim Mabie, and CSOA President Jeff Alexander ◆ Lori Julian (center), CSOA Trustee and Negaunee Music Institute Board Member, with Civic Orchestra of Chicago musicians, violist and Civic Fellow Roslyn Green and tuba player Joseph LeFevre. 16

■ In 2017/18, the CSO performed three concerts in Florida in recognition of a growing constituency of the Orchestra’s extended friends and patron family. Significant gifts from the Nancy A. Lauter and Alfred L. McDougal Charitable Fund; Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett; Helen and Sam Zell; The Regenstein Foundation; Richard and Helen Thomas; Mary Winton Green; Sidney and Dorothy Kohl; Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner Brown; Bruce and Martha Clinton for The Clinton Family Fund; Ms. Shawn M. Donnelley and Dr. Christopher M. Kelly; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg; Lynne R. Haarlow; Dolores Kohl Kaplan; Howard B. Bernick Foundation; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Toft enabled the CSO to commence an annual Florida residency this year.

■ Generous contributions also supported exciting new music commissions during the season. The Poetry Foundation supported the CSO commission and world premiere of a work by the Orchestra’s own Max Raimi based on the poems of long-time Chicagoland resident Lisel Mueller, while the Edward F. Schmidt Commissioning Fund supported the world premiere of Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Jennifer Higdon’s Low Brass Concerto, also a CSO commission. ■ During the 2017/18 season, almost 11,000 donors helped the CSOA raise nearly $24.5M in direct operational support. This included more than $4.6M in corporate sponsorships, partnerships, and in-kind support; more than $2M in grants from philanthropic foundations and government agencies; and $500K in unrestricted bequests supporting the Association’s general operations. Of the almost 11,000 donors, 9,284 contributed to unrestricted support, 2,708 for the first time. In total, the CSOA raised $42.7M in current and future contributed revenues, which includes gifts to the Association’s endowment and other investment funds.

above, (clockwise from top left) ◆ CSOA President Jeff Alexander and CSOA Life Trustee and Negaunee Music Institute Board Member Robert Kohl at a reception celebrating the CSO’s 2018 Florida tour residency ◆ Betty Smykal with the CSO Low Brass section at a reception following a CSO concert in Carnegie Hall ◆ CSOA Governing Member Mitzi Freidheim introducing CSO musicians at a salon in her home in Palm Beach. 17

signat u r e ev en ts ■ The annual Symphony Ball launched the 2017/18 season with a gala event featuring the music of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, and celebrated violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter. The CSOA is very grateful to Symphony Ball Chairs Sandra and Earl Rusnak as well as Liz Adams, Women's Board President for helping make the event a success. ■ In June, the 29th annual Corporate Night celebrated the many corporate leaders and arts partners who supported the CSO during the season. The Association was pleased to honor Northern Trust with the Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy Award for its ongoing support of the Orchestra and CSOA programs. The CSOA also thanks Megan and Steve Shebik for their inspiring leadership as Corporate Night Chairs and Jennifer Bumbu and Cheryl Istvan for their dedicated work as League Event chairs. ■ Also in June, the CSOA hosted the second annual Concert for Peace in partnership with Saint Sabina Church. The program, part of the Initiative for a More Peaceful Chicago, aims to provide healing and solace through music to some of Chicago’s most disenfranchised communities. The CSOA is thankful for generous sponsorship from BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois in support of the concert and initiative. ■ The Association is also grateful for first-time sponsor BMO Harris Bank, and the meaningful support it provided for the League’s spring fundraiser, A Toast to John Williams, in which Williams returned to Orchestra Hall to lead the CSO in selections from some of his most beloved compositions. ■ In October, the League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association produced their 8th annual Fall in Love with Music fundraising luncheon, featuring special guest James Gaffigan. The CSOA thanks Mimi Duginger, President of the League, as well as event co-chairs Pamela Andrews and Marguerite Guido for their leadership and support for this special afternoon, which included a performance by Members of the CSO cello section.

photos, p.19 (clockwise from top left) ◆ Corporate Night—CSOA Trustee Christopher Culp with his guests from Compas Lexecon ◆ CSOA Board Chair Hellen Zell, with Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti at the 2017 Symphony Ball gala ◆ Symphony Ball Gala: (l to r) Riccardo Muti, soloist Anne-Sophie Mutter, Ball Co-chairs Earl and Sandy Rusnak, CSOA Board Chair Helen Zell, CSOA President Jeff Alexander ◆ Corporate Night—presentation of Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy Award to Northern Trust (l to r) Corporate Night co-chairs Megan Shebik, Jennifer Bumbu, Northern Trust President Mike O’Grady and Northern Trust CEO Rick Waddell, Corporate Night Co-Chair Steve Shebik ◆ Mary Lou Gorno (left), CSOA Trustee and Chair of the Theodore Thomas Society, interviews CSO musicians Yuan-Qing Yu and Karen Basrak after they performed for members of the Theodore Thomas Society. 18


Vocalist Gregory Porter joins the CSO and conductor Edwin Outwater on June 11, 2018, to perform selections from his album Nat King Cole and Me at the 29th annual Corporate Night benefit, which raised more than $1 million.


se ason sponsor s

■ Bank of America Bank of America, a corporate partner of the CSOA since 1988, has been instrumental in helping the CSOA share its music and mission with the people of Chicago, the U.S., and the world. As the Global Sponsor of the CSO, Bank of America provides broad-based support for the CSO’s concerts and programs, including national and international tours, and CSO National Radio broadcasts, which reach more than 250,000 listeners each week. The CSOA is proud to continue this historic partnership and is tremendously grateful for Bank of America’s generous support. ■ Allstate Insurance Company The CSOA thanks Allstate Insurance Company for its significant gifts supporting the Negaunee Music Institute’s community and music education programs. During the 2017/18 season, Allstate was the Youth Education Program Sponsor of CSO School Concerts, School and Community Partnerships, Education Open Rehearsals, the CSO’s Chicago Youth in Music Festival, and a Jazz for Young People Concert featuring the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis. ■ The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association appreciates the Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation’s generosity toward the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. The Civic is the CSO’s pre-professional training orchestra for emerging musicians. The Association is grateful for the Foundation’s commitment to celebrating Ms. Cheney’s legacy through philanthropic support of the arts. ■ United Airlines For the last 42 years, United Airlines has served as the official airline of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The CSOA applauds United Airlines’ ongoing commitment to communities through charitable partnerships and support for landmark arts and culture institutions.

bequ e sts Legacy gifts supporting the CSO provide resources that create extraordinary musical opportunities, preserving the CSO’s future. Planned gifts, including bequests made through a will or trust, or established through an annuity, help ensure the Orchestra continues to share the transformative power of music with future generations. The CSOA is grateful to Marion Edelstein, a beloved former League and Governing Member, who left a $1M bequest to support the CSO; Mary Jo Hertel, a former member of the Chicago Symphony Chorus, for her bequest of $245K; and to an anonymous donor who left a $1.673M bequest to support the Orchestra.

■ Exelon Through its corporate citizenship program, Exelon collaborates with communities to deliver cutting edge ideas and achieve meaningful change. The CSOA is grateful for Exelon’s continuing support as season sponsor for the Symphony Center Presents Jazz series.


photos, p. 22 (clockwise from top left) Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti leads the CSO in one of two tour programs at New York’s Carnegie Hall on February 10, 2018, as part of the Orchestra’s East Coast tour ◆ The CSO’s MusicNOW contemporary music series offered a program on May 7, 2018, at the Art Institute of Chicago in settings including the museum’s sculpture court, as part of its celebration to mark the 20th anniversary of the series ◆ CSO trombone Michael Mulcahy conducts the CSO Brass in its annual concert on December 20, 2018 ◆ Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti leads a CSO open rehearsal for community groups in Orchestra Hall on November 15, 2017 ◆ Conductor Giovanni Antonini and mandolinist Avi Avital appear in their CSO debuts on a program of Italian Baroque and classical masterworks on June 7, 2018. 22

p. 23 (clockwise from top left) Vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater caps the Symphony Center Presents Jazz series with a high-energy concert on June 1, 2018 ◆ Guest conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen on the podium during his May 2018 residency with the Orchestra, which included acclaimed performances of Mahler’s Ninth Symphony ◆ Academy Award-winning composer John Williams acknowledges the enthusiastic audience after leading the CSO in the first of four sold-out concerts featuring his music in April 2018.


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sym phon y cen ter pr e sen ts

JA ZZ SERIES Symphony Center Presents Jazz (SCP Jazz) had a stellar season filled with thrilling performances from legends and rising stars. The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis returned to Symphony Center for a three-concert residency in October, which included a Jazz for Young People educational concert and a performance featuring multi-instrumentalist and band leader Jon Batiste as special guest alongside the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra. In February, patrons heard Afro-Cuban musical greats, pianists Chucho ValdĂŠs and Gonzalo Rubalcaba, perform music from their Trance project, a reimagining of Cuban jazz for two pianos. In March, the Bill Charlap Trio and vocalist CĂŠcile McLorin Salvant treated SCP Jazz audiences to a double bill filled with gems from the American Songbook. Charlap and Salvant enchanted audiences with fresh and clever interpretations of the classics, enlivening them with unexpected flair.


photos, p. 24 (top) The Count Basie Orchestra and special guest vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater perform together in an SCP Jazz series concert on June 1, 2018 ◆ p. 24 (bottom, left to right) Vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater delivers an incredible set of selections from her recent album Memphis, during concert that capped the 2017/18 SCP Jazz series ◆ Legendary Cuban pianist Chucho Valdes teams up with fellow Cuban pianist Gonzalo Rubalcaba for an evening of Latin jazz on February 23, 2018 ◆ p. 25 (clockwise from top) Playing to a capacity SCP Chamber audience, violinist Leonidas Kavakos, pianist Emanuel Ax and cellist Yo-Yo Ma acknowledge enthusiastic applause following their program of Brahms trios ◆ Pianist Evgeny Kissin joins forces with the Emerson String Quartet for a memorable program on April 15, 2018 ◆ Conductor Valery Gergiev leads his Marinsky Orchestra in the first concert of the SCP Orchestra series on November 8, 2017.

PIANO SERIES The 10-concert Symphony Center Presents Piano season featured legendary and debut artists offering engaging programs of some of the most renowned works of the piano repertoire. Highlights include recitals by Piotr Anderszewski performing the music of Bach, Chopin and Janáček, as well as a special screening for subscribers of his film Warsaw Is My Name; Evgeny Kissin’s masterful interpretations of the music of Beethoven and Rachmaninov, and a debut by Martin Helmchen performing a program of works by Schumann and Beethoven.

CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES The Symphony Center Presents Chamber Music series featured four performances by some of the world’s leading chamber musicians. In February, CSO favorites Emanuel Ax and Yo-Yo Ma were joined by violinist Leonidas Kavakos in an all-Brahms program, and in April pianist Evgeny Kissin performed piano quintets of Mozart, Fauré, and Dvořák with the Emerson String Quartet to the delight of sold-out audiences.

ORCHESTR A SERIES Each season, the Symphony Center Presents Orchestra series invites symphonic ensembles to Symphony Center. In 2017/18, Symphony Center audiences heard the St. Petersburg, Russia-based Mariinsky Orchestra in a program led by its music director Valery Gergiev that included Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 9, Richard Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben, and Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 2, featuring Denis Matsuev as soloist. In January, the Minnesota Orchestra returned to Orchestra Hall for the first time since the 1960s to present a program of works by Tchaikovsky, Sibelius, and Beethoven led by their music director, Osmo Vänskä. 25


The Vienna Boys Choir in Orchestra Hall on November 25, 2017.

2 0 17/ 1 8 S E A S O N H I G H L I G H T S

sym phon y cen ter pr e sen ts speci a l concerts a n d c so at th e mov ie s Festive Lion dancers greet patrons at the annual Chinese New Year concert in the lobby of Orchestra Hall.



During the 2017/18 season, the popular CSO at the Movies series included a performance led by one of America’s most accomplished and successful composers for film and the concert stage, John Williams. His performances with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra were a highlight of the series that also included performances of film scores with screenings of the classic film Singin’ in the Rain and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the first of the enormously popular series.

Symphony Center Presents also featured special concerts throughout the season including a performance by award winning keyboardist and composer Herbie Hancock, who returned to his hometown in a concert demonstrating his five decades of influence on the world of jazz and rhythm and blues. In February, we celebrated the Year of the Dog in a splendid musical celebration of the Chinese New Year that included a performance by the Chongqing Chuanju Opera Theatre. Their traditional Chinese opera selections from China’s Chengdu Province included dazzling and colorful costumes and acrobatic choreography. The concert also featured the Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra performing orchestral arrangements of Chinese folk melodies and favorites. This performance was generously sponsored by Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz. In April, Spanish-born Flamenco singer Diego el Cigala brought an intensely emotional performance to Symphony Center featuring selections from his latest album Indestructible.


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m usicnow

During its 20th anniversary season, MusicNOW, the CSOA’s nationally recognized and critically acclaimed new music series, took audiences on an immersive journey exploring the genre’s groundbreaking repertoire, including the work of past Composers-in-Residence alongside new commissions and world premieres. Three concerts were performed at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, in addition to a special concert at the Art Institute of Chicago and the season finale at Symphony Center. MusicNOW programs are performed by CSO musicians along with guest artists. Elizabeth Ogonek and Samuel Adams, Mead-Composers-in-Residence, curated the series. Four concert programs highlighted MusicNOW’s 20-year history at the forefront of presenting contemporary music and championing the composers and works fostered throughout the series. On October 2, audiences heard a retrospective program with works by all seven former composers-in-residence: Mason Bates, Anna Clyne, John Corigliano, Osvaldo Golijov, Shulamit Ran, Augusta Read Thomas, and Mark-Anthony Turnage. The November 13 concert featured pianist-composer and MacArthur Fellow Vijay Iyer performing with trumpeter-composer Wadada Leo Smith.

photos, p. 28 (top) MusicNOW concert on April 1, 2018, at the Harris Theater featuring world premiere performance of Amy Beth Kirsten’s Savior, a composed-through, theatrical telling of the life and death of the legendary heroine Joan of Arc in 15th-century France ◆ p. 28 (bottom) Mead Composers-in-Residence Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Ogonek welcome the audience to the first concert of the 20th season of MusicNOW on October 2, 2018 ◆ p. 29 (clockwise from top left) Violinist Karen Gomyo is the soloist in the world premiere of a new concerto by Mead Composer-in-Residence Samuel Adams led by Esa-Pekka Salonen at the May 21 finale concert for MusicNOW’s 20th season ◆ CSO musicians perform in front of the Marc Chagall windows at a special MusicNOW concert at the Art Institute of Chicago on May 7, 2018 ◆ CSO Composers-in-Residence past and present gather at the first MusicNOW concert of the series’ 20th season—(left to right) Augusta Read Thomas, Samuel Adams, Elizabeth Ogonek, John Corigliano, Shulamit Ran and Mason Bates. 28

April 2 marked the world premiere of Amy Beth Kirsten’s Savior (a MusicNOW commission made possible by the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation) based on the life of Joan of Arc. A special event on May 7—generously sponsored by longtime CSOA supporters Richard and Mary L. Gray—featured chamber ensembles throughout several galleries in the Art Institute of Chicago, allowing audiences to experience new music in a nontraditional venue. The season concluded on May 21 with conductor-composer Esa-Pekka Salonen leading members of the CSO at Symphony Center in a program featuring two world premieres by the Mead Composers-inResidence: Elizabeth Ogonek’s The Water Cantos [notes from quiet places] and Samuel Adams’s Chamber Concerto, both of which are MusicNOW Commissions. The CSOA is grateful for the generous support of MusicNOW sponsors: the Sally Mead Hands Foundation, the Julian Family Foundation, The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust, Cindy Sargent, Joan Harris, and the Zell Family Foundation.


th e c so i n th e com m u n it y

In accordance with its mission, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association presents concerts beyond its downtown home of Symphony Center to reach a wide range of communities, interests, schedules, and budgets across Chicagoland. For the annual Concert for Chicago, the CSO performed a concert at Lane Tech College Prep High School in the city’s Avondale neighborhood. An audience of approximately 1,800 enjoyed the music of Schubert and Brahms, conducted by Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti. The CSO also performs a series of runout concerts to locations outside the Cook County region. In 2017/18, the CSO returned to the Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa, where audiences were treated to a program featuring Tchaikovsky’s Manfred Symphony and Bruch’s rarely performed Concerto for Two Pianos featuring the sisters Katia and Marielle Labèque with Semyon Bychkov conducting. Community vitality is strengthened through meaningful connections to the arts. During the 2017/18 season, the CSO continued to engage audiences in the western suburbs. The CSO’s partnership with the DuPage Foundation complements the work of local arts and culture organizations in DuPage County, and helps the Orchestra make meaningful connections with audiences through world-class programming and longterm partnerships with local organizations, academic institutions and schools, and residents.


For the second year, the CSO presented three concerts in Edman Memorial Chapel at Wheaton College, featuring masterworks of the symphonic canon along with talented guest conductors and soloists, giving western suburban residents the opportunity to experience one of the world’s greatest orchestras firsthand in an outstanding concert venue. Performing at Edman Memorial Chapel is a pleasure for Muti, the CSO, and guest artists as well. Musicians and conductors have praised the hall’s acoustics, admiring its sonority and clarity of sound. Maestro Manfred Honeck led the series-opening concert with a powerful performance of Schubert’s masterful Ninth Symphony. The program also featured German violinist Arabella Steinbacher performing Berg’s Violin Concerto. Honeck returned in January to lead one of the world’s greatest Mahler orchestras in a performance of his Fifth Symphony alongside Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 25 featuring the Austrian pianist Till Fellner. To conclude the series, audiences were treated to a CSO performance with Muti at the podium, in a program of music by Mozart and Haydn, and featuring Concertmaster Robert Chen and violist Paul Neubauer as soloists. During the 2017/18 season, there were a total of 653 Wheaton College series subscriber households, and of this total, 81% (528 households) have purchased CSO concert tickets in the last seven years.

ALL-ACCESS CHAMBER MUSIC The CSO’s All-Access Chamber Music series began on October 29, and featured CSO musicians in self-organized, small ensembles performing selections of some of their favorite chamber music works. The series aims to present music across Chicago by welcoming audiences to Orchestra Hall as well as neighborhood venues. 2017/18 season concerts included performances at Kenwood Academy High School, the David and Reva Logan Center for the Arts at the University of Chicago, and South Shore Cultural Center. All concerts are free, and have been since the series began. The six-concert series in 2017/18 featured options for nearly every musical taste with works ranging from Brahms and Beethoven to Poulenc and other 20th century composers. In 2017/18, three All-Access Chamber Music concerts were presented in Orchestra Hall at Symphony Center—a first for the series—welcoming nearly 5,000 patrons to these enjoyable performances. The All-Access Chamber series is generously underwritten by an anonymous donor.

photos, p. 30 (top) Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti leads the CSO in a March 16, 2018, concert in Edman Memorial Chapel as part of the annual concert series in west suburban Wheaton ◆ p. 31 (top) Guest conductor Semyon Bychkov leads the CSO in a run-out concert at the University of Iowa’s Hancher Auditorium in May 2018 ◆ p. 31 (bottom) Pianist Winston Choi with CSO bassoon Dennis Michel and CSO bass clarinet J. Lawrie Bloom onstage in Orchestra Hall as part of the free All-Access chamber music series. 31

Across Chicago and around the world, the Negaunee Music Institute connects individuals and communities to the extraordinary musical resources of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Under the visionary leadership of CSO Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti and Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma, Institute programming gives broad access to the CSO, educates young listeners, provides advanced training to young musicians and serves the city and the world through music. All concerts and events are inexpensive or offered to the public free of charge in order to dissolve financial barriers.


The current menu of Institute programs includes a suite of thirty-six CSO School and Family Concerts, seven open rehearsals, the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, over sixty partnerships with schools and social service organizations, intensive training and performance opportunities for young musicians, and education and engagement activities during CSO domestic and international tours. Originally founded as the Institute for Learning, Access and Training, the CSOA received a generous gift in 2014 to endow the Institute in perpetuity from the Negaunee Foundation, renaming it as the Negaunee Music Institute at the CSO. The 2017/18 season was a banner season for the CSOA’s education programs. The CSOA is grateful for generous support from The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation, the Alphawood Foundation, Polk Bros. Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund, The Pauls Foundation, the Illinois Arts Council Agency, and many others that helped the Institute create transformative musical experiences for young musicians and audiences in Chicagoland and beyond.

During the 2017/18 season, the Civic Orchestra—the CSO’s prestigious training orchestra for professional musicians— presented a series of six concerts in Orchestra Hall, the fourth annual Bach Marathon, and concerts at the South Shore Cultural Center and Nicholas Senn High School. The season begin with a residency at DePauw University, where, sponsored by Judson and Joyce Green, the orchestra performed with Yo-Yo Ma as soloist and offered numerous chamber performances in communities within and surrounding the university. Additionally, the orchestra participated in two open rehearsals led by Riccardo Muti, and a third led by Emmanuel Krivine.

C I V IC ORC H E S T R A OF C H IC AG O During the 2017/18 season, the Civic Orchestra—the CSO’s prestigious training orchestra for pre-professional musicians—presented a series of six concerts in Orchestra Hall, the fourth annual Bach Marathon, and concerts at the South Shore Cultural Center and Nicholas Senn High School. The season began with a residency at DePauw University, where, sponsored by Judson and Joyce Green, the orchestra performed with Yo-Yo Ma as soloist and offered numerous chamber performances in communities within and surrounding the university. Additionally, the orchestra participated in two open rehearsals led by Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti, and a third led by Emmanuel Krivine. The Civic Fellowship program engaged 14 Civic musicians who embarked on additional artistic and professional development that supplemented their membership in the orchestra. Throughout the season, they designed community engagement projects that engaged people on the west and south sides as well as the western suburbs, mentored young musicians who study at The People’s Music School, performed at numerous schools throughout Greater Chicago and collaborated with students to create new artwork, participated in the CSO’s Initiative for a More Peaceful Chicago, and presented the New Music Workshop. More than 16,000 people attended free, full orchestra and chamber concerts presented by the Civic Orchestra; During the Bach Marathon, Civic ensembles gave 15 performances over the course of 10 hours in schools and neighborhood venues across the city.

photos, p 32 (top) Civic Orchestra Fellow and cellist Denielle Wilson enjoys her surroundings at a September 2017 Civic open rehearsal in Orchestra Hall with Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti ◆ p. 33 (clockwise from top) A capacity crowd in Orchestra Hall enjoys the last Civic concert of the season in June 2018. The concert, featuring Holst’s The Planets, was under the direction of Francesco Leece-Chong ◆ The Civic Brass Quintet performs Toccata and Fugue at Carson Elementary School during the fourth annual Bach Marathon in November 2017 ◆ A quartet of Civic Fellows perform Peter Shin’s Screaming Shapes at the third annual New Music Workshop in Buntrock Hall in April 2018. 33

In April 2018, CSO Sir Georg Solti Conducting Apprentice Erina Yashima led the Civic Orchestra in a duo of symphonies by two masters of the Classical and Romantic eras: Beethoven’s Fourth Symphony and Rachmaninov’s Second Symphony.





