2012/13 Annual Report

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2013 ANNUAL REPORT chicago symphony orchestra riccardo muti music director

FRONT COVER: CSO Music Director Riccardo Muti conducts Scriabin’s The Divine Poem in June 2013

122nd SEASON fiscal year ended june 30, 2013

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE............................................................. 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. . ........................................................... 3 TREASURER’S REPORT.............................................................. 4 FINANCIAL AND CONCERT HIGHLIGHTS............................................ 5 CSO MUSIC DIRECTOR RICCARDO MUTI.. .......................................... 6 UNPARALLELED MUSICAL ARTISTRY. . .............................................. 8

SYMPHONY CENTER PRESENTS................................................... 12 MEAD COMPOSERS-IN-RESIDENCE............................................... 16 THE INSTITUTE FOR LEARNING, ACCESS, AND TRAINING. . ...................... 18 YO-YO MA, JUDSON AND JOYCE GREEN CREATIVE CONSULTANT............... 22 RIVERS FESTIVAL. . ................................................................ 24 CONTRIBUTED SUPPORT.. .............................................................................................26



DEAR FRIENDS, AS I REFLECT ON THE PAST YEAR, it is with an immense amount of pride in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s many achievements—artistically, financially, and as civic and global ambassadors. Our spectacular Orchestra, led by Music Director Riccardo Muti, was enthusiastically embraced wherever it performed, be it here at home—in Orchestra Hall and at Millennium Park—or while on tour, at New York’s Carnegie Hall and Mexico City’s Palacio de Bellas Artes. The Orchestra also thrilled audiences during its unforgettable tour to Asia in January and February 2013. The great music making of the Orchestra was not limited to concert halls. Maestro Muti and the musicians—along with Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma— fully embraced our Citizen Musician Initiative, performing in schools, hospitals, places of worship, and a juvenile detention center, demonstrating that music has the power to bring people together. Through community-building activities such as these, the programs of the Institute for Learning, Access, and Training were able to engage more than 200,000 in Chicago and around the world during the 2012/13 season and further its mission of transforming lives through music.

We could not have accomplished all that we did without the generous support of so many patrons, donors, foundations, corporations, and sponsors who made this a record fundraising year. One highlight in this extraordinary year was the renewal of Bank of America’s Global Sponsorship of the CSO through the 2013/14 season, extending their invaluable support of the Orchestra that began with the 2010/11 season. Another was the generous commitment of CSOA Trustee Helen Zell, who, through the Zell Family Foundation, pledged to support the leadership of Maestro Muti and the many programs he embarks on as he continues as the music director of the CSO. It is a pleasure and a privilege to serve as chairman of the CSOA. I’m so thankful to our stellar musicians, our outstanding Board of Trustees, and our dedicated staff. Every day they prove how extraordinary this institution is as a cultural force in greater Chicago and across the globe.

Jay L. Henderson Chairman Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE DEAR FRIENDS, THINKING BACK ON THE 2012/13 SEASON, I am so gratified by our collective accomplishments, especially the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s deepening relationship with our patrons. The strength of this relationship is reflected in many things, not the least of which is that our ticket sales are at an all-time high, and for a third consecutive year, we have broken records in fundraising. Nonetheless, the 2012/13 season was a challenging year for our industry, and the CSO was not exempt from the difficulties faced by orchestras across the U.S. But I firmly believe that the commitment of everyone involved with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association—our Music Director, musicians, Board, patrons, donors, sponsors, volunteers, and staff—has helped us to weather these challenges, allowing us to achieve our goals efficiently and effectively while remaining true to what is first and foremost for this institution: extraordinary music making. This shared commitment also meant that when negotiations with the Orchestra committee failed to reach a contract early in the season, the disruption was minimal, lasting only 48 hours, and resulted in our having to cancel only one concert. We immediately regained the spirit and success of the thrilling first week of our season as we traveled to New York City to inaugurate Carnegie Hall’s 2012/13 season and then, for the first time, to Mexico. We sustained the energy and excellence of the tour to New York and Mexico throughout the year as we traveled to Asia, held a city-wide Rivers Festival, and foreshadowed in June our fall celebration of the Verdi bicentennial, when Maestro Muti led the Orchestra in a memorable interpretation of Giuseppe Verdi’s Four Sacred Pieces. The season was marked by many other musical high points— Orff’s Carmina Burana, Bach’s Mass in B Minor, the centennial of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, Act 2 from Tristan and Isolde, three engaging and insightful Beyond the Score presentations, and the many works of Bartók, Mahler, and Wagner that helped commemorate the centennial of the birth of Sir Georg Solti, the CSO’s eighth music director. Touring gives the Orchestra the opportunity to serve as a cultural ambassador, showcasing the best of Chicago as our musicians delight and captivate audiences in cities as diverse as New York City; Guanajuato and Mexico City in Mexico; Taipei, Taiwan; Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Tianjin in China; and Seoul,

South Korea. I am grateful to Lorin Maazel and Osmo Vänskä who superbly served as guest conductors on the Asia tour, and to our own concertmaster, Robert Chen, who was a captivating soloist in Taipei. The CSO’s impact on tour was not confined to its extraordinary concerts; it was seen in the Citizen Musician activities that took place as well. Whether CSO ensembles were performing in schools and medical centers, or Maestro Muti was leading a master class for conducting students and instrumentalists, the message came through loud and clear: music is an international language that has the power to transform people’s lives. Our community engagement efforts were in full force at home, too, thanks in no small part to the work of our dear friend Yo-Yo Ma, the CSO’s Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant. YoYo Ma played a key role in championing the new Chicago Public Schools Arts Education Plan, which calls for incorporating the arts into education at all grade levels, and he worked tirelessly through performances and speaking engagements to demonstrate that the arts fulfill a fundamental human need by creating and strengthening community. In the end, what matters most is our ability to harness the unparalleled music making of the CSO to deepen connections with diverse audiences at home and abroad. We succeeded remarkably at this goal in 2012/13, thanks to the astounding talent and dedication of Maestro Riccardo Muti and the Orchestra; the Chicago Symphony Chorus; the Civic Orchestra of Chicago; our Judson and Joyce Green Consultant Yo-Yo Ma; our Helen Regenstein Conductor Emeritus Pierre Boulez; our Mead Composers-in-Residence Mason Bates and Anna Clyne; our guest artists who appear with the CSO and as part of our Symphony Center Presents series, our Institute for Learning, Access, and Training; and our Board, donors, sponsors, volunteers, staff, and patrons. I am grateful to you all.

Deborah F. Rutter President Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association



TREASURER’S REPORT DEAR FRIENDS, THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ASSOCIATION again achieved recordbreaking ticket sales and fundraising results in FY13. Annual philanthropic support of $29.8 million advanced nearly 6%, while total ticket sales increased 4.5% to $22.3 million. For Chicago Symphony Orchestra Main Series subscription concerts, capacity utilization was 82%, as single tickets surpassed the previous year by 15.7% and subscriptions sales increased 1.7%. Total operating revenues increased 2.6% to $73.6 million, while total operating expenses increased 1.0% to $73.8 million, resulting in a modest $169,000 operating deficit. The Association’s financial condition—the foundation for industry-leading programming, education, and community initiatives—continued to improve, with net assets growing nearly 24% to $266 million. Under the oversight of the Investment Committee, endowment investments reached a record $257 million as a result of a 12% return for the fiscal year and gifts and bequests of $8 million. The generosity of our donors reinforces our ability to present programs of the highest artistic quality, and we are most grateful for their support. Along with other members of our family— musicians, trustees, volunteers, staff, and concertgoers—they are essential to the mission of the Association. Thank you, all. Our collective commitment to sustaining artistic excellence and strategic priorities through a strong financial foundation will ensure that the internationally acclaimed Chicago Symphony Orchestra continues to flourish.

Scott C. Smith Treasurer Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association


[all dollar figures in thousands]


JUNE 30, 2013

JUNE 30, 2012































concert highlights

*Besides CSO and Symphony Center Presents performances, this number includes free and non-ticketed concerts and CSO performances presented on tour and at Ravinia. The number of free events and nonSymphony Center events varies from year to year. For a copy of audited financial statements, please contact the Finance Department at 312-294-3302.



2012/13 Highlights


WITH A FREE CONCERT FOR CHICAGO IN MILLENNIUM PARK, ORCHESTRA HALL SUBSCRIPTION CONCERTS, THE ANNUAL SYMPHONY BALL, AND TOURS TO NEW YORK CITY AND MEXICO, MAESTRO MUTI SET THE TONE FOR WHAT WOULD BE A VERY EXCITING 2012/13 SEASON, HIS THIRD AS THE MUSIC DIRECTOR OF THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. THE SEPTEMBER 20 FREE COMMUNITY CONCERT at the Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park featured the Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Chorus, the Chicago Children’s Choir, and three distinguished soloists in a powerful performance of Orff’s Carmina Burana. With Maestro Muti on the podium, they thrilled a crowd of 7,000 devoted fans who braved the rain to hear their city’s musical treasures. Not long after, our music director was taking his show on the road, as the CSO and Chorus traveled to New York in October to perform three season-opening concerts at Carnegie Hall. First up was Carmina Burana, followed by two more programs, which included the New York premiere of CSO Mead Composer-inResidence Mason Bates’ Alternative Energy. This exuberant “energy symphony,” which marries orchestral music with a bold palette of electronic sounds, drew a flood of applause from the audience. From New York, Maestro Muti took the Orchestra to Mexico for the CSO’s first-ever performances there—first at the Teátro

Juarez in Guanajuato as part of the 40th Festival Internacional Cervantino, and then at the beautiful Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City. They performed for sold-out, enthusiastic audiences while overflow crowds were able to enjoy the closed-circuit live broadcast of the concerts on screens in outdoor plazas. In keeping with Maestro Muti’s belief that the CSO should extend its reach beyond the concert hall, the tours to both New York and Mexico included Citizen Musician activities, which found CSO ensembles performing in places of worship, medical centers, and schools, all in an effort to demonstrate how music can bring beauty and hope into people’s lives and create connections among different communities. “Performances alone are never enough,” Maestro Muti told the Chicago Tribune in a June 2013 interview. “Having in hand a treasure like this Orchestra, we must work very hard to make it more available for the spiritual and cultural needs of the city, nation, and world.”

7 PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Maestro Riccardo Muti leads the Orchestra and Chorus in a free concert at Millennium Park; Preeminent conductor and CSO Music Director Riccardo Muti; Maestro Muti leads the CSO in rehearsal; Maestro Muti with young men at Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center

In Mexico City, Maestro Muti himself led a master class for conducting students, instrumentalists, and community members at the Palacio de Bellas Artes, working on a Mozart symphony with the National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico. Back in Chicago, he continued his engagement efforts through our Institute for Learning, Access, and Training, making good on his pledge to bring music to untraditional venues, including prisons. In a fall concert for about 50 youths at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, Maestro Muti, at the piano, accompanied bass Eric Owens and tenor Raúl Melo as they sang a selection of arias. After that, the CSO Brass Quintet performed several lively brass selections. Maestro Muti returned to the Detention Center in April to hear a concert by eight young men who took part in an intensive six-day music-making and composition workshop led by two CSO musicians and the London-based organization Music in Prisons.

There were other wonderful performances that Maestro Muti led over the course of the year that included Siegfried’s Rhine Journey and Funeral March from Wagner’s Götterdämmerung and Brahms’ Symphony No. 4. He also conducted Bach’s magnificent Mass in B Minor, featuring the Chicago Symphony Chorus and four soloists. Finally, in a year in which the CSO celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Orchestra’s eighth music director, the jury of the CSO’s second International Sir Georg Solti Conducting Apprenticeship, with Maestro Muti as chair, announced that Matthew Aucoin, 23, had won the honor. The two-year apprenticeship includes at least four weeks a year in Chicago of study and mentorship with Maestro Muti and with the venerable Pierre Boulez, the CSO’s Helen Regenstein Conductor Emeritus. The apprenticeship program was announced by Maestro Muti in 2009. It is in keeping with his longtime dedication to developing young musicians, as well as his focus in Chicago on building on the CSO’s great tradition of investing in the future of classical music.


PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT: Maestro Muti conducts the renowned musicians of the CSO; Guest Conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen leads the CSO in “The Tristan Effect,” a Beyond the Score production directed by the CSO’s Gerard McBurney

2012/13 Highlights


THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA’S 2012/13 SEASON OFFERED AN IMPRESSIVE ARRAY OF PROGRAMMING THAT SHOWCASED THE VERSATILITY AND VIRTUOSITY OF THE ORCHESTRA, AS WELL AS THE DYNAMIC LEADERSHIP OF MUSIC DIRECTOR RICCARDO MUTI. WITH A GOAL OF REACHING AS WIDE AN AUDIENCE AS POSSIBLE through classical music, Maestro Muti presented a rich tapestry of repertoire representing numerous cultures, genres, and styles. The CSO’s musical offerings also spanned a broad historical spectrum, from much-loved works by Bach and Vivaldi to newly commissioned and recent pieces by the CSO’s Mead Composers-in-Residence, Anna Clyne and Mason Bates, and other contemporary composers such as Christopher Rouse and Brett Dean.

recordings are legendary. Over the course of the season, the CSO presented numerous powerful works by the composers whom Sir Georg focused on in his lifetime—Bartók, Mahler, and Wagner among them—and Symphony Center Presents hosted the World Orchestra for Peace (which includes some members of the CSO) and soloists Angela Gheorghiu and René Pape in a wonderful program honoring Sir Georg 100 years to the day he was born: October 21, 1912.

The season was a time for celebration of several significant birthdays and musical milestones, as well: the bicentennial of Wagner’s birth, the centennial of Sir Georg Solti’s birth, and the 100th anniversary of the premiere of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring.

The CSO also commemorated the 100th anniversary of the premiere of The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky. Stravinsky’s revolutionary work was explored with CSO performances conducted by Charles Dutoit and with a Beyond the Score presentation that included live dramatized commentary and audiovisual illustrations.

The Wagner Effect, one of the season’s main themes, examined the electrifying influence of Richard Wagner, whose music and ideas had a tremendous impact on the work of his contemporaries and on those who followed. The Wagner Effect gave the CSO an opportunity to perform great music by the composer himself— the second act of Tristan and Isolde and Siegfried’s Rhine Journey and Funeral March from Götterdämmerung—and also to explore pieces by those who admired and embraced Wagner’s techniques as well as those who purposely eschewed them. The theme also tied in to the 100th birthday tribute to Sir Georg Solti, the CSO’s eighth music director, whose Wagner

In a continuing effort to reach new audiences, the CSO performed for the first time at The Morton Arboretum in DuPage County in June. The five concerts of varied repertoire led by guest conductors Richard Kaufman and Carlos Miguel Prieto were a rousing success, bringing almost 11,000 new fans to hear our Orchestra. The CSO also presented its unique concert programming for the very young—Once Upon a Symphony—with two sold-out performances of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This remarkable response indicates that there is indeed an audience to be served by the Continued on next page ➝


10 PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT, TOP TO BOTTOM: CSO fans in Asia; CSO audience members in Seoul; Associate Concertmaster Stephanie Jeong in Shanghai; Guest Conductor Jaap van Zweden and CSO Principal Trumpet Christopher Martin; the CSO performing in Seoul

CSO in this community, and the Orchestra looks forward to returning to test our plans for sustaining a presence in the western suburbs. The season was a remarkable one outside of Symphony Center, too, with the Orchestra embarking on a number of important tours. The Orchestra and Chorus visited New York’s Carnegie Hall for three triumphant season-opening concerts that included Orff’s Carmina Burana. In the fall, the Orchestra visited Mexico for the first time in its history, with stops in Guanajuato and Mexico City. In the winter, the CSO traveled to China, Taiwan, and South Korea, making its debut in several important cultural centers: Taipei, Taiwan; Tianjin, China; and Seoul, South Korea. The CSO also traveled to Hong Kong for two concerts as part of the Hong Kong Arts Festival, as well as to Shanghai and Beijing for one concert in each city. Led by distinguished guest conductors Lorin Maazel and Osmo Vänskä, and joined by violin soloists Maxim Vengerov and CSO Concertmaster Robert Chen, the Orchestra was rewarded with multiple ovations, as well as invitations to return for future engagements.

Concerts throughout the season showcased a huge roster of stellar guest soloists, including renowned pianists Maurizio Pollini and Mitsuko Uchida and acclaimed violinists Anne-Sophie Mutter and Gil Shaham. Many of the CSO’s own gifted musicians also gave remarkable solo performances: Concertmaster Robert Chen, Principal Flute Mathieu Dufour, English Horn Scott Hostetler (playing oboe d’amore), Principal Oboe Eugene Izotov, and Principal Trumpet Christopher Martin. A number of distinguished guest conductors returned to the CSO podium to collaborate with the Orchestra. Memorable performances included beloved former Principal Conductor Bernard Haitink conducting the Orchestra and Chorus in Beethoven’s Missa solemnis; Harry Bicket conducting Anna Clyne’s Prince of Clouds, a CSO co-commission that featured violin soloists Jennifer Koh and her teacher, Jaime Laredo; and Esa-Pekka Salonen on the podium for a performance of Lutosławski’s Cello Concerto with Yo-Yo Ma as soloist in honor of the composer’s 100th birthday. Salonen also led a Beyond the Score presentation, The Tristan Effect, which examined how other artists of all kinds responded to Wagner.

2012/13 Highlights


PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT: Maestro Muti conducts the Orchestra and Chorus in Bach’s Mass in B Minor; During the Stanley Cup Finals, Maestro Muti and the CSO supported the Blackhawks with a videotaped performance, shared widely in the media, of the team’s popular goal song

The acclaimed Chicago Symphony Chorus, led by Chorus Director Duain Wolfe, joined the Orchestra for a series of magnificent concerts. In addition to Orff’s Carmina Burana and Beethoven’s Missa solemnis, the Chorus performed under Maestro Muti in Bach’s Mass in B Minor in April and Verdi’s Four Sacred Pieces in June. Women of the Chorus were also featured in Mahler’s Third Symphony with Semyon Bychkov in November. December 2012 saw the Chorus and members of the Orchestra shining in the annual holiday favorite Welcome Yule! The CSO also reached fans worldwide through the CSO Radio Broadcast Series and CSO Resound, the independent recording label of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The popular CSO Radio series was heard by almost half a million listeners weekly on nearly 500 stations during the 2012/13 season. Most of the programs, featuring live Symphony Center performances and selections from the Orchestra’s expansive catalog of commercial recordings, are now available online for three years after broadcast for on-demand streaming. Recordings on CSO Resound also helped increase the national and international presence of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago Symphony Chorus. The recordings are available at Symphony Center, online at iTunes and cso.org/resound, and in retail stores.

In a lighthearted display of civic pride, the CSO released a video of Maestro Muti and the Orchestra performing an adaptation of the Chicago Blackhawks’ goal song—the pop song “Chelsea Dagger” by the Fratellis—which was seen by hundreds of thousands around the world during the Stanley Cup playoffs. The video was shown on national TV; on a video promotion issued by the National Hockey League; at a Blackhawks/Bruins game during the finals; and on the CSO’s website and social media channels. Over the course of the year, Maestro Muti announced four new appointments to the Orchestra: David Herbert as principal timpani, Sylvia Kim Kilcullen as assistant principal second violin, Gina DiBello as section first violin, and Miles Maner as contrabassoon and bassoon. They join our outstanding ensemble of players who are known the world over for their unparalleled musical artistry. The CSO also bade a fond farewell to Principal Horn Dale Clevenger, who retired in June after a legendary 47-year tenure with the Orchestra.



2012/13 Highlights


IN THE 2012/13 SEASON, AUDIENCES IN GREATER CHICAGO DELIGHTED IN THE MUSIC PRESENTED THROUGH 40 CONCERTS OF THE POPULAR SYMPHONY CENTER PRESENTS SERIES FOR PIANO, CHAMBER MUSIC, JAZZ, ORCHESTRA, MusicNOW (CONTEMPORARY MUSIC), AND SEVERAL OTHER SPECIAL CONCERTS. THROUGH SYMPHONY CENTER PRESENTS (SCP) , the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association brings a wide array of internationally known guest artists and ensembles of classical, pop, world, jazz, and contemporary music to Orchestra Hall and occasionally to other venues in the community. This year the lineup included everyone from András Schiff to Bobby McFerrin to John Malkovich. Many SCP concerts also tied in to the CSO’s three major themes of the season: The Wagner Effect, the Rivers Festival, and the celebration of former CSO Music Director Sir Georg Solti’s centennial. SCP presented several concerts related to the Rivers Festival. The Symphony Center Presents Jazz series opened in October with The Great Flood, a film and music collaboration between Bill Frisell, a jazz guitarist/composer, and Bill Morrison, a Chicago native and filmmaker, which made for a powerful evening of music and visuals. A Symphony Center Presents co-commission, The Great Flood chronicles the devastating effects of the 1927 Mississippi River flood, as well as its contribution to the Great Migration. During the Rivers Festival in May, Orbert Davis’ Chicago Jazz Philharmonic presented the world premiere of Davis’ jazz

symphony, The Chicago River, an SCP-commissioned work that tells the tale of the reversal of the Chicago River and its impact on making the city an American metropolis. Inspired by photographs from the book The Lost Panoramas: When Chicago Changed Its River and the Land Beyond, the five-movement symphony was performed as images of the river’s engineered reversal were projected on a large screen. The SCP Orchestra series honored what would have been Sir Georg Solti’s 100th birthday on October 21. The World Orchestra for Peace, which was founded by the CSO’s eighth music director in 1995, presented works by Mozart, Strauss, Bartók, Verdi, and Mahler. Lady Valerie Solti, Sir Georg’s widow, hosted the program, which was conducted by Valery Gergiev and featured the world-renowned soloists Angela Gheorghiu and René Pape. In January, as part of the SCP Piano series, Canadian pianist Louis Lortie presented a beautiful afternoon of music by Wagner and Liszt, whose transcriptions of Wagner’s works became the principal way for audiences to hear the great composer’s music outside of opera houses for many years.


PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM FAR LEFT: Yo-Yo Ma with the Silk Road Ensemble; Vocalist and improviser Bobby McFerrin; Sir Georg Solti, eighth music director of the CSO; Chris Thile, who appeared with Brad Mehldau on the SCP Jazz series; Emmylou Harris, who appeared with Rodney Crowell


2012/13 Highlights


PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM UPPER LEFT: Orbert Davis, Max Raabe& Palast Orchester; Pianist Paul Lewis

Another highlight of the SCP Piano series was keyboard virtuoso Paul Lewis’ completion of his three-season retrospective of Schubert’s mature works for piano. In the March performance, Lewis played Schubert’s final sonatas, a trilogy of interconnected works composed in the last months of his life. One of the many SCP Chamber Music series offerings was a collaboration among a group of musicians from the CSO and Civic Orchestra of Chicago with our Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant, the renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma. The program included a “reinvented” version of Bach’s Two-Part Inventions, originally written for keyboard, which was arranged for various combinations of instruments—marimba, trumpet, cello, bass clarinet, and flute among them—by composer Dmitri Yanov-Yanovsky, who is a member of the Silk Road Ensemble with Ma. In a special concert earlier in the season, Silk Road joined in the CSO’s celebration of the centennial of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring with the premiere of Sacred Signs, a Rite-inspired commissioned work by Yanov-Yanovsky. Other special concerts featured internationally known artists as diverse as Emmylou Harris, Max Raabe, and the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela.



Film by Bil Morrison

Music by Bil Frisell PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM UPPER LEFT: Poster for The Great Flood, which opened the SCP Jazz series; Pianist Louis Lortie; John Malkovich and musicians of the Musica Angelica Baroque Orchestra


IN THEIR THIRD SEASON AS MEAD COMPOSERS-IN-RESIDENCE IN 2012/13, MASON BATES AND ANNA CLYNE KEPT UP AN ENERGETIC SCHEDULE OF CURATING, COMPOSING, AND PROGRAMMING THAT HELPED THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA BREAK NEW GROUND IN ITS PRESENTATION OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC. AS CURATORS OF THE MusicNOW SERIES held at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, Clyne and Bates collaborated with the series’ principal conductor, Cliff Colnot, on ways to present innovative music and redefine the concert experience through creative use of technology, such as video interviews with the featured composers as part of the series’ digital program notes. Pre- and post-concert DJ sets, plus pizza, beer, and conversation with the composers and performers, give the series a unique vibe. “Music is about community,” says Bates, “and with MusicNOW, we’ve definitely tried to turn formerly empty parts of the concert experience into opportunities for social gathering.” The February 25 program saw the world premiere of Clyne’s As Sudden Shut, a MusicNOW commission with three female voices from the Chicago Symphony Chorus and a CSO chamber ensemble. Bates’ own MusicNOW commission, Difficult Bamboo, performed by a sextet from the CSO, had its world premiere on the June 3 program. The work took inspiration from the festival entitled “Rivers: Nature. Power. Culture.”

