Special Edition Magazine - August/September 2020

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“A superb live performance of this haunting work . . . uniting it all is Mr. Muti’s conceptual vision, precision and compassion. This is a Babi Yar to cherish.” wall street journal

“A probing performance of a work Muti rightly termed ‘a masterpiece.’” chicago tribune

available at


contents c hicago symphony orchestra association Program Book Production Frances Atkins Content Director Phillip Huscher Scholar-in-Residence & Program Annotator Gerald Virgil Senior Content Editor Kristin Tobin Designer & Print Production Manager


4 Messages from Maestro

Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti comments on culture during unprecedented times


Meet the Musicians The latest in a series of profiles featuring the renowned members of the CSO

Bryan Dowling Advertising Sales 708-434-5869 bryan@media8midwest.com P H OTOG R A PHY BY TO DD RO S E N BERG


© 2020 Chicago Symphony Orchestra All rights reserved.

This special edition is intended to keep our audiences informed about the ongoing work of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association and the creative ways its musicians and programs continue to bring music into our lives. It also provides an opportunity to recognize our steadfast and growing list of supporters.

otes for Peace: Seeking Solace Through Song N in the Aftermath of Gun Violence The CSO’s Negaunee Music Institute helps families heal through the act of songwriting.


Donors Rise to the Challenge Generous supporters give $5.4 million to the CSOA’s Music Ahead matching challenge


Our Donors and Volunteers Recognition of our generous donors and volunteers

47 Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Board of Trustees

48 Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Governing Members


Our Donors and Volunteers, continued

CSO From Home


Visit the special CSO From Home portal, where you can access performance videos, full-length concert audio performances, articles, and more. AUGUST–SEPTEMBER 2020  3


Riccardo Muti has played an integral role in promoting Europe’s return to cultural life this summer. On June 21, Riccardo Muti held the distinguished honor of resuming the performance of live orchestral music in his native Italy by conducting the opening concert of the Ravenna Festival with the Cherubini Youth Orchestra, which he established in 2004. He continued his advocacy by leading additional concerts and events, emblematic of his commitment to arts and culture, with the Vienna Philharmonic at the Musikverein, the Roads of Friendship Concerts, the Riccardo Muti Italian Opera Academy, and more. These occasions offered ample opportunities for Muti to comment on current events to the press as well as what the Salzburger Nachrichten described as “fraternity in the name of beauty and culture.” While Maestro Muti is saddened that current conditions prohibit him from traveling to Chicago at this time, he continues to remain involved with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, especially the musicians of the CSO. “I very much look forward to reuniting with you and the Orchestra in person. We will make music again in Chicago and abroad, because a world without music is unimaginable.” THE COURAGE TO PERFORM AGAIN The June 21 concert that opened the Ravenna Festival served as a deeply meaningful symbol of the country’s return to cultural life since Italy’s strict lockdown was introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus early in 2020. “This evening, Ravenna doesn’t forget its past or its passion, and it is the first to bring music back to the stage,” said Muti in a speech during the concert at the historic fifteenth-century fortress, the Rocca Brancaleone. “It is an important act, and an act of courage.” “It was a thrill to find ourselves with the youth of the Cherubini after months of absence from music, from making music together, and living together in harmony with music,” said Muti in an interview with RAI. “The fact that Ravenna was the first to open the doors 4 CSO.ORG

to music is a fact that underlines the courage, especially the will, to go on.” ART AS AMBASSADOR Two concerts—marking the twenty-fourth annual Roads of Friendship, a music initiative established by Italy’s Ravenna Festival to build bonds among nations afflicted by war, natural disasters, or political conflict—were dedicated to the people of Syria as well as to Syrian archaeologist Khaled al-Asaad and Kurdish-Syrian politician Hevrin Khalaf, both slain during the country’s ongoing civil war. Muti conducted Beethoven’s Symphony no. 3 (Eroica) on July 3 at the Rocca Brancaleone in Ravenna and again on July 5 at the Paestum archaeological site in southern Italy, with its three ancient Greek temples providing a dramatic backdrop.

“This concert is a sign of closeness to the Syrian population, which has heroically suffered for years from a conflict for which there is no end in sight, and upon whose civilians enormous suffering has been inflicted. . . . We position musicians against violence; our weapons [are] harmony and culture.” PROMOTING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION An excerpt from an interview with Pablo L. Rodríguez for Spain’s El País in June: “In August, I will conduct three concerts with the Vienna Philharmonic at the Salzburg Festival: Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, with its universal message of brotherhood,” [Muti] stresses. The reference to Beethoven’s universal embrace redirects the topic of the conversation toward the situation in the United States. . . . “Naturally, all my concerts with the Chicago Symphony were canceled this spring, but I keep in close contact with the musicians,” he says. The flame of the Orchestra has been kept alive, as in other ensembles, through prerecorded concert broadcasts. Muti highlights the rebroadcast, a few days ago, of George Walker’s Lyric for Strings. “It is a postromantic piece, but one of true sentiment, by a recently deceased African American

composer, which we have posted in reaction to the death of George Floyd and to convey our love and brotherhood.” The Italian maestro remembers the number of African Americans with whom he has worked (including opera singers Martina Arroyo, Kathleen Battle, Simon Estes, Denyce Graves, Jessye Norman, and Eric Owens; the pianist André Watts; actor Ora Jones; and basketball star Julius Erving as a narrator, among others) and outlines a desire to combat racism: “I dream of having more and more African Americans in the Orchestra, in the Chorus, among the audience, and also in the repertoire.” Last April, the pandemic prevented the performances of two works under his direction: Mother and Child (1943) by William Grant Still and Florence Price’s Third Symphony (1940), both by pioneers of African American symphonism. “I will conduct both compositions, in Chicago, when everything is normalized.” AT HOME IN CHICAGO AND ITALY In an interview with Anna Bandettini of La Repubblica, Muti bemoaned the deterioration of Italian cultural life due to the new coronavirus and sociopolitical trends. When questioned about his commitment to his native country, he replied: “Because when I leave the concert hall in Chicago, even on winter nights at thirty

left to r i g h t : Riccardo Muti conducts on a large stage erected between the temples of Hera and Poseidon specially constructed for the July 5 Roads of Friendship concert at the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Paestum in southern Italy. Photo © Sylvia Lelli Riccardo Muti leads the Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra at the Rocca Brancaleone in Ravenna, Italy. Note the spacing of the audience and musicians to ensure health and safety protocols. Photo © Sylvia Lelli


degrees below zero and I see the names of Michelangelo and Raphael carved on the façade of the art museum opposite, I feel good. I feel proud to be Italian. That is why I will never leave this country.” One way Muti proactively combats cultural decline is through his Italian Opera Academy, which he founded in 2015. It is an expression of Muti’s “desire, almost a moral necessity, to transmit to the new generations the great lyrical tradition received by Antonino Votto [Muti’s own teacher] and, through him, by Arturo Toscanini,” wrote Enrico Parola of Corriere della Sera. The Academy took place as scheduled this summer between July 18 and 31, with enhanced social distancing measures and safety precautions. Muti instructed students in the nuances of the iconic verismo scores of Mascagni’s Cavalleria rusticana and Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci. Next, Muti brought six members of the Cherubini Orchestra to the Port’Aurea prison in Ravenna to perform music by Tchaikovsky for fifty-one inmates and seventy guests. Muti spoke with prisoners after the performance and promised to return in the fall. LEADERSHIP, A COMMON GOAL Riccardo Muti and famed soccer coach Arrigo Sacchi met for a public dialogue moderated by journalist Armando Torno at Ravenna’s Teatro Alighieri on July 23. Both Italians are leaders in their fields and shared their unique perspectives from the podium and the bench. Lorenzo Tazzari of Bologna’s Il Resto del Carlino covered this unique meeting of the minds: Sacchi said, “Leadership is won with authority added to knowledge. I always thought that to make a team you need players who apply themselves with modesty, enthusiasm, [and] intelligence. That’s why I didn’t like and I don’t like conceited, individualistic people. Unfortunately, in Italy, in every area, it is difficult to promote teamwork.” It is difficult to amalgamate twenty-two players, let alone manage

an orchestra of 100 people. As Muti said, “You find personalities that are different from each other . . . but without the amalgamation there is no result. If you scream, you get nothing. It is with authority that you bring the orchestra to harmony. I think this is also the way in society.” A BRIGHTER FUTURE Muti’s June concerts at the Musikverein included poignant repertoire choices, such as Schubert’s Symphony no. 4 (Tragic), Johann Strauss, Jr.’s Voices of Spring Waltz, and Josef Strauss’s Margherita Polka. The selections by the Strauss family of composers were a symbolic outlook for better times. No doubt Maestro Muti will conduct more waltzes and polkas for the 2021 New Year’s Concert with the Vienna Philharmonic, marking his sixth podium appearance in this festive tradition at the Musikverein. In an interview with Pablo L. Rodríguez of El País, Muti said, “It is an honor to conduct it. . . . The orchestra wants to show the world the great creations of the Strauss family.” Muti also recognized the special significance of this concert in 2021—a welcome symbol of hope “after such a tragic year.” For more information on Muti’s summer activities, visit c s o s o u n d s a n d s t o r i e s .o r g .

to p to bot to m: “In Pagliacci the prologue cannot be sentimental, because it is an abstract entity,” said Riccardo Muti to the Academy’s student conductors and musicians. Photo © Marco Borrelli From left: Conductor Riccardo Muti, moderator Armando Torno, and champion soccer manager and coach Arrigo Sacchi on the stage of the Teatro Alighieri. Photo © Fabrizio Zani


Chicago Symphony Orchestra Riccardo Muti Zell Music Director

Duain Wolfe Chorus Director and Conductor Missy Mazzoli Mead Composer-in-Residence violins Robert Chen Concertmaster The Louis C. Sudler Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor Stephanie Jeong Associate Concertmaster The Cathy and Bill Osborn Chair David Taylor Yuan-Qing Yu Assistant Concertmasters* So Young Bae Cornelius Chiu Alison Dalton Gina DiBello Kozue Funakoshi Russell Hershow Qing Hou Blair Milton Sando Shia Susan Synnestvedt Rong-Yan Tang Baird Dodge Principal Lei Hou Ni Mei Fox Fehling Hermine Gagné ‡ Rachel Goldstein Mihaela Ionescu Sylvia Kim Kilcullen Melanie Kupchynsky Wendy Koons Meir Matous Michal Simon Michal Aiko Noda Joyce Noh Nancy Park Ronald Satkiewicz Florence Schwartz viol as Li-Kuo Chang Acting Principal The Paul Hindemith Principal Viola Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor Catherine Brubaker Youming Chen Sunghee Choi Wei-Ting Kuo Danny Lai Diane Mues Lawrence Neuman Max Raimi Weijing Wang

cellos John Sharp Principal The Eloise W. Martin Chair Kenneth Olsen Assistant Principal The Adele Gidwitz Chair Karen Basrak Loren Brown Richard Hirschl Daniel Katz Katinka Kleijn David Sanders Gary Stucka Brant Taylor basses Alexander Hanna Principal The David and Mary Winton Green Principal Bass Chair Daniel Armstrong Joseph DiBello Robert Kassinger Mark Kraemer Stephen Lester Bradley Opland harps Sarah Bullen Principal Lynne Turner flutes Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson Principal The Erika and Dietrich M. Gross Principal Flute Chair Emma Gerstein Jennifer Gunn piccolo Jennifer Gunn oboes William Welter Principal The Nancy and Larry Fuller Principal Oboe Chair Michael Henoch Assistant Principal The Gilchrist Foundation Chair Lora Schaefer Scott Hostetler english horn Scott Hostetler

cl arinets Stephen Williamson Principal John Bruce Yeh Assistant Principal Gregory Smith e-fl at cl arinet John Bruce Yeh

timpani David Herbert Principal The Clinton Family Fund Chair Vadim Karpinos Assistant Principal percussion Cynthia Yeh Principal The Dinah Jacobs (Mrs. Donald P. Jacobs) Principal Percussion Chair Patricia Dash Vadim Karpinos James Ross

bassoons Keith Buncke Principal William Buchman Assistant Principal Dennis Michel Miles Maner contrabassoon Miles Maner

librarians Peter Conover Principal Carole Keller Mark Swanson

horns David Cooper Principal Daniel Gingrich Associate Principal James Smelser David Griffin Oto Carrillo Susanna Gaunt

orchestra personnel John Deverman Director Anne MacQuarrie Manager, CSO Auditions and Orchestra Personnel

trumpets Esteban Batallán Principal The Adolph Herseth Principal Trumpet Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor Mark Ridenour Assistant Principal John Hagstrom The Pritzker Military Museum & Library Chair Tage Larsen

stage technicians Christopher Lewis Stage Manager Blair Carlson Paul Christopher Ramon Echevarria Ryan Hartge Peter Landry Todd Snick

trombones Jay Friedman Principal The Lisa and Paul Wiggin Principal Trombone Chair Michael Mulcahy Charles Vernon bass trombone Charles Vernon tuba Gene Pokorny Principal The Arnold Jacobs Principal Tuba Chair, endowed by Christine Querfeld

* Assistant concertmasters are listed by seniority.   ‡ On sabbatical The Louise H. Benton Wagner Chair currently is unoccupied. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra string sections utilize revolving seating. Players behind the first desk (first two desks in the violins) change seats systematically every two weeks and are listed alphabetically. Section percussionists also are listed alphabetically.


meet the musicians

William Buchman Assistant Principal Bassoon How have you been navigating the pandemic? It’s been thirty years since I’ve been away from playing in an orchestra for longer than a month or so. I’ve deeply h o m etow n missed my colleagues and the work Canton, Ohio we do onstage. At the same time, it’s been a fast education in remote coly ea r j o i n ed t h e cs o laboration, and I’ve instigated four 1992 different projects with fellow CSO members since the shutdown. ed u cat i o n

Brown University

Is there a particular activity or hobby that you have engaged in during these past few months? I’ve always been an enthusiastic bread baker, and this hiatus has given me inspiration to nurture my sourdough starter and to practice my bread-baking skills. I’ve been playing bridge online with a friend who retired to California last fall, and my husband and I have been scheduling “quarantinis” over Zoom with friends around the world. Please describe your virtual teaching experience coaching Civic Orchestra musicians from home? For two years in a row, the young members of Civic have had their season interrupted, so I jumped at the suggestion to move coachings online. I met with the bassoon section early on. It was surprisingly easy to resume our collaboration, and at a time when we were feeling particularly isolated, it made me really happy to see how everyone was managing. I also did an entire school quarter of teaching online with my students at DePaul. What are you most looking forward to when concerts resume? My whole reason for playing the bassoon is to be part of a symphony orchestra, so I’ve been feeling really untethered from my previous life. It will be incredible to be sitting onstage again hearing the 8 CSO.ORG

“ It will be incredible to be sitting onstage again hearing the incomparable sound of a live symphony orchestra surrounding me, made up of musicians who never cease to challenge and inspire me to play my best.”

incomparable sound of a live symphony orchestra surrounding me, made up of musicians who never cease to challenge and inspire me to play my best. It’s something I realize I’ve taken for granted—not anymore!


h o m etow n Busan, South Korea

So Young Bae Violin Is there a particular activity or hobby that you have engaged in during these past few months? Cooking, walking in the park, and bonding with my baby. These may seem trivial, but I started to appreciate more of the things that I took for granted before the pandemic.

y ea r j o i n ed t h e cs o 2012 ed u cat i o n Seoul National University, The Juilliard School, SUNY at Stonybrook

Describe your experience posting performance videos from home. I needed to find a way to practice while taking care of Stella with the stay-at-home order in place. Carrying her on my back was one option, though not the most comfortable. I shared a short clip of me playing with her placed on my back, for fun, and my friends loved it, encouraging me to make a video with this idea. It was definitely a challenge to do all four parts by myself. It took a few days and many retakes. (Stella would fall asleep in the middle!) I am glad I made the video and thankful that so many people loved it. I can only imagine how hard it is for parents who have to work while taking care of their children, or even not able to see their children at all if they work on the frontline. I hope the video uplifted their spirits a little! What are you most looking forward to when concerts resume? It will be such a joy just to play live concerts with my colleagues in front of our audience! P H OTO BY TO DD RO S E NB E RG


At front, So Young Bae with her husband and daughter. Behind them stands CSO Viola Sunghee Choi. A screenshot from So Young Bae’s very popular Mother’s Day video post of Spring from Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. To view the video, visit the CSO’s YouTube channel.



Youming Chen Viola

h o m etow n Taiwan y ea r j o i n ed t h e cs o 2015

How have you been navigating the pandemic? ed u cat i o n University of Michigan, One quarter of a year has passed The Juilliard School, since the lockdown began. Initially, Mannes School of I made many videos to stay in Music, University of shape and keep music going for my Missouri–Kansas City friends and public. My mom hadn’t heard me perform for some time because of distance, but through this lockdown, she has been able to hear many of these videos from afar. I have done nearly twenty projects since March. I have learned a lot about the video making process, from practicing and recording to editing. Making these videos is particularly challenging without the physical presence of other musicians while playing. Musical pulses and nuances are hard to detect with an earpiece while making these recordings. Of course, differences in music making change the process, but the personalities of the players and their approaches come through to the final cut of the video.

“ My mom hadn’t heard me perform for some time because of distance, but through this lockdown, she has been able to hear many of these videos from afar.” Is there a particular activity or hobby that you have engaged in during these past few months? My focus right now is on my family. I have two primary school kids who are not participating in camps as they would usually do during summertime. At the start of lockdown, my kids adhered to online learning provided by the school. Our main focus now is to get through the summer, enjoying the warm weather, riding bikes to Evanston beaches, and, of course, teaching our kids. Currently, they are both working on learning 10 CSO.ORG

Chinese, as well as studying math in Chinese, and are able to read some books on their own. My wife Alice and I continue to teach them piano, violin, and cello during this time. Thus far, family time has greatly increased, and I won’t have to say, “I missed my kids growing up because I was too busy working,” in the future! What are you most looking forward to when concerts resume? Being able to make music with colleagues in Orchestra Hall again will be great! I miss going to my locker, getting changed, and playing a concert. Virtual music making is okay for the time being, but it does not replace the in-person experience for the performers or the audience.


The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association recognizes with sincere appreciation the following donors, who dedicated their generous gifts to sponsoring artists and performances throughout the 2019–20 season. Anonymous (2) Bank of America Arts Midwest Touring Fund Randy L. and Melvin R.† Berlin Howard B. Bernick Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Brown Robert J. Buford Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock Marion Cameron The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation The Clinton Family Fund E. and V. Combs Foundation Nelson D. Cornelius Endowed Concert Fund Crain-Maling Foundation Shawn M. Donnelley and Christopher M. Kelly The Estate of Marian Edelstein Dan J. Epstein, Judy Guitelman, and the Dan J. Epstein Foundation Exelon The Renée Fleming and Evgeny Kissin Patrons Circle Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Freidheim, Jr. Juli Plant Grainger Fund for Artistic Excellence Grainger Fund for Excellence Sue and Melvin Gray Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Lynne R. Haarlow Sally Mead Hands Foundation Hoellen Family Foundation Carol Honigberg Illinois Arts Council Agency Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock

JCS Arts, Health and Education Fund of the DuPage Foundation JS Charitable Trust Julian Family Foundation Jared Kaplan and Maridee Quanbeck Dolores Kohl Kaplan Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Sidney and Dorothy Kohl Komarek-Hyde-McQueen Foundation Estates of Arnold and Evelyn Kupec Margot and Josef Lakonishok Laurie Lieberman Jim and Kay Mabie Beth A. Mannino Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz The Lauter McDougal Charitable Fund Adam Mickiewicz Institute in partnership with LOT Polish Airlines National Endowment for the Arts The Negaunee Foundation Estate of Halina J. Presley The Regenstein Foundation Estate of J. Timothy Ritchie Patrick and Shirley Ryan Cynthia M. Sargent Paul Schick Edward F. Schmidt Family Commissioning Fund Megan and Steve Shebik Komarek-Hyde-Soskin Foundation Structure Medical/TAWANI Foundation Richard and Helen Thomas United Airlines Christian Vinyard Helen Zell Zell Family Foundation AUGUST–SEPTEMBER 2020  11


Notes for Peace: Seeking solace through song in the aftermath of gun violence


usic, like time, is often referred to as a healer, a balm for the soul. The Negaunee Music Institute recently completed its sixth iteration of a program that makes these familiar adages a reality for Chicago families that have suffered unimaginable loss due to gun violence. Called Notes for Peace, it empowers people to express their emotions, honor their loved ones, and process their grief in their journey to seek healing through the act of songwriting.


he program is one of several initiatives developed in partnership with the UK-based Irene Taylor Trust since their initial collaboration in 2013 for a songwriting project with young men at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center. A year later, the Irene Taylor Trust’s artistic director, Sara Lee, returned to spearhead the Negaunee Music Institute’s participation in the Lullaby Project, a program of the Weill Music Institute at Carnegie Hall that engages new parents in writing lullabies. With Lee and project leader Rex Horan’s guidance, NMI partnered with the non-profit support group Purpose Over Pain, beginning in 2017, to lead songwriting sessions for families affected by gun violence in Chicago and to establish Notes for Peace. The songs created by families affiliated with Purpose Over Pain led to the first Concert for Peace, a collaboration between the Chicago

clockwi s e f ro m to p: Vocalists Keanon Kyles, Sarah Ponder, and Meagan McNeal perform “All About Us (Not About Me),” written by Robin Scott in memory of her son Neal “Bobo” David Sumrell at Austin Town Hall in December 2019. Chevarrie Butler introduces the song “I Am Co,” written for her son Courtney L. Foy. Members of Purpose Over Pain celebrate together following the December 2019 culminating performance at Austin Town Hall.



Symphony Orchestra’s Negaunee Music Institute; its former Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant, Yo-Yo Ma; and St. Sabina Church in the Austin-Gresham neighborhood on Chicago’s Far South Side. These concerts featured Ma with CSO and Civic Orchestra of Chicago members playing symphonic arrangements of participants’ songs. NMI plans to continue these powerful concerts in the future. “We’ve learned over the years that collaborative songwriting is an effective method for community engagement,” said Jonathan McCormick, director of education and NMI, “and we’ve become passionate about responding to the precipitous gun violence in our city. Music is one of the resources we can offer.” Two former Notes for Peace participants spoke to a focus group last December in order to share their experience. Diana Pierce said, “The process of writing the song was therapeutic. When [the songwriter] listened to me, he knew Coby,” a father and employee of One Hope United, who was killed in 2012. “I just want people to know him; . . . it’s helped keep him living and breathing.” Anthanette Marshbanks, whose son Archie Chambers was also killed in 2012, in a

police-involved shooting, added “It was healing for us. I am honored because Archie’s legacy is going to live on through CSO. . . . I’m not a grieving mother anymore, I’m a healing mother.”

Archie was a victim. Police brutality stole him from me, And though they took him, They cannot steal my memories, they are strong, So I’m his voice now, A voice that’s shouting, screaming to be heard, I have no choice now, My weapons are my words.

Central to the project’s delivery are the Institute’s Civic Fellows, a highly selective group of Civic Orchestra members who work with Purpose Over Pain families on their musical compositions.

left to r i g h t: A full house at Austin Town Hall listens to songs written in partnership with Purpose Over Pain in December 2019. Anthanette Marshbanks stands with a photo of her son Archie Lee Chambers, Jr. (1992–2012). Her song “One Red Rose” was composed with Notes for Peace in her son’s honor in 2018.


“It is safe to say that this project is unlike any other in which I have ever participated, and has consequently challenged me in ways that I could not have predicted,” said Civic Fellow and violinist Tabitha Oh. “I feel as though I have grown tremendously from this experience, both musically and emotionally, and although the circumstances from which this project has arisen are tragic, I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in such meaningful work with my colleagues.” While the chief goal of Notes for Peace is to serve the families of Purpose Over Pain, the project also builds the skills of participating Civic Fellows by introducing them to new ways to apply

their musicianship. In fact, two Civic alumni have chosen to remain involved in the program and continue to help families channel their grief into song. A soon-to-be-available video produced by Green River Films poignantly captures the transformational process for both the grieving families and the Civic musicians who participate in Notes for Peace. The families see their memories take the form of a meaningful musical tribute as they share deeply personal stories, feelings, and reflections with the Civic Fellows. In turn, the musicians develop lyrics and melodies with the families until a complete, orchestrated song is

clockwi s e f ro m to p l e f t: Civic Fellows Laura Yawney, Alexandria Hoffman, and Juan Gabriel Olivares perform at Austin Town Hall. Purpose Over Pain member Kisha Stansberry and her mother Betty Young stand alongside vocalists Keanon Kyles and Meagan McNeal as they perform “The Peacemakers,” written for Ms. Stansberry’s son Isiah Scott and her husband Dean Stansberry II. Purpose Over Pain member Annette Johnson-Butler hugs a Civic Fellow following the December 2019 performance at Austin Town Hall. Annette Flores holds a portrait of her son Neftali “Buzzy” Reyes, Jr., during the December 2019 performance.


created. These songs are performed by an amazing group of singers and instrumentalists, recorded, and made available, along with photos of those who mourn and their loved ones and their lyrics, on the website n o t e s f o r p e a c e .o r g.


ivic musicians participated in two workshops during the 2019–20 season. The first took place in December and culminated in a recording session at Chicago Recording Company and a concert at Austin Town Hall Cultural Center, a Chicago Park District site in the Austin neighborhood. The hall was packed with supporters, including families that took part in previous songwriting projects. Current participants were distinguished by wearing white and carrying red roses and photos of their deceased loved ones. The second set of workshops, slated for June 2020, took a different form due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but both NMI and Purpose Over Pain felt the work was important to continue. The health and safety precautions in place to combat the spread of the new coronavirus required that parents and families adopt a socially distant, technology-based approach, but the power and emotion of the songs created is certainly still there. While a public performance will have to wait, the songs of Anna Edwards, Lynne Turman, and Christina Johnson, composed in honor of their children—respectively Imario “Chief Rio” Maganda Ballard (1978–2018), Charlesquille K. Ballard (1995–2019), and Christopher Kyle Johnson (1992–2015)—were composed over Zoom and recorded in-person at Chicago Recording Company, where isolation in separate recording booths ensured the comfort and safety of the performers. Christina Johnson’s song for her son Christopher was sung by Meagan McNeal, her neighbor nearly fifteen years ago. The two women had an emotional reunion at the recording studio. Johnson, her song “Forever Our Star, Christopher,” and a short video will be featured in a profile on the website peacestudio.org, launching in late September. In the song, you will hear McNeal sing Johnson’s moving words:

And I’ll always look to the sky To find the star shining bright . . . That’s you, Christopher, The star.

The other new songs are equally moving. Edwards’s “Spread Love” contrasts the rhythmic clicking of a camera—a reference to an experience Edwards had with her cellphone camera that helped her feel her son’s presence—with the repeated sound of his nickname (Chief Rio, Chief Rio, Chief Rio), to haunting effect. The song channels the complicated emotions of losing a loved one while finding solace in deep faith. The refrain of Turman’s song “Triumphant Peace” expresses her journey for spiritual healing after her son’s death at the age of twenty-three as well as tender reflection on the spirit of generosity and charity that her son demonstrated to others:

Peace is a miracle. Peace ’cause the spirit lives on. You can save a life instead of tearing one down. There is no grief heaven can’t heal.

The Negaunee Music Institute is committed to serving the families of victims of gun violence through the important work of Notes for Peace. As we find ourselves in the wake of a violent summer in Chicago, the need for emotional support, advocacy for peace, and activism remains. This music gives comfort to those who need to heal and voices to those who need to be heard.  AUGUST–SEPTEMBER 2020  15



“ My pleasure to support the wonderful and so special CSO. It is a touchstone with rare beauty for so many.” —A R L E N E A N S C H E L , T I C K E T D O N O R

“ Given the joy the CSO brings me and the fact that it is a national and civic treasure, it richly deserves all of the support I can provide.” —DUANE QUAINI, GOVERNING MEMBER


Generous supporters give $5.4 million to the CSOA’s Music Ahead matching challenge By Emily McClanathan


he outpouring of generosity from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s donors and patrons was overwhelming during the challenging final months of the 2019–20 season. As concerts were canceled beginning March 12 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, followed by additional cancellations through the end of the scheduled season on June 27, it became clear that philanthropic contributions would be the CSOA’s only source of revenue for the remainder of the season. Fortunately, thousands of the organization’s loyal supporters stepped forward to help. In April, the CSOA announced the Music Ahead campaign, a matching challenge made possible through leadership support from an anonymous donor, the Julian Family Foundation, Helen Zell, the Negaunee Foundation, and Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock. Through June 30, the end of the CSOA’s fiscal year, the challenge matched all donations, dollar for dollar, including gifts from patrons who converted the value of their tickets from canceled concerts into charitable contributions. By the end of the matching challenge, 5,437 donors had given $5.4 million to sustain the CSOA. These gifts include nearly $1.3 million in ticket donations from 3,626 patrons. Collectively, 1,970 donors made a first-time gift through the challenge. These remarkable responses reflect the unwavering commitment of those who love the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and believe in the importance of its educational and community-engagement programs. Many donors also deepened their involvement with the CSOA by joining one of its philanthropic societies this spring. The Governing Members, a group that supports the artistic excellence and community engagement of the CSOA, welcomed thirty-one new members over the past season, twenty-one of whom joined between March 12 P H OTO BY TO DD RO S E NB E RG

and June 30. In addition, the Theodore Thomas Society, a group of individuals who have made estate plans to benefit the CSO in the future, grew by eleven members during these months, bringing the total new membership to twenty-eight for the 2019–20 season. Governing Member Thomas Conner shared his reasons for supporting the CSOA during this time. “Music is not just a joy to hear, but it inevitably moves the heart and energizes the mind. To see and hear the CSO onstage is to see genius at work,” he said. All of those who love the Orchestra are grieving over the concerts we did not get to enjoy at Symphony Center during the final months of the recent season and yearning for the day when it will be possible to attend live performances again. For that hope to be realized, and for the Orchestra to return to regular activity with its fiscal strength intact well into the future, the CSOA depends on the support it can garner in the midst of this horrible pandemic. Gifts today are vital investments toward those ends.


ntil Symphony Center reopens, the commitment of donors helps the CSOA to stay connected with patrons and to engage with new audiences around the world. Through the CSO From Home web portal, music lovers can access videos, playlists, radio broadcasts, recordings, articles, activities for children, and more. CSO musicians continue to perform from their homes, participating in virtual events and creating videos that are shared on the CSO’s social-media channels. A special radio series curated by Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti broadcasts archival CSO recordings every Tuesday on WFMT, with on-demand streaming available worldwide. In addition, archival videos of full-length CSO performances including Beethoven’s Ninth AUGUST–SEPTEMBER 2020  17

Symphony, Verdi’s Requiem, and Mahler’s Seventh Symphony have been streamed online for free, with more to come. Moreover, the CSO’s Negaunee Music Institute continues to reach students, families, and young musicians through educational and community engagement programs. Members of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the CSO’s preprofessional training orchestra, continued to receive coaching from CSO musicians via virtual sessions through the end of the Civic season in June. Similarly, students in the Percussion Scholarship Program continued their studies remotely and presented the group’s twenty-fourth annual spring recital online. Students in Chicago Public Schools enhanced their at-home learning with videos from Civic Orchestra musicians featuring practice tips and virtual performances. In addition, families that have lost children to gun violence created original songs to remember their loved ones through virtual songwriting workshops with Civic Orchestra Fellows in June. These important programs, and more, will proceed remotely until in-person events can resume, thanks to the generous supporters who make this work possible. In a recent message to donors, CSOA President Jeff Alexander said, On behalf of everyone at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, we are profoundly grateful for your encouragement and support over the past several months. It’s an understatement to say that we miss sharing live music with you at Symphony Center, but the positive responses to our musicians’ videos, radio broadcasts, and other CSO From Home content are proof of music’s power to uplift and unite. Because of you, people in Chicago and around the world continue to be inspired by the music of the CSO. Your continued commitment ensures a strong CSOA today and when that day comes when we can resume live concerts and events.  Emily McClanathan is manager of strategic development communications for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


m atc h i n g c h a l l e n g e

by the numbers

5,437 total donors

$5.4 MILLION total donated

1,970 first-time donors

$1.3 MILLION ticket donations

music ahead donors The CSOA would like to thank the following donors for making gifts of $100 or more to the Music Ahead challenge. Learn more about the challenge on pp. 19–20. Anonymous (85) Mr. & Mrs. Mark Aalbers Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Ms. Janice Aaron Suzanne Aaron Ms. Jane Abatangelo John Abbott Richard † and Louise Abrahams Mrs. Jessica Abrams Dr. Jose Abreu Michael and Mary Abroe Nancy A. Abshire Mrs. Rosa Acevedo and Mr. Jose Luis Prado Leonard C. Achtenberg and Steve Livesey Mr. & Ms. Paul Ackerman Ms. Patti Acurio Mr. Aaron Adams Ms. Barbara Adams Erik Adams Mr. George Adams Mr. Norm Adams Mrs. Rebeca Adams Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Mr. & Mrs. William Adams Ms. Susan Adler Ryan Adorjan Carter Agree Monica Aguirre Mr. Masoom Ahmed Christopher Ahmuty Miss Joan Ahn Barbara Aiken Amy C Akers Ms. Judith Akers Mr. Keith Akins Widad Albassam Ms. Martha Albers Mr. Brian M. Alberti Mrs. Sharon Aleckson Ms. Barbara Alexander Alexander & Alexander, Attorneys-at-law Ms. Laverne Alexander Ms. Ruth Allee Angela P. Allen Ms. Barbara Allen † Mr. George Allen Ms. Judy Allen Ms. Rochelle Allen Mrs. Ronald Allen Ms. Elif Allenfort Mr. & Mrs. Gary Allie Dr. & Mrs. Dominic Allocco Mrs. Susan Alm Ms. Arlene Alpert