I N I T I AT I V E F OR A MOR E PE AC E F U L C H IC AG O The Initiative for a More Peaceful Chicago uses music to bring hope and solace to people living in some of Chicago’s most underserved communities, and provides a positive, creative outlet for self-expression to young people residing in juvenile justice facilities. During the 2017/18 season, musicians from the CSO and Civic Orchestra collaborated with partners to provide songwriting workshops for Cook County youth incarcerated at

the Illinois Youth Center, as well as the faith community of St. Sabina Church through the Purpose Over Pain program for parents who have lost children to gun violence. Led by CSOA Trustee Paul Wiggin, a team of web developers worked pro bono to build notesforpeace.org, a website that showcases the music written with the Purpose Over Pain participants. On June 10, the website was launched when Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma, CSO and Civic musicians, the St. Sabina Band, and Chicago Children’s Choir participated in the second annual Concert for Peace at St. Sabina Church.

151 zip codes were represented in the audience of the June 10 Concert for Peace with Yo-Yo Ma; 25 participants in Purpose Over Pain wrote 24 original songs that were performed and professionally recorded.

photos, p. 36 (top) Yo-Yo Ma interacts with Civic Fellow Denielle Wilson at the Negaunee Music Institute’s second Concert for Peace ◆ p. 36 (bottom) Singer Takesha Meshé Kizart supports Purpose Over Pain participant and mother Patricia Porter at the Negaunee Music Institute’s second Concert for Peace, presented at St. Sabina Church in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood in June 2018 ◆ p. 37 (top) Purpose Over Pain mothers, songwriters, and performers pose after a concert of newly created music in March 2018, presented at St. Sabina Church in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood in June 2018 ◆ p. 37 (bottom) notesforpeace.org launched at the Negaunee Music Institute’s second Concert for Peace. The website, a project led by CSOA Trustee Paul Wiggin, features the stories and portraits alongside the original songs and lyrics from the Purpose Over Pain participants. 37



C S O S C HO OL A N D FA M I LY C ONC E RT S The 2017/18 CSO School and Family Concert series included a total of 36 performances that engaged over 33,000 students grades pre-K-8 and families with children ages 3-9. A new Once Upon a Symphony production, The Elves and the Shoemaker, opened on March 3 and set the classic story in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. The concert featured Jazelle Morriss as narrator alongside a chamber ensemble of Members of the CSO. The school and family concert series theme, In Harmony, explored the sounds of friendship, the natural world and folklore. On March 16, nearly 1,000 Chicago Public Schools students participating in CSO-Connect partnerships attended school concerts presented in collaboration with the Field Museum, including a replica of NORM the T. Rex’s skull, which was on display in the Rotunda. To close the series, Members of the CSO welcomed dancers from the Joffrey Academy of Dance in early May for performances of Igor Stravinsky’s The Firebird.

C H IC AG O YOU T H I N M USIC F E S T I VA L The 2018 Chicago Youth in Music Festival, presented in collaboration with 10 partner organizations from across the city and suburbs, included opportunities to celebrate and support young musicians—elementary through high school, beginner to advanced—who are passionate about classical music. Students from The People’s Music School, Chicago Metamorphosis Orchestra Project, and Sistema Ravinia youth orchestras traveled to Symphony Center for a day of coaching and side-by-side rehearsal with the Civic Orchestra under the direction of CSO Sir Georg Solti Conducting Apprentice Erina Yashima, and musicians of the CSO taught a total of 14 master classes for advanced high school musicians affiliated with Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras, Merit School of Music, Music Institute of Chicago and Elgin Youth Symphony. To conclude the Festival, the Institute in collaboration with the League of the CSOA presented the Crain-Maling Foundation CSO Young Artists Competition. The 2017/18 competition in piano was accompanied by the Civic Orchestra and conducted by Erina Yashima. Yerin Yang was named the competition winner and will appear as a soloist with Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra during CSO School and Family Concerts in March 2019. 500 people attended the finals of the 2018 Crain-Maling CSO Young Artists Competition.

photos, p. 38 (top) A member of the Joffrey Academy Trainees and Studio Company dances with the Orchestra during a CSO Family Matinee concert ◆ p. 38 (bottom) A packed house listens to members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra during a school concert in May ◆ p. 35 (top) A young patron participates in Once Upon a Symphony preconcert activities in the Symphony Center Rotunda ◆ p. 39 (bottom, left to right) Yerin Yang, 16, won the 2017/18 Crain-Maling Foundation CSO Young Artists Competition with her performance of Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A minor, accompanied by the Civic Orchestra, under the direction of Sir Georg Solti CSO Conducting Apprentice Erina Yashima ◆ Civic Fellow Maria Arrua poses on stage with a young violin student from Sistema Ravinia during the 2018 Chicago Youth in Music Festival.



S C HO OL PA RT N E R SH I P S Throughout 2017/18, the Institute expanded its partnerships with Chicago Public Schools. CSO-Connect partnerships with seven CPS schools provided teachers with support as they developed and implemented arts-integrated curricula. Additionally, each partner school received in-school presentations by the Civic Fellows that featured a memorized performance of music the students heard when they attended a CSO School Concert at Symphony Center in March. During the weeks that followed the school concert, students collaborated with the fellows to create original music and artwork that responded to the concert and grew out of the curriculum their teachers developed, connecting with the theme “Curiosity leads to empathy”. This work was showcased at a culminating event in May. Approximately 20,000 students and their chaperones attended a CSO School Concert at Symphony Center; over the course of the season, 363 schools, 139 of which were Chicago Public Schools, participated in Institute programs.

C S O E NG AG E M E N T AC T I V I T Y ON TOU R The CSO continued its tradition of offering education and engagement activities while on tour, both on the east and west coasts. In total, musicians taught 24 master classes at the Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall, the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory, and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Music. In West Palm Beach, Florida, Palm Beach Day Academy hosted two performances of Once Upon a Symphony: Stone Soup and invited students from Opportunity, Inc., a nearby school in an underserved community. Additionally, a string quartet of CSO musicians played a concert for students at Dreyfoos School of the Arts, a public school in West Palm Beach, followed by coaching of string sections from the school’s orchestra. On the west coast, Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti led a rehearsal of the Berkeley School of Music Symphony Orchestra, and a CSO string quintet performed a free concert at a San Diego Public Library. During CSO tours in 17/18, musicians of the CSO taught 24 master classes. 40

photos, p. 40 Assistant Concertmaster Yuan-Qing Yu coaches senior Rebecca Vazquez during a master class at Lane Tech High School. The master class was part of a series of educational activities that led up to the CSO’s November 2017 community concert at the school ◆ p. 41 (clockwise, from top) A string quartet of CSO musicians offered a chamber ensemble performance and coached high school musicians at Florida’s public Dreyfoos School of the Arts during the February 2018 tour ◆ CSO piccolo Jennifer Gunn leads a masterclass during a CSO tour ◆ A captivated audience in West Palm Beach, Florida watches a production of Once Upon a Symphony: Stone Soup during a February 2018 tour performance staged at Palm Beach Day Academy ◆ Students observe and interact with their peers' art projects during the CSO-Connect culminating event, hosted by Uptown's Walt Disney Magnet School in May 2018. 41


C H IC AG O S Y M PHON Y ORC H E S T R A   |   R IC C A R D O M U T I Zell Music Director YO -YO M A Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant DUA I N WOL F E Chorus Director and Conductor VIOLINS





Robert Chen Concertmaster The Louis C. Sudler Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor Stephanie Jeong Associate Concertmaster The Cathy and Bill Osborn Chair David Taylor Yuan-Qing Yu Assistant Concertmasters* So Young Bae Cornelius Chiu Alison Dalton Gina DiBello Kozue Funakoshi Russell Hershow Qing Hou Blair Milton Paul Phillips, Jr. Sando Shia Susan Synnestvedt Rong-Yan Tang

Li-Kuo Chang Acting Principal The Paul Hindemith Principal Viola Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor John Bartholomew Catherine Brubaker Youming Chen Sunghee Choi Wei-Ting Kuo Danny Lai Diane Mues Lawrence Neuman Max Raimi Weijing Wang

Sarah Bullen Principal Lynne Turner

Miles Maner

Peter Conover Principal Carole Keller Mark Swanson

Baird Dodge Principal Sylvia Kim Kilcullen Assistant Principal Lei Hou Ni Mei Fox Fehling Hermine Gagné Rachel Goldstein Mihaela Ionescu Melanie Kupchynsky Wendy Koons Meir Matous Michal Simon Michal Aiko Noda Joyce Noh Nancy Park‡ Ronald Satkiewicz Florence Schwartz


John Sharp Principal The Eloise W. Martin Chair Kenneth Olsen Assistant Principal The Adele Gidwitz Chair Karen Basrak Loren Brown Richard Hirschl Daniel Katz Katinka Kleijn § Jonathan Pegis David Sanders Gary Stucka Brant Taylor BASSES

Alexander Hanna Principal The David and Mary Winton Green Principal Bass Chair Daniel Armstrong Roger Cline ‡ Joseph DiBello Michael Hovnanian Robert Kassinger Mark Kraemer Stephen Lester Bradley Opland


Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson Principal The Erika and Dietrich M. Gross Principal Flute Chair Richard Graef Assistant Principal Emma Gerstein Jennifer Gunn


Daniel Gingrich Acting Principal James Smelser David Griffin Oto Carrillo Susanna Gaunt TRUMPETS

Mark Ridenour Assistant Principal John Hagstrom Tage Larsen



Jennifer Gunn

Jay Friedman Principal The Lisa and Paul Wiggin Principal Trombone Chair Michael Mulcahy Charles Vernon


Michael Henoch Assistant Principal The Gilchrist Foundation Chair Lora Schaefer Scott Hostetler


Charles Vernon


John Deverman Director Anne MacQuarrie Manager, CSO Auditions and Orchestra Personnel STAGE TECHNICIANS

Kelly Kerins Stage Manager Blair Carlson Dave Hartge Peter Landry Christopher Lewis Todd Snick Joe Tucker * Assistant concertmasters are listed by seniority. ‡On sabbatical §On Leave



Scott Hostetler

Gene Pokorny Principal The Arnold Jacobs Principal Tuba Chair, endowed by Christine Querfeld


Stephen Williamson Principal John Bruce Yeh Assistant Principal Gregory Smith J. Lawrie Bloom E-FLAT CLARINET


J. Lawrie Bloom


David Herbert Principal The Clinton Family Fund Chair Vadim Karpinos Assistant Principal PERCUSSION


Keith Buncke Principal William Buchman Assistant Principal Dennis Michel Miles Maner

The Louise H. Benton Wagner Chair currently is unoccupied. The Nancy and Larry Fuller Principal Oboe Chair was unoccupied during the 2017/18 season. The Adolph Herseth Principal Trumpet Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor, currently is unoccupied. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra string sections utilize revolving seating. Players behind the first desk (first two desks in the violins) change seats systematically every two weeks and are listed alphabetically. Section percussionists also are listed alphabetically percussionists also are listed alphabetically.

Cynthia Yeh Principal Patricia Dash Vadim Karpinos James Ross


C H IC AG O S Y M PHON Y C HORUS 2017–2018 season roster Duain Wolfe Conductor   & Chorus Director Cheryl Frazes Hill,   Associate Director Don H. Horisberger,   Associate Director William Chin,   Assistant Director MANAGER



Charles Foster John Goodwin Sharon Peterson Andrew Rosenblum * Indicates Section Leader Gretchen Adams Geoffrey Agpalo Michele Braché Agpalo Alicia Monastero Akers Melinda Alberty Ashley Armstrong Melissa Arning Lauren Auge Michael Barrette Megan E. Bell Rebecca Berger Nicole Besa Lauren Biglow Sammi Block Laura Boguslavsky Madison Bolt Eileen Marie Bora Humberto Borboa Michael Boschert William Bouvel Heather Braoudakis Michael Brauer Evan Bravos Matthew Brennan Michael Brown Terry L. Bucher Erich Buchholz Jennifer Kerr Budziak Laura Bumgardner Diane Busko Bryks Lieve Buzard 44

Anastasia Cameron Balmer Andrea Caruso Michael Cavalieri William Chin Joan Cinquegrani Bethany Clearfield Joseph Cloonan Nathalie Colas Katy Compton Natalie Conseur Tamaron Conseur Magaly Cordero Ryan J. Cox Sandra Cross Beena David Angela De Venuto Leah Dexter Micah A. Dingler * Claire DiVizio Hannah Dixon McConnell Katarzyna Dorula Meredith Taylor Du Bon Jeffrey Duke Kathryn Duncan Thomas E. Dymit Ashley Eason Stacy Eckert Stephen C Edwards Daniel Eifert Nora Engonopoulos Jared Velasco Esguerra Nicholas Falco Andrew Fisher Megan Fletcher Leigh Folta Henriët Fourie Carl Frank Kirsten Fyr-Searcy Ace T. Gangoso Klaus Georg Dimitri German Liana Gineitis Jennifer Gingrich Carl Glick John Goodwin David Govertsen Mary Lutz Govertsen Nida Grigalaviciute Elizabeth A. Grizzell Kimberly Gunderson Amy Gwinn-Becker Elizabeth Haley Kevin Michael Hall Ashlee Hardgrave

Michael Randall Hawes DaRell Haynes Adam Lance Hendrickson Megan Hendrickson Daniel Julius Henry Jr. Jianghai Ho Betsy Hoats Cameo Humes Ingrid Israel Mikolajczyk Taylor Jacobson Carla Janzen Garrett Johannsen Kathryn Kamp Alison Kelly Robin A. Kessler Jung Kim Jess Koehn Tasha Koontz Lisa Kotara Susan Krout Alexandra Kunath Joe Labozetta Mathew Lake Frank Daniel Laucerica Katelyn Lee Rosalind Lee Kristin Lelm Lee Lichamer * Sara Litchfield Amanda Compton LoPresti * Kathleen Madden * Suzanne Ma-Ebersole Megan Magsarili Bill McMurray Mark James Meier Kaileen Erin Miller Eric Miranda Rebecca S. Moan Stephen Mollica Randall E. Moore Patrick Muehleise Keith A. Murphy Lillian Murphy Nathan S. Oakes Máire O’Brien Rachel Olson Sheri Owens Wha Shin Park Clarissa Parrish Short Douglas Peters Sharon R. Peterson Amy Pickering Nancy Pifer Cari Plachy

Sarah Ponder * Elvira Ponticelli Robert J. Potsic * Angela Presutti Nicholas Pulikowski Antonio Quaranta Margaret Quinnette Leo Radosavljevic Julia Rahm Peder Reiff Dan Richardson Stephen Richardson Alyssa Rick Alexia Rivera Benjamin Rivera Nicoleta Roman Brennan Runzo Kyle Sackett Sladjana Saric Jonathan Schaefer Matthew W. Schlesinger Cole Seaton * Cindy Senneke * Andrew Seymour Ashley Sipka Cassidy Smith Joseph Smith Brandon Sokol Rachel Sparrow Kevin St. John Meaghan Stainback Sean Stanton Heidi Jo Stirling Margaret Stoltz Josefien Stoppelenburg Daniel Stromfeld Alan Taylor Samantha Thielen Dane Thomas Paul W. Thompson Matthew Thurman Scott Uddenberg Anna VanDeKerchove Elizabeth Vaughan Alison Wahl Vince Wallace Aaron Wardell Peter Wesoloski Eric West Debra Wilder Megan Wilhelm Angela Young Smucker Juan Zapata

C I V IC ORC H E S T R A 2017–2018 season VIOLIN



Carmen Abelson* Miguel Aguirre Maria Arrua* Yoojin Baek Sarah Bowen Hannah Cartwright Hsin-Yu Chen Kai-wei Chen Lilian Chou Hannah Christiansen Alex Giger Izumi Hoshino Munjung Jung Jeongwon Kim Natalie Lee Arthur Masyuk Joanna Nerius Alex Norris Anne-Sophie Paquet Anna Piotrowski Christopher Robinson YaeEun Shin Liaht Slobodkin Seungmi Sun Brent Taghap Eva Trigueros Joe Vucekovich Sofie Yang Tong Yu

Adam Ayers Eva María Barbado  Gutiérrez Allison Chambers Diane Chou Alexander Ellsworth Geirþrúður Anna Guðmundsdóttir Kelly Quesada Nicholas Swett* Denielle Wilson* Emily Yoshimoto

Stephanie Diebel Devin Gossett Laura Pitkin* Renée Vogen Kelsey Williams


Susan Bengtson Rebecca Boelzner Katya Checkovich Roslyn Green* Annija Kerno Aleksa Kuzma Kevin Lin Enrique Olvera Seth Pae Ariel Patkin Helen Rucinski Chihiro Tanaka


Nick Adams Joe Bauer* Mathew Burri Christopher DeMarco Vincent Galvan Greg Heintz Daniel Meyers Vincent Trautwein


Bryant Millet Daniel Price Alexander Schwarz* TROMBONE

James Perez Lucas Steidinger BASS TROMBONE

Robinson Schulze* TUBA

Joseph LeFevre TIMPANI

Matthew Kibort


Kayla Burggraf Christy Kim* Gabriel Mende-Fridkis




Erik Andrusyak Andrew Cooper Siyoon Park*

Jordan Thomas

Patrick Speranza Wai Chi Tang


Pei-yeh Tsai*


Nicholas Brown Gordon Daole-Wellman* Cally Laughlin BASSOON

Quinn Delaney Midori Samson* Yunfeng Yao


Claudia Restrepo

*denotes Civic Fellow


C H IC AG O S Y M PHON Y ORC H E S T R A A S S O C I AT ION B OA R D OF T RUS T E E S   |   July 1, 2017–June 30, 2018 The Board of Trustees of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra formed in December 1890. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ASSOCIATION

Helen Zell   Chair Mary Louise Gorno   Vice Chair Robert A. Kohl   Vice Chair Liisa Thomas   Vice Chair James W. Mabie   Treasurer Jeff Alexander   President Karen Rahn   Secretary of the Board Stacie M. Frank   Assistant Treasurer David A. Chambers   Vice President for Development HONORARY TRUSTEES

The Honorable Richard M. Daley Lady Valerie Solti The Honorable Bruce Rauner   Honorary Chairman The Honorable Rahm Emanuel   Honorary Chairman TRUSTEES

John Aalbregtse H. Rigel Barber M. Cherif Bassiouni † Randy Lamm Berlin Laurence O. Booth Kay Bucksbaum Robert J. Buford Leslie Henner Burns Debra A. Cafaro Marion A. Cameron Gregory C. Case David Casper Bruce E. Clinton George P. Colis Timothy A. Duffy Dr. Christopher L. Culp


Mimi Duginger* Brian W. Duwe Rajiv Fernando J. Bradley Fewell Richard C. Godfrey Graham C. Grady Joyce T. Green David P. Hackett Lori Julian Jared Kaplan* Donna L. Kendall James Kolar Joseph A. Konen Randall S. Kroszner Josef Lakonishok Patty Lane Beth Mannino Mark G. McGrath Christopher Melvin Renée Metcalf Mary Pivirotto Murley Sylvia Neil Elizabeth Parker* Gerald Pauling Jose Luis Prado Dr. Irwin Press Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker Dr. Mohan Rao Burton X. Rosenberg Kristen C. Rossi Earl J. Rusnak, Jr E. Scott Santi Steven E. Shebik Alejandro Silva Walter Snodell Daniel E. Sullivan, Jr. Scott Swanson Nasrin Thierer Liisa Thomas Terrence J. Truax William A. Von Hoene, Jr. Frederick H. Waddell Paul R. Wiggin Robert Wislow Helen Zell *Ex Officio Trustee


William Adams IV Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Marshall Bennett Melvyn Bergstein † Arnold M. Berlin William G. Brown Dean L. Buntrock Robert N. Burt Richard Colburn Richard H. Cooper Anthony T. Dean Charles Douglas John A. Edwardson Thomas J. Eyerman James B. Fadim David W. Fox, Sr. Richard J. Franke Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr H. Laurance Fuller Mrs. Robert W. Galvin Paul C. Gignilliat Joseph B. Glossberg William A. Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Howard L. Gottlieb Mrs. Richard H. Gottlieb Chester A. Gougis Richard Gray † Mary Winton Green Dietrich Gross Joan W. Harris John H. Hart Thomas C. Heagy Jay L. Henderson Debora de Hoyos Mrs. Roger B. Hull Judith W. Istock William R. Jentes Paul R. Judy Richard B. Kapnick Donald G. Kempf, Jr George D. Kennedy Mrs. John C. Kern Robert Kohl Fred A. Krehbiel Charles Ashby Lewis Eva F. Lichtenberg John S. Lillard Donald G. Lubin James W. Mabie John F. Manley R. Eden Martin

Ling Z. Markovitz Arthur C. Martinez Judith W. McCue Lester H. McKeever David E. McNeel Newton N. Minow John D. Nichols James J. O’Connor William A. Osborn Mrs. Albert Pawlick Jane DiRenzo Pigott John M. Pratt Mrs. Neil K. Quinn † John W. Rogers, Jr. Jerry Rose Frank A. Rossi Cynthia M. Sargent John R. Schmidt Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Rita Simó Robert C. Spoerri Carl W. Stern Roger W. Stone William H. Strong Louis C. Sudler, Jr. Richard L. Thomas Richard P. Toft Penny Van Horn †Deceased

C H IC AG O S Y M PHON Y ORC H E S T R A A S S O C I AT ION A DM I N I S T R AT ION July 1, 2017–June 30, 2018 Jeff Alexander President PRESIDENT’S OFFICE Karen Rahn   Executive Assistant   to the President/   Secretary of the Board Mónica Lugo   Executive Assistant   to the Music Director Human Resources