Maestro Riccardo Muti also featured Bates’ Alternative Energy in CSO concerts in Ann Arbor and at Carnegie Hall last fall, and Bates’ Liquid Interface was showcased at Orchestra Hall in June. Likewise, Clyne’s double violin concerto, Prince of Clouds, had its Chicago premiere in December with soloists Jennifer Koh and Jaime Laredo joining the CSO, led by Harry Bicket. Both composers continue to look for ways to innovate the concert experience. A post-concert activity called “POST” offers a predominantly Gen XY section of the audience the opportunity to gather after the performance for DJ entertainment from Justin Reed of illmeasures. Another innovative offering, Mercury Soul, Mason Bates’ signature event, fuses live music with spun music, and brought CSO musicians to the club scene of Chicago for the third consecutive year.

2012/13 Highlights


PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT: The CSO’s MusicNOW at the Harris Theater; CSO Mead Composers-In-Residence Anna Clyne and Mason Bates; Audience members and musicians mingle at “POST”; Associate Concertmaster Stephanie Jeong at Mercury Soul; Mason Bates at Mercury Soul

The young composers are buoyed by the support they’ve received from Maestro Muti and CSO musicians, who are enthusiastic champions of their work. “The Orchestra has such a commitment to taking contemporary music seriously and programming it,” says Clyne. The MusicNOW series receives funding through a leadership challenge grant from the Irving Harris Foundation, Joan W. Harris. Major support is also provided by Cindy Sargent and the Sally Mead Hands Foundation.



2012/13 Highlights


THE INSTITUTE FOR LEARNING, ACCESS, AND TRAINING ENJOYED A SPECTACULAR SEASON IN 2012/13 AS IT SHARED THE EXTRAORDINARY MUSICAL RESOURCES OF THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA TO CREATE AND SUSTAIN CONNECTIONS TO MUSIC FOR MORE THAN 200,000 PEOPLE IN GREATER CHICAGO AND AROUND THE GLOBE. GUIDED BY PRINCIPLES ROOTED in the CSO’s Citizen Musician Initiative, the Institute presented a diverse menu of youth, community, education, and training programs that sought to expand the role of music in civic and cultural life. These innovative programs provided meaningful learning experiences, fostered the next generation of aspiring musicians, and, ultimately, transformed lives through music. To name just a few of the accomplishments of the 2012/13 season: 40,000 children and their families attended CSO concerts that were presented by the Institute and designed specifically for a young audience; 41,300 elementary-school students used the Institute’s Orchestra Explorers curriculum materials in the classroom; and 14,000 people attended free concerts and two open rehearsals at Symphony Center by the Civic Orchestra of Chicago—the training orchestra of the CSO led by Principal Conductor Cliff Colnot. During nine busy months, Civic Orchestra musicians performed the works of Strauss, Prokofiev, Bach, Haydn, and others under the leadership of internationally acclaimed conductors such as Harry Bicket, Carlos Miguel Prieto, and Jaap van Zweden. They also participated in three open rehearsals: two in Orchestra Hall with CSO Music Director Riccardo Muti and a third at Senn High School in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood with Principal Conductor Cliff Colnot and CSO Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma as soloist.

Under the guidance of Ma, the Civic also embarked on its first ever “artistic challenge,” working closely with Ma as a full ensemble and in small groups to explore and internalize Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony, ultimately presenting the piece in May. Civic musicians also assumed important roles as mentors during the 2013 Chicago Youth in Music Festival, a biennial program that is a key initiative of the Institute. The festival celebrates and supports the development and achievements of young people in music by creating opportunities for cross-cultural exchange through music making. The 2013 festival, held last winter, featured a guest residency from select members of YOA Orchestra of the Americas—an ensemble made up of young musicians, ages 18 to 30, from across the Western Hemisphere—and their music director, Mexican conductor Carlos Miguel Prieto. The festival debuted with an open rehearsal by the Festival Orchestra, an advanced ensemble conducted by Miguel Harth-Bedoya and composed of middle and high school musicians from community music schools across greater Chicago. In preparation for the event, the student musicians participated in sectionals with CSO members and studied alongside Civic musicians. For the second half of the festival, the Civic collaborated with 20 musicians from YOA Orchestra of the America’s Global Leaders Program. To conclude the festival, musicians from the Civic, YOA, and select high schools came

19 PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT: CSO musicians at Chicago’s Third Baptist Church; Civic Orchestra Principal Cello Joshua Zajac; CSO musicians at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center; Iván Javier Valbuena Páez at the Chicago Youth In Music Festival

together for “A Celebration of Youth in Music,” an Orchestra Hall concert led by Carlos Miguel Prieto. As part of the CSO’s ongoing commitment to taking its musical and educational resources to places where classical music is rarely heard, the Institute once again offered programming for youth who are incarcerated: those detained at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and young women at the Illinois Youth Center in Warrenville. In September 2012, Maestro Muti, alongside singers Eric Owens and Raúl Melo and a brass quintet of CSO musicians, led more than 50 young people at the detention center through an interactive recital of operatic arias and chamber music. Later in the fall in Warrenville, teaching artists from the Chicago Symphony Chorus and musicians of the Civic Orchestra worked alongside Storycatchers Theatre to present a fully staged original musical featuring residents of the center known as the “Fabulous Females.” In April 2013, the Institute returned to the detention center and joined forces with Music in Prisons, a London-based organization, to produce an intensive workshop that engaged eight young men and culminated in two performances in the center’s chapel of works composed with the young men. Continued on next page ➝


2012/13 Highlights


Also focused on youth, three CSO series offered dynamic concert experiences for families and students: Once Upon a Symphony for children ages 3-5 and preschool groups, Family Matinee series for children ages 5-9 (presented for young student groups under the banner of Very Special Promenades), and Youth Concerts for students grades 4-8. Programs ranged from stories such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears—presented by a small ensemble of CSO musicians and storyteller Megan Wells for the youngest audiences—to an “It’s Time to Play” Family Matinee Series/Very Special Promenades concert featuring the CSO and employing image magnification technology that allowed the audience to have an up-closeand-personal look at the musicians of the Orchestra and their instruments.

Launched by Riccardo Muti during his inaugural season as CSO music director, the biennial Sir Georg Solti Conducting Apprenticeship builds on the legacy of the late Sir Georg Solti (CSO music director from 1969 until 1991) by providing rare access and guidance to one promising conductor in leading an orchestra and coaching singers from the piano. For two and a half seasons, Japanese-born Sean Kubota, the first-ever Solti Apprentice, observed dozens of rehearsals, accompanied the Orchestra on tour, met regularly with Maestro Muti, and rehearsed and conducted the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. At the close of his term in the spring of 2013, Kubota spoke of how Maestro Muti’s leadership influenced his own development: “I learned a great deal from how he approaches the music and the musicians to create an extraordinary environment.”


The Institute also played a significant part in the CSO’s Rivers Festival. Four Chicago elementary schools—Evers, Kipling, Swift, and Waters—developed curricula centered on rivers to help students learn more about these precious resources. In partnership with Friends of the Chicago River, the Institute staff volunteered and recruited volunteers, joining a total of 4,000 people for environmental projects on Chicago River Day on May 11. Also on that day, the Institute showcased the work of school groups participating in its educational programs while the Civic Orchestra of Chicago presented pop-up performances throughout the city. The values of Citizen Musicianship rang clear in all of the Institute’s programming this season. Shuya Gong, a graduate of the Percussion Scholarship Program, summed it up: “It wasn’t about percussion. It was about community and learning to do something well.”

PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT: CSO horn David Griffin in Taipei; CSO bass clarinet J. Lawrie Bloom leads a master class at the Taipei American School, Taiwan; CSO Assistant Concertmaster Yuan-Qing Yu leads a master class at the Taipei American School; CSO bass Dan Armstrong in Guanajuato, Mexico; Maestro Muti and Solti Conducting Apprentice Sean Kubota


2012/13 Highlights



THE 2012/13 SEASON WAS PERHAPS THE MOST FRUITFUL YET FOR JUDSON AND JOYCE GREEN CREATIVE CONSULTANT YO-YO MA, WHO, IN ADDITION TO HIS UNPARALLELED CELLO PLAYING ON SEVERAL SUBSCRIPTION AND SYMPHONY CENTER PRESENTS CONCERTS AT ORCHESTRA HALL, HELPED FURTHER THE IMPACT OF THE CITIZEN MUSICIAN INITIATIVE OF THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. THE LAST YEAR SAW INCREASED VISIBILITY for the Citizen Musician Initiative, both in Chicago and cities where the Orchestra was on tour. Working in collaboration with Music Director Riccardo Muti, Ma acts as the chief ambassador for the initiative, which serves as the guiding principle for the programs of the CSO’s Institute for Learning, Access, and Training. The Citizen Musician Initiative encourages musicians of all skill levels—as well as music lovers, educators, and organizations—to pursue excellent artistry, expand its impact, and increase the awareness of its value in the world around them. In an October program presented during the Chicago Humanities Festival, Ma, ballet great Damian Woetzel (who is now director of arts programs for the Aspen Institute in Colorado), and a group of CSO musicians discussed and demonstrated their vision of how artists can practice their citizenship, and how the arts fulfill a fundamental human need by creating and strengthening community. With Yo-Yo Ma’s creative consultancy, the CSO has emerged as a stakeholder in the new Arts Education Plan of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), which aims to position the arts as a vital facet of every student’s education and looks to external arts providers to enrich students’ learning through onsite instruction and access to Chicago’s dynamic cultural network.

Ma brought arts education advocacy to the front lines when he joined forces with Woetzel as well as soprano Renée Fleming, Lyric Opera of Chicago Creative Consultant. In an event at Perez School in October 2012, the trio—along with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Cultural Affairs and Special Events Commissioner Michelle Boone—championed the importance of the arts by performing for and with students and teachers. Ma also shared his message—and his music—in May at an Arts Alliance Illinois luncheon titled Voices of a Creative State, where he spoke to arts and arts education advocates about the importance of the arts supporting the civic life of Illinois. “In music, we’re taught to work toward something bigger than ourselves—that’s also a good value for citizenship,” Ma told the advocates. “As citizens and as musicians we have the opportunity to respond musically to the needs in our communities.” Those communities include prisons and hospitals. In May, for instance, Ma joined members of the Civitas Ensemble, made up of five CSO musicians who believe in the healing power of music, in a concert for young patients at the Lurie Children’s Hospital.


As creative consultant, Ma also works closely with the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the CSO’s training orchestra, whose principal conductor is Cliff Colnot. In the fall of 2012, the orchestra embarked on its first ever “artistic challenge,” the objective of which was to deepen musicians’ ownership of their musical learning through intensive preparation and a culminating performance of Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony. Much of the musicians’ preparation was self-guided, and the final performance took place without a conductor. Throughout the season, musicians worked closely with Ma as a full ensemble and in small groups to explore and internalize the piece. Some memorized their parts; others participated in chamber arrangements of the piece, which they performed for Chicago Public Schools students as part of the CSO’s Rivers Festival. Ma was also instrumental in developing a pilot Citizen Musician Fellowship program this year that will see eight Civic Orchestra fellows embark on an intensive training curriculum during the 2013/14 season that is designed to expand and diversify their skills as collaborative, flexible, imaginative, and innovative musicians. Citizen Musician activities are supported in part by a generous gift from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.

PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT: Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant Yo-Yo Ma at Lurie Children’s Hospital; Yo-Yo Ma and Civic Orchestra viola Jonas Benson; Superstars Damian Woetzel (ballet), Renée Fleming (opera), and Yo-Yo Ma (cello) at Perez School in Chicago


2012/13 Highlights


GALVANIZED BY CSO MUSIC DIRECTOR RICCARDO MUTI’S ARDENT CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, THE RIVERS FESTIVAL, WHICH RAN FROM MAY 9 TO JUNE 9, 2013, OFFERED A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR ARTISTS, SCHOLARS, AND LOCAL RESIDENTS TO COME TOGETHER TO EXAMINE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RIVERS IN MUSIC AND CULTURE, THEIR IMPACT THROUGHOUT HISTORY, AND THEIR ROLE IN THE FUTURE OF THE PLANET. MUSIC—IN THE FORM OF CSO CONCERTS, chamber performances, and jazz programs—was the basis of the festival, which the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Muti viewed as a unique opportunity to call on a wide cross-section of civic and cultural organizations to engage in a dialogue about the importance of our natural resources. Highlights of the performances included Mississippi River suite by Florence Price, one of the first female African-American composers to be widely recognized for her work. Other rivers and water-themed works performed by the CSO were Mendelssohn’s The Fair Melusina Overture, Smetana’s The Moldau, Takemitsu’s riverrun, Argentinian composer Alberto Ginastera’s Panambí, and CSO Mead Composer-in-Residence Mason Bates’ Liquid Interface. Conductors Mei-Ann Chen, Juanjo Mena, Carlos Miguel Prieto, and Jaap van Zweden led the Orchestra during the festival. More than 15 Chicago-based institutions, as well as experts from around the world answered the call to participate, resulting in a diverse set of programs that attracted both traditional and non-traditional audiences, including students and teachers from

Chicago Public Schools. Some of the partners for the festival were the Art Institute of Chicago, Artistic Circles, Chicago Architecture Foundation, Choose Chicago, the City of Chicago, Chicago’s First Lady Cruises, Chicago Park District, Chicago Public Schools, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Friends of the Chicago River, the Joyce Foundation, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Openlands, the University of Chicago, and the Wetlands Initiative. The CSO also partnered with Friends of the Chicago River in support of its annual Chicago River Day clean-up event on May 11. CSO staff and volunteers joined community members in river clean-up activities, while ensembles from the Civic Orchestra of Chicago performed at select sites around the city. Another highlight included the May 18 Rivers Festival Symposium, which convened respected scholars and scientists at Orchestra Hall to discuss issues related to the world’s rivers, with a focus on the Chicago, Mississippi, and Amazon rivers.


On June 9, the CSO held a culminating event, “Shall We Gather at the River,” on the banks of the Chicago River at Chinatown’s Ping Tom Memorial Park. Maestro Muti, together with the CSO Brass ensemble, traveled the river by boat, with the brass ensemble performing along the way. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, there to dedicate a new boat house at the park, welcomed Maestro Muti as he disembarked. For an audience of more than 1,000, Maestro Muti then led the Chicago Children’s Choir in a performance of “Va, pensiero” from Verdi’s opera Nabucco, the text of which references the River Jordan. As Yo-Yo Ma, the CSO’s Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant, said: “Through a festival of this kind, and by convening partners who embrace thinking across boundaries, the CSO is at the forefront of changing how we think in ways which are needed to do the massive work that will benefit societies in the future.”

PHOTOS LEFT TO RIGHT: Guest Conductor Mei-Ann Chen conducts the CSO; Corky Siegel and Eddy “The Chief” Clearwater; Mucca Pazza at the Rivers Festival in Ping Tom Park; Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Cultural Commissioner Michelle Boone at Ping Tom Park; Maestro Muti conducts the Chicago Children’s Choir at Ping Tom Park; Yo-Yo Ma leads a Rivers Festival symposium; Trumpeter and composer Orbert Davis


2012/13 Highlights


DURING THE 2012/13 SEASON, PHILANTHROPIC SUPPORT FROM INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANIZATIONS REACHED NEW HEIGHTS AS DONORS TO THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MADE GIFTS AND PLEDGES TOTALLING AN EXTRAORDINARY $52 MILLION. THIS UNPRECEDENTED GENEROSITY IS A TESTAMENT TO THE EXCELLENCE OF THE ORCHESTRA, THE IMPACT OF ITS VARIED EDUCATIONAL TRAINING AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, AND THE EXCEPTIONAL COMMITMENT OF OUR FAMILY OF DONORS. GIFTS FROM INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS, AND FOUNDATIONS provided more than $29.8 million in support of 2012/13 operations, marking an all-time record. This support represents a 6% increase over 2011/12. Beyond this record-breaking result in annual operating support, during the 2012/13 season donors committed an additional $21.7 million to the endowment, the Artistic Excellence Fund, and future operating support.

T ransformative gifts in 2012/13 expressed donors’ deep

Extraordinary gifts in 2012/13 convey our donors’ deep connections to the Orchestra and their passion for its music. Through their support, these generous individuals and organizations honor our artists, support their work, and celebrate the innovative spirit of this institution.

➤ An anonymous donor made a gift of $3 million to support programs of the CSO’s Institute for Learning, Access, and Training and to endow in perpetuity the CSO Principal Viola chair, which has been held by Charles Pikler since 1986.

admiration for our musicians and for the important positions they hold within our Orchestra. ➤ Erika and Dietrich Gross made a gift of $5 million to sponsor CSO concert programming and to endow in perpetuity the CSO Principal Flute chair, which has been held by Mathieu Dufour since 1999.

➤ Helen Zell and the Zell Family Foundation made a significant seven-figure gift to support Music Director Riccardo Muti and his programs with the Orchestra for three years. Two major gifts in 2012/13 addressed critical needs for the Orchestra by providing the funding for the CSO to invest in new instruments. ➤ CSOA Life Trustee Judy Istock made possible the purchase of a new Steinway concert grand piano. The piano will be used in the Hall for performances with the Orchestra and in chamber and solo concerts. ➤ Bruce and Martha Clinton, on behalf of the Clinton Family Fund, made a generous gift to underwrite the purchase of new timpani, which hadn’t been replaced in more than 50 years. The gift coincided with the selection of David Herbert as the CSO’s new principal timpani.


In 2012/13, individuals and institutions made powerful gifts to ensure that the CSO continues to sustain the highest level of artistic vibrancy, and continues to reach new audiences in new ways. ➤ Richard and Mary L. Gray and the Richard and Mary L. Gray Foundation made a planned gift of $1.25 million toward artistic innovation and programming, and toward endowing the position of Vice President for Artistic Planning & Audience Development at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, currently held by Martha Gilmer. This gift marks the first time an administrative position at the CSOA has been endowed. ➤ The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation made a grant of $2.5 million for three years of funding toward new innovations and strategic initiatives. This gift is providing the CSO with the resources to explore new processes and pilot new programs with the goal of deepening our institution’s impact on Chicago’s cultural landscape and the world of music. ➤ The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) made a grant in support of the CSO’s Rivers Festival and Symphony Center Presents. The NEA continues to support the CSO’s most ambitious festival programs that find resonance between classical music and other elements of human life. “ We are delighted to make this gift. The CSO is a great cultural institution not only because of the artistic excellence of its musicians and guest artists, but also because of the innovative programming and collaborations it undertakes season after season after season.” ­­——RICHARD AND MARY L. GRAY

In the past year, our institution made important strides in developing and deepening relationships with donors. ➤ Unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund enable the Chicago Symphony Orchestra to continue its tradition of delivering unparalleled musical experiences in Chicago and beyond. During the 2012/13 season, the number of contributor households increased by more than 400 to a total of 10,200 generous patrons. ➤ The Governing Members of the CSO had a record-breaking year in 2012/13, welcoming more new members and raising more support than ever before. In total, 61 individuals accepted nominations to become new Governing Members, each making a minimum commitment of $10,500 over three years. Overall, the Governing Members generously contributed more than $2.5 million in unrestricted support for the CSO. PHOTOS, LEFT TO RIGHT: A young audience member enjoys programming by the Institute for Learning, Access, and Training, made possible by generous donors including the Nagaunee Foundation, the Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust, and the many donors to the Institute Annual Fund; Principal Flute Mathieu Dufour, whose chair was endowed in perpetuity by Erika and Dietrich Gross, performs at Symphony Center; Yo-Yo Ma joins CSO musicians for a performance at Lurie Children’s Hospital as part of the Citizen Musician Initiative, which is generously supported by Judson and Joyce Green; Bruce and Martha Clinton, on behalf of the Clinton Family Fund, made a generous gift to underwrite the purchase of new timpani


2012/13 Highlights

CONTRIBUTED SUPPORT “Our global sponsorship of the CSO delivers in spades. From its importance to the economy and cultural life of Chicago, to its reflection on our nation as a world-renowned orchestra, to Maestro Muti’s unmatched leadership and artistic vision of music as a way to connect individuals and cultures—it is a jewel in the crown of our global arts and culture program.”


During the 2012/13 season, Bank of America announced that it would continue its extraordinary support as the Global Sponsor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Bank of America provides an unprecedented level of support for the Orchestra’s programs in Chicago and around the world. At the heart of Bank of America’s support is the understanding of the Orchestra’s position at the pinnacle of art and culture, its role as a cultural ambassador for our country, and its deep impact on communities locally and internationally. Many other institutional partners recognize the impact that the CSO has on communities at home and abroad. ➤ ITW continued its strong support for the CSO in 2012/13 with underwriting for programs for at-risk youth in Illinois and sponsorship support of the CSO’s tour to Asia in January 2013. ➤ The Negaunee Foundation and the Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust remain two of the most significant grantmakers to the CSO’s Institute for Learning, Access, and Training, providing vital support for several programs that directly affect the lives of young people and families in Chicago. ➤ The 2012/13 season marked the first year of a highly significant grant from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation in support of Citizen Musician programs and activities in the Chicago community. ➤ United Airlines, in addition to being the Official Airline of the CSO, also supports the CSO’s youth and community programs.

Maestro Riccardo Muti, celebrated conductor and CSO music director, in concert

The Orchestra was founded through the generosity of Chicago’s civic leaders who believed great art to be central to the life of a great city. This belief endures today, as philanthropy continues to sustain and elevate the CSO to ever greater heights of achievement and impact. Generous donors and their gifts are integral to the life of our Orchestra and our institution. Their steadfast dedication fosters our mission, builds our legacy, enhances our impact, and drives us forward in a spirit of innovation and excellence. The CSO’s success reflects the passion, commitment, and generosity of our donors. We thank them all—our many friends, sponsors, and partners whose confidence in and commitment to the CSO inspires and engages audiences, serves communities, and transforms lives.

C H I C AG O S Y M P H ON Y O R C H E S T R A R I CC A R D O M U T I Music Director P I E R R E B O U L E Z Helen Regenstein Conductor Emeritus  YO - YO M A Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant D UA I N W O L F E Chorus Director  M A S ON BAT E S A N D A N NA C LY N E Mead Composers-in-Residence VIOLINS Robert Chen Concertmaster   The Louis C. Sudler Chair,   endowed by an anonymous  benefactor Stephanie Jeong   Associate Concertmaster David Taylor Yuan-Qing Yu   Assistant Concertmasters* So Young Bae Cornelius Chiu Alison Dalton Gina DiBello Kozue Funakoshi Russell Hershow Qing Hou Nisanne Howell Blair Milton Paul Phillips, Jr. Sando Shia Susan Synnestvedt Rong-Yan Tang Baird Dodge Principal Sylvia Kim Kilcullen   Assistant Principal Lei Hou Ni Mei Fox Fehling Hermine Gagné Rachel Goldstein Mihaela Ionescu Melanie Kupchynsky Wendy Koons Meir Aiko Noda Joyce Noh Nancy Park Ronald Satkiewicz Florence Schwartz-Lee Jennie Wagner

*Assistant concertmasters are listed by seniority. § On leave

VIOLAS Charles Pikler Principal   Endowed by an anonymous  benefactor Li-Kuo Chang   Assistant Principal   The Louise H. Benton Wagner  Chair John Bartholomew Catherine Brubaker Karen Dirks Diane Mues Lawrence Neuman† Yukiko Ogura Daniel Orbach Max Raimi Weijing Wang Thomas Wright CELLOS John Sharp Principal   The Eloise W. Martin Chair Kenneth Olsen   Assistant Principal   The Adele Gidwitz Chair Karen Basrak Loren Brown Richard Hirschl Daniel Katz Katinka Kleijn Jonathan Pegis David Sanders Gary Stucka Brant Taylor BASSES Alexander Hanna Principal   The David and Mary Winton   Green Principal Bass Chair Daniel Armstrong Roger Cline Joseph DiBello Michael Hovnanian Robert Kassinger Mark Kraemer Stephen Lester Bradley Opland

† On sabbatical

The Chicago Symphony Orchestras string sections utilize revolving seating. Players behind the first desk (first two desks in the violins) change seats systematically every two weeks and are listed alphabetically. Section percussionists also are listed alphabetically.