Ms. Ann Alpert Ms. Rene Alphonse Mr. Robert Alter Ms. Sharon Alter Dr. Diane Altkorn Miss Estefanie M. Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. James Amend Mr. David L. Amor Ms. Barbara Amoroso Mr. Tim Amrein and Ms. Janet Chin Amsted Industries Incorporated Ms. Cheryl Anderman Ms. Linda Anders Ms. Allison Anderson Ms. Barbara Anderson Beverlee Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Anderson Ms. Christine Anderson and Ms. Erica Henson Gay Anderson Mr. Garth Anderson Ms. Janet Anderson Dr. Joy Anderson Mr. J. Anderson and Ms. Joan Bradbury Megan P. and John L. Anderson Mr. K. Stephen Anderson Karen Anderson Mr. Karl Anderson and Ms. Pamela Shu Kristin Anderson Ms. Marjorie Anderson Marvin Anderson Ms. Sharron E. Andresen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Nelson Cushman L. and Pamela Andrews Mr. Harold Andrews Mr. Angel Ysaguirre Dr. & Mrs. Juan Angelats The Paul M. Angell Family Foundation Sharon and Charles Angell Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Anger Arlene Anschel Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ansorge Mr. Kenneth Anspach Stephen A. Anthenien Amy Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Jurgis Anysas Mr. Louis Aquila David and Suzanne Arch Caitlin E. Archer-Helke Dr. & Mrs. Robert Arensman Ronald Arian Mr. & Mrs. Garry Arkema Dr. & Mrs. Kent Armbruster Mr. John Armetta Alexander W. Armour

Ms. Harriet Arnold Peri Arnold Dr. James Arons Drs. Iris and Andrew Aronson Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Arsenault Arts Midwest Touring Fund Elizabeth Ash Mary Jane and Bob Asher Dr. Jennifer Ashton Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Asner Mr. James Atkinson and Ms. Victoria Grigelaitis Mrs. Erin Atwell Carey and Brett August Joel Augustin Kaye B. Aurigemma Ms. Bernice Auslander Ms. Xuan Au-Truong Elise Aversa Mr. Andrew Awad Kimberly Ayars Paul Aynilian Mr. James Babb Ms. Ellen Babbitt Dr. Marcin Baber Ms. Marlene Bach Ed Bachrach Ms. Mary Badke Rosette Bagley Richard and Janice Bail Beatrice Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bailey Ms. Donna Baiocchi Robert Baird Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baird Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Baker Catherine Baker and Timothy Kent Ms. Donna Baker Luzia T. Baker Mrs. Marjorie Baker † Ms. Rita Bakewell Corinne Bal Mr. Mark Bala Mr. & Mrs. Chander Balakrishnan Mr. & Mrs. John Baldwin Jon W. and Diane Balke Dr. Mark Ball Nicholas Ballen Ms. Anna Balll Mr. Daniel Balsam Mr. Eugene Balter † and Mrs. Judith Phillips Tom Banghart Bank of America Ms. Elina Bankert Ms. Marilyn Bansley

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Ran Bao Jane Barabe Peter and Elise Barack Mr. & Mrs. Randy Barba Mr. & Mrs. William Bardeen Mr. David C. Barford Mr. Robert Barkei Ms. Linda Barker Mr. Chris Barkidjija Ms. Janet S. Barkley-Stock Ms. Judith Barnard Sandra Barreto Peter and Betsy Barrett Dominic Barrington Mr. & Ms. William Barron Mr. James Barry Mr. Allan Bartel Ms. Bonnie Bartlit Vickrey Dr. Sheila Barton Ms. Barbara Barzansky Amy Bashiti Julie and Roger Baskes Ms. Deanne Basofin Mr. & Mrs. Roger Basrak Ms. Sandra Bass Robert & Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc. Ms. Ellen Bassett Mr. Robert Bassill Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni † and Elaine Klemen Lisa Bastian Ms. Carol Bate-Ambrus Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Batko Slawomir Bator Jeff Bauer Mr. Ronald Bauer Adam Baughman Mr. & Mrs. James Baughman Ms. Elaine Baumann Gary Baumann Ms. Pamela Baumgartner Ms. Judith Baxter and Mr. Stephen Smith Ms. Patricia Bayerlein Mr. † & Mrs. Jay Baylin Ms. Susan Beal Mr. & Mrs. George Beam Mr. John Beam Audrey Beasley Mr. Mark Beatty Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Ms. Robin Beauchamp Ms. Judy Beaver Jared Bebee Mr. & Ms. Rodger Bechtold Mr. & Mrs. William Beck Mrs. Katy Beck Daniel and Michele Becker Ms. Elizabeth Beckman Ms. Julia K. Beckman Dr. & Mrs. Enrique Beckmann Mr. Roger Beckwith Mr. Christopher Bedalow Kirsten Bedway and Simon Peebler † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Mr. Richard Beebe Mrs. Karen Begley Mr. Jeffery Behling Mrs. Elizabeth Beiser A. Belauskas Mr. Ken Belcher Donna and Mike Bell George Bell Ms. Martha Bell Mr. Scott Beller Mrs. Gail Belytschko Estela Benavente Mrs. Sherrell Bender Ms. Margaret Benish Ms. Lorna Bennett Mary Bennett Ms. Sharon Bennett Theresa Benoy Mr. James Bensdorf and Mrs. Jan Wolff-Bensdorf Mr. Daniel Benson Mr. Jeff Benson Ms. Marjorie Benson Ms. Heide Bentley Mr. & Mrs. John Bentley Marjorie Benton Ms. Marilyn Berdick Anne Hatcher Berenberg Mr. † & Mrs. Gershon Berg Mr. Thomas Berg Kenneth Berger Meta S. and Ronald † Berger Family Foundation Ms. Suzanne Berger Mr. Herman Berghoff Mr. Paul Berghoff David Bergonia Dr. James Bergschneider Ms. Amy Bergseth Dr. Roy Bergstrom Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Berliant Dr. Leonard and Phyllis Berlin Mr. Marc Berlow Mr. Edward Berman Joan Berman Dr. & Mrs. Gustavo Bermudez Gene and Natalie Bernardoni Mr. Louis Bernstein Mr. Bryan Berry Mr. & Mrs. Loren Berry III Mr. Stephen Berry Ms. Leslie Bertagnolli Mr. Francois Bertaud Leslie Bertholdt Elizabeth Berwanger Mr. John Berwanger Adrian Beverly Catherine and Ron Bevil Dr. Francisco Bezanilla Florian Bezault Ms. Surabhi Bhatt Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Dr. Katherine Billingham

Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Gemma Billings Mr. & Mrs. John Bilos Lydia Bilyeu Rebecca Binks and Cary Donham Mr. Kevin Birkel Patricia Biron Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Bischof Ms. Elizabeth Bjerklie Mr. Poul Bjerre-Jensen Mrs. Marilyn Black Mr. Richard Black Ms. Sheila Blackman Mr. Jan Blaho Ronald Blake Jim † and Dianne Blanco Mrs. Catherine Bland Mr. John Blane Virginia Blanford Merrill and Judy Blau Mrs. Mary Ellen Bleeden Ann Blickensderfer Dr. Roger Blickensderfer Dr. & Mrs. Mark Blitstein Sean Blitzstein, M.D. Ms. Lesley Bloch Mr. Richard Block Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blocker Dr. E. Bluhm Jim and Betsy Blum Mrs. Nancy Blum Mr. & Mrs. David Blumberg Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin A. Blume Ms. Barbara Blumenthal Betsy Blumenthal Ms. Judy Blunck Ms. Marsha Blunt William Bobco Mr. & Ms. Marek Bobela Mr. Bruce Bochner Collin Bockman Ms. Terry Boden Ms. Kathleen Boege Lauren Boegen Ms. Anna Boekstegen Mr. David Boersma Meghan Bogaerts Ms. Christine Bohlman Katherine Bohlman Jane Bohnsack Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur (Bill) Boies Ms. Nancy Bokor Mrs. Nancy Boldt Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bolek Ms. Nancy Boles Ms. Kathleen Bolthouse Dr. Borna Bonakdarpour and Leisl Bonakdarpour-Jaberg Dr. H. Constance Bonbrest Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Bonham Cassandra L. Book Mr. Graydon Booth and Ms. Lauri Sugerman


Ms. Jackie Booth Patricia and Laurence Booth Kristine Bordenave Mrs. Joan Boren Mr. & Mrs. Peter Borich Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Borisof Dr. Olga Borisovsky Mr. James Borkman Mr. & Mrs. John Borland Angela Born Mr. & Mrs. Don Borzak Mr. & Mrs. Fred P. Bosselman Adam Bossov Ms. Laura Botkin Mrs. Joyce Bottum Mr. Michael Bourdaghs Mr. Donald Bouseman Dr. Richard Bowen Jan Bowers Kathryn Bowers Ms. Jennifer Boyce Mr. & Mrs. David Boyd Laura and Robert Boyd Carl and Kathryn Boyens Dr. & Mrs. James Boyle Dr. & Mrs. E. Boone Brackett Ms. Lillian Braden Ms. Laura Bradford and Mr. David Berveiler S. Gabriela Brambila Laura Bramble Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bramsen Judy Bramson Ms. Suzan Bramson Mr. John Brancel Mr. Roderick Branch Ms. Daryl Brand Patrick Brandin Mr. Stephen Brandt and Ms. Irene Dymkar Dr. Richard Brannegan Ms. Daniela Braucher Al Braun David Braverman Shields Bray Barbara Breakstone Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brehmer Nancy Bremner Michael and Lynne Brenan Dr. Carrie Brenner Ms. and Mr. Barbara Bresnahan Troy Brethauer Julie Brett Dr. Richard H. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brewner Kathleen Bribriesco Mr. Bradley Brickner Ms. Susan Bridge Ms. Laural Briggs Mr. William Briggs Karen Brindley Sr. Laurena Brink Ms. Carolyn Brinkman The Brinson Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Brock Ms. Anne Brody Mrs. and Mr. Becky Brofman Ms. Julie Bromley Myrna R. Bromley Mr. & Mrs. William Bromley Ian Bronks Patricia A. Bronte Ms. Marcia Brontman Ms. Corinne Brophy Mr. Wesley Broquard Aaron Brosier Mr. & Ms. Joel Brosk Mr. Jerome Brosnan Mr. Charles Brown, III Ms. Abigail Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brown Mr. Douglas Brown Mr. Ernest Brown Ms. Geraldine Brown Mr. James Brown Mr. Jeffrey Brown and Mr. Craig Morris Jonathan Brown Ms. Kay Brown Mr. Lee M. Brown, Mr. John B. Newman, and Ms. Pixie Newman Brown’s R. Ins. Foundation Mr. Nicholas Brown Dr. Russell Brown and Dr. Suzanna McColley Ms. Sally Brown Suzanne Brown Mr. & Mrs. William Brown Mr. & Ms. William Browne Mr. Donald Bruch Mrs. Palmira Brummett Mrs. Dan Brusslan Mr. † & Mrs. John H. Bryan, Jr. Ms. MaryAnn Bryant Mrs. Jennie Bucciero The Buchanan Family Foundation Mr. Steve Buchanan Henry and Gilda Buchbinder Mrs. Maureen G. Buchholz Moira Buck Miss Montie Buckle Ms. Elizabeth Buckley-Geer Mrs. Kelly A. Buckman Mr. William Buehring Dr. Jane R. Buerger Robert J. Buford Mr. Robert Buist Ms. Karen Bullen Jack M. Bulmash Drs. Stephen and Judy Bundra Ms. Nancy Bunge Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock Jack Buoscio Nicholas Burakoff Mr. & Mrs. James Burgdorfer Ms. Mary Burge Mr. & Mrs. † Paul Burgess Ms. Kayla Burggraf

Mr. Jack Burgin Mr. & Mrs. Friedrich H. Burian Colleen Burke Dustin Burke Dr. John Burke John Burke Ms. Karen Burke Dr. Sharon Burke Rev. William Burke Mr. Robert Burkhart and Mrs. Shirley Burkart Mr. Michael Burkovskis and Ms. Dariece Oki Mrs. Lena Burlak Mr. Patrick Burnette John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Katrina Burns Mr. Keith Burns Mr. & Ms. John A. Burrell Mr. Robert Burrows Mr. Philip Burton Dr. Robert Buschmann Ms. Bonnie Bush Tom Buthod Ms. Barbra Butler Ms. Martha Butler Dragos Butucea-Boscoianu Elizabeth Nolan and Kevin Buzard Mr. James Byrne Mr. Jay Byron Mrs. Norma Cadieu † Ms. Marion Caes Mrs. Julia Caffarella Mr. & Ms. Joel Cahan Richard Caldwell and Carol Caldwell Mr. Roland Calia Mr. Benjamin Callard Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Calvanese Ms. Diane Campbell Ms. Debbie Campbell Ms. Evalyn Campbell Tom and Dianne Campbell Father John Canary Ms. Christine Cannizzo Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cannon Melanie Cantorna Ms. Debra Cantrell Ms. Mary Cappelleri Evie Caprel Peter Capriglione Mr. Charles Capwell Joyce Carey and Dan Carey Ms. Margaret Carey Mr. R. Carey and Ms. Lois Lipton Bruce Caris and Robin Bourne Caris Gina Carithers Mr. Dennis Carlin Mr. Caio Carlini Robert and Kay Carlson Mr. Fairbank Carpenter Ms. Mary Carpenter Mr. George Carr Mr. Robert Carr

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Drs. Virginia and Stephen Carr Ms. Maria Carrig Ms. Sonya Carrillo Mr. Peter Carroll Susan Carroll-Clark Mrs. Marilyn Carson Mr. J. Carter Ms. Julia Cartwright Paula Carvalho Travis Casper Mr. Darby Cassaday Mr. & Ms. Joseph Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Linda Cassil Dr. † & Mrs. Jack Cassingham Donald Cassling Cynthia Casteel Cara N. Castellana Kreisman Mrs. Cynthia Castro Mr. Andrew Catanzaro Gabrielle Cauchon Ms. Erin Cavanaugh CDW Corporation Ms. Susan Cecil Mr. & Mrs. Candelario Celio Central Building & Preservation L.P. Mr. Rimas Cernius Ms. & Mr. Mary Chamberlin Ms. Ellen Chambers John Chambers Mr. Thomas Chambers In memory of Chee-jun William Chan Ms. Esther Chang In honor of Don and Ruth Chapin Mr. & Mrs. John Chapman Mr. Scott Chappelle Mr. & Ms. William Charles Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chatterton, Jr. Kevin Chears Dr. Horner Chen Mr. Qiao Z. Chen Rose Chen Ms. An-Shih Cheng Mr. John Cheregi Ms. Mildred Cheronis Ms. Helen Cherrett Ralph Cherry Ms. Nancy Chesek Mr. Benjamin Cheung Ms. Melinda Cheung Mr. Howard Chey Ethel Chiang Ms. Jing Chiang You-Chien Chiang The Chicago Community Trust Decio Chinzon Ms. Fiona Chisholm Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Choldin Andrea Chomistek Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Chrisman Edie Christian Holly Christie Ms. Soo-Yun Chun Sooyoung Chung † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Young Chung Dr. & Mrs. Ruben Chuquimia Ms. Selmin Cicek Jan and Frank Cicero, Jr. Lukas Cichon Ms. Barbara Cimaglio Ms. Patricia Cipriani Mr. Richard Clancy Ms. Barbara Clark Constance Clark and Pam Urbanski Mr. Donald Clark Mr. Thomas Clark Mr. Robert Clatanoff Mr. Thomas Clemens Patricia A. Clickener Mr. Thomas Cline Mr. Edward Clinton Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Clousson Mr. Robert Coad Mrs. Barbara Coates Mr. William Coates Sarah Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Coe Robert Coen and Marjorie Coen Mr. Paul Cohan Edward and Toba Cohen Melanie R. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cohen Ms. Jeanne Cohen Mr. Mimis Cohen and Mrs. Andrea Biel-Cohen James H. Cohn Richard Cohn Mrs. Nancy Cohrs Mr. William Colaianni Ms. Judith Colando-Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Colburn Dr. † & Mrs. Roger Cole Mr. & Mrs. Richard Colburn Ms. Jean Coleman Ms. Paulina Coletta Ms. Jennifer Colgan Mr. & Dr. George Colis Lewis Collens Steven Collens Michele Collette Sue and Jim Colletti Mr. Chris Collier Mr. & Mrs. John Collins Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Collopy Colman Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Charles Colodny Edita Colovic Dr. Daniel Colvin Mr. David Colwell E. and V. Combs Foundation Ms. Karen Commons James D. Compton Mrs. Eileen Conaghan Mr. James Condon Dr. Thomas H. Conner Mr. Peter Connolly Mr. Dennis Connor

Ms. Linda Conrath Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Conway Ms. Sharon Conway Anne Cooper Ms. Joyce Cooper Roland Cooper Dr. Jacquelynne Corey-Hain Jenny L. Corley in memory of Dr. W. Gene Corley Mr. Joel Cornfeld Mr. & Mrs. Richard Corrado Nancy R. Corral Carolyn Cosentino Mr. William Costello Dr. Judith Cothran Mr. Thomas Countryman Ms. Diane Coutre Dr. Gregory Cowell and Mrs. Janine Glavas Mr. Wayne Cowlishaw John Coyle Ms. Juli Crabtree Ms. Carol Crane William Crawford Mrs. Susan Creager Ms. Erin Criste Thomas and Anna Croak R. Bert Crossland Mr. & Mrs. Dan Crowe Robert A. Crowe Mr. Robert Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Neal Crowley Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Ms. Sonia Csaszar Mr. Marc Cuiriz Miss Joan Culler Christopher L. Culp † Ms. Thaila Cummings Ms. Anne Cunningham Earl T Cunningham Mr. Frank Cunningham Mr. James Cunningham Mrs. Nancy Cunov Dr. Raymond Curry and Dr. Kristi Kirschner Michael Curtiss Sarah Cushman Ms. Marguerite Cusick Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Cvengros Ms. Arlene Cygan Dr. Emily Czapek Marie Czech Dr. Charles Czerepak Mr. Zbigniew Czerwinski Mr. Ivo Daalder and Mrs. Elisa D. Harris Mr. Andrew Daglas Ms. Michele Dahl Ms. Regina Dalicandro Ms. Mary Dallmann Ms. Joellen Daly Ms. Shirley Daly Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. D’Amore Ms. Sandra Danforth Mr. & Ms. Daniel R. Cyganowski


Mr. Ronald O. Daniel Jennifer Daniels Mr. William Daniels Mr. & Mrs. John Danielson Ms. Eleanor Dank Christina Danyluk The William Darling Family Foundation Mr. Alan Darling Mr. Philip Darling Dr. & Mrs. Tapas K. Das Gupta Mrs. Joy Daskal Mr. Warren Dassinger Dr. Mark E. Dato and Dr. Mary P. Brown Ms. Kirsten Daurelio and Dr. Martin B. Rosenheck Ms. Frances Davidson Mr. Gerald Davidson Ms. Rebecca Davidson Mr. Richard Davidson Linda Davie and Alastair Davie Mr. Adam Davis Ms. Barbara Davis Mr. Gregory Davis Greg Davis Sue and Kent Davis Mr. & Mrs. Max Davis Muller Davis † and Lynn Straus Reginald Davis Ms. Shirley Davis Ms. Sara Davis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davison Marilyn and Robert Day Mr. & Mrs. Stan Day Ms. Camille De Frank Ms. Debora de Hoyos and Mr. Walter Carlson Kathleen DeAngelis Mr. Guy DeBoo and Ms. Susan Franzetti Peter Decesare Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Decker Decyk Watts Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter Deddish Ms. Alice Deforest Mr. Lyle Degarmo Ms. Nancy Dehmlow Ms. Kathy Dehoff Mr. Hans Dekok Ms. Mary Delaney Mr. & Ms. Harlan Dellsy Ms. Patty Delony Mr. & Mrs. Gregory DeMarco Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeMink Mr. & Mrs. Charles Demirjian Mr. Jerry Demuth Ms. Gail Denham Mrs. Stacie Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Martin Deppe Mr. Erich Deptolla Douglas Deremer Duane M. DesParte and John C. Schneider Ms. Marijane Deters Ms. Carol Devries

John DeWaters Mr. Michael R. Deweese and Ms. Barbara L. Kee Mr. Salvatore di Menza Ms. Marilyn Diamond Mr. Stephen Diamond Mr. Michael Dicker Mary Ann Dickinson Ms. Janet Diehl Mr. Jerome Dienstag Amy Dieschbourg Mrs. Mary Beth Dietrick Mr. Paul Dietterich Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Jim Differding Mrs. Barbara Diguido Ms. Joan DiLeonardi Mr. Milton Diller Ms. Paula Dillon Ms. Luisa DiPietro Mr. Joseph E. DiPirro Mr. John Disterhoft Paul and Nona Dix Jonathan Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dlugopolski Mr. Nelu Dobre Ms. Diane Dobrin Kevin and Kelly Dockery Mrs. Bernice Doerig Mr. & Mrs. Otto Doering III Kevin and Colleen Doherty Dr. Mehmet Dokucu Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Dolan Mr. Barry Dolins Ms. Ida Dolinsky Ms. Fiona Doloughan Ms. Henrietta Dombrovskaya Ms. Dawnmarie Domingo Kathleen Domm Mr. & Mrs. Don Phillips Ms. Joan Donahue Dr. Paul Donahue and Ms. Julie Danis Ms. Katherine T. Donaldson Jan Donatelli Thomas E. II and Barbara C. Donnelley Family Fund Mr. Fred Donner Ms. Linda Donohue Ms. Christina Donohue Ms. Maureen Dooley Mr. Richard Doonan Mrs. Lana Doran Mrs. Donna Dorl-Adams and Mr. Thomas Adams Edward and Joan Dorman Ms. Rachel Dose Ms. Greta Doumanian and Mr. Keith Harley Dr. & Mrs. Heratch Doumanian Mr. Pete Douville Mr. Harmon Dow Thomas Drabant Ms. Ann Drake

Natalie and Joshua Dranoff Mr. Paul Drennan Mr. Ross Dring Mr. Patrick Driscoll Ms. Lynne Driver Mr. Irwin Drobny and Mr. George Kruto Carol Drummond Marilyn Drury-Katillo Dr. Oliver DSilva Ingrid and Richard Dubberke Mr. Harry Dubiel Ms. Alice K. Dubois Michael Duff Timothy A. and Bette Anne Duffy Paul Dufresne Mr. Robert R. Duggan Ms. Marilyn Duginger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dulski Dr. George Dunea and Dr. Sally Dunea Dr. J. Dunne and Ms. P. Urbanis Linda and Tom Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunne Norman A. Dupont Mr. David DuPre and Mr. David Briere Ms. Anne Duprey Dr. Thomas Durica and Sue Jacob Dr. Tana Durnbaugh Rachel Durney Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Dusek Mr. & Mrs. Jon Dutcher Mr. & Mrs. Brian Duwe Ms. Barbara J. Dwyer Ms. Sheila Dwyer Ms. Roma Dybalski Mr. John Dyble Linda Dykes Ms. Laura Dykman Mr. Robert Dyra Mr. & Mrs. David P. Earle III Mr. William Earle and Mrs. Joyce Woods Mr. David Easterbrook Judge Frank Easterbrook Mr. Richard Eastline Linda Eastwood Mr. Gary Ebbs Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Ebert Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III Nik B. Edes and Joan Stiles Mr. Hugh Edfors Dr. Robert Edger and Dr. Gunnbjorg Lavoll Mr. James Edgren Joanne Edid Gary and Deborah Edidin Jay and Sue Edmondson Mrs. Anne Edwards Ms. J. Elise Edwards Mr. Larry Edwards John and Fran Edwardson Ms. Martha Egeland Richard Egen and Donna Egen Ms. Joan Eggert Joan Ehrenberg Mr. Stephen Eich

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Mr. Marc Eisen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Eisenhauer Mr. H.J. Eisenman Mrs. Esther Eisenstein Mr. † & Mrs. Richard Elden Karen Elia Laura Elkayam Reese and Jeanne Elledge Ms. Thea Ellesin-Janus Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ellig Mr. David Elliott Michael and Kathleen Elliott Ms. Paula Elliott Paula Elliott Deane Ellis Ms. Susan Ellis Ms. Susan Ellis Wilbur Ellsworth Mr. Alexander Elsberg Maggie S. Ember Mr. Christopher Embick Ms. Laura Emerick Mark Emery Mrs. Kelli Gardner Emery † and Mr. Peter Emery Mrs. Esther Emmerman Charles and Carol Emmons Mr. Tomy Endo Howard Eng Miss Lan Eng Allison Engel Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Engel Mr. Stephen Engelmann Quelan Engels Ms. Laura Engelstein Edward Engle Kathleen English Ms. CAndace Enockson Ms. Marsha Enright Dr. Walter Eppich Ms. Myra Epping Dr. Barry Epstein Ms. Diana Epstein Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation Sidney Epstein † and Sondra Berman Epstein Dr. Wayne Erck Ms. Susan Erdakos Mr. & Mrs. A. Gerald Erickson Ms. Jessica Erickson Ms. Patricia Erickson Susan Erickson Dr. & Mrs. James Ertle Keith and Diane Ertner Mr. Hans Eschenbach Mr. Dale Eskra Ms. Wendy Espeland and Mr. Bruce Carruthers Seth Estrin Mrs. Arlene Evans Ms. Debra Evans Mrs. Carol Evans, in memory of Henry Evans † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Dr. & Mrs. Richard Evans Ms. Tasha Evans Mr. Robert Evelhoch Mr. Mark Everette Ms. Bonnie Everhart Ms. Antoinette Ewing Ms. Linda Ewing Mr. Thomas Ewing Exelon Mr. Fred Eychaner Mr. & Mrs. James B. Fadim Jeffrey Faellaci Mr. Brian Fagan Mr. John Fagan Mrs. Zsuzsanna Fagyal Dr. Gail Fahey Margaret Fahey Mr. Paul Fahrenkrog Ms. Connie Fairbanks Laura and John Fairfield Dr. Robert A. Fajardo and Judith Marohn Mr. Gerald Falk Ms. Linda Faller Mr. James Fancher David Fannin Dr. Walter Farber Jeffrey Farbman and Ann Greenstein Mr. Charles B. Farkas and Ms. Kathy J. Mauck Mr. & Mrs. William F. Farley Graham Farmelo Ms. Bridget Farrelly Richard Farris Ms. Marina Farruggia Ms. Gwen Farry Nick Fattore Kristin Faust Ms. Lisa Faust Mr. James Fawley Sharon Feather Sally S. Feder Mrs. Merri Fefles-Dunkle Mrs. Elaine Felder Dr. Ann Feldman Mr. Jan Feldman Judith E. Feldman Ms. Betty Fell Reven Fellars Mrs. Frances Ferguson Linda Ferguson Mr. Marino Fernandez Victoria Ferrera and Kevin Shalla Ben Ferris Ms. Sharna Fetman Joy Fett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fetterly Sheri and J. Bradley Fewell Ms. Bonnie Fields Jen Fieldstone Sandra E. Fienberg Jack Fiene Emily Fillingham Mr. David Findling

Ms. Susan Fine Richard Finegold, M.D. and Ms. Rita O’Laughlin Mrs. Karen Finesilver Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Finkel, in honor of Robert Coad Mrs. Mary Finlay Alice Finn and John Finn Dr. Dan and Dr. Robin Fintel Mr. Charles Fiorito and Mrs. Sylvia Duby Dr. Sidney Firstman Mr. & Mrs. Dean Fischer Barbara Fisher Ms. Hazel Fisher Mrs. Julie Fisher Mrs. Laura Fisher Miles Fisher Mrs. Natalie Fisher Mr. Jim Fitzgerald Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald and Ms. Mary K. Krigbaum Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Jon Fjortoft Helen Flanagan Mr. John Flannigan Mr. Donald Flayton Mr. William Fleig Mr. Sam Fleischacker Mr. & Mrs. † Ronald Fleischer Mrs. Donna Fleming Mr. Marvin Fletcher Mr. Edward Flood Ms. Susanne Flood Ms. Nona Flores Dennis Flynn Ms. Lisa Flynn Ms. Mary Flynn Susan Flynn Dr. Karla Fogel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fogel Dillon Fong Michael Fontana Mr. & Mrs. James Ford Mr. Tom Ford Beth Healy and Mike Fordney Christine Forssander Mr. John Forsythe Dr. Martin Forward Ms. Allison Fosdick Gary Foster Mr. John Foster Rilindo B. Foster Mr. Stephen Foster Dr. Robert Fourer Brendan Fox Emily Fox Mr. Matthew Fox Mr. Stanley Fox Malcolm Foxcroft Mrs. Charles Foxgrover Dr. Jack Franaszek Arthur L. Frank, M.D. Dr. Lawrence Frank


Ms. Nina Frank Stacie Frank Ms. Victoria Frank Lawrence and Pamela Frankel Mr. Eric Franklin Mr. James Franklin Mr. Stephen Franklin Ronda Franks Ms. Janet Franz Natasha Franz Ms. Susan Franz Alicia Frasier Dr. and Dr. James Frederiksen Mr. Craig Freedman and Mr. Mark Sibul Susan and Paul Freehling Ms. Hilary Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Freidheim, Jr. Dr. Maija Freimanis and David A. Marshall Fred Freitag Ms. Gloria French Mrs. Trenchard French Mr. M. Frenkel Tina Frese Mr. Micharl Frett Mrs. Penny Freund Ms. Wendy Freyer and Mr. Gregory Beihl Mr. Walter Fried Ms. Lynn Friedman Ms. Nancy Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Philip Friedmann Ms. Gwyn Friend and Mr. Larry Bennett Mr. Henry Frisch Mr. Ronald Fritz Dr. † & Mrs. Lawrence A. Frohman Mr. Jeff Fronza Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Fry III Mr. Zheng Fu Dr. Yukio Fukayama Ms. Mary Fulton Mr. Robert Furem Mr. & Mrs. Mark Furlong Mr. John Furrer Jennifer L. Furst Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Gabanski Ms. Julie Gabel Mr. Ben Gabis Matthew Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. John D. Galbraith III Ms. Carol Gallagher Martin Gallagher Mr. George Galland Ms. Kathleen Gallo Mrs. Kathy Galloni Ms. Julie Galloway Ms. Rose Galloway Ms. Ruth Ganchiff Carolyn Gange Ms. Mary Gannon Rebecca Gaples Dr. Sandra Garber Mark Garberding John Garcia