Lynne Sorkin Director Erika Sanders Coordinator ARTISTIC ADMINISTRATION Cristina Rocca Vice President   The Richard and Mary   L. Gray Chair Guillermo Muñoz Küster   Executive Assistant James M. Fahey Director,   Programming,   Symphony Center Presents Randy Elliot Director,   Artistic Administration Monica Wentz Manager,   Artistic Planning Lena Breitkreuz   Artist Coordinator,   Symphony Center Presents Hannah Gidley   Artist Coordinator, CSO Phillip Huscher   Scholar-in-Residence and   Program Annotator Pietro Fiumara   Artists Assistant Chorus

Carolyn Stoner Manager Caroline Eichler   Assistant Manager,  Librarian

ORCHESTRA AND BUILDING OPERATIONS Vanessa Moss Vice President Heidi Lukas Director Michael Lavin   Assistant Director,   Operations, SCP &   Rental Events Jeffrey Stang   Production Manager, CSO Joseph Sherman   Production Manager,   SCP & Rental Events Charles Braico   House Manager Michael Manning   Manager, Audio Media   and Operations Charlie Post Audio Engineer NEGAUNEE MUSIC INSTITUTE AT THE CSO Jonathan McCormick   Director, Education and   The Negaunee Music  Institute Jon Weber Director,   School & Family Programs Molly Walker   Orchestra Manager,   Civic Orchestra of Chicago James Hall Manager,   Community Programs   and Civic Orchestra  Engagement Katy Clusen Manager,   School & Family Programs Sarah Vander Ploeg   Coordinator, School &   Community Partnerships Kimberly Joslyn Coordinator,   Civic Orchestra of Chicago Benjamin Wise Assistant,   Institute Programs Rosenthal Archives

Frank Villella Director Orchestra Personnel

John Deverman Director Anne MacQuarrie   Manager, CSO Auditions   and Orchestra Personnel Facilities

John Maas Director Anne MacQuarrie   Manager, CSO Auditions   & Orchestra Personnel



Tim McElligott   Chief Engineer Michael McGeehan   Lead Engineer Kevin Walsh Dan Platt

Elisabeth Madeja Director Lauren Matson Manager,   Patron Retention David Nutt Manager Stephanie Lo Media Buyer Namita Shah   Digital Marketing  Coordinator Laura Sauer   Marketing Associate


Robert Stokas   Chief Electrician John Forster Stage Technicians

Kelly Kerins Stage Manager Dave Hartge James Hogan Peter Landry Christopher Lewis Todd Snick Joe Tucker FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Stacie Frank Vice President   & Chief Financial Officer Renay Johansen Slifka   Executive Assistant Accounting

Kerri Gravlin   Director, Financial   Planning & Analysis Kathryn Preston Controller Paulette Jean Volf Janet Kosiba   Assistant Controllers Janet Hansen Payroll Manager Marianne Hahn   Accounting Manager Monique Henderson   Senior Accountant Hyon Yu   General Ledger Manager Cynthia Maday   Accounts Payable Manager Jessica Lotz Payroll Assistant Information Services & Support

Daniel Spees Director Douglas Bolino Client Systems  Administrator Jackie Spark   Tessitura Data and   Application Administrator SALES AND MARKETING J. Philip Koester   Vice President Melanie Kalnins   Director, Marketing   and Business Analysis


Todd Land Director Eddie Limperis Designer Content

Frances Atkins Director Laura Emerick   Digital Content Editor Gerald Virgil Editor Kristin Tobin Designer Communications and Public Relations

Eileen Chambers Officer Dana Navarro Manager Clay Baker Coordinator Sales and Ticketing Operations

Stephen Funk Director Pavan Singh Customer   Relations Manager Ticket Sales and Patron Services

Patrice Fumbanks Caitlin Manning   Supervisors VIP Services

Robert Coad Manager Group Sales

Brian Koenig Manager Shifra Werch   Group Sales Specialist Box Office

Joseph Garnett Manager Steve Paulin   Assistant Manager James Krier Christie Nawrocki Fernando Vega John McGinnis The Symphony Store

Tyler Holstrom Manager

DEVELOPMENT David Chambers   Vice President Kristopher Simmons   Executive Assistant Bobbie Rafferty   Director, Development,   Individual Gifts Allison Szafranski Director,   Leadership Gifts Alfred Andreychuk   Major Gifts Officer &   Director, Planned Giving Miguel Fernández Rebecca Hill Charles Palys   Major Gifts Officers Rachel Zupp Manager,   Governing Member Gifts Karen Bullen   Assistant Gifts Officer Erin Gernon   Prospect Research Specialist Neomia Harris   Project Assistant Institutional Advancement

Susan Green Director,   Foundation and   Government Relations Nick Magnone Corporate   Development Officer Lee Ann Norman   Grant Writer Jennifer Adams Coordinator,   Corporate Development Donor Engagement & Development Operations

Lisa McDaniel Director,   Donor Engagement Liz Heinitz Director,   Annual Giving &   Development Operations Kimberly S. Duffy   Senior Donor Engagement  Manager Kayleigh Dudevoir Donor   Engagement Manager Ariana Strahl Coordinator,   Donor Engagement Kirk McMahon   Manager, Donor &   Development Services Peter Rosenbloom   Coordinator, Donor Services Jeremy Krifka   Coordinator, Donor &   Development Services

Web Systems And Applications

Sean Hopp Director Steven Burkholder Manager



Jared Kaplan   Chair Timothy A. Duffy   Immediate Past Chair Charles Emmons, Jr.   Vice Chair of the Annual Fund Eric Kalnins   Vice Chair of Member Engagement Michael A. Perlstein   Vice Chair of Nominations & Membership PAST CHAIRS

Timothy A. Duffy, 2013–2017 R. John Aalbregtse, 2011–2013 Joseph A. Konen, 2009–2011 James G. Borovsky, 2007–2009 Earl J. Rusnak, Jr., 2005–2007 Carol S. Hays, 2003–2005 Roger Plummer, 2001–2003 Wilma A. Dooley, 1999–2001 William A. Goldstein, 1997–1999 Diane S. Karzas, 1994–1997 Robert W. Turner, 1992–1994 GOVERNING MEMBERS

Dora J. Aalbregtse Floyd Abramson Sandra Allen Robert A. Alsaker Megan P. Anderson Mrs. Ruth T. Anderson Mychal P. Angelos Dr. Edward L. Applebaum David Arch Dr. Robert Arensman Dr. Kent Armbruster Mr. Vernon Armour † Carey August Marta Holsman Babson Ed Bachrach Peter J. Barack Mara Mills Barker Merrill Z. Barnes Peter Barrett Mrs. Harold Barron Roger S. Baskes Robert H. Baum Robert A. Beatty, M.D. Mike Bell Mr. Edward H. Bennett III 48

Mrs. Marshall Bennett Mrs. James F. Beré † Meta S. Berger D. Theodore Berghorst Ann R. Berlin Phyllis Berlin Robert L. Berner, Jr. Ronald A. Bevil William E. Bible Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Mr. Tomás G. Bissonnette Dianne Blanco Mrs. Judith Blau Mr. Merrill Blau Dr. Phyllis C. Bleck Ann Blickensderfer Mrs. Ted C. Bloch † Terry Boden Mrs. Suzanne Borland James G. Borovsky Adam Bossov John D. Bramsen Roderick Branch Jill Brennan Barbara Bridges Bob Brink Adrienne Brookstone Arnold Brookstone Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mrs. William G. Brown John D. Brubaker Patricia M. Bryan Gilda Buchbinder Samuel Buchsbaum Lisa Dollar Buehler Mrs. Dean L. Buntrock Lynn C. Burt Elizabeth Nolan Buzard Ms. Lutgart Calcote Thomas Campbell Bryce Carmine Wendy Alders Cartland Judy Castellini Linton J. Childs Mrs. William C. Childs Frank Cicero, Jr. Dana Green Clancy Mr. Wesley M. Clark Patricia A. Clickener Mitchell Cobey Jean M. Cocozza Carol Cohen Robin Tennant Colburn Lewis Collens Mrs. Jane B. Colman Mrs. Earle M. Combs, III Ms. Cecilia Conrad Patricia Cox Beatrice G. Crain

Mrs. William A. Crane Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Mr. Richard Cremieux Rebecca E. Crown Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Dr. Tapas K. Das Gupta Michael Dawson Roxanne Decyk Nancy Dehmlow Mr. Duane M. DesParte Janet Wood Diederichs Paul Dix Mrs. William F. Dooley Sara L. Downey Ms. Ann Drake David Dranove Dr. George Dunea Mr. Frank A. Dusek, CPA Mrs. Dorne Eastwood Mrs. Larry Ebert Louis M. Ebling III Mrs. Gail Elden Mr. Richard Elden Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis Mr. Charles Emmons, Jr. Joseph R. Ender † Mrs. Janice Engle Lenore Enloe Scott Enloe Dr. Marilyn D. Ezri Tarek Fadel Melissa Sage Fadim Paul Faherty Jeffrey Farbman William Farley Sally S. Feder Joe Feldman Mrs. Signe L. Ferguson Hector Ferral, M.D. Harve A. Ferrill Ms. Constance M. Filling Daniel Fischel Kenneth M. Fitzgerald Eileen T. Flynn Mrs. Adrian Radmore Foster Rhoda Lea Frank Mrs. Zollie S. Frank † Mr. Paul E. Freehling Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Mr. Philip M. Friedmann Malcolm M. Gaynor Robert D. Gecht Frank Gelber Lynn Gendleman Dr. Mark Gendleman Rabbi Gary S. Gerson Isak V. Gerson Dr. Bernardino Ghetti Karen Gianfrancisco

Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Jerome Gilson Mr. James J. Glasser Jonathan W. Glossberg Mrs. Madeleine Glossberg Mrs. Mary Anne Goldberg Mrs. Judy Goldberg Alfred G. Goldstein Anne Goldstein Jerry A. Goldstone Marcia Goltermann Mary Goodkind Mrs. William M. Goodyear, Jr. Dr. Alexia Gordon Mr. Michael D. Gordon Donald J. Gralen Mary L. Gray Freddi L. Greenberg Joyce Greening Dr. Jerri Greer Kendall Griffith Jerome J. Groen Jacalyn Gronek Mrs. John Growdon John P. Grube James P. Grusecki Joel R. Guillory, Jr., M.D. Dr. John W. Gustaitis, Jr. Gary Gutting Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Ernst A. Häberli Jerry A. Hall Joan M. Hall Dr. Howard Halpern Mrs. Richard C. Halpern Anne Marcus Hamada Joel L. Handelman John M. Hard Mrs. William A. Hark Mrs. Caryn Harris Mr. King Harris Dr. Robert A. Harris James W. Haugh Thomas Haynes Mrs. Joseph Andrew Hays James Heckman Mrs. Patricia Herrmann Heestand Mary Mako Helbert Bob Helman Mr. R. H. Helmholz Dr. Arthur L. Herbst Marlene Kovar Hersh Seymour I. “Sonny” Hersh Jeffrey W. Hesse Marjorie Friedman Heyman Konstanze L. Hickey Mrs. Thea Flaum Hill Mrs. Mary P. Hines

William J. Hokin Wayne J. Holman III Mr. Richard S. Holson III Fred E. Holubow Mr. James D. Holzhauer Carol Honigberg Janice L. Honigberg Mrs. Arnold Horween, Jr. Frances G. Horwich Mrs. H. Earl Hoover † Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga Michael L. Igoe Craig T. Ingram Verne G. Istock Dr. Peter Ivanovich Nancy Witte Jacobs Cynthia Jamison-Marcy Dr. Todd Janus John Jawor Benetta Park Jenson Justine D. Jentes Mrs. William R. Jentes Brian Johnson George E. Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Mrs. Shirley M. Johnson Dr. Patricia Collins Jones Stephanie D. Jones Edward T. Joyce Eric Kalnins Mrs. Carol K. Kaplan Jared Kaplan Claudia Norris Kapnick Mr. John A. Karoly Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Barry D. Kaufman Kenneth Kaufman Marie Kaufman Don Kaul Marilyn M. Keil Ms. Ellen Kelleher Molly Keller Jonathan Kemper Nancy Kempf Linda J. Kenney, PhD Gerould Kern John C. Kern Elizabeth I. Keyser Mary Ellen Keyser Richard L. Keyser Emmy King Susan Kiphart Carol Kipperman Dr. Jay H. Kleiman Carol Evans Klenk Jean Klingenstein Mrs. Harriet B. Koehler Mr. Henry L. Kohn Sanfred Koltun

Mrs. Judith Konen Dr. Mark Kozloff Dr. Michael Krco David Kreisman MaryBeth Kretz Dr. Vinay Kumar Dr. Paul Kurtin Rubin Kuznitsky Mr. John LaBarbera Arthur Ladenburger Flora Lazar Patricia Lee Sunhee Lee Eleanor Leichenko Sheila Fields Leiter Jeffrey Lennard Laurence H. Levine Mrs. Bernard Leviton Dr. Edmund J. Lewis Dr. Gregory M. Lewis Mrs. Paul Lieberman Philip R. Liebson, M.D. Patricia M. Livingston Mr. John S. Lizzadro, Sr. Jane Loeb James R. Loewenberg Renée Logan Amy Lubin Mrs. Duncan MacLean James MacLennan † Dr. Michael S. Maling Mr. Daniel Manoogian Judy Marth Patrick A. Martin BeLinda I. Mathie James Matson Marianne C. Mayer Steven D. McCormick Scott McCue Ann Pickard McDermott Dr. James L. McGee Dr. John P. McGee II Mrs. Lester H. McKeever John A. McKenna Mrs. Peter McKinney Mrs. C. Bruce McLagan Mrs. James M. McMullan James Edward McPherson Paul A. Meister Mrs. Newton N. Minow Mary L. Mittler Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Emilie Morphew, M.D. Janis Morris Kate B. Morrison Christopher Morrow Mr. Herbert F. Munsterman Daniel R. Murray Eileen M. Murray

Mr. Stuart C. Nathan Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Edward A. Nieminen Dr. Zehava L. Noah Kenneth R. Norgan Mr. Gerard M. Nussbaum Martha C. Nussbaum William A. Obenshain Shelley Ochab Mrs. James J. O’Connor Eric Oesterle Mrs. Norman L. Olson Joy O’Malley Thomas B. Orlando Beatrice F. Orzac Mr. Gerald A. Ostermann James J. O’Sullivan, Jr. Bruce L. Ottley Mrs. China I. Oughton Michael L. Owen Mrs. Evelyn E. Padorr Mr. Bruno A. Pasquinelli Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Mr. Michael Payette Frances Penn Mrs. Richard S. Pepper Kingsley Perkins Ms. Jean Perkins Mr. Michael A. Perlstein Dr. William Peruzzi Robert C. Peterson Sara Peterson Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Mrs. Thomas F. Pick Stanley M. Pillman Virginia Johnson Pillman Mrs. Sherri Pincus Betsey N. Pinkert Ms. Emilysue Pinnell-Reichardt Harvey R. Plonsker Mr. John F. Podjasek, III Judy Pomeranz Mr. Michael Pope Stephen N. Potter Carol Prins Mr. Leigh Rabman Diana M. Rauner Susan Regenstein Mari Yamamoto Regnier Mark S. Reiter Mary Thomson Renner Merle Reskin Burton R. Rissman Charles T. Rivkin Carol Roberts Mr. John H. Roberts David Robin Dr. Diana Robin

Bob Rogers Kevin M. Rooney Harry J. Roper Mrs. Sheli Z. Rosenberg Michael Rosenthal Roseanne Rosenthal Betsy Rosenzweig H. Jay Rothenberg, M.D. Roberta H. Rubin Mrs. Susan B. Rubnitz Sandra K. Rusnak David W. “Buzz” Ruttenberg Mary Ryan Richard O. Ryan William Ryan Norman K. Sackar Agustin G. Sanz Ms. Inez Saunders David Savner Timothy Sawyier Karla Scherer David M. Schiffman Judith Feigon Schiffman John I. Schlossman Douglas M. Schmidt Barbara Schmitt † Jana Schreuder Dr. Alan Schriesheim Elizabeth Schroeder Donald L. Schwartz Mrs. Julie L. Schwertfeger Dr. Penny Bender Sebring Chandra Sekhar Dr. Ronald A. Semerdjian Mrs. Richard J.L. Senior Ilene W. Shaw Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. James C. Sheinin, M.D. Richard W. Shepro Jessie Shih Mrs. Elizabeth Shoemaker Morrell McK. Shoemaker, Jr. Stuart Shulruff Linda Simon Craig Sirles Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Nancy Smerz Charles F. Smith Diane W. Smith Louise K. Smith Mary Ann Smith Stanton Kinnie Smith Jr. Stephen R. Smith Mrs. Ralph Smykal Diane Snyder Kimberly Snyder Mrs. Ida N. Sondheimer O. J. Sopranos 49

Mrs. James Cavanaugh Spain Mrs. William D. Staley William D. Staley Helena Stancikas Grace Stanek Dr. Eugene Stark Leonidas Stefanos Momoko Steiner Mrs. Richard J. Stern Liz Stiffel Virginia Lee Stigler Lawrence E. Strickling Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Patricia Study Cheryl Sturm Sean Susanin Mrs. Robert Szalay Patrick C. Tagny Diesse Mr. Gregory Taubeneck David A. Thomson Dr. Robert A. Thomson Scott Thomson Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Joan Thron Mrs. Ray S. Tittle, Jr. William R. Tobey, Jr. John T. Travers David Trushin Paula Turner Robert W. Turner Henry J. Underwood Zalman Usiskin Mrs. James D. Vail III Mrs. Virginia C. Vale Dr. Cynthia Valukas Mr. John E. Van Horn Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mrs. Herbert A. Vance William C. Vance Julia Vander Ploeg Dr. Michael Viglione Mr. Christian Vinyard Mr. Theodore Wachs Mark A. Wagner Bernard T. Wall Nicholas Wallace Ms. Carol Warshawsky Paul S. Watford Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Mrs. Joseph M. Weil, Jr. Dr. Jamie Weiner Chickie Weisbard Mr. Robert G. Weiss Mrs. Bert L. Weller Barbara H. West Penelope G. West Mrs. H. Blair White Mrs. Arnold R. Wolff 50

Laura Woll Dr. Hak Yui Wong Courtenay R. Wood Michael H. Woolever Ms. Debbie K. Wright Owen Youngman David J. Zampa Dr. John P. Zaremba Anne Zenzer Richard E. Ziegler Karen Zupko †Denotes deceased

N E G AU N E E M USIC INSTITUTE B OA R D as of June 30, 2018 Liisa Thomas   Chair Lori Julian   Vice Chair Benjamin Wise   Secretary James Borkman Leslie Henner Burns Richard Colburn Charles Emmons Joyce T. Green Mary Winton Green Robert Kohl Amy B. Manning Ling Z. Markovitz Judith W. McCue Rumi Morales Mimi Murley Álvaro R. Obregón Gerald Pauling Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Steven E. Shebik Penny Van Horn MEMBERS EX-OFFICIO

Jeff Alexander Stephen Lester Jonathan McCormick Vanessa Moss James Smelser

VOLU N T E E R PRO GR A M S African American Network Sheila A. Jones  Coordinator ADVISORY COMMITTEE

Renee C. Baker, Artistic Consultant Barbara Wright-Pryor, Archivist Darlene and Howard Sandifer,   Educational Outreach Melanie Zeck,   Center for Black Music Research Ben Handy, Web Associate Rachel Barton Pine,   Classical Violinist Javante Smith,   Multilingual Interpreter ENDORSERS/SUPPORTERS

Alfreda Burke Joyce A. Carter Cynthia Clarey George Cooper Doris Davenport Mimi Duginger Thelma Fitzgerald Jennifer M. Gunn Keith Hampton Cornelius V. Johnson Ernest Paul Jones Katinka Kleijn Rev. Herbert Lassiter Brad Opland Eric Owens Max Raimi Godwin Sadoh Florence Schwartz Adam Vida ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

Elizabeth Boone Phyllis Calderone Kyle J. Dickson Susan Carlotta Ellis Larry Flennoy Patrice Fumbanks Neomia Harris Adrienne Harrison Katherine E. Hicks Cassie Holloway Susan Johnson Mary Lynn Kelly Leah McGregory Rosemarie Rogers

Latino Alliance ADVISORY BOARD

Ramiro J. Atristaín-Carrión   Co-Chair Loida Rosario   Co-Chair Jesús Del Toro Henry Johanet Stephanie Londoño Rina Magarici Nancy Pulecio Juan B. Solana League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association OFFICERS

Mimi Duginger, President Barbara Dwyer,   VP of Administration Mary Torres, VP of Areas Jennifer Bumbu, VP of Education Marcia Lewis, VP of Events Claretta Meier, VP of Finance Barbara Zutovsky,   VP of Fundraising Mary Goodkind,   VP of Membership Christine Uhlig, Secretary Cheryl Istvan,   Strategic Planning Chair Eileen Conaghan,   Member at Large Jeffrey Ring, Member at Learge HONORARY MEMBERS

Cristina Mazzavillani Muti Patricia Haitink Lady Valerie Solti ACTIVE MEMBERS

Nancy Abshire Barbara Alexander Judy Allen Jayne Alofs Ann Alpert Pamela Andrews Doris Angell Patricia Angell Barbara Asner Luise Baldin Mark Ball Joshua Barney Jane Beam Elizabeth Beckmann Amy Bergseth Peggy Bodine Sheri Boho Beata Boodell

Amy Boonstra Jetta Boschen Laura Botkin Vicki Boyce Charlotte Brauer Susan Bridge Elizabeth Brock Carol Brosk Jennifer Bumbu John Burrell Theresa Cameron Kathleen Campbell Eileen Conaghan Sharon Conway Mary Cooney Earle Cromer Virginia Cudecki Debbie Dalton Madlyn Daniel Judy Das Gupta Kassie Davis Rolanda Derderian Marcia Devlin MaryBeth Dietrick Alina Doumanian Greta Doumanian-Harley Sonya Doumanian Rosanne Druian Mimi Duginger Anne Duprey Barbara Dwyer Linda Eisenhauer Barbara Engel Jan Erickson Lynn Evans Hazel Fackler Andrea Flynn Kathryn Friedberg Nancy Friedman Barbara Frohman Patrice Fumbanks Sharon Gibson Sylvia Giura Judy Goldberg Gail Gold Janice Goldstein Mary Goodkind Sarah Good Marguerite Guido Sheri Hammonds Angela Harkless Byrd Estelle Harris Bridgette Hayes Marjorie Heyman Mary Elizabeth Helbert Marlene Hersh Perry Hoffman Bobbie Huskey Cheryl Istvan