HARPS Sarah Bullen Principal Lynne Turner

FLUTES Mathieu Dufour Principal   The Erika and Dietrich M. Gross  Chair Richard Graef   Assistant Principal Louise Dixon† Jennifer Gunn PICCOLO Jennifer Gunn OBOES Eugene Izotov Principal   The Nancy and Larry Fuller  Chair Michael Henoch   Assistant Principal   Gilchrist Foundation Chair Lora Schaefer Scott Hostetler ENGLISH HORN Scott Hostetler CLARINETS Stephen Williamson Principal John Bruce Yeh   Assistant Principal Gregory Smith J. Lawrie Bloom E-FLAT CLARINET John Bruce Yeh BASS CLARINET J. Lawrie Bloom BASSOONS David McGill   Principal William Buchman   Assistant Principal Dennis Michel HORNS Dale Clevenger§   Principal Daniel Gingrich   Acting Principal James Smelser David Griffin Oto Carrillo Susanna Gaunt

TRUMPETS Christopher Martin Principal   The Adolph Herseth Principal   Trumpet Chair, endowed by an   anonymous benefactor Mark Ridenour   Assistant Principal John Hagstrom Tage Larsen TROMBONES Jay Friedman Principal Michael Mulcahy Charles Vernon BASS TROMBONE Charles Vernon TUBA Gene Pokorny Principal   The Arnold Jacobs Principal   Tuba Chair, endowed by   Christine Querfeld TIMPANI Vadim Karpinos   Assistant Principal PERCUSSION Cynthia Yeh Principal Patricia Dash Vadim Karpinos James Ross PIANO Mary Sauer Principal LIBRARIANS Peter Conover Principal Carole Keller Mark Swanson ORCHESTRA PERSONNEL John Deverman Director Anne MacQuarrie   Manager, CSO Auditions   and Orchestra Personnel STAGE TECHNICIANS Kelly Kerins Stage Manager Dave Hartge James Hogan Christopher Lewis Patrick Reynolds Todd Snick Joe Tucker




Deborah F. Rutter President Karen Rahn Assistant to the President/   Secretary of the Board Emily Master Executive Assistant to   Music Director HUMAN RESOURCES Lynne Sorkin Director Cheryl Rothwell Coordinator STRATEGY AND SPECIAL INITIATIVES Kevin Giglinto Vice President ARTISTIC ADMINISTRATION Martha Gilmer Vice President   The Richard and   Mary L. Gray Chair Linda Nguyen Irvin   Executive Assistant James M. Fahey Director Gerard McBurney   Artistic Programming Advisor Nicholas Winter   Director, Artistic Administration Cameron Arens   Director, Audience Development Crystal MacDonald   Artist Coordinator, CSO Lena Breitkreuz   Artist Coordinator, SCP Monica Wentz   Coordinator, Artistic Planning Phillip Huscher Program Annotator Pietro Fiumara Artists Assistant Chorus Carolyn Stoner Manager Marjorie Johnston Associate Manager/  Librarian INSTITUTE FOR LEARNING, ACCESS AND TRAINING Charles Grode Vice President Ashley Young Executive Assistant Jon Weber   Director of Learning Programs Yoo-Jin Hong   Director of Civic Orchestra &   Training Programs Madeleine Walsh Manager, Institute Programs Jonathan McCormick   Coordinator, Institute Programs Michael Mason   Coordinator, Access Programs Katy Clusen   Coordinator, Learning Programs Betsy Welander Coordinator,   Civic Orchestra & Training Programs ORCHESTRA AND BUILDING OPERATIONS Vanessa Moss Vice President Ian Harwood Executive Assistant/   Special Projects Coordinator

Marc Geelhoed Coordinator,   CSO Resound Heidi Lukas Director Rebecca McFadden Jeffrey Stang Production Managers Charles Braico House Manager Orchestra Personnel John Deverman Director Anne MacQuarrie   Manager, CSO Auditions and   Orchestra Personnel Facilities John Maas Director Michael Lavin Rental Events Manager Joseph Sherman Coordinator Engineers Brendan Berry Chief Engineer Timothy McElligott Lead Engineer Kevin Walsh Electricians Robert Stokas Chief Electrician John Forster Stage Technicians Kelly Kerins Stage Manager Dave Hartge James Hogan Christopher Lewis Patrick Reynolds Todd Snick Joe Tucker FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Isabelle C. Goossen Vice President and   Chief Financial Officer Renay Johansen Slifka   Executive Assistant Accounting Kathryn Preston Controller Paulette Jean Volf Janet Kosiba   Assistant Controllers Kelly Cater   Director,Budget, Planning   & Analysis Monique Henderson   Senior Accountant Janet Hanson Payroll Manager Marianne Hahn Accounting Manager Hyon Yu General Ledger Manager Cynthia Maday   Accounts Payable Manager Stephanie Ribaudo Payroll Assistant Information Services and Support Daniel Spees Director Douglas Bolino   Client Systems Administrator Jacqueline Guy   Senior Database Systems  Administrator

SALES AND MARKETING J. Philip Koester Vice President Melanie Kalnins   Director of Sales &   Marketing Analysis Web and Interactive Media Sean Hopp Director Steven Burkholder Specialist Robby Zar Coordinator Marketing Elisabeth Madeja Director Kate Hagen Manager, Patron Retention Jennifer Colgan Coordinator Kevin Castillo Coordinator,   Digital Marketing Mara Winston Grigg   Coordinator, Advertising   and Promotions Eleanor Barbee Associate Creative Todd Land Director Emma Bilyk Designer Ticket Sales and Patron Services Stephanie Scott Director Golder Cotman Coordinator Ticketing Stephen Funk Associate Director Patrice Fumbanks Pavan Singh   Supervisors VIP Services Robert Coad Manager Megan Kasten Assistant Manager Group Sales Brian Koenig Manager Shifra Werch Group Sales Specialist Box Office Joseph Garnett Manager Steve Paulin Assistant Manager James Krier Christie Nawrocki Fernando Vega John McGinnis The Symphony Store Roberto Bravo Manager COMMUNICATIONS Celeste Wroblewski Vice President Rachelle Roe   Director of Public Relations Maggie Berndt Publicist Erin Dennis Assistant

Program Book Denise Wagner Manager/Senior Editor Gerald Virgil Editor Kristin Tobin Designer Rosenthal Archives Frank Villella Archivist DEVELOPMENT Karen Lewis Alexander Vice President Ken Woodhouse Executive Assistant Andrea McNaughton   Director of Major Gifts Allison Szafranski   Director of Leadership Gifts Oliver Ionita   Major Gifts Officer Alfred Andreychuk   Individual Gifts Officer Amy Carmell Jones   Governing Member Gifts Officer Jenna Kaferly   Annual Fund Coordinator Neomia Harris Project Assistant Institutional Advancement Christopher Redgate Director,   Institutional Advancement   & Development  Strategy Kevin Beck Director,   Foundation & Government Relations Katherine Tuttle   Director of Corporate Development Nick Magnone   Corporate Development Manager Sarah Sapperstein   Communications Specialist Donor Engagement & Development Operations Rose Dalba Director Lisa McDaniel   Director of Donor Engagement Ryan Sedgwick   Director of Development Operations Kimberly S. Duffy Jessica Erickson Penelope Johnson   Senior Donor Engagement Managers Ingrid Burrichter Stewardship Manager Rebecca Silber   Donor Engagement Associate Kirk McMahon   Development Services Coordinator Madelaine Mooney Keli Smith   Prospect Research Coordinators Peter Rosenbloom   Donor Services Coordinator Karen Bullen   Donor & Development Services  Assistant

TRUSTEES OFFICERS Jay L. Henderson  Chairman Frank M. Clark   Vice Chairman Joyce T. Green   Vice Chairman Robert A. Kohl   Vice Chairman Jane DiRenzo Pigott   Vice Chairman Frederick H. Waddell   Vice Chairman Scott C. Smith  Treasurer Deborah F. Rutter  President Karen Rahn   Secretary of the Board Isabelle Goossen   Assistant Treasurer Karen Lewis Alexander   Vice President for Development HONORARY TRUSTEES The Honorable   Richard M. Daley Lady Valerie Solti LIFE TRUSTEES James L. Alexander Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Marshall Bennett Melvyn Bergstein Arnold M. Berlin William G. Brown Matthew Bucksbaum Dean L. Buntrock Robert N. Burt Richard H. Cooper James S. Crown Mrs. Robert Crown Anthony T. Dean John A. Edwardson Sidney Epstein Chairman Thomas J. Eyerman James B. Fadim David W. Fox, Sr. Richard J. Franke Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. H. Laurance Fuller Mrs. Robert W. Galvin Paul C. Gignilliat William A. Goldstein Howard L. Gottlieb Mrs. Richard H. Gottlieb Chester A. Gougis Richard Gray Joan W. Harris

Thomas C. Heagy Debora de Hoyos Mrs. Roger B. Hull Judith W. Istock William R. Jentes Paul R. Judy Richard B. Kapnick Donald G. Kempf, Jr. George D. Kennedy Mrs. John C. Kern John A. Koten Fred A. Krehbiel Charles Ashby Lewis Chairman Eva F. Lichtenberg John S. Lillard Donald G. Lubin James W. Mabie R. Eden Martin Arthur C. Martinez Judith W. McCue Lester H. McKeever Newton N. Minow John D. Nichols James J. O’Connor William A. Osborn Mrs. Albert Pawlick Jane DiRenzo Pigott Richard Pigott Mrs. Neil K. Quinn John M. Richman John W. Rogers, Jr. Frank A. Rossi Cynthia M. Sargent John R. Schmidt Irving Seaman, Jr. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Rita Simó Founder Scott C. Smith Robert C. Spoerri William C. Steinmetz Carl W. Stern Vice Richard J. Stern Roger W. Stone William H. Strong Louis C. Sudler, Jr. Richard L. Thomas Peggy Y. Thomson Richard P. Toft Charles A. Tribbett James Weiss TRUSTEES William Adams IV Douglas J. Bade Wayne D. Boberg Laurence O. Booth Kay Bucksbaum ‡Leslie Henner Burns Gregory C. Case Frank M. Clark Bruce E. Clinton Richard Colburn Daniel J. Doherty

Charles Douglas ‡Timothy A. Duffy Rick Fezell Mark D. Gerstein Joseph B. Glossberg Richard C. Godfrey Thomas M. Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Joyce T. Green Mary Winton Green Joseph A. Gregoire Anne Dias Griffin Dietrich Gross David P. Hackett John H. Hart Jay L. Henderson Susan R. Kiphart Robert Kohl Joseph A. Konen Josef Lakonishok Patty Lane Susan C. Levy John Livingston John F. Manley Ling Z. Markovitz Alan R. May Peter D. McDonald Alfred L. McDougal Mark G. McGrath Christopher Melvin David E. McNeel Sylvia Neil Jose Luis Prado John M. Pratt Dr. Irwin Press W. Robert Reum Alexander I. Rorke Jerry Rose Burton X. Rosenberg Earl J. Rusnak ‡Deborah F. Rutter Alejandro Silva Walter Snodell ‡Elizabeth Stein Russ M. Strobel Hugh D. Sullivan Nasrin Thierer Penny Van Horn William A. Von Hoene, Jr. Frederick H. Waddell Eric E. Whitaker Paul Wiggin Helen Zell ‡Ex Officio Trustee

GOVERNING MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE R. John Aalbregtse  Chairman Timothy A. Duffy   Vice Chairman of   the Annual Fund &   Chairman Elect Jared Kaplan   Vice Chairman of Nominations    & Membership Jean E. Perkins   Vice Chairman of   Member Engagement PAST CHAIRMEN Joseph A. Konen, 2009–2011 James G. Borovsky, 2007–2009 Earl J. Rusnak, Jr., 2005–2007 Carol S. Hays, 2003–2005 Roger Plummer, 2001–2003 Wilma A. Dooley, 1999–2001 William A. Goldstein, 1997–1999 Diane S. Karzas, 1994–1997 Robert W. Turner, 1992–1994 GOVERNING MEMBERS Dora J. Aalbregtse R. John Aalbregtse Duffie A. Adelson Karen Lewis Alexander Dan Anderson Megan P. Anderson Michael Anderson Mrs. Ruth T. Anderson Mychal P. Angelos Anonymous (2) Dr. Edward L. Applebaum Vernon Armour Bob Arthur Mrs. Donald L. Asher Dr. Carey August Ms. Kaye B. Aurigemma Mara Mills Barker M. Z. Barnes Solomon Barnett Mrs. Harold Barron Roger S. Baskes Jeff Bauer Robert H. Baum Robert A. Beatty, M.D. Mrs. Tamara Beeler S. Celine Bendy Edward H. Bennett III Mrs. Marshall Bennett Mrs. James F. Beré Meta S. Berger D. Theodore Berghorst Ann R. Berlin Phyllis Berlin



Robert L. Berner, Jr. John A. Biek Helaine A. Billings Tomás Bissonnette Patricia Buehler Blankenship Mrs. Judith Blau Mr. Merrill Blau Dr. Phyllis C. Bleck Mrs. Ted C. Bloch Mrs. George Bodeen Mrs. Suzanne Borland James G. Borovsky James H. Bowhay John D. Bramsen Paul A. Branstad Mrs. S. Powell Bridges Charles M. Brock Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mrs. William G. Brown John D. Brubaker Mr. Robert Brumbaugh Patricia M. Bryan Samuel Buchsbaum Robert J. Buford Mrs. Dean L. Buntrock Dr. Sharon Burke Leslie Henner Burns Lynn C. Burt Elizabeth Nolan Buzard Lutgart Calcote Marion A. Cameron Thomas Campbell Dr. Michael J. Carbon Molly Carroll Wendy Alders Cartland Mrs. Laurence A. Carton Bess Celio Mrs. Hammond Chaffetz Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Bill Cheeseman Mrs. William C. Childs Frank Cicero, Jr. Mitchell Cobey Marcia S. Cohn Robin Tennant Colburn Mrs. Jane B. Colman Mrs. Earle M. Combs III Patricia Cox Beatrice G. Crain Mrs. William A. Crane Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Dewey B. Crawford Mr. Richard Cremieux Carole Crosby Rebecca E. Crown Dr. John Csernansky Christopher L. Culp Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Dr. Tapas K. Das Gupta Dr. Kay Debs Mr. Duane M. DesParte Annette G. Dezelan David A. Dezelan Janet Wood Diederichs

Paul Dix Mrs. William F. Dooley Sara L. Downey Dr. David Dranove Timothy A. Duffy Dr. George Dunea Mr. Frank A. Dusek, CPA Mrs. Charles M. Dykema Louis M. Ebling III Mrs. Arthur Edelstein Mr. Richard Elden Mrs. Richard Elden Kathleen H. Elliott Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis Joseph R. Ender Mr. Charles Emmons, Jr. Cynthia G. Esler Dr. Marilyn D. Ezri Melissa Sage Fadim William Farley Joe Feldman Mrs. Signe L. Ferguson Mr. Rajiv Fernando Harve A. Ferrill Mrs. Wayne J. Fickinger Ms. Constance Filling Daniel Fischel Mrs. Adrian Radmore Foster Rhoda Lea Frank Mrs. Zollie S. Frank Richard M. Franklin Mr. Paul E. Freehling Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Dr. Jorge Galante Lois C. Gallagher Robert W. Galvin Malcolm Gaynor Lynn Gendleman Dr. Mark Gendleman Rabbi Gary S. Gerson Isak V. Gerson Dr. Bernardino Ghetti Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Jerome Gilson John Giura Mr. James J. Glasser Jonathan W. Glossberg Mrs. Madeleine Glossberg Mrs. Judy Goldberg Mrs. MaryAnne Goldberg Alfred G. Goldstein Anne Goldstein Jerry A. Goldstone Marcia Goltermann Mrs. William M. Goodyear, Jr. Carol Renshaw Grant Mrs. Hanna H. Gray Mary L. Gray Joyce Greening Dr. Jerri Greer Jacalyn Gronek John P. Grube James P. Grusecki

Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Joel R. Guillory, Jr., M.D. Dr. John W. Gustaitis, Jr. Mrs. William N. Guthrie Gary Gutting Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Ernst A. Häberli Jerry A. Hall Joan M. Hall Dr. Howard Halpern Madeline Halpern Anne Marcus Hamada Joel L. Handelman John M. Hard Mrs. William A. Hark Mrs. Caryn Harris Mr. King Harris James W. Haugh Bonnie S. Hawkins Thomas Haynes Mrs. Joseph Andrew Hays Lynne Heckman Patricia Herrmann Heestand Mrs. Mary Mako Helbert Bob Helman Dr. Arthur Herbst Marlene Kovar Hersh Seymour I. “Sonny” Hersh Jeffrey W. Hesse Mrs. Thea Flaum Hill Mrs. Mary P. Hines Joan Hoatson William J. Hokin Wayne J. Holman III Mr. Richard S. Holson III Fred H. Holubow Mr. James D. Holzhauer Janice L. Honigberg Joel D. Honigberg Mrs. Nancy A. Horner Mrs. Arnold Horween, Jr. Frances G. Horwich Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga Gregory W. Hummel Mr. Christopher Hunt Craig T. Ingram Verne G. Istock Nancy Witte Jacobs Michael A. Janiszewski Dr. Todd Janus Brooke D. Jensen Benetta P. Jenson Justine D. Jentes Mrs. William R. Jentes Brian Johnson Mrs. Clarence E. Johnson George E. Johnson Kathryn Johnson Stephanie D. Jones Mr. Edward T. Joyce Loretta Julian Dr. Christopher E. Kalmus Eric Kalnins Mrs. Carol K. Kaplan

Ms. Dolores Kohl Kaplan Jared Kaplan Claudia Norris Kapnick Dr. Marc S. Karlan Mrs. Byron C. Karzas John A. Karoly Barry D. Kaufman Kenneth Kaufman Marie Kaufman Don Kaul Mrs. Susie Forstmann Kealy Marilyn M. Keil Molly Keller Gaynor Kelley Nancy Kempf John C. Kern Mr. William K. Ketchum Elizabeth I. Keyser Richard L. Keyser Mary Ellen Keyser Richard Kiphart Carol Evans Klenk Mrs. Harriet Koehler Mr. Henry L. Kohn, Jr. Evangel Kokkino Mrs. Robert D. Kolar Sanfred Koltun Mrs. Judith Konen F. Maximilian Kort Dr. Mark Kozloff Dr. Michael Krco MaryBeth Kretz Susan Krupp Rubin Kuznitsky Mr. James R. Lancaster Mr. Richard S. Lauter Mrs. Samuel T. Lawton, Jr.* Mrs. Gerald R. Lanz Dr. John G. Lease Ian Keun-Young Lee Patricia Lee Phillip Lehrman Eleanor Leichenko Jeffrey Lennard Marc Levin Laurence H. Levine Dr. Edmund J. Lewis Dr. Gregory M. Lewis Dr. Philip R. Liebson Mrs. Robert R. Lipsky Mrs. Patricia M. Livingston Mr. John S. Lizzadro, Sr. James R. Loewenberg Renee Logan Richard A. Loundy Amy Lubin William J. Lutz Mrs. Barry L. MacLean James MacLennan Mrs. Irl H. Marshall, Jr.* Robert L. Marth, Jr. Patrick A. Martin James Matson Marianne Mayer

Howard M. McCue III Dr. James L. McGee Dr. John P. McGee II William A. McIntosh Mrs. Lester H. McKeever John A. McKenna Mrs. C. Bruce McLagan Mrs. James M. McMullan James Edward McPherson Paul A. Meister Mr. Egon J. Menker Mr. Thomas Menn Edwin S. Mills Mrs. Newton N. Minow Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Dr. Emilie Morphew Mrs. William L. Morrison Christopher Morrow Clare Muñana Dr. Virginia Mullin Mr. Herbert F. Munsterman Daniel R. Murray Eileen M. Murray Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Edward A. Nieminen Dr. Zehava L. Noah Kenneth R. Norgan Mrs. Richard M. Norton Martha C. Nussbaum Mrs. James J. O’Connor Nancy O’Donnell Shelley Ochab Eric Oesterle Mrs. Norman L. Olson Joy O’Malley Thomas B. Orlando Mr. Gerald A. Ostermann James J. O’Sullivan, Jr. Bruce L. Ottley Mrs. Richard C. Oughton Raymond Parmer Timothy J. Patenode Susan Patten Mrs. Richard S. Pepper Ms. Jean Perkins Mr. Michael A. Perlstein Dr. William Peruzzi Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Mrs. Thomas F. Pick Stanley M. Pillman Virginia Johnson Pillman Mrs. Theodore Pincus Mr. Seymour H. Persky Betsey N. Pinkert Robert Pinkert Curt G. Pinnell, Jr. Mrs. Edward M. Pinsof* Harvey R. Plonsker Mr. Michael Pope Carol Prins   COL IL J.N. Pritzker IL   ARNG (Ret.) Gordon S. Prussian John W. Puth Lisa A. Radandt

Ms. Diana M. Rauner Susan Regenstein Mary Thomson Renner Merle Reskin Burton R. Rissman J. Timothy Ritchie Charles T. Rivkin Mr. John H. Roberts Bob Rogers Mr. Harry J. Roper Mrs. Sheli Z. Rosenberg Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz Mrs. Ben Jay Rosenthal Mr. Russ W. Rosenzweig H. Jay Rothenberg, M.D. Norman J. Rubash Roberta H. Rubin Mrs. Myron Rubnitz Sandra K. Rusnak Mary Ryan Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Richard O. Ryan William Ryan Mrs. Norman K. Sackar Ms. Inez Saunders David Savner Karla Scherer John I. Schlossman Mrs. F. Eugene Schmitt Jana R. Schreuder Dr. Alan Schriesheim Mrs. Charles E. Schroeder Julie L. Schwertfeger Dr. Penny Bender Sebring Dr. Ronald A. Semerdjian Mrs. Richard J.L. Senior Mrs. Jack Shaffer Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. James C. Sheinin, M.D. Richard W. Shepro Morrell McK. Shoemaker, Jr. Stuart Shulruff Mrs. Linda B. Simon Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Charles F. Smith Stephen B. Smith Louise K. Smith Mary Ann Smith Dr. Patricia Smith-Pierce Mrs. Ralph Smykal Kimberly Snyder Mrs. Joseph Sondheimer O.J. Sopranos Mrs. James Cavanaugh Spain Audrey Spiegel Edward J. Spiegel* Ronald J. Spiotta Mrs. William D. Staley William D. Staley Bradlee F. Stamper Mr. John R. Stanek* Dr. Eugene Stark Dale J. Starkes Leonidas Stefanos

Mrs. Susan Stein Dr. Donald F. Steiner Mrs. William C. Steinmetz Mrs. Richard J. Stern Bruce Stevens Liz Stiffel Alan Stone Sherwin J. Stone Ellen Stone-Belic Josie Strauss Mrs. David H. Stremmel Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Robert D. Stuart, Jr. Patricia Study Cheryl Sturm Sean Susanin Mrs. Gloria B. Telander Dr. David Terman Dianne R. Tesler Liisa M. Thomas Mrs. Richard L. Thomas David A. Thomson Dr. Robert Thomson Scott Thomson Joan Thron Mrs. Ray S. Tittle, Jr. William Robert Tobey, Jr. Mr. Richard Tribble C. Phillip Turner Robert W. Turner Marie Haddad Tyler Henry J. Underwood Zalman Usiskin Mrs. James D. Vail III Mrs. Virginia C. Vale Dr. Cynthia Valukas Mark vanGorder, M.D. Mr. John E. Van Horn Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mrs. Herbert A. Vance William C. Vance Mr. Peter Vardy Catherine Vartanian-Duke Dr. Michael Viglione Vincent E. Villinski Mr. Christian Vinyard Dr. Kathleen Ward Mrs. Roy I. Warshawsky Gwenyth B. Warton Mr. Paul S. Watford Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Mrs. Joseph M. Weil, Jr. Samuel Weisbard Mr. Robert G. Weiss Mrs. Bert L. Weller Penelope G. West H. Blair White Mr. Robert Wislow Mrs. Arnold R. Wolff Mr. Michael G. Woll Dr. Hak Yui Wong Courtenay R. Wood Michael H. Woolever Ms. Debbie K. Wright