Ms. Judith Gardiner Ms. Rosetta Gardner Mr. Anthony Garippo Mr. Maurice Garnier Joe and Bobette Garrett Linda Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garro Ms. Carol Gartner Fred Garzon Ms. Robin Gaston Leonora Gatewood Dr. Alberta Gatti Mr. Phillip Gatto Mr. & Ms. William Gauger Drs. Henry and Susan Gault Ms. Eileen Geary John Gehron Constantine Gekas Sandy and Frank Gelber Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gendleman Ms. Carol Genutis Dr. Alexander George Alfred George Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gepson Lynn Gerbec Dr. & Mrs. John Gerber Mr. James Geren Mr. Paul Germano Ms. and Ms. Marion Gerrans Mr. † & Mrs. † Isak V. Gerson William Gerstein Ms. Judith Gethner Mrs. Edgar Gettleman Robert Ghidotti Ms. Margaret Ghielmetti Ms. Cynthia Giacchetti Lawrence Gibbons Mr. William Gibbons Brenda Gibson Mr. George Gibson and Mr. John Darey Ms. Linda Giesen Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gieser Samantha Giffin Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Ms. Marge Gilbert Mr. Thomas Gilbertson Tom Giles Mr. S. Bradley Gillaugh Donald Gillies Judge Susan Gillis Mr. Daniel Gilmour, III Dr. & Mrs. David Ginsburg James Ginsburg and Patrice Michaels Ms. Alice Ginsburgh Ms. Margaret Gisch Dr. & Mrs. Eric Gislason Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gladfelter Ms. Irene Glasner James Glass Mr. & Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. Robert R. Glauber Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Glazer Mr. & Mrs. John Gleason

Mr. Timothy Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Mrs. Joseph Glotzbach, in memory of Joseph F. Glotzbach Ms. Elaine Glumac Laura Glyda Mr. Julian Gnatenco Mrs. Vanessa Godbolt Ms. Barbra Goering Ani Gogova Alan and Nancy Goldberg Eunice and Perry Goldberg Judy and Bill Goldberg Mr. † & Mrs. Samuel Golden Ms. Georgean Goldenberg Ms. Tatiana Goldina Ms. Joy Goldman Dr. & Mrs. Robert Goldman Mr. Sam Goldman Mr. Howard Goldstein Mr. & Dr. Joshua Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Goldstein Lyn Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Goldstein Robert Goldstein William A. and Anne Goldstein Jeannette and Jerry Goldstone Ms. Jill Goldy Emily Golecki Dr. Robert Golub and Dr. Deirdre Dupre Evgenia Golubeva Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Gombiner Hemil Gonzalez Mrs. Leticia L. Gonzalez Ms. Eileen Good Mr. Ray Good Ms. Sarah Good Mary and Michael Goodkind Mary Goodkind Mr. & Mrs. James Goodman Gordon and Nancy Goodman Ms. Thea Goodman Frederick Goodnow Mr. William A. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Goranson Dr. Alexia Gordon Bradley Gordon and Kathleen Gordon Dr. Edward Gordon Michelle and Gerald M. Gordon Leo and Linda Gordon Merle Gordon Rabbi Maralee Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Marc Gordon Mr. Robert Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gordon Mr. Andrew Gore Mr. Harold Gorelick † Mary Louise Gorno Ms. Margarett Gorodess Dr. Sara Gotheridge and Ms. Susan Darow Dr. Numa Gottardi-Littell Enid Goubeaux William Goudy

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Mr. Arlen Gould Ms. Rosemarie Gould Mrs. Patricia Goyette-Gill Michelle Goyke Emily Grace Stephen Grace Mr. William Gracie Martin Gradman Ms. Kathleen Grady Dr. Robert Graebner Mr. Barry Graham Bob and Lois Graham Christine Graham Mr. Daniel Graham David and Elizabeth Graham Dr. Glennon Graham Mr. John Graham Jorin Graham Dr. Robin Graham Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graham Donald J. Gralen Adam Gramling Erik J. Grande Mr. Ellsworth Grant Ms. Laeh Grant Megan Grant Anne Grason Henriette Gratteau Mr. Joseph Gray Mr. Robert Gray Mr. Marc Grayson David Green Judson and Joyce Green Robin Green Mr. & Mrs. Ross Green Mr. Tucker Green Ms. Freddi Greenberg Jennifer Greenberg Thomas † and Delta Greene Mr. Francis Greene Mrs. Marjorie Greene Priscilla Greene Dr. Stuart Greene Rochelle and Michael Greenfield Timothy and Joyce Greening Dr. Michael Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. Roger Greer Ms. Diane Gregart Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Grelick Mr. R. Grewe Ms. Suzanne Griffel Catherine Griffin Mrs. Carole Griffin Ms. Judith Griffin Ms. Jean Griffin Ms. Kim Griffin Mr. Scott Griffin Mr. John Grimes Esther Grimm Mr. Victor Grimm and Mrs. Kathleen Grady Mr. & Mrs. William Grimm Ms. Jacquelyne Grimshaw † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Prof. Wendy Griswold James Groat Barbara Grob Ms. Catherine Grochowski Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Groen Ms. Marilyn Grogan Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Groot Mr. & Mrs. Barry Gross Eston Gross Dr. Theodore Gross Ms. Helen Grosshans Alexander Grossman Mr. Neal Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Grossman Mr. Robert Grover Mr. Anthony Gruba Ernest A. Grunsfeld, Jr. Trust Ms. Devora Grynspan Ms. Lucinda Gryzenia Mr. Albert Guay Hayden Guckenberg Spencer Gudewill Ms. Sandy Guettler Aida Guidice Mrs. Marguerite Guido Mr. David Gulbransen and Mrs. Kristyna Ryan Mr. Richard Gulik Randy Gunn Patricia Gurevitch Mr. Irving Gurin Ms. Debra Gurvitz Mr. Tom Guschl Mr. & Mrs. John Gustafson Grace Gutekunst Anastasia and Gary † Gutting Lisa Guynn Jennifer Haar Lynne R. Haarlow Dr. David Hacker Mrs. Edward Hadesman Ms. Dalman Hafenrichter Ms. Alyssa Hagen Loren Hagen Mrs. Doreen Hagerty Ms. Andrea Haggard Daniel Hahn Halasmani/Davis Family Mr. & Mrs. John Hales Angela Hall Mr. Gary Hall Mr. H. Hall Joan M. Hall Ms. Pam Hall E Peterson Hall Ms. Annamaria Hallagan Ms. Eileen Hallstrom Mr. & Mrs. Errol Halperin Mr. & Mrs. William Halperin Stephanie and Howard Halpern Dr. Sam R Hamburg Lady Elinor Hamer-Crane Mr. David Hamilton

Mr. Edwin Hamilton Mr. & Ms. James Hamilton Rev. William Hamilton Dr. & Dr. Edward Hamming Hill and Cheryl Hammock Ms. Andrea Handley Ms. Catherine Handley Sally Mead Hands Foundation Mr. Larry Hanes Ms. Kathy Haney Ms. Marguerite Hannigan Mr. Michael Hansen and Ms. Nancy Randa Ms. Phyllis Hansen Mrs. Terri Hanson Mr. & Mrs. David Hanson Ellen Hanson Ms. Sue Hanson Sarah Hanson Nancy and Thomas Hanson Mr. & Mrs. John Hanusin Patrick C Harbour Andrew Hard Ms. Margaret Harden Thomas Harding Kathy Hargrove Ryan Harnish Mrs. Cynthia Harris Mr. & Mrs. Ian Harris Mr. Morton Harris Mr. Raymond Harris Mr. Richard Harris Mrs. Josephine Harrison Mr. & Mrs. David Hart James F. Hart Joan E. Hart Mrs. John M. Hartigan Mr. John Hartmann Ms. Paula Harvan Mr. John Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Julian Harvey Ms. Kyle Harvey Mrs. Ann Harvilla Robert and Margot Haselkorn Mr. Kevin Haslinger Mr. Scott Hastings Ms. Veronica Hastings Mr. Robert Hatcher Ms. Lee Haupt Ms. Lynn Hauser Mr. Robert Hauser Mrs. Harriet Hausman Kaitlin Hauver Mr. Mark D. Havens Jill C. Hawkes Claudia Hawkins Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hawkinson Mr. George Hay Dr. Mary Hayes Dr. Barbara Hayler Mr. Jo Hays Father Donald Headley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Heagy Mr. John Heath


Pascal Heberling Elizabeth A. Hebert James and Lynne † Heckman Pati and O.J. † Heestand Daniel Heffner David Hefter Claire Heideman Monty Heidenreich Mr. Howard Heidlauf Greg Heidrich Mr. † & Mrs. Robert Heidrick Ms. Kay Heikkinen Jessica A. Hein Mrs. Valerie Heintz Ms. Angeline Heisler Erika Heller Mr. Stephen V. Heller Janet and Bob Helman Mr. & Mrs. R. Helmholz Mr. & Mrs. David Helms Mr. Dale Hemberger Ms. Julie Henault Timothy Hender Mr. Kenneth Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hendricks Hasse Asbjørn Hendriksen Mr. Robert J. Henkel Mr. Kenneth Henry Mr. Charles H. Hensel Mrs. Abena Hensley Mr. Bill Hensley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hentschel Jennifer Hepp Mr. Herbert Heppner Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst Mrs. JoAnn Heriaud Paul Herman Mr. Richard Herman Ms. Bonnie Hernandez Ted Herndon Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Herr Ms. Barbara Herring Dr. Jack Herrmann Ms. Jane Herron Mary Jo and Stephen S. Herseth Stephen Herseth Daniel Hetzer James Heup Harriet E. Heyda Ms. Estelle Heyman Ms. Elizabeth Hibben The Hickey Family Foundation Michael Hickey Mr. Edwin Hicks and Ms. Judith Stuber Darold Higa Daniel Higgins Ms. Donna Higgins Ms. Barbara Higgs Ms. Cynthia Hileman and Ms. Storey Shearer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hill Robert A. Hill and Thea Flaum Hill Margaret Hillhouse

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hilliker Michael C. Hillstrom Mr. William Hilton James and Margot Hinchliff William B. Hinchliff Mark Hinchy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hindsley MIDC Hines Mira Hinman Lisa Hirschle Mrs. Ying Hirsh Cassandra Hite Mr. Benjamin Ho Trudy Hobfoll Mr. Stephen Hobson Dr. Deborah Hochgesang Ms. Janelle Hoekstra Ms. Carol Hoelter Mr. & Ms. Egon Hoenle Allison Hoffman Ms. Debbie Hoffman Mr. Douglas Hoffman Mr. Perry Hoffman Richard and Joanne Hoffman Suzanne Hoffman and Dale Smith Ms. Gretchen Hoffmann and Mr. Joseph Doherty Ms. Amy Hohulin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holbrook Mr. Mark Holihan Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Sherry Holland, Ph.D. and Mr. Thomas Allison Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hollinger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Holmberg Mr. Stephen Holmes Mr. Justin Holt Fred and Sandra Holubow James Honan Ms. Sandra Hoogland Ms. Alice Hoos Mr. James Hoover James and Deborah Hopkinson Mr. & Mrs. Adolf Horn Ms. Raeleen Horn Mr. & Mrs. Peter Horne Mr. Joel Horowitz Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Horsch Michael Horsley Mr. & Mrs. Larry Horwich Vicki and Thomas Horwich Foundation Ms. Lola Hotchkis James and Mary Houston Frederick Hovey David and Karen Howe Karen Howe Mr. Gary Howell Mr. & Mrs. R. Howell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Howland Mr. Ke-Chin Hsia Dr. Wei Hsueh Ms. Nancy Hubbard Mr. James Huberty

James Hudson Mr. James Hudzik Mr. Robert Hudzik Dr. Susan Huerta Mr. & Mrs. Werner Huget Mr. Rodney Hughbanks Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hughes Mr. Dennis Hughes Megan Hughes Mrs. Sandra Hughes Stephanie Hughes Rob and Claire Hugi Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hull Tex and Susan Hull Dr. Ronald L. Hullinger Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hummer Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Humowiecki Holly Humphrey and Duane Follman Edward Humphrys Ms. Ellen Hunt and Mr. Charles White Ms. Jill Hunt Juliann Hunter Mr. Douglas Hurdelbrink and Ms. Mary Slivon Ms. Patricia Hurley Elizabeth Hurting Ms. Judith Hurwich Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Huscher Mr. Patrick Huslig Mrs. Yolanda Huslig Michael and Leigh Huston Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hutchins Mrs. Howard Hutchinson Mr. James Hutchinson Leland E. Hutchinson and Jean E. Perkins Mr. James Hutchison Mrs. Carolyn Huzinec Emily Hwang Cynthia Hyndman Mr. Anthony Iacuzzi Dr. & Ms. Albert Iammartino Mr. Ionut Ilie ITW Yumi Imai Jann Ingmire Mr. Craig T. Ingram Ms. Patricia Inman Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Iorgulescu Mr. Mark Iris Mr. Patrick Ishii Mrs. Angela Isley Cheryl Istvan Mrs. Lisa Iverson Mr. Bohdan Iwanetz Allan Izzo Mr. Peter Jackson Merle L. Jacob Ms. Alison Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Cary Jacobs Ian and Valerie Jacobs Dr. Michael Jacobs Mr. Chris Jacobsen Egill and Ruth Jacobsen

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Marian Jacobson Mrs. Julie Jaeger Margaret Jaeger Ms. Kineret Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jagla Mr. William Jagnow Meghan Jahn Mr. Jeffrey Jahns Mr. Matt James Mr. Paul James Timothy and Jennifer Janowick Dean Jansa Dr. & Mrs. Todd and Peggy Janus Mr. & Mrs. Joel Jastromb Mr. & Mrs. William Jastrow Mr. Paul Jay Thomas and Beatrice Jaynes Michael Jelinsky Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jencks Ms. Linda Jenewein John Jenkins Ms. Ruth Jennings Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jentes Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jepson, Jr. Ms. Jane Jerrard Mr. Edward T. Jeske and Mr. John F. Hern Mr. & Mrs. Tony Jeskey Ms. Patricia Jester Mrs. Carolyn Jevelian Mr. † & Ms. Robert Jillson Melaina Jobs Mike Johl Bruce Johnson Ms. Carol Johnson Daniel Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Hulon Johnson Mr. Jim Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson Rev. Joseph A. Johnson Katharine Johnson Ms. Kathleen Johnson Ms. Louise Johnson Mrs. Mary Johnson Maryl Johnson, M.D. Mr. Michael Johnson Ms. Nancy Z. Johnson Mr. Richard Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Roy Johnson Suzanne Johnson Terrilee Johnson Jill Johnston Mrs. Judith Johnston Mrs. Mary Johnston, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Johnson Matthew Joly Robert Jonas Ms. Janet Jones Mr. John Jones Kimberly Jones Dr. Patricia Collins Jones Ms. Robin Jones Ms. Kathleen Jordan † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Katie Jordan Ms. Martha Jordan Ms. Carol Josefowicz Ben Joslin Ms. Dolores Jossund Mr. Henry Jostock Dave Jouza Ms. Barbara Joyce Ms. Joy Joyce Ms. Mary Judd Stevens Judith The Julian Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Julis Ms. & Ms. Robin Jungblut Ms. Roxanne Junge Ms. Barbara Jurgens Sandra Justad Mr. Bruce R. Kaden Mr. † & Mrs. Saul Kadin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kadjan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kadlec Ms. Gail Kahn Ms. Paula Kahn Ms. Gloria Kaiser Sudhakar Kakarakayana Ms. Carolyn Kalina and Mr. James Whalen Ms. Carol Kalins Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kallembach Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kallman Mr. Mark Kaluzny Ms. Mary K. Kammer and Ms. Arlene R. Dahm Dr. & Mrs. David Kamp Lynne Kanatas Ms. Mary Kania Ms. Ethel Kaplan Mr. Jack Kaplan Jared Kaplan and Maridee Quanbeck Mr. Mitchell Kaplan Nancy Kaplan Roberta Kapoun Supplemental Needs Trust George Karkazis Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Karlin Mr. † & Mrs. Ernest A. Karmin Mrs. Lonny H. Karmin John and Kerma Karoly Mrs. Marion Karras Ms. Marilyn Karsh Thomas Kasdorf Judy Kass Mr. & Mrs. William Kastilahn Keiko Kato Ted Katz Charles Katzenmeyer Charles Kauffman Mr. Dean Kauffman Barry D. Kaufman Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman Larry † and Marie Kaufman Mr. Michael Kaufman Mr. Samuel Kaufman Mr. & Ms. Dave Kaul

Don Kaul and Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Boris Kayser and Susan Kayser Ms. Sherri Kayser Mr. Jeremy Kazan Julianne Keaty Ms. Carol Kec Ms. Geraldine Keefe Peter and Stephanie Keehn Ms. Carol Keeler Ms. Barbara Keeley Mr. Philip Keeley Ms. Stephanie Keene Ms. Janet Keepers Ms. Charlotte Keer and Dr. Dean Raffaelli Mr. James Keil Jim and Ellen Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Keller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keller Mr. Joseph Kelley Laura Kelley Ms. Francesca Kelly Dr. Jonathan Kelly Mr. Robert Kemp Jonathan and Nancy Lee Kemper Rev. William Keneally Miss Kathleen Kennedy Ms. Linda Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kennedy Mr. Patrick Kennedy Mr. Paul A. Kennedy and Ms. Rosemary Braun Mr. & Dr. Terrence Kennedy Mr. Philip Kenny Gerould and Jewell Kern Ms. Virginia Kerr Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kessler William Ketchum Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Ketchum Ms. Catherine Key Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keyser Mr. Steve Keyser Dr. Omar Khalil Mr. Howard Kidd Dr. John Kiedaisch Ms. Linda Kiefel Piotr Kielbasa Ms. Carol Kilrea Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kilroy Ms. Youlee Kim Jun Kim Mr. Charles C. Kimball II Ms. Mary Kime Mr. & Ms. John Kineman Ms. Barbara King Mr. & Mrs. Phillip King The King Family Foundation Mr. Peter Kingma Ms. Eva Kinney Ms. Carla Kipen Mr. & Mrs. Leonard and Phyllis Kipnis Cynthia Kirk Mr. John Kirscher Barbara S. Kirschner, M.D.


Ms. Lilia Kiselev Darlene Kittredge and Lloyd Kittredge Ms. Carolyn Kitty Tanya Klasser Mrs. Barbara Klawans Jack and Terry Klecka Dr. Jay and Georgianna Kleiman Ms. Glenda Klein Ms. Jacqueline Klein Richard Klein Ms. Sandra Klein Dr. & Dr. Russell Klem Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Mr. & Mrs. James Klenk Anna Z. Kleymenova Mr. Terry Kline Dr. & Mrs. Thornton C. Kline, Jr. Jean Klingenstein Lori Kloehn Ms. Anne Klosinski Kris Knaak Mr. Gregory Knapp Mr. James Knapp James Knight Mr. Douglas Knuth Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kobetsky Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Koch Fred Kocks Mr. Chris Koczwara Mr. & Mrs. Lee Koehler Mrs. Louise Koenig Dr. Ronald Koepke Mr. Fujio Kohagizawa Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Ms. Lynn Kohlhaas Ms. Carole Kohn Jhumku Kohtz Adela Kola Mr. & Mrs. James Kolata Mr. Takeshi Komiyama Stephen Komonytsky Joseph and Judith Konen Mr. Taka Konishi Ms. Linda Konitz Mr. John Konitzer Ms. Yoko Kono Ms. Lynn Kopon Ms. Phyllis Kopriva Neil Koreman Mr. Howard Korey Brae Korin Mr. Michael Kormanik Dr. & Mrs. Chad Kort Jordan Kortlandt Ms. Laura Kosden Ms. Susan Kosinski Ms. Alice Kosnik Jordan Koss Ms. Mary Kostelny Barbara Kowalczyk Mr. Mark Kraemer Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Krakowski Amy Krass

Ms. Ann Krause The Krawczyk Family Eldon and Patricia Kreider Mrs. Herbert Kreisman Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kreiter Mr. & Mrs. Peter Krentz Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kretchmer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Kriezelman Mr. Robert Kriss and Ms. Laura Schriesheim Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kritzberg Ms. Claudia Krizek Mr. Klaus Kroeter Ms. Ann Kroll Randall S. Kroszner Mr. & Mrs. Larry Krucoff Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Krueck Ms. Marla Krupman Adrian Kruse Mr. Konstanty E. Krylow Mrs. Margaret Kubasiak Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kuberski Ms. Christine Kubiak Ms. Loraine Kubiak Ms. Nevin Kucuk and Mr. Laszlo Simovic Lynne L. Kuehl Mr. Kurt Kuehnert Karen Kuenster Mr. Harold M. Kugelman Mr. Stephen Kuhr Mr. & Ms. Douglas Kuite Mr. Terry Kulat Mrs. Lorraine Kulpa Drs. Vinay and Raminder Kumar Mrs. Ellen Kuner Mr. Larry Kurtzon Bob and Marian Kurz Gary J. Kussow Mr. † & Mrs. Robert Kustom Dr. Anna Kuta Mr. & Mrs. Rubin P. Kuznitsky Jean Won Kwak Michelle Kwan Mr. Stefan Kwiatkowski John La Marre Mr. John LaBarbera Mr. & Mrs. Mark Labkon Laurence Laboda Mr. Thomas Lad Brian Ladd Mr. Stephen Lahaie Mr. Joseph Laiacona and Dr. Lynn Schornick Mr. L. Laimins Joseph Laipple Ms. Diana Laitar Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lamb Mr. Raphael Lambert Dr. James Lambur Ms. Andrea Lancer Mrs. Kathleen Lanctot Dr. Steven Landfried Richard Landgraff and Bernadette Foley

James Landman Mr. David Landsittel Ms. Claudia Lane Gayle Lane Mrs. Linda Lane Ms. Beth Lange Mr. & Mrs. William Lange Ms. Jonelyn Langenstein Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Langrehr Ms. Ann Lanphear and Mr. Thomas Black Mr. Stephan Lans Mr. John Lansing Mr. Larry Lapidus Ms. Sadie Lapinsky Ms. Joanne Larsen Ms. Pamela Larsen Mrs. Gina M. Larson Mr. & Ms. Stephen Laslo Ms. Sheri Latash Ms. Karen Latchford Ms. Sarah Lau Dr. & Mrs. Vance Lauderdale Lori Lauff Gary and Carole Lauger Mr. Gary Laughlin Ms. Leah Laurie Jean LaVelle Mr. Michael Lavelle Rev. Gary Lawler Mr. & Mrs. John Lawlor Mr. William Lawlor III Larry Lawrence Ms. Babs Lawyer Ms. Ludmila Lazar Ms. Viola Lazar Mr. John Lazonby Ms. Carla Lazzara Mr. Thomas Leahy Ralph Leavitt Mr. Douglas Leddon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lederer Mrs. Daphne Lee Mr. & Ms. Frank Lee Dr. Gerald Lee Ms. Holly H. Lee Mr. Mark Lee Richard Lee Ms. Robin Lee Ms. Yae Lee Mr. Young Lee Rachel LeFevre-Snee Mr. & Mrs. Dean Leff Andrea E. LeFlore Ms. Ann Legg Ms. Amy Lehman Mr. Gilbert Lehman Ms. Nicole Lehman Ms. & Mr. Olwyn Lehmann Mr. Carl Lehnen Marsha Lehr Ms. Barbara Leiber Anne E. Leibowitz Fund Dr. Cynthia Leibson

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Mr. Ned Leiby Drs. Cindy and Michael Leland Mr. Maurice Lemon and Ms. Cathrine Kallal Mr. Jeffrey Lennard David Lentz Alyse Leonard Mrs. Lara Leoni Wanda A. Leopold Timothy Lerch Tom Lesiowski Ms. & Ms. Ida Lessman Dr. Luke Lester Dr. Lucille Lester Mr. Frank Lestina Mr. Ron Leuffgen Miss Barbara Leutz Mr. & Mrs. Sam Leventry John and Jill Levi Mrs. Richard Levi Ms. Betsy Levin Ms. Carolyn Levin Dr. & Mrs. Murray Levin Mr. & Mrs. Norman Levin Mr. Robert Levin Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Mr. & Mrs. Donald Levine Ms. Judith Levinson Dr. & Dr. Monte Levinson Dr. Carl Levy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Levy Claire Lewandowski Ms. Carol Lewensohn Gregory M. Lewis and Mary E. Strek Ms. Kathleen Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lewis Ms. Consuelo LeZama Bin Li Ms. Luxi Li Dr. Thomas Liao and Dr. Beverly Sha Ms. Elaine Libovicz Mr. Thomas Lichten Mr. Michael Licitra Mr. † and Mrs. Howard Lickerman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lieb Mrs. Shirley Lieb Mr. & Ms. Irving Lieberman Mr. † & Mrs. Paul Lieberman Dr. Philip R. Liebson and Mrs. Carole F. Liebson Mr. James Liechty Mr. Mark Liechty Ms. Deanna Lies Gail and Howard Lifshitz Kyle Lin Mr. & Mrs. Wes Lindberg Sara Lindholm Mr. Richard Lindhorst Hillary Lindwall Grachelle Linton Mr. & Mrs. Jay Anthony Lipe Dr. Amy Lippert Dr. Herbert and Francine Lippitz † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Toby Lipton Katherine and Michael Lisec Walter Liszewski Dr. Peter Littlewood Jing Liu Mr. Ruizhi Liu Ms. Lisa Livingston McKenna Reva and John S. Lizzadro, Sr. Mr. Colin Locascio Ms. Jennifer Loch Ms. Judith Locke Ms. JoAnn Locke Judy Lockhart Mrs. Joan Loeb Jane and Peter Loeb William Loesch Mitchell Loewenthal-Grassini and Andrew Barry Simmons Mrs. Alice Loff Kathleen Logan Mr. Robert Logan Dr. Vassyl Lonchyna Robert and Barbara Long Mr. Larry Long Mr. Michael Longo Sherry and Mel Lopata Haydee Lopez Ms. Melynda Lopin Gary Lorber Ms. Virgina Lorber Mr. William Lordan † Susan Lord Miller Mr. Marc Loro Mr. Joseph Losco Ms. Esther Loth Ms. Diane Lotko-Baker Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Louis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lounsbury, Jr. Ms. Ann Lousin Ms. Joan Lovell Dr. & Mrs. David Lubell Jack Lubinski Dr. Rosemary Lucas Daniel Luchins and Catherin Luchins Ms. Janet A. Lueby Mr. Wayne Lueptow Gertrud Lulla Mr. Philip Lumpkin Chad Luning Ms. Marlyn Lyle Mr. Russ Lyman Lawrence Lynch Mrs. Yuko S. Lynch Mrs. Phyllis Lyons Mr. Jiadong Ma Mr. Douglas MacDonald Dr. James Macdonald Patricia MacDonald Ms. Nancy Machura Jeffrey MacKay Chuck and Jan Mackie Mr. Gregory Macklem Adam Mackowiak

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Madda Mr. Glen Madeja and Ms. Janet Steidl Ms. Nancy Madsen Steven Magacs Ms. Svetlana Magdel In memory of Abby S. MagdovitzWasserman from David Wasserman, M.D. Ms. Janice Magnuson Pete Magsig Ms. Sharon Maholland Heidi-Melanie Maier Mrs. Roberta Maish Mr. Michael Majkrzak Terrie M. Maki Mr. & Mrs. Martin Malecki, Jr. Ms. Kyla Maletsky Mr. Jerold Malina Ms. Mary Mallahan Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mallinger Barbara and Joseph Mallon Mr. Paul Mallory Mr. Ronald Malmin Kristin Malone Mr. & Mrs. Lee Maltby Mr. James Mamminga Mr. Richard Mandel Mr. Gary L. Mandell and Mrs. Diana Kon Mr. Joseph Manfredo Ms. Sheila Mangler Ms. Sandra Mangurian Mr. Charles Manix Mr. David Mann Mr. & Mrs. James Mann Mr. Steven Mann Mr. Stephen Mannasmith Gail and Frederick Manning Beth A. Mannino and Paul Schick Dr. Cynthia Manos Amy Mantrone Sharon L. Manuel Shafqat Manzur Wenlei Mao Dan and Lynne Mapes-Riordan Ms. Lise Marcell Rose Marchetti Ms. Marcie Marcovitz Bruce Marcus Mr. † & Mrs. Philip Marcus Barbara and Larry Margolis Mr. Frank Marino Mr. & Mrs. Michael Markman Aileen Markovitz Mr. Robert Marks Mary Markunas Mr. David Marsh Ms. Kim Marsh Dr. David Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Harold Marshall Laura Marshall Mr. Richard Marshall Mr. Timothy Marshall Mr. Andrew Martens


Ms. Mirjana Martich and Mr. Zoran Lazarevic Frederick and Patricia Martin Ms. Nancy Martin Mr. Thomas L. Martin Therese Martin Mr. & Mrs. Emil Martinec-Lacey Ms. Judith Martino Dr. & Mrs. Martin Marty Mr. Takao Maruyama Robert and Doretta Marwin Maureen Marx Mr. † & Mrs. James Masek Ms. Linda Masini Mrs. Joan Mason Mr. † & Mrs. Lowell Mason, Jr. Ms. Peggy Mason Mrs. Scott Mason Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Mass Ms. Mary Massanari Barbara Massey Dr. & Mrs. Walter Massey Sean Massung Ms. Catherine Masters Mr. & Ms. Howard Masur Mrs. Walter Masur Ms. Carrie Mathews Ms. BeLinda Mathie and Dr. Brian Haag George J. Matkov, Jr. Igor and Olga Matlin Dr. † & Mrs. David Matteson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mattson Mr. † & Mrs. Marshall Matz Mr. & Mrs. Rick Mauney Marilyn and Myron Maurer Mr. Daniel May Michael M May Ms. Carol Mayer Dr. Jens Mayer Dr. Peter Mayock Mr. & Mrs. Robert McAllister Mrs. Mary McAloon Ms. Helen McArdle Miss Joanna McCaffrey Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mccamant Gretchen McCann Mrs. Janet McCarron Mary McCarthy Mr. Patrick McCarthy Mr. Patrick McCarthy Ms. Camille McClain Mr. William McClellan Mr. Chris McCloud Mr. James McCormack Ms. Lynette Mccortney Ms. Marilyn Mccoy Dr. & Mrs. James McCreary Judy and Scott McCue Rosa and Peter McCullagh Mr. David McCurdy Mrs. Hilary McCutcheon Robert and Jane McDermott

Ann Pickard McDermott Elizabeth McDonald Mrs. Edith McDonald Elizabeth McEnroe Mr. John McFerrin Dr. † & Mrs. John McGee II Mike McGeever Mr. Richard McGlynn Tim McGonegle Ms. Valeria McGovern Patty and Mark McGrath Ms. Ellen McGrew Patrick McGuire Rev. and Mrs. Mark McIntosh Mr. Donald McKay Matt McKee Dr. Gayle McKeen Mr. & Mrs. Lester McKeever John and Etta McKenna Dr. Rajalaxmi McKenna Patricia McKinlay Ms. Anne McKinley Donald G. McKinnon Ms. Nancy McKinven Deborah McKissic Paula McKnight John and Marlene McLeod Ian and Camille McLeod Ruth McMahon Dr. Peter J. McMenamin Mr. Ryan McMillin Mr. † and Mrs. Donald McNally Mr. & Mrs. William McNally Mr. David E. McNeel Sara McNeer Mr. Robert McNees James Edward McPherson and David Lee Murray † Alan and Kim McQuiston Mrs. Leoni McVey Heather McWilliams Mr. Nick McWilliams Mr. & Mr. Paul Meaden Mr. & Mrs. Leland V. Meader Mrs. Erma Medgyesy Mr. Daniel Medrea Joy Meek Mr. Robert Meeker Ms. Patricia Mehler Ms. Claretta Meier Mr. Steven Meier Ms. Linda and Mr. Joe Meisel Ms. Kelly Meissner Dr. † & Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Mr. Ernst Melchior Onur Melen Mr. Hal Melia Ms. Donna Melkonian Marilee Melvin Lois and Hugo J. † Melvoin Mr. Scott Mendel Dr. Ellen Mendelson Mrs. Robert Mendelson

Mr. John Menich Ms. Grace Mergenthaler Mr. & Ms. A.B. Merkin Neal Mermall Jeff Merrell Dr. Merrill and Mr. N.M.K. Barnes Melinda Mershon Mr. Thomas Meskel Ms. Susan Messinger Mrs. Jean Metcalf Ms. Judith Metzger Andrew Meyer Mr. David Meyer Imke Meyer Hanh Meyers Mrs. Judith Meyers Thomas Meyers Mr. Chuck Michaelson Matous Michal Ms. Sharon D. Michalove Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Michel Ms. Carol Michelini Ms. Rachel Michelson Ms. Ruth Migdal-Brown Mary Mikhailov and Vladimir Mikhailov Mr. Nicholas Miles Dr. Deborah Milkowski Mr. Arthur Miller Ms. Barbara Miller Mr. Barry Miller Mrs. & Mr. Betty Miller Dr. Dan Miller Mr. & Ms. David Miller Donna Miller Joan and David Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Miller Mr. Luke Miller Lynne Miller Mr. Michael Miller and Ms. Sandra Eiger-Miller Mr. Ramsey Miller Susan Miller and David Stern Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Miller Helen Harvey Mills Courtney A. Mills Mr. Ellsworth Mills Nathan Mills Lewis Milton Ms. Priscilla Mims Craig and Danuta Mindrum Ms. Ruth Minkoff Ms. Helen Minsker Fr. Sterling Minturn Mr. Manindra Mishra Dr. Jal Mistri Mr. † & Mrs. Michael Mitchel Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Sid Mitchell Ms. Susan Mitrano Ms. Pauline C. Mittag Ms. Mary Mittler Dr. Christopher Mixon Mr. Hiroshi and Mrs. Chika Miyamori