Marina Jacks L Jessica Jagielnik Avis Jason Mary Jane Jones Sheila Jones Kathleen Jordan Lori Julian Gail Kalmerton Marilyn Keil Angela Kolettis Judy Konen Carola Kupfer Dorothy Laudati Eleanor Leichenko Carol Lennox Marilyn Leonian Marcia Lewis Carolyn Lickerman Melynda Lopin RenĂŠe Lubell Betty Mackune-Karrer Nancy Madda Nina Marder Robert Marks Karl Maurer Sue McCandless Gale McCarty Bonnie McGrath Claretta Meier Judith Meyers Marianne Miner Della Rae Moore Karen Nixon Carol Nykiel Margo Oberman Lee Ori Thomas Orlando Pamela Passis Amy Peisker Elizabeth Peters Nick Petros Mary PlauchĂŠ Sally Ransford Jeffrey Ring Kathryn Rice Susan Rubnitz Carol Sonnenschein Sadow Jean Sampson Rosita Schloss Susan Schwartz Kim Shean Elizabeth Shelly Maureen Shelly Basia Sidor-Leifort Joanne Silver Rosella Smith Kathleen Solaro Mary Soleiman Ida Sondheimer

Margo Sorgman Uta Staley Denise Stauder Elizabeth Stein Susan Stein Terrie Stickler Liz Stiffel Fay Stopeck Ruth Swislow Dianne Tesler Helen Thoesen Ann Tomlinson Mary Torres Christine Uhlig Penny Van Horn David Varnerin William Ward Patricia Weber Cynthia Weglarz Virginia Wolff Nancy Woulfe M. Richard Wright Barbara Wright-Pryor Janice Young Angelene Youngman Barbara Zutovsky SUPPORTING MEMBERS

Beverly Adilman Keiko Alexander Corene Anderson Mary Ann Anderson Lauretta Berg Barbara Bridges Alice Brunner Dorothy Clark Florence Connelly Margaret Crane Barbara Daniels Becky Davenport Jean Dawson Judith DeStefano Phyllis Diamond Willie Dooley Diane Douglas Karen Drake Jessica Feldman Josephine Ferguson Loretta Foxgrover Henry Frank Rhoda Frank Anne Fraumann Mitzi Freidheim Nancy Furr Nancy Gerson Ellen Gignilliat Anne Goldstein Karen Goodyear Mary Goshgarian

Barbara Greis Jacalyn Gronek Marguerite Hark Melinda Hinners-Waldie Frances Horwich Pamela Hull Carol Johnson Kathy Johnston Marie Kaufman Carol Keenan Anne Kern Merrily Ketchum Barbara Klawans Rose Marie Knight Eva Lichtenberg Bonnie Lipe Nancy Loewenberg Katherine Mabie Sally Marks Karen McGirr Helen Mehler Janet Moran Elizabeth Nathan Linda Neumann Judy Newton Betty Fae Nusinow Nan Ochs Sarah Oliver Amy Pappageorge Irene Patner Joanne Plummer Ruth Quinn Hilda Richards Edith Riley Cynthia Sargent Pamela Sheffield Betty Smykal Joyce Swedlund Marietta Toft Gloria Turner Virginia Vale Garret Van Weezel Bobbie Vender Janis Weil Howard Weiss Barbara Weller Joan White Peggy Wilson


Overture Council OFFICERS

Erika Knierim, President BeLinda Mathie,   Immediate Past President Elliot Callighan, Kristin Jaburek,   Soundpost Co-Chairs Haley Titus, Activities Chair April Christensen,   Audience Development Chair Eric Rubio,   Communications Chair John Dunson, Membership Chair Jonathon Leik, Social Media Chair Danielle Flagg, Secretary MEMBERS

Myles Alexander Dave Alvarado Mike Andrews David Ansari Kevin Armstrong Lauren Bair Adrienne Barry Karla Baumler JP Beall Jonathan Becker Patrick Beisell Hank Bell Lauren (Berkowitz) Bennett Jerry Beno Shelby Blalock Erin Bodendorfer Susie Bodnar Jean Marie Borich James Borkman Lindsay Brown Elizabeth and Zach Caddy Elliot Callighan Katherine Chong April Christensen Selmin Cicek Timothy Coghill Kathryn Davies Eliza Davis & Mike Schulte Lisa DeAngelis Phil DeBoer Alexis Derrow Neil DiMarco Julia Dimick David Don & Kassia Frantz Patrick Donley Josh DuBois & Diana Perez Robert Duggan John Dunson Rosalyn "Roz" Emerson Rob Entin Catherine "Cathy" Faber Heidar Fadae 52

Amy Fallon DeVon Favors Danielle Flagg Paul Flig Michael Fogarty Nate Frey Drew Fries Matthew Fry Amanda Geha Eric Gobst & Ryan Carr Larry Goltz Allison Graham Mitchell Green David Greene Tony Greif & Heidi Hockberger Scott Grubczak Abhinav Gupta & Dr. Disha Varma Brendan Hammer John Head John Henkel Michael Hensler Ning He Jaren Hillard Margaret Hlebowitsh & Drew Beharelle Claire Holland Lauren Huefner Kristin Jaburek Timothy Johnson Melanie & Eric Kalnins Payal Keshvani & Siva Srinivasan Hendrik Kits van Heyningen & Siobhan Hanley Michelle Kittleson Wendy Klarman David Knaus Erika Knierim Katie Kondry Kasey Koronkowski Annie Kosinski Konstantine Kosmidis Tim Kwan Eric Langston & Chris Newton Susie Lape Patrice Lassa Katie Lechner Kwanwoo Lee Andy Leeson & Yvonne Lee Jonathon Leik Benjamin Levy Michael Linde Angela Liu Julia Liu Jen & Dan Luby Todd MacMillan Jeremy Marino David Martinez BeLinda Mathie & Brian Haag Raman Mavi

Nick McWilliams Teresa Minnich Adolfo Mondragon Kate Lynch & Dave Moss Peter Mraz Meryl Muldoon Jake Mullen Anatoliy Mushtuk & Khrustyna Musiy Devon Nicole Naftzger Emily Neumann Edison Orellana Paolo Palazzi-Xirinachs Charles Palys Raj Patel Molly & Joe Piech Eric Potter Taylor Poulin Michael & Jolie Quick Margaret Quinn Jennifer Raviele Jessica Rhodes Christopher "Chris" & Susan Rim Michelle Risley Aaron Robinson Veronika Rockova Eric Rubio Kristen Saragnese Joshua Sauvageau Brian Schaeffer & Gina Mucovich Parker Schmitt Dominik Schneider James Schrader Chelsey Seippel Noeli Serna & Brian Molitor Daria "Dasha" Shor Jenna Sices Marne Smiley B. Eugene Smith Brian Sok Jeannette Sorice Carolyn Sorock & Michael Settanni Peter Sorokoff Paul Stolarczuk Hannah Sundwall Natalia Szadkowski Walker Thisted & Gregory Hughes Haley Titus Matthew Uber John Walcher Melanie Wang Wesley Wang Ingrid Watts Laura Fabiola Watts Laura Weaver Norman Williams Mario Wilson Maddie Witters

Jessica Wolfe Leanne Zappia Michael Zhu Julia Zhu Women’s Board OFFICERS

Elizabeth A. Parker, President Elisabeth Adams,   Immediate Past President Hyla Kallen, Communications/   Governance Chair Judith E. Feldman,   Community Engagement Chair Katie Barber, Membership Chair HONORARY MEMBERS

Keiko Alexander Cristina Mazzavillani Muti Amy Rule MEMBERS

Dora Aalbregtse Elisabeth Adams Sharon Angell Katie Barber Alison Bonney Leslie Burns Linda Calandra Regine Corrado Juli Crabtree Suzanne Demirjian Judith Feldman Donna Fleming Elizabeth Foster Karen Goodyear Elisa Harris Kyle Harvey Leigh Ann Herman Roberta Horwitz Hyla Kallen Laura King Jennifer Luby Romana Malinowski Heather McWilliams Mimi Murley Shelley Ochab Sara Pfaff Mary Rafferty Sandy Rusnak Ruthie Ryan Nancy Santi Cynthia Scholl Courtney Shea Kim Shepherd Cheryl Sturm Claudine Tambuatco



United Airlines $100,000–$249,999

Allstate Insurance Company BMO Harris Bank Exelon ITW Kirkland & Ellis LLP Northern Trust $50,000–$99,999

Anonymous (1) Abbott Jenner & Block LLP PNC Bank PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Sidley Austin LLP SP Plus $25,000–$49,999

Anonymous (1) Abbott Fund Baker McKenzie CIBC DLA Piper Evans Food Group, Ltd. Financial Economics   Consulting, Inc. KPMG LLP Magellan Development   Group, LLC Mayer Brown LLP S&C Electric Company Fund Skadden, Arps, Slate,   Meagher & Flom LLP Walgreens $15,000–$24,999

Aon Fifth Third Bank McDermott Will & Emery LLP McKinsey & Company Morgan Stanley Winston & Strawn LLP


Accenture Amsted Industries Incorporated Ariel Investments Baird BlueCross and BlueShield   of Illinois The Boston Consulting Group Choose Chicago Cognitive Capital Partners ComPsych Corporation Concentric Equity Partners Credit Suisse Deloitte Dentons The Edgewater Funds Ernst & Young LLP Evolve IP Fellowes, Inc. Goldman Sachs & Co. Grant Thornton LLP JPMorgan Chase & Co. Latham & Watkins LLP Lazard Locke Lord LLP Molex The Navarre Law Firm Nuveen Oxford Bank & Trust Peoples Gas Sahara Enterprises Schiff Hardin LLP Segal Consulting Sipi Metals Corporation Starshak Winzenburg & Co. Weiss Financial, Inc. William Blair $1,000–$4,999

Advent Systems, Inc. American Agricultural   Insurance Company bKL Architecture Building Consultants, Ltd. Burwood Group, Inc. Central Building &   Preservation LP Columbia Capital   Management, LLC Deka Lash Draper and Kramer Incorporated DS&P Insurance Services, Inc. The Duchossois Group Eagle Capital Management, LLC Elk Grove Graphics,   A Vomela Network Company Exchequer Gemini Graphics, Inc. Generations Dental

GoodSmith Gregg & Unruh LLP Hyatt Hotels Corporation Kimco Services Kinder Morgan Lake Capital, LLC MacLean-Fogg Company Magellan Development Group Old Republic International  Corporation Parkway Elevators Sheppard, Mullin, Richter &   Hampton LLP The Law Offices of   Jonathan N. Sherwell Shetland Limited Partnership Show Services Shure Incorporated TCB Mailing, Inc. Vienna Beef Wellington Management Company



Crain-Maling Foundation John R. Halligan Charitable Fund JS Charitable Trust The Leslie Fund Bowman C. Lingle Trust The Elizabeth Morse   Charitable Trust Poetry Foundation Michael G. Woll Fund   at The Pauls Foundation Hulda B. And Maurice L.   Rothschild Foundation $10,000–$24,999

Anonymous (1) Barker Welfare Foundation Robert & Isabelle Bass   Foundation, Inc. The Buchanan Family Foundation The Darling Family Foundation Prince Charitable Trusts The Rhoades Foundation Charles and M. R. Shapiro  Foundation The George L. Shields  Foundation Ronald and Geri Yonover  Foundation

$100,000 AND ABOVE

Anonymous (2) The Paul M. Angell Family  Foundation The Elizabeth F. Cheney  Foundation The Davee Foundation Julius N. Frankel Foundation Irving Harris Foundation Walter E. Heller Foundation,   in honor of Alyce DeCosta JCS Fund of   the DuPage Foundation The John D. and Catherine T.   MacArthur Foundation National Endowment for the Arts The Negaunee Foundation Pritzker Military Foundation Zell Family Foundation $50,000–$99,999

Alphawood Foundation The Brinson Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Robert and Joanne Crown Income   Charitable Fund, in memory   of Joanne Strauss Crown Sally Mead Hands Foundation Illinois Arts Council Agency Polk Bros. Foundation


Harry F. and Elaine   Chaddick Foundation The Aaron Copland Fund   for Music Franklin Philanthropic  Foundation Hunter Family Foundation Kovler Family Foundation The Mayer & Morris Kaplan   Family Foundation Milne Family Foundation NIB Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Arch W. Shaw Foundation Siragusa Family Foundation $2,500–$4,999

The Allyn Foundation, Inc. The Amphion Foundation, Inc. The Arts Federation Arts Midwest Touring Fund Charles H. and Bertha L.   Boothroyd Foundation Carl Forstmann Memorial  Foundation


William M. Hales Foundation Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation Walter and Caroline Sueske   Charitable Trust $1,000–$2,499

Geraldi Norton Foundation Pritzker Traubert   Family Foundation

I N DI V I DUA L SU PP ORT Italics indicate Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. $150,000 AND ABOVE

Anonymous (3) Randy L. and Melvin R. Berlin Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock Judson and Joyce Green Mr. Kenneth C. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross The Julian Family Foundation Margot and Josef Lakonishok The League of the   Chicago Symphony Orchestra  Association Jim and Kay Mabie Nancy Lauter McDougal   and Alfred L. † McDougal The James and Madeleine   McMullan Family Foundation Cathy and Bill Osborn COL (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker,   IL ARNG (Retired) Megan and Steve Shebik Richard and Helen Thomas Helen and Sam Zell $100,000–$149,999

Anonymous (4) Julie and Roger Baskes Irving Harris Foundation,   Joan W. Harris Sherry and Bob † Reum Catherine M. and Frederick H.  Waddell Women’s Board of the   Chicago Symphony Orchestra  Association $50,000–$99,999

Anonymous (2) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Patricia and Laurence Booth 54

Kay Bucksbaum Robert J. Buford Dr. Christopher L. Culp Dr. Eugene Fama Rhoda Lea and Henry S. † Frank Ms. Susan Goldschmidt   and Mr. Miles Taub Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Richard † and Mary L. Gray John Hart and Carol Prins Pamela Kelley Hull / Roger B. Hull Ms. Patricia Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jentes Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Jim and SuAnne Lopata Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz Judy and Scott McCue Susan Regenstein Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Cynthia M. Sargent Barbara and Barre Seid  Foundation Rose Shure Trust Michael and Linda Simon Liz Stiffel $25,000–$49,999

Anonymous (3) Sharon and Charles Angell Robert H. Baum and   MaryBeth Kretz Mr. & Mrs. William   Gardner Brown John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Ms. Marion A. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. David Casper Bruce and Martha Clinton for   The Clinton Family Fund Mr. & Dr. George Colis The Crown Family Ms. Debora de Hoyos   and Mr. Walter Carlson Timothy A. and Bette Anne Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Brian Duwe John and Fran Edwardson Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James B. Fadim Sheri and J. Bradley Fewell Mr. Daniel Fischel and   Ms. Sylvia Neil Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Nancy and Larry Fuller Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Richard and Alice Godfrey William A. and Anne Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Mary Winton Green Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Henderson

Jared Kaplan and   Maridee Quanbeck Ms. Donna L. Kendall Sidney Kohl Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Kolar Joseph and Judith Konen Randall S. Kroszner Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation Mr. Terrance Livingston   and Ms. Debra Cafaro Beth A. Mannino and Paul Schick Patty and Mark McGrath Mr. David E. McNeel Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Melvin Ms. Renee Metcalf and   Mr. Jim Metcalf Ms. Mary Molloy Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Murley Daniel R. Murray Alexandra and John Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Pauling II Mr. † & Mrs. Albert Pawlick LeAnn Pedersen Pope   and Clyde F. McGregor Andra and Irwin Press Dr. Mohan Rao Diana and Bruce Rauner Mrs. John Shedd Reed † Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Jason and   Kristen Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Scott Santi Mr. John Schmidt   and Dr. Janet Gilboy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Shillman Marion E. Simon Walter and Kathleen Snodell Bill and Orli Staley Foundation Pam and Russ Strobel Thierer Family Foundation Ms. Liisa M. Thomas   and Mr. Stephen L. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Toft Terrence and Laura Truax Penny and John Van Horn Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wislow $10,000–$24,999

Anonymous (5) Mrs. Rosa Acevedo   and Mr. Jose Luis Prado Jeff and Keiko Alexander Mrs. Ruth T. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Applebaum Henry R. Berghoef   and Leslie Lauer Berghoef Arnie and Ann Berlin Merrill and Judy Blau

Wayne D. and Nancy M. Boberg Mr. Roderick Branch Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Brookstone Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Brown Henry and Gilda Buchbinder Tom and Dianne Campbell Joyce Chelberg Sue and Jim Colletti Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Mr. Jerry J. Critser Dancing Skies Foundation Mr. Philip Darling Ms. Nancy Dehmlow Ms. Shawn M. Donnelley   and Dr. Christopher M. Kelly Mr. † & Mrs. David A. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Douglas David and Deborah Dranove Anne H. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Franke Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Sue and Melvin Gray Mr. & Mrs. John P. Grube James and Brenda Grusecki Lynne R. Haarlow Mr. & Mrs. David Hackett Mr. Collier Hands Marguerite DeLany Hark Irving Harris Foundation,   Joan W. Harris Harris Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Heagy Mr. & Mrs. R. Helmholz Ms. Leigh Ann Herman David Herro and Jay Franke Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hibbard Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Holman III Fred and Sandra Holubow Mr. † & Mrs. Joel D. Honigberg Janice L. Honigberg Mr. & Mrs. George E. Johnson Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman Ms. Kola Kennedy Anne and John Kern Jean Klingenstein Dr. June Koizumi Ferdinand and Bernadette  Korndorf Dr. Michael Krco Dr. † & Mrs. H. Leichenko Ms. Betsy Levin Drs. Edmund and Julie Lewis Dr. Eva Lichtenberg   and Dr. Arnold Tobin Mr. & Mrs. John Lillard Mr. & Mrs. James Loewenberg Mrs. Erma Medgyesy Michuda Construction Inc.

Emilie Morphew, M.D. Edward and Gayla Nieminen David and Dolores Nelson Bill and Penny Obenshain Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Neill Mrs. China I. Oughton Pasquinelli Family Foundation Mr. Robert Peterson Ms. Emilysue Pinnell Mary and Joseph Plauché Ms. Judy Pomeranz Mr. & Mrs. John Pratt Dr. Petra   and Mr. Randy O. Rissman Jerry Rose Ms. Judy Runge Mr. Richard Ryan Mr. & Mrs. David Savner Karla Scherer and Harve Ferrill David and Judy Schiffman Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schlachtmeyer Al Schriesheim and Kay Torshen David and Judith L. Sensibar The Earl and Brenda Shapiro  Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro Silva Kimberly M. Snyder Ida N. Sondheimer & Family,   in memory of   Joseph Sondheimer Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. Carl W. Stern   and Holly Hayes-Stern Roger and Susan Stone   Family Foundation Mary Stowell Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sudler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Swanson Bill and Anne Tobey Mr. & Mrs. William C. Vance Ms. Nancy Voorhees Mr. † & Mrs. H. Blair White Craig and Bette Williams Dr. Marylou Witz Ann S. Wolff Sarah R. Wolff   and Joel L. Handelman $3,500–$9,999

Anonymous (18) Elaine and Floyd Abramson Fraida and Bob Aland Ms. Rochelle Allen Sandra Allen and Jim Perlow Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Alsaker Mr. Edward Amrein, Jr.   and Mrs. Sara Jones-Amrein Geoffrey A. Anderson Megan P. and John L. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anderson Cushman L. and Pamela Andrews Ms. Doris Angell Mychal P. Angelos, in memory of   Dorothy A. Angelos Dr. Edward Applebaum   and Dr. Eva Redei David and Suzanne Arch Dr. & Mrs. Kent Armbruster Carey and Brett August Marta Holsman Babson Ed Bachrach Mr. Edward M. Bakwin Mr. Neal Ball Peter and Elise Barack Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barber Paul and Robert Barker  Foundation Mr. Merrill   and Mr. N.M.K. Barnes Mr. Peter Barrett Roberta and Harold S. Barron Ms. Sandra Bass Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Donna and Mike Bell Ms. Dorothy J. Benson Mrs. James F. Beré † Meta S. and Ronald † Berger   Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. D. Theodore Berghorst Dr. Leonard & Phyllis Berlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. Howard Bernick Catherine and Ron Bevil Lois R. and Maurice J. Beznos Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Jim † and Dianne Blanco Ann Blickensderfer Mrs. Nancy Blum Ms. Terry Boden Mr. & Mrs. John Borland Mr. & Mrs. James Borovsky Adam Bossov Mr. Donald Bouseman Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bramsen Ms. Jill Brennan Connie and Bob Brink Mr. & Mrs. John Brubaker Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum Lisa Dollar Buehler   and Bill Escamilla Kay and Rhett † Butler Ms. Lutgart Calcote Ms. Vera Capp Carmine Foundation Ann and Richard Carr Wendy Alders Cartland

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Castellini Mia Celano and Noel Dunn Mr. James Chamberlain Linton J. Childs Jan and Frank Cicero, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Clancy Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Clark Mr. & Ms. Keith Clayton Patricia A. Clickener Mitchell Cobey and Janet Reali Ms. Jean Cocozza Douglas and Carol Cohen Lewis Collens Jane and John C. Colman Mrs. Frances Comer Dr. Thomas H. Conner Mr. Robert Cooke Mary Lynn Cooney Jenny L. Corley in memory of   Dr. W. Gene Corley Mr. Lawrence Corry Anita J. Court, Ph.D. Ms. Jane Cox Patricia Cox and Family Ms. Juli Crabtree Mrs. Beatrice G. Crain Mr. & Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cremieux Mr. Bert Crossland Mr. Ivo Daalder   and Mrs. Elisa D. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Dr. Brenda A. Darrell   and Mr. Paul S. Watford Dr. & Mrs. Tapas K. Das Gupta Muller Davis † and Lynn Straus Mr. Guy DeBoo   and Ms. Susan Franzetti Decyk Charitable Foundation Mr. Steven Deli Mr. & Mrs. Charles Demirjian Duane M. DesParte   and John C. Schneider Janet Wood Diederichs Paul and Nona Dix Mr. & Mrs. William Dooley Dr. & Mrs. James L. Downey Ms. Ann Drake Ms. Marilyn Duginger Dr. George Dunea   and Dr. Sally Dunea Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Dusek Wendy Eager Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Earle Mr. & Mrs. David P. Earle III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eastwood Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Ebert Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III