Mrs. George B. Young Owen Youngman Dr. John P. Zaremba Richard E. Ziegler Martin Zimmerman Karen Zupko *Deceased

INSTITUTE FOR LEARNING, ACCESS AND TRAINING BOARD Robert Kohl  Chair Paul Wiggin   Vice Chair Ashley Young   Secretary Judy A. Bundra, Ph.D David A. Donovan Cheryl M. Francis Ellen Gignilliat Joyce T. Green Mary Winton Green Marguerite Griffin Susan R. Kiphart Amy B. Manning Ling Z. Markovitz Judith W. McCue Alfred McDougal Toni-Marie Montgomery Álvaro R. Obregón Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Simon Stephenson Penny Van Horn Eric E. Whitaker, M.D.,  M.P.H. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Charles Grode Stephen Lester Deborah F. Rutter James Smelser

DEVELOPMENT VOLUNTEERS William A. Osborn and Cate Waddell   Co-Chairs, Campaign   Steering Committee Mary Lou Gorno   Chair, Theodore Thomas Society R. John Aalbregtse Elisabeth Adams Jayne Alofs Doris Angell Sharon Angell Dr. Edward Applebaum



Luise Baldin Katie Barber Merrill Barnes Phyllis Berlin Helaine Billings Dr. Phyllis C. Bleck Jetta Boschen Amy Boonstra James Borkman James G. Borovsky Stephen Biff Bowman Carol Brosk Leslie Henner Burns Gabrielle Cauchon William Charles Michelle Collins Regine Corrado Lisa Coolidge Cotten Richard Cremieux Becky Davenport Jean Dawson Janet Diederichs David A. Donovan Wilma A. Dooley Allan Drebin Mimi Duginger Timothy A. Duffy Frank A. Dusek Linda Eisenhauer Charles Emmons Jr. Jan Erickson Hazel Fackler Joe Feldman Elizabeth Foster Paul E. Freehling Barbara Frohman Ruby Gallagher Mark Gerstein Ellen Gignilliat Paul Gilkerson Joseph Glossberg Jerry Goldstone Sarah Good Karen E. Goodyear Mary Lou Gorno Jacalyn Gronek Marguerite Guido David P. Hackett Bonnie Hawkins Pati Heestand Jay L. Henderson Leigh Ann Herman Marlene Kovar Hersh Jeffrey W. Hesse Christy Howell Tammy Hsu Brian Johnson Lori Julian Eric Kalnins Kenneth V. Kaufman Jared Kaplan Diane Karzas William K. Ketchum Laura King

Susan R. Kiphart John Livingston Robert Kohl Joseph A. Konen Judith Konen Shiho Kushida Marilyn Leonian Dr. Philip R. Liebson Renee Lubell Dan Luby Romana Malinowski Amy B. Manning Patrick A. Martin BeLinda Mathie Judith W. McCue Peter D. McDonald Pamela McGaan Karen McGirr David McNeel James McPherson Heather McWilliams Claretta Meier Virginia Mullin Mimi P. Murley Dan Murray Linda Neumann Susan B. Noyes Margo Oberman Álvaro R. Obregón Soterrana Ocampo Norma O’Day Shelley Ochab Tom Orlando William Osborn Elizabeth A. Parker Jean Perkins Jane Perpich Michael A. Perlstein Sara Pfaff Mary Plauché John M. Pratt Adrian Radmore Foster Scott Rafferty Burton Rosenberg Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Sandra Rusnak Ruthie Ryan Cynthia Sargent Larry Saviers Courtney Shea Kim Shepherd Elizabeth Shelly Scott Smith Kathy Solaro Steve Solomon Barbara Speer Edward J. Spiegel* Liz Stein Susie Stein Pat Study Hugh D. Sullivan Robin Taylor Jana Thiel Sue Tice

Mary Torres Penny Van Horn Christian Vinyard William A. Von Hoene, Jr. Cate Waddell Paul Wiggin Courtenay Wood Nancy Woulfe Debbie K. Wright LaVanya Wright Angie Youngman Lynne Zhang Barbara Zutovsky

PLANNED GIVING ADVISORY COUNCIL Mary Louise Gorno  Chairman,   Theodore Thomas Society Jordan C. Berger, CPA, JD   Schwartz Benefit Services Larry D. Berning   Sidley Austin LLP Joseph R. Burden, CLU, CHFC   Northwestern Mutual   Financial Network Joseph B. Glossberg, CFA   Gofen And Glossberg, LLC Marguerite H. Griffin   The Northern Trust Company Quentin G. Heisler Jr., PC   McDermott, Will & Emery Bruce E. Huey, CPA   Friedman & Huey Associates  LLP Benetta Park Jenson   JPMorgan/The Private Bank Frederick R. Jolly   BMO Harris Bank Tadd A. Lindsay   Management Planning, Inc. Kenneth F. Lorch   Hamilton Thies Lorch   & Hagnell LLP Howard M. McCue III   McCue, LLC David E. McNeel Arthur W. Murray Thomas G. Opferman   SNR Denton Richard Pigott Janice E. Rodgers   Quarles & Brady LLC Anita M. Sarafa   JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA Gerald L. Schenk   Schenk, Annes, Brookman   & Tepper, Ltd. David Shayne   Holland & Knight LLP Charles Slamar Jr.   Charles Slamar & Associates

William C. Steinmetz   Bluestar Ventures Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. James M. Trapp   McDermott, Will & Emery Mary Lee Turk   Levin Schreder & Carey, Ltd. Bernard T. Wall   Harrison & Held, LLP William C. Weinsheimer

VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS FUNDRAISING EVENTS Governing Members R. John Aalbregtse   Chairman, 2011–2013 The League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Linda Neumann   President, 2011–2013 Fall In Love With Music Luncheon October 22, 2012 Susie Stein Nancy Woulfe  Co-Chairs Corporate Night May 20, 2013 Jetta Boschen   Chair William A. Von Hoene, Jr.   Corporate Chair The Overture Council James Borkman   President, 2011–13 The Women’s Board Leslie Henner Burns   President, 2009–2013 Symphony Ball September 29, 2012 Regine Corrado Jacalyn R. Gronek Co-Chairs REMIX February 22, 2013 Sara Pfaff Elizabeth Stein Co-Chairs

CORPORATE PARTNERS GLOBAL SPONSOR OF THE CSO Bank of America $250,000 AND ABOVE ITW United Airlines $100,000–$249,999 BMO Harris Bank Exelon Corporation Northern Trust PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP $50,000–$99,999 Abbott Fund Anonymous Baxter International Inc. The Boeing Company DLA Piper US LLP JPMorgan Chase & Co. Kirkland & Ellis LLP KPMG LLP Millennium Garages Nuveen Investments Sidley Austin LLP $25,000–$49,999 Allstate Insurance Company Amsted Industries Incorporated Aon Ariel Investments BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois Deloitte Ernst & Young LLP Mayer Brown LLP McKinsey & Company Morgan Stanley Nicor Gas PNC S&C Electric Company Skadden, Arps, Slate,   Meagher & Flom LLP U.S. Bancorp Foundation The Walgreen Company Winston & Strawn LLP $15,000–$24,999 Archer Daniels   Midland Company Banfi Blue Plate Catering Citadel Latham & Watkins LLP The Marmon Group, Inc. Sapient Corporation Steptoe & Johnson LLP UBS William Blair &   Company, L.L.C.

$5,000–$14,999 AAR CORP. Baker & McKenzie Building Consultants, Ltd. CDW Corporation The Chicago Community Trust ClearChoice Dental   Implant Centers Credit Suisse Edgewater Funds Evolve IP Federated Group, Inc. Fellowes, Inc. Goldman Sachs & Co. W. W. Grainger, Inc. Grosvenor Capital Management The Hillshire Brands Company InterPark Italian Village Restaurants Jenner & Block LLP Jewell Events Catering Jones Day Loop Capital Markets MacLean-Fogg Company McGuireWoods LLP Molex, Inc. The PrivateBank R. Crusoe & Son R. R. Donnelley   & Sons Company Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. The Segal Company Stepan Company United Conveyor Foundation Washington, Pittman   & McKeever, LLC Weiss Financial, Inc. Wells Fargo Securities $1,000–$4,999 Advent Systems, Inc. Albany Bank & Trust Company American Agricultural   Insurance Company Anchor Mechanical Inc. Asher, Gittler & D’Alba, Ltd. The Burwood Group, Inc. Central Building & Preservation L.P. Chapman & Cutler LLP Corporation for   International Business Davidson Kempner   Capital Management LLC Divane Bros. Electric Co. Draper and Kramer  Incorporated DS&P Insurance Services, Inc. Elk Grove Graphics EMC Corporation Foley & Lardner LLP Frost Gemini Graphics, Inc.

Gofen and Glossberg LLC GoodSmith Gregg &   Unruh LLP INTREN, Inc. Kinder Morgan Odell Hicks & Company, LLC Old Republic   International Corporation Palmer Printing, Inc. Quaker Foods North America Robert Bosch Tool Corporation Sanchez, Daniels &   Hoffman LLP Law Offices of Jonathan   N. Sherwell Show Services Shure Incorporated Towers Watson Tukman Grossman   Capital Management, Inc. Vienna Beef

FOUNDATIONS AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES PLATINUM BATON SOCIETY ($100,000 AND ABOVE) Davee Foundation Julius N. Frankel Foundation The Grainger Foundation Irving Harris Foundation,   Joan W. Harris The John D. and Catherine T.   MacArthur Foundation Robert R. McCormick  Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon  Foundation The Elizabeth Morse Genius   Charitable Trust National Endowment   for the Arts The Negaunee Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation Zell Family Foundation Anonymous (2) GOLDEN BATON SOCIETY ($50,000–$99,999) The Brinson Foundation Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Robert and Joanne Crown   Income Charitable Fund Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Ann and Gordon Getty  Foundation Sally Mead Hands Foundation Walter E. Heller Foundation,   in honor of Alyce DeCosta

Illinois Arts Council,   a state agency Paul Galvin Memorial   Foundation Trust The Regenstein Foundation The Claire Rosen &   Samuel Edes Foundation MAESTRO’S CIRCLE ($25,000–$49,999) Alphawood Foundation The Paul M. Angell   Family Foundation The Clinton Family Fund The Comer Foundation Crain-Maling Foundation Mrs. Zollie S. Frank Fund John R. Halligan   Charitable Fund Peter G. Horton Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust JS Charitable Trust Leslie Fund, Inc. Bowman C. Lingle Trust Audrey Love   Charitable Foundation Mazza Foundation NIB Foundation The Pauls Foundation Anonymous (1) CONCERTMASTER ($10,000–$24,999) The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund Barker Welfare Foundation Robert & Isabelle Bass   Foundation, Inc. Helen Brach Foundation Florence H. Boone Foundation The Buchanan   Family Foundation Cashel Foundation Duchossois Family Foundation Walter and Karla   Goldschmidt Foundation The Harris Family Foundation The Mayer & Morris Kaplan   Family Foundation Komarek-Hyde-McQueen  Foundation Leslie Fund, Inc. Colonel Stanley R.   McNeil Foundation Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Sylvan and Ann   Oestreicher Foundation Pasquinelli Family Foundation The Rhoades Foundation Hulda B. and Maurice L.   Rothschild Foundation John G. Searle Family Trust Charles and M. R. Shapiro  Foundation



The George L. Shields   Foundation, Inc. Vanguard Charitable   Endowment Program Anonymous (1) PRINCIPAL CHAIR ($5,000–$9,999) The Arts Federation Blavatnik Family Foundation Blum-Kovler Foundation Carol Lavin Bernick   Family Foundation The Braeside Foundation Harry F. and Elaine   Chaddick Foundation Dancing Skies Foundation Darling Family Foundation Enivar Charitable Fund The James Huntington  Foundation The Malott Family Foundation Milne Family Foundation Music Performance Fund Benjamin J. Rosenthal  Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Earl and Brenda Shapiro  Foundation The Siragusa Foundation Stearns Charitable Trust The Farny R. Wurlitzer  Foundation SPONSORING MEMBER ($2,500–$4,999) The Allyn Foundation, Inc. Anonymous (1) Meta S. & Ronald Berger   Family Foundation Charles H. and Bertha L.   Boothroyd Foundation Carl Forstmann   Memorial Foundation William M. Hales Foundation The Jocarno Fund Lannan Foundation Chauncey and   Marion D. McCormick   Family Foundation The Osprey Foundation Susman and Asher Foundation Ronald and Geri Yonover  Foundation

MEMBER ($1,000–$2,499) G-Bar Foundation The Dr. Lewis A. Hare &   Ruth Lerman Hare   Charitable Foundation Geraldi Norton Foundation Walter and Caroline Sueske   Charitable Trust Wagner Foundation

LEADERSHIP SUPPORT: Strategic Initiatives The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is pleased to recognize the following donors for their significant commitments to support the CSOA’s strategic initiatives. Mr. & Mrs.   William A. Adams IV Anonymous (4) Matthew and Kay Bucksbaum The Davee Foundation John and Fran Edwardson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg William A. and   Anne Goldstein Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Richard and Mary L. Gray Judson and Joyce Green Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Irving Harris Foundation,   Joan W. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Julian Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Joseph and Judith Konen Margot and Josef Lakonishok Robert R. McCormick  Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon  Foundation The Elizabeth Morse Genius   Charitable Trust The Negaunee Foundation Nuveen Investments Cathy and Bill Osborn James J. and Ellen O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. John Pratt Sherry and Bob Reum Burton X. and Sheli Rosenberg Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Cynthia M. Sargent In honor and loving memory   of Alice Welsh Skilling Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Smith Ruth Miner Swislow Mr. & Mrs. John E. Van Horn Helen and Sam Zell

INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT $150,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (4) Randy and Melvin Berlin Matthew and Kay Bucksbaum Rosemarie and   Dean L. Buntrock Mr. Daniel Fischel and   Ms. Sylvia Neil Judson and Joyce Green Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Irving Harris Foundation,   Joan W. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Julian Margot and Josef Lakonishok The League of the   Chicago Symphony   Orchestra Association The James and Madeleine   McMullan Family  Foundation Mrs. Peg Sindelar Cathy and Bill Osborn Cynthia M. Sargent In honor and loving memory of   Alice Welsh Skilling Helen and Sam Zell $100,000–$149,999 Anonymous (4) Mr.* and Mrs.*   Duane E. Dickey Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock The Kapnick Family Susan and Richard Kiphart Nancy and Sanfred Koltun Jim and Kay Mabie Dr. & Mrs.*   T. Paul B. O’Donovan Sherry and Bob Reum Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. Ruth Miner Swislow Women’s Board of the   Chicago Symphony  Orchestra $50,000–$99,999 Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Dr. & Mrs.   Whitney Addington Anonymous (1) Julie and Roger Baskes John D. and Leslie   Henner Burns Bruce and Martha Clinton   for The Clinton Family Fund Mrs. Arthur Edelstein Nancy and Larry Fuller Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Richard and Mary L. Gray

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Griffin John H. Hart and Carol Prins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Heagy Mr. & Mrs. R. Helmholz Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Henderson Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Joseph and Judith Konen Judy and Scott McCue Nancy Lauter McDougal   and Alfred L. McDougal Mrs. Helen Nelson* Alexandra and John Nichols Mr. & Mrs. John Pratt Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Barbara and Barre Seid  Foundation $25,000–$49,999 Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Anonymous (3) Robert H. Baum and   MaryBeth Kretz Henry R. Berghoef and   Leslie Lauer Berghoef Joyce Chelberg Mr. Frank and Dr. Vera Clark Ms. Michelle L. Collins Ms. Ellen Costello and   Mr. Michael Judge The Crown Family John and Fran Edwardson Dan J. Epstein   Family Foundation John and Fran Edwardson Mr. & Mrs. James B. Fadim Mr. & Mrs. Rick Fezell Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Rhoda Lea and Henry S. Frank Mrs. Zollie S. Frank Richard and Alice Godfrey William A. and   Anne Goldstein Mary Winton Green Mr. & Mrs. David Hackett Pamela Kelley Hull /   Roger B. Hull Ms. Patricia Hyde Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jentes Mr. & Mrs. Jose Luis Prado Mr. & Mrs. Burt Lewis Lewis-Sebring   Family Foundation Ann and Robert H. Lurie  Foundation Ling Z. and   Michael C. Markovitz Alan R. and Hope E. May Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. McDonald Patty and Mark McGrath Mr. David E. McNeel Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Melvin Daniel R. Murray Ms. Joan R. Nopola* James J. and Ellen O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Pawlick Andra and Irwin Press Marjorie Adler Reed Mr. & Mrs. John M. Richman Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Rorke Jerry Rose Burton X. and Sheli Rosenberg Deborah F. Rutter and   Peter Ellefson Mr. Muneer A. Satter and   Ms. Kristen H. Hertel Mr. & Mrs. Irving Seaman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro Silva Michael and Linda Simon Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Smith Walter and Kathleen Snodell Ida N. Sondheimer &   Family, in memory of   Joseph Sondheimer Mr. & Mrs. William Steinmetz Roger and Susan Stone   Family Foundation Pam and Russ Strobel Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Sullivan Mark and Nasrin Thierer Mr. & Mrs. John E. Van Horn Ward C. Rogers   Foundation, Inc. Mr. William A. Von Hoene Jr. $10,000–$24,999 Mrs. Ruth T. Anderson Anonymous (4) Bob and Susan Arthur Mr.* & Mrs.   Robert H. Bacon, Jr. Douglas and   Suzanne Krieger Bade Arlene and Marshall Bennett Mrs. James F. Beré Arnie and Ann Berlin Wayne D. and   Nancy M. Boberg Florence H. Boone Foundation Patricia and Laurence Booth Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mr. & Mrs.   William Gardner Brown Henry and Gilda Buchbinder Robert J. Buford Mrs. Robert H. Burnside* Marcia S. Cohn Mr. Lawrence Corry Mr. Jerry J. Critser Dr. Christopher Culp Dancing Skies Foundation Ms. Debora de Hoyos and   Mr. Walter Carlson Ms. Christine Donohue Mr. & Mrs. David A. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Douglas Sidney Epstein and   Sondra Berman Epstein Mrs. Zollie S. Frank

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Franke Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gendleman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gerstein Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Mr. & Mrs.   Thomas M. Goldstein Mr. & Mrs.   William M. Goodyear, Jr. Mary Louise Gorno Mrs. Richard H. Gottlieb Dr. Jerri E. Greer Mrs. Betty Guttman Mr. Collier Hands Marguerite DeLany Hark Harris Family Foundation Janice L. Honigberg and   John A. Hedges Mr. & Mrs.* Lawrence Howe Mr. & Mrs. Loren Jahn Mr. & Mrs. George E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kane Dolores Kohl Kaplan and   Morris A. Kaplan* Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP,   in memory of Gerald Penner Mr. & Mrs. George Kennedy Anne and John Kern Mr. W. Kruppenbacher* Mr. & Mrs.* James Lancaster Mr. Leonard Lavin Mr. Phillip Lehrman Dr.* & Mrs. H. Leichenko Mr. & Mrs. Richard Levy Dr. Eva Lichtenberg and   Dr. Arnold Tobin Mr. & Mrs. John Lillard Mr. & Mrs. H. John Livingston Miss Mary Longbrake* Jim and SuAnne Lopata Mr. & Mrs. Lester McKeever Walter L. and Emily Mead Lois and Hugo J.* Melvoin Kate and William Morrison David and Dolores Nelson Gerald* and Mona Penner Mr. Robert Peterson Mr. Robert Pinkert Mr.* & Mrs. Curt G. Pinnell COL (IL) J.N. Pritzker, IL   ARNG (Ret.) Claire and Gordon Prussian Mr. & Mrs. Neil K. Quinn Karen and Thomas Rafter Diana and Bruce Rauner Dr. Petra and   Mr. Randy O. Rissman Sharon and Louis F. Rosenthal Ms. Alyne Salstone Karla Scherer and Harve Ferrill Mr. & Mrs. David M. Schiffman Mr. John Schmidt and   Dr. Janet Gilboy Mr. & Mrs. Jack Shaffer Edward* and Audrey Spiegel

Bill and Orli Staley Foundation Dusan Stefoski and   Craig Savage Carl W. Stern and   Holly Hayes-Stern Liz Stiffel Bill and Anne Tobey Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Toft Mr. Charles Tribbett and   Ms. Lisa Brown Tribbett Mrs. Dorothy Vance Mr. & Mrs. William C. Vance Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wislow Dr. Marylou Witz Ann S. Wolff Michael G. Woll and   Laura Woll $3,500–$9,999 In memory of Martha and   Bernie Adelson Ms. Susan Adler Karen and Scott Alexander Megan P. and John L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anderson Midge and Dan Anderson Edward J.* and   Edith G. Andrew Mr. Edward Andrews Ms. Doris Angell Mr. & Mrs. Mychal P. Angelos Anonymous (24) Dr. Edward Applebaum and   Dr. Eva Redei Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Applebaum Dr. & Mrs. Kent Armbruster Mr. Vernon Armour Paul and Robert Ashbrook  Foundation Donald and Carol Asher Carey and Brett August Kaye B. Aurigemma Ms. Marta Babson Mr. Edward M. Bakwin Mr. Neal Ball Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bandi, Jr. Mr. Merrill and   Mr. N.M.K. Barnes Mr. Solomon Barnett Mr. Peter Barrett Roberta and Harold S. Barron Ms. Sandra Bass Mrs. Janet R. Bauer Jeff and Beth Bauer Mrs. Beatrice G. Crain Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Mrs. Tamara Beeler Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bell Mr. Lawrence Belles S. Celine Bendy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bennett III Meta S. and Ronald* Berger   Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs.