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Mr. James Moag Mr. Frank Modruson and Ms. Lynne Shigley Mr. & Ms. John Moellman Ms. Paulette Moffett Dr. Norman Moline Mr. Michael Mollet Mr. Stephen Molnar Ms. Whitney Molsen Lisa M. Molter Ms. Therese Mondeika Dr. Jeffrey Mono Mrs. Emily Monroe Ms. Rosellen Monter Mark Moon Mr. Carl and Maria Moore Charles A. Moore David Moore Mrs. Elizabeth Moore Ms. Melinda Moore Robert Moore Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morales Gail Moran Ms. Jennifer Moran Mr. Richard Moran Jorge Moreno Mr. Bruce Morgan Scott Morgan Sanford and Monica Morganstein Dr. David and Celeste Morimoto Joyce and Rick Morimoto Stephanie Morimoto Mr. Todd Morning Emilie Morphew, M.D. Mr. Clark Morris Ms. Mary Morris Mr. Thomas Morris Ellen Morrison Mrs. MaryLouise Morrison Ms. Vivian Mortensen Wayne L. Mory and Marcia Snyder Ms. Susanne Mosel Mr. Robert Moser Matt and Sandy Mosetick Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Moss Mr. & Mrs. Donald Motz, Jr. Catherine Mouly and LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. Mr. Lyle Mourer Sharon Moy Ms. Jane Moyer Ms. Kathleen Moyer Mr. John S. Mrowiec and Dr. Karen L. Granda Nancy Mueller Ms. Erna Mugnaini Sumi Mukoyama Kimberly Mulder Dr. Joan Muller Dr. Pamela Mulshine Dr. Gil Munoz Mr. Richard Murday Mrs. Charles Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Murley † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Mr. Thomas Murnighan Ms. Catherine Murphy Ms. Catherine Murphy Mr. Francis Murphy John Murphy Mr. Scott Murphy Daniel R. Murray Ms. Erin Murray Dr. Linda Murray Ms. Marilyn R. Murray and Mr. David J. Pichurski Mark Murray Mr. Michael Murray Mr. Thomas Murtha Dr. & Mrs. David Mutchnik Joan Myer Mr. Scott Myers Ms. Evelyn Mytyk Mrs. Vreni Naess Mr. Marc Nagel Mr. Albert Nagy † Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nakai E. Nakamichi Foundation Ms. Linda Naru Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nash Mr. Michael Nation Ms. Katherine Nee Ms. Victoria Nee Mr. † & Mrs. Herbert Neil, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Neiman Ms. Nancy Nellis Ms. Dorothy Nelson Mr. John Nelson Mr. John Nelson Ms. Karen Nelson Miss Marguerite Nelson Dr. Rebecca Nelson Robert Nelson and Brett Bunke Robert Nelson and Kristin Nelson Susan Nelson Mrs. Joan Nemickas Mr. Jordan Nerenberg Ms. Jane Nerison Dr. Teegan C. Ness Thomas Neujahr Mr. Patrick Neuman Mr. Charles Neveu Mr. Stanley Nevin Dr. & Ms. Richard Newcomb Dr. & Ms. John Newman Mr. Robert Newman Mr. Jack Newsom Mr. Damian Ng Mrs. Doris Nice Christina Nicholas Eleanor Nicholson Betsy Nicketakis Jean Nickle Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Nicodemus Mr. William Nicodemus Ms. Sylvette Nicolini Mr. Mark Nielsen John Niemeyer

Edward and Gayla Nieminen Ms. Heidi Niggli Mr. Raymond Niwa Ms. Mary Beth Niziol Dr. Zehava L. Noah Mr. Anthony Nocchiero Richard Nock and Wilma Nock Sue Nodine Norm and Mary Nodulman Mr. Mark Noll Ms. Carol Nolting Ms. Mary Noonan Lindsay Norcom Mr. † & Mrs. John D. Norcross Ms. Kathy Nordmeyer Heather Norman Mrs. Gloria Norris Shirley Norris Ms. Wendy Norris Tom Northey Ms. Jane Nosbisch Dr. Stanton and Mrs. Sharon Noskin Mr. & Ms. Hiroyoshi Noto Daniel Novak Ms. Emily Novick Ms. Joan Novick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Novickas Mr. William Novshek Mr. & Mrs. James Nowacki Ms. Martha Nussbaum Mrs. Susan Nutson Dr. Donald Nutter Eric Nyberg Mr. Douglas Nygaard Mr. Matthew Nygaard Ms. Yukiko Nyhan Ms. Carol Nykiel Bill and Penny Obenshain Margo and Michael Oberman Ms. Marguerite Oberto Dr. Dragic Obradovic Ms. Ann O’Brien Ms. Kathleen O’Brien Ms. Sara O’Brien Mary O’Broin Mr. Charles Ochs Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ochs Mr. Chad O’Connor Mr. Jim O’Connor Mrs. Maureen OConnor Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. O’Donnell Martin O’Donnell Mr. James O’Keefe Mr. Thomas O’Keefe Old Republic International Corporation Eric Older Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Oleszczuk Ms. Angela Olinto Ms. Barbara Oliver Sarah and Wallace Oliver Brett Olson Mr. Charles Olson Mr. Eric Olson


Mr. Bruce Oltman Bernard Omalley John and Joy O’Malley Mr. Thomas O’Malley Mrs. Patricia O’Neal Ms. Shawn-Laree O’Neil Mr. Thomas O’Neill III Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Neill Mr. Thomas Opferman Mr. & Mrs. John Oppenheimer Ms. Katie Ordover Dr. Michael Oren Mrs. Myrna Orenstein Mr. Thomas Orlando Julie Orr Dr. James Orr Kathleen Field Orr Mr. & Mrs. Michael Orr Rosa Ortega Karen Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Jim Osiol Ms. Diane Ososke The Osprey Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Osterberg Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ostermann Ms. Lynne Ostfeld Mr. Acton Ostling Ms. Sheryl Lyn O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ott Mr. Steven Otto Ms. Janet Outis Garry and Joanne Owens Mr. Jay Owens Ms. Nancy Pacheco Ms. Julia Packard Mr. Michal Pacula Mr. David Padua Michael Pagano Cassandra Painter Katherine Pakieser-Reed Ferenc Paller Elena Palmer Joseph Palombo Mr. & Mrs. Tomas Palubinskas Leslie Panella Mr. & Mrs. Don Panozzo Ms. Linda A. Panszczyk Ms. Helen Pantazi Ms. Joan Pantsios Ms. Pamela Papas Sandra Parato Ms. Margaret Paris Kevin Park Ms. Elizabeth Parker and Mr. Keith Crow Ms. Michelle Parker Dan and Diane Parrlli Katie Parsons Ms. Mary Alice Parsons Dr. & Mrs. Robert Parsons Dr. Mercedes Pascual Joanna Pasek Robert Passeri, Jr. Mr. Dennis Passis

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paszczyk Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Ms. & Ms. Patricia Paarlberg Joseph Patt Dianne M. and Robert J. Patterson, Jr. David Patton John Paulett Mr. Marc A. Paulhus Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Pauling II Mr. David Pautler Mr. † & Mrs. Albert Pawlick Mr. Thomas Pawlik Ms. Hanna Pawlus Mr. Michael Payette Donald Payne Ms. Marilyn Pearson Ms. Toni Pearson Ms. Sofiya Pechenik Mr. Stephen Peck Barbara Rose and Mr. Sanford Neil Peck Mrs. Paula Pederson and Mr. Raymond Olson Mr. Geoffrey Pedrick William Peek Ms. Mary Pellar James W. Pellegrino Mr. & Mrs. Sam Peltzman Mr. George Penaherrera Ms. Margaret Pendry Richard and Frances Penn Roxy and Richard Pepper Ms. Sharon Perazzoli Daniella Pereira Mr. & Ms. Peter Pereira Mr. Julio Pereyra Yuber Perez Mr. Victor Perez-Luna Robert and Barbara Perkaus Kingsley Perkins † Ms. Jill Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Perlstein Ms. Carrie Perman Nicole Perrin Bonnie Perry John Perry Ms. Kathleen Perry Ms. Paulette Perry Ms. Rebecca Perry and Mr. David Perry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Persky Dr. William Peruzzi Mr. Mark Peter Julie Peters Dr. Karen Peters Mr. Mark C. Peters Mr. & Ms. Bill Petersen Ms. Claudia Petersen Dr. & Mrs. Charles Peterson Mr. Charles Peterson Dr. Jay Peterson Ms. Polly Peterson Mr. Robert Peterson Mrs. Janine Petric Mr. Nick Petros

Lorna and Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Mr. Bradley Pfeil Ms. Charlotte Pfuhl Mr. & Mrs. John Phair Marianne Phelan Ms. Elaine Phelps Genevieve Phelps Mrs. Bonnie Phemister William Phemister Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Dr. & Mrs. Louis Philipson Ms. Bennette Phillips Ms. Judi Phillips Jane E. Phillips Ms. Jeannine Phillips Mrs. Marlene Phillips Mr. Matthew Phillips Mr. William Phillips Mr. William Phillips † Natalie Piazzi Sue and Thomas Pick Meline and Allan † M. Pickus Melinda Pierdomenico Mark Swanson and Nancy Pifer Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. Pillarella Mr. Martin Pimsler Ms. Jill Pinkerton Paige L. Pioppi Lee Ann and Savit Pirl Mr. Louis Pitschmann and Mrs. Lillian Clark Larry and Judy Pitts Steven Plane Ms. Ilana Platt Mary and Joseph Plauché Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pluister PNC Ms. Cathleen Podell Ms. Kate Pokorny Mr. Roy Pollack Don and Martha Pollak Ms. Judy Pomeranz Mr. Kenneth Pomeranz Mr. Frank Pond Mr. Ron Pontecore Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pool Christine and Michael Pope Bret Popper Dr. Robert and Mrs. Jan Porter Mr. Roland Porter Mrs. Olga Porto Charlene H. Posner Ms. Marcy Posner Mr. Neil Posner Mr. Thomas Postek Lawrence and Carol Poston Gwen Pott Stephen and Ann Suker Potter Mr. Michael Potts Victoria Potvin Ms. Susan Poulos Hryhorii Povorozniuk Eunice Powell

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Mr. & Mrs. John Powell, Jr. Mr. David Pozorski Will Prebil Mrs. Beverly Preiser Mr. Samuel Prentice, Jr. Jane R. Prentis Andra and Irwin Press Mr. Michael Presser Douglas Pressman Barry and Eunice Preston Ms. Lisa Preston Allan and Carla Price Gail Price Mr. Jeffrey Price Ms. Stephanie Price PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Karen and Jim Prieur Mr. & Mrs. Dale Primer Wayne Prist Dr. & Mrs. James Pritchard Ms. Pamela Pritchard Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pritzker CIBC Mr. Micah Prochaska and Ms. Lindsey Strieter Mr. Steven Prorak Mr. Kenneth Proskie Kimon Proussaloglou Sally Pryor Dr. Eric Prystowsky Mrs. Sue Ptak Michael Puck Eric Pudnos James Pugh Ms. Jill Purcell Ms. Katherine Purcell Dr. Selami Pusatcioglu Hannah Pustejovsky Nancy Qasim Mr. Shawn Quaid Mr. Duane Quaini Ms. Marie Queenan Chris and Elizabeth Quigg Mr. Jules Quinlan Ms. Carolyn Quinn Dr. Anne Heider and Mr. R. Stephen Warner Mr. Kevin Rab Dr. Susan Rabe Mrs. Phyllis Rabineau and Mr. John Alderson Karen Rabun Mr. & Mrs. Donald Radtke Ms. Janice Radway Mr. David Rahija Ms. Karen Rahn Mrs. Anita Rai Mr. Landon Raiford Lynne Raimondo and Family Mr. Zachary Raizen Ms. Toby Rajput Andrea Rak † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Ms. Roberta Rakove Mrs. Susan Rakowski Ms. Ginevra R. Ralph Mr. Jonathan Ramesbottom Dorothy V. Ramm Mr. Gerald and Vivian Ramsey Mr. Drew Ranieri Ms. Ruth Rankin and Mr. Steven Parker Mr. Stephen Rankin Mr. Myron Ranney Elizabeth Ransford Mr. Terrence J. Ransford Joel and Marikay Raphaelson Anna Rappaport and Peter W. Plumley Mr. Jeffrey Rappin Mr. Rudolph Rasin David Ratliff Dr. & Mrs. Pradeep Rattan Ms. Polly Rattner Mr. Andrew Rauhauser Mr. Marc Raven Dr. Dorit Raviv Mr. Alexander Razborov Dr. Carolyn Rea Ms. Priscilla Read Dr. Dennis Readey Ms. Rhona Reagen Ms. Joan Rearick Richard Recht Judith E. Rector Mr. Davis Redman Mr. & Mrs. Barry Reece Mr. & Mrs. Alan Reed Miss Mary Reed Mr. Michael Reed and Mrs. Julia Gorman Ms. Jane Reeder Matthew Reeder Jack W. Reeves James Reichardt Mr. James Reid Bruce Reider Mr. James Reilly Mrs. Wendy Reiman Mr. Scott Reimer and Mr. John Wohlman Dr. Martha Reineke Rhonda Reinholtz Miriam Reininger Mr. William Reinke Mr. & Mrs. Alan Reinstein Mr. Robert Reisberg Dr. Rutbert D. Reisch Mrs. Linda Reiter Mrs. Margaret Reneker Mr. Richard Renner Alicia and Myron Resnick Mr. & Mrs. Tim Reuland Alicia Reyes Ms. Mary Reynolds Ms. Vicki Reynolds Mr. James Rhoads Lindsay Rhodes Ms. Jacqueline Rice Melissa Rice

Mr. Robert Rich Mr. Richard Rezac and Ms. Julia Fish Dr. Hilda Richards Mr. Duel Richardson Mr. Yves Richarz Mr. Glenn Richter Dr. Harry Richter Patricia Richter Mr. John Ridges Drs. Rodney and Patricia Rieger Charles Riepe Elaine Lebhoff-Ries, M.D., and Michael Ries, M.D. Mrs. Enid Rieser Mr. David Rigg Ms. Edith Riley Ms. Vera Rimnac Ms. Karin Rinaldi Miss Beth Riney Jerry and Carole Ringer Steve Rinkenberger and Patricia Rinkenberger Ms. Maureen Riordan Sally Ritts Ms. Katherine Robandt Ms. Catherine Robbins Judith Robbins Dr. Robert Robbins Alice Roberts Ms. Blanche Roberts Don L. Roberts Mr. Michael Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Robinson Ms. Janis Robinson Mr. Sidney Robinson Ms. Susan L. Robinson Dr. Barbara Rocah and Mr. Louis Rocah † Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Roche Mr. Philip Rock Mr. James Rocks Mr. Glenn Rode Ms. Laura Rode Mr. Hans Roderich Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodey Ms. Janice Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rodman Mr. Tom Roeser Mr. Steven Roess Dr. Wylie Rogers Mr. Gregory Rohlfing Ms. Julie Roknich Thomas Romano Mrs. Dorothy Romberg Cristina Romero Steffani Ronfeldt Mr. & Mrs. Earl Ronneberg Mr. Matthew Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Roper Gary Ropski and Barbara Schleck Ms. Bridget Rorem Mrs. Kelly Rorick Mr. Miguel Rosario Ms. Barbara Rose


Jerry Rose Mr. Christopher Rosean Larry Rosen and Dianne Fishering Mr. † & Mrs. Sherman Rosen Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Mr. & Ms. Alan Rosenberg Dr. Suzanne Rosenfeld Alan Rosenfield Susan Rosenstein—Executive Search Limited Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation Mr. Alan Rosenthal Mr. † & Mrs. Albert Rosenthal Ms. Ruth Rosenthal Betsy Rosenzweig Mr. & Mrs. Ross Baker Allan and Judith-Ray Ross Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ross Ms. Joanne Ross Mr. John Ross Jonathan H. Ross Ms. Lisa Ross Mr. Robert Ross Ms. Susan Ross Mr. Francis Rossi and Mrs. Aylesa Singley Mr. & Mrs. Jason and Kristen Rossi Mrs. Andrew Rosulek Christine Roth Cecilia and Joel Roth Judy and Morry Roth Mr. & Mrs. Walter Roth Jay and Maija Rothenberg Hulda B. And Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation Dr. David and Ms. Laila Rothstein Mr. & Mrs. Warren Rouse Jim Rowe David Rowland Dr. Larry Roy Mr. Thomas R. Royal Miriam Royer and James Royer Mr. Maris Roze Ms. Roberta Ruben Dr. & Dr. Osvaldo Rubinstein Mr. John Ruby Uta Ruett Sharon Ruff Mr. Adnan Rukieh Ms. Barbara Rupp Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Brenda Russell Mr. & Ms. Kevin A. Russell Mary Russell Ms. Elizabeth Russell-Jones Mr. Dennis Rutkowski Tina and Buzz Ruttenburg Alina Rwei Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Miss Janice Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ryan Ms. Noreen Ryan Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation Ms. Peggy Ryan

Priscilla E. Ryan and Frank Battle Mr. & Mrs. Rich Ryan Mr. Richard Ryan William and Mary Ryan Mary Rybowiak Ms. Rita Ryland Mr. Fuad Saba Mr. James Sack and Mr. Carl F. Petry Ms. Nancy Sacks Ms. Diana T. Saenz Ms. Sarah Sager Mrs. Esther S. Saks Ms. Judith Sally Renee Salomon Ms. Natalie Saltiel Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Mr. Tom Salutz and Jean Brunder Ms. Cecelia Samans Mr. David Samson Suzanne G. Samuels Mr. William Sanderson Mr. David Sandfort Mr. John Sandry Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Sandy Shabnum Sanghvi Ms. Melissa Sanson Norm Santos Mr. Agustin G. Sanz Cynthia M. Sargent Keith Sarpolis Teri Sarver JF Sarwark, M.D. Mr. Terumi Sasaki Ms. Linda Sato Mr. William Sauer Mrs. Bonnie Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Gary Saunders Mr. George Saunders Mr. Peter Saunders Mr. & Mrs. † Lawrence Sauter Mr. Laurence Saviers Ms. Suzanne Sawada Ms. Maria Sawka Susan Saxe Mr. Thomas Scanlan Donald J. Scattergood Mr. Arthur Scesnewicz Mr. William Schade Jake Schaeffer Ms. Anne Schafer Ms. Carol Schaffer Marianne Schapiro Ms. Penelope Schaschwary Ms. Tracy Schatko Marie-Claude Schauer Mr. Allen Schechter Ms. Marya Schechtman Mr. Peter Scheff and Ms. Deb Rosenberg Jennifer Scher Mr. & Mrs. Neal Scherberg Mrs. Ellen Schermerhorn Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Schertz John Scheurich

Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Ms. Kay Schichtel and Mr. Barry Lesht David and Judy Schiffman Dr. Mary Schiller Mr. & Mrs. David Schlack Mr. & Mrs. John Schladweiler Mr. Tim Schlax Mr. & Mrs. Tim Schlegel Daniel and Marcy Schlessinger Ms. Sherry Schlickman Mr. Stephen Schloesser Mr. † & Mrs. Nathan Schloss Sarah Schmall John and Teri Schmelzel Mr. Jack Schmetterer and Ms. Barbara Friedman Ms. Sharon Schmid Ms. Carol Schmidt Mr. John Schmidt and Dr. Janet Gilboy Nicole Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schmidt Ms. Virginia M. Schmidt Mr. † & Mrs. Robert Schmit Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Dr. John Schneider Laima Schnell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schnell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schnitzler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scholl Ms. Susan Schouten Ms. Gisela Schreier Thomas W. Schrock Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schroeder Barbara Schroeder-Buck Genevieve Schuberth Ms. A. Schuh Brett Schulte Ms. Virginia Hall Schulte Ms. C Schultz Mr. Michael Schultz Mr. Martin Schultz Ms. Janet Schultze Chad Schuster Ms. Audrey Schuurmann Mr. Bruce J. Schuurmann John Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Reid Schwartz Mr. Stephen Schwartz and Ms. Lynn Hornig Ms. Terry Schwartz Linda Schwarz Mr. & Ms. Stephen G. Schwegman Mr. Charles Schweighauser and Mrs. Barbara Jensen-Schweighauser Ms. Marilyn Schweitzer Mrs. Sam Sciacchitano Ms. Jennifer Scorza Benita Scott Geoff Scott Mr. John Scott Thomas and Maryellen Scott Ms. Gerry Sczygiel Michele Hooper and Lemuel Seabrook

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Susan Sedler Mr. Chase T. Seely Ms. Lori Seidemann Dr. & Mrs. Henry Seidenberg, M.D. David and Christine Seidman Ms. Sandra Seim Tasha Seitz Mr. Mary Seitzinger Mr. & Mrs. Chandra Sekhar Mr. Joseph Seliga Carolyn Selke Ronald and Nancy Semerdjian Mrs. Seta Semerdjian Mr. Mark Semisch Leta Sena-Lopez Stephen Sener, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sennett Gregg Seppala Mr. John Seraphine Mrs. Bonnie Sewright Mr. Mark Sexauer Ms. Suzanne Shade Mr. & Ms. Mark Shadle Ms. Beth Shadur Ms. Carol Shaffer Mr. John Shaffer Sherri Shallenberg Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Shanley Dr. Laurie Shannon Dr. & Mrs. Charles Shapiro Mr. David Shapiro Ms. Ilene Shapiro Ms. Judith Share Mrs. Roberta Sharp Mr. Bailin Shaw Gary Shaw Ilene and Michael Shaw Charitable Trust Ms. Courtney Shea Mary and Charles M. Shea Mr. Christopher Sheahen Kate Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James C. Sheinin Maureen Shelly Mr. Linjun Shen Ms. Kim Shepherd Ms. Barbara Sherman Mr. Louis Sherman Steve Sherman Amy Shevitz Mr. Yasuo Shidahara The George L. Shields Foundation, Inc. Robert and Jane Shiffler Susan Shimkus Susan Shimmin and David Tekler Ms. Laura Shinker Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Shipley Ms. Daria Shor Carolyn M. Short Ms. Geri Shouba Ms. Ellen Shriver and Mr. Neil Donovan III Ms. Emelie Shroder Ellen and Richard Shubart † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shubert and Mr. & Ms. Michael and J Malti Shukla Ms. June Shulman Shure Charitable Trust Mr. Leslie Shwartz and Mrs. Roberta Schwartz Chian Ban Siau Ms. Renee Sichlau Peg Siciliano Ms. Nailah Siddique Mrs. Susan Siebers Olivia Sieck Mr. David Siedlecki Ms. Debra Siegel Ms. P Siegel Dr. Seymour Siegel Ronald Sigal Betty Signer Margaret and Alan Silberman Luis SIlva Ms. Ilene Simmons Mr. Morgan Simmons Miss Kathleen Simms Mr. J. Simon Jack and Barbara Simon Michael and Linda Simon Mr. Curtis Simonson Mr. Dick Simpson Mr. Douglas Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Singer Dr. Ranjan Singh Mr. Richard Singler Craig Sirles Maria-Josepha Skean Mrs. Elizabeth Sklarsky Mr. Mark Skolnik Kelly Skony Ms. Marcia Skwarek Mr. Richard Slaughter Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Slepak Mr. & Mrs. Terry Slocum Mr. Frank Slocumb Mr. David Slowey Mrs. Mary Sluka Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Wilma J. Smelcer Michael Smigielski Ms. Mairita Smiltars Ms. Alison Smith Armando L. Smith Arthur Smith and Tracey Truesdale Mr. Bryan R. Smith Mr. Charles Smith Charles and Dawn Smith Charles F. Smith Mrs. Diane W. Smith Mr. Drew Smith Jan Smith Jilliann Smith Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Smith Mr. Marlon Smith Mary Ann Smith

Nancy J Smith Dr. Nikki Smith Dr. & Mrs. Russel D. Smith Mr. Scott Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith Steven Smith Mr. & Mrs. Marty Smith Mr. & Ms. Thomas Smith Ms. Sallie Smylie Dr. Todd Snead Walter and Kathleen Snodell Kimberly M. Snyder Michael Soble Mr. and Rev. Paul Soderholm Mr. & Mrs. David Sokol Ms. Ronnie Sokol Ms. Nilda M. Soler Mrs. Shirley S. Solomon Judith Sommers Mr. Scott Sommers Ms. Karen Sonderby Angela Song Marcos Sora Mr. Robert Sorensen Mr. Glen Sorgatz Ms. Margo Sorgman Ms. Nancy Sottos Ms. Karen Souden SP Plus Mr. & Mrs. David Spadafora Ms. Susan Spafford Lane Mrs. Linda Spain Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spain Mr. Norman Spear Mr. Ronald Spears Mr. George Speck Ms. Carol Spector David and Laraine Spector Joel and Beth Spenadel Faith Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Spencer Michael Spertus and Wendy Jablow Spertus Jim Spiegel Ms. Judith Spies Margit Spires Alan Spiro Ms. Megan Spitz Nathan Sportel Mr. Michael Sprinker Lois St Germain Ms. Adena Staben Andrew Stables Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stack Mrs. Julie Stagliano Dr. Terry Stagman Matthew Stagner Bill and Orli Staley Foundation Helena Stancikas Mrs. Richard Stanciu Ms. Holly Stangland Ms. Julie Stapel Charles and Joan Staples


Nancy Staples Mrs. Marjorie K. Staples Ms. Cherilyne Stark Mr. Jonathan Stark Waymon and Cheryl Starks David Staub and Mary Staub Ms. Denise Stauder Howard Stearn Dr. Amy Stearns Mr. Ronald Steele Mr. Albert Stefan Ms. Nancy Stehno Ms. Elizabeth Stein Fredric and Nikki Stein Mrs. Susan Stein Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stein Mr. Stephen Steiner Mrs. Emalee Stellwagen Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. Mr. Curtis Stensrud Robert Stephens Ms. Tracey Stephens Ms. Catherine Stephenson Ms. Susan Stephenson Mr. Thomas Stephenson Christine Sterkel Carl W. Stern and Holly Hayes-Stern John M. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stern Mrs. Cheron Stern Mr. & Ms. James Stevens Mr. Richard Stevens Mr. & Mrs. George Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Terry Stevig Ms. Kathleen Stewart Ms. Laura Stewart Susan and Ireland Stewart Mr. David Stienecker Liz Stiffel Ms. Charmaine Stilinovich Ms. Nina Stillman Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stillman Mrs. Marjorie Moretz Stinespring Joshua Stober Dr. Sheryl Stogis Dr. & Ms. Houston Stokes Mrs. Aleksandra Stolic Mr. Tracy Stollberg Mrs. Paula Stollman Mr. Bill Stone In memory of Marjorie Stone Mr. & Mrs. William Stonehill Ms. Fay Stopeck † Phil Stough Mr. & Mrs. Robert Storti Bruce R. Stowell Verdeen Strain and Carl Strain Dorothy Strang Maggie Strasbaugh Ms. Vicki Straup Dr. Francis H. Straus II † Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Strauss Mr. Michael Strauss

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Stresen-Reuter, Jr. Ms. Darlene Strickland Lawrence E. Strickling and Sydney L. Hans Pam and Russ Strobel George Ralph Strohl Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stuckey Ms. Elizabeth Stura Mr. & Mrs. Jackson D. Sturgeon Cheryl Sturm Ms. Sarena Su Siyuan Su Daniel Suarez Mr. & Mrs. Barry Sufrin Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sugg Mr. & Mrs. G. O. Sugiura Ms. Minsook Suh Mr. Edward Sullivan Mr. Mark Sullivan Mr. William Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. William Sullivan Cynthia Sumner Dr. Edward Sung Ms. Susan Beagley and Mr. Robert Benedict Mrs. Ruth Suth Mrs. Priscilla Sutker Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Swanson Mr. Jhan Swanson Jeffrey Swanson Dr. John Swanson Mr. Robert Swanson Ms. Michelle Sweet Ms. Patricia Swindle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Swisher Mr. Donald Szeszycki Michael Szwabowski Mr. & Mrs. Richard Taft Barb Tai Jack Taipala Reiko Takahashi Mary Ellen Tamasy Mr. Thomas Tamlyn Ms. Joanne Tarazi Mr. Chris Tarczon Mr. Farzad Tari In memory of Henry S. Tausend Miss Sima Tavana Ms. Lauren Tavel Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Taylor Ms. Barbara Taylor Denise Taylor Mary Taylor Mr. Steven Taylor Mr. & Ms. William Taylor Mrs. Elizabeth Teich Mr. Walter Tejan Prof. Harold Temple Mr. Frank TenBrink Mr. Edward Tenner Marc and Rosie Tenzer

Mr. Thomas D. Terpstra and Ms. Ilene Patty Mr. Joshua Terzino Mr. Frederick Test Mr. John Teti, Jr. Mrs. Alice Thanner Heidi Thatcher-Rafter Mr. Fotis Theodore Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Theophilos Thierer Family Foundation Ms. Alison Thomas Richard and Helen Thomas Sandra Thomas Mr. Stephen Thomas Ms. Helen Thompson Mr. James Thompson Tyler Thompson Ms. Deborah Thorne and Mr. Jerry Esrig Mr. John Thorne Dr. & Mrs. Frank Thorp Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Joan and Michael Thron Mr. Thomas Thuerer Connie and John Thullen Gerry Thurow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tiersky Ms. Nancy Tieszen Ms. Rachel Tigner Mrs. Jacqueline Tilles David Timm Mrs. Eleanor Tippens Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tiseo Ray † and Mary Ann Tittle Ms. Diane Tkach and Mr. James F. Freundt Mr. Mitchell Tobin Mr. Michael Todman Valerie Tokars Betsy Tolstedt Mr. David Tomfohrde Ann and Richard F. Tomlinson Todd Toney Mrs. Liqiong Tong Ms. Yolanda Toni Dr. & Mrs. Jordan Topel Ms. Carolyn Toren Mr. Gabriel Torres Mr. Salvador Torres Wendy-Jo Toyama Mr. Larry Tradup Bruce and Jan Tranen James M. and Carol Trapp Ms. Joanne Tremulis Mrs. Suzanne Tressel Steve and Jocelyn Trokenheim Terrence and Laura Truax Ms. Jean True Martha Trueheart Mrs. Hsi-Tsin Tsiang Ms. Karen Tufte Mr. John Tullsen Micheala Tuminello Ms. Rebecca Tung Ms. Wen-wen Tung

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020



Mr. John Tuohy Mrs. Denise Turcotte Dr. Muge Turkyilmaz Dr. & Mrs. David Turner Mr. & Mrs. Don Turner Mr. Leslie Turner Ms. Linda Turner Mr. Matthew Turner Phil † and Paula Turner Ksenia A. and Peter Turula Ms. Judith Tuszynski Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tuzi Sophia Twaddell Elizabeth Tyger Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tyler Olivia Tyrrell Mrs. Jane Uehara Mr. Bradley Uffelmann and Mrs. Janice Uffelmann Mr. Michael Ulinski Mr. & Ms. Thomas Ullmann The Ungar Group Mr. Robert Unglaub Robert Unsworth Ellen and Jerry Upton Mr. & Mrs. Charles Urban Ms. Barbara Urbut Ms. Helen Urchenko Mr. James Urish Zalman and Karen Usiskin Mr. Robert Utecht Nariko Utsugi Mr. & Mrs. Allan Vagner Mr. Peter Vale Mr. Richard Valentin Rebecca Vallorano Mr. & Mrs. Mark Van Ausdal Ms. Susan Van Der Meulen Brandon and Meg Van Dyk Penny and John Van Horn Cynthia Van Osdol Mr. Marc Van Overbeke Mr. John Van Pelt † Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Van Vliet Mr. James Vance Mr. & Mrs. William C. Vance Ms. Betty Vandenbosch Mr. David Vanderberg Mr. John Vanko Ms. Ruth Vanwitzenburg Mr. James Vardiman Mr. Leonardo Vargas Pk Varma Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Varsek Dr. Patricia Vary Kathleen Vega Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Veis Ms. Anne Veit Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ventura Mr. Nicholas Verhun Veronica Guerrieri and Guido Lorenzoni Mr. Robert Verville Marie Vesely † Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