Mr. † & Mrs. Richard Elden Ms. Paula Elliott Michael and Kathleen Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis Charles and Carol Emmons Mrs. Janice Engle Scott and Lenore Enloe Sidney Epstein †   and Sondra Berman Epstein Mrs. Carol Evans,   in memory of Henry Evans Mr. Fred Eychaner Marilyn D. Ezri, M.D. Mrs. Walter D. Fackler Tarek and Ann Fadel Jeffrey Farbman   and Ann Greenstein Mr. & Mrs. William F. Farley Sally S. Feder Cathy and Joe Feldman Judith E. Feldman Donald and Signe Ferguson Hector Ferral, M.D. Ms. Sharon Ferrill † Constance M. Filling Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Finkel Mr. Conrad Fischer Kenneth M. Fitzgerald   and Ruby Carr Evelyn T. Fitzpatrick Mrs. Donna Fleming Eileen T. Flynn   and Thomas J. Inglis Henry and Frances Fogel Mr. Robert Fordham † Ginny and Peter Foreman Mrs. John D. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Willard Fraumann Gerald Freedman Susan and Paul Freehling Mr. & Mrs. Philip Friedmann In Loving Memory of   Alice Furumoto-Dawson Judy and Mickey Gaynor Robert D. Gecht Sandy and Frank Gelber Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gendleman Rabbi Gary S. Gerson   and Dr. Carol R. Gerson Mr. & Mrs. † Isak V. Gerson Bernardino and Caterina Ghetti Camillo and Arlene Ghiron Ms. Karen Gianfrancisco Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gilson Mr. & Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. Jonathan W. Glossberg Judy & Bill Goldberg Alfred G. Goldstein 55

Lyn Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Goldstein Jeannette and Jerry Goldstone Robert and Marcia Goltermann Mary and Michael Goodkind Mr. & Mrs. William M.   Goodyear, Jr. Dr. Alexia Gordon Mrs. Amy G. Gordon and   Mr. Michael D. Gordon Mr. Gerald   and Dr. Colette Gordon Donald J. Gralen Ms. Freddi Greenberg Timothy and Joyce Greening Dr. Jerri E. Greer Mr. & Mrs. Byron Gregory Susan † and Kendall Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Groen Jacalyn Gronek Mr. & Mrs. John Growdon Dr. & Mrs. John W. Gustaitis, Jr. Anastasia and Gary Gutting Mr. & Mrs. Ernst A. Häberli Mr. & Mrs. John Hales Jerry A. Hall, M.D. Joan M. Hall Mrs. Richard C. Halpern Stephanie and Howard Halpern Anne Marcus Hamada Ronald and Diane Hamburger Dr. & Mrs. Chester Handelman John and Sally Hard Mary E. Harland Dr. Robert A. Harris Ms. Kyle Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hassan James W. Haugh Thomas and Connie Hsu Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrew Hays James and Lynne † Heckman Pati and O.J. Heestand Mr. James R. Helbert †   and Mrs. Mary Mako Helbert Janet and Bob Helman Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst Sonny and Marlene Hersh Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Hesse Marjorie Friedman Heyman The Hickey Family Foundation Robert A. Hill   and Thea Flaum Hill William B. Hinchliff James & Megan Hinchsliff Mrs. Mary P. Hines Ms. Joan R. Hoatson Mrs. Edwin P. Hoffman Richard and Joanne Hoffman Mr. William J. Hokin 56

Eugene Holland Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Holson III James and Eileen Holzhauer Ms. Joanna Horsnail Frances and Franklin † Horwich James and Mary Houston Mr. † & Mrs. Peter Huizenga Tex and Susan Hull Dr. Ronald L. Hullinger Michael and Leigh Huston Leland E. Hutchinson   and Jean E. Perkins Michael L. Igoe Mrs. Babette Inglehart Ms. Elizabeth Inglehart Mr. Craig T. Ingram Ms. Frieda Ireland   and Mr. Carroll Damron Dr. Peter Ivanovich Mrs. Nancy Witte Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Stan Jakopin Cynthia Jamison-Marcy Dr. & Mrs. Todd and Peggy Janus Joseph and Rebecca Jarabak Mr. John Jawor Benetta and Paul Jenson Ms. Justine Jentes   and Mr. Dan Kuruna Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jepson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. † Howard Jessen Joni and Brian Johnson Maryl Johnson, M.D. Ronald B. Johnson Dr. Patricia Collins Jones Ms. Stephanie Jones Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Joyce Eric and Melanie Kalnins The Morris and   Dolores Kohl Kaplan Fund Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaplan/   Kaplan Foundation Mrs. Lonny H. Karmin John and Kerma Karoly Barry D. Kaufman Larry † and Marie Kaufman Mr. Tyrus Kaufman Don Kaul   and Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Susie Forstmann Kealy Marilyn M. Keil Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keiser Jim and Ellen Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Keller Jonathan and Nancy Lee Kemper Linda J. Kenney, PhD Gerould and Jewell Kern Mrs. Elizabeth Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keyser

The King Family Foundation Carol Kipperman Esther G. Klatz Dr. Jay and Georgianna Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. James Klenk Mr. Thomas Kmetko Mrs. Harriet B. Koehler Mr. & Mrs. Norman Koglin Cookie Anspach Kohn   and Henry L. Kohn Nancy and Sanfred Koltun Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Komarek Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kozik Dr. & Mrs. Mark Kozloff Mr. and Mrs. David Kravitz Kay and Fred Krehbiel Eldon and Patricia Kreider David and Susan Kreisman Carter Howard and Sarah Krepp Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Krueck Drs. Vinay and Raminder Kumar Mr. & Mrs. Rubin P. Kuznitsky Mr. John LaBarbera Arthur and Olga Ladenburger Patricia Lee Anne E. Leibowitz Fund Sheila Fields Leiter Mr. Jeffrey Lennard Wally and Carol Lennox Mary and Laurence Levine Averill and Bernard Leviton Mr. Julius Lewis † Gregory M. Lewis   and Mary E. Strek Mr. † & Mrs. Paul Lieberman Philip R. Liebson, M.D. Stewart and Susan Liechti Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Lippitz Ling Liu Patricia M. Livingston Reva and John S. Lizzadro, Sr. Diane and William F. Lloyd Jane and Peter Loeb The Loewenthal Fund at   The Chicago Community Trust Renée Logan Mr. Russ Lyman Mr. Edward Mack Mr. & Mrs. Duncan MacLean S. Stella Mah Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Maling The Malott Family Foundation Mr. Daniel Manoogian Robert † and Judy Marth Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Martin Ms. Marjorie Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marwin Daniel and Lenore Mass

Ms. BeLinda Mathie   and Dr. Brian Haag James and Susan Matson Marianne C. Mayer Mrs. Robert Mayer Margaret H.   and Steven D. McCormick Rosa and Peter McCullagh Ann Pickard McDermott Dr. & Mrs. James McGee Dr. & Mrs. John McGee II John and Etta McKenna Dr. & Mrs. Peter McKinney In memory of William   and Carolyn McKittrick Jane and Bruce McLagan James Edward McPherson   and David L. Murray Heather McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Paul Meister Mr. Gregory and   Dr. Alice Melchor Mr. Robert O. Middleton Mr. Llewellyn Miller   and Ms. Cecilia Conrad Edward & Lucy R. Minor   Family Foundation Ms. Mary Mittler Mr. Frank Modruson   and Ms. Lynne Shigley Ms. Judith Moniak Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Drs. Bill and Elaine Moor Charles A. Moore Maria and Carl E. Moore Dr. Charles Morcom Mrs. Frank Morrissey The Morrow Family Foundation Catherine Mouly   and LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert F. Munsterman Eileen M. Murray Mr. † & Mrs. William Neiman Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Elizabeth Nolan and Kevin Buzard Dr. Zehava L. Noah Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nopar Kenneth R. Norgan Ms. Susan Norvich Mr. Gerard   and Dr. Linda Nussbaum Ms. Martha Nussbaum Eric and Carolyn Oesterle Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Olson Mr. Bruce Oltman John and Joy O’Malley Mr. Thomas Orlando Beatrice F. Orzac The Osprey Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ostermann Mr. & Mrs. James O’Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Bruce Ottley Michael and Rebecca Owen Mrs. Evelyn E. Padorr Ms. Elizabeth Parker   and Mr. Keith Crow Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Dianne M.   and Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Ms. Shauna Peet Gerald † and Mona Penner Dr. & Mrs. Ray Pensinger Roxy and Richard Pepper Kingsley Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Perlstein Mr. & Mrs. Norman Perman Dr. William Peruzzi David and Sara Peterson Lorna and Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Sue N. and Thomas F. Pick Ms. Kimberly Pickenpaugh Stanley M.   and Virginia Johnson Pillman Mrs. Sherri Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Pinkert Harvey and Madeleine Plonsker John F. Podjasek III   Charitable Fund Christine and Michael Pope Stephen and Ann Suker Potter Mr. Samuel Press Mr. & Mrs. John Puth Mr. & Mrs. Leigh Rabman Dorothy V. Ramm Ms. Helen Reed Mari Yamamoto Regnier Al and Lynn Reichle Ann and Bob Reiland, in memory   of Arthur and Ruth Koch Mark S. Reiter Merle Reskin Burton and Francine Rissman Charles and Marilynn Rivkin Ms. Carol Roberts Roberts Family Foundation William and Cheryl Roberts David and Kathy Robin Dr. Diana Robin Erik and Nelleke Roffelsen Bob Rogers Travel Mr. John W. Rogers, Jr. Kevin M. Rooney   and Daniel P. Vicencio Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Roper Mr. & Mrs. Saul Rosen Michael Rosenthal Dr. Roseanne Rosenthal Sharon and Louis F. Rosenthal

Betsy Rosenzweig D.D. Roskin Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Rossi Mrs. Donald Roth † Jay and Maija Rothenberg Ms. Roberta H. Rubin Mrs. Susan B. Rubnitz Tina and Buzz Ruttenburg William and Mary Ryan Rita † and Norman Sackar Ms. Cecelia Samans Mr. David Sandfort Mr. Agustin G. Sanz Mr. Muneer A. Satter and   Ms. Kristen H. Hertel Raymond and Inez Saunders Dusan Stefoski and Craig Savage Mr. Laurence Saviers Mr. Timothy M. Sawyier Mr. † and Mrs. Nathan Schloss Shirley and John † Schlossman Douglas M. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scholl The Schreuder Family Donald L. and Susan J. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scorza Joan and George Segal Mr. & Mrs. Chandra Sekhar Ronald and Nancy Semerdjian Mr. & Mrs. Richard J.L. Senior Ilene and Michael Shaw   Charitable Trust Ms. Courtney Shea Dr. & Mrs. James C. Sheinin Richard W. Shepro   and Lindsay E. Roberts Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Elizabeth and John Shoemaker Mr. Morrell Shoemaker, Jr. Stuart and Leslie Shulruff Ms. Ann Silberman Mr. & Mrs. John Simmons The Honorable John B. Simon   and Mrs. Millie   Rosenbloom Simon Julia M. Simpson Craig Sirles Mitchell † and Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Smerz Mrs. Diane W. Smith Louise K. Smith Mary Ann Smith Mary Beth and Stanton K. Smith Jr. Melissa and Charles F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Smith James and Diane Snyder Carol Sonnenschein

Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Sopranos Mr. † & Mrs. James   Cavanaugh Spain Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spain Joel and Beth Spenadel Robert and Emily Spoerri Ms. Adena Staben Helena Stancikas Dr. & Mrs. Eugene and Jean Stark Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Stefanos Ms. Momoko Steiner Fay S. Stern,   in memory of John N. Stern Mr. Hal S.R. Stewart Virginia Lee Stigler Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Stoll Laurence and Caryn Straus Lawrence E. Strickling   and Sydney L. Hans Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Cheryl Sturm Ms. Minsook Suh Mr. Sean Susanin Ruth Miner Swislow † Mr. & Mrs. Robert Szalay Mr. Patrick Tagny Diesse Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Taubeneck Mrs. Vernon Thomas Mr. James Thompson Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Joan and Michael Thron Ray and Mary Ann Tittle Ms. Mary Torres John T. and Carrie M. Travers Howard and Paula † Trienens Joan and Bill Trukenbroad Mr. & Mrs. David Trushin Phil † and Paula Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Turner Ksenia A. and Peter Turula Mrs. Elizabeth Twede Henry and Janet Underwood Zalman and Karen Usiskin Mr. Peter Vale Virginia C. Vale Dr. Cynthia M. Valukas   and Mr. Joseph A. Kohl Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mrs. Dorothy Vance Ms. Julia Vander Ploeg Thomas D. Vander Veen Dr. Michael Viglione Mr. Christian Vinyard Theodore and Elisabeth Wachs Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wall Nicholas and Jessica Wallace Ms. Carol Warshawsky

Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Weil Drs. Carolyn and Jamie Weiner Hilary and Barry Weinstein Samuel † and Chickie Weisbard Abby and Glen Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Linda and Marc Weissbluth Bert and Barbara Weller In memory of Peter Leland Wentz   and Vida Broadbent Wentz Mrs. Barbara H. West † Mr. & Mrs. Peter West M.L. Winburn Mr. Stephen Winters Michael † and Laura Woll Dr. Hak Wong Courtenay R. Wood   and H. Noel Jackson, Jr. Michael H. and Mary K. Woolever Ms. Debbie Wright Owen and Linda Youngman Paul and Mary Yovovich Mr. Laird Zacheis   and Ms. Sunhee Lee David and Eileen Zampa Dr. & Mrs. John Zaremba Ms. Anne Zenzer Richard E. Ziegler Ms. Karen Zupko $1,000–$3,499

Anonymous (34) Mr. Richard Abram Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Abrams Michael and Mary Abroe Nancy A. Abshire Ms. Patti Acurio Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Adelman In memory of Martha   and Bernie Adelson Sarah Adler Ms. Susan Adler Dr. & Mrs. Carl H. Albright Ms. Judy Allen Ms. Mary T. Alroth Mrs. Evelyn Alter Dr. Diane Altkorn Dr. Ronald and Barbara Altman Dr. Charles and   Marie Grass Amenta Ms. Carol Anderson Mr. Karl Anderson   and Ms. Pamela Shu Dr. Smiljana Antonijevic Dr. & Mrs. Robert Arensman Gregory Yuri Aronoff Mrs. Jeanne B. Aronson 57

Ms. Marie Asbury Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ascoli Mary Jane and Bob Asner Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Asher Mr. Sinan Atac Jack S. Aten Athena Fund Ms. Frances Atkins Tom Auchter Ms. Bernice Auslander Mr. Tom Bachtell Dr. Richard Baer Catherine Baker   and Timothy Kent Jon Balke and G. Balke Edith M. Ballin Ms. Barbara Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. William Bardeen Mr. Robert Barkei Ms. Judith Barnard Mr. Carroll Barnes Mr. & Mrs. John Barnes Patrick Barnes James and Bartha Barrett Mr. Peter Barrett Nita and Alvin Barshefsky William Bartley Ms. Barbara Barzansky Mr. & Ms. John J. Basalay Howard and Donna Bass Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni †   and Elaine Klemen Michael and Gail Bauer Mr. Ronald Bauer Ms. Elaine Baumnn Ms. Patricia Bayerlein Ms. Ellen Bechthold Ms. Michele Becker Paul Becker and Nancy Becker Dr. & Mrs. Enrique Beckmann Kirsten Bedway   and Simon Peebler Shirley Behrendt Prue and Frank Beidler Mr. & Mrs. Richard Benck Michelle Bennett Arlene and Marshall Bennett Ms. Susan Bennett Mr. Thomas Berg Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bergen Mr. Marc Berlow Gene and Natalie Bernardoni Ms. Catherine Berry Mr. & Mrs. Loren Berry III Mr. Jerry Biedeman Bigoness Family Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mr. & Mrs. Charles Black Mr. Joe Blackburn 58

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Block Mr. & Mrs. David Blumberg Susanna Bodnar Mr. Edward Boehm III Ms. Virginia Boehme Timothy and Karen Bondy Cassandra L. Book Mr. & Mrs. Peter Borich Mr. James Borkman Mr. & Mrs. Fred P. Bosselman Mr. John Bostjancich Drs. Nader and Mandan Bozorgi Mr. Richard Bresowar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Breu Mr. Michael Brewer Ms. Susan Bridge Barbara and Powell Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brightfelt Mr. Wesley Broquard Mr. Lee M. Brown,   Mr. John B. Newman   and Ms. Pixie Newman Mrs. Dan Brusslan Ann M. Buckley Linda S. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Allen Buhler Dr. Jack Bulmash Ms. Kathryn Burgdorfer Dr. Mary Louise Burger Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Burns, Jr. Mr. David Burrage Mr. George Burrows Bob and Lynn Burt Ms. Jeanne Busch Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bushman Mr. & Mrs. John Butler Gabriel and Jill Buzas Ms. Linda Calandra Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Caldwell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Calvanese Father John Canary Robert and Kay Carlson Mr. Fairbank Carpenter Drs. Virginia and Stephen Carr Mr. & Mrs. Candelario Celio Beverly and Lawrence Centella Mr. David A. Chambers Mr. † & Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Mr. Aaron Chandran Mr. Rowland Chang Ms. Margaret Chaplan Mr. & Mrs. John Chapman Mr. Jayson Cheever Mr. Myron Cherry Harriett and Myron Cholden Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Chrisman Mr. George Christakes Bruce Christian Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Christianson

Ms. Kathleen Clark Stephen Clark Ms. Nancy Clawson Robert Coen and Marjorie Coen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cohen David Colburn Dr. Edward A. Cole   and Dr. Christine A. Rydel Ms. Kathryn Collier Mr. Jonathan Collins Mr. Stan Collins E. and V. Combs Foundation James D. Compton Mrs. Eileen Conaghan Peter Conover and Kristi Sloniger Peter and Beverly Ann Conroy Mary Ellen Cooney   and Ken Higgins Nancy R. Corral Joe and Judy Cosenza Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cottle Kristen and John Courtney Gayla W. Cox Ms. Susan Craw Jay Crawford   and Lynne Friedlander Mr. Earle Cromer III Hector Cruz William and Janice Cutler Constance Cwiok Mrs. Marcia Dam Dr. Mark E. Dato   and Dr. Mary P. Brown Mr. Robert Daugherty Denise and Dr. Ariel David Melissa and Gordon Davis Norma E. Davis Willis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davison Romke de Haan Mr. Eric C. Dean Delaney Delaney & Voorn LTD Mrs. David DeMar Mr. Adrian Demooy Dr. & Mrs. Terrence Demos Ms. Marcia Devlin Mr. & Mrs. James W. DeYoung Mr. & Mrs. Byram Dickes Ms. Amy Dickinson   and Mr. James Futransky Mr. Peter DiDonato Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Mr. Frank Dileonardo Michael and Laurel DiPrima Kevin and Kelly Dockery Mr. & Mrs. Otto Doering III Mrs. Janice Domanik Mr. Fred Donner Ms. Joan D. Donovan Mrs. Catherine Douglas

Dr. & Mrs. Heratch Doumanian Natalie and Joshua Dranoff Ms. Rosanne Druian Ingrid and Richard Dubberke Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Duda Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Duda Mr. Ronald Duke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dulski Dr. Thomas Durica & Sue Jacob Ms. Ana Luz Perez Duran Mr. & Mrs. Dan Dvorkin Mr. & Mrs. Warren Eagle Judge Frank Easterbrook Mr. Nik B. Edes Gary and Deborah Edidin Richard Egen and Donna Egen Nancy Eibeck Edward and Nancy Eichelberger Mr. & Mrs. Estia Eichten Robert S. and Ardyth J. Eisenberg Sondra and Karl S. Eisenberg Reese and Jeanne Elledge Thomas Eller Mr. & Mrs. Victor Elting III Ms. Laura Emerick La and Phillip Engel Mr. & Mrs. A. Gerald Erickson Dr. & Mrs. James Ertle Nancy Estrada Paul and Clare Faherty Laura and John Fairfield Dr. Robert A. Fajardo   and Judith Marohn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Feitler Steven and Carol Felsenthal Dr. & Mrs. William Felten Mr. & Mrs. Joel Fenchel Joy Fett Sandra E. Fienberg Stephen and Patricia Fisher Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald   and Ms. Mary K. Krigbaum Ms. Lola Flamm Mrs. Roslyn Flegel Mr. William Fleig Ms. Anita D. Flournoy Mr. Paul Fong Mr. Michael Fordney Mr. Mark Foss Arthur L. Frank, M.D. Ms. Stacie M. Frank Lawrence and Pamela Frankel Dr. & Mrs. James Franklin Allen J. Frantzen   and George R. Paterson Dr. † & Mrs. Uwe Freese Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freidheim, Jr. Fred Freitag

Mr. George Frerichs and   Ms. Cheryl D. McIntyre Dr. & Mrs. Gary J. Friend Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Fry III Dr. Barbara Fuller Mr. & Mrs. James Gaebe Ms. Cecile Gagan Jan Gaines and Andrew S. Kenoe Mrs. Joan M Galinski Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Ganellen Estate of Florence Ganja Dr. Francisco Garcini Mr. John Gardner Mr. & Mrs. † Robert J. Gareis Drs. Henry and Susan Gault Nancy Gavlin Cassandra Geiger Louis and Judith Genesen Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gepson Mrs. Elizabeth Gibby Mr. James Gibson Ms. Sharon Gibson Ms. Gloria Gierke Mr. Ben Gierl and   Ms. Karla Hayter Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gilbert Margaret Gilling Lawrence and Amy Gillum Mr. David Glueck William and Ethel Gofen Norman † and Barbara Gold Mr. & Mrs. Perry Goldberg Mr. † & Mrs. Samuel Golden Dr. & Mrs. Marshall D. Goldin,   in memory of   Dr. William Warren Adele and Marvin Goldsmith Ms. Maria Goncalo Ms. Sarah Good Gordon and Nancy Goodman Isabelle Goossen Mr. Jacques Gordon Leo & Linda Gordon Merle Gordon Mr. Andrew Gore Mr. & Mrs. James Gorter Mr. Peter Gotsch   and Dr. Jana French   in Memory of Deanna David and Elizabeth Graham Carol R. Grant Mr. Brooks Grantier Mr. and Mrs. Delmon Grapes Thomas † and Delta Greene Rochelle and Michael Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. David Greenstein Mr. David Griffin Gregory Grobarcik Charles Grode and Heidi Lukas