D. Theodore Berghorst Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn Bergstein Dr. Leonard & Phyllis Berlin Mr. & Mrs.   Robert L. Berner, Jr. Ms. Carol L. Bernick Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Merrill and Judy Blau Ted and Sonia Bloch Mrs. Nancy Blum Mr. & Mrs. George Bodeen Ms. Terry Boden Mr. & Mrs. John Borland Mr. & Mrs. James Borovsky James and Cynthia Bowhay Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bramsen Mr. Roderick Branch Christine W. Branstad Mr. Vladimir Braslavsky Elizabeth & Charles Brock The John and Rosemay Brown   Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Brubaker Mr. Robert Brumbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum Dr. Sharon Burke Elizabeth and Kevin Buzard Ms. Lutgart Calcote Ms. Marion Cameron Dr. & Mrs. Michael Carbon Wendy Alders Cartland Mrs. Ann S. Carton Mia Celano and Noel Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Candelario Celio Mrs. Hammond Chaffetz Mr. James Chamberlain Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Mrs. William C. Childs Jan and Frank Cicero, Jr. Mitchell Cobey and Janet Reali Jane and John C. Colman E. and V. Combs Foundation Mrs. Frances Comer Garth J. and Martha H. Conley Mary Ellen Cooney and   Ken Higgins Patricia Cox and Family Mr. & Mrs. William A. Crane Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Mr. & Mrs. Dewey B. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cremieux John and Cynthia Csernansky Mr. Philip Darling Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Dr. Brenda A. Darrell and   Mr. Paul S. Watford Dr. & Mrs. Tapas K. Das Gupta Melissa and Gordon Davis Mr. Guy DeBoo and   Ms. Susan Franzetti Dr. Kay Debs Mr. Nancy Dehmlow



Duane M. DesParte and   John C. Schneider Janet Wood Diederichs Paul and Nona Dix Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Doherty Mr. & Mrs. William Dooley Dr. & Mrs. James L. Downey David and Deborah Dranove Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Duffy Dr. George Dunea and   Dr. Sally Dunea Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Dusek Mrs. Charles Dykema Wendy Eager Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III Mr. & Mrs. Richard Elden Michael B. and   Kathleen H. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis Charles and Carol Emmons Mr. Joseph Ender Enivar Charitable Fund Cynthia G. Esler Anne H. Evans Mr. Fred Eychaner Marilyn D. Ezri, M.D. Mrs. Walter D. Fackler Mr. Eugene Fama Mr. & Mrs. William F. Farley Cathy and Joe Feldman Donald and Signe Ferguson Mr. Rajiv Fernando Hector Ferral, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fickinger Constance M. Filling and   Robert Hevey, Jr. Kenneth M. Fitzgerald Henry and Frances Fogel Ginny and Peter Foreman Mrs. John D. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Willard Fraumann Susan and Paul Freehling Mr. Ray Frick Mr. & Mrs. Philip Friedmann Dr. Jorge Galante Judy and Mickey Gaynor Rabbi Gary S. Gerson and   Dr. Carol R. Gerson Mr. & Mrs. Isak V. Gerson Bernardino and Caterina Ghetti Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gilson Mr. & Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. Jonathan W. Glossberg Mr. & Mrs. William Goldberg Alfred G. Goldstein Lyn Goldstein Jeannette and Jerry Goldstone Robert and Marcia Goltermann Mr. Gerald and   Dr. Colette Gordon Carol R. Grant Mr. Ellsworth Grant

Mr. & Mrs.   Terence M. Graunke Sue and Melvin Gray Timothy and Joyce Greening Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gregoire Mr. & Mrs. Byron Gregory Ms. Marguerite Griffin Jacalyn Gronek Mr. & Mrs. John P. Grube Mr. & Mrs. James Grusecki Dr. & Mrs.   John W. Gustaitis, Jr. Mr.* & Mrs.   William N. Guthrie Anastasia and Gary Gutting Evangeline R. Haarlow,   in memory of   A. William Haarlow III Mr. & Mrs. Ernst A. Häberli Grace C. Hajeck Dr. Jerry Hall Joan M. Hall Madeline and   Richard* Halpern Stephanie and Howard Halpern Anne Marcus Hamada Ronald and Diane Hamburger Sarah R. Wolff and   Joel L. Handelman Mr. & Mrs. John Hard Ms. Jill B. Hartman Bonnie S. Hawkins Thomas and   Connie Hsu Haynes Mr. & Mrs.   Joseph Andrew Hays James and Lynne Heckman Pati and O.J. Heestand Mr. William Hegan Mr. James R. Helbert* and   Mrs. Mary Mako Helbert Janet and Bob Helman Ms. Lisa Henner Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst Ms. Leigh Ann Herman Sonny and Marlene Hersh Ms. Mary Jo Hertel Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Hesse Marjorie Friedman Heyman Mr. Paul E. Hicks Robert A. Hill and   Thea Flaum Hill Mr. Stephen Hillyer Mrs. Mary P. Hines Ms. Joan R. Hoatson Mrs. Edwin P. Hoffman Richard and Jo Anne Hoffman Mr. William J. Hokin Mr. & Mrs.   Wayne J. Holman III Mr. & Mrs.   Richard S. Holson III Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Holt Fred and Sandra Holubow

James and Eileen Holzhauer Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Honigberg Mrs. H. Earl Hoover The Horner Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Felsenthal Dr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hanan Mrs. Nancy A. Horner Mr. & Mrs. John G. Levi Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perlstein Frances and Franklin* Horwich Louis and Candice Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Huizenga Tex and Susan Hull Greg and Terri Hummel Mr. Christopher Hunt Leland E. Hutchinson and   Jean E. Perkins Mr. Craig T. Ingram Ms. Frieda Ireland and   Mr. Carroll Damron Ms. June Isaacson* Mrs. Nancy Witte Jacobs Mr. & Mrs.   Michael A. Janiszewski Tim and Jennifer Janowick Dr. & Mrs. Todd and   Peggy Janus Joseph and Rebecca Jarabak Catherine and   Brooke D. Jensen Benetta and Paul Jenson Ms. Justine Jentes and   Mr. Dan Kuruna Mr. & Mrs*. Howard Jessen Joni and Brian Johnson Ms. Kathryn Johnson Ms. Stephanie Jones Mr. Edward T. Joyce Judy and Jerry Kaufman Dr. Christopher Kalmus Melanie and Eric Kalnins Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaplan/   Kaplan Foundation Jared Kaplan and   Maridee Quanbeck Dr. Marc and Mrs. Lynn Karlan John and Kerma Karoly Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mr. & Mrs. Barry D. Kaufman Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman Larry and Marie Kaufman Don Kaul and   Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Susie Forstmann Kealy Marilyn M. Keil Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Keller Gaynor and Diane Kelley Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Ketchum Mrs. Elizabeth Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keyser Esther G. Klatz Mr. & Mrs. James Klenk Ms. Jean Klingenstein Mrs. Harriet B. Koehler

Cookie Anspach Kohn and   Henry L. Kohn Evangel Kokkino and   Francesca Johns Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kolar Mr. & Mrs.   Richard K. Komarek Ferdinand and   Bernadette Korndorf Dr. & Mrs. Mark Kozloff Dr. Michael Krco Kay and Fred Krehbiel Peter and Susan Krupp Drs. Vinay and   Raminder Kumar Mr. & Mrs. Rubin P. Kuznitsky Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Lanz Richard S. Lauter Dr. John G. Lease Patricia Lee Mr. Jeffrey Lennard Wally and Carol Lennox Ms. Betsy Levin and   Mr. Martin Krasnitz Ms. Carolyn Levin Marc Levin Mary and Laurence Levine Drs. Julie and Ed Lewis Gregory M. Lewis and   Mary E. Strek Mr.* & Mrs. Paul Lieberman Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Liebson Mrs. Mary Lou Linnen Nancy S. Lipsky Patricia M. Livingston Reva and John S. Lizzadro, Sr. Diane and William F. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. James Loewenberg The Loewenthal Fund at   The Chicago Community  Trust Renée Logan Mr. Russ Lyman Mr. & Mrs. Barry MacLean Mr. James MacLennan Make It Better Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Maling The Malott Family Foundation Robert and Judy Marth Ms. Marjorie Martin Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Martin Ms. BeLinda Mathie and   Dr. Brian Haag James and Susan Matson Marianne C. Mayer Mrs. Robert Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Archibald McClure Mr. & Mrs. Steven McCormick Dr. & Mrs. James McGee Dr. & Mrs. John McGee II John and Etta McKenna Dr. & Mrs. Peter McKinney Jane and Bruce McLagan James Edward McPherson

Heather McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Paul Meister Mr. Gregory and   Dr. Alice Melchor Egon and Dorothy Menker Margaret M.* and   Edwin S. Mills Ms. Judith Moniak Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Charles A. Moore Dr. Emilie Morphew Audrey and Robert* Morris The Morrow Family  Foundation Catherine Mouly and   LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. Dr. Virginia Mullin Ms. Clare Muñana Mr. & Mrs.   Herbert F. Munsterman Eileen M. Murray Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Edward and Gayla Nieminen Dr. Zehava L. Noah Kenneth R. Norgan John A. Biek and   Christina J. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Norton Ms. Susan Norvich Ms. Martha Nussbaum Ms. Nancy O’Donnell Eric and Carolyn Oesterle Michael and Kay O’Halleran Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Olson John and Joy O’Malley Mr. Thomas Orlando The Osprey Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ostermann Mr. & Mrs.   James O’Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Bruce Ottley Mrs. China I. Oughton Donna Lee Owens Raymond Parmer and   Moira Harding Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Mr. & Mrs.   Charles R. Patten, Jr. Robert J. and   Dianne M. Patterson, Jr. Eugene and Lois Pavalon Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Pepper Mr. & Mrs.   Michael A. Perlstein Mr. Seymour Persky Dr. William Peruzzi Dr. & Mrs. David T. Petty Lorna and Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Sue N. and Thomas F. Pick Karen and Dick Pigott Stanley M. and   Virginia Johnson Pillman Sherri and Ted* Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Dale Pinkert

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Plonsker Christine and Michael Pope Andre and Lisa Radandt Mr. James Raff John and Mary Raitt Susan Regenstein Al Reichle Merle Reskin Burton and Francine Rissman J. Timothy Ritchie Charles and Marilynn Rivkin Roberts Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Chester Robson Erik and Nelleke Roffelsen Bob Rogers Travel Mr. John W. Rogers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Roper Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo Rosenkranz Lorelei Rosenthal Mr. Russ Rosenzweig Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Rossi Mrs. Donald Roth Maija and Jay Rothenberg Ms. Roberta H. Rubin Susan B. and   Dr. Myron E. Rubnitz Patrick G. and   Shirley W. Ryan Foundation Mr. Richard Ryan William and Mary Ryan Rita and Norman Sackar Mr. David Sandfort Raymond and Inez Saunders Mr. & Mrs. David Savner Barbara and Gene Schmitt The Schreuder Family Dr. & Mrs. Alan Schriesheim Joan and George Segal Mr. & Mrs. George Selak Ronald and Nancy Semerdjian Mr. & Mrs. Richard Senior Mr. David and   Ms. Judith L. Sensibar The Earl and Brenda Shapiro  Foundation Dr. & Mrs. James C. Sheinin Richard W. Shepro and   Lindsay E. Roberts Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Mr. Morrell Shoemaker, Jr. Stuart and Leslie Shulruff Mrs. Rose Shure Mr. Peter Sichrovsky Julia M. Simpson Mitchell and Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Janet and Stephen Smith Louise K. Smith Mary Ann Smith Melissa and Charles F. Smith Mr.* & Mrs. Ralph Smykal Mr. & Mrs. James Snyder,   from the Snyder Family  Foundation

Mrs. Kimberly Snyder Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Sopranos Mr. & Mrs.   James Cavanaugh Spain Ron and Anne Spiotta Robert and Emily Spoerri Brad and Marti Stamper Dr. and Mrs. Eugene and   Jean Stark Starkes Law Office Mr. Leonidas Stefanos Mrs. Susan Stein Dr. Donald F. Steiner Simon Stephenson Fay S. Stern, in memory of   John N. Stern Nancy and Bruce Stevens Mr. Hal Stewart Suzanne and Fred Stitt Joanie and Alan Stone Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Stone Ellen Stone-Belic Mary Stowell Josie N. Strauss Mrs. David H. Stremmel Lawrence E. Strickling and   Sydney L. Hans Mr. & Mrs.   Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs.   Robert D. Stuart, Jr. Patricia Study Ms. Cheryl Sturm Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sudler, Jr. Mr. Sean Susanin Mrs. Robert Swanson Andrea and   Mark Amdahl Taylor Dr. & Mrs*. David Terman Ms. Liisa M. Thomas and   Mr. Stephen L. Pratt Mrs. Vernon Thomas Mr. James Thompson Joan and Michael Thron Mr. & Mrs. Ray S. Tittle, Jr. Mr. Richard Tribble Howard and Paula* Trienens Mr. & Mrs.   William Trukenbrod Phil and Paula Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Turner Mrs. Elizabeth Twede Ms. Marie Haddad Tyler Henry and Janet Underwood Mr.* & Mrs. Richard Unsworth Zalman and Karen Usiskin Mrs. James D. Vail III Mr. Peter Vale Virginia C. Vale Dr. Cynthia M. Valukas and   Mr. Joseph A. Kohl Mark vanGorder, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Peter and Lilian M. Vardy

Ms. Catherine Vartanian-Duke Drs. Michael Viglione and   Maciej Lesniak Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Villinski Mr. Christian Vinyard Drs. Kathleen Ward and   Mark Reiter Mrs. Roy I. Warshawsky Mrs. Gwenyth Warton Mrs. Hempstead Washburne Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Weil Lynne and David B. Weinberg Samuel and Chickie Weisbard Abby and Glen Weisberg Warren and Anne Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Bert and Barbara Weller Mr. & Mrs. Peter West Mr. & Mrs. H. Blair White Lisa and Paul Wiggin Craig and Bette Williams M.L. Winburn Dr. Hak Wong Courtenay R. Wood and   H. Noel Jackson, Jr. Michael H. and   Mary K. Woolever Cheryl B. and   James T. Wormley Ms. Debbie Wright Owen and Linda Youngman Mr. Laird Zacheis and   Ms. Sunhee Lee Alexander F. Zajczenko and   Julie Schwertfeger Diane and Lawrence Zalusky Dr. & Mrs. John Zaremba Mr. Richard Ziegler Miss Rita Zralek Ms. Karen Zupko $1,000–$3,499 Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Abrams Mr. Floyd Abramson Michael and Mary Abroe Nancy A. Abshire Ann Acker Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Adelman Fraida and Bob Aland Mr. Bruce R. Albelda Mr. Ralph Alberto Sandra Allen and Jim Perlow Mrs. John Allyn Ms. Mary T. Alroth Dr. Diane Altkorn Dr. Ronald and   Barbara Altman Dr. Charles and   Marie Grass Amenta Mr. Edward Amrein, Jr. and   Mrs. Sara Jones-Amrein Mr. Geoffrey Anderson



John G. Anderson Cushman L. and   Pamela Andrews Mr. Kal Anglewicz Anonymous (40) Dr. & Mrs. Robert Arensman Patricia Armell and   James Philips Mrs. Jeanne B. Aronson Ms. Marie Asbury Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ascoli Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Asner Janice Axmann, in memory of   George Axmann Mr. Edgar Bachrach Mr. Tom Bachtell Mrs. Annette Bacola and   Mr. Robert Cummings Dr. Richard Baer Ms. Michelle Baker Edith M. Ballin Mr. Terry Bangs Peter and Elise Barack Mr. Gerald Barad Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barber Mr. & Mrs. John Barnes Alvin and Nita Barshefsky Howard and Donna Bass M.C. Bassiouni and   Elaine H. Klemen Mr. Ronald Bauer Kirsten Bedway and   Simeon Peebler Mr. Francis Beidler III August Belauskas and   Ray Webb Mr. Ken Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Richard Benck Norma Z. Bennett Mr. Peter and   Dr. Judith Bensinger Dr. Rachel Berg Mr. Charles Bergen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bernbaum Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mr. & Mrs. Charles Black Diane and Tom Blake Mr. Carl Blattner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Block Mr. Arnold Bodmer Dr. H. Constance Bonbrest Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bondy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Borich Mr. James Borkman Mr. & Mrs. Fred P. Bosselman Mr. Donald Bouseman Mr. John Bowen Mr. & Mrs. David Boyd Drs. Nader and   Mandan Bozorgi Ms. Danolda Brennan Mr. Robert Brink Ms. Roberta Bronstein Mr. & Mrs. Dan Brusslan

Ann M. Buckley Drs. Stephen and Judy Bundra Mr. & Mrs.   Kenneth J. Burns, Jr. Mr. David Burrage Mr. & Mrs.*   Richard M. Burridge Bob and Lynn Burt Ms. Jeanne Busch Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bushman Mr. & Mrs. John Butler Kay and Rhett Butler Mr. & Mrs.   George M. Byrne Mr. Jay Byron Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Caldwell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Calvanese Robert and Kay Carlson David and Orit Carpenter Ann and Richard Carr Dr. & Mrs. Robert Carton Beverly and Lawrence Centella Ms. Margaret Chaplan Mr. & Mrs. John Chapman Harriett and Myron Cholden Mr. & Mrs.   Stanley Christianson Mr. Thomas Clewett Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cline Mr. Joseph R. Clonick Dr. Donald Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cohen Mr. George Colis Elizabeth Overland and   Gene Collerd Sue and Jim Colletti Ms. Kathryn Collier Ms. Gayle Collins Dr. Thomas H. Conner Peter Conover and   Kristi Sloniger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Corrado Joe and Judy Cosenza Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cottle Anita J. Court, Ph.D. In Memory of Robert Cousins Ms. Jane Cox Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Credle Mr. Jerome Crotty Constance Cwiok Mr. Hans and Ms. Mary Dahl Denise and Dr. Ariel David Ms. Maria Davies and   Mr. Richard Nuscher Norma E. Davis Willis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davison Mr. & Mrs. Henry De Vogue Mary Dedinsky and William Carlisle Herbert Dr. Wendelin W. Deloach Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Terrence Demos Ms. Eloise C. DeYoung Mary D. Dickenson Mr. & Mrs. James Dickerson

Mr. & Mrs. Byram Dickes Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Michael and Laurel DiPrima Mr. & Mrs. Otto Doering, III Ms. Jeannette Dragland Ms. Ann Drake Natalie and Joshua Dranoff Max, Will and Caleb Drickey Ingrid and Richard Dubberke Mr. Howard Dubin Mr. & Mrs. Craig Duchossois Barbara Duda Hon. and Mrs. Brian Duff Mr. Ronald Duke Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel La Donna R. Dunkin Mr. & Mrs. Warren Eagle Mr. & Mrs. David P. Earle III Eliza and Timothy Earle Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eastwood Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Ebert Gary and Deborah Edidin Charles and Lois Edwards Ms. June Edwards Edward and   Nancy Eichelberger Ms. Marcia Eichler Mr. & Mrs. Estia Eichten Sondra and Karl S. Eisenberg Robert S. and   Ardyth J. Eisenberg Salli H. Eley Reese and Jeanne Elledge Ms. Paula Elliott Mrs. Gail Elmore Mr. & Mrs. Victor Elting III Ms. Laura Emerick La and Philip Engel Mrs. Carla Enger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Epstein Mr. & Mrs. A. Gerald Erickson Rev. Robert Erickson James D. Ericson Mrs. Carol Evans, in memory of   Henry Evans Mr. James M. Fahey Judith Farquhar and   James Hevia Steven and Carol Felsenthal Mr. & Mrs. Joel Fenchel Ms. Lisa Ferguson Elizabeth Fernandez Joy Fett Sandra E. Fienberg Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Finkel Mr. Conrad Fischer Ms. B. Fisher Ms. Evelyn T. Fitzpatrick Ms. Mary Fitzpatrick Ms. Lola Flamm Mrs. Gloria Flanzer Ms. Gretchen Focke* In memory of Enid Fogel Mr. Paul Fong

Ms. Elizabeth R. Foster Foxman Family Foundation Ms. Cheryl Francis Arthur L. Frank, M.D. Dr. & Mrs. James Franklin Allen J. Frantzen and   George R. Paterson Gerald Freedman Dr.* & Mrs. Uwe Freese Mr. & Mrs.   Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Raoul Fresco Diane Tkach and   James Freundt Ms. Nancy Friedland Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Friedman Dr. & Mrs. Gary J. Friend Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Fry III Dr. & Mrs. Donald Fry Dr. Barbara Fuller Don E. Funk Mr. & Mrs. James Gaebe Ms. Cecile Gagan Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Ganellen Ms. Bridget Garavalia Ms. Colette Garavalia Drs. Henry and Susan Gault Mr. & Mrs.* Gilbert Gavlin Mr. Frank Gelber Jenny and Jack Gelston Louis and Judith Genesen Janet Geovanis, in memory of   Thomas Geovanis Camillo and Arlene Ghiron Ms. Sharon Gibson Ms. Gloria Gierke Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gilbert Ms. Rebecca Gilbert Margaret Gilling Bill and Martha Gilmer Dr. & Mrs. Paul B. Glickman Mrs. Joseph Glotzbach,   in memory of   Joseph F. Glotzbach Norman and Barbara Gold Mr. & Mrs. Perry Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Golden Dr. & Mrs. Marshall Goldin Adele and Marvin Goldsmith Mr. Paul Gonzalez Dr. Melvin and   Edith T. Goodman Mr. Thomas Goodman and   Ms. Karen Blankstein Isabelle Goossen Mrs. Amy G. Gordon and   Mr. Michael D. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. James Gorter In Memory of Deanna Angela and John Graham Avrum and Joyce* Gray Thomas* and Delta Greene Dr. Michael Greenwald Mr. David Griffin

Ms. Janessa Griffin Mr. James Grimes Charles Grode and Heidi Lukas Mr. & Ms. Daniel Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Grossman Mr. Howard Grundy Judge Edward Gustafson Dr. Gabor Gyenes George F. and   Catherine S. Haber Mr. & Mrs. John Hales Carol Hall Julie and Parker* Hall Ms. Nancy Haller Mr. Corwith Hamill John and Patricia Hamilton Hill and Cheryl Hammock Ms. Agnes Hamos Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Handler Stuart and Shelly Hanfling Mrs. Dolores Hanna Mr. Michael Hansen and   Ms. Nancy Randa Mr. Walter Hansen Capt. Martin P. Hanson   USN Ret. Mary E. Harland Dr. Robert A. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Roger Harris Mr. & Mrs.   Wade C. Harrison II Mrs. Margaret Hart Mrs. John M. Hartigan Becky and Hank Hartman Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hauser Mr. William P. Hauworth II James H. and Charlcye Hawk Mr. & Mrs. Van Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Hefter Mr. Steven Heise Bonnie Barber Held Mr. Preston Helgren Mr. David Helverson Mr. David Herbert Ms. Mary Herman Barbara and Jim Herst Harriet E. Heyda Judy and Jay Heyman Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hibbard Mrs. Konstanze Hickey Mr. & Mrs. David Hilliard Mrs. David Hilton James and Margot Hinchliff William B. Hinchliff Ms. Judith Hirsch Dr. Richard Hirschmann Mrs. Mary Hoey Ms. Gretchen Hoffmann and   Mr. Joseph Doherty Eugene and Jayne Holland Mrs. J. William Holland Vicki and Thomas Horwich  Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Houston

Carter and Carolyn Howard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Huber Michael and Beverly Huckman Mr. Joseph Huebner David and Marcia Hulan Hunter Family Foundation Mr. J. Paul Hunter Ms. Patricia Hurley Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Hurvis Michael and Leigh Huston Helen D. Igoe Mr. Thomas Irvin Dr. Peter Ivanovich and   Ms. Jennifer Woodard Ian and Valerie Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Stan Jakopin Mr. & Mrs.   Edgar D. Jannotta, Sr. Mr. John Jawor Jeong-Yoon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jepson, Jr. Mr. George Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Hulon Johnson Ms. Jolene Kay Johnson Karen and Dennis Johnson Mr. Ronald Johnson Mrs. Mary Johnston, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Jean Joho Laura and Fred Jolly Dr. Patricia Jones Mr. Thomas Jones Ms. Kathleen Jordan Daniel P. and Barbara J. Justus Bruce T. Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kallen Mr.* & Mrs. Burton Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Karmin Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Karsh Douglas and Dana Kasl Dr. Beverly Kasper Ms. Ethelle Katz Mr. Neil Katz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keiser Mr. Jonathan Kemper Nancy and Donald Kempf Daniel K. and Rosalyn Kerins Priscilla and Steve Kersten Ms. Heather Ketchum Mr. & Mrs. Algimantas Kezelis Mr. Howard Kidd Anne G. Kimball and   Peter Stern Hon. Carol Kipperman Mr. Chris John Klbecka Dr. & Mrs. Jay Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Mr. Paul Kleppner and   Mr. Barry Graham Dr. & Mrs.   Thornton C. Kline, Jr. Mr. Gary Klompmaker Ms. Mary Klyasheff Mr. Thomas Kmetko Robert and Andrea Knight

Mr. George Koch Ms. June Koizumi Koldyke Family Fund F. Maximilian and   Kim W. Kort Mr. Edward Koss Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kozik Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kracum Mr. Mark Kraemer Mr. Kevin Kraft Eldon and Patricia Kreider Ms. Jane Kruse Rabbi & Mrs. Harold L. Kudan Mr. & Mrs. Walfrid Kujala Mr. Steven Kukalis Paul and Ruth Ann Kurtin Bob and Marian Kurz Mr. Jefferey Lackman Mr. Thomas Lad Carol and Marvin Lader Patrick R. Lagges Elisabeth and William Landes Ms. Pamela Larsen Bonnie B. and   Robert M. Larsen Ms. Nancy Lass Mr. Ted and Dr. Myra Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Layng Mr. Ian Keun-Young Lee Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Leep Lefkovitz Foundation Drs. Cindy and Michael Leland David and Sue Leonard Mr. Michael Leppen Chase and Mark Levey John and Jill Levi Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Averill and Bernard Leviton Dr. & Mrs. Robert Levy J. Lance Lichtor Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Liechti Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lifton Mr. & Mrs. Ely Lionheart Robert and Joan Lipsig Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lord Mr. William Lordan Ms. Jean Lorenzen Maggie and Tom Lovaas Ms. Michelle Lozins Asta Lynch Mr. & Mrs. James Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Gary MacDougal Mr. Aaron Macias Charles F. MacKelvie Chuck and Jan Mackie Hugh and Nancy Magill Ms. Janice Magnuson Dr. Allan Maier Daniel and Karen Maki Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry Mallow Mr. Gary L. Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mandell Ms. Amy B. Manning and   Mr. Paul C. Ziebert