Ms. Helen Vick Mr. Jeffrey Vieregg Jim and Mary Vieregg Dr. Michael Viglione Mr. Peter Vilkelis Mr. Manuel Villavicencio Catherine M. Villinski Charles Vincent Ms. Nancy Vincent Mr. Bruce Viner Ms. Polly Vinograd Miss Kristine Vins Mr. Christian Vinyard Mr. Ramesh Vishwanat Ms. Renai Vodick Ms. Melissa Vogel Mr. Walter Vogel David Vogl Ms. Kathleen Vogt Anthony Voirin Dr. & Mrs. Norbert Voit Ms. Joanne Volakakis Ms. Barbara Vondras Phyllis Voosen Mr. Gennadiy Voronov Mr. Peter Voss Mr. & Ms. William Vranas Erwin Vreugdenhil Theodore and Elisabeth Wachs Catherine M. and Frederick H. Waddell Thomas Wade Ronald L. Wadle Mr. John M. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wagner Mr. Steven Walanka Lulu Leo Waldmeier and Karen Waldmeier Mr. Dennis Waldon The Walgreen Company Mr. Ralph Walin Adam R. Walker and BettyAnn Mocek Robert J. Walker Mr. Thomas Walkowiak and Ms. Natalia Nebel Mrs. Anna Mary Wallace Nicholas and Jessica Wallace Mr. Frank Walschlager Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Walsh Ms. Mary Walsh Dr. Susan F. Walsh Mark Walter Ms. Georgene Walters Howard P. Walther Ms. Gloria Walton Jonathan Walton Ms. Chun Ying Wang Dr. Jiang Wang Runxian Wang Ms. Carol Ward Shilene Ward and Kevin Kipp Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ward Mr. Mark Warden Kurt Warkenthien

William Warner Dr. & Mrs. Sherwyn Warren Ms. Carol Warshawsky Chris Watson Rev. James N. Watzke, Ph.D. Mrs. Verna Wayne-Smith Mr. Stephen Wead Ms. Elissa Weaver Mr. † & Mrs. William Weaver, Jr. Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mr. Faron Webb Mr. Jeffrey J. Webb and Ms. Catherine Yung Mr. Malgorzata Webb Ms. Maryann Webb Corinna Weckerle Mr. William W. Weeks Mr. † & Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Qiong Wei Mr. David Weible Lawrence Weiland Ms. Michelle Weiland Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiland Mr. Scott Weiland Kurt Weiler Charles Weingarten Hilary and Barry Weinstein Mr. Kyle Weirich Abby and Glen Weisberg Warren and Anne Weisberg Weiss Financial, Inc. Dr. † & Mrs. † Howard Weiss Mrs. Naomi A. Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Charles Welander David E. and Kerstin Wellbery Bert and Barbara Weller Ms. Christine Wellman Ms. Jane Wells Ms. Janice Welsch Ms. Beata Welsh and Mr. David Phillips Nadia Wendt Mrs. Sally Wenger Christina Wentz Ms. Ellen Werner Mr. D. Brian Wertman Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wertz Mrs. Walter Wesley Ms. Sharon West Ms. Cynthia Westerman Mr. Richard Westphal Mr. Jeremy Westrick Mrs. Lisa Wettstaedt Mr. John Wheeler Mr. Michael Wheeler Ms. Zita Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Whellan Laura Whisler Mr. Alfred White Ms. Dolores White Mr. Howard White Ms. Anita White Mrs. William White


Leah Whitesel Katharine M. Whitney H. Lee Whittington Richard Whyte Ms. Ellen Widiss Leslie Wiedder Ms. Jean Wiegel Mr. David Wilber Mark Wilcox Linda Wild and Payson Wild Mrs. Benna Wilde Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Wildermuth Rich Wilders and Kathy Wilders Brian Wildman Kenneth and Janice Wile Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Wilensky Mr. Steven Wilhelm Mrs. Adrienne Wilk John Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Williams Mr. H. Randolph Williams Joni Williams Kelly Williams Mr. Larry D. Williams Mr. & Ms. Neil Williams Mrs. Deborah Williamson Scott R. Williamson and Susanna E. Krentz Mr. Kenneth Wilson and Ms. Debra Smith Mr. Renardo Wilson William S. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Markus Wimmer M.L. Winburn Ms. Susan Winchip Mr. James Winfield Linda Winfield Ms. Barbara Wing Mrs. Colleen Wing Ms. Linda Winke Mr. & Mrs. Alex Winkler Mr. Robert Winn Mr. Bruce Winograd Ms. Louise Winograd Winston & Strawn LLP Ms. Tamara Winston Ms. Kathryn Winter Carolyn Winterfield Ms. Florence Winters Stephen R. Winters Dan and Paula Wise Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wislow Mr. David Witkosky Mr. Kenneth Witkowski Mr. Wayne Witkowski Mr. Lawrence Witry and Mrs. Margaret Tomazek-Witry Mrs. Kathleen Witt Dr. Marylou Witz Diane Wlezien Mr. Jacek P. Wojnarski Mr. Craig Woker Ms. Ingeborg Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Wolf

Ms. & Mr. Lucille Wolf Mrs. Roseann Wolf Ms. Shellie Wolf Mrs. Pamela Wolfe Ms. Lois Wolff Sarah R. Wolff and Joel L. Handelman Mrs. Cynthia Wolfson In memory of Ira G. Woll Michael † and Laura Woll Mr. Thomas Wolsko Ms. Janet Wong Mr. Thomas Wong Judge Diane Wood and Dr. Robert Sufit David Woodhouse Philip Woodley Mark and Randi Woodworth Ms. Diane Woolever Michael H. and Mary K. Woolever Mr. Edward Wosylus Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woulfe Ms. Debbie Wright Deborah Wright Ms. Jacqueline M. Wright Mrs. Margaret Wright Mr. Theodore Wrobleski Mr. & Mrs. John Wulfers Rev. Robert Wyatt MaryCatherine Wygonik Ms. Christine Wyllie Mr. Greg Wyse Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Yablon Dr. Nanajan Yakoub Mr. Yasuhiro Yamada Mari Yamamoto Regnier Take Yamamoto Jiawen Yan Shuo Yang Virginia Yarrow Brian Yates Ms. Diane Yetter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Yoder Ms. Jennifer Yorke Ms. Carol Yoshino Mr. Hoydoo You Colette Young Mr. George Young Ms. Janice Young Ms. Katherine Young Laura Young Mr. & Mrs. Michael Young Ms. Nancy Young and Mr. George Snell Sally Younger Owen and Linda Youngman Mr. & Ms. Tom Youngren Paul and Mary Yovovich In memory of Anthony C. Yu Mr. Timothy Yueill Ms. Christine Zabel Mr. Jerome Zacharia Dr. Robert G. Zadylak Linda Zager Donna Zagorski Eusebiu Zahan

Mr. Xavier Zahnle Mrs. IdaLynn Zahour Alexander F. Zajczenko and Julie Schwertfeger Mr. Louis Zake Ms. Eleanor Zanarini Mr. Robby Zar Dr. & Mrs. John Zaremba Ms. Patricia Zeglen Anne Zeidman Mr. Eric Zeliff Alvin Zelitzky and Gail Zeltizky Helen Zell Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Zeller Ms. Mary Zeltmann Mrs. Nataliya Zhabotynska Ms. Zhenjuan Zhang Qiyuan Zhou Wen Zhou Mr. Yiwen Zhou Mr. Tao Zhu Mr. John Ziah Richard E. Ziegler Ms. Camille Zientek Mrs. Leonard Zieve Mr. Craig Zimmerman Mr. Gerald A. Zimmerman Mr. Gary Zimmerman Mr. Gifford Zimmerman Ms. Judy Zimmerman Mr. Kent T. Zimmerman and Ms. Mary Gottschalk Wendy Zinn Jeff Zissman Mr. Jerry Zitko Mr. Marvin Zonis Mr. Simon Zreczny Sharon Zulkie Dr. Alan Zunamon Ms. Karen Zupko Ms. Christina Zurcher Miss Mari Zurek Ms. Barbara Zutovsky Dr. Eric Zwick Kathy Zych Mr. Joe Zydlo Dr. Michael P. Zygmunt

† Deceased Gifts listed as of July 22, 2020


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CSOA’s annual Corporate Night event— originally scheduled for June 1, 2020—was canceled. During this challenging time, we proudly acknowledge the extraordinary generosity of our Corporate Night sponsors and thank them for their continued support.









helen and sam zell GALLERY SPONSORS



Archer Daniels Midland Company Ariel Investments, LLC Bulley & Andrews LLC Cognitive Capital Partners Deloitte 40 CSO.ORG

Equity Commonwealth Exelon Grant Thornton LLP JPMorgan Chase & Co. McKinsey & Company

Oxford Bank & Trust Peoples Gas Steve and Megan Shebik Sipi Metals Corp. TAWANI Property Management

volunteer and support opportunities The programs of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association are made possible each season thanks in part to our dedicated volunteers and donors. Support the music you love by getting involved in the following ways. GOVERNING MEMBERS are business, cultural, and civic leaders

who serve as essential advocates for the CSO, both in Chicago and around the world, and participate in many significant activities at Symphony Center. Email governingmembers@cso.org for more information. The LE AGUE works on fundraising events, educational programs, and social activities to support the CSO while building camaraderie with fellow members. Email wardw@cso.org for further information. The WOMEN’S BOARD promotes the CSO’s artistic excellence and exemplary educational programming by engaging women leaders in advocacy and fundraising efforts, including the CSO’s annual Symphony Ball. Email Kim Duffy at duffyk@cso.org for further information. The OVERTURE COUNCIL is a dynamic group of Chicago young professionals aged 21–45 who have a love of music and a desire to learn more about how to support the CSO. Email overturecouncil@cso.org for more information. AUXILIARY VOLUNTEERS provide invaluable administrative

support in a variety of ways and work in the administrative offices. Email Ariana Strahl at strahla@cso.org for further information. The CSO L ATINO ALLIANCE encourages individuals and their families to discover and experience timeless music with other enthusiasts in concerts, receptions, and educational events. To learn more, please visit cso.org/latinoalliance or connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn. The CSO AFRICAN AMERICAN NET WORK ’s mission is to engage Chicago’s culturally rich African American community through the sharing and exchanging of unforgettable classical music experiences while building relationships for generations to come. To learn more and join the Network, please call Sheila Jones at 312-294-3045, email africanamericannetwork@cso.org, or visit cso.org/AAN. The THEODORE THOMAS SOCIET Y recognizes those who make financial plans, usually through a will, trust, gift annuity, or retirement account beneficiary designation, to benefit the CSO in the future. Email Al Andreychuk at andreychuka@cso.org for more information.

GOVERNING MEMBERS E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E Michael Perlstein Chair Jared Kaplan Immediate Past Chair Charles Emmons, Jr. Vice Chair of the Annual Fund Sally Feder Vice Chair of Member Engagement Jay Rothenberg Vice Chair of Nominations & Membership LEAGUE EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE Sue Bridge President Bill Ward President-Elect and Vice President of Administration Sharon Mitchell Vice President of Membership Sharon Quigley Vice President of Finance Eileen Conaghan Vice President of Fundraising Christine Uhlig Vice President of Events Margo Oberman Vice President of Areas Nancy Friedman Vice President of Education Denise Stauder Chair of Strategic Planning Renita Esayian League Secretary Mary Beth Dietrick, Ted Tabe Members-at-Large WOMEN’S BOARD Shelley Ochab President Elizabeth A. Parker Immediate Past President Kim Shepherd, Claudine Tambuatco Communications/Governance Chairs Juli Crabtree Community Engagement Chair Judy Feldman Membership Chair OVERTURE COUNCIL E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E John Dunson President Kathryn Davies President-Elect Kim Ellwein Membership Chair Leah Williams Activities Chair Hank Bell Internal Relations Chair Anatoliy Mushtuk, Khrystyna Musiy External Relations Co-chairs Aileen Markovitz Communications Chair David Greene Social Media Chair Ben Levy, Taylor Poulin Soundpost Co-chairs Nick McWilliams Secretary L AT I N O A L L I A N C E L E A D E R S H I P Ramiro J. Atristaín-Carrión, Rina Magarici Co-chairs THEODORE THOMAS SOCIETY Mary Lou Gorno Chair The Volunteer Programs office is located at 67 East Adams, 6th floor. 312-294-3160


“ I can’t imagine the world without music.” I was raised with music. My father, Isadore Zverow, was in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for 43 years. I started attending school concerts at about age 8 but was taken to concerts by my mother from about age 5 on. The CSO was my family. I have taken my children to the CSO children’s concerts, and now I take our grandson to the same concerts. I can’t imagine the world without music. During the COVID-19 shutdown, my Chicago Symphony Orchestra concerts and other live performances have been some of the things I missed most, right next to my friends and family. I have included the CSO in my estate plans because I feel very strongly that it is important not only to make music available to the next generation but also to give back to the world what I received. — Leoni Zverow McVey


Leoni Zverow McVey

Isadore Zverow

Imagine your legacy with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. With a legacy gift to the CSO, you can preserve classical music for future generations and create opportunities for children to discover and grow their love of music. The Theodore Thomas Society, named for the Orchestra’s founder and first music director, offers special benefits to those who make financial plans to support the CSO in the future. Stradivarian Associates, a distinctive group within the Society, provide documentation demonstrating planned gifts of a higher value. Benefits include access to VIP ticketing services, invitations to exclusive CSO events and more! Stradivarian Associates also receive membership in The Thomas Club at Symphony Center.

Contact Karen Bullen at 312-294-3192 or visit cso.org/PlannedGiving for more information.

sponsors The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is grateful for the generous support of major corporate sponsors.

ma e st ro res i den c y p res en t er

offi cia l a irline o f the cso


executive spotlight r e né e metca l f, ma rket ex ecu t i ve, i llinois glo ba l co mmerci a l ba n ki n g

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of America is proud to continue its long-standing support of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Our partnership not only delivers artistic quality but also helps to create meaningful connections with a diverse audience base in Chicago and around the world.

o s ca r m u n oz , c h i e f e xe c u t i v e o f f i c e r

United Airlines

United is pleased to serve the CSO as its official airline and proudly supports its remarkable contributions to the performing arts community here in Chicago and beyond. With the CSO, we celebrate the energy that performers and audiences alike bring to our hometown and to the global stage.

mae st ro r e s i den c y p r es en t er

st e ve shebik , v ice cha i r

The Allstate Corporation Allstate applauds the CSO for its commitment to enrich community and educational programs in our hometown of Chicago. We are a proud supporter of the Negaunee Music Institute at the CSO, as we believe that good starts young.

ch r is c ra ne, presiden t a n d ceo


At Exelon, we believe that creativity inspires us all. We are proud to serve as sponsor of the SCP Jazz series. Exelon has a strong tradition of committing our energy and resources to the communities we serve. Through our corporate citizenship program, Exelon creates collaborations with communitybased nonprofits to deliver cutting-edge ideas that achieve meaningful and measurable change for the better.

e. s c ot t s a n t i , c h a i rm a n a n d ch i e f e xe c u t i v e o f f i c e r

ITW I TW is proud to support the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and its long tradition of excellence in providing extraordinary classical music performances for audiences here in Chicago and around the world.

j i m ko l a r, c e n t ra l m a rk e t m a n ag i n g pa rt n e r

PwC PwC is proud to support the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, a vital and world-class artistic institution that has enhanced Chicago’s cultural community since 1891. The CSO’s long-standing tradition of excellence is legendary, and we applaud its efforts during another exciting season.









chicago symphony orchestra association board of trustees OFFICERS

Helen Zell Chair Mary Louise Gorno Vice Chair Robert A. Kohl Vice Chair Liisa Thomas Vice Chair Renée Metcalf Treasurer Jeff Alexander President Renay Johansen Slifka Secretary of the Board Stacie M. Frank Assistant Treasurer Dale Hedding Vice President for Development The Honorable Lori Lightfoot Honorary Chair HONOR ARY TRUSTEES

The Honorable Richard M. Daley Lady Valerie Solti TRUSTEES

John Aalbregtse Peter J. Barack H. Rigel Barber Randy Lamm Berlin Roderick Branch Susan Bridge* Kay Bucksbaum Robert J. Buford Leslie Henner Burns Debra A. Cafaro Marion A. Cameron Bruce E. Clinton George P. Colis Keith S. Crow Dr. Christopher L. Culp † Stephen V. D’Amore Timothy A. Duffy Brian W. Duwe

J. Bradley Fewell Richard C. Godfrey Graham C. Grady Lori Julian Geraldine Keefe Donna L. Kendall Thomas G. Kilroy James Kolar Randall S. Kroszner Josef Lakonishok Patty Lane Renée Metcalf Mary Pivirotto Murley Sylvia Neil Shelley Ochab* Gerald Pauling Michael A. Perlstein* Jose Luis Prado Dr. Irwin Press Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker Dr. Mohan Rao Burton X. Rosenberg Kristen C. Rossi E. Scott Santi Steven E. Shebik Alejandro Silva Marlon R. Smith Walter Snodell Daniel E. Sullivan, Jr. Scott Swanson Nasrin Thierer Liisa Thomas Terrence J. Truax Frederick H. Waddell Paul R. Wiggin Craig R. Williams Robert Wislow Helen Zell


William Adams IV Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Arnold M. Berlin Laurence O. Booth William G. Brown Dean L. Buntrock Richard Colburn Richard H. Cooper Anthony T. Dean Charles Douglas John A. Edwardson Thomas J. Eyerman James B. Fadim David W. Fox, Sr. Richard J. Franke Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. H. Laurance Fuller Mrs. Robert W. Galvin Paul C. Gignilliat Joseph B. Glossberg William A. Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Howard L. Gottlieb Chester A. Gougis Joyce T. Green Mary Winton Green Dietrich Gross David P. Hackett Joan W. Harris John H. Hart Thomas C. Heagy Jay L. Henderson Debora de Hoyos Mrs. Roger B. Hull Judith W. Istock William R. Jentes Paul R. Judy Richard B. Kapnick Donald G. Kempf, Jr.

George D. Kennedy Mrs. John C. Kern Robert Kohl Fred A. Krehbiel Charles Ashby Lewis Eva F. Lichtenberg John S. Lillard Donald G. Lubin James W. Mabie John F. Manley Ling Z. Markovitz R. Eden Martin Arthur C. Martinez Judith W. McCue Lester H. McKeever David E. McNeel John D. Nichols James J. O’Connor William A. Osborn Mrs. Albert Pawlick Jane DiRenzo Pigott John M. Pratt John W. Rogers, Jr. Jerry Rose Frank A. Rossi Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Cynthia M. Sargent John R. Schmidt Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Rita Simó Robert C. Spoerri Carl W. Stern Roger W. Stone William H. Strong Louis C. Sudler, Jr. Richard L. Thomas Richard P. Toft Penny Van Horn

* Ex-officio Trustee   † Deceased   List as of August 1, 2020


chicago symphony orchestra association governing members GOVERNING MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ( 2 0 1 9 – 2 0) Michael Perlstein Chair & Vice Chair of Nominations & Membership Jared Kaplan Immediate Past Chair Charles Emmons, Jr. Vice Chair of the Annual Fund Sally Feder Vice Chair of Member Engagement GOVERNING MEMBERS ( 2 0 1 9 – 2 0) Anonymous (5) Dora J. Aalbregtse Floyd Abramson Fraida Aland Sandra Allen Robert A. Alsaker Megan P. Anderson Mychal P. Angelos Dr. Edward Applebaum David Arch Dr. Kent Armbruster Dr. Andrew J. Aronson Carey August Marta Holsman Babson Ed Bachrach Judith Barnard Merrill Barnes Peter Barrett Roberta Barron Roger Baskes Robert H. Baum Dr. Robert A. Beatty Mike Bell Arlene Bennett † Edward H. Bennett III Meta S. Berger D. Theodore Berghorst Ann Berlin Phyllis Berlin Robert L. Berner, Jr. Ronald A. Bevil Mr. William E. Bible Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Mr. Tomás G. Bissonnette Dianne Blanco Judy Blau Merrill Blau Dr. Phyllis C. Bleck Ann Blickensderfer Terry Boden Mrs. Suzanne Borland James G. Borovsky Adam Bossov Janet S. Boyer John D. Bramsen Mr. Roderick Branch Ms. Jill Brennan Barbara Bridges Bob Brink † Adrienne Brookstone Arnold Brookstone Mr. Roger O. Brown Mrs. Roger O. Brown † Mrs. William Gardner Brown

John D. Brubaker Mrs. Patricia M. Bryan Gilda Buchbinder Samuel Buchsbaum Lisa Dollar Buehler Rosemarie Buntrock Lynn Burt Elizabeth Nolan Buzard Ms. Lutgart Calcote Thomas Campbell Ms. Vera Capp Wendy Alders Cartland Judy Castellini Tina Chapekis Mrs. William C. Childs Linton J. Childs Frank Cicero, Jr. Dana Green Clancy Mr. Wesley M. Clark Patricia A. Clickener Mitchell Cobey Jean M. Cocozza Mrs. Douglas Cohen Robin Tennant Colburn Lew Collens Mrs. Jane B. Colman Mrs. Earle M. Combs III Dr. Thomas H. Conner Ms. Cecilia Conrad Jenny L. Corley Patricia Cox Mrs. Beatrice G. Crain Mrs. William A. Crane Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Mr. Richard Cremieux Mr. Jerry J. Critser Mr. R. Bert Crossland Rebecca E. Crown Catherine Daniels Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Dr. Tapas K. Das Gupta Michael Dawson Roxanne Decyk Ms. Nancy Dehmlow Duane M. DesParte Janet Wood Diederichs Paul Dix Mrs. William F. Dooley Sara L. Downey Ms. Ann Drake David Dranove Robert Duggan Dr. George Dunea Mr. Frank A. Dusek, CPA Judge Frank H. Easterbrook Mrs. Dorne Eastwood Mrs. Larry K. Ebert Louis M. Ebling III Mr. Jon Ekdahl Mrs. Richard Elden Kathleen H. Elliott Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis Mr. Charles Emmons, Jr. Mrs. Janice Engle Scott Enloe Dr. James Ertle Dr. Marilyn D. Ezri Tarek Fadel Jeffrey Farbman

William Farley Sally S. Feder Signe Ferguson Hector Ferral, M.D. Harve Ferrill † Ms. Constance M. Filling Mr. Daniel Fischel Jennifer Fischer Kenneth M. Fitzgerald Eileen T. Flynn Mrs. John D. Foster David S. Fox Rhoda Lea Frank Mr. Paul E. Freehling Mitzi Freidheim Marjorie Friedman Heyman Mr. Philip M. Friedmann Malcolm M. Gaynor Robert D. Gecht Frank Gelber Mrs. Lynn Gendleman Dr. Mark Gendleman Rabbi Gary S. Gerson Isak V. Gerson Dr. Bernardino Ghetti Karen Gianfrancisco Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Ellen Gignilliat Mr. James J. Glasser Mrs. Madeleine C. Glossberg Mrs. Judy Goldberg Mrs. Mary Anne Goldberg Anne Goldstein Jerry A. Goldstone Marcia Goltermann Mary Goodkind Mrs. William M. Goodyear, Jr. Dr. Alexia Gordon Mr. Michael D. Gordon Donald J. Gralen Ruth Grant Mary L. Gray Dana Green Clancy Freddi L. Greenberg Joyce Greening Dr. Jerri Greer Kendall Griffith Jerome J. Groen Jacalyn Gronek Mrs. John Growdon John P. Grube James P. Grusecki Joel R. Guillory, Jr., M.D. Dr. John W. Gustaitis, Jr. Anastasia Gutting Gary Gutting † Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Ernst A. Häberli Jerry A. Hall, M.D. Joan M. Hall Dr. Howard Halpern Mrs. Richard C. Halpern Anne Marcus Hamada Joel L. Handelman John Hard Mrs. William A. Hark Mrs. Caryn Harris Mr. King Harris Dr. Robert A. Harris

Dr. Dane Hassani James W. Haugh Thomas Haynes Mrs. Joseph Andrew Hays James Heckman Mr. Dale Hedding Mrs. Patricia Herrmann Heestand Mary Mako Helbert Dr. Scott W. Helm Bob Helman Marilyn P. Helmholz Richard H. Helmholz Dr. Arthur L. Herbst Marlene Kovar Hersh Seymour “Sonny” Hersh Jeffrey W. Hesse Konstanze L. Hickey Thea Flaum Hill Mrs. Mary P. Hines Suzanne Hoffman Anne Hokin Mr. William J. Hokin † Wayne J. Holman III Mr. Richard S. Holson III Fred E. Holubow Mr. James Holzhauer Carol Honigberg Janice L. Honigberg Mrs. Nancy A. Horner Mrs. Arnold Horween Frances G. Horwich Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga Patricia J. Hurley Michael L. Igoe Sandra Ihm Mr. Craig T. Ingram Mr. Verne G. Istock Dr. Peter Ivanovich Mrs. Nancy Witte Jacobs Cynthia Jamison-Marcy Dr. Todd Janus John Jawor Ms. Justine Jentes Mrs. William R. Jentes Brian Johnson George E. Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Mrs. Shirley Johnson Dr. Patricia Collins Jones Ms. Stephanie Jones Edward T. Joyce Eric Kalnins Mrs. Carol K. Kaplan Ms. Dolores Kohl Kaplan Jared Kaplan Claudia Norris Kapnick Mrs. Lonny H. Karmin Mr. John A. Karoly Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Barry D. Kaufman Kenneth Kaufman Marie Kaufman Don Kaul Marilyn M. Keil Ellen Kelleher Molly Keller Jonathan Kemper Mrs. Nancy Kempf Linda J. Kenney, PhD

† Deceased Italics indicate Governing Members who have served at least five terms (fifteen years or more). The Governing Members are the CSOA’s first philanthropic society, celebrating its 125th anniversary in the 2019–20 season. Its support funds the CSOA’s artistic excellence and community engagement. In return, members enjoy exclusive benefits and recognition. For more information, please contact 312-294-3337 or governingmembers@cso.org.


governing members

Gerould Kern John C. Kern † Elizabeth I. Keyser Mary Ellen Keyser Richard L. Keyser Emmy King Susan Kiphart Carol Kipperman Dr. Jay Kleiman Carol Evans Klenk Jean Klingenstein Ms. Janet Knauff Mr. Henry L. Kohn Sanfred Koltun Joseph Konen Jack Kozik Dr. Mark Kozloff Mr. David Kravitz Dr. Michael Krco David Kreisman MaryBeth Kretz Dr. Vinay Kumar Dr. Paul Kurtin Rubin Kuznitsky John LaBarbera Arthur Ladenburger Patricia Lee Sunhee Lee Eleanor Leichenko Sheila Fields Leiter Jeffrey Lennard Laurence H. Levine Mrs. Bernard Leviton Dr. Edmund J. Lewis Gregory M. Lewis Carolyn Lickerman Mrs. Paul Lieberman Dr. Philip R. Liebson Patricia M. Livingston John S. Lizzadro, Sr. Jane Loeb James R. Loewenberg Renée Logan Amy Lubin Mrs. Duncan MacLean Dr. Michael S. Maling Mr. Daniel Manoogian David A. Marshall Judy Marth Patrick A. Martin BeLinda I. Mathie Steven D. McCormick Howard M. McCue III Ann Pickard McDermott Dr. James L. McGee Dr. John P. McGee II † Mrs. Sharon McGee Mrs. Lester McKeever John A. McKenna Mrs. Peter McKinney Mrs. C. Bruce McLagan Mrs. James M. McMullan James Edward McPherson Mr. Paul Meister Mara Mills Barker Ms. Mary Mittler Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Charles A. Moore Emilie Morphew, M.D. Christopher Morrow Daniel R. Murray

Eileen M. Murray Mr. Stuart C. Nathan Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Edward A. Nieminen Dr. Zehava L. Noah Kenneth R. Norgan Susan Noyes Gerard Nussbaum Martha C. Nussbaum William A. Obenshain Shelley Ochab Maria Ochs Mrs. James J. O’Connor Eric Oesterle Mrs. Norman L. Olson Joy O’Malley Mr. Thomas Orlando Beatrice F. Orzac Mr. Gerald A. Ostermann James J. O’Sullivan, Jr. Bruce L. Ottley Mrs. China I. Oughton † Mrs. Evelyn E. Padorr Dr. Pamela Papas Benetta Park Jenson Mr. Bruno A. Pasquinelli Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Mr. Michael Payette Frances Penn Mrs. Richard S. Pepper Jean E. Perkins Kingsley Perkins Mr. Michael A. Perlstein Bonnie Perry Dr. William Peruzzi Robert C. Peterson Sara Peterson Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Sue N. Pick Stanley M. Pillman Virginia Johnson Pillman Mrs. Sherri Pincus Betsey N. Pinkert Harvey R. Plonsker Mr. John F. Podjasek III Judy Pomeranz Mr. Michael Pope Stephen Potter Carol Prins Ms. Elizabeth R.B. Pruett Claire Prussian Betsey Puth Duane Quaini Diana Mendley Rauner Susan Regenstein Mari Yamamoto Regnier Mark S. Reiter Mary Thomson Renner Merle Reskin Burton R. Rissman Charles T. Rivkin Carol Roberts Mr. John H. Roberts William C. Roberts David Robin Dr. Diana Robin Bob Rogers Kevin M. Rooney Harry J. Roper Saul Rosen

Mrs. Sheli Z. Rosenberg Michael Rosenthal Dr. Roseanne Rosenthal Betsy Rosenzweig Doris Roskin Lisa Ross Dr. H. Jay Rothenberg, M.D. Roberta H. Rubin Mrs. Susan B. Rubnitz Mrs. Sandra K. Rusnak David W. “Buzz” Ruttenberg Mary Ryan Richard O. Ryan Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan William Ryan Mr. Norman K. Sackar Anthony Saineghi Mr. Agustin G. Sanz Inez Saunders David Savner Karla Scherer David M. Schiffman Judith Feigon Schiffman Rosa Schloss Shirley Schlossman Douglas M. Schmidt Al Schriesheim Donald L. Schwartz Ms. Julie L. Schwertfeger Dr. Penny Bender Sebring Chandra Sekhar Dr. Ronald A. Semerdjian Mrs. Richard J.L. Senior Ilene W. Shaw Pam Sheffield James C. Sheinin, M.D. Richard W. Shepro Jessie Shih Mrs. Elizabeth Shoemaker Morrell McK. Shoemaker, Jr. Stuart Shulruff Honorable Richard J. Siegel, Ret. Adele Simmons Linda Simon Larry G. Simpson Craig Sirles Miyam Slater Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Smerz Charles F. Smith Diane W. Smith Louise K. Smith Mary Ann Smith Stanton Kinnie Smith, Jr. Stephen R. Smith Mrs. Ralph Smykal Diane Snyder Kimberly Snyder Kathleen Solaro Mrs. Ida N. Sondheimer O. J. Sopranos Mrs. Linda Spain Orli Staley William D. Staley Helena Stancikas Grace Stanek Dr. Eugene Stark Leonidas Stefanos Ms. Momoko Steiner Mrs. Richard J. Stern

Bruce Stevens Liz Stiffel Mary Stowell Lawrence E. Strickling Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Patricia Study Cheryl Sturm Mrs. Robert Szalay Mr. Gregory Taubeneck Mr. David A. Thomson † Dr. Robert Thomson Mr. Scott Thomson † Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Joan Thron Mrs. Ray S. Tittle, Jr. John T. Travers David Trushin Paula Turner Robert W. Turner Henry J. Underwood Zalman Usiskin Mrs. James D. Vail III Mrs. Virginia C. Vale Dr. Cynthia M. Valukas Mr. John E. Van Horn Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mrs. Herbert A. Vance William C. Vance Julia Vander Ploeg Thomas D. Vander Veen Dr. Michael Viglione Catherine M. Villinski Mr. Christian Vinyard Theodore Wachs Mark A. Wagner Bernard T. Wall Nicholas Wallace Ms. Carol Warshawsky Paul S. Watford Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Mrs. Joseph M. Weil † Dr. Jamie Weiner Chickie Weisbard Richard Weiss Mr. Robert G. Weiss Barbara Weller Mrs. Barbara H. West † Penelope G. West Carmen Wheatcroft Mrs. H. Blair White M. L. Winburn Stephen R. Winters Peter Wolf Mrs. Arnold R. Wolff Laura Woll Dr. Hak Yui Wong Courtenay R. Wood Michael H. Woolever Ms. Debbie Wright Ronald Yonover Owen Youngman David J. Zampa Dr. John P. Zaremba Ms. Anne Zenzer Richard E. Ziegler Gifford Zimmerman Karen Zupko

† Deceased Italics indicate Governing Members who have served at least five terms (fifteen years or more). The Governing Members are the CSOA’s first philanthropic society, celebrating its 125th anniversary in the 2019–20 season. Its support funds the CSOA’s artistic excellence and community engagement. In return, members enjoy exclusive benefits and recognition. For more information, please contact 312-294-3337 or governingmembers@cso.org.


honor roll of donors Corporate Partners

Sargent Family Foundation TAWANI Foundation Zell Family Foundation

United Airlines

Evans Food Group, Ltd. Italian Village Restaurants Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Chicago JPMorgan Chase & Co. Kinder Morgan Latham & Watkins LLP McKinsey & Company Segal Consulting Sipi Metals Corporation Snap-On Inc. Starshak Winzenburg & Co. TAWANI Property Management William Blair Weiss Financial, Inc.