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Grotelueschen Mrs. Marguerite Guido George F. and Catherine S. Haber Halasmani/Davis Family Timothy R. Hale   and Katherine Grace Hale Ms. Nancy Haller Mrs. Mary Hallman John and Patricia Hamilton Ms. Lee Hamilton Hill and Cheryl Hammock Ms. Agnes Hamos Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Handler Stuart and Shelly Hanfling Mr. Michael Hansen   and Ms. Nancy Randa Ms. Patricia Harper Mrs. John M. Hartigan Robert and Margot Haselkorn Dr. & Mrs. James Haughton Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hauser Mr. William P. Hauworth II Bridgette Hayes and Eric Hayes Ms. Joan Heaney Mrs. Nancy Heil Ross and Andrea Heim Dr. Joseph N. Heiney and   Mr. Khadbaatar Jargalsaikhan Mr. David Helverson Mr. Steven Heise Ms. Dawn E. Helwig Mr. Thomas C. Henniger Michael and Suzanne Hensley Mr. David Herbert Mr. † & Mrs. Peter Herr Barbara and Jim Herst Larry Herzog Harriet E. Heyda Mr. Paul E. Hicks Jeana Hill Mr. & Mrs. David Hilliard James and Margot Hinchliff The Rev. Melinda Hinners-Waldie   and Mr. Benjamin Waldie Ms. Judith Hirsch Dr. Richard Hirschmann Mr. Christian Hoffman David Glenn Hoffman Ms. Gretchen Hoffmann   and Mr. Joseph Doherty Mr. Karl Hoffman Suzanne Hoffman and Dale Smith Ms. Sharon Flynn Hollander Mr. Todd Holleman Mrs. J. Holmbeck Dr. George Honig   and Ms. Olga Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Peter Horne

Vicki and Thomas   Horwich Foundation Ms. Roberta M. Horwitz Ms. Amanda Howland   and Dr. Phillip E. Lane Bruce and Carol Huck Michael and Beverly Huckman David and Marcia Hulan Mr. Harry Hunderman   and Ms. Deborah Slaton Ms. Patricia Hurley Dr. Victoria Ingram   and Dr. Paul Navin Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Iorgulescu Cheryl Istvan Mr. Benjamin Ivory Mr. Harold E Jackson Jr Miss Merle Jacob Ms. Ann Jagiella Mr. Matt James Mr. & Mrs. † Edgar D.   Jannotta, Sr. Jeong-Yoon Ms. Lynn Jerath Mrs. Mary Johnston, Ph.D. Jean and Cynthia Joho Mr. Thomas Jones Ms. Kathleen Jordan Dr. Rebecca Josefson Ms. Hyla Kallen Mr. † & Mrs. Tom Kallen James Kallianis Thomas and Reseda Kalowski Wayne S. and Lenore M. Kaplan Roula and George Karcazes Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mrs. Louise Kasch Douglas and Dana Kasl Ms. Ethelle Katz Mr. Neil Katz Dr. & Mrs. Robert Katz Ms. Carole Keller Ms. Robyn Kelley Mr. & Mrs. † Algimantas Kezelis Mr. Howard Kidd Anne G. Kimball and Peter Stern Ellen King Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. David Kistenbroker Kathy Kirn and David Levinson Ms. Lilia Kiselev Jack and Terry Klecka Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Anna Z. Kleymenova Janice Klich Ms. Mary Klyasheff Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knauff Robert and Andrea Knight Mr. George Koch

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Koelbl Koldyke Family Fund Mr. Edward Koss Mr. Mark Kraemer Mrs. Leona Krompart Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krucoff Maria Kubik Mr. & Mrs. Walfrid Kujala Mr. Steven Kukalis Dr. & Mrs. Ken Kuo Ms. Michele Kurlander Paul and Ruth Ann Kurtin Bob and Marian Kurz Mr. Matthew Kusek Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kussow Dr. Marina   and Andrey Kuznetsov Mr. & Mrs. Mark Labkon Mr. Thomas Lad Marvin and Carol Lader Mr. Craig Lancaster   and Ms. Charlene T. Handler Elisabeth and William Landes Richard Landgraff   and Bernadette Foley John Lansing Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Lanz DJ and Natalie LaRocque Ms. Pamela Larsen Ms. Leah Laurie Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sauter Sharon and Bill Lear Elaine Lebhoff-Ries, MD,   and Michael Ries, MD Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lederer Mr. Mark Ledogar Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Leep Darla and Hunter Leggitt John and Jill Levi Mrs. Richard Levi Fay and Daniel Levin Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Abby and Jonathan Levine Dr. & Mrs. Robert Levy Josephine Lewis   and Morton Dubman Ms. Judith Lewis Dr. Marcia A. Lewis Cara Lichtenstein Brian Lighty and Andrew Bigelow Mr. Ross Lillie Robert † and Joan Lipsig Ms. Anne Little Ms. Alma Lizcano Kathleen Lockhart   and James Dixon Mr. Melvin Loeb Mr. † & Ms. Gerald F. Loftus Mrs. Gabrielle Long 59

Ms. Melynda Lopin Mr. & Ms. Matthew LoPresti Ms. Esther Loth Donna and Richard Loundy Ms. Jean Lorenzen Mr. Joel Lowery Amy and Don Lubin Jennifer and Dan Luby Ronald and Carlotta Lucchesi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lutz Mr. Aaron Macias Mr. Daniel Macken   and Mr. Merlyn Harbold Mr. Glen J. Madeja   and Ms. Janet Steidl Ms. Janice Magnuson Dr. Allan Maier Ms. Jeanne Malkin Ms. Margaret A. Malone Mr. Gary L. Mandell   and Mrs. Diana Kon Miles Maner In honor of Miles Maner Ms. Amy B. Manning   and Mr. Paul C. Ziebert Mr. George Mannos Mr. & Mrs. Mark Manto Marty L. Manuel Sharon L. Manuel Dan and Lynne Mapes-Riordan Mr. and Ms. Steven Marcus Barbara and Larry Margolis Mr. Robert Marks Mr. Timothy Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Roland Martel Ms. Mirjana Martich Sharon and Eden Martin Arthur and Elizabeth Martinez Mr. Julio Martinez Drs. Annette and John Martini Mr. † & Mrs. Lowell Mason, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Walter Massey Dr. Ann B. Matasar Marilyn and Myron Maurer Ms. Adele Mayer Larry and Donna Mayer Mr. and Mrs. George Maze Ms. Sue McCandless John McCartney Mr. Robert McColley Ms. Marilyn McCoy Dr. & Mrs. James McCreary Ms. Patricia McGuire Bonnie McGrath Bill McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. George C. McKann Mr. Charles McKee Mr. & Mrs. Lester McKeever Dr. and Mrs. Bruce McLeod 60

Ms. Florence McMillan Dennis and Elyse McWherter Sheila and Harvey Medvin Mrs. Helen Mehler Mr. Zarin Mehta Ms. Claretta Meier Dr. & Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Mr. Ernst Melchior Dr. Janis Mendelsohn Mrs. Robert Mendelson Jim and Ginger Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Meyers, Jr. Mrs. Edward Miller Floyd and Elizabeth Miller Mrs. Mary Miller Ms. Vlasta Minarich Dr. & Mrs. Robert Minkus Mr. & Mrs. Newton Minow Ms. Helen Minsker Ms. Annet Miranda Dr. Leo and Catherine  Miserendino Kathleen Mitchell Mr. Fred Mittelstaedt Mr. Hiroshi and   Mrs. Chika Miyamori Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moeller Mr. Sanford Moltz Dr. Anthony Montag   and Dr. Katherine Griem Hugh and Della Rae Moore Malcolm Moore Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morales Lloyd and Donna Morgan Sanford and Monica Morganstein Ann T. Moroney Mrs. MaryLouise Morrison Wayne L. Mory   and Marcia Snyder David Moscow Mr. Vijai Moses Ms. Vanessa Moss JT Mueller and Jennifer Liu Zane and Phyllis Muhl Luigi H. Mumford Mr. Henry Munez Mr. George Murphy Mr. Mark Nabor Jo Ann and Stuart Nathan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl Ms. Victoria Nee Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Neil, Jr. Deborah J. Nelson Kay A. Nelson Mr. Wayne Nelson Mr. John Newman Ms. Hathuy Nguyen Richard Ni Jeff Nichols

Mr. Richard Nichols Ms. Sylvette Nicolini Mr. John Nigh Mrs. Janis Notz Mr. William Novshek Mr. and Mrs. James Nowacki Mrs. Susan Nutson Mr. Douglas Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. Delano O’Banion Sharon and Lee Oberlander Margo and Michael Oberman Dr. Dragic Obradovic Mr. Álvaro R. Obregón Dr. Kathryn Occhipinti   and Jerome Wojciechowshi Brendan O’Connor James J. and Ellen O’Connor Michael and Kay O’Halleran Marjory Oliker Barbara and Larry Olin Sarah and Wallace Oliver Mr. Arne Olson Larry and Karen Olson Mr. Thomas O’Neill III Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oppenheim Dr. Michael Oren Ms. Maria Ortiz Kathleen Field Orr Mr. Ronald Orzel Garry and Joanne Owens Daniela Pagani Richard and Carolyn Palas Ms. Joan Pantsios Mr. Daniel Parrilli Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Patten, Jr. Eugene and Lois Pavalon Harold E. † and Marcia   A. Pendexter, Jr. Robert & Barbara Perkaus Ms. Bertha Perlow Ms. Dona Perry Mr. & Mrs. † James Peters Mrs. Victorina Peterson Ms. Lynn Petrelli Rita Petretti Mrs. Jana Phariss Genevieve Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Thomas   D. Philipsborn Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pierce Karen and Dick Pigott Dr. & Mrs. V.K.G. Pillay Mr. Savit Pirl Mr. & Mrs. Joel Pokorny Don and Martha Pollak Terrence Polich Mr. John Porter Dr. William Porter

Susan and Joseph A. Power, Jr. Allan and Carla Price Mr. and Mrs. Brad Price D. Elizabeth Price Jean and Preston Price Ms. Eleanor Prince Rodney L. Pruitt Drs. Joseph and Kimberly Pyle Chris and Elizabeth Quigg Ms. Cheryl Quinlan Mirjam Quinn Mr. Robert Rada Ms. Bobbie Rafferty Mary Rafferty Ms. Tara Raghavan John and Mary † Raitt Anna Rappaport   and Peter W. Plumley Mr. Jeffrey Rappin Dr. & Mrs. Pradeep Rattan Ms. Kathleen Ratteree Ms. Polly Rattner Mark & Nancy Ratner Ms. Carol Rech Mrs. Caroline Reed † Harper Reed Jack W. Reeves Mr. James Rhoads Benjamin and Florence M.  Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Evan Richards Dr. Hilda Richards Robert J. Richards   and Barbara A. Richards Ms. Evelyn R. Richer Lyn Ridgeway Miles and Peggy Ridgway Drs. Rodney and Patricia Rieger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieser, Jr. Ms. Karen L. Rigotti Ring Family Foundation Mary K. Ring Jerry and Carole Ringer Mr. Paul Rink Mr. Alexander Ripley Dr. Anita Robbins Thomas Roberts   and Teresa Grosch Ms. Cristina Rocca Mr. James Rocks Mr. David Roden Mr. Steven Roess Lance & Lori Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rooney Al and Mimi Rose Mr. Edgar Rose Ms. Roberta Rosell Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Roseman Ms. Elaine Rosen

Mr. † & Mrs. Sherman Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenberg John Rosensweig Mrs. Babette Rosenthal Lorelei Rosenthal Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rosner Joan and Ashley Ross Ms. Sharon Rothstein Mr. Zhaosong Ruan Peter and Monique Rub Helen and Marc Rubenstein Mr. & Ms. Kevin A. Russell Ms. Mary Russell Patrick Ryan and Mary McBride Priscilla E. Ryan and Frank Battle Mr. & Mrs. Rich Ryan Mrs. Martha Sabransky Drs. David and Karen Sager Anna Salman and Brian DeRosa Dr. † & Mrs. Edwin Salter Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Kathleen and Tony Schaeffer Robert P. Schaible Scott Schepke Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Mr. and Mrs. John Schladweiler Mrs. Julie Schmidt Mr. Robert Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Schneider Ms. Marcia Schneider John J. and Barbara L. Schornack Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schuette Ms. Virginia Hall Schulte Gerald and Barbara Schultz Edward and Irma Schwartz Dr. Howard Schwartz   and Dr. Ruth Grant John Schwartz Susan and Charles Schwartz Stephen A. and Marilyn Scott Thomas and Maryellen Scott Drs. Deborah and Lawrence Segil Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seid Ms. Gail Seidel David and Christine Seidman Mr. Mark Sexauer Dr. & Mrs. Charles Shapiro Dr. Jerry and Eunice Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Myron Shapiro Thomas and Nancy Sharp Ms. Mary Beth Shea Mr. Christopher Sheahen Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuzo Shida Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Shields Margaret and Alan Silberman Susan Shimmin and David Tekler Carolyn M. Short Ellen and Richard Shubart Ms. Judith Siaba

Chian Ban Siau Ms. Debra Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Silberman Dr. Rita Simó   and Mr. Tomás Bissonnette Jack and Barbara Simon Mr. Larry Simpson Mr. Alvin Singer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Singer Thomas G. Sinkovic Christine A. Slivon Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Smies Augustine Smith Pat and J. Clarke Smith Ms. Patricia Smythe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Snopko Frank So and Deborah Huggett Dr. Sabine Sobek Dr. & Mrs. R. Solaro In Memory of Timothy Soleiman Mr. Ethan Solomon Judith Sommers Dr. Stuart Sondheimer Ms. Sondra Sonneborn Mr. Alexander Sozdatelev Mr. George Speck Mr. Michael Sprinker Anne-Marie St. Germaine Mrs. Julie Stagliano Charles and Joan Staples Ms. Denise Stauder Ms. Corinne Steede Mr. & Mrs. Eric Steele Sylvia Steen George and Julie Steffen Carol D. Stein Mr. Andrew Steinwold Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stepansky Mrs. Marjorie H. Stephan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stern Ms. Karen Stevens Ms. Kathleen Stewart Ellen Stone-Belic   in memory of Marjorie Stone Steve and Ann Stranahan Mr. and Mrs. Alfred   Stresen-Reuter, Jr. Donna Stroder Dr. & Mrs. Frank Stuart Mr. Frederick Sturm   and Ms. Deborah Gillaspie Barry and Winnifred Sullivan Mrs. Jeanne Sullivan Dr. Xiang Qing Sun Mr. † & Mrs. Michael Supera,   in honor of Helen Zell Mr. Gregory Surufka Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutherland Sharon Swanson

Dr. John Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taft Ms. Claudine Tambuatco Ms. Barbara Taylor Mr. Frank TenBrink Thachana Thanakitcharu Drs. Karl and Sarah Ticho Mr. and Mrs. Myron Tiersky Ms. Diane Tkach   and Mr. James F. Freundt Mr. Steve Tomashefsky Mr. Mark Tomassini Ms. Tatia Torrey Bruce and Jan Tranen James M. and Carol Trapp Dr. Carol Ann Traut Mrs. Sally TreKell Ms. Joanne Tremulis Mrs. Robert Trotter Dr. Sabrina S. Tsao Mr. Jay Tunney Lori L. and John R. Twombly Mrs. Jean M. Unsworth Ellen and Jerry Upton Mr. Theodore Utchen Mr. and Mrs. Allan Vagner Mrs. James D. Vail III Jim and Cindy Valtman Ms. Betty Vandenbosch Frances and Peter Vandervoort Jose Vargas Mr. David J. Varnerin Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vieregg Frank Villella Miss Raita Vilnins Ms. Linda Vincent Ms. Carol Vix Ms. Darla Vollrath Dr. Malcolm V. Vye   and Ms. Sherie Stein Lulu Robert J. Walker Mr. Les Wallinga Robert Walsh and Doris Walsh Mr. Frank Walschlager Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ward Morrison C. Warren In memory of Abby S.   Magdovitz-Wasserman from   David Wasserman, MD Ms. Vanessa J. Weathersby Mr. † & Mrs. William Weaver, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Weber Susan A. Weber Mr. Tom Wedell Judge Eugene Wedoff Cynthia & Ben Weese Mr. Brian Weisbart Miss Genevieve Weissensel

Drs. Anne and Dennis Wentz Ms. Patricia Werhane Mr. Donald Wertz Mrs. Walter Wesley Allen Wheatcroft Ms. Zita Wheeler Frank White and Sierra Kelly Dr. Wesley White Mrs. William White Ms. Susan Whiting Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wick Mr. Eric Wicks   and Ms. Linda Baker Jamie Wigglesworth AIA Jennifer Williams Norman Williams Scott R. Williamson   and Susanna E. Krentz Peter and Michele Willmott Dr. Wendall Wilson Martha Wiltsie Ted Windsor & Associates   Consulting Actuaries Dr. Doris Wineman, Ph.D. Caroline Winn Ms. Ann Winship Herbert and Ruth   Winter Foundation Ms. Florence Winters Dan and Paula Wise Mr. Michael Wislek Barbara and Steven Wolf Duain Wolfe Peggy and Ted Wolff Mr. Joseph Wolnski   and Ms. Jane Christino Dr. Christopher and Julie Wood David Woodhouse Mrs. Randi Woodworth Prof. Robert Wootton Cheryl B. and James T. Wormley Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woulfe Elizabeth Wright Mrs. Jane Stroud Wright Dennis Xie Dr. Robert B. Yahr Susan Schaalman Youdovin   and Charlie Shulkin In memory of Anthony C. Yu Dr. Robert G. Zadylak Mrs. IdaLynn Zahour Karl and Joan C. Zeisler Ms. Mary Zeltmann Mrs. Barbara Zenner Irene Ziaya and Paul Chaitkin Ms. Susan Zick Molly Ziegler and Karen Whitt The Charles A. Zika Family Ms. Camille Zientek 61

Drs. Donald Zimmerman   and Susan Pearlson Dr. & Mrs. Larry Zollinger Ms. Barbara Zutovsky Dr. & Mrs. Michael Zygmunt $500-$999

Anonymous (21) Ann Acker Mr. David R. Adler The al Chalabi Group, Ltd. Helen and George Alex Mr. John Alfonsi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Allen Dr. & Mrs. Dominic Allocco Mrs. Susan Alm Michael and Joyce W. Altman Mr. and Mrs. James Amend Konstantinos Anagnostou Dr. Joy Anderson Mr. and Ms. Paul Anderson Priscilla Angly and Miles Smith Ms. Miah Armour Drs. Iris and Andrew Aronson Mr. Cameron Avery   and Ms. Lynn Donaldson Mr. Donald Ayres Richard and Janice Bail Katherine and Ross Baker Tim and Mary Baker Ms. Evelyn Baniewicz Mr. John Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baron Thomas Barrington Ms. Colleen Batcheler Mr. & Mrs. William Baumgardt Mr. & Mrs. William H.   Baumgartner, Jr. Mr.† & Mrs. Jay Baylin Ms. Guity Becker Marie M. Beckman Mr. Dan Bell Dr. John R. Bell Barbara Bellar MD, JD, MA   and MPH A.M. Beltemacchi Ms. Patti Benaissa Mr. Ethan Bensinger Marjorie Benton Mr. Paul Berghoff Sharen and Marc Berman Mr. & Mrs. Karl Berolzheimer Leslie Bertholdt Geoff Bieger Mr. Marshall Blankenship, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Baughman Mrs. Jayne Boeckelman Mr. Kons Boheme Dr. H. Constance Bonbrest 62

Dr. & Mrs. E. Boone Brackett Rachel Boultinghouse Gilbert Bowen   and Marlene Bowen† Mr. David Bowers Mr. & Mrs. David Boyd Judge William Boyd Betty and Bill Boyd Mrs. Mary Brabec Mr. Michael Brannan Zachary and Laura Bravos Mrs. Patricia L. Brown Vincent Brown Ms. Christina Brunt Sue and John Buchanan Mr. William Buchman   and Mr. Lee Lichamer Mrs. Richard Burns Mr. Robert Byron Ms. Elva Caballero Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cahr Ms. Lidia Calcaterra   and Mr. Paul Barger Craig and Linda Callahan Kimberly Carmen Mr. Thomas Carmichael David and Orit Carpenter Dr. & Mrs.† R. Carrigan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Blouke Carus Casten Family Foundation Ms. Esther Chang Mr. & Ms. William Charles Mr. Gregorio Chejfec Katherine Cheng Paul Claps Mr. Robert Clatanoff Dr. Bradley Clifford Mr. Edward Clinton, Jr. Melanie R. Cohen Mrs. Andy A. Cohen Matthew Collopy Mr. & Mrs. John Cornelius Mr. Daniel Corrigan Joni Crosetto Mr. & Mrs. Dan Crowe Ms. Cindy Cruise Mr. Carl Cucco Dr. Atlee M. Cunningham, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Flynn Currie Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniels Mr. Joshua Danowitz Mr. John P. Davidson   and Ms. Shirley Schaeffer Ms. Barbara Davis Greg Davis Denise R. Davis   and Dr. Scott M. Davis Ms. Michelle DeFano Arthur Del Muro

Mr. Steven Deli Ms. Patty Delony Mrs. Minglin Deng Kristy Cameron Design Ms. Phyllis Diamond Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Dobroski Ms. Shannon Doll Thomas E. II and Barbara C.   Donnelley Family Fund Mr. Matthew and   Mrs. Alexandria Dornauer Ms. Ruth Doyle Thomas Draski Mrs. Mary S. M. Dunea Mrs. Frances Dutton Ms. Roma Dybalski Mr. Paul Dykstra   and Mr. Robert Beach Jay & Sue Edmondson Charles Edwards Elaine Edwards   and Fred L. Bonner Mr. Peter Egan Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Elkins Mr. Randy Elliot Peter Eng Mr. & Mrs. Burt Fainman Daniel Farrugia Debra Fienberg Ms. Leann Fierke Richard Finegold, M.D.   and Ms. Rita O’Laughlin Susan Flynn Mr. Jess Forrest Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Allen Frantzen Dr. Maija Freimanis   and David A. Marshall Mrs. Penny Freund Ms. Elizabeth Friedgut Sarah Friedman Mr. Henry Frisch Mr. Doug Fry Dr. & Mrs. Willard A. Fry Ms. Mary Fulton Mr. John Furrer Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Gabanski Dr. Sandra Garber Ms. Paula Gargano Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garro Antonio Garza Mr. Walter Gast Mr. Paul Gehl   and Mr. Robert Carlson Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gieser Ms. Kay Giles Mr. David Gillette Mr. Lyle Gillman