Dan and Lynne Mapes-Riordan Mr.* & Mrs. Paul Maraist Barbara and Larry Margolis Ms. Jan Marinello Ms. Inge Marra Dr. Maija Freimanis and   David A. Marshall Sharon and Eden Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marwin Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Mason, Jr. Daniel and Lenore Mass Dr. & Mrs. Walter Massey John and Lillian Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Bert Maxon Mr. & Mrs. Lester Mayber Ms. Deborah McBride Mr. Michael McCaslin In memory of Dr. Susan Fisher Rosa and Peter McCullagh Marcus and Pauline McEwen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McGaan Ms. Janet B. McGaw Bill McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. George C. McKann Mr. Charles Mckee Mr. & Mrs. Ray McLaughlin Ms. Florence McMillan Sheila and Harvey Medvin Mr. Zarin Mehta Dr. & Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Dr. & Mrs.* Ronald Meltzer Mr. Thomas F. Menn Dr. Patricia Merwick Jim and Ginger Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Meyers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Micatka Michuda Construction Inc. Mr. Robert Middleton Dr. & Mrs. Roger Miller Jim and Pam Milligan Miss Gloria Miner Dr. & Mrs. Robert Minkus Lucy and Ed* Minor,   in honor of Annette Dezelan Mr. & Mrs. Newton Minow Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchel Kathleen Mitchell Ms. Mary Mittler Mr. Roger Modder Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moeller Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Mond Maria and Carl E. Moore Lloyd and Donna Morgan Mrs. Beverly Morris Mrs. Frank Morrissey Ms. Vanessa Moss Allison Moulton Ms. M. Kathleen Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Dale Muir Luigi H. Mumford Francine Murphy Ms. Anna Musci Ms. Kay C. Nalbach Jo Ann and Stewart C. Nathan



Mr. & Mrs. Walter Nathan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Neil, Jr. David H. Nelson Ms. Kay Nelson Robert Nelson and   Brett Bunke Mr. Thomas Neujahr Ms. Linda Neumann Jeff Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Ron Nobles Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nopar Mr. & Mrs. Richard Notebaert Mrs. Janis Notz Mr. William Novshek Mr. Barry Novy Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Nusinow Mr. James Oates Mr. & Mrs. Delano O’Banion Mr. & Mrs. William Obenshain Sharon and Lee Oberlander Margo and Michael Oberman Mr. Álvaro R. Obregón Barbara and Pier Oddone Mrs. Mary O’Dowd Marjory Oliker Barbara and Larry Olin Sarah and Wallace Oliver Mr. Arne Olson Larry and Karen Olson Mr. Bruce Oltman Mr. Thomas O’Neill III Dr. James Orr Amy Osler and   Michael Lowenthal Dr. David G. Ostrow and   Mr. Rafael Gomez Mr.* & Mrs. Marshall Padorr Richard and Carolyn Palas Ms. Elizabeth Parker and   Mr. Keith Crow Mr. Thomas Pawlik Mr. Michael Payette Ms. Marilyn Pearson Harold E.* and   Marcia A. Pendexter, Jr. Richard and Frances Penn Dr. & Mrs. Ray Pensinger Ms. Elizabeth Peters Mr. & Mrs.* James Peters Mr. David Peterson Mrs. Victorina Peterson Ms. Sara Pfaff Mr. & Mrs.   Thomas D. Philipsborn David S. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pierce Dr. Joe Piszczor Mary and Joseph Plauché Stephen and Michelle Plichta Mr. & Mrs. Joel Pokorny Ms. Mary Jane Pollack Don and Martha Pollak

Mrs. LeAnn Pope Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Porte Charlene H. Posner Susan and Joseph A. Power, Jr. Jane R. Prentis Barry and Eunice Preston Allan and Carla Price Jean M. and R. Preston Price Drs. Joseph and Kimberly Pyle Chris and Elizabeth Quigg Jane Quinn and Jeff McCarthy Lee and Al Rabin Mr. Robert Rada Mr. Homer Radden Dorothy V. Ramm Mr. David K. Ray Ms. Carol Rech Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Reed Mrs. Thomas K. Rees, Sr. Mari Yomamoto Regnier Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Retzky Mr. & Mrs. James T. Rhind Mr. James Rhoads Benjamin and   Florence M. Rhodes Mae Svoboda Rhodes Mr. Robert Rhodes Constance G. Rial Cheryl Rice Mr. & Mrs. Evan Richards Dr. Hilda Richards Ms. Diana Richman Mr. & Mrs. Jan Richter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieser, Jr. Ms. Karen Rigotti Ring Family Foundation Ms. Mary Ring Jerry and Carole Ringer Ms. Anita Rivkin-Carothers Dr. Anita Robbins Ms. Carol Roberts Thomas Roberts and   Teresa Grosch Mr. William Roberts Charlotte and John Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rodman Ms. Rachelle Roe Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Rooney Ms. Sylvia Rooth* and   Mr. Edgar Rose Ms. Roberta Rosell Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Roseman Ms. Elaine Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Saul Rosen Leona Z. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenthal Dr. Thomas J. Rostafinski Peter and Monique Rub Ms. Judy Runge Ms. Mary Russell Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rutledge Mr. & Mrs. Rich Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Sam Sallerson

Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Salter Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Ms. Cecelia Samans Mr. & Mrs. Richard Samuels Rosemary and John Sanchez Ms. Mary Sauer Mr. Laurence Saviers Susan Schaalman and   Charlie Shulkin Richard and Edna Schade Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Mrs. Gerhart Schild* Dr. Mary Schiller Mr. & Mrs.   Albert Schlachtmeyer Dr. Nathan Schlessinger Mr. James Schmitz Mr. & Mrs.   Richard H. Schnadig Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Schneider Charlie and Liz Schrock Gerald and Barbara Schultz Mary Ellen and Tom Schuman Mr. James Schuster Dr. Howard Schwartz and   Dr. Ruth Grant Muriel and Maurice Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scorza Thomas and Maryellen Scott Mr. Donald Seale and   Mr. Mark Bogart Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seid Ms. Gail Seidel David and Christine Seidman Mr. & Mrs. Chandra Sekhar Ms. Marsha Serlin Dr. Jerry and Eunice Shapiro Mrs. Michael Shaw Ms. Courtney Shea Mary and Charles M. Shea Ms. Mary Beth Shea Mr. Christopher Sheahen Mr. Terrence Sheehan Ms. Kim Shepherd Ms. Elizabeth Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuzo Shida Susan Shimmin and   David Tekler Elizabeth and John Shoemaker Carol and John Showel Ellen and Richard Shubart Margaret and Alan Silberman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Silberman Mr. & Mrs. John Simmons Dr. Rita Simó and   Mr. Tomás Bissonnette Mrs. Charles J. Simons Mr. Larry Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Singer Thomas G. Sinkovic Sinclair S. Siragusa Mr. Craig Sirles Christine A. Slivon Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Smies

Mr. Brian Smith Mr. Matthew Smith Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Smith Ms. Patricia Smythe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Snopko Frank So and Deborah Huggett Dr. Stuart Sondheimer Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein Mr. David Sorich Joel and Beth Spenadel Mr. Hugh Spencer Kenneth and Norma Spungen Ms. Adena Staben Dr. Cynthia Stack Charles and Joan Staples Ms. Corinne Steede George and Julie Steffen Carol D. Stein Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stein Manfred and Fern Steinfeld Mr. George Stenitzer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stepansky Mr. Harley Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stern Ms. Kathleen Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Stone In memory of Marjorie Stone Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Straus Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Dr. & Mrs. Frank Stuart Mr. Frederick Sturm and   Ms. Deborah Gillaspie Barry and Winnifred Sullivan Mrs. Jeanne Sullivan Dr. Sara and   Dr. Daniel Susmano Dr. John Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sweders, Sr. Mr. Maurice Swiryn Ruth and Sidney* Swislow Mr. Irwin Sylvan* Ms. Sara Szold Mr. Frank TenBrink Eleanor Hurtak Teng Zelda and Marvin Tetenbaum Mr. & Mrs.   Thomas Teichgraeber Ms. Judith Thomas Mr. Albert Thompson Ms. Carla Thorpe Mrs. Robert Tice Drs. Karl and Sarah Ticho Mr. & Mrs.   Theodore Tieken, Jr. Mr. Steve Tomashefsky Ann and Richard F. Tomlinson Bruce and Jan Tranen James M. and Carol Trapp Mrs. Sally TreKell Mrs. Robert Trotter Dr. Sabrina S. Tsao Ksenia A. and Peter Turula Lori L. and John R. Twombly Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ummel

Mr. Jim Valtman Ms. Julia Vander Ploeg Frances and Peter Vandervoort Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vieregg Frank Villella Ms. Linda Vincent Ms. Carol Vix Ms. Elfrieda Vlaming Mr. Robert Volz Mrs. Lois P. Vrhel Dr. Malcolm V. Vye and   Ms. Sherie Stein Mr. & Mrs.   Mark A. Wagner Lulu Mr. Frank Walschlager Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Walsh Mr. Eric Wanger Ms. Carol Ward Mrs. April Ware Ms. Elizabeth Wazowicz Susan A. Weber Mr. Tom Wedell Hilary and Barry Weinstein Dr. and Mrs. Howard Weiss Linda and Marc Weissbluth Miss Genevieve Weissensel David & Kerstin Wellbery Mr. James Wells Drs. Anne and Dennis Wentz Ms. Patricia Werhane Mrs. Barbara H. West Jeanne and Robert* Westcott Mr. John Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. William White Mrs. William White Katharine M. Whitney Ms. Virginia Willcox Mrs. Albert Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Williams Scott R. Williamson and   Susanna E. Krentz Mr. & Mrs. Peter Willmott Ms. Christine Wilson Dr. Wendall Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Alex Winkler Mr. Nicholas Winter Ms. Kathryn Winter Herbert and Ruth Winter  Foundation Ms. Florence Winters Mrs. Iris Witkowsky Arnold and Pam Witt Mr. Stephen Wolbers and   Mrs. Heidi Schellman Barbara and Steven Wolf Duain Wolfe Peggy and Ted Wolff Alton Wong, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Wooldridge Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woulfe Celeste Wroblewski and   Les Orenstein Ms. Cynthia Yeh

Mr. & Mrs. William Young Mr. Jeremy Youngren Mrs. IdaLynn Zahour Mr. Karl Zeisler Ms. Mary Zeltmann Barbara Zenner and   Howard Isenberg Ms. Susan Zick Ms. Camille Zientek The Charles A. Zika Family Dr. & Mrs. Larry Zollinger Dr. & Mrs. Michael Zygmunt $500–$999 Richard* and Louise Abrahams Mr. Richard Abram Mr. & Mrs. Lee Abrams Leonard Achtenberg and   Steve Livesey Mrs. Rebeca Adams Mr. Barry Adamson Mr. Patrick Adlam Mr. David Adler Ms. Judith Akers Mr. Basel Al-Aswad The al Chalabi Group, Ltd. Mr. Danny Alexander Mr. & Mrs. James Alexander Mr. John Alfini Ms. Rochelle Allen Mrs. Ronald Allen Dr. & Mrs. Dominic Allocco Mrs. Evelyn Alter Michael and Joyce W. Altman Ms. Carol Anderson Mr. Karl Anderson Mr. & Ms. Paul Anderson Mrs. Thomas Anderson Mr. Frederic Andes Dr. Clifford Ando Mr. Andras Andras The Andrews Family Alfred Andreychuk Mrs. Pauline Angelini Anonymous (40) Mr. John Aquino Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Arner Mr. & Mrs. Adam Aron Gregory Yuri Aronoff Dr. & Mrs. David Ashbach Ms. Laura Ashley Mr. Donald Ayres Ms. Marlene Bach Mrs. Carol Bagan Richard and Janice Bail Mr. & Mrs. John Baldwin Jon Balke and G. Balke Ms. Barbara Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. William Bardeen Mr. Robert Barkei Dr. & Mrs. Erwin Barrington Mr. & Mrs. John Bartholomew

Mr. & Mrs.   Leland Bartholomew Robert and Linda Baum Mr. & Mrs.   William Baumgardt Mr. & Mrs.   William H. Baumgartner, Jr. Mr. Andrew Bautista Mr.* and Mrs. Jay Baylin Ms. Shirley Beaver Mrs. Robert Beck Mr. Jonathan Becker Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Rosenthal Mrs. Jean Bensdorf Marjorie Benton William and Ellen Bentsen Mr. Paul Berghoff Gene and Natalie Bernardoni Mr. & Mrs. Karl Berolzheimer Mr. & Mrs. Loren Berry III Mr. Stephen Berry Mr. Jerry Biedeman Julius Binder Ms. Rebbeca Binkley Ms. Lillian Bissing Mr. Clyde Blanke Ms. Ann Blickensderfer Mr. & Mrs. David Blumberg Ms. Barbara Blumenthal Mr. Edward Boehm, III Ms. Catherine Borowski Adam Bossov Dr. Robert Botta Sam and Phyllis Bowen Mr. H. Woods Bowman Rev. Locke E. Bowman Laura and Robert Boyd Carl and Kathryn Boyens Mr. Carl Boyer, Jr. Mr. Norman Boyer Zachary and Laura Bravos Dr. Ralph Bremigan Mr. & Mrs. David Brenner Mr. William Briggs Mr. Wesley Broquard Mr. Lee M. Brown,   Mr. John B. Newman and   Ms. Pixie Newman Mrs. Patricia L. Brown Mr. James Browning Mr. John Brownlee Mr. & Mrs. Archibald Bryant Mr. William Buchman and   Mr. Lee Lichamer Linda S. Buckley Ms. Priscilla Buenger Dr. Jack Bulmash Trudy and Jon Bunge Ms. Mary Burge Mr. Edward Burkhardt Mrs. Richard Burns Mr. Timothy Byam Mr. Robert Byron Lee and Mary Carlson

Dr. William A. and   Joan Peters Caro Mr. Fairbank Carpenter Drs. Virginia and Stephen Carr Mr. & Mrs. Blouke Carus Dr. Kathleen Casper Ms. Eileen Castles Dr. R. Cavallino and   Mrs. Patricia Cavalino Mr. Michael Cavanaugh Mr. Ralph Cernohouz Mr. & Ms. William Charles Ms. Elsa Charlston Mr. Jayson Cheever Mr. Michael Chelgren Mr. Yanbo Chen Mr. Linton Childs Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Chrisman Mr. George Christakes Dr. Juliana Chyu and   Dr. David Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ciocci Dr. and Dr. William Clark Dr. Bradley Clifford Mr. Edward Clinton, Jr. Mr. Robert Coad Robert Coen and   Marjorie Coen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cohan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Ted Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Roger Cole James D. Compton Mrs. Howard Conant Peter and Beveryly Ann Conroy Ms. Sharon Conway Mary Lynn and   Thomas M. Cooney Fund   of the Greater Cincinnati  Foundation Dr. & Mrs. W. Corley Marian M. Cosmides and   Thomas Lovestrand Mr. David Cost Kristen and John Courtney Mr. Wayne Cowlishaw Mr. Paul Cox In Memory of Ira G. Woll Ms. Kristine Culp Dr. Atlee M. Cunningham, Jr. Mr. Norbert Curtin William and Janice Cutler Mr. Kevin Dages Dr. Manoochehr Darab Mr. Robert Daugherty Dr. Randall Davenport Beth I. Davis Sue and Kent Davis Dr. Scott and Denise Davis Ms. Carol De Schutter Dr. Barbara Deal, M.D. Mr. Frederick Dearborn Ms. Michelle DeFano Mr. David Dekker



Mrs. David DeMar Dr. Pablo Denes and   Mrs. Lucia Rothman-Denes Mr. & Mrs.   Julian D’Esposito, Jr. Ms. Marcia Devlin Ms. Phyllis Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DiBello Ms. Janet Diehl Mr. Paul Dietterich Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Dobroski Mrs. Susan Donahue Stamatis Dostoglou Mr. Harmon Dow Ms. Barbara Drevlow Ms. Rosanne Druian Ms. Renee Duba Miss Ann Duffy Ms. Marilyn Duginger Mr. & Ms. Harvey Dulin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dulski Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunning Dr. Thomas Durica Mrs. Frances Dutton Mrs. Joan Eckner Mr. Raymond Edgren Jay & Sue Edmondson Carol Egan Mr. Peter Egan Richard Egen and Donna Egen Nancy Eibeck Ms. Sharon Eiseman Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Eisenberg Mr. H.J. Eisenman Thomas Eller Deane Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Elwell Mr. Olin Emmons Mr. & Mrs. John Empfield Mrs. Reiko Endo Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Engel Dr. and Mrs. James Ertle Keith and Diane Ertner Lucila Espedido and   Chris Hague Alfredo Espino Gracia Mr. Philip Fabiyi Mr. Tarek Fadel Mr. & Mrs. Martin Faier Mr. & Mrs. Burt Fainman Laura and John Fairfield Dr. Robert Fajardo Mr. mark farrell Miss Polly Fehlman Dr. Kate Feinstein Mr. Bo Feng and Ms. Lin Qi Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ferrantelli Mr. John Ferrero Mrs. Judith Fifield Mr. & Mrs. Sean Fifield Ms. Deborah Fineberg John and Linda Fischer Susan E. Fisher and   Larry I. Yellen

Stephen and Patricia Fisher Mrs. Elaine Fishman Mr. Dale Fitschen Mrs. Roslyn Flegel Mr. William Fleig Dr. Lewis Flint Mr. Randall Flones Dr. Suzanne Fogel Dr. Robert Fourer Ms. Nancy Fowler Raymond and   Rosemary Framburg Paul and Muriel* Francis Ms. Marie Franciscus Lawrence and Pamela Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Franks Mr. & Mrs. Louis Freidheim, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Freilich Mrs. Trenchard French Robert Frenier and   Patricia Ames Mr. Julian Freund* Ms. Jennifer Friedes Ms. Joan Froncek Dr. and Mrs. Willard A. Fry Ms. Susan Fuller Dr. Cheryl Gallagher Mr. David Garcia Mr. John Gardner Ms. Karen Gianfrancisco Dr. Gil Munoz Mr. Thomas Gilbertson Mr. Lyle Gillman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gillum Kik and Si Gilman Ms. Chandra Gioiello Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Glazer Mr. Jacob Glazeski and   Mr. Ryan Keifer Mr. & Mrs. William Gofen Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Goldberg Robert and Roberta Goldman Ms. Enid Golinkin Dr. Robert Golub and   Dr. Deirdre Dupre Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gonnella Ms. Sarah Good Ms. Mary Goodkind Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Goodman Joanna & Jack Goral Mr. L. Stuart Gordon Mr. Lawrence Gordon Leo & Linda Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gordon Ms. Anne Gorham Ms. Laura Gorski Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Goshgarian, M.D. David and Elizabeth Graham Raymond and Dolores Greabe Mr. Henry Green Julie and Michael Green Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Greenblatt

Dr. and Mrs.   Robert A. Greendale Mrs. Malcolm Greenebaum Rochelle and   Michael Greenfield Mr. & Mrs. David Greenstein Dr. Howard Greisler Mr. George Grilley Mr. John Grimes Mr. James Grine Dr. & Mrs. Roy Grinker Ms. Katharine Gross Mr. & Mrs. Jim Grotelueschen Mr. H. Grundke Ms. Ada Gugenheim and   Mr. Jon Will Dr. & Mrs. Rolf Gunnar Richard Gunther and   Kathleen McLaughlin Dr. Edda Hackl, M.D. Robin Tieken Hadley Mrs. Doreen Hagerty Ms. Anna Marie Hajek and   Mr. B. Becker Krista and Tim Haley Mr. & Mrs. Hall Adams, III Dr. Brian Hall Mr. & Ms. Jeffrey Hall Mr. Mary Hallman Ms. Joan Hanson Nancy and Thomas Hanson Ms. Paula Harbage Mr. David Hartge Mr. John Hartmann Robert and Margot Haselkorn Ms. Mika Hasler Mrs. Helen Haugsnes Ms. Eloise Haverland Robert I. and Jane E. Hawkins Dr. Mary Hayes Sondra and Denis Healy Mrs. J. Hegenderfer Janet and Raleigh G. Hegwood Mr. Christopher Hehmeyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heidrick Mrs. Nancy Heil Mr. & Mrs.   M. Theodore Heinecken Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Hellman Mr. & Mrs. David Helms Mr. & Mrs. Howard Helsinger Mr. Steven Hendrickson Dr. Leo Henikoff Mr. & Mrs. Mark Henneman Mrs. Diane Henry Mr. & Mrs. James Herber Mr. Larry Herndon Mr. David Heroy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Herr Mr.* & Mrs. Adolph Herseth Mr. Jonathan B. Herzog Mr. Alfred Hetzel Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Higgins Mr. Adrian Hill

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hill Mr. James Hinchsliff Pat and Joseph Hinkel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hirschl Maria and Scott Hodes Mr. David Hoffman Dr. Jerry Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. John Holabird Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Barbara and David Holman Cynthia and Ron Holmberg Mr. Stephen Holmes Dr. George Honig and   Ms. Olga Weiss Ms. Kathleen Hope Ms. Danuse Hornik Rose Marie Houston Mr. & Mrs. R. Howell, Jr. Roger & Nadeane Hruby Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Huck M. Lynn Hughitt and   James Shaeffer Mr. & Mrs. William Hummer Mark and Peg Humphrey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. James Ibers Ms. Lora Ilhardt Ms. Alice Ilievski Mr. Oliver Ionita Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Iorgulescu Mr. Douglas Irwin Rudyard and Cheryl Istvan Miss Merle Jacob Mr. Joshua Jacobs Mr. Richard Jager Mr. Ray James Father Daniel Jarosewic Mr. Jack Jensen and   Mrs. Becky Davenport Ms. Stephanie Jeong Ms. Perla Benrubi Mr. & Ms. John Kineman Mrs. Arlene Johnson Ms. Margery Johnson In Honor of Gene Pokorny Mr. Phillip Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Jones Mr. William Josephson and   Ms. Barbara Haws Ms. Rita Kaffer Mr. & Mrs. Erik Kahler Mr. Michael Kahles Dr. Henriette Kaplan Wayne S. and   Lenore M. Kaplan Mrs. Louise Kasch Dr. and Mrs. Robert Katz Cantor Aviva Katzman and   Dr. Morris Mauer Catherine Keebler Laura Kelley Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Margules Gerould W. Kern Ms. Helen Kessler

Ms. Katherine Kim Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Kimura Jean C. King Ms. Karen Kinzig Mr. & Mrs.   Leonard & Phyllis Kipnis Robert Klassy Dr. Don Kleinmuntz Mr. Douglas Knuth Ms. Sonja Koenig Ms. Diane Koenker Mr. Greg Koepel Mrs. Robert Kohrman Ms. Susan Kosinski Richard and Nancy Kosobud Mr. John Kotash Mr. Joseph Kottke Ms. Mary Jean Kraybill Ms. Margaret Kreczmer Mr. Joseph Kreines Ms. Mary Jane Krutt Raymond Krzesicki Ms. Loraine Kubiak Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kuby Ms. Karen Kuehner Mr. Madan &   Mrs. Shebani Kulkarmi Evelyn and Arnold Kupec Ms. Michele Kurlander Ms. Ruth Labitzke Mr. Arthur Ladenburger Chuck and Diane Laff Mr. Ronald Lagg Mr. Stephen Lahaie Mr. Alexander Lai Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lamb Mrs. Mary Anne Lambert Mr. Todd Land Beth and Stephen A. Landsman Miss Ellyn Lanz Mr. Lincoln Lauhon Mr. William Lawlor, III Mrs. Winfred Leaf Mr. John Lecuyer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lederer Mr. Josh Leege Darla and Hunter Leggitt Ms. Nicole Lehman Mr. & Mrs. William Leiter Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Leracz Mr. David Lerman Fay and Daniel Levin Dr. and Mrs. Murray Levin Mr. & Mrs. Norman Levin Abby and Jonathan Levine Mark Levine and Andrea Kott Dr. Gloria Lewis Mr. Michael Licitra Mr. & Mrs. Myron Lieberman Mr. Robert Lindgren Mr. Tage Lindholm Mr. Bert Lindstrom, III Mr. Wendell Link Mr. & Mrs. Jay Anthony Lipe