$ 1 0 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

$ 1,0 0 0 – $ 4 , 9 9 9

$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association gratefully acknowledges the following corporate partners for their generous support. For more information on becoming a corporate partner, please contact Jenny Urevig at 312-294-3122 or urevigj@cso.org. M A E S T R O R E S I D E N CY P R E S E N T E R

Bank of America


Allstate Insurance Company Exelon ITW Northern Trust $ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Abbott BMO Harris Bank Financial Economics Consulting, Inc. Jenner & Block LLP PNC Bank PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Sidley Austin LLP SP Plus $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

Abbott Fund Aon Citadel & Citadel Securities Mayer Brown LLP Packaging Corporation of America S&C Electric Company Fund Tiffany & Co. Walgreens $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Chicago Capital Deloitte McDermott Will & Emery LLP Morgan Stanley Oxford Bank & Trust Peoples Gas Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Winston & Strawn LLP $ 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 1 4 , 9 9 9

Amsted Industries Incorporated Archer Daniels Midland Company Ariel Investments Baird Bulley & Andrews Cognitive Capital Partners Choose Chicago Concentric Equity Partners Equity Commonwealth Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020


American Agricultural Insurance Company Central Building & Preservation L.P. DS&P Insurance Services, Inc. East Loop Dental Fellowes, Inc. The Navarre Law Firm Old Republic International Corporation Parkway Elevators Sahara Enterprises, Inc. Shetland Limited Partnership Show Services Shure Incorporated Ventas Vienna Beef Vomela UP TO $999

Global Water Technology, Inc. Mackinac Bluffs Maple Farms Susan Rosenstein Executive Search Limited The Ungar Group

Foundations and Government Agencies The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association gratefully acknowledges the following foundation and government partners for their generous support. For more information, please contact Susan Green at 312-294-3121. $ 1 0 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

Anonymous (2) Paul M. Angell Family Foundation The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Julius N. Frankel Foundation Walter E. Heller Foundation, in honor of Alyce DeCosta JCS Arts, Health & Education Fund of the DuPage Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation National Endowment for the Arts The Negaunee Foundation

$ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

The Brinson Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund, in memory of Joanne Strauss Crown JS Charitable Trust Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Sally Mead Hands Foundation Illinois Arts Council Agency Polk Bros. Foundation Barker Welfare Foundation Crain-Maling Foundation Crown Family Philanthropies Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation John R. Halligan Charitable Fund Miriam U. Hoover Foundation Leslie Fund, Inc. Bowman C. Lingle Trust Michael G. Woll Fund at The Pauls Foundation Hulda B. And Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation $ 1 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous Adam Mickiewicz Institute in partnership with LOT Polish Airlines Robert & Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc. The Buchanan Family Foundation Darling Family Foundation Irving Harris Foundation Pritzker Traubert Foundation Charles and M. R. Shapiro Foundation The George L. Shields Foundation Tully Family Foundation $ 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 9, 9 9 9

Harry F. and Elaine Chaddick Foundation Franklin Philanthropic Foundation Hoellen Family Foundation Hunter Family Foundation Kovler Family Foundation Stanley L. and Lucy Lopata Charitable Foundation The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation Arch Shaw Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Siragusa Family Foundation $2,500–$ 4,999

The Allyn Foundation, Inc. Arts Midwest Touring Fund Charles H. and Bertha L. Boothroyd Foundation William M. Hales Foundation Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation


foundation spotlight The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association and Civic Orchestra of Chicago are honored to recognize The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation as the 2020–21 Civic Orchestra of Chicago season sponsor. One of Chicago’s nonprofit leaders in arts support, the Foundation has been a longtime and generous supporter of the Civic Orchestra. The CSOA and Civic Orchestra of Chicago are deeply grateful for the extraordinary generosity of The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation, whose directors are committed to celebrating Ms. Cheney’s legacy through the philanthropic support of the arts.

$ 1,0 0 0 – $ 2 , 4 9 9

Geraldi Norton Foundation Ingenuity Walter and Caroline Sueske Charitable Trust

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association deeply appreciates the generous support of all its donors. To learn more, please call 312-294-3100.

Lifetime Support

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association recognizes lifetime, cumulative gifts, and commitments in support of all areas and programs of the CSOA. C H A R L E S N O R M A N FAY E C I R C L E $ 2 0,0 0 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

Bank of America The Negaunee Foundation Zell Family Foundation

H E R I TA G E C I R C L E $ 1 0,0 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 1 9, 9 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Estate of Mrs. A. Watson Armour The Grainger Foundation David and Juli Grainger National Endowment for the Arts L E G A CY C I R C L E $ 5 ,0 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 9, 9 9 9, 9 9 9

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra gratefully acknowledges the members of the Beethoven 250 Patrons Circle for their support of our season-long celebration of the composer. Anonymous Randy L. and Melvin R. † Berlin Pamela Kelley Hull and Roger B. Hull † Cynthia M. Sargent Sue and Melvin Gray E. and V. Combs Foundation Jared Kaplan and Maridee Quanbeck The National Endowment for the Arts Beth A. Mannino and Paul Schick

Anonymous (1) AT & T Estate of Mrs. Robert C. Borwell BP Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock The Chicago Community Trust City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events Judson and Joyce Green David † and Mary Winton Green Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Illinois Arts Council Agency Mr. † & Mrs. Kenneth A. Julian The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Eloise W. Martin † The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Cathy and Bill Osborn The Regenstein Foundation In loving memory, the CSO honors Alice Welsh Skilling Richard and Helen Thomas United Airlines Volunteer Programs

LEADERSHIP CIRCLE $ 2 , 5 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 4 , 9 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Abbott Fund Randy L. and Melvin R. † Berlin ComEd Estate of Nelson D. Cornelius Ken M. † and Ruth † Davee Dunbar and The Davee Foundation Fidelity Investments Julius N. Frankel Foundation Karl † and Helen † Fruh Ernest A. Grunsfeld, Jr. Trust Marguerite DeLany Hark ITW Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jentes JPMorgan Chase & Co. Kraft Foods Margot and Josef Lakonishok Jim and Kay Mabie Macy’s Mrs. W. K. Maynard † Robert R. McCormick Foundation Northern Trust Mrs. Ward Rogers SAGE FOUNDATION, Melissa Sage Fadim Sara Lee Foundation Robert E. † and Cynthia M. Sargent Florence Davis Sewell † State of Illinois Louise Benton Wagner † The Wallace Foundation FOUNDERS CIRCLE $ 1,0 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 , 4 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (9) AT&T Allstate Insurance Company Mr. † & Mrs. † Roger A. Anderson Aon Corporation Elizabeth M. Ashton Trust BMO Harris Bank The Brinson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Brown The Buchanan Family Foundation Matthew † and Kay Bucksbaum The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Citadel Foundation Bruce and Martha Clinton for The Clinton Family Fund Cooper Family Foundation The Crown Family Mrs. Edwin J. DeCosta Mr. † & Mrs. † Arthur Edelstein Elaine and Zollie Frank Fund Mr. Edmund Froehlich † Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Nancy and Larry Fuller Helen M. Galvin Charitable Trust Mr. Alan Garber † Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Gilchrist Foundation Governing Members Mr. William B. Graham † Richard † and Mary L. Gray Estates of Betty and Lester Guttman Mrs. Sally M. Hands † The Irving Harris Foundation John Hart and Carol Prins James C. Hemphill † Pamela Kelley Hull / Roger B. Hull † Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock The Joyce Foundation The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation Kirkland & Ellis LLP Kay and Fred Krehbiel LaSalle Bank Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation Marion J. Livingston † Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd † Arthur Maling Trust Mayer Brown LLP Judy and Scott McCue Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal † Mr. † & Mrs. James M. McMullan Janet L. Melk Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust Motorola, Inc. Alexandra and John Nichols Nuveen Mr. † & Mrs. Albert Pawlick Polk Bros. Foundation The Port, Washlow, and Errant Families PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Prince Charitable Trusts The Pritzker Foundation COL (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Retired) Christine Querfeld † Priscilla and John † Richman Hulda B. And Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr.

Frances S. Schaffner † Mr. John Schmidt and Dr. Janet Gilboy Dr. Scholl Foundation The Searle Family Trust Sears, Roebuck and Co. Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Mrs. Soretta Shapiro Megan and Steve Shebik Sidley Austin LLP Mr. † & Mrs. Ralph Smykal SP Plus Edward † and Audrey † Spiegel Beatrice B. Tinsley Charitable Trust The Trust Waste Management, Inc. Bernard Eckhart Williams † S U S TA I N I N G M E M B E R $ 5 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 9 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (6) Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV American Express Company The Paul M. Angell Family Foundation Arthur Andersen LLP Baldwin Pianos Estate of Wayne Balmer Barker Welfare Foundation Julie and Roger Baskes Baxter International Inc. Arlene † and Marshall † Bennett Estate of Norma Zuzanek Bennett Mr. † & Mrs. † James F. Beré Arnie and Ann Berlin Bessemer Trust Company, N.A. The Boeing Company BorgWarner Inc. Bowman C. Lingle Trust Mrs. Robert H. Burnside † Leroy Wesley Busby, Jr. † Victor I. Charbulak † Mr. † & Mrs. † John R. Conrad Christopher L. Culp † Tony and Lawrie Dean Katherine S. Dunbaugh † Ernst & Young The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc. Mr. Daniel Fischel and Ms. Sylvia Neil Mr. † & Mrs. Donald F. Flynn FMC Technologies Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Rhoda Lea and Henry S. † Frank Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Franke Mr. Norman Gantz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Richard and Alice Godfrey William A. and Anne Goldstein Mr. Kenneth C. Griffin Mr. † & Mrs. † George Grikshell Robin Tieken Hadley Julie and Parker † Hall Sally Mead Hands Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Heagy

Estates of Benjamin W. and Natalie Heineman Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Henderson Helen Hoagland † Elizabeth Hoffman † HSBC - North America Amanda Johnson † Mr. & Mrs. Paul Judy The Kapnick Family Mr. & Mrs. George Kennedy Richard P. and Susan Kiphart Family Dr. David † and Mrs. Barbara Kipper Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Joseph and Judith Konen KPMG LLP Arthur Krom † Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Family Fdn. Mercedes-Benz Of North America, Inc. Bruce P. Olson † Mr. † & Mrs. † William Paulick, Jr. Michael G. Woll Fund at the Pauls Foundation Miss Helen Perkins † Pharmacia PNC Estate of Halina Presley Ruth Ray † Helen Regenstein † Sherry and Bob † Reum Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Mr. † & Mrs. † Samuel R. Rosenthal Ms. H. Cary Ross Mrs. Rudy Ruggles † Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation S&C Electric Company Alice F. Sawyer † Estates of Beverly and Grover Schiltz Mr. † & Mrs. Irving Seaman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Mrs. Joan Siegel Walter and Kathleen Snodell Mr. & Mrs. William C. Steinmetz Carl W. Stern and Holly Hayes-Stern Liz Stiffel Roger and Susan Stone Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sudler, Jr. Helen L. Teich † Martha W. Tolman † Toyota Motor Corporation Howard and Paula † Trienens Penny and John Van Horn Catherine M. and Frederick H. Waddell Estate of Nancy L. Wald The Walgreen Company Estate of Barbara Huth West The Helen F. Whitaker Fund

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Women’s Board of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Woods Fund of Chicago Zell Family Foundation

$ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 74 , 9 9 9

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association gratefully acknowledges the following individuals for their annual gifts and commitments in support of the CSOA through July 23, 2020. To learn more, please call Bobbie Rafferty, Director, Individual Giving and Affiliated Donor Groups, at 312-294-3165.

Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Julie and Roger Baskes Kay Bucksbaum Ms. Nancy Dehmlow Dr. Eugene Fama Rhoda Lea and Henry S. † Frank Ms. Susan Goldschmidt Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz Susan Regenstein Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Michael and Linda Simon Penny and John Van Horn

$ 1 5 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

Annual Support

Anonymous (3) Randy L. and Melvin R. † Berlin Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock The Davee Foundation Judson and Joyce Green Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Ms. Dinah Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. William R. Jentes The Julian Family Foundation Margot and Josef Lakonishok The League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. † McDougal Cathy and Bill Osborn COL (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Retired) Cynthia M. Sargent Megan and Steve Shebik Richard and Helen Thomas Virginia C. Vale Helen Zell Zell Family Foundation $ 1 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 1 4 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (6) Robert J. Buford Christopher L. Culp † Mr. & Mrs. R. Helmholz Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Jim and Kay Mabie $ 75 ,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (4) John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Mr. & Mrs. James B. Fadim Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab John Hart and Carol Prins Pamela Kelley Hull / Roger B. Hull † Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock Judy and Scott McCue Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Murley Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Catherine M. and Frederick H. Waddell

Mr. Roderick Branch Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Brown Dr. Mary Louise Burger † John and Fran Edwardson Mr. Joseph Ender † Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation Richard and Alice Godfrey Mr. Collier Hands Jared Kaplan and Maridee Quanbeck Ms. Donna L. Kendall Ms. Sadie Lapinsky Ms. Elizabeth Parker and Mr. Keith Crow Mr. † & Mrs. Albert Pawlick Mr. & Mrs. Jason and Kristen Rossi Walter and Kathleen Snodell Pam and Russ Strobel Terrence and Laura Truax Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wislow $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 3 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (3) Peter and Elise Barack Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz Patricia and Laurence Booth Ms. Marion A. Cameron Bruce and Martha Clinton for The Clinton Family Fund Mr. & Dr. George Colis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. D’Amore Ms. Debora de Hoyos and Mr. Walter Carlson Mr. † & Mrs. David A. Donovan Timothy A. and Bette Anne Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Brian Duwe Sheri and J. Bradley Fewell Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg William A. and Anne Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Mr. Graham C. Grady Sue and Melvin Gray Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Henderson Diana C. Hunter, in memory of Henry S. Frank Mr. Robert Johnson

Ms. Geraldine Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kilroy Sidney Kohl Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James Kolar Randall S. Kroszner Mr. Michael Leppen Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation Ms. Renee Metcalf Daniel R. Murray Andra and Irwin Press Dr. Mohan Rao Diana and Bruce Rauner Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Scott Santi Mr. John Schmidt and Dr. Janet Gilboy Bill and Orli Staley Foundation Mary Stowell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Sullivan Thierer Family Foundation Mr. † & Mrs. H. Blair White Craig and Bette Williams $ 2 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Nancy A. Abshire Sharon and Charles Angell Arnie and Ann Berlin Mr. Charles Capwell Nancy and Larry Fuller Mary Winton Green Marguerite DeLany Hark Irving Harris Foundation, Joan W. Harris Ronald B. Johnson Anne and John † Kern Richard P. and Susan Kiphart Family Mr. Robert Peterson Mr. & Mrs. John Pratt Ida N. Sondheimer & Family, in memory of Joseph Sondheimer Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Toft Ann Dow Weinberg $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 1 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (2) Mr. Neal Ball Peter and Betsy Barrett Joyce Chelberg The Clinton Family Fund Sue and Jim Colletti E. and V. Combs Foundation Kay and Fred Krehbiel Dr. Eva Lichtenberg and Dr. Arnold Tobin Mr. & Mrs. Lester McKeever Edward and Gayla Nieminen Mary and Joseph Plauché LeAnn Pedersen Pope and Clyde F. McGregor Jerry Rose Mr. & Mrs. David Savner Carl W. Stern and Holly Hayes-Stern Ms. Liisa M. Thomas and Mr. Stephen L. Pratt

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Mr. Christian Vinyard M.L. Winburn Dr. Marylou Witz $ 1 1, 5 0 0 – $ 1 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Applebaum Tom and Dianne Campbell Ann and Richard Carr Ms. Shawn M. Donnelley and Dr. Christopher M. Kelly Mrs. Carol Evans, in memory of Henry Evans Fred and Sandra Holubow Mr. Jeffrey Lennard Ms. Jeanne Malkin Beth A. Mannino and Paul Schick Charles A. Moore Emilie Morphew, M.D. Mr. Richard Ryan David and Judy Schiffman David and Judith L. Sensibar Ilene and Michael Shaw Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Scott Swanson Ksenia A. and Peter Turula Mr. & Mrs. William C. Vance Ann S. Wolff $ 7, 5 0 0 – $ 1 1, 4 9 9

Anonymous (6) Mrs. Rosa Acevedo and Mr. Jose Luis Prado Jeff and Keiko Alexander Marta Holsman Babson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barber Mr. Ken Belcher Mr. Lawrence Belles Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Jim † and Dianne Blanco Merrill and Judy Blau Dr. Edward A. Cole and Dr. Christine A. Rydel Mr. Lawrence Corry R. Bert Crossland Mr. & Mrs. Charles Demirjian Ms. Christina Donohue Mr. & Mrs. William Dooley Ms. Ann Drake David and Deborah Dranove Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Mr. & Mrs. David P. Earle III Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III Charles and Carol Emmons Sidney Epstein † and Sondra Berman Epstein Mr. Fred Eychaner Constance M. Filling and Robert D. Hevey Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Finkel, in honor of Robert Coad The Florian Fund Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gendleman

Mr. † & Mrs. † Isak V. Gerson Lyn Goldstein Jeannette and Jerry Goldstone Dr. Alexia Gordon Mr. Robert Gray James and Brenda Grusecki Mr. & Mrs. David Hackett Joan M. Hall Mrs. Richard C. Halpern Pati and O.J. † Heestand Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hibbard Mrs. Mary P. Hines Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Holman III Janice L. Honigberg Mr. † & Mrs. Joel D. Honigberg Ian and Valerie Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. † Howard Jessen Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Joyce Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Keller Mr. & Mrs. James Klenk Dr. June Koizumi Dr. † & Mrs. H. Leichenko Ms. Betsy Levin Mr. † & Mrs. Paul Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. John Lillard Mr. Russ Lyman Patty and Mark McGrath Mr. David E. McNeel James Edward McPherson and David Lee Murray † David † and Dolores Nelson Alexandra and John Nichols Ms. Susan Norvich Ms. Martha Nussbaum James J. and Ellen O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Neill The Osprey Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James O’Sullivan, Jr. Pasquinelli Family Foundation Roxy and Richard Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Perlstein Sue and Thomas Pick Ms. Emilysue Pinnell D. Elizabeth Price Dr. Petra and Mr. Randy O. Rissman Rita † and Norman Sackar Ms. Cecelia Samans Karla Scherer Al Schriesheim and Kay Torshen Joan and George Segal The Earl and Brenda Shapiro Foundation Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro Silva Mr. Larry Simpson Mr. Marlon Smith Mary Ann Smith Kimberly M. Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Eugene and Jean Stark Cheryl Sturm Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sudler, Jr. Mrs. Robert Trotter

Dr. Cynthia M. Valukas and Mr. Joseph A. Kohl Mrs. Dorothy Vance Theodore and Elisabeth Wachs William Blair & Company, LLC Mr. & Ms. Richard Williams Sarah R. Wolff and Joel L. Handelman Michael † and Laura Woll Michael H. and Mary K. Woolever Ronald and Geri Yonover Foundation Ms. Karen Zupko $ 4 , 5 0 0 – $ 7, 4 9 9

Anonymous (11) Ms. Patti Acurio Fraida and Bob Aland Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Alsaker Mr. Edward Amrein, Jr. and Mrs. Sara Jones-Amrein Geoffrey A. Anderson Megan P. and John L. Anderson David and Suzanne Arch Dr. & Mrs. Kent Armbruster Drs. Iris and Andrew Aronson Carey and Brett August Ms. Judith Barnard Ms. Barbara Barzansky Ms. Elaine Baumann Mr. Thomas Berg Meta S. and Ronald † Berger Family Foundation Dr. Leonard and Phyllis Berlin Mr. Howard Bernick Catherine and Ron Bevil Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Bischof Ann Blickensderfer Mrs. Nancy Blum Ms. Terry Boden Cassandra L. Book Mr. & Mrs. John Borland Adam Bossov Mr. Donald Bouseman Janet S. Boyer Ms. Lori Bradley Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bramsen John D. Brubaker Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum Ms. Joy Buddig Kay and Rhett † Butler Elizabeth Nolan and Kevin Buzard Ms. Lutgart Calcote Jane Calvin Ms. Vera Capp Robert D. Carone Drs. Virginia and Stephen Carr Wendy Alders Cartland Mia Celano and Noel Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Candelario Celio Jan and Frank Cicero, Jr. Mr. & Ms. Keith Clayton Patricia A. Clickener Colman Family Foundation

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Mrs. Francie Comer Dr. Thomas H. Conner Jenny L. Corley in memory of Dr. W. Gene Corley Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven Susie Cummings Mr. Ivo Daalder and Mrs. Elisa D. Harris Dancing Skies Foundation Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniels Dr. & Mrs. Tapas K. Das Gupta Mr. Guy DeBoo and Ms. Susan Franzetti Decyk Watts Charitable Foundation Duane M. DesParte and John C. Schneider Owen Deutsch and Rona Talcott Janet Wood Diederichs Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Douglas Mr. Robert R. Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Dusek Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Earle Judge Frank Easterbrook Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eastwood Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Eger III Mr. H.J. Eisenman Jon Ekdahl and Marcia Opp Michael and Kathleen Elliott Dr. & Mrs. James Ertle Mrs. Walter D. Fackler † Tarek and Ann Fadel Sally S. Feder Mr. & Mrs. Dean Fischer Mrs. Roslyn K. Flegel Mrs. Donna Fleming Henry and Frances Fogel Ginny and Peter Foreman Mr. David Fox Mr. & Mrs. Willard Fraumann Susan and Paul Freehling Dr. Maija Freimanis and David A. Marshall Mr. Ray Frick Sandy and Frank Gelber Rabbi Gary S. Gerson and Dr. Carol R. Gerson Camillo and Arlene Ghiron Mr. & Mrs. James J. Glasser Judy and Bill Goldberg Mary and Michael Goodkind Mr. Gerald and Dr. Colette Gordon Donald J. Gralen Ms. Freddi Greenberg Timothy and Joyce Greening Dr. Michael Greenwald Mr. & Mrs. Byron Gregory Mrs. Ann Grimes † Mr. & Mrs. John P. Grube Anastasia and Gary † Gutting Lynne R. Haarlow Halasmani/Davis Family Stephanie and Howard Halpern Anne Marcus Hamada John and Sally Hard Ms. Kyle Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hassan

“The CSO is a treasured part of our cultural life.” —A L A N S C H R I E S H E I M , G OV E R N I N G M E M B E R , A N D K AY TO R S H E N Dr. Dane Hassani Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Heagy James and Lynne † Heckman Mr. Dale C. Hedding Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Hesse The Hickey Family Foundation William B. Hinchliff Richard and Joanne Hoffman Suzanne Hoffman and Dale Smith Mr. William J. Hokin † Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Holson III James and Eileen Holzhauer James and Mary Houston Tex and Susan Hull Ms. Patricia Hurley Michael and Leigh Huston Leland E. Hutchinson and Jean E. Perkins Michael L. Igoe Mr. Craig T. Ingram Merle L. Jacob Dr. & Mrs. Todd and Peggy Janus Mr. John Jawor Ms. Justine Jentes and Mr. Dan Kuruna Dr. Patricia Collins Jones Dolores Kohl Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaplan/ Kaplan Foundation Mrs. Lonny H. Karmin John and Kerma Karoly Barry D. Kaufman Larry † and Marie Kaufman Don Kaul and Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keiser Mr. Alfred Kelley Mrs. Elizabeth Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knauff Mr. & Mrs. Norman Koglin Cookie Anspach Kohn and Henry L. Kohn Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Komarek Joseph and Judith Konen Jack and Cathie Kozik Dr. & Mrs. Mark Kozloff Mr. & Mrs. David Kravitz Dr. Michael Krco Eldon and Patricia Kreider Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kreiter Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Krueck Drs. Vinay and Raminder Kumar Mr. & Mrs. Rubin P. Kuznitsky Mr. John LaBarbera Mr. Craig Lancaster and Ms. Charlene T. Handler Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Langrehr Anne E. Leibowitz Fund Wally and Carol Lennox

Mary and Laurence Levine Drs. Edmund and Julie Lewis Gregory M. Lewis and Mary E. Strek Mr. † & Mrs. Howard Lickerman Dr. Philip R. Liebson and Mrs. Carole F. Liebson Dr. Herbert and Francine Lippitz Reva and John S. Lizzadro, Sr. The Loewenthal Fund at The Chicago Community Trust Mrs. Gabrielle Long Mr. Philip Lumpkin Mr. Edward Mack Mr. Glen Madeja and Ms. Janet Steidl The Malott Family Foundation Robert † and Judy Marth Ms. Mirjana Martich and Mr. Zoran Lazarevic Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Martin Ms. BeLinda Mathie and Dr. Brian Haag Ann Pickard McDermott In memory of William and Carolyn McKittrick Heather McWilliams Mr. Gregory and Dr. Alice Melchor Dr. Ellen Mendelson Dr. Leo and Catherine Miserendino Ms. Mary Mittler Mr. Frank Modruson and Ms. Lynne Shigley Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Drs. Bill † and Elaine Moor Mr. † & Mrs. William Neiman Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. † Richard Nopar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ochs Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Olson Mr. Bruce Oltman John and Joy O’Malley Beatrice F. Orzac The Osprey Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ostermann Ms. Pamela Papas Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Pauling II Mr. Michael Payette Richard and Frances Penn Kingsley Perkins † Mr. & Mrs. Norman Perman Bonnie Perry Dr. William Peruzzi Lorna and Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Harvey and Madeleine Plonsker John F. Podjasek III Charitable Fund Ms. Judy Pomeranz Stephen and Ann Suker Potter Mr. Samuel Press

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Ms. Elizabeth R. B. Pruett Mr. Duane Quaini Mr. Rudolph Rasin Harper Reed Ms. Helen Reed Dr. Rutbert D. Reisch Burton and Francine † Rissman Charles and Marilynn Rivkin Ms. Carol Roberts William and Cheryl Roberts David and Kathy Robin Dr. Diana Robin Mr. John W. Rogers, Jr. Kevin M. Rooney and Daniel P. Vicencio Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Roper Mr. & Mrs. Saul Rosen D.D. Roskin Ms. Lisa Ross Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Rossi Jay and Maija Rothenberg Ms. Roberta H. Rubin Mrs. Susan B. Rubnitz William and Mary Ryan Anila and Anthony Saineghi Mr. David Sandfort Mr. † and Mrs. Nathan Schloss Donald L. and Susan J. Schwartz Ruth Grant and Howard Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Chandra Sekhar Ronald and Nancy Semerdjian Ms. Courtney Shea Mary and Charles M. Shea Dr. & Mrs. James C. Sheinin Stuart and Leslie Shulruff Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Siegel Ms. Ann Silberman Leslie and Tom Silverstein Mr. & Mrs. John Simmons Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Mrs. Diane W. Smith Louise K. Smith James and Diane Snyder Dr. & Mrs. R. Solaro Mrs. Linda Spain Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spain Robert and Emily Spoerri Ms. Adena Staben Helena Stancikas Dusan Stefoski and Craig Savage Ms. Momoko Steiner Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Stoll Roger and Susan Stone Family Foundation Lawrence E. Strickling and Sydney L. Hans Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Ms. Minsook Suh Mr. & Mrs. Robert Szalay Joan and Michael Thron Ray † and Mary Ann Tittle Bill and Anne Tobey Bruce and Jan Tranen

John T. and Carrie M. Travers Zalman and Karen Usiskin Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Catherine M. Villinski Ms. Raita Vilnins Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wall Ms. Josephine Wallace † Mr. † & Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Hilary and Barry Weinstein Abby and Glen Weisberg Marc Weissbluth in memory of Linda Weissbluth Bert and Barbara Weller Ms. Caroline Wettersten Carmen and Allen Wheatcroft Stephen R. Winters Peter and Marlee Wolf Dr. Hak Wong David Woodhouse Dr. Nanajan Yakoub Mari Yamamoto Regnier Owen and Linda Youngman Paul and Mary Yovovich Mr. Gifford Zimmerman $2,500–$ 4,499

Anonymous (9) Ms. Janice Aaron Elaine and Floyd Abramson Ms. Susan Adler The al Chalabi Group, Ltd. Ms. Rochelle Allen Sandra Allen and Jim Perlow Cushman L. and Pamela Andrews Ms. Doris Angell Mychal P. Angelos, in memory of Dorothy A. Angelos Dr. Edward Applebaum and Dr. Eva Redei Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ascoli Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Asner Athena Fund Catherine Baker and Timothy Kent Paul and Robert Barker Foundation Mr. Carroll Barnes Dr. Merrill and Mr. N.M.K. Barnes James and Bartha Barrett Roberta and Harold S. Barron Ms. Sandra Bass Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni † and Elaine Klemen Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Daniel and Michele Becker Kirsten Bedway and Simon Peebler Prue and Frank Beidler Mrs. Gail Belytschko Mr. & Mrs. Richard Benck Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Block Mr. Edward Boehm III Mr. James Borkman Mr. & Mrs. James Borovsky Mr. Douglas Bragan Ms. Jill Brennan Ms. Susan Bridge

Myrna R. Bromley Mr. † & Mrs. John H. Bryan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan Linda S. Buckley Lisa Dollar Buehler and Bill Escamilla Gina Carithers Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Linda Cassil Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Castellini Tina and Fredrick Chapekis Ms. Melinda Cheung Linton J. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Clancy Mitchell Cobey and Janet Reali Ms. Jean Cocozza Lewis Collens Ms. Jane Cox Patricia Cox and Family Ms. Juli Crabtree Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Dr. Brenda A. Darrell and Mr. Paul S. Watford Mr. & Mrs. James W. DeYoung Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Paul and Nona Dix Mr. & Mrs. Otto Doering III Natalie and Joshua Dranoff The Duchossois Group Mrs. Susan Duda Ms. Marilyn Duginger Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Ebert Mr. † & Mrs. Richard Elden Ms. Paula Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis La and Philip Engel Mrs. Janice Engle Scott and Lenore Enloe Marilyn D. Ezri, M.D. Dr. Robert A. Fajardo and Judith Marohn Jeffrey Farbman and Ann Greenstein Judith E. Feldman Donald and Signe Ferguson Hector Ferral, M.D. Ms. Irene Fox Arthur L. Frank, M.D. Jerry Freedman and Elizabeth Sacks Mr. & Mrs. Philip Friedmann Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Fry III In loving memory of Alice Furumoto-Dawson James and Rebecca Gaebe Peter Gallanis Drs. Henry and Susan Gault Judy and Mickey Gaynor Robert D. Gecht Bernardino and Caterina Ghetti Ms. Karen Gianfrancisco Robert and Marcia Goltermann Evgenia Golubeva Ms. Sarah Good Mrs. Amy G. Gordon and Mr. Michael D. Gordon Mr. Jacques Gordon Leo and Linda Gordon

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Ms. Shelley Gorson Mr. Peter Gotsch and Dr. Jana French Thomas † and Delta Greene Dr. Jerri E. Greer Ms. Barbara Greis Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Groen Jacalyn Gronek Dr. & Mrs. John W. Gustaitis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ernst A. Häberli Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Handler Mrs. John M. Hartigan James W. Haugh Thomas and Connie Hsu Haynes David Hefter Scott Helm Ayana Tomeka Ms. Leigh Ann Herman Marjorie Friedman Heyman Robert A. Hill and Thea Flaum Hill James and Margot Hinchliff James and Megan Hinchsliff Ms. Eloise Hirschey Karl and Jan Hoffman Ms. Gretchen Hoffmann and Mr. Joseph Doherty Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Frances and Franklin † Horwich Dr. Ronald L. Hullinger Mr. Harry Hunderman and Ms. Deborah Slaton Ms. Bobbie Huskey Mrs. Nancy Witte Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Stan Jakopin Cynthia Jamison-Marcy Joni and Brian Johnson Maryl Johnson, M.D. Eric and Melanie Kalnins Ms. Ethelle Katz Dr. & Mrs. Robert Katz Peter and Stephanie Keehn Jim and Ellen Kelleher Jonathan and Nancy Lee Kemper Ms. Kola Kennedy Linda J. Kenney, PhD Ms. Helen Kessler Anne G. Kimball and Peter Stern The King Family Foundation Dr. Jay and Georgianna Kleiman Jean Klingenstein Mr. Thomas Kmetko Akiko and Shohei Koide Bob and Marian Kurz Mr. & Mrs. Dean Leff