Mr. Daniel Gilmour, III Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gladfelter Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Glazer Mr. Robert Goldman Karen and Jay Goodgold Mr. & Mrs. David Goodman Ginger Gorden and David Reidy Michelle and Gerald M. Gordon Mr. Lawrence Gordon Mr. Robert Gordon Ms. Anne Gorham Ms. Laura Gorski Edwin Gouw Mr. William Gracie Mike and Mary Grady Mr. Henry Green Stuart and Janine Green Mrs. Mary Greenwald Dr. Michael Greenwald Ms. Elizabeth Gresch Mr. George Grilley Mr. Victor Grimm   and Mrs. Kathleen Grady Ms. Jacquelyne Grimshaw Mr. Richard Grossi Mr. Lawrence Grubb Mr. Robert Grundstad Mr. Tsuneo Hachiuma Ronald Hamburger Rev. William Hamilton Nancy and Thomas Hanson Mrs. Terri Hanson Harris Ventures, LLC Laurel Harris Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harvey Bonnie S. Hawkins John Heaton and Margaret  Martin-Heaton Ms. Beth Hebert Mr.† & Mrs. Robert Heidrick Ms. Tracy Heins Mrs. Valerie Heintz Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Heisler Ms. Ayana Henderson Judy and Jay Heyman Ms. Phyllis Hill Ms. Leslie Hindman Pat and Joseph Hinkel Mrs. Mary Hoey Mr. Stephen Holmes Mrs. Dolores Horan Mr.† & Mrs. William Hummer Mark and Peg Humphrey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hutchins Edward Ingram Mr. Kelvin A. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Cary Jacobs Mr. Joshua Jacobs Marian Jacobson

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Jastromb Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jensen Lena Jessen Mr. and Mrs. Craig   and Karen Johnson Leslie Jones Olivier Junod Daniel P. and Barbara J. Justus Mrs. Marion Karras Dr. Robert Kase Mr. Jeremy Kazan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keethers Mr. Jeffrey Kellar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kennedy James Kerber Ms. Barbara Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Killoren Ms. Su King Mrs. Judith Kinney Mr. Thomas Kirschbraun Mr. & Mrs. Frank Klapperich, Jr. Mrs. Phillip Kletke Dr. & Mrs. Thornton C. Kline, Jr. Mr. Douglas Knuth Mr. Philip Koester Heidi Koller Mrs. Tatiana Kopp Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Korajczyk Michael Kostal Barbara Kowalczyk Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kracum Ms. Margaret Kreczmer Mr. Harold Kroeger Mr. & Mrs. Basil Kromelow Miss Lynne Kulieke La Canopy, Inc Lisa Lanciloti Mr. David Landsittel Ms. Susan Lannin   and Mr. Albert Ettinger Dr. John Lawler Ms. Marcia Lazar Ms. Kim Leffert Mr. & Mrs. Scott LeGrand Mrs. Edward Lekan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Leracz Ms. Kiyoko Lerner Mr. John F. Lesch Fay and Daniel Levin Dr. & Mrs. Murray Levin Mr. Peter Lieb and   Mrs. Susan Block-Lieb Mr. Bert Lindstrom, III Ms. Katherine Lisec Jan and Jerome Loew Kathleen Logan Mr. & Mrs. George Lombardi Mrs. Harriett Long Dr. Therese Lucietto-Sieradzki

Maiya and Richard Lueptow Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lutz Mr. Aaron Macias Mr. James MacLennan† Elizabeth and George Maddox Daniel and Karen Maki Alexander Manjarrez Elizabeth Manning   and David Cheng Mr. Marco Martinez Mr. Richard Marvak Ms. Catherine Masters Mr. J. Matejczyk Ms. Adrianne Mazura Amy Mazzolin Karen and Bill McConnell Mr. John McFerrin Rev. & Mrs. Mark McIntosh Mr. Robert McGonnagle Mr. & Mrs. William McNally Mr. & Mrs. Leland V. Meader Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Meier Dr. Boyd Metzger Amy Michalak Ms. Sharon D. Michalove Dave Miller Ms. Marylyn Miller Mr. Omari Miller Susan Miller and David Stern Mr. Tiziano Mion Mr. & Mrs. Joe Monastero, Sr. Miss Alexandra Moore Ms. Jaime Moran Dr. Ivan Moskowitz and   Dr. Jolie Nahigian Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Moss Dr.† & Mrs. Gerald Moyar Drs. Robert and Marsha Mrtek Mr. Hugh Mundy Dr. Gil Munoz Mr. Michael Murray Ms. Karen Muth Mr. Randall Nack Dr. Elliot Nacke Dr. Shankar Nair Ms. Alyson Nash Stuart Nelsen Mark Ninyo Mr. Anthony Nocchiero Mr. Larry Nodulman Ms. Elizabeth Nohe Mr. & Mrs. John Noonan Mr.† & Mrs. John D. Norcross Ms. Kathy Nordmeyer Dennis† and Sandra Norlin Dr. & Mrs. Stanton Noskin Ana Nowell Mr. James O’Keefe Ms. Lucille O’Neill

Mrs. Sarah Packard Miss Ronna Page Mr. Tomas Palubinskas Timothy Park Jason Parke Emily Parker Dr. & Mrs. Robert Parsons Ms. Jean Pennino Ms. Sharon Perazzoli Ms. Bennette Phillips Mr. William Phillips Mr. Charles B. Pierson Dr. Steven Pierson Dr. & Dr. Robert Pildes Dr. Joe Piszczor Mr. Eugene Pokorny   and Ms. Beth Lodal Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Porte Meg and Jim Prendergast Barry and Eunice Preston Mr. & Mrs. Barry Pritchard William Puckett Ms. Mary Quinn Gerald and Vivian Ramsey Mr. Terrence J. Ransford Louis Rathje Diana R. Razo Ms. Helen Reed Mr. & Ms. Scott Renwick Mrs. Carol H. Retzky Very Reverend and   Mrs. Gary Allie Dr. Edward Riley Ms. Janice Rodgers Ms. Susan Rogaliner Ms. Linda Rogers Ron and Jill† Rohde Philip and Myn Rootberg  Foundation Dan Rose Mr. Al Rosenbloom Mr. & Mrs. John Rosenheim Robert and Sue Ross Mr. Nicholas Russell Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Ruthman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. David Samson Rosemary and John Sanchez Dr. Natalie Santiago Mr. James Schaefer Mr. Peter Schauer and   Mrs. Marie-Claude Schauer Mr. Craig Schechtman Mr. Gerald Schenk Mrs. Sheldon Schiff Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schlesinger Mr. Stephan Schuele Muriel and Maurice Schwartz James and Darlene Schweitzer

Dr. Lemuel Shaffer Mr. Gary Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shapiro Mrs. Maureen Shea Mr. Justin Shimko Mr. & Mrs. William Shropshire Ms. Renee Sichlau Mr. Kenneth Silver Timothy Simer Mark and Shari Slavin Mr. Allen R. Smart Mr. Robert A. Smietana   and Ms. Kan Ho Jo Anne Smith Oakleigh and Merrill Thorne Tim Snelling Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Sparberg Kristian Spencer Mr. & Mrs. George Spindler Mr. William Springer Lavanya Srinivasan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stack Ms. Sue Stealey Dr. Steven Steiber Fredric and Nikki Stein Dr. & Mrs. Jay Steinberg Mr. George Stenitzer Patrick Stiff Stephen Straight Mr. & Mrs. John Streit Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stuckey Mr. Michael B. Surratt Mark Swanson and Nancy Pifer Mr. & Ms. Christopher Sweet Brigid Tabour Mr. David Tan Mr. James Tancula Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Tatar Ms. Deborah Tate Mr. & Mrs. Lee Tenzer Mr. Thomas D. Terpstra   and Ms. Ilene Patty Mrs. Florence & Ron Testa Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Theophilos Mr. Albert Thompson Ms. Karen Titus Mrs. Maureen Tokar Ann and Richard F. Tomlinson Steve and Jocelyn Trokenheim Janet and Lance Trusty Mrs. Denise Turcotte Mr. Edward Turkington Dr. & Mrs. David Turner Ms. Laura Tussing Ms. Judith Tuszynski Olivia Tyrrell Claire Urbaszewski Dr. George Van Verst 63

Mr. James Vardiman Mr. Leonardo Vargas Gayle and Loren Veltrop Mr. James Vergara Dr. Pietro Veronesi Mr. Walter Vestal Jim and Mary Vieregg Mr. John Vinci Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Emily Voit Mr. & Ms. John Von Leesen Jessica Wacker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagner Cynthia Walk Mr. Avon Walker Mr. & Ms. Terrence Walsh Joshua Wang Mrs. Sally Warner Roberta and Robert Washlow Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson Alexander J. Wayne Mr. Jonathan Weber Lois Wecker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiland Mr. Michael Welsh   and Ms. Linda Brummer-Welsh Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wertz Richard Collins Westnedge Mr. John Wheeler Ms. Niamh Whelan-Reiter   and Mr. Scott Reiter Robert J. Wilczek†   and Shirley Pfenning Ms. Amy Williams Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Williams Camran Wilson Mr. Phil Wilson Mr. Randall Winans Ms. Kathryn Winter Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Woods Mr. & Mrs. John Wulfers Edward Yavitz Drs. Ning Wu and Hong Ye Ms. Diane Yetter Jiahong Yi Mr. & Mrs. David Zelis Ms. Wei Zhang Mrs. Helene Zimmer-Loew Mr. Gerald A. Zimmerman



Anonymous (1) Allstate Insurance Company The Elizabeth F. Cheney  Foundation Judson and Joyce Green Julian Family Foundation The James and Madeleine   McMullan Family Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Megan and Steve Shebik $50,000–$99,999

Anonymous (1) Alphawood Foundation Robert and Joanne Crown Income   Charitable Fund Ellen and Paul Gignilliat John Hart and Carol Prins Judy and Scott McCue National Endowment for the Arts Polk Bros. Foundation Barbara and Barre Seid  Foundation Rose Shure Trust $25,000–$49,999

Anonymous (2) Abbott Fund Crain-Mailing Foundation John and Fran Edwardson Peter G. Horton Charitable   Remainder Annuity Trust Leslie Fund, Inc. Bowman C. Lingle Trust Nancy Lauter McDougal   and Alfred L. † McDougal Michael G. Woll Fund   at The Pauls Foundation PNC Bank Michael and Linda Simon


Anonymous (2) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Barker Welfare Foundation Robert & Isabelle Bass   Foundation, Inc. The Claire Rosen & Samuel   Edes Foundation The Buchanan Family Foundation Sue and Jim Colletti Mr. Jerry J. Critser Mr. & Mrs. Allan Drebin Mary Winton Green Illinois Arts Council Agency Dr. June Koizumi Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz Ms. Judy Pomeranz Prince Charitable Trusts Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Charles and M. R. Shapiro  Foundation The George L. Shields Foundation Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. Ms. Liisa M. Thomas   and Mr. Stephen L. Pratt Penny and John Van Horn Dr. Marylou Witz $5,000–$9,999

Robert H. Baum   and MaryBeth Kretz Mr. Lawrence Belles BlueCross and BlueShield   of Illinois Ms. Marion A. Cameron Ann and Richard Carr Harry F. and   Elaine Chaddick Foundation Mr. & Ms. Keith Clayton The Clinton Family Fund Mr. Lawrence Corry Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Anne H. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geraghty Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Richard and Alice Godfrey Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett The League of the   Chicago Symphony Orchestra  Association Milne Family Foundation The Navarre Law Firm David and Dolores Nelson Ms. Susan Norvich Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Neill Gerald † and Mona Penner

Mrs. John Shedd Reed † Al and Lynn Reichle Sherry and Bob † Reum The Rhoades Foundation Ms. Judy Runge Ms. Cecelia Samans Dr. Scholl Foundation Segal Consulting Arch W. Shaw Foundation Siragusa Family Foundation $2,500–$4,999

Anonymous (1) Arts Midwest Touring Fund Daniel and Michele Becker Charles H. and Bertha L.   Boothroyd Foundation Mr. Donald Bouseman The Brinson Foundation Patricia A. Clickener Mary Ellen Cooney   and Ken Higgins Anita J. Court, Ph.D. Ms. Jane Cox Dr. & Mrs. Eugene and Jean Stark Dr. Alexia Gordon Carl Forstmann   Memorial Foundation William B. Hinchliff Susie Forstmann Kealy Anne E. Leibowitz Fund Edward and Lucy R. Minor   Family Foundation Dr. Leo and   Catherine Miserendino Maria and Carl E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morales Ms. Kimberly Pickenpaugh Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation David and Judith L. Sensibar Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Ms. Adena Staben Mr. Hal Stewart Walter and Caroline Sueske Charitable Trust Ruth Miner Swislow † Joan and Bill Trukenbroad Mr. Peter Vale Dan and Paula Wise $1,000–$2,499

Anonymous (5) Ms. Patti Acurio Mr. Edward Amrein, Jr.   and Mrs. Sara Jones-Amrein Dr. Smiljana Antonijevic Gregory Yuri Aronoff Mr. Sinan Atac Jack S. Aten

Catherine Baker   and Timothy Kent Jon Balke and G. Balke Mr. Carroll Barnes Mr. & Mrs. John Barnes Mr. Peter Barrett William Bartley Howard and Donna Bass Michael and Gail Bauer Michelle Bennett Ms. Susan Bennett Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Mr. James Borkman Adam Bossov Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Burns, Jr. Ms. Vera Capp Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Clark Dr. Edward A. Cole and   Dr. Christine A. Rydel Mr. Jonathan Collins Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cottle Mr. Bert Crossland Constance Cwiok Melissa and Gordon Davis Romke de Haan Mr. Frank Dileonardo Ms. Joan D. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Duda Ms. Ana Luz Perez Duran Nancy Eibeck Robert S. and Ardyth J. Eisenberg Elk Grove Graphics,   A Vomela Network Company Ms. Paula Elliott Charles and Carol Emmons Mrs. Carol Evans,   in memory of Henry Evans Mrs. Walter D. Fackler Tarek and Ann Fadel Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Finkel,   in honor of Katinka Kleijn Evelyn T. Fitzpatrick Ms. Lola Flamm Mrs. Roslyn Flegel Gerald Freedman Mr. George Frerichs and   Ms. Cheryl D. McIntyre Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Ganellen Generations Dental Camillo and Arlene Ghiron Lawrence and Amy Gillum Mrs. Amy G. Gordon   and Mr. Michael D. Gordon Charles Grode and Heidi Lukas Halasmani/Davis Family Mr. & Mrs. John Hales John and Patricia Hamilton

Ms. Dawn E. Helwig Mr. Karl Hoffman Suzanne Hoffman and Dale Smith Ms. Sharon Flynn Hollander Ms. Amanda Howland   and Dr. Phillip E. Lane David and Marcia Hulan Michael and Leigh Huston Mr. Benjamin Ivory Barbara and Jim Herst Thomas and Reseda Kalowski Mr. & Mrs. † Algimantas Kezelis Mr. Howard Kidd Kinder Morgan Esther G. Klatz Anna Z. Kleymenova Ms. Leah Laurie Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Liechti Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Lippitz Mr. † & Ms. Gerald F. Loftus Mr. Russ Lyman Mr. Edward Mack Mr. Glen J. Madeja   and Ms. Janet Steidl Ms. Janice Magnuson Ms. Jeanne Malkin Ms. Margaret A. Malone Ms. Amy B. Manning   and Mr. Paul C. Ziebert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marwin Ms. Adele Mayer Mr. and Mrs. George Maze Rosa and Peter McCullagh Jim and Ginger Meyer Mr. Robert Middleton Ms. Annet Miranda Wayne L. Mory   and Marcia Snyder Ann T. Moroney Mrs. Frank Morrissey Deborah J. Nelson Geraldi Norton Foundation Mrs. Susan Nutson Mr. Álvaro R. Obregón Marjory Oliker Dr. Michael Oren Ms. Joan Pantsios Mr. Daniel Parrilli Dianne M. and   Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Eugene and Lois Pavalon Ms. Shauna Peet Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D.  Philipsborn Poetry Foundation Mr. John Porter Susan and Joseph A. Power, Jr. D. Elizabeth Price Mark and Nancy Ratner

Ms. Kathleen Ratteree Harper Reed Miles and Peggy Ridgway Mary K. Ring Mr. Paul Rink Mr. Alexander Ripley Drs. David and Karen Sager Mr. David Sandfort Mr. Laurence Saviers Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schlachtmeyer Mr. Robert Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scorza Stephen A. and Marilyn Scott Thomas and Nancy Sharp The Honorable John B. Simon and   Mrs. Millie Rosenbloom Simon Mr. Larry Simpson Dr. Sabine Sobek Mr. Alexander Sozdatelev Mrs. Julie Stagliano Mr. Andrew Steinwold Laurence and Caryn Straus Mr. Frederick Sturm   and Ms. Deborah Gillaspie Sharon Swanson Ms. Tatia Torrey Pritzker Traubert   Family Foundation Ms. Darla Vollrath Ms. Vanessa J. Weathersby Lulu Mr. Brian Weisbart Abby and Glen Weisberg Ms. Zita Wheeler Frank White and Sierra Kelly Ms. Susan Whiting Scott R. Williamson   and Susanna E. Krentz Dr. Wendall Wilson M.L. Winburn Ted Windsor & Associates   Consulting Actuaries Ms. Ann Winship Mrs. Randi Woodworth Cheryl B. and James T. Wormley Elizabeth Wright David and Eileen Zampa Irene Ziaya and Paul Chaitkin Molly Ziegler and Karen Whitt $500-$999

Anonymous (10) Advent Systems, Inc. Ms. Rochelle Allen Priscilla Angly and Miles Smith Very Reverend   and Mrs. Gary Allie Ms. Miah Armour

Athena Fund Mr. Donald Ayres The Samuel Bailey Family Mrs. Horace B. Barks Mr. John Barnett Thomas Barrington Kirsten Bedway   and Simon Peebler Barbara Bellar MD, JD,   MA and MPH Ms. Amy Beltemacchi Ms. Patti Benaissa Mr. & Mrs. Richard Benck Ms. Catherine Berry Ms. Elizabeth Berry   and Mr. Philip S. Revzin Laurence Bocle Cassandra L. Book Rachel Boultinghouse Judge William Boyd Carl and Kathryn Boyens Mr. Lee M. Brown,   Mr. John B. Newman   and Ms. Pixie Newman Vincent Brown Mr. and Mrs. Allen Buhler Gabriel and Jill Buzas Craig and Linda Callahan Father John Canary Peter R. and Marina G. Carney Mr. & Mrs. Blouke Carus Ms. Esther Chang Mr. Jayson Cheever Mr. George Christakes Dr. Thomas H. Conner Mr. & Mrs. John Cornelius Mr. Daniel Corrigan Ms. Michelle DeFano The Dick Family Foundation Ms. Amy Dickinson   and Mr. James Futransky Mrs. Susan F. Dickman Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Dobroski Mr. Matthew and   Mrs. Alexandria Dornauer Mr. Harmon Dow DS&P Insurance Services, Inc. Ms. Christine Dudlak Mr. Paul Dykstra   and Mr. Robert Beach Elaine Edwards   and Fred L. Bonner Carol Egan Michelle Fellows Joy Fett Ms. Deborah Fineberg Mr. Michael Fordney Mr. Stanley Fox 65

Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Lawrence and Pamela Frankel Dr. Francisco Garcini Ms. Paula Gargano Mr. James Gibson Ms. Gloria Gierke Ms. Kay Giles Mr. & Mrs. Perry Goldberg Ginger Gorden and David Reidy Mr. & Mrs. David Goodman Leo and Linda Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gordon Ms. Laura Gorski Mr. Peter Gotsch   and Dr. Jana French GoodSmith Gregg & Unruh LLP Ms. Shelley Grach Mike and Mary Grady Mr. & Mrs. Delmon Grapes Gregory Grobarcik Mr. Lawrence Grubb Richard Gunther and   Kathleen McLaughlin Amber Halvorson Laurel Harris Mrs. Valerie Heintz Mr. Thomas C. Henniger Harriet E. Heyda Dr. Nobuko Hijiya James and Megan Hinchsliff Tex and Susan Hull Mr. Harold E Jackson Jr Mr. Kelvin A. Jackson Marian Jacobson Ms. Ann Jagiella Father Daniel Jarosewic David and Christina Jarvis Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jepson, Jr. Lena Jessen Kathy Kirn and David Levinson Mr. Christopher Kendrick Mr. Thomas Kirschbraun Mrs. Phillip Kletke Mr. William Klingelhoffer   and Ms. Jill Brindel Dr. & Mrs. Thornton C. Kline, Jr. Mr. Edward Koss Mr. & Mrs. Basil Kromelow Mr. Steven Kukalis Bob and Marian Kurz Elisabeth and William Landes Sharon and Bill Lear Ms. Alma Lizcano Ms. Jean Lorenzen Mr. Joel Lowery Dr. Therese Lucietto-Sieradzki Mr. Aaron Macias 66

Mr. Daniel Macken   and Mr. Merlyn Harbold Mr. James MacLennan† Mr. Charles Mann Elizabeth Manning   and David Cheng Mr. George Mannos Ms. Helen Minsker Drs. Annette and John Martini Ms. Catherine Masters Marilyn and Myron Maurer Ms. Linda McBride Dr. & Mrs. James McCreary Ms. Patricia McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Micatka Floyd and Elizabeth Miller Ms. Marylyn Miller Mr. Omari Miller Ms. Jaime Moran Dr. Donald Morrison Mr. Vijai Moses Ms. Mary Mossman Drs. Robert and Marsha Mrtek Ms. Alyson Nash Kay A. Nelson Mr. John Newman Mr. Richard Nicholls Edward and Gayla Nieminen Mr. Bruce Oltman Mr. Ronald Orzel Ms. Anna Belle O’Shea Mrs. Sarah Packard Daniela Pagani Miss Ronna Page Jason Parke Mr. & Mrs. Rex Parker Dr. Steven Pierson Ms. Bobbie Rafferty Dorothy V. Ramm Mr. Jeffrey Rappin Ms. Polly Rattner Diana R. Razo Ms. Karen L. Rigotti Dr. Edward Riley William and Cheryl Roberts Mr. William Rosas Mr. Al Rosenbloom Mr. & Mrs. John Rosenheim Robert and Sue Ross Ms. Sharon Rothstein Mr. Benoit Roux Mr. Nicholas Russell Rosemary and John Sanchez Dr. Natalie Santiago Mr. John Sayles Mr. Stephan Schuele Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schuette Gerald and Barbara Schultz

Dr. Howard Schwartz   and Dr. Ruth Grant Drs. Deborah and Lawrence Segil Mr. & Mrs. Chandra Sekhar Miss Nancy Seyfried Susan Shimmin and David Tekler Ms. Judith Siaba Chian Ban Siau Dr. Rita Simó and   Mr. Tomás Bissonnette Dr. & Mrs. Richard Snow Dr. & Mrs. R. Solaro Mr. George Speck Joel and Beth Spenadel Kristian Spencer Robert A. Spinozzi Ms. Denise Stauder Mr. George Stenitzer Ms. Nina Stillman Stephen Straight Donna Stroder Barry and Winnifred Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutherland Laurel and Dan Tancredi Mrs. Florence and Ron Testa Mrs. Maureen Tokar Mr. Mark Tomassini Janet and Lance Trusty Olivia Tyrrell Jose Vargas Gayle and Loren Veltrop Dr. Pietro Veronesi Miss Raita Vilnins Christopher Wang Ms. Carol Ward Morrison C. Warren Mr. Jonathan Weber Susan A. Weber Cynthia and Ben Weese Miss Genevieve Weissensel Mr. Michael Welsh and   Ms. Linda Brummer-Welsh Mrs. William White Jamie Wigglesworth AIA Mr. Phil Wilson Susan Wilson Mr. Randall Winans Herbert and Ruth Winter  Foundation Mr. Lawrence Witry and   Mrs. Margaret Tomazek-Witry   in Memory of Ira G. Woll Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Woods Prof. Robert Wootton Dr. Robert B. Yahr Jiahong Yi Mr. & Mrs. David Zelis


Anonymous (3) Cyrus H. Adams Memorial Youth   Concert Fund Dr.† & Mrs.† Bernard H. Adelson Marjorie Blum-Kovler Youth   Concert Fund CNA Kelli Gardner Youth Education   Endowment Fund Mary Winton Green William Randolph Hearst   Foundation Fund for   Community Engagement Richard A. Heise Peter Paul Herbert   Endowment Fund The Kapnick Family Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust The Malott Family   Very Special Promenades Fund The Eloise W. Martin   Endowed Fund in support of   the Negaunee Music Institute   at the Chicago Symphony  Orchestra The Negaunee Foundation Nancy Ranney and Family   and Friends Dolores M. Rix Endowment Fund Toyota Endowed Fund The Wallace Foundation Zell Family Foundation

C I V IC ORC H E S T R A OF C H IC AG O S C HOL A R SH I P S Members of the Civic Orchestra receive an annual stipend to helpoffset some of their living expenses during their training in Civic. The following donors have generously underwritten a Civic musician(s) for the 2017–18 season.

Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Miguel Aguirre, violin Kayla Burggraf, flute Quinn Delaney, bassoon Rachel Peters, violin Vincent Trautwein, bass Tong Yu, violin Mr.† & Mrs. David A. Donovan and Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Allison Chambers, cello Aleksa Kuzma, viola Mr. & Mrs. Allan Drebin and Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Greg Heintz, bass

Fourteen Civic members participate in the Civic Fellowship program, a rigorous artistic and professional development curriculum that supplements their membership in the full orchestra. Major funding for this program is generously provided by The Julian Family Foundation with additional funding from Prince Charitable Trusts. The 2017–18 Civic season is sponsored by the Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Adam Ayers, cello Mathew Burri, bass Arthur Masyuk, violin Liaht Slobodkin, violin Seung-mi Sun, violin

Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Siyoon Park*, oboe

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Enrique Olvera, viola

Dr.† & Mrs.† Bernard H.  Adelson Rebecca Boelzner, viola

Richard and Alice Godfrey Diane Chou, cello

Mr.† & Mrs. Robert Bacon Jr. Yoojin Baek, violin Annija Kerno, viola Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz Pei-yeh Tsai*, keyboard Mr. Lawrence Belles and Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Ariel Patkin, viola Sue and Jim Colletti Laura Pitkin*, horn Lawrence Corry Kevin Lin, viola Mr. Jerry J. Critser Nicky Swett*, cello

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geraghty and Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Geirþrúður Anna   Guðmundsdóttir, cello

Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Christy Kim*, flute Mary Winton Green Daniel Meyers, bass The Julian Family Foundation Roslyn Green*, viola Joseph LeFevre, tuba Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust Chris DeMarco, bass Stephanie Diebel, horn James Perez, trombone Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Gordon Daole-Wellman*, clarinet League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Jordan W. Thomas, harp

Leslie Fund Inc. Midori Samson*, bassoon Denielle Wilson*, cello Judy and Scott McCue and Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Anna Piotrowski, violin Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L.† McDougal Nicholas Adams, bass Gabriel Fridkis, flute Mrs. Mona Penner, in memory of Gerald Penner Sarah Bowen, violin Prince Charitable Trusts Maria Arrua*, violin Mrs. John Shedd Reed Alex Norris, violin Al and Lynn Reichle Nicholas Brown, clarinet Sandra and Earl J. Rusnak Jr Susan Bengtson, viola Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Matthew Kibort, timpani Kelly Quesada, cello Erma Medyesey The George L. Shields Foundation Inc. Eva María Barbado Gutiérrez, cello Seth Pae, viola Ben Roidl-Ward, bassoon Ruth Miner Swislow † Alexander Giger, violin Cally Laughlin, clarinet Lois and James Vrhel Endowment Fund Vincent Gawan, bass Dr. Marylou Witz Carmen Abelson*, violin Michael G.† and Laura Woll Kelsey Williams, horn

Michael G. Woll Fund at The Pauls Foundation Devin Gossett, horn Bryant Millet, trumpet Patrick Speranza, percussion Lucas Steidinger, trombone Renée Vogen, horn Anonymous Alexander Schwarz*, trumpet Anonymous Natalie Lee, violin Robinson Schulze*, bass trombone Anonymous Nomin Zolzaya, cello †Denotes deceased *Denotes Civic Fellow

FRIENDS OF T H E C I V IC ORC H E S T R A The following donors have aligned themselves as Friends of the Civic Orchestra by directing a gift of $1,500 or more toward the stipend Civic musicians receive each season. Mr. Carroll Barnes Dr. Edward A. Cole and Dr. Christine A. Rydel Ms. Jane Cox Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Charles and Carol Emmons Anne H. Evans Dr. Alexia Gordon James B. Heaton III Thomas and Reseda Kalowski Esther G. Klatz Dr. June Koizumi Mr. Edward Mack Jim and Ginger Meyer Ms. Susan Norvich Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Pierce Susan and Joseph A. Power, Jr. Harper Reed The Rhoades Foundation Ms. Cecelia Samans Mr. Larry Simpson Ms. Adena Staben Laurence and Caryn Straus Scott R. Williamson   and Susanna E. Krentz 67


The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is pleased to recognize the following individualsfor generously creating a revocable bequest of $100,000 or more, or anirrevocable life-income trust or annuity of $50,000 or more, to benefit the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Anonymous (9) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Evy Johansen Alsaker Robert A. Alsaker Geoffrey A. Anderson Ruth T. Anderson Mychal P. Angelos, in memory of   Dorothy A. Angelos Dr. Jeff Bale Leland and Mary Bartholomew Marlys A. Beider Dr. C. Bekerman Martha Bell Mike and Donna Bell Celine Bendy K. Richard and Patricia M. Berlet Merrill and Judy Blau Ann Blickensderfer Danolda Brennan Mr. Leon Brenner, Jr. Mitchell J. Brown Dr. Mary Louise Hirsh Burger Mr. Frank and Dr. Vera Clark Patricia A. Clickener Judith and Stephen F. Condren Dr. Marilyn Ezri Mrs. William M. Flory Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Rhoda Lea Frank Mary J. and Ronald P. Frelk Penny and John Freund Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Lyle Gillman Merle Gordon Mary Louise Gorno Dr. & Mrs. David Granato Mary L. Gray Mary Winton Green Dr. Jon Brian Greis John and Patricia Hamilton John Hart and Carol Prins Mr. William P. Hauworth II Thomas and Linda Heagy Mr. R.H. Helmholz 68

Stephanie and Allen Hochfelder Concordia Hoffmann Frank and Helen Holt Mark and Elizabeth Hurley Michael L. Igoe, Jr. Ms. Darlene Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Roy A. and Sarah C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Lori Julian Jared Kaplan and   Maridee Quanbeck Wayne S. and Lenore M. Kaplan Howard Kaspin James Kemmerer Esther G. Klatz Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kubicka Robert B. Kyts Memorial Fund Charles Ashby Lewis   and Penny Bender Sebring Robert Alan Lewis Sheldon H. Marcus Mr. Robert C. Marks Marilyn G. Marr James Edward McPherson Marcia and Jack L. Melamed, M.D. Janet L. Melk Dr. Leo and   Catherine Miserendino Drs. Bill and Elaine Moor Craig and Rose Moore Charles Moore Mr. & Mrs. Mario A. Munoz John H. Nelson Muriel Nerad Edward A. and Gayla S. Nieminen Dr. Joan E. Patterson Donald Peck Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Judy Pomeranz Neil K. Quinn Randall and Cara Rademaker Al and Lynn Reichle Ann and Bob Reiland Wendy Reynes Dr. Edward O. Riley Charles and Marilynn Rivkin David and Kathy Robin Jerry Rose Richard O. Ryan John A. Salkowski Cecelia Samans Franklin Schmidt Joanne Silver Mr. Craig Sirles Betty W. Smykal Annette and Richard Steinke Mrs. Deborah Sterling

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Mr. & Mrs. John C. Telander Karin and Alfred Tenny Richard and Helen Thomas Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Toft Dr. Richard Tresley Paula Turner Robert W. Turner and   Gloria B. Turner Mr. & Mrs. John E. Van Horn Mr. Christian Vinyard Joan and Marco Weiss Dr. Robert G. Zadylak Helen Zell MEMBERS

Anonymous (31) Valerie and Joseph Abel Louise Abrahams Judy L. Allen Ann S. Alpert Ms. Judith L. Anderson Steven Andes, Ph.D. Catherine Aranyi Mr. Neal Ball Mara Mills Barker Dr. & Mrs. Robert Beatty Arlene and Marshall Bennett William and Ellen Bentsen Joan I. Berger Harriet H. Bernbaum Candace Broecker Mrs. Lucille Brouse John L. Browar Catherine Brubaker Joseph Buc Edward J. Buckbee Michelle Miller Burns Mr. Robert J. Callahan Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Car Mr. & Mrs. William P. Carmichael Dr. Marlene E. Casiano Bill and Betsy Cline Beverly Ann and Peter Conroy Sharon Conway Mr. Robert L. Crawford Mr. Jerry J. Critser Anita Crocus Ron and Dolores Daly Mr. & Mrs. John Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Clyde H. Dawson Sylvia Samuels Delman Mrs. David A. DeMar Ms. Phyllis Diamond Mr. Francis T. Dombrowski Mr. Richard L. Eastline Nancy Schroeder Ebert Ms. Estelle Edlis

Robert J. Elisberg Richard Elledge Charles and Carol Emmons James B. Fadim Leslie Farrell Donna Feldman Frances and Henry Fogel Allen J. Frantzen Gustave D. Friesem Nancy and Larry Fuller Dileep Gangolli Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gardner Miss Elizabeth Gatz Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Mr. Joseph Glossberg Adele and Marvin Goldsmith Joan E. Gordon Douglas Ross Gortner Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Mr. & Mrs. George Graham Ms. Elizabeth A. Gray Delta A. Greene Nancy P. Griffin Mrs. Ann B. Grimes Mrs. Barbara Gundrum Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Robin Tieken Hadley Mr. Tom Hall Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hallett Mrs. David J. Harris Dr. & Mrs. Donald Heinrich John and Linda Hillman Mrs. Morris H. Hirsh Mr. Thomas Hochman Mrs. Walter Horban Mrs. Marian Johnson Ms. Janet Jones Marshall Keltz Valerie and George Kennedy Paul Keske Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Klapperich, Jr. Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Sally Jo Knowles Mrs. Russell V. Kohr Ms. Barbara Kopsian Liesel E. Kossmann Richard J. Kost Eugene Kraus Thomas and Annelise Lawson Patricia Lee Dr. & Mrs. David J. Leehey Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Levy Ms. Sally Lewis Dr. Eva F. Lichtenberg Mr. Michael Licitra Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Liebson Bonnie Glazier Lipe Glen J. Madeja and Janet Steidl Ann Chassin Mallow

Mrs. John J. Markham Kathleen W. Markiewicz Judith W. McCue and Howard M. McCue III Mr. William McIntosh Mrs. Leoni McVey Mrs. Harmon Meigs Dale and Susan Miller Michael Miller and   Sheila Naughten Kathryn Miller Thomas R. Mullaney David J. and Dolores D. Nelson Franklin Nussbaum James F. Oates Diana J. and Gerald L. Ogren Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oliver, Jr. Wallace and Sarah Oliver Lynn Orschel Dr. David G. Ostrow   and Mr. Rafael Gomez Helen and Joseph Page George R. Paterson Dianne M. and   Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Mary Perlmutter Elizabeth Anne Peters Mrs. Lewis D. Petry Judy C. Petty Karen and Dick Pigott Lois Polakoff Jeanne Reed Dr. Merrell Reiss Ms. Oksana Revenko-Jones Don and Sally Roberts Ms. Rosemary Roberts Ms. Elaine Rosen Mrs. Ben J. Rosenthal Dr. Virginia C. Saft Craig Samuels Sue and William Samuels Mr. Douglas M. Schmidt David Shayne Mr. Morrell A. Shoemaker Anne Sibley Larry Simpson Mr. Allen R. Smart Mary Soleiman Jim Spiegel Julie Stagliano Mrs. Zelda Star Mr. Charles J. Starcevich Karen Steil Timothy and Kathleen Stockdale Mr. John Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swanson Ruth Miner Swislow † Jeffrey and Linda Swoger Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Thorson

Karen Hletko Tiersky Myron Tiersky Jacqueline A. Tilles Mr. James M. Trapp Mr. Donn N. Trautman Ms. Rose Gray Tynan Mr. Theodore Utchen Virginia C. Vale Frank Villella Mr. Milan Vydareny Dr. Malcolm Vye Adam R. Walker and   BettyAnn Mocek Mr. Frank Walschlager Louella Krueger Ward Dr. Catherine L. Webb Karl Wechter Claude M. Weil Mr. Thomas Weyland Linda and Payson S. Wild Mrs. Albert D. Williams, Jr. Kayla Anne Wilson Nora M. Winsberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Wolf Ann Wolff Beth Wollar

I N M E MOR I A M Listed below are individuals who were Theodore Thomas Society members and patrons who made exceptional commitments to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra through their estates. They are remembered with gratitude for their generosity and visionary support. Anonymous (7) Hope A. Abelson Elizabeth E. Abler Richard Abrahams Frances B. Abrahamson Donald Alderman Sara Anastaplo Roger A. Anderson Faye Angell Elizabeth M. Ashton Irwin Askow James E.S. Baker Jacqueline and Frank Ball Wayne Balmer Paul Barker Patricia Anne Barton Barbara Burt Baumann Hortense K. Becker Norma Zuzanek Bennett Sally J. Benson

Harry H. Bernbaum Lenore M. Berner Eleanor Bolz Naomi T. Borwell Harriet B. Brady Marjorie L. Bredehorn Patricia W. and Kenneth A. Bro Howard Broecker Marie Kraemer Burnside Elizabeth R. Capilupo Rose Mary Carter Charles R. Casper Margaret G. Chamales Marcia S. Cohn Milton Colman Robert Cooke Nelson D. Cornelius Billie Dale Delevitt Robert L. Devitt Edison and Jane Warner Dick Howard M. Donaldson James F. Drennan William B. Drewry Robert L. Drinan, Jr. William A. Dumbleton Evelyn Dyba Marian Edelstein Dr. Edward Elisberg Kelli Gardner Emery Joseph R. Ender Shirley L. and Robert Ettelson Shirley Mae Evans Mildred F. Fanslau Dr. James D. Fenters Natalie N. Ferry Robert B. Fordham Etha Beatrice Fox Henry S. Frank Mrs. Zollie S. Frank Herbert B. Fried Dr. Muriel S. Friedman Hynda and Maurice Gamze Florence Ganja Alan J. Garber Martin and Francey Gecht Betsy N. and James R. Getz Jeanne Brown Gordon Barbara L. Gould Elizabeth S. Graettinger Richard Gray William B. Graham David Green Allen J. Greenberger Dr. Robert A. Greendale Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Elizabeth and Paul Guenzel Cecile Guthman Betty and Lester Guttman A. William Haarlow III

Grace and Vernon Hajeck Clarine and James Hall Julie and J. Parker Hall Richard Halvorsen Chalkley J. Hambleton Leah C. and Robert J. Hamman CAPT Martin P. Hanson, USN Ret. Allan E. Harris Melville D. Hartman Lawrence J. Helstern Adolph “Bud” and Avis Herseth Marriane Deson Herstein Mary Jo Hertel Helen Hoagland Richard J. Hofemann Blanche Hoheisel Allen H. Howard Hugh Johnston Hubbard Joseph H. Huebner Mrs. Henry Isham Barbara Isserman Phyllis A. Jones Joseph M. Kacena Morris A. Kaplan Russell V. Kohr Jeffrey W. Korman Sarah H. and Bertram D. Kribben William Kruppenbacher Evelyn and Arnold Kupec Ruth Lucie Labitzke Louise H. Landau Alice M. La Pert H. Elizabeth and Earl D. Larsen Caressa Y. Lauer Robert A. Leady Arthur E. Leckner, Jr. Lena T. Levinson Beryl M. Lewis Richard Alan Livingston Mrs. Richard Q. Livingston Marion M. and Glen A. Lloyd Mary Longbrake Arthur G. Maling June Betty and   Herbert S. Manning Mrs. Robert C. Marks Irl and Barbara Marshall Eloise Martin Virginia Harvey McAnulty Helen C. McDougal, Jr. Eunice H. McGuire Carolyn D. and   William W. McKittrick Hugo J. Melvoin Shirley R. Mesirow Beth Ann Alberding Mohr Edward Miller Micki Miller Kathryn Mueller 69

Marietta Munnis David H. Nelson Helen M. Nelson Otto Nerad John and Maynette Neundorf Piri E. and Jaye S. Niefeld Joan Ruck Nopola Carol Rauner O’Donovan T. Paul B. O’Donovan Mary and Eric Oldberg Bruce P. Olson Suzanne and Brace Pattou Dorothy and William   G. Paulick, Jr. Bette G. Petersen Helen J. Petersen Madge and Neil Petersen Maxine R. Philipsborn Walter Placko Elaine and Harold H. Plaut Charles J. Pollyea Miriam Pollyea Virginia and Eugene Pomerance Halina J. Presley Christine Querfeld Ruth Ann Quinn Dolores M. Rix Muriel F. Reder Walter Reed Paul H. Resnik Sheila Taaffe Reynolds Joan L. Richards David M. Roberts Rosemary Roberts Virginia H. Rogers Jill N. Rohck Irmgard Hess Rosenberger Ben J. Rosenthal Harriet Cary Ross Edith S. Ruettinger Anthony Ryerson Margaret R. Sagers Beverly and Grover Schiltz Erhardt Schmidt Muriel Schnierow Donald R. Schreiber Margaret and Edwin Seeboeck Denise Selz Joseph J. Semrow Ingeborg Haupt Sennot Herman Shapiro Soretta and Henry Shapiro Muriel Shaw Rose L. and Sidney N. Shure Mr. William F. Sibley Dr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Siegel Joan H. and Berton E. Siegel Peter E. Sincox David Slesur 70

Jean H. Smith Willis B. Snell Karen A. Sorensen Georgette Grosz Spertus Edward J. and Audrey M. Spiegel Vito Stagliano Lucille G. and David W. Stotter Dr. Gerald Sunko Ruth Miner Swislow Andrew and Peggy Thomson J. Ross Thomson Beatrice B. Tinsley C. Phillip Turner Paul D. Urnes Robert L. Volz Lois and James Vrhel Cecilia Sue and Burton J. Wade Louise Benton Wagner Michael Jay Walanka Nancy L. Wald Esther H. Waldman Jeanne Walker Laurie Wallach Jean Angus and Ferre C. Watkins Virginia O. Weaver James M. Wells Arnold Wolff Ronald R. Zierer

OU T R IGH T E N D OW M E N T GI F T S Anonymous (1) Mr. H.J. Eisenman Mr. & Mrs. Zollie S. Frank Fund Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Mr. & Mrs. Paul Judy The Julian Family Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Ms. Hathuy Nguyen COL (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Retired) Lisa and Paul Wiggin Helen and Sam Zell

C ON T R I BU T E D GI F T S A N D SE RV IC E S The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is grateful to Steinway & Sons for its generous support. Allium String Quartet Apland Avalon String Quartet

Baker & McKenzie Banfi Chris and Katie Barber BBJ Linen Betsy and Enrique Beckmann Belmont Yacht Club Belvedere Vodka Big Foot Media Blue Plate Catering Boleo Booth Hansen Boston Consulting Group Bridges Mavrakakis LLP Brightwok Kitchen William Buchman Sarah Bullen John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Elliot Callighan, Ramova Music Capstone Financial Advisors Oto Carrillo Li-Kuo Chang Chicago Bears Chicago Cultural Center Chicago Magazine Chicago Tribune Company Civitas Patsy Dash DLA Piper LLP (US) Drury Lane Theater E&J Gallo Winery Emmett’s Brewery Mrs. Walter D. Fackler Forbidden Root Four Seasons Hotel Chicago Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale   at Troon North Frederick C. Robie House Susanna Gaunt Gemini Graphics, Inc. Daniel Gingrich Goddess and the Baker Goose Island Beer Co. Greenwich Studios David Griffin Hewitt Associates Hillshire Snacking HispanicPro Iron Galaxy Studios Iwan Ries & Co. Jet’s Pizza Robb Jibson, So Midwest Gabrielle Johnson Kathy Jordan Nicholas Joseph Lori Julian Carole Keller Kimpton Gray Hotel Lincoln Park Zoo Yo-Yo Ma

Mayer Brown LLP Tammy McCann McKinsey & Company Metrograph Commissary Metropolitan Brewing National Hispanic Sales Network Nicado Publishing / NegociosNow Paul Rehder Salon Jonathan Pegis PianoForte Gene Pokorny PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP R. Crusoe & Son Anna and Iliana Regan Lora Schaefer Courtney Shea Show Services Slover Linett Strategies James Smelser Mike Smith, Photographic   Services International Kathy Solaro Soldier Field The Sound Co-Op, LLC Steinway Piano Gallery Chicago Michelle Sterling Susan Synnestvedt Brant Taylor David Taylor Benjamin Teichman tesori Theatrical Lighting Connection Think-cell Time Out Chicago Tootsie Roll Union League Club of Chicago Union Station United Airlines Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Virginia Woolf Virtue Cider Walgreens WBBM WBEZ WDCB WFMT Wheaton College Chris White John Williams WLS-FM Wrigley Field WXRT Cynthia Yeh Yuan-Qing Yu


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