Mrs. Joan Loeb Mr. Melvin Loeb Mitchell Loewenthal-Grassini   and Andrew Barry Simmons Ms. Susan Louer Mrs. Mary Alice Loughran Mr. Mark Loux John Lucadamo and   Nancye Kirk Ronald and Carlotta Lucchesi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lutz Mr. Richard Maag Mr. Charles Macke and   Ms. Margaret Menzenberger Mr. Daniel Macken and   Mr. Merlyn Harbold Mr. & Mrs. Martin Malecki, Jr. Mr. Gregg Malicki Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Malloy Drs. Bruce and Barbara Malm Ms. Leah Maneaty Mr. Edwin Mann Gail and Frederick Manning Mr. George Mannos Mr. & Mrs. Mark Manto Mr. & Ms. Steven Marcus Mr. Frank Marino Mrs. John Markham Ms. Judy Markowitz Mr. Robert Marks Alice L. Clark &   John A. Martens Mr. Christopher Martin Drs. Annette and John Martini Mr. Richard Marvak Ms. Catherine Masters Mr. J. Matejczyk Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Matz Marilyn and Myron Maurer Ms. Adele Mayer Larry and Donna Mayer Ms. Adrianne Mazura Mr. & Mrs. Robert McAllister Mr. Gerard McBurney Mr. Thomas McCaffer Ms. Gale McCarty Dr. and Mrs. James McCreary John and Ann McDermott Mr. John McFerrin Mrs. Cheryl Mcgarrity Ms. Patricia McGuire Col. and Mrs. Paul McKay Dr. William McMiller Mr. & Mrs. Donald McNally Mr*. and Mrs.   Barry McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Clive Mealey Ms. Claretta Meier Mr. Curt Meine Mrs. Robert Mendelson Dr. Frank Merrick Dr. James and Rose-Marie Merz Mr. Ivan Meyers Mr. Michael Henoch

Ms. Melinda Milenkovich Dave Miller Mrs. Edward Miller Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Miller Mrs. Mary Miller Ms. Patricia Miller Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mills Ms. Helen Minsker Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mitchell Mr. Werner Mittermeier Mr. David J. Moeser Mr. Sanford Moltz Mr. Frank Monnelly Mr. Hans Mooser Sanford and   Monica Morganstein Mrs. MaryLouise Morrison Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Moss Mr. John S. Mrowiec and   Dr. Karen L. Granda Drs. Robert and Marsha Mrtek Zane and Phyllis Muhl Mr. George Murphy David Muschler and   Ann Becker Mr. Nobuhiko Muto Ms. Diana Myers Jim and Marion Myers Mr. Scott Myers Mr. Randall Nack Dr. Elizabeth Naegele Mr. Albert Nagy Ms. Alyson Nash Robert Nelson and   Kristin Nelson Mr. Wayne Nestander Mr. Richard Nicholls William H. Nichols Eleanor Nicholson Richard and Barbara Nicholson Ms. Sylvette Nicolini Mrs. Brenda Niedermeier Ms. Margaret Nilles Mr. Larry Nodulman Dr. & Mrs. Stanton Noskin Mr. & Ms. Hiroyoshi Noto Mr. Hiram Nowlan Mrs. Megan O’Connor Ms. Meghan O’Donnell Kimberley M. Ogdon Mr. Gerald Ogren Ms. Marie E. Olsofka Ms. Mary A. Olson Mr. Brad Oltmanns Mr. Michael Oman and   Mr. Ted Sigward* Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oppenheim Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Orbach Dr. Edward S. Ogata and   Ms. Kathleen F. Orr Mr. Gary Ossewaarde Mr. & Mrs. Ryoichi Oyasu Dr. Stephanie Pace and   Robert Marshall

Mrs. Sarah Packard Ms. Raquel Paez Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Parker Dr. and Mrs.* Robert Parsons Ms. Lois Pearson Mark and Rachel Pederson Mrs. Paula Pederson and   Mr. Raymond Olson Mr. James Pellegrino Ms. Jeri Penrose Ms. Bertha Perlow Ms. Carrie Perman Mr. & Mrs.* Raymond Perry Mr. & Mrs. Peter Willson Mr. Charles Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Peterson Ms. Lynn Petrelli Mr. F. Dean Pettit, Jr. Genevieve Phelps James* and Sharon Phillips Mr. Paul Phillips, Jr. and   Mr. Lloyd Palmiter Mr. William Phillips Ms. April Platt Mr. William Pletcher Mr. Roger Podewell Mr. & Mrs. Roger Poeppel Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Pordes Ms. D. Price Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Prinz Ms. Sarah Pritscher Marcia and Gilbert Purze Ms. Linda Puvogel and   Mr. Michael O’Halloran Ms. Karen Rahn Victoria and George Ranney Anna Rappaport and   Peter W. Plumley Dr. Pradeep Rattan Ms. Kathleen Ratteree Ms. Polly Rattner Anne Meehan and   Richard Raup Mr. Kevin Ray and   Mr. Joseph Scheper Joseph Ream, Jr. Dr. Merrell Reiss Mr. Dwight Reed Mrs. H. Reich Dr. Cynthia J. Reynolds Ms. Evelyn R. Richer Mr. Alphons Richert* Dr. Edward Riley Dr. Diana Robin Mr. James Rocks Ms. Maria Rodil Mr. Bernardo Rodriguez Dr. Jadwiga Roguska-Kyts Ron and Jill Rohde Mr. John Romans Mr. Kevin Rooney Mr. William Rosas Al and Mimi Rose



Larry Rosen &   Dianne Fishering Mr.* and Mrs. Sherman Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. John Rosenheim Mary E. Rosen-Swanson Mrs. Babette Rosenthal Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rosner Mr. James Rostenberg Ms. Sharon Rothstein Mr. Benoit Roux Roger Ruttenberg Mrs. John Ryan, Jr. Ms. Noreen Ryan Priscilla E. Ryan and   Frank Battle John Jeral Sabl Dr.* and Mrs. Leo Sadow Mrs. Esther S. Saks Dr.* and Mrs. Jack Saleh Dr. Natalie Santiago Mr. Jeffrey L. Savage Mr. Thomas Scanlan Ms. Kathleen Scarpulla Anthony and   Kathleen Schaeffer Ms. Ann Scheidler Ms. Kay Schichtel and   Mr. Barry Lesht Mr. & Mrs. David Schlack Mr. & Mrs. John Schladweiler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schlesinger Richard J. Schmidt John J. and   Barbara L. Schornack Mr. Donald Schreiber* Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schuette Ms. Virginia Hall Schulte Mrs. Rita Schwab-Parcel Susan and Charles Schwartz Mr. Donald D. Scott Mr. John Scott Mr. Mark Scott R. James and Ann Scott Ms. Gerry Sczygiel Michele Hooper &   Lemuel Seabrook Mr. & Mrs. John D. Seaman Ms. Marilyn Sebastian Ms. Sandra Seim Mr. Elliott Serafin Miss Nancy Seyfried Ms. Louisa Shannon David and Jane Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Lee Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Myron Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shapiro Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Shapiro Thomas and Nancy Sharp Mr. Erick Sherman Mr. Jeffrey Sherman Mr. Brian Shortall Mr. & Mrs. William Shropshire Susan and Stephen Sickle

Jack & Barbara Simon Mr. & Mrs. John B. Simon Dr. and Mrs. Norman Simon Mrs. William Simon, Jr. Mr. Thomas Simpson Mr. Alvin Singer Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Singer Mr. David Sloan Mr. Allen R. Smart Arthur Smith and   Tracey Truesdale David Y. and Barbara J. Smith Mrs. Diane Smith Dr. & Mrs. Garth Smith Mr. & Mrs. Howard Smith Mrs. Pamela Smith Pat and J. Clarke Smith Dr. and Mrs. R. Solaro Richard Sorenson Dr. James and   Mrs. Janice South Patricia Spear Mr. George Speck Mr. Daniel Spees Mr. Stephen Spigel and   Mrs. Diana Williams Mr. & Mrs.* Ralph H. Sprandel Mrs. Julie Stagliano Waymon and Cheryl Starks Ms. Sue Stealey Mr. & Mrs. Eric Steele Mr. & Mrs. John Steele Mr. & Mrs. Karl Steigleder Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Stein Dr. and Mrs. Jay Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Steinke Ms. Stacy Sternberg Mr. A. Michael Sterr Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stone Mr. Gary D. Strandlund Mr. Aaron Strati Ms. Tracy Straub Dr. Francis H. Straus II Mr. & Mrs. John Streit Ms. Barbara Struthers Ms. Minsook Suh Mr. Michael B. Surratt Mr. Gregory Surufka Ms. Eileen Sutter Mr. Michael Svoboda Sharon Swanson Mr. David Tan Laurel and Dan Tancredi Mr. Gregory Taubeneck Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Taylor Prof. Harold Temple Mr. & Mrs. Lee Tenzer Cheryl Thaxton Mr. & Mrs.   Theodore Theophilos Mr. David Thomas Pat and Greg Thomas Ms. Sarah Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tiersky

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Tiffen Mrs. Malgorzata Timberg Mr. & Mrs. Edward Tichener Janine and Alvin Tollestrup Mr. & Ms. Torrey Foster Dr. Carol Traut Mr. Donn Trautman Ms. M. Abbott Trboyevic Janet and Lance Trusty Ms. Erika Tschinkel Dr. & Mrs. David Turner Charlotte Tyksinski Mr. Bradley Uffelmann and   Mrs. Janice Uffelmann Mr. & Mrs. Sye Unell Ms. Ellen Upton Mr. & Mrs. Allan Vagner Ms. Norma Van Der Meulen Mr. John Van Pelt Dr. George Van Verst Mr. David J. Varnerin Dr. Douglas Vaughan Mr. Walter Vestal Ms. Carol Vieth Ms. Sheila Vogdes Ms. Olga Volpert Mr. & Ms. John Von Leesen Mr. Roderick von Lipsey Ms. Jacqueline Vossler Mr. Michael Wade Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagner Ms. Margaretha Walk Mrs. Judith Walker Mr. & Mrs. James Walsh Mr. William Walsh Ms. Elaine Walter The Acorn Foundation Mrs. Sally Warner Mr. & Mrs. James Warren Rev. James N. Watzke, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. William Weaver, Jr. Mr. Roland Weber Lois Wecker Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Weil Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiland Ms. Sarah Weir Mr. George Weiss Mr. J. Welch Mr. Michael Welsh and   Ms. Linda Brummer-Welsh Ms. Sharon West Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Wetchler Mrs. Lisa Wettstaedt Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Whellan Ms. Samantha Whitney Mr. & Mrs. William Whitney Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wick Robert J. Wilczek and   Shirley Pfenning Michael J. Wilde and   Sue Nay Chong-Wilde Mrs. Tamara Wilkow Dr. Peter Willson Dr. Doris Wineman, Ph.D.

Jim and Rita Wise Ms. Marion Wognum Mr. William Wolf and   Ms. Meredith Bluhm-Wolf Ms. Sharon Wolohan Dr. Christopher and   Julie Wood Judge Diane Wood and   Dr. Robert Sufit Ms. Wilma Woollard Mr. & Mrs. John Wories Dr. Rebecca Wright Mr. & Mrs. John Wulfers Mr. Roy Wyman Dr. Daniel Wynn, M.D. Ms. Diane Yetter Mr. Tim Yetzina Mr. Michael Zak Mr. Louis Zake Mr. & Mrs. Marin Zivin Ms. Barbara Zutovsky

INSTITUTE FOR LEARNING, ACCESS, AND TRAINING Each year, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra invests more than $4 million in innovative learning, access, and training programs that reach over 200,000 children and adults. These programs would not be possible without the generosity of the following donors: $100,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous (1) Judson and Joyce Green ITW Loretta N. Julian Robert R. McCormick  Foundation The Elizabeth Morse Genius   Charitable Trust The James and Madeleine   McMullan Family  Foundation Robert R. McCormick  Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. $50,000–$99,999 Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Robert and Joanne Crown   Income Charitable Fund JPMorgan Chase & Co. Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Ann and Gordon   Getty Foundation Judy and Scott McCue

National Endowment   for the Arts The Claire Rosen & Samuel   Edes Foundation Barbara and Barre   Seid Foundation $25,000–$49,999 Abbott Fund Allstate Insurance Company Alphawood Foundation Anonymous (2) Barker Welfare Foundation Julie and Roger Baskes John D. and Leslie   Henner Burns Crain-Maling Foundation Ellen and Paul Gignilliat John H. Hart and Carol Prins Peter G. Horton Charitable   Remainder Annuity Trust Leslie Fund, Inc. Ann and Robert H. Lurie  Foundation Lewis-Sebring   Family Foundation Bowman C. Lingle Trust Ms. Ann Lurie Mazza Foundation The Pauls Foundation In honor and loving memory   of Alice Welsh Skilling United Airlines $10,000–$24,999 The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund The Paul M. Angell   Family Foundation Anonymous (3) Mr.* & Mrs. Robert H. Bacon, Jr. Barker Welfare Foundation Robert & Isabelle Bass   Foundation, Inc. Helen Brach Foundation The Buchanan   Family Foundation Cashel Foundation Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Mr. & Mrs. David A. Donovan Duchossois Family Foundation Mary Winton Green The Leo S. Guthman Fund Illinois Arts Council,   a state agency Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP,   in memory of Gerald Penner Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Ling Z. and   Michael C. Markovitz Nancy Lauter McDougal and   Alfred L. McDougal Colonel Stanley Reed   McNeil Foundation Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr.

Cynthia M. Sargent Charles and M. R. Shapiro  Foundation The George L. Shields   Foundation, Inc. Michael and Linda Simon Mr. & Mrs. William Steinmetz U.S. Bancorp Foundation Dr. Marylou Witz $5,000–$9,999 Edward J. and   Edith G. Andrew Anonymous (3) Arts Midwest’s   Performing Arts Fund Robert H. Baum and   MaryBeth Kretz Mr. Lawrence Belles Florence H. Boone Foundation Charles H. and Bertha L.   Boothroyd Foundation Harry F. and Elaine Chaddick  Foundation Mr. Lawrence Corry Mr. Jerry J. Critser Ms. Phyllis Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Allan Drebin Ann and Gordon Getty   Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Richard and Alice Godfrey Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Mrs. Betty Guttman Mr. & Mrs. Loren Jahn Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kane The League of the   Chicago Symphony   Orchestra Association Jim and Kay Mabie Milne Family Foundation Gerald* and Mona Penner Andra and Irwin Press Karen and Thomas Rafter Sherry and Bob Reum The Rhoades Foundation Benjamin J. Rosenthal  Foundation Ms. Alyne Salstone Dr. Scholl Foundation The Siragusa Foundation Simon Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. John E. Van Horn Michael G. Woll and   Laura Woll The Farny R. Wurlitzer  Foundation $2,500–$4,999 Ms. Susan Adler Anonymous (2) Ms. Sandra Bass Ms. Shawn M. Donnelley and   Dr. Christopher M. Kelly

Carl Forstmann   Memorial Foundation Ms. Marguerite Griffin Grace C. Hajeck Mr. Collier Hands Italian Village Restaurants Susie Forstmann Kealy Kinder Morgan Lannan Foundation Mr. Gregory and   Dr. Alice Melchor David and Dolores Nelson Michael and Kay O’Halleran Deborah F. Rutter and   Peter Ellefson Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Fay S. Stern, in memory of   John N. Stern Suzanne and Fred Stitt Walter and Caroline Sueske   Charitable Trust Mrs. Robert Swanson Mrs. Lois P. Vrhel Mr. & Mrs. William Young $1,000–$2,499 Ann Acker Mrs. Rebeca Adams Albany Bank & Trust Company Anonymous (9) Ms. Marie Asbury Mr. Edward M. Bakwin Mr. & Mrs. John Barnes Mr. Merrill and   Mr. N.M.K. Barnes Mr. Solomon Barnett Howard and Donna Bass Mrs. Robert Beck Mr. Melvin Belton Mr. Arnold Bodmer Mr. James Borkman Mr. Donald Bouseman Ms. Danolda Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan Henry and Gilda Buchbinder Drs. Stephen and Judy Bundra Mr. & Mrs.   Kenneth J. Burns, Jr. Mr. & Mrs.*   Richard M. Burridge Mr. & Mrs. Burt Lewis Ann and Richard Carr Sue and Jim Colletti Mary Lynn and   Thomas M. Cooney Fund   of the Greater Cincinnati  Foundation Anita J. Court, Ph.D. Ms. Debra Danner Melissa and Gordon Davis Dr. Kay Debs Ms. Ann Drake Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Elk Grove Graphics

Charles and Carol Emmons Anne H. Evans Ms. Evelyn T. Fitzpatrick Ms. Lola Flamm Ms. Kathleen Ford Ms. Cheryl Francis Gerald Freedman Dr. Barbara Fuller Janet Geovanis, in memory of   Thomas Geovanis Mrs. Joseph Glotzbach,   in memory of   Joseph F. Glotzbach Mrs. Donald E. Goll GoodSmith Gregg &   Unruh LLP Mr. Nicholas Gouletas and Ms.   Natel Matschulat-Gouletas Mr. Ellsworth Grant Ms. Janessa Griffin Charles Grode and Heidi Lukas Mr. & Mrs. John Hales Carol Hall Anne Marcus Hamada The Dr. Lewis A. Hare &   Ruth Lerman Hare   Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs.   Wade C. Harrison II Mrs. Margaret Hart Mr. William Hegan William B. Hinchliff Eugene and Jayne Holland Mr. Bruce Huey Tex and Susan Hull Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Hurvis Ian and Valerie Jacobs Tim and Jennifer Janowick Ms. Kathryn Johnson Ms. Maryann Karlovsky Dr. Beverly Kasper Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman Marcia and Silas Keehn Ms. Heather Ketchum Esther G. Klatz Mr. Chris John Klbecka Ms. Jean Klingenstein Ms. June Koizumi Mr. & Mrs.   Richard K. Komarek Ferdinand and   Bernadette Korndorf Mr. & Mrs. Rubin P. Kuznitsky Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Liechti Ms. Michelle Lozins Mr. Russ Lyman Mr. Glen J. Madeja and   Ms. Janet Steidl Ms. Amy B. Manning and   Mr. Paul C. Ziebert Marcus and Pauline McEwen Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Mason, Jr. Martha K. McClintock Mrs. Erma Medgyesy



Mr. Robert Middleton Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Maria and Carl E. Moore Mrs. Frank Morrissey Catherine Mouly and   LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. Ms. M. Kathleen Mueller Eileen M. Murray Edward and Gayla Nieminen Mr. Álvaro R. Obregón Dr. Stephanie Pace and   Robert Marshall Mr.* & Mrs. Marshall Padorr Mr. Potter Palmer Eugene and Lois Pavalon In celebration of the birth of   Joseph Gerald Penner,   named in loving memory of   his uncle Gerald Penner Judy C. Petty Stephen and Michelle Plichta Susan and Joseph A. Power, Jr. Drs. Joseph and Kimberly Pyle Al Reichle Ms. Mary Ring Dr. Anita Robbins Thomas Roberts and   Teresa Grosch Ronald and Diane Hamburger Ms. Eugenie Ross-Leming and   Mr. Robert Singer Rosemary and John Sanchez Mr. David Sandfort Richard and Edna Schade Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Stephen A. and Marilyn Scott Mr. & Mrs. Irving Seaman, Jr. Mr. David and   Ms. Judith L. Sensibar Stuart and Leslie Shulruff Mr. Peter Sichrovsky Julia M. Simpson Mrs. Kimberly Snyder Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein Ms. Adena Staben Mr. Leonidas Stefanos Carol D. Stein Mr. Hal Stewart Mr. Frederick Sturm and   Ms. Deborah Gillaspie Dr. & Mrs. Armando Susmano Mr. & Mrs.   William Trukenbrod Dr. Cynthia M. Valukas and   Mr. Joseph A. Kohl Mr. Robert Volz Lulu Ms. Carol Ward Mrs. Hempstead Washburne Ms. Elizabeth Wazowicz Abby and Glen Weisberg Linda and Marc Weissbluth Drs. Eric and Cheryl Whitaker

Lisa and Paul Wiggin Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Wildermuth Ms. Virginia Willcox Dr. & Mrs. Roland Winterfield Cheryl B. and   James T. Wormley Mr. Jeremy Youngren Mrs. IdaLynn Zahour David and Eileen Zampa $500–$999 Advent Systems, Inc. Anchor Mechanical Inc. John G. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anderson Mr. Andras Andras Mr. Kal Anglewicz Anonymous (17) Dr. & Mrs. Kent Armbruster Patricia Armell and   James Philips Jon Balke and G. Balke Mr. Terry Bangs Mr. Thomas Baron Jeff and Beth Bauer Mr. Andrew Bautista Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bernbaum Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Lester and Lue Binder Ms. Lillian Bissing Mr. John Blane Adam Bossov Mr. & Mrs. David Boyd Laura and Robert Boyd Mr. William Briggs Mr. & Mrs. John Brubaker Mr. Robert Brumbaugh David and Mary Bushing Mr. & Mrs. George M. Byrne Ms. Marion Cameron Lee and Mary Carlson Wendy Alders Cartland Ms. Kathleen Clark Mr. Joseph R. Clonick Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cohan Ms. Jane Cox Constance Cwiok Mr. & Mrs. John Czekaj Mr. & Mrs.   Richard Czerniawski Ms. Maria Davies and   Mr. Richard Nuscher Ms. Eloise C. DeYoung The Dick Family Foundation Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Michael and Laurel DiPrima Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Dobroski Ms. Mary Dobyns Ms. Jeannette Dragland Ms. Barbara Drevlow DS&P Insurance Services, Inc. Dr. Karin Joan Dunnigan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eastwood

Edward and   Nancy Eichelberger Ms. Marcia Eichler Robert S. and   Ardyth J. Eisenberg Reese and Jeanne Elledge Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Elwell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Epstein Rev. Robert Erickson Keith and Diane Ertner Mrs. Carol Evans, in memory of   Henry Evans Mrs. Walter D. Fackler Judith Farquhar and   James Hevia Mr. John Ferrero Joy Fett Mr. & Mrs. Sean Fifield Ms. B. Fisher Kenneth M. Fitzgerald Ms. Marie Franciscus Lawrence and Pamela Frankel Dr.* & Mrs. Uwe Freese Fred Freitag and Lynn Stegner Ms. Elizabeth Friedgut Dr. & Mrs. Donald Fry Mrs. Maria-Anna Galitzine Ms. Colette Garavalia Camillo and Arlene Ghiron Ms. Gloria Gierke Margaret Gilling Mr. & Mrs. Perry Goldberg Mr. Gerald and   Dr. Colette Gordon Rosemary and Larry* Gray Raymond and Dolores Greabe Yvonne and Mark Green Timothy and Joyce Greening Mr. James Grimes Mr. & Ms. Victor Grossi Mr. Dan Grossman George F. and   Catherine S. Haber Stuart and Shelly Hanfling Mr. & Mrs. John Hard Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Bischof Becky and Hank Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hassan Sondra and Denis Healy Mr. Steven Hendrickson Mr.* & Mrs. Adolph Herseth Ms. Mary Jo Hertel Mr. Paul E. Hicks Mr. James Hinchsliff Ms. Mari Hirsh Mr. David Hoffman Mr. Tom Houman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Smith Hugh and Nancy Magill Mr. J. Paul Hunter Michael and Leigh Huston Ms. Frieda Ireland and   Mr. Carroll Damron

Mr. John Jawor Carol and John Showel Mr. & Mrs. John Rosenheim Dr. Patricia Jones Mr. Phillip Jones Ms. Kathleen Jordan Douglas and Dana Kasl Mr. Neil Katz Mr. Kevin Ray and   Mr. Joseph Scheper Anne G. Kimball and   Peter Stern Dr. Elaine Klemen Mr. Edward Koss Mr. Kevin Kraft Ms. Loraine Kubiak Mr. & Mrs. Walfrid Kujala Mr. Ronald Lagg Ms. Pamela Larsen Drs. Cindy and Michael Leland Ms. Betsy Levin and   Mr. Martin Krasnitz Ms. Carolyn Levin Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lifton Mr. Daniel Macken and   Mr. Merlyn Harbold Mr. James MacLennan Ms. Janice Magnuson Dr. Allan Maier Mr. Gregg Malicki Ms. Leah Maneaty Mr. & Mrs. Mark Manto Mr.* & Mrs. Paul Maraist Ms. Alice Maresh Mr. Christopher Martin Muriel and Maurice Schwartz Ms. Adele Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Robert McAllister Ms. Deborah McBride Mr. Michael McCaslin Rosa and Peter McCullagh Rev. Tom McGivney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ray McLaughlin Mr. Curt Meine Ms. Constance Meinwald Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Meltzer Ms. Mary Mittler Mr. Roger Modder Ms. Judith Moniak Audrey and Robert* Morris Allison Moulton Drs. Robert and Marsha Mrtek Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nash Ms. Alyson Nash Jo Ann and Stewart C. Nathan Robert Nelson and Brett Bunke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nopar Mrs. Mary O’Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Eric Oesterle Marjory Oliker Mr. Bruce Oltman Mr. Bruce Ottley