Sheila Fields Leiter John and Jill Levi Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Averill and Bernard † Leviton Stewart and Susan Liechti Patricia M. Livingston Ms. Alma Lizcano Jane and Peter Loeb Ms. Jean Lorenzen Mr. Daniel Macken and Mr. Merlyn Harbold Ms. Janice Magnuson Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Maling Sharon L. Manuel Dan and Lynne Mapes-Riordan Barbara and Larry Margolis Mr. Robert Marks Mr. Timothy Marshall Ms. Marjorie Martin Arthur and Elizabeth Martinez Robert and Doretta Marwin Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Mass Dr. & Mrs. Walter Massey Adele Mayer Dr. & Mrs. James McCreary Dr. & Mrs. James McGee Dr. † & Mrs. John McGee II Bill McIntosh John and Etta McKenna Dr. & Mrs. Peter McKinney Jane and Bruce † McLagan Mr. Nick McWilliams Sheila and Harvey Medvin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Meister Jim and Ginger Meyer Amy Michalak Mr. Llewellyn Miller and Ms. Cecilia Conrad Sanford and Monica Morganstein Mrs. Frank Morrissey The Morrow Family Foundation Mr. Vijai Moses Catherine Mouly and LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. Eileen M. Murray Jo Ann and Stuart Nathan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl Mr. † & Mrs. Herbert Neil, Jr. Dr. Zehava L. Noah Kenneth R. Norgan Mrs. Janis Notz Mr. & Mrs. James Nowacki Mr. Gerard and Dr. Linda Nussbaum Bill and Penny Obenshain

“Supporting the CSO, at whatever level, makes you feel like you are joining a family.” —J A C A LY N G R O N E K , G O V E R N I N G M E M B E R

Margo and Michael Oberman Eric and Carolyn Oesterle Marjory Oliker Sarah and Wallace Oliver Ms. Charlene Olson Mr. Thomas Orlando Mr. Bruce Ottley Mrs. Evelyn E. Padorr Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Dianne M. and Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Mr. Scott Perry David and Sara Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Craig and Kimberly Pickenpaugh Stanley M. and Virginia Johnson Pillman Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Pinkert Mrs. Camelia Pop Barry and Elizabeth Pritchard Mary Rafferty Dr. & Mrs. Pradeep Rattan Ms. Polly Rattner Dr. Hilda Richards Elaine Lebhoff-Ries, M.D., and Michael Ries, M.D. Mary K. Ring Roberts Family Foundation Erik and Nelleke Roffelsen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenberg Michael Rosenthal Dr. Roseanne Rosenthal Betsy Rosenzweig Mr. & Ms. Kevin A. Russell Tina and Buzz Ruttenburg Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Mr. Agustin G. Sanz Raymond and Inez Saunders Mr. Laurence Saviers Shirley and John † Schlossman Douglas M. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Gerald and Barbara Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scorza Stephen A. and Marilyn Scott Drs. Deborah and Lawrence Segil Diana and Richard Senior Ms. Mary Beth Shea Richard W. Shepro and Lindsay E. Roberts Elizabeth and John Shoemaker Carolyn M. Short Ellen and Richard Shubart Margaret and Alan Silberman Jack and Barbara Simon Craig Sirles Charles F. Smith Mary Beth and Stanton K. Smith Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Smith Dr. Stuart Sondheimer Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Sopranos Joel and Beth Spenadel Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Stefanos Liz Stiffel Dr. Francis H. Straus II † Laurence and Caryn Straus

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Taubeneck Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Drs. Karl and Sarah Ticho James M. and Carol Trapp Ms. Joanne Tremulis Howard and Paula † Trienens Joan and David Trushin Phil † and Paula Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Turner Mrs. Elizabeth Twede Lori L. and John R. Twombly Henry and Janet Underwood Mr. Peter Vale Jim and Cindy Valtman Ms. Julia Vander Ploeg Thomas D. Vander Veen, Ph.D. Mr. David J. Varnerin Dr. Michael Viglione Frank Villella and Eduardo Hernández Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wagner Lulu Robert J. Walker Nicholas and Jessica Wallace Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ward Ms. Carol Warshawsky Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mr. & Mrs. † Joseph M. Weil Drs. Carolyn and Jamie Weiner Samuel † and Chickie Weisbard David E. and Kerstin Wellbery Dan and Paula Wise Ms. Lois Wolff Courtenay R. Wood and H. Noel Jackson, Jr. Ms. Debbie Wright Mr. Laird Zacheis and Ms. Sunhee Lee David and Eileen Zampa Dr. & Mrs. John Zaremba Ms. Anne Zenzer Ms. Camille Zientek Dr. Michael P. Zygmunt $ 1,0 0 0 – $ 2 , 4 9 9

Anonymous (43) Ms. Domenica Abbott Richard † and Louise Abrahams Richard J. Abram and Paul Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Sherwin Abrams Michael and Mary Abroe Ann Acker The Acorn Foundation Mr. George Adams In memory of Martha and Bernie Adelson Mr. David R. Adler Dr. & Mrs. Carl H. Albright Mrs. Ronald Allen Ms. Elif Allenfort Mr. & Mrs. Gary Allie Ms. Rene Alphonse Robert and Marianna Alps Ms. Mary T. Alroth Mrs. Evelyn Alter

Dr. Diane Altkorn Dr. Ronald and Barbara Altman Midge and Dan Anderson Mr. Karl Anderson and Ms. Pamela Shu Mr. Kal Anglewicz Dr. & Mrs. Robert Arensman Mrs. Jeanne B. Aronson Mary Jane and Bob Asher Jack and Carol Aten Fund Ms. Frances Atkins Ms. Bernice Auslander Phillip Austin Kimberly Ayars Mr. James Babb Ms. Marlene Bach Richard and Janice Bail Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baird Mr. & Mrs. John Baldwin Jon W. and Diane Balke Rob and Denise Baptista Mr. & Mrs. William Bardeen Mr. Robert Barkei Mr. & Mrs. John Barnes Ms. Laura L. Barrett Nita and Alvin Barshefsky Mr. & Mrs. Roger Basrak Howard and Donna Bass Robert & Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc. Mr. Ronald Bauer Mr. & Mrs. James Baughman Robert and Linda Baum Ms. Patricia Bayerlein Mr. † & Mrs. Jay Baylin Mr. & Mrs. George Beam Paul Becker and Nancy Becker Dr. & Mrs. Enrique Beckmann Mr. Richard Beebe Mr. Dan Bell George Bell Ms. Bonnie Benson Marjorie Benton Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Bergen Mr. Paul Berghoff Gene and Natalie Bernardoni Mr. & Mrs. Loren Berry III Mr. Stephen Berry Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Bezold Mr. Jerry Biedeman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Black Mr. Joe Blackburn Thomas and Diane Blake Dr. Roger Blickensderfer Mr. & Mrs. David Blumberg Mr. & Ms. Marek Bobela Ms. Kathleen Boege Mr. Virgil Bogert Dr. Borna Bonakdarpour and Leisl Bonakdarpour-Jaberg Dr. H. Constance Bonbrest Mr. & Mrs. Fred P. Bosselman Mr. & Mrs. David Boyd Drs. Nader and Mandan Bozorgi

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brandfonbrener Ms. Jeanne Brett Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Breu Mr. Michael Brewer Barbara and Powell Bridges Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brightfelt Brightspark Travel Ms. Carolyn Brinkman Ms. Julie Bromley Mr. & Mrs. William Bromley Mr. & Ms. Joel Brosk Mr. Lee M. Brown, Mr. John B. Newman, and Ms. Pixie Newman Mrs. Dan Brusslan Mrs. Maureen G. Buchholz Ms. Elizabeth Buckley-Geer Dr. Jane R. Buerger Jack M. Bulmash Ms. Kathryn Burgdorfer Ms. Mary Burge Mr. & Mrs. Friedrich H. Burian Dr. Brian Burrows Mr. George Burrows Ms. Jeanne Busch Mr. & Mrs. John Butler Mr. & Ms. Joel Cahan Darren Cahr Ms. Linda Calandra Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Caldwell, Jr. Mr. Robert Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Calvanese Mr. Gregory Cameron Mr. Scot Campbell Robert and Kay Carlson David and Orit Carpenter Mr. Fairbank Carpenter Mr. † & Mrs. † Henry T. Chandler Mr. Rowland Chang Ms. Margaret Chaplan Mr. & Mrs. John Chapman Harriett and Myron Cholden Edie Christian Erin Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Christianson Young Chung Peter and Hedy Ciocci Stephen Clark Mr. Robert Clatanoff Nancy J. Clawson Robert Coen and Marjorie Coen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cohen Ms. Jeanne Cohen Mr. Mimis Cohen and Mrs. Andrea Biel-Cohen Ms. Ruth Colby Ms. Kathryn Collier Mr. Stan Collins Mrs. Eileen Conaghan Mr. Howard Conant Peter and Beverly Ann Conroy Anne Cooper Dr. Jacquelynne Corey-Hain Mr. & Mrs. Richard Corrado

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Nancy R. Corral Joe and Judy Cosenza Kevin Costello Matt and Carrie Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cottle Mr. Phil Cottrell Mr. Wayne Cowlishaw Mr. & Mrs. James Cox Mr. Earle Cromer III Constance Cwiok Robert Allen Daugherty Sue and Kent Davis Muller Davis † and Lynn Straus Norma E. Davis Willis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davison Mr. & Mrs. Stan Day Mary Dedinsky and William Carlisle Herbert Ms. Karen Deininger Mr. Dennis Delavara Ms. Patty Delony Ms. Marcia Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Byram Dickes Ms. Janet Diehl Mr. Jerome Dienstag Amy Dieschbourg Mrs. Janice Domanik Ms. Joan Donahue The Donnelley Foundation Mr. Fred Donner Mary Dorsey Dr. & Mrs. Heratch Doumanian Mr. Harmon Dow Dr. & Mrs. James L. Downey Tom Draski Ms. Rosanne Druian Ingrid and Richard Dubberke Daniel and Christine Dudlak Cara Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Duke Mr. Ronald Duke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dulski Linda and Tom Dunne Dr. Thomas Durica and Sue Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Dan Dvorkin Linda Dykes East Loop Dental Mr. Hugh Edfors Gary and Deborah Edidin Nancy M. Eibeck Edward and Nancy Eichelberger Mr. & Mrs. Estia Eichten Robert S. and Ardyth J. Eisenberg Reese and Jeanne Elledge Thomas Eller Ms. Laura Emerick Quelan Engels Dr. Wolfgang Epstein Dr. Wayne Erck Mr. & Mrs. A. Gerald Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Errol Halperin Keith and Diane Ertner Nancy Estrada

Paul and Clare Faherty Dr. Gail Fahey Laura and John Fairfield Mr. & Mrs. William F. Farley Ms. Bridget Farrelly Mr. Andrew Feichter The Fellows Family Steven and Carol Felsenthal Mr. & Mrs. Joel Fenchel Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. and Diana P. Feraco Trust Mrs. Josephine Ferguson Joy Fett Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fetterly Debra Fienberg Sandra E. Fienberg Melinda Filman Richard Finegold, M.D. and Ms. Rita O’Laughlin Mr. Conrad Fischer Ms. Hazel Fisher Ms. Lola Flamm Mr. William Fleig Ms. Anita D. Flournoy Mr. Paul Fong Beth Healy and Mike Fordney Mr. Mark Foss Foxman Family Foundation Lawrence and Pamela Frankel Philip and Melissa Franklin Allen J. Frantzen and George R. Paterson Dr. † & Mrs. Uwe Freese Fred Freitag Mr. Walter Fried Ms. Nancy Friedman Dr. & Mrs. Willard A. Fry Ms. Cecile Gagan Ms. Kathleen Gallo Dr. Ronald J. Ganellen and Dr. Natalia Pascal Dr. Francisco Garcini Mr. John Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garro Mr. Phillip Gatto Mr. & Ms. William Gauger Nancy Gavlin Cassandra Salgado Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gepson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gilbert Mr. Lyle Gillman Lawrence and Amy Gillum Mr. Daniel Gilmour, III Mr. & Mrs. † Jerome Gilson Mr. & Mrs. John Gleason Dr. & Mrs. Paul B. Glickman Mr. David Glueck Ms. Barbra Goering William and Ethel Gofen Eunice and Perry Goldberg Mr. Stanford Goldblatt Mr. † & Mrs. Samuel Golden Adele and Marvin Goldsmith Dr. Robert Golub and Dr. Deirdre Dupre

Ms. Eileen Good Karen and Jay Goodgold Gordon and Nancy Goodman Isabelle Goossen Dr. Edward Gordon Michelle and Gerald M. Gordon Merle Gordon Mr. Robert Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gordon Mr. Andrew Gore Mr. & Mrs. James Gorter Nina Gourianova Mike and Mary Grady David and Elizabeth Graham Bob and Lois Graham Mr. Ellsworth Grant Brooks and Wanza Grantier Richard † and Mary L. Gray Mr. Marc Grayson Mr. & Mrs. David Greenstein Susan † and Kendall Griffith Gregory Grobarcik Dr. Theodore Gross Mr. Robert Grundstad Mrs. Marguerite Guido George F. and Catherine S. Haber Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hageman Mrs. Mary Hallman Ronald and Diane Hamburger Dr. & Mrs. Chester Handelman Ms. Andrea Handley Stuart and Shelly Hanfling David Hansen Mr. Michael Hansen and Ms. Nancy Randa Mrs. Terri Hanson Nancy and Thomas Hanson Mr. Charles Hanusin Mary E. Harland Harris Family Foundation Mrs. Louise Hart † Robert and Margot Haselkorn Ms. Lynn Hauser Mr. John Hawkins Mr. George Hay Elizabeth A. Hebert William Heffernan Dr. Anne Heider and Mr. R. Stephen Warner Mr. † & Mrs. Robert Heidrick Janet and Bob Helman Mr. David Helverson Ms. Dawn E. Helwig Dr. Charles Hemenway Mr. † & Mrs. Peter Herr Ms. Jane Herron Stephen Herseth Barbara and Jim † Herst Harriet E. Heyda Mr. Keith Hickman Mr. David Hiller Mr. & Mrs. David Hilliard Pat and Joseph Hinkel Ms. Judith Hirsch

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Mrs. Annika Hoffman Mr. Howard Hoffmann Ms. Sharon Flynn Hollander Mrs. J. Holmbeck Mr. Stephen Holmes Dr. George Honig and Ms. Olga Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Larry Horwich Vicki and Thomas Horwich Foundation Mr. & Mrs. R. Howell, Jr. Yihui Hu Michael and Beverly Huckman Dr. Julia Hulcher Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Huscher Ms. Amey Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hutchins Mr. James Hutchinson Dr. Victoria Ingram and Dr. Paul Navin Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Iorgulescu Mr. Patrick Ishii Cheryl Istvan Allan Izzo Ms. Marina Jacks Mr. & Mrs. Cary Jacobs Mrs. Caryn Jacobs and Mr. Daniel Cedarbaum Egill and Ruth Jacobsen Mr. Matt James Joseph and Rebecca Jarabak Father Daniel Jarosewic Ms. Linda Jenewein Ms. Patricia Johansen Mrs. Mary Johnston, Ph.D. Mr. John Jones Ms. Kathleen Jordan Mr. † & Mrs. Saul Kadin Ms. Hyla Kallen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kallman Thomas and Reseda Kalowski Mr. Mark Kaluzny Mrs. Janet Kanter Wayne S. and Lenore M. Kaplan Roula and George Karcazes Thomas Kasdorf Faye Katt and Ganesh Natarajan Charles Katzenmeyer Cantor Aviva Katzman and Dr. Morris Mauer Mr. Jeremy Kazan Susie Forstmann Kealy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keethers Laura Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kennedy Mr. Paul A. Kennedy and Ms. Rosemary Braun Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Ketchum William Ketchum Mr. & Mrs. † Algimantas Kezelis Mr. Howard Kidd Mr. & Mrs. Gene Kiesel Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kirkpatrick Kathy Kirn and David Levinson Ms. Lilia Kiselev

“I am so proud to be a part of its history and so glad to support the future of this worldrenowned orchestra.” — B O N N I E M C G R AT H , L E A G U E M E M B E R

Darlene Kittredge and Lloyd Kittredge Jack and Terry Klecka Ms. Mary Klyasheff Robert and Andrea † Knight Mr. Douglas Knuth Brae Korin Mr. Edward Koss Mr. Robert Kriss and Ms. Laura Schriesheim Mrs. Leona Krompart Ms. Christine Kubiak Lynne L. Kuehl Dr. † & Mrs. Klaus Kuettner Mr. & Mrs. Walfrid Kujala Mr. Steven Kukalis Dr. & Mrs. Ken Kuo Ms. Michele Kurlander Gary J. Kussow Dr. Marina and Andrey Kuznetsov Chaeyoung Kwon Mr. & Mrs. Mark Labkon Mr. Thomas Lad Marvin and Carol Lader Mr. John W. Lairson Dr. James Lambur Lisa and Bill Landes Richard Landgraff and Bernadette Foley Mr. Stephan Lans Mr. John Lansing Ms. Leah Laurie Mr. Michael Lavelle Ms. Ruby Law Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lederer Ms. Foo Choo Lee Mr. Young Lee Ms. Amy Lehman Ms. Nicole Lehman Marsha Lehr Mr. Jonathon Leik Alexandre Lemieux Ms. & Ms. Ida Lessman Mr. Stephen Lester Mrs. Richard Levi Ms. Carolyn Levin Dr. & Mrs. Murray Levin Mr. & Mrs. Norman Levin Mr. Jerrold Levine Dr. & Dr. Monte Levinson Dr. Carl Levy Mr. & Mrs. Richard Levy Dr. & Mrs. Robert Levy Ms. Judith Lewis Mr. Michael Licitra Mr. James Liechty Mr. Ross Lillie Robert † and Joan Lipsig Dr. Peter Littlewood Kathleen Lockhart and James Dixon

Mr. Melvin Loeb Candace Loftus Mr. † & Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus Mr. Joel Lowery Dr. & Mrs. David Lubell Timothy Lubenow Ronald and Carlotta Lucchesi Mr. Aaron Macias S. Stella Mah Daniel and Karen Maki Kenneth J. Malek, Remian LLC Ms. Margaret A. Malone Mr. James Mamminga Mr. Gary L. Mandell and Mrs. Diana Kon Sharon R. Maner Mr. Stephen Mannasmith Gail and Frederick Manning Mr. & Ms. Steven Marcus Mr. Frank Marino Mr. & Mrs. Roland Martel Mr. † & Mrs. Lowell Mason, Jr. Ms. Peggy Mason Dr. † & Mrs. David Matteson Marilyn and Myron Maurer Larry and Donna Mayer Dr. Peter Mayock William McAlpine Miss Joanna McCaffrey Ms. Sue McCandless Ms. Marilyn Mccoy Margaret and Michael McCoy Rosa and Peter McCullagh Mother Richard McDonough Mr. & Mrs. William McDowell, Jr. Bonnie McGrath Ms. Patricia A. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. George C. McKann Mr. Charles McKee Dr. & Mrs. Bruce McLeod Ian and Camille McLeod Ms. Florence McMillan Mrs. Leoni McVey Matthew Means Mrs. Erma Medgyesy Ms. Claretta Meier Dr. † & Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Mr. Ernst Melchior Lois and Hugo J. † Melvoin Mrs. Robert Mendelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Meyers, Jr. Michuda Construction Inc. Mr. Robert O. Middleton Ms. Ruth Migdal-Brown Ms. Britt Miller Susan Miller and David Stern Mr. Aaron Mills Mr. & Mrs. Newton Minow Ms. Helen Minsker

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Spencer Mr. Hiroshi and Mrs. Chika Miyamori Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moeller Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Moffat Mr. Sanford Moltz Dr. Anthony Montag † and Dr. Katherine Griem Dr. Claudio Silverio Montanari Mr. Carl and Maria Moore Mrs. Elizabeth Moore Hugh and Della Rae Moore Kimberly Moore Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morales Geoffrey R. Morgan Lloyd and Donna Morgan Mr. Thomas Morris Mrs. MaryLouise Morrison Ms. Jean Morton Wayne L. Mory and Marcia Snyder David H. Moscow Ms. Vanessa Moss Allison Moulton Ms. Kathleen Moyer Mr. John S. Mrowiec and Dr. Karen L. Granda Phyllis and Zane Muhl Mr. J. Thomas Mullen Luigi H. Mumford Dr. Gil Munoz Mr. George Murphy Ms. Marilyn R. Murray and Mr. David J. Pichurski Ferdinando Mussa-Ivaldi Jim and Marion Myers Mr. Scott Myers Ms. Victoria Nee Kay A. Nelson Robert Nelson and Kristin Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Nesburg In honor of Larry Neuman and Qing Hou Dr. & Ms. Richard Newcomb Mr. Robert Newman Mr. Damian Ng Mrs. Doris Nice Christina Nicholas Jeff Nichols Eleanor Nicholson Ms. Sylvette Nicolini Mr. John Nigh Ms. Kathy Nordmeyer Mr. William Novshek Mr. Douglas Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. Delano O’Banion Mr. Álvaro R. Obregón Mr. Chad O’Connor Ms. Christine Lee Oler Barbara and Larry Olin Mr. Arne Olson Mr. Thomas O’Neill III Mr. Thomas Opferman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oppenheim Kathleen Field Orr Ms. Diane Ososke

Andrea Owens Garry and Joanne Owens Peter P. Pace Miss Ronna Page Richard and Carolyn Palas Ms. Joan Pantsios Dan and Diane Parrlli Ms. Mary Alice Parsons Dr. & Mrs. Robert Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paszczyk Mrs. Patricia Tabet Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Patten, Jr. Eugene and Lois Pavalon Jennifer Pavelec James W. Pellegrino Gerald † and Mona Penner Robert and Barbara Perkaus Ms. Dona Perry Dr. Rebecca Josefson Ms. Rebecca Perry and Mr. David Perry Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Peterson Mrs. Victorina Peterson Ms. Lynn Petrelli Rita Petretti Mrs. Jana Phariss Genevieve Phelps Dr. & Mrs. V.K.G. Pillay Lee Ann and Savit Pirl Larry and Judy Pitts Don and Martha Pollak Mr. Kenneth Pomeranz Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Porte Mr. Neil Posner Barry and Eunice Preston Allan and Carla Price Mr. & Mrs. Brad Price Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Prinz Chris and Elizabeth Quigg Mr. George Quinlan Lee and Al Rabin Ms. Tara Raghavan Ms. Ginevra R. Ralph Dorothy V. Ramm Mr. Terrence J. Ransford Joel and Marikay Raphaelson Anna Rappaport and Peter W. Plumley Mr. Jeffrey Rappin Dr. Dorit Raviv Mr. Alexander Razborov Ms. Carol Rech Mrs. Thomas K. Rees, Sr. Jack W. Reeves Al and Lynn Reichle Ann and Bob Reiland, in memory of Arthur and Ruth Koch Mr. Scott Reimer and Mr. John Wohlman Ms. Catherine Reiter Alicia and Myron Resnick Mr. James Rhoads Benjamin and Florence M. Rhodes Evan and Catherine Richards Robert J. Richards and Barbara A. Richards

David and Victoria Richter Drs. Rodney and Patricia Rieger Mrs. Enid Rieser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieser, Jr. Ms. Karen L. Rigotti Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rim Ring Family Foundation Jerry and Carole Ringer Mr. Alexander Ripley Dr. Anita Robbins Thomas Roberts and Teresa Grosch Dr. Barbara Rocah and Mr. Louis Rocah † Mr. James Rocks Mr. Glenn Rode Ms. Janice Rodgers Mr. Steven Roess Cristina Romero Mr. James Rondeau and Mr. Igor DaCosta Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rooney Mr. William J. Rosas Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Roseman Ms. Elaine Rosen Mr. † & Mrs. Sherman Rosen Mrs. Babette Rosenthal Marsha and Robert Rosner Joan and Ashley Ross Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ross Helen and Marc Rubenstein Ms. Noreen Ryan Priscilla E. Ryan and Frank Battle Mr. & Mrs. Rich Ryan Mrs. Martha Sabransky Suzanne G. Samuels Michelle Sanders Keith Sarpolis Mr. & Mrs. † Lawrence Sauter Michael and Judith Sawyier Jeffrey Schadler Kathleen and Anthony Schaeffer Marie-Claude Schauer Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Mr. & Mrs. Eric Scheyer Mr. & Mrs. David Schlack Mr. & Mrs. John Schladweiler Daniel and Marcy Schlessinger Dr. John Schneider Barbara and Lewis Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scholl Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schroeder Mr. Stephan Schuele Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schuette Ms. Virginia Hall Schulte Edward and Irma Schwartz John Schwartz Susan and Charles Schwartz Thomas and Maryellen Scott Michele Hooper and Lemuel Seabrook Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seid Ms. Gail Seidel Mr. Joseph Seliga Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sennett Ms. Marsha Serlin Mr. Mark Sexauer

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Dr. & Mrs. Charles Shapiro Ms. Ilene Shapiro Dr. Jerry and Eunice Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Myron Shapiro Mr. Christopher Sheahen Ms. Elizabeth Shelly Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Shields Susan Shimmin and David Tekler Judith and Fernando Siaba Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Silberman Dr. Rita Simó and Mr. Tomás Bissonnette The Honorable John B. Simon and Mrs. Millie Rosenbloom Simon Mr. Jack Simpson Mr. Thomas Simpson Thomas G. Sinkovic Christine A. Slivon Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Smies Pat and J. Clarke Smith Mr. & Ms. Thomas Smith Ms. Sallie Smylie Dr. Todd Snead Frank So † and Deborah Huggett Dr. Sabine Sobek In memory of Timothy Soleiman Judith Sommers Ms. Sondra Sonneborn Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein Mr. Alexander Sozdatelev Mr. Ronald Spears Mr. George Speck Mr. & Mrs. George Spindler Robert A. Spinozzi Mr. Michael Sprinker Mrs. Julie Stagliano Charles and Joan Staples Ms. Denise Stauder Ms. Sue Stealey George and Julie Steffen Carol D. Stein Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stein Mr. Richard Stein Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stepansky Mrs. Marjorie H. Stephan Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stern Ms. Karen Stevens Ms. Kathleen Stewart Patrick and Astrid Stff Mrs. Marjorie Moretz Stinespring Dr. & Ms. Houston Stokes Mr. Bill Stone In memory of Marjorie Stone Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Stresen-Reuter, Jr. Donna Stroder Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stuckey Mr. Frederick Sturm and Ms. Deborah Gillaspie Barry and Winnifred Sullivan Mrs. Jeanne Sullivan Ms. Mary Summers Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutherland Mark Swanson and Nancy Pifer

Sharon Swanson Patrick and Sharon Sweeny Ms. Sara Szold Mr. & Mrs. Richard Taft Prof. Harold Temple Mr. Frank TenBrink Marc and Rosie Tenzer Mr. Thomas D. Terpstra and Ms. Ilene Patty Mrs. Florence and Ron Testa Ms. Alison Thomas Mr. James Thompson Mr. John Thorne Mr. Thomas Thuerer Connie and John Thullen Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tiersky Mr. & Mrs. Howard Tiffen Mr. & Mrs. Tilbrook Ms. Diane Tkach and Mr. James F. Freundt Mrs. Maureen Tokar Ms. Michelle A. Tolliver Mr. Steve Tomashefsky Mrs. Sally TreKell Steve and Jocelyn Trokenheim Ms. Corina Tsang Kok-Chi Tsim Ms. Rebecca Tung Mr. Jay Tunney Mrs. Denise Turcotte Mr. Edward Turkington Ellen and Jerry Upton Ms. Barbara Urbut Mr. Theodore Utchen Mr. & Mrs. Allan Vagner Dr. Joyce Van Cura Ms. Barbara Van Driel Ms. Betty Vandenbosch Frances and Peter Vandervoort Dr. Eladio Vargas Mr. Leonardo Vargas Todd and Cari Vieregg Ms. Nancy Vincent Mr. John Vinci Ms. Carol Vix Ms. Renai Vodick Ms. Kathleen Vogt Ms. Darla Vollrath Dr. Malcolm V. Vye and Ms. Sherie Stein Mr. Les Wallinga Mr. Frank Walschlager Ms. Carol Ward Shilene Ward and Kevin Kipp Morrison C. Warren Mrs. Patricia Warren Rev. James N. Watzke, Ph.D. Mr. Jeffrey J. Webb and Ms. Catherine Yung Judge Eugene Wedoff Cynthia and Ben Weese Dr. † & Mrs. † Howard Weiss Mr. Michael Welsh and Ms. Linda Brummer-Welsh Drs. Anne and Dennis Wentz

Ms. Patricia Werhane Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wertz Mr. John Wheeler Ms. Zita Wheeler Peter and Valerie Whitcup Mr. & Mrs. † William White Mrs. William White Ms. Susan Whiting Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wick Mr. Eric Wicks and Ms. Linda Baker Jamie Wigglesworth AIA Mr. David Wilber Robert J. Wilczek † and Shirley Pfenning Jennifer D. Williams Joel Williamson Scott R. Williamson and Susanna E. Krentz Dr. Doris Wineman, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Winkler Mr. Bruce Winograd Herbert and Ruth Winter Foundation Carolyn Winterfield Ms. Florence Winters Mr. Kenneth Witkowski Mrs. Iris Witkowsky Paul Wochinske and Kathleen Ratteree Barbara and Steven Wolf Duain Wolfe Peggy and Ted Wolff Mr. Joseph Wolnski and Ms. Jane Christino Alton Wong, M.D. Dr. Christopher and Julie Wood Judge Diane Wood and Dr. Robert Sufit Mark and Randi Woodworth Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woulfe Mrs. Jane Stroud Wright Mr. & Mrs. John Wulfers Dr. Robert B. Yahr Ms. Janice Young In memory of Anthony C. Yu Dr. Robert G. Zadylak Mrs. IdaLynn Zahour Mr. & Mrs. David Zelis Ms. Mary Zeltmann Irene Ziaya and Paul Chaitkin The Charles A. Zika Family Mr. Gerald A. Zimmerman Mr. Simon Zreczny Ms. Barbara Zutovsky

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Negaunee Music Institute at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

The Negaunee Music Institute connects individuals and communities to the extraordinary musical resources of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The following donors are gratefully acknowledged for making a gift in support of these education and engagement programs. To make a gift or learn more, please contact Dakota Williams, Associate Director, Education and Community Engagement Giving, at williamsd@cso.org or 312-294-3156. $ 1 5 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

Anonymous (1) The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Loretta N. Julian The Negaunee Foundation Megan and Steve Shebik $ 1 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 1 4 9, 9 9 9

Allstate Insurance Company Judy and Scott McCue Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal † Shure Charitable Trust $ 75 ,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) John Hart and Carol Prins $ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 74 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Michael and Linda Simon $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

John and Fran Edwardson Bowman C. Lingle Trust National Endowment for the Arts Michael G. Woll Fund at The Pauls Foundation $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 3 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Abbott Fund Barker Welfare Foundation Leslie Fund, Inc. PNC Helen and Sam Zell

$ 2 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Illinois Arts Council Agency Richard P. and Susan Kiphart Family Charles and M. R. Shapiro Foundation The George L. Shields Foundation, Inc. $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

The Buchanan Family Foundation Sue and Jim Colletti Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. The Clinton Family Fund Dr. Marylou Witz $ 7, 5 0 0 – $ 1 4 , 9 9 9

Nancy A. Abshire Robert & Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc. Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz Mr. Lawrence Belles Mr. Lawrence Corry Mr. † & Mrs. David A. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. † Allan Drebin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geraghty Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Mary Winton Green The League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Ms. Susan Norvich D. Elizabeth Price Robert E. † and Cynthia M. Sargent The Siragusa Family Foundation Penny and John Van Horn $ 4 , 5 0 0 – $ 7, 4 9 9

Anonymous (1) Ms. Patti Acurio Ms. Marion A. Cameron Ann and Richard Carr Harry F. and Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc. Dr. Edward A. Cole and Dr. Christine A. Rydel Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Mrs. Carol Evans, in memory of Henry Evans Dr. Alexia Gordon Halasmani/Davis Family John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Mr. James Kastenholz and Ms. Jennifer Steans Kinder Morgan Dr. June Koizumi Anne E. Leibowitz Fund Mr. Edward Mack Mr. Glen Madeja and Ms. Janet Steidl David † and Dolores Nelson Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Neill Mr. Philip Lumpkin Dr. Scholl Foundation Segal Consulting

Ms. Liisa M. Thomas and Mr. Stephen L. Pratt Theodore and Elisabeth Wachs $2,500–$ 4,499

Arts Midwest Touring Fund Daniel and Michele Becker Charles H. and Bertha L. Boothroyd Foundation Mr. James Borkman Mr. Douglas Bragan Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Linda Cassil Mr. & Ms. Keith Clayton Dan and Paula Wise Ms. Paula Elliott Camillo and Arlene Ghiron William B. Hinchliff Dr. Ronald L. Hullinger Italian Village Restaurants Dr. Herbert and Francine Lippitz Mr. Russ Lyman Ms. Jeanne Malkin Jim and Ginger Meyer Dr. Leo and Catherine Miserendino Mrs. Frank Morrissey The Osprey Foundation Mary and Joseph Plauché Harper Reed Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation Mr. David Sandfort David and Judith L. Sensibar Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Mr. Larry Simpson Dr. Nanajan Yakoub $ 1,0 0 0 – $ 2 , 4 9 9

Anonymous (6) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Ms. Domenica Abbott Robert and Marianna Alps Mr. Edward Amrein, Jr. and Mrs. Sara Jones-Amrein David and Suzanne Arch Jon W. and Diane Balke Mr. & Mrs. John Barnes Ms. Barbara Barzansky Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Ann Blickensderfer Cassandra L. Book Adam Bossov Mr. Donald Bouseman Brightspark Travel Mr. Lee M. Brown, Mr. John B. Newman, and Ms. Pixie Newman Darren Cahr Mr. Charles Capwell Drs. Virginia and Stephen Carr Mr. & Mrs. Candelario Celio Patricia A. Clickener Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cottle Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Natalie and Joshua Dranoff DS&P Insurance Services, Inc.