Donna Lee Owens Palmer Printing, Inc. Dr.* & Mrs. M. Jack Parker Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Robert J. and   Dianne M. Patterson, Jr. Mr. Michael Payette Kirsten Bedway and   Simeon Peebler Harold E.* and   Marcia A. Pendexter, Jr. Ms. April Platt Mr. James M. Poehling Ms. Mary Jane Pollack Potbelly Sandwich Shop Mae Svoboda Rhodes Dr. Edward Riley Dr. & Mrs. Chester Robson Dr. Jadwiga Roguska-Kyts Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Rosenthal Susan Rowley and   Alexander Weiss Ms. Judy Runge Ms. Mary Russell Priscilla E. Ryan and   Frank Battle Mrs. Martha Sabransky Ms. Cecelia Samans Dr. Natalie Santiago Mr. Jeffrey L. Savage Saywitz Family Peter and   Marie-Claude Schauer Ms. Susan Schneider Mr. Donald Schreiber The Schreuder Family Charlie and Liz Schrock Gerald and Barbara Schultz Mr. James Schuster Mrs. Rita Schwab-Parcel R. James and Ann Scott Ms. Marilyn Sebastian Mary and Charles M. Shea Susan Shimmin and   David Tekler Elizabeth and John Shoemaker Mr. Brian Shortall Ellen and Richard Shubart Dr. Rita Simó and   Mr. Tomás Bissonnette Mr. & Mrs. John B. Simon Mr. Larry Simpson Mr. Thomas Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Singer Dr. & Mrs. Grover Sloan Mitchell and Valerie Slotnick Mr. Brian Smith Mr. Hugh Spencer Dr. Cynthia Stack Mrs. Julie Stagliano Charles and Joan Staples George and Julie Steffen

Dr. Scott D. Stern and   Laura N. Stern Mrs. David H. Stremmel Ms. Minsook Suh Mr. & Mrs. Sye Unell Mr. Thomas Clewett Mr. Albert Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Howard Tiffen Dr. Carol Traut Janet and Lance Trusty Dr. Sabrina S. Tsao Phil and Paula Turner Lori L. and John R. Twombly Ms. Joan K. Varner Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wagner Susan A. Weber Mr. Michael Welsh and   Ms. Linda Brummer-Welsh Mrs. Barbara H. West Mr. John Wheeler Mrs. William White Katharine M. Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Wilson Dr. Wendall Wilson Ms. Ruth Winter Ken and Rebecca Wiseman Mrs. Iris Witkowsky Barbara and Steven Wolf Mr. William Wolf and   Ms. Meredith Bluhm-Wolf Sandi and David Wood Gary and Connie Yeagle Mr. Tim Yetzina Alexander F. Zajczenko and   Julie Schwertfeger Irene Ziaya and Paul Chaitkin ENDOWED FUNDS Cyrus H. Adams Memorial Youth Concert Fund Dr.* & Mrs.*   Bernard H. Adelson Anonymous (3) Marjorie Blum-Kovler   Youth Concert Fund CNA Kelli Gardner Youth Education   Endowment Fund Mary Winton Green William Randolph Hearst   Foundation Fund for   Community Engagement Richard A. Heise Peter Paul Herbert   Endowment Fund Lester B. Knight   Charitable Trust The Malott Family Very Special   Promenades Fund

The Eloise W. Martin   Endowed Fund in support   of the Chicago Symphony   Orchestra’s Institute   for Learning, Access and  Training Nancy Ranney and Family   and Friends Toyota Endowed Fund The Wallace Foundation

CIVIC ORCHESTRA OF CHICAGO SCHOLARSHIPS Each year, Civic musicians receive a modest stipend to help offset some of their living expenses during orchestra training. The following donors have underwritten a Civic musician(s). Dr.* & Mrs.* Bernard H. Adelson   Sam Battista, violin Edward J.* and Edith G. Andrew   Eric Heidbreder, bassoon Mr.* & Mrs. Robert Bacon, Jr.   Christopher Polen, bass   Dominic Rotella, horn Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz   Mio Nakamura, keyboard Mr. Lawrence Belles and Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation   Yuyoung Chung, cello Mr. Jerry J. Critser   Desiree Miller, cello Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund   Jonas Benson, viola   Madeline Capistran, violin   Kelsey Craggett, violin   Talia Dicker, cello   Yinbin Qian, violin   Will Riley, bass Mr. & Mrs. David A. Donovan and Lloyd A. Fry Foundation   Andrew Pedersen, bass Mr. & Mrs. Allan Drebin and Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation   Chang Ji, violin Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat   Jaehee Ju, cello   Brett Lewis, bass   Yu Liu, violin   David Scholl, bass   Phillip Triggs, viola

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg   Chris Jones, percussion Richard and Alice Godfrey   Kyung Woo Kwon, violin Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab   Sang Kyun Kim, violin Mary Winton Green   Scott Dickinson, bass Mrs. Betty Guttman   Eliza Bengert, flute John H. Hart and Carol Prins   Joshua Zajac, cello Loretta N. Julian   Amanda Bailey, viola   Joanna Grosshans, violin Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP In memory of Gerald Penner   Catherine Chabot, flute   Ceci Li, violin   Zoe Moskalew, cello Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust   Timothy Hoorelbek, viola   Jeong Yeon Ryu, violin Robert Kohl & Clark Pellett   Tim Dodge, clarinet The League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association   Megan Kyle, oboe Leslie Fund, Inc.   Amy Anderson, violin   Julia Bair, bassoon   Helen Hess, viola   Davis Perez, viola Ms. Ann Lurie   Eugene Kaler, violin   Steffani Kitayama, violin   Kevin Kosnik, percussion   Dmitriy Melkumov, violin   Bruno Vaz da Silva, viola Jim and Kay Mabie   Katie Klocke, violin Judy and Scott McCue and Lloyd A. Fry Foundation   Emily Granger, harp Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal   Ariel Garcia, viola   Maya Shiraishi, violin The Pauls Foundation   Darren Castellanos,   bass trombone   Serdar Cizmeci, trombone   William Cooper, trumpet   Amy Krueger, horn   Cara Sawyer, horn   Adrian Speyrer, trumpet   Jonathan Terrasi, trombone Mona Penner   Joshua Fleming, bassoon Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Pigott   Clint Sevcik, bass



Andra and Irwin Press   Paul Ensey, bass Sherry and Bob Reum   Xiomara Mass, oboe Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr.   Robert Kistler, percussion Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation   Kathryn Petrarulo, horn   Rachel Serber, trumpet The George L. Shields Foundation, Inc.   Lipeng Chen, violin   Elizabeth Larson, violin   Samuel Rothstein, clarinet Michael and Linda Simon   Kevin Haseltine, horn   Henry Williford, flute Mr. & Mrs. William C. Steinmetz   Alison Chang, timpani   Jonathan Garabedian, violin Simon Stephenson   Jenna Anderson, violin Ruth Miner Swislow   Eun Chong Ju, violin Dr. Marylou Witz   Su Yin Chan, violin   Emily Nash, violin Michael G. Woll and Laura Woll   Duncan James Spry, tuba Anonymous Donor The Jane Redmond Haliday Cello Scholarship Chair   Emily Hu, cello Anonymous Donor   Kaming Tan, violin Anonymous Donor   Maria Martinez, cello   Susan Paik, violin

Friends of the Civic Orchestra The following donors have aligned themselves as friends of the Civic Orchestra by directing their gift of $1,500 or more toward the stipend Civic musicians receive each season. STRING SECTION Mr. Jerry J. Critser Ronald E. and Dolores Daly David and Dolores Nelson Mrs. Louis P. Vrhel Mr. & Mrs. Marco Weiss BRASS SECTION Ms. Maryann Karlovsky Dr. Stephanie and   Robert Marshall Michael G. Woll and   Laura Wol

WOODWIND SECTION Charles and Carol Emmons Mona Penner, in memory of   Gerald Penner Mrs. Robert Swanson Michael G. Woll and   Laura Woll PERCUSSION SECTION Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Reese and Jeanne Elledge Dr. Cynthia M. Valukas   and Mr. Joseph A. Kohl

THEODORE THOMAS SOCIETY Stradivarian Associates The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is pleased to recognize the following individuals for generously creating a revocable bequest of $100,000 or more, or an irrevocable life-income trust or annuity of $50,000 or more. Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Robert A. Alsaker Geoffrey A. Anderson Ruth T. Anderson Anonymous (6) Charles J. Balkin III Mr. Frank Ball Leland and Mary Bartholomew Marlys A. Beider Mike and Donna Bell Celine Bendy Julie Ann Benson K. Richard and   Patricia M. Berlet Merrill and Judy Blau Danolda Brennan Mr. Leon Brenner, Jr. Dr. Mary Louise Hirsh Burger Patricia A. Clickener Judith and Stephen F. Condren Mr. Nelson D. Cornelius Marianne Deson Mr. Robert Drinan, Jr. and   Mr. Mitchell Brown Mr. Terrence M.W. Ellsworth Mrs. Terrence M.W. Ellsworth Dr. Marilyn Ezri Mrs. William M. Flory Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Rhoda Lea and Henry S. Frank Mrs. Zollie S. Frank Mary J. and Ronald P. Frelk Mrs. Martin L. Gecht Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Lyle Gillman Mary Louise Gorno

Dr. & Mrs. David Granato Richard and Mary Gray Mary Winton Green Dr. Jon Brian Greis Mrs. Betty Guttman Julie Hall Mr. William P. Hauworth II Mr. R.H. Helmholz Avis Herseth Stephanie and Allen Hochfelder Concordia Hoffmann Frank and Helen Holt Mark and Elizabeth Hurley Ms. Darlene Johnson Roy A. and Sarah C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Stuart Kane Jared Kaplan and   Maridee Quanbeck Wayne S. and   Lenore M. Kaplan Howard Kaspin Esther G. Klatz Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kubicka Evelyn and Arnold Kupec Robert B. Kyts Memorial Fund Robert Alan Lewis Elizabeth C. Lilienfield Mr. Arthur G. Maling Sheldon H. Marcus Mr. Robert C. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Marr III Marcia and   Jack L. Melamed, M.D. Janet L. Melk Charles Moore Mr. & Mrs. Mario A. Munoz Mrs. Otto Nerad Edward A. and   Gayla S. Nieminen Dr. Joan E. Patterson Donald Peck Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Mr. Harold H. Plaut Mr. & Mrs. Neil K. Quinn Wendy Reynes Dr. Edward O. Riley Jerry Rose John and Nancy Rutledge Cecelia Samans Franklin Schmidt Joanne Silver Audrey and Ted Spiegel Annette and Richard Steinke Mrs. Deborah Sterling Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Dr. Gerald Sunko Mr. & Mrs. John C. Telander Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Toft Robert W. Turner and   Gloria B. Turner Mr. Christian Vinyard

Mr. Robert Volz Joan and Marco Weiss

MEMBERS Valerie and Joseph Abel Louise Abrahams Mr. Donald Alderman Ann S. Alpert Ms. Judith L. Anderson Steven Andes, Ph.D. Anonymous (31) Catherine Aranyi Dr. Jeff Bale Mr. Neal Ball Mara Mills Barker Dr. & Mrs. Robert Beatty Arlene and Marshall Bennett Norma Z. Bennett Sally J. Benson William and Ellen Bentsen Joan I. Berger Harry H. and   Harriet H. Bernbaum Candace Broecker Mrs. Lucille Brouse Catherine Brubaker Edward J. Buckbee Michelle Miller Burns Mr. Robert J. Callahan Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Car Mr. & Mrs.   William P. Carmichael Dr. Marlene E. Casiano Bill and Betsy Cline Dr. & Mrs. Melvin R. Cohen Beverly Ann and Peter Conroy Sharon Conway Mr. Robert L. Crawford Mr. Jerry J. Critser Ron and Dolores Daly Mr. & Mrs. John Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Clyde H. Dawson Sylvia Samuels Delman Mrs. David A. DeMar Ms. Phyllis Diamond Mr. Francis T. Dombrowski Mr. Richard L. Eastline Nancy Schroeder Ebert Ms. Estelle Edlis Richard Elledge Joseph R. Ender Shirley L. Ettelson Leslie Farrell Donna Feldman Frances and Henry Fogel Allen J. Frantzen Gustave D. Friesem Mr. & Mrs. H. Laurance Fuller Dileep Gangolli Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gardner Miss Elizabeth Gatz Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Mr. Joseph Glossberg

Adele and Marvin Goldsmith Joan E. Gordon Douglas Ross Gortner Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Mr. & Mrs. George Graham Ms. Elizabeth A. Gray Delta A. Greene Mrs. Ann B. Grimes Mrs. Elizabeth Guenzel Mrs. Barbara Gundrum Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Robin Tieken Hadley Mrs. Grace C. Hajeck Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hall Mr. Tom Hall Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hallett Richard Halvorsen Mrs. Robert J. Hamman Capt. Martin P. Hanson,   USN Ret. Mrs. David J. Harris Thomas and Linda Heagy Dr. & Mrs. Donald Heinrich John and Linda Hillman Mrs. Morris H. Hirsh Mr. Thomas Hochman Mrs. Walter Horban Mr. Joseph H. Huebner Mrs. Marian Johnson Ms. Janet Jones Marshall Keltz Valerie and George Kennedy Paul Keske Mr. Bob Kilpatrick Mr. & Mrs.   Frank L. Klapperich, Jr. Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Sally Jo Knowles Mrs. Russell V. Kohr Ms. Barbara Kopsian Liesel E. Kossmann Richard J. Kost Ms. Alice La Pert Thomas and Annelise Lawson Patricia Lee Dr. & Mrs. David J. Leehey Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Levy Ms. Sally Lewis Dr. Eva F. Lichtenberg Mr. Michael Licitra Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Liebson Ann Chassin Mallow Mrs. Herman R. Margolis Mrs. John J. Markham Kathleen W. Markiewicz Judith W. McCue and   Howard M. McCue III Mr. William McIntosh Mrs. Leoni McVey Mrs. Harmon Meigs Dale and Susan Miller Kathryn Miller Thomas R. Mullaney Mr. David H. Nelson

David J. and Dolores D. Nelson Franklin Nussbaum James F. Oates Diana J. and Gerald L. Ogren Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oliver, Jr. Wallace and Sarah Oliver Dr. David G. Ostrow and   Mr. Rafael Gomez Helen and Joseph Page George R. Paterson Robert J. and   Dianne M. Patterson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Perlmutter Elizabeth Anne Peters Mrs. Lewis D. Petry Judy C. Petty Karen and Dick Pigott Lois Polakoff Miss Ann M. Pollack Jeanne and Walter Reed Dr. Merrell Reiss Ms. Oksana Revenko-Jones Don and Sally Roberts Ms. Rosemary Roberts Ms. Elaine Rosen Mrs. Ben J. Rosenthal Mr. William O. Sahm Craig Samuels Sue and William Samuels Mrs. Gerhart Schild Muriel Schnierow Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Seeboeck Mr. Morrell A. Shoemaker Anne Sibley Dr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Siegel Ms. Ann Silberman Larry Simpson Mr. Allen R. Smart Mary Soleiman Jim Spiegel Julie Stagliano Mrs. Zelda Star Mr. Charles J. Starcevich Karen and George Steil Timothy and   Kathleen Stockdale Mr. John Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swanson Ruth Miner Swislow Jeffrey and Linda Swoger Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Thorson Karen Hletko Tiersky Myron Tiersky Mr. James M. Trapp Mr. Donn N. Trautman Mr. C. Phillip Turner Ms. Rose Gray Tynan Virginia C. Vale Frank Villella Lois P. Vrhel Mr. Milan Vydareny Dr. Malcolm Vye Jeanne Walker Mr. Frank Walschlager

Louella Krueger Ward Dr. Catherine L. Webb Karl Wechter Claude M. Weil Mr. Thomas Weyland Ms. Barbara B. White Mr. & Mrs. Payson S. Wild Mrs. Albert D. Williams, Jr. Kayla Anne Wilson Nora M. Winsberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Wolf Ann Wolff Dr. Robert G. Zadylak

IN MEMORIAM Listed below are individuals who were Theodore Thomas Society members and whom the Chicago Symphony Orchestra remembers with gratitude for their generosity and visionary support. Hope A. Abelson Mrs. Julius J. Abler Richard Abrahams Mrs. Elmer E. Abrahamson Roger A. Anderson Faye Angell Anonymous (7) Mr. Irwin Askow James E.S. Baker Paul Barker Patricia Anne Barton Mrs. A.W. Baumann Mrs. James H. Becker Mrs. Robert C. Borwell Mrs. Harold S. Brady Kenneth A. Bro Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Howard Broecker Marie Kraemer Burnside Rose Mary Carter Charles R. Casper Margaret G. Chamales Milton Colman Billie Dale Delevitt Mrs. Edison Dick Howard M. Donaldson William B. Drewry Kelli Gardner Emery Robert Ettelson Dr. James D. Fenters Mrs. James H. Ferry, Jr. Herbert B. Fried Dr. Muriel S. Friedman Alan J. Garber Dr. Martin Gecht Mrs. James R. Getz Mrs. Jeanne Brown Gordon Barbara L. Gould Elizabeth S. Graettinger Mr. William B. Graham

David Green Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Cecile Guthman A. William Haarlow III Parker Hall Chalkley J. Hambleton Mr. Robert J. Hamman Mr. Allan E. Harris Melville D. Hartman Mr. Lawrence J. Helstern Helen Hoagland Richard J. Hofemann Mrs. Henry Isham Mr. Morris A. Kaplan Ruth Kiewe Mr. Russell V. Kohr Mrs. Bertram Kribben Louise H. Landau Mrs. Earl Larsen Caressa Y. Lauer Beryl M. Lewis Mrs. Richard Q. Livingston Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd Mary Longbrake Mrs. Herbert S. Manning Mrs. Robert C. Marks Virginia Harvey McAnulty Helen C. McDougal, Jr. Eunice H. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. William McKittrick Ms. Shirley R. Mesirow Edward Miller Micki Miller Kathryn Mueller Mr. Otto Nerad Mr. & Mrs. Jaye S. Niefield John and Maynette Neundorf Mrs. Carol Rauner O’Donovan Mrs. Eric Oldberg Mr. Bruce P. Olson Mr. & Mrs.   William G. Paulick, Jr. Mrs. Neil Petersen Maxine R. Philipsborn Mr. Charles J. Pollyea Mrs. Charles J. Pollyea Miss Christine Querfeld David M. Roberts Rosemary Roberts Mrs. Ward Rogers Mrs. Irmgard Hess Rosenberger Mr. Ben J. Rosenthal Mrs. Morris Rossin Mrs. John W. Ruettinger Mr. Anthony Ryerson Mrs. Lee Sagers Ingeborg Haupt Sennot Herman Shapiro Soretta and Henry Shapiro Muriel Shaw Mr. William F. Sibley Mr. Peter E. Sincox Jean H. Smith



Karen A. Sorensen Mrs. Georgette Grosz Spertus Vito Stagliano David W. Stotter Dr. Andrew Thomson J. Ross Thomson Beatrice B. Tinsley Mr. & Mrs. Burton J. Wade Louise Benton Wagner Nancy L. Wald Esther H. Waldman Laurie Wallach Mrs. Ferre C. Watkins Mrs. Virginia O. Weaver Ruth F. Whitney Arnold Wolff

ESTATE GIFTS We gratefully acknowledge estate gifts received in the past year. These generous gifts represent a perpetual commitment to the greatness of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Anonymous (1) Edward F. Blettner   Marital Trust Estate of Naomi T. Borwell Estate of Madeleine Camilleri Estate of Elizabeth R. Capilupo Estate of Margaret Church The Josephine Crafton Trust Estate of Robert L. Devitt Mildred F. Fanslau Trust Estate of Gretchen L. Focke Estate of Ernest Grunsfeld Elizabeth S. Guenzel   Trust Estate Estate of Lawrence J. Helstern Doris Hoffman,   David Hoffman Trust Estate of Allen H. Howard Estate of June Isaacson Louis L. Joseph, Jr. Trust Joseph M. Kacena   Endowed Fund Estate of Jeanette A. Klickman William Kruppenbacher Estate Estate of Anne C. Lacovic Louise H. Landau Foundation The Medard C. Lange   Revocable Trust Estate of Alice M. La Pert Estate of Mrs. Eloise W. Martin Estate of Frank G. Mayes Estate of Hugo J. Melvoin Estate of Marietta Munnis Estate of Mrs. Helen M. Nelson Joan Nopola Trust Estate of   Carol Rauner O’Donovan

Estate of Suzanne Pattou Marjorie C. Phemister Charitable Remainder   Annuity Trust The Harold H. Plaut Trust Estate of Halina J. Presley Estate of Virginia H. Rogers Harriet Cary Ross Trust Estate of Erhardt Schmidt Estate of Donald R. Schreiber Estate of Ingeborg Sennot Estate of Peter E. Sincox Estate of Willis B. Snell Paul D. Urnes Trust Estate of   Louise Benton Wagner Jeanne Walker Trust

OUTRIGHT ENDOWMENT GIFTS Judy and Scott McCue Ms. Kathryn Collier Ms. Nancy Friedland Ms. Jolene Kay Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Judy Loretta N. Julian Nuveen Investments Hon. Sheila O’Brien and   Mr. Wayne R. Andersen Mrs. Robert Trotter Ms. Dolores M. Rix

CONTRIBUTED GIFTS AND SERVICES Alfonsa Burcheri   Framing Studio Inc. Allium String Quartet Anita Dee Yacht Charter Baker Furniture The Baker House   Luxury Inn on the Lake Banfi Mason Bates BBJ Linen Phyllis Berlin Dr. Phyllis C. Bleck Blue Plate Catering Booth Hansen James G. Borovsky Boston Consulting Group Bridges Mavrakakis LLP Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brock Liza Burns Mark H. Campbell Oto Carrillo Mrs. Tina R. Carson Charlie Trotter’s Chicago Magazine Chicago Tribune Company Chae Chong

Cinema Nova Audio Dale Clevenger Anna Clyne Regine and Richard Corrado Mike Ditka DLA Piper LLP (US) Melanie Douglas for   Carlisle Collection Drury Lane Productions, Inc. Ruth Duncanson E.&J. Gallo Winery Elizabeth Stein Company Elk Grove Graphics Entertaining Company Event Creative Mrs. Walter D. Fackler Joe Feldman Timothy Flynn Food Evolution Julia Foster Frost Susanna Gaunt Gemini Graphics, Inc. Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Daniel Gingrich Jerry Goldstone Goose Island Beer Co. Green Planet Bottling, LLC Greenwich Studios Gray Raven Mosaic Designs Grey Goose Vodka David Griffin Groupon, Inc. Half Acre Beer Company John Hard Hart Davis Hart   Wine Company Heffernan Morgan Designs James R. Hellige Leigh Ann and Casey Herman Hewitt Associates Richard Hirschl HispanicPro Hotel du Palais Bobby Hull Brian Johnson Mrs. Sheila Anne Jones Jared Kaplan K.A. Pridjian & Co. Betsy Katz Kenneth V. Kaufman The Laugh Factory Chicago Lee Jofa | Kravet Dr. Philip R. Liebson Make It Better A. Marek Fine Jewelry Marlowe Christopher Martin Mayer Brown LLP McKinsey & Company Metropolitan Limousine National Hispanic   Sales Network

Neiman Marcus   Michigan Avenue Nicado Publishing /  NegociosNow Oak State Products Kenneth Olsen Oscar Isberian Rugs Park Hyatt Chicago,   The CSO’s Preferred   Hotel Partner Michael Perlstein Fritz Pfaff PianoForte Piece Pizzeria & Brewery Polo Ralph Lauren Potbelly Sandwich Shop PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Philip Puckorius Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel Raphael Paris The Recording Academy RGB Lights Robert Lucas Haircolor Studio Ruthie Ryan Ruxbin RW Designs Sara Lee Corporation John Schellenbach The Segal Company Patrick Sharp Show Services Slover Linett Strategies Jim Smelser The Sound Co-Op, LLC Liz Stein Susie Stein Steinway Piano Gallery Tablescapes Brant Taylor Theatrical Lighting Connection Think-cell Tito’s Vodka Tootsie Roll United Fulfillment Van Gogh Vodka The Walgreen Company Elizabeth Foster and   Michael Walsh WBBM WBEZ William C. Weinsheimer Wendella Boats WFMT Mike Widell,   Chicago Indoor Sports William Harris Lee & Co. WineStyles Belmont George and Elizabeth Wrede Debbie Wright Dr. & Mrs. Ara Yeretsian David Yonan *Deceased

CREDITS Graphic Design: Shawn Sheehy All photos by Todd Rosenberg except Muti/Blackhawks photo on page 11 and Chris Thile photo on page 13, which are by Brian Kersey.

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