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Daniel and Christine Dudlak Gary and Deborah Edidin Nancy M. Eibeck Charles and Carol Emmons Tarek and Ann Fadel Ms. Lola Flamm Mrs. Roslyn K. Flegel Jerry Freedman and Elizabeth Sacks Peter Gallanis Dr. Francisco Garcini Evgenia Golubeva Mike and Mary Grady Gregory Grobarcik Mrs. Louise Hart † Ayana Tomeka James and Megan Hinchsliff Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Ms. Sharon Flynn Hollander Michael and Leigh Huston Ingenuity Judith E. Feldman Catherine Baker and Timothy Kent Mr. & Mrs. † Algimantas Kezelis Lynne L. Kuehl Gary J. Kussow Ms. Ruby Law Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Liechti Ms. Alma Lizcano Mr. † & Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus Sharon L. Manuel Robert and Doretta Marwin Adele Mayer Mrs. Leoni McVey Mr. Carl and Maria Moore Morrison C. Warren Wayne L. Mory and Marcia Snyder Allison Moulton Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Murley Christina Nicholas Edward and Gayla Nieminen Mr. Álvaro R. Obregón Mr. Bruce Oltman Andrea Owens Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Pauling II Gerald † and Mona Penner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Mr. George Quinlan Dr. & Mrs. Pradeep Rattan Dr. Dorit Raviv Mrs. Thomas K. Rees, Sr. Al and Lynn Reichle Dr. Hilda Richards Mary K. Ring Mr. Alexander Ripley Mr. Robert Middleton Ms. Cecelia Samans Mr. Laurence Saviers Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Gerald and Barbara Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scorza Stephen A. and Marilyn Scott Dr. Rita Simó and Mr. Tomás Bissonnette Dr. Sabine Sobek

Dr. & Mrs. R. Solaro Ms. Sondra Sonneborn Mr. Alexander Sozdatelev Mrs. Julie Stagliano Ms. Denise Stauder Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morales Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schuette Laurence and Caryn Straus Mr. Frederick Sturm and Ms. Deborah Gillaspie Walter and Caroline Sueske Charitable Trust Sharon Swanson Mrs. Florence and Ron Testa The Navarre Law Firm Thomas and Reseda Kalowski Ms. Corina Tsang Dr. Joyce Van Cura Ms. Darla Vollrath Lulu Abby and Glen Weisberg Ms. Zita Wheeler Ms. Susan Whiting Jamie Wigglesworth AIA Scott R. Williamson and Susanna E. Krentz M.L. Winburn David and Eileen Zampa Irene Ziaya and Paul Chaitkin Ms. Camille Zientek ENDOWED FUNDS

Anonymous (3) Cyrus H. Adams Memorial Youth Concert Fund Dr. † & Mrs. † Bernard H. Adelson Marjorie Blum-Kovler Youth Concert Fund CNA The Davee Foundation Kelli Gardner Youth Education Endowment Fund Mary Winton Green William Randolph Hearst Foundation Fund for Community Engagement Richard A. Heise Peter Paul Herbert Endowment Fund The Kapnick Family Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust The Malott Family Very Special Promenades Fund The Eloise W. Martin Endowed Fund in support of the Negaunee Music Institute at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra The Negaunee Foundation Nancy Ranney and Family and Friends Toyota Endowed Fund Virginia C. Vale The Wallace Foundation Zell Family Foundation


The Centennial Campaign for the Civic Orchestra of Chicago and Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert series for children is supported with a generous lead gift from The Julian Family Foundation.

The 2019–20 Civic Centennial season is sponsored by The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation. Additional support for the Centennial season is provided by an Anonymous Family Foundation, Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse, Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett, Judy and Scott McCue, Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal †, The Negaunee Foundation, Megan and Steve Shebik, Michael and Linda Simon, and Penny and John Van Horn. Thank you to our Centennial Celebration Patrons: Anonymous, Ms. Patti Acurio, Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible, Mr. James Borkman, Ann and Richard Carr, Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Linda Cassil, Dr. Edward A. Cole and Dr. Christine Rydel, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel, Gary and Deborah Edidin, Tarek and Ann Fadel, Camillo and Arlene Ghiron, Dr. Alexia Gordon, Halasmani/Davis Family, Ms. Ruby Law, Mr. Philip Lumpkin, Mr. Edward Mack, Mrs. Frank Morrissey, Allison Moulton, Mr. Bruce Oltman, Mr. & Mrs. William O’Neill, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn, Gerald and Barbara Schultz, Megan and Steve Shebik, Dr. & Mrs. R. Solaro, Laurence and Caryn Straus, Ayana Tomeka, Ms. Corina Tsang, Dr. Nanajan Yakoub, In memory of Edward Zasadil and Helen Zell. To make your gift in support of the Centennial season, please contact the CSO Development office at gifts@cso.org or 312-294-3100.

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020




Members of the Civic Orchestra receive an annual stipend to help offset some of their living expenses during their training in Civic. The following donors have generously underwritten a Civic musician(s) for the 2019–20 season. Nine Civic members participate in the Civic Fellowship program, a rigorous artistic and professional development curriculum that supplements their membership in the full orchestra. Major funding for this program is generously provided by The Julian Family Foundation. To learn more, please contact Dakota Williams, Associate Director, Education and Community Engagement Giving, at williamsd@cso.org or 312-294-3156. Nancy A. Abshire Marianne Martinoli, violin Dr. † & Mrs. † Bernard H. Adelson Rachel Mostek, viola Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz Pei-yeh Tsai, keyboard Mr. Lawrence Belles and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Fahad Awan, violin Sue and Jim Colletti Bethany Pereboom,** viola Lawrence Corry Elizabeth Bellisario, viola Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Abigail Black, horn Nicolas Chona, clarinet Evan Fojtik, flute Jingjing Hu, cello Martin Meyer, cello Sofia Nikas, viola Mr. † & Mrs. David A. Donovan Lindsey Orcutt, bass Mr. & Mrs. † Allan Drebin and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Erik Andrusyak, oboe

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geraghty and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Hannah Cartwright, violin Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Jamie Andrusyak, violin Daniel Price, trumpet Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Enrique Olvera, viola Richard and Alice Godfrey Joy Vucekovich, violin Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Hanna Pederson, viola Mary Winton Green Adam Attard, bass Jane Redmond Haliday Chair Noémie Golubovic, cello The Julian Family Foundation Taylor Hampton, percussion Laura Yawney,** oboe Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust Laurie Blanchet, clarinet Eric Leise, flute Maki Omori, violin Nicholas Ritter, bassoon Arianna Schickel, violin Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett John Heffernan,** violin League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Alexandria Hoffman,** flute

Dr. Leo and Catherine Miserendino § Chia-Yu Hsu, bassoon Ms. Susan Norvich Eleanor Kirk, harp Mrs. Mona Penner in memory of Gerald Penner Rachel Peters, violin Sandra and Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Anna Piotrowski, violin Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Joseph Bricker, percussion Ignacio del Rey, trombone The George L. Shields Foundation Inc. Eva María Barbado Gutiérrez, cello Ben Roidl-Ward, bassoon Benjamin Wagner, viola The David W. and Lucille G. Stotter Chair Pauline Kempf, violin Ruth Miner Swislow Charitable Fund Brent Taghap, violin Lois and James Vrhel Endowment Fund Emmett Jackson, bass Dr. Marylou Witz Hannah Christiansen,** violin Michael G. † and Laura Woll Kelsey Williams, horn

Leslie Fund Inc. Tabitha Oh,** violin Juan Gabriel Olivares,** clarinet

Michael G. Woll Fund at The Pauls Foundation Ye Jin Goo, viola Michael Terrasi, trumpet Samuel Waring, oboe Jason Yoder, timpani

Phillip G. Lumpkin § Najette Abouelhadi, cello

Helen Zell Elliot Lee,** violin

Judy and Scott McCue and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Kristen Seto, violin

Anonymous Philip Bergman,** cello

Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal † Brian Johnston, trombone

Anonymous Maggie Lin, bass Robinson Schulze, bass trombone

† Deceased  ** Fellow  § Partial sponsor Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Theodore Thomas Society

Mary Lou Gorno Chair Listed below are generous donors who have made commitments to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra through their wills, trusts, and other estate plans, including life-income arrangements. The Society honors their generosity, which helps to ensure the long-term financial stability and artistic excellence of the CSOA. To learn more, please call Al Andreychuk, Director of Endowment Gifts and Planned Giving, at 312-294-3150. S T R A D I VA R I A N A S S O C I AT E S

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is pleased to recognize the following individuals for generously creating a revocable bequest of $100,000 or more, or an irrevocable life-income trust or annuity of $50,000 or more, to benefit the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, as of July 2020. Anonymous (7) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Lisa J. Adelstein Jeff and Keiko Alexander Evy Johansen Alsaker Robert A. Alsaker Geoffrey A. Anderson Mychal P. Angelos, in memory of Dorothy A. Angelos Marlene Bach Dr. Jeff Bale Mr. Neal Ball Sally J. Becker Marlys A. Beider Dr. C. Bekerman Martha Bell Mike and Donna Bell Celine Bendy Julie Ann Benson K. Richard and Patricia M. Berlet Merrill and Judy Blau Ann Blickensderfer Danolda Brennan Mr. Leon Brenner, Jr. Mitchell J. Brown Charles Capwell and Isabel Wong Mr. Frank and Dr. Vera Clark Patricia A. Clickener Judith and Stephen F. Condren Anita Crocus Harry and Jean Eisenman Dr. Marilyn Ezri Mrs. William M. Flory Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Rhoda Lea Frank Mary J. and Ronald P. Frelk Penny and John Freund Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Lyle Gillman

Merle Gordon Mary Louise Gorno Dr. & Mrs. David Granato Mary L. Gray Mary Winton Green Dr. Jon Brian Greis Nancy Griffin John and Patricia Hamilton John Hart and Carol Prins Mr. William P. Hauworth II Thomas and Linda Heagy Mr. R.H. Helmholz Stephanie and Allen Hochfelder Concordia Hoffmann Frank and Helen Holt Mark and Elizabeth Hurley Michael L. Igoe, Jr. Ms. Darlene Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Roy A. and Sarah C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Lori Julian Jared Kaplan and Maridee Quanbeck Wayne S. and Lenore M. Kaplan Howard Kaspin James Kemmerer Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Edwin and Karen Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kubicka Robert B. Kyts Memorial Fund Charles Ashby Lewis and Penny Bender Sebring Robert Alan Lewis Dr. Valerie Lober Glen J. Madeja and Janet Steidl Sheldon H. Marcus Mr. Robert C. Marks Marilyn G. Marr James Edward McPherson Janet L. Melk Dr. Leo and Catherine Miserendino Drs. Elaine and Bill † Moor Charles Moore Craig and Rose Moore Mrs. Mario A. Munoz John H. Nelson Muriel Nerad Edward A. and Gayla S. Nieminen Ms. Kathy Nordmeyer Dr. Joan E. Patterson Donald Peck Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Judy Pomeranz Neil K. Quinn Randall and Cara Rademaker Al and Lynn Reichle Ann and Bob Reiland Wendy Reynes Dr. Edward O. Riley Charles and Marilynn Rivkin David and Kathy Robin Jerry Rose Mr. James S. Rostenberg

Richard O. Ryan John A. Salkowski Cecelia Samans A. Wm. Samuel Franklin Schmidt Joanne Silver Mr. Craig Sirles Betty W. Smykal Annette and Richard Steinke Mrs. Deborah Sterling Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Mr. & Mrs. John C. Telander Karin and Alfred Tenny Richard and Helen Thomas Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Dr. Richard Tresley Paula Turner Robert W. Turner and Gloria B. Turner Mr. & Mrs. John E. Van Horn Mr. Christian Vinyard Craig and Bette Williams Stephen R. Winters and Don D. Curtis Dr. Robert G. Zadylak Helen Zell MEMBERS

Anonymous (30) Valerie and Joseph Abel Louise Abrahams Richard and Elynne Aleskow Judy L. Allen Ann S. Alpert Ms. Judith L. Anderson Steven Andes, PhD Catherine Aranyi Dr. Susan Arjmand Mara Mills Barker Dr. & Mrs. Robert Beatty William and Ellen Bentsen Joan I. Berger Robert M. Berger John L. Browar Catherine Brubaker Joseph Buc Edward J. Buckbee Michelle Miller Burns Mr. Robert J. Callahan Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Car Mr. & Mrs. William P. Carmichael Dr. Marlene E. Casiano Beverly Ann and Peter Conroy Sharon Conway Mr. Jerry J. Critser Ron and Dolores Daly Mr. & Mrs. John Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Clyde H. Dawson Sylvia Samuels Delman Mrs. David A. DeMar Ms. Phyllis Diamond Mr. Richard L. Eastline Nancy Schroeder Ebert Robert J. Elisberg Richard Elledge

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Charles and Carol Emmons Lu and Philip Engel Tarek and Ann Fadel James B. Fadim Leslie Farrell Donna Feldman Frances and Henry Fogel Allen J. Frantzen Nancy and Larry Fuller Dileep Gangolli Miss Elizabeth Gatz Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gendleman Mr. Joseph Glossberg Adele and Marvin Goldsmith Douglas Ross Gortner Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Ms. Elizabeth A. Gray Delta A. Greene Mrs. Barbara Gundrum Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Robin Tieken Hadley Mr. Tom Hall Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hallett Dr. & Mrs. Donald Heinrich William B. Hinchliff Mr. Thomas Hochman Jack and Colleen Holmbeck Mrs. Walter Horban James and Mary Houston Mr. James Humphrey Merle L. Jacob Dinah Jacobs Ms. Jessica Jagielnik Mrs. Marian Johnson Ms. Janet Jones Marshall Keltz Valerie and George Kennedy Paul Keske Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Klapperich, Jr. Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Sally Jo Knowles Mrs. Russell V. Kohr Ms. Barbara Kopsian Liesel E. Kossmann Richard J. Kost Eugene Kraus Thomas and Annelise Lawson Patricia Lee Dr. & Mrs. David J. Leehey Ms. Nicole Lehman Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Levy Ms. Sally Lewis Dr. Eva F. Lichtenberg Mr. Michael Licitra Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Liebson Bonnie Glazier Lipe Candace Loftus Suzette and James Mahneke Ann Chassin Mallow Sharon L. Manuel Mrs. John J. Markham Judy and Scott McCue Mr. William McIntosh

Leoni Zverow McVey and Bill McVey Dorothe Melamed Marcia Melamed Dale and Susan Miller Michael Miller and Sheila Naughten Thomas R. Mullaney Dolores D. Nelson Franklin Nussbaum Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oliver, Jr. Wallace and Sarah Oliver Lynn Orschel Dr. David G. Ostrow and Mr. Rafael Gomez Helen and Joseph Page George R. Paterson Dianne M. and Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Mary Perlmutter Elizabeth Anne Peters Mrs. Lewis D. Petry Judy C. Petty Karen and Dick Pigott Lois Polakoff D. Elizabeth Price Jeanne Reed Ms. Oksana Revenko-Jones Karen L. Rigotti Don and Sally Roberts Ms. Rosemary Roberts Ms. Elaine Rosen Mrs. Ben J. Rosenthal Dr. Virginia C. Saft Craig Samuels Sue and William Samuels Mrs. Milton Scheffler Mr. Douglas M. Schmidt David Shayne Mr. Morrell A. Shoemaker Anne Sibley Larry Simpson Thomas G. Sinkovic Mary Soleiman Jim Spiegel Julie Stagliano Karen Steil Timothy and Kathleen Stockdale Mr. John Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swanson Jeffrey and Linda Swoger Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Thorson Karen Hletko Tiersky Myron Tiersky Jacqueline A. Tilles Mr. James M. Trapp Mr. Donn N. Trautman Ms. Rose Gray Tynan Mr. Theodore Utchen Mike and Mary Valeanu Frank Villella Mr. Milan Vydareny Dr. Malcolm Vye Adam R. Walker and BettyAnn Mocek Mr. Frank Walschlager Louella Krueger Ward Dr. Catherine L. Webb

Karl Wechter Claude M. Weil Joan Weiss Mr. Thomas Weyland Linda and Payson S. Wild Kayla Anne Wilson Robert A. Wilson Nora M. Winsberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Wolf Beth Wollar IN MEMORIAM

Listed below are individuals who were Theodore Thomas Society members and patrons who made exceptional commitments to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra through their estates. They are remembered with gratitude for their generosity and visionary support. Anonymous (8) Hope A. Abelson Elizabeth E. Abler Richard Abrahams Frances B. Abrahamson Donald Alderman Sara Anastaplo Roger A. Anderson and Ruth T. Anderson Elizabeth M. Ashton Irwin Askow Jacqueline and Frank Ball Wayne Balmer Paul Barker Leland and Mary Bartholomew Patricia Anne Barton Barbara Burt Baumann Hortense K. Becker Arlene and Marshall Bennett Norma Zuzanek Bennett Sally J. Benson Harriet and Harry Bernbaum Lenore M. Berner Naomi T. Borwell Harriet B. Brady Marjorie L. Bredehorn Howard Broecker Claresa Forbes Meyer Brown Dr. Mary Louise Hirsch Burger Marie Kraemer Burnside Norma Cadieu Elizabeth R. Capilupo Charles R. Casper Margaret G. Chamales Marcia S. Cohn Milton Colman Robert Cooke Nelson D. Cornelius Anita J. Court, Ph.D. Barbara DeCoster Billie Dale Delevitt Robert L. Devitt Azile Dick Edison and Jane Warner Dick

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



James F. Drennan William B. Drewry Robert L. Drinan, Jr. Daisy Driss William A. Dumbleton Evelyn Dyba Marian Edelstein Estelle Edlis Dr. Edward Elisberg Kelli Gardner Emery Joseph R. Ender Shirley L. and Robert Ettelson Shirley Mae Evans Mildred F. Fanslau Dr. James D. Fenters Robert B. Fordham Herbert and Betty Forman Richard Foster Etha Beatrice Fox Elaine S. Frank Henry S. Frank Herbert B. Fried Dr. Muriel S. Friedman Gustave D. Friesem Hynda and Maurice Gamze Florence Ganja Alan J. Garber William and Helene Gardner Martin and Francey Gecht Betsy N. and James R. Getz Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Elizabeth S. Graettinger George Graham William B. Graham Richard Gray David Green Allen J. Greenberger Dr. Robert A. Greendale Mrs. Ann B. Grimes Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Elizabeth and Paul Guenzel Cecile Guthman Betty and Lester Guttman A. William Haarlow III Grace and Vernon Hajeck Clarine and James Hall Julie and J. Parker Hall Richard Halvorsen Leah C. and Robert J. Hamman CAPT Martin P. Hanson, USN Ret. Mrs. David J. Harris Lawrence J. Helstern Adolph “Bud” and Avis Herseth Marriane Deson Herstein Mary Jo Hertel Helen Hoagland Blanche Hoheisel Allen H. Howard Hugh Johnston Hubbard Joseph H. Huebner Helen Igoe Mrs. Henry Isham Barbara Isserman

Robert Johnson Phyllis A. Jones Joseph M. Kacena Stuart Kane Morris A. Kaplan Roberta Kapoun Esther G. Klatz Russell V. Kohr Jeffrey W. Korman William Kruppenbacher Karen Kuehner Evelyn and Arnold Kupec Ruth Lucie Labitzke Louise H. Landau Alice M. La Pert Sadie Lapinsky Caressa Y. Lauer Robert A. Leady Arthur E. Leckner, Jr. Lena T. Levinson Richard Alan Livingston Marion M. and Glen A. Lloyd Mary Longbrake William C. Lordan Arthur G. Maling June Betty and Herbert S. Manning Kathleen W. Markiewicz Mrs. Robert C. Marks Irl and Barbara Marshall Eloise Martin Virginia Harvey McAnulty Helen C. McDougal, Jr. Eunice H. McGuire Carolyn D. and William W. McKittrick Jack L. Melamed, M.D. Hugo J. Melvoin Richard Menaul Shirley R. Mesirow Kathryn and Edward Miller Micki Miller Gloria Miner Beth Ann Alberding Mohr Bill Moor Kathryn Mueller Marietta Munnis David J. Nelson Helen M. Nelson Otto Nerad John and Maynette Neundorf Piri E. and Jaye S. Niefeld Mr. Raymond Niwa Joan Ruck Nopola Carol Rauner O’Donovan T. Paul B. O’Donovan Mary and Eric Oldberg Bruce P. Olson Suzanne and Brace Pattou Dorothy and William G. Paulick, Jr. Bette G. Petersen Helen J. Petersen Madge and Neil Petersen Maxine R. Philipsborn Walter Placko

Elaine and Harold H. Plaut Charles J. Pollyea Miriam Pollyea Virginia and Eugene Pomerance Halina J. Presley Christine Querfeld Ruth Ann Quinn Muriel F. Reder Walter Reed Daniel Reichard Paul H. Resnik Sheila Taaffe Reynolds Joan L. Richards J. Timothy Ritchie Dolores M. Rix David M. Roberts Rosemary Roberts Virginia H. Rogers Jill N. Rohde Irmgard Hess Rosenberger Ben J. Rosenthal Harriet Cary Ross Anthony Ryerson Margaret R. Sagers Beverly and Grover Schiltz Erhardt Schmidt Muriel Schnierow Donald R. Schreiber Margaret and Edwin Seeboeck Nancy Seyfried Denise Selz Joseph J. Semrow Ingeborg Haupt Sennot Soretta and Henry Shapiro Muriel Shaw Rose L. and Sidney N. Shure Mr. William F. Sibley Dr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Siegel Joan H. and Berton E. Siegel Peter E. Sincox Mr. Allen R. Smart Jean H. Smith Peggy E. Smith-Skarry Willis B. Snell Karen A. Sorensen Georgette Grosz Spertus Edward J. and Audrey M. Spiegel Vito Stagliano Mrs. Zelda Star Mr. Charles J. Starcevich Curtis D. Stensrud Lucille G. and David W. Stotter Helmut and Irma Strauss Dr. Gerald Sunko Ruth Miner Swislow Robert Sychowski Andrew and Peggy Thomson J. Ross Thomson Beatrice B. Tinsley C. Phillip Turner Paul D. Urnes Robert L. Volz Lois and James Vrhel

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Cecilia Sue and Burton J. Wade Louise Benton Wagner Michael Jay Walanka Nancy L. Wald Jeanne Walker Josephine Wallace Laurie Wallach Jean Angus and Ferre C. Watkins Virginia O. Weaver Ann Dow Weinberg Marco Weiss James M. Wells Barbara Huth West Joyce Hadley Williams Arnold and Ann Wolff Ronald R. Zierer Rita A. Zralek

In memory of Marjorie Baker Jean LaVelle

In memory of Donald Cohen Mr. Donald McKay

In memory of Susie Coad Beasley Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III

In memory of Lowell Creitz Ms. Ann Wright-Parsons

In memory of Irene Cecile Emilie Beck Mr. Daniel Beck

In memory of Dr. Christopher Culp Neal Lenhoff

In memory of Marshall Bennett Kay Bucksbaum

In memory of Gary A. Davis Dr. Steven Andes

In memory of John R. Blair Barbara J. Blair

In memory of Robert L. Drinan, Jr. Ms. Chantal Lise Haberman

In memory of Melvin Berlin Ms. Nina Appel Susanna Benningfield Berlin Metals Tribute Program Carrie Berlin The Tribute Program provides an opporLois R. and Maurice J. Beznos tunity to celebrate milestones such as Bulley & Andrews birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and The Crown Family graduations. It also can serve as a way to Ms. Anita Cukier honor the memory of friends and family. Joan and William Dutton An Honor or Memorial Gift enables you to Ms. Susan Glazer express your feelings in a truly distinctive Margaret Gunn and memorable way. Contributions may Mr. Christopher Hehmeyer be any amount and are placed in the Clara and Guillermo Herrera Orchestra’s Endowment Fund. For more Marc Liebman information regarding this program, Oak Hill Capital Management, LLC please call 312-294-3100. Listed below Ohio Coatings Company are Honor and Memorial Gifts of $100 or Peter P. Pace more received through July 2020. The Pace Family Fund Mark and Nancy Ratner MEMORIAL GIFTS Ms. Ann M. Rupcich Robert A.M. Stern Architects, LLP The Dinah Jacobs Principal Percussion David E. and Kerstin Wellbery Chair is dedicated in loving memory Joel Williamson of Tammy Li-Ying Yeh, mother of Mr. & Mrs. Steve Winston Cynthia Yeh, and Beatrice Gilman, mother of Dinah Jacobs. In memory of Donald H. Bittner Mr. Dennis Kuhns In memory of Claudio Abbado and Georg Solti In memory of Carol Blakley Mr. Daniel Balsam Ms. Lisa Clay

In memory of George Eastman Mr. & Dr. Stephen Blessman

In memory of Randy, Daisha, and Patricia Alexander Ms. Laverne Alexander

In memory of Ruth Bolotin Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Anger

In memory of Zave Gussin Mr. Nathan Kahn

In memory of Mr. Robert A. Borich Mr. & Mrs. Peter Borich

In memory of Gary Gutting Moses Cardona Notre Dame University Ms. Sarah Smith Charles Spicer

In memory of Frank and Marjorie Alschuler Mr. & Mrs. † Frank Alschuler In memory of Ruth Anderson Ms. Katherine H. Jones Mr. & Mrs. James Klenk Mr. & Mrs. William Koch Mr. Larry Simpson In memory of Dorothy Angelos Mychal P. Angelos

In memory of Mark Brinthaupt, Jr. Gabriel and Jill Buzas In memory of Shu-Yuan Chiang You-Chien Chiang In memory of Mr. Myron Cholden Mrs. & Dr. Diane Levy

In memory of Marc and Carolyn Ellis Fidelity Charitable Gift Funds In memory of Irwin Esko Mrs. Doris Esko In memory of Rudolf Fahsbender Ms. Jeanne Cohen In memory of Ivy Nora Amerson Finkley Stacey Johnson In memory of Nicholas and Angie Forestandi Paul Martino In memory of Isak Gerson Dr. † & Mrs. Roger Cole Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III Bruce Johnson Lynne L. Kuehl In memory of Jay M. Goldberg Dr. Anna Lysakowski In memory of Arcadio Guajardo Arcadio Guajardo

In memory of Sharon Harris Hart Mrs. Louise Hart John Hart and Carol Prins

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



In memory of OJ Heestand Mr. Mimis Cohen and Mrs. Andrea Biel-Cohen Carol Drummond Mr. & Mrs. James B. Fadim Emily Fillingham Mrs. Penny Freund Leland E. Hutchinson and Jean E. Perkins Marian Jacobson Mr. William Lawlor, III Miss Robin Moore Charles Riepe Thomas Romano Leila Shakkour and Michael Thorne Liz Stiffel Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Walter

In memory of Nancy Loewenberg Ms. Susan Carlins Ms. Shawn M. Donnelley and Dr. Christopher M. Kelly John Hammerschlag Vicki and Thomas Horwich Foundation John Hart and Carol Prins Mr. James R. Loewenberg James McHugh Construction Co. Mr. Richard Stein Liz Stiffel Ms. Erica Trautman

In memory of Adolph and Avis Herseth Mary Jo and Stephen S. Herseth

In memory of Sue Bohannan Mann Mr. Charles Mann

In memory of Valorie Hochberg Ms. Marcia Hochberg

In memory of Bez Mayhall Grant Larsen

In memory of William Hokin Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bowey, Jr. Mr. Matthew Colnon

In memory of Joan McKenna John J. and Barbara L. Schornack

In memory of Janice Holling Mr. Paul Phillips, Jr. and Mr. Lloyd Palmiter Mr. Eric Wicks and Ms. Linda Baker

In memory of Abby S. Magdovitz-Wasserman David Wasserman, M.D.

In memory of Barbara Millar Ms. Kola Kennedy

In memory of Edward Jones Mr. Jim Fitzgerald

In memory of Franklin Mills Mr. & Mrs. Brent Adler Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fleischman Ms. Sarah Good Gilman and Mary Hallenbeck Ms. Sheldon Kimel Ms. Stephanie Patridge Barry Wolff

In memory of Byron Karzas Anonymous

In memory of Kathryn Moffatt Suzan Schweke

In memory of John Kern William A. and Anne Goldstein

In memory of Bill Mokrenski Ms. Elsa Trujillo

In memory of Meyer Kestnbaum Mrs. Kestnbaum

In memory of Bill Moor Katrina Berne

In memory of Esther Klatz Mr. Thomas Opferman

In memory of Albert Nagy Mrs. Andrea Stamm

In memory of Abba and Eleanor Leifer Ms. Diana Leifer

In memory of Raymond Niwa David and Kyoko Greim Richard Klein Mr. & Mrs. James Klenk Mr. & Mrs. David Wojtowicz

In memory of Arnold Jacobs Mr. Gregory Ronnback

In memory of Judith Levin Dr. & Mrs. Michael Ellman Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Dr. Sue Ellen Krause Brian Shevitz Ms. Elizabeth Ware

In memory of Betty Fae Nusinow Mr. & Mrs. † Bernard Nusinow In memory of William Ochab Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse

In memory of Matthew Olson Mrs. Patricia Olderr In memory of Raymond Olson Mrs. Paula Pederson and Mr. Raymond Olson In memory of China Oughton Mr. Robert Broeksmit Mary Eversden Gierach Law Firm In memory of Rosalie Aaron Ovson Ms. Janice Aaron In memory of Raquel Paez Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boyle Mr. Alan I. Goldman Mariann Krippinger David Lyle Ms. Kathryn Roe Ms. Jacqueline Paez Laura Smith Mrs. Frances Zotti In memory of John Calvin Pemberton Mr. Samuel Pemberton In memory of Alfred B. Perlman Mr. James Perlman In memory of Betty Piper Ms. Anne Nguyen In memory of Elaine Prag Ms. Heide Bentley Marita Powell In memory of Zachary Crombie Presberg Kathleen Crombie In memory of Michael Rasmussen Ms. Lesley C. Melen In memory of Bennett Reimer Elizabeth A. Hebert In memory of Mildred Riemersma Elizabeth Seeberg In memory of Francine Rissman Sue Jaffe Ms. Maureen Levine Ms. Kate Nye In memory of Virginia H. Rogers and Arthur E. Leckner, Jr. Mr. Robert Wilson

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



In memory of Mark Ross Mr. Matthew Boreen Steven Gregory Gary Glazer Cindy Kellogg Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shapiro

In memory of Elizabeth Witter Bernie Witter

In honor of Lutgart Calcote Anonymous

In memory of Dale E. Woolley Ms. Regina Janes

In honor of Chee-jun Chan Mr. & Mrs. Sai-Kit Chan

In memory of Michael Wrona Robert Stephens

In honor of Charlene Ms. Marcia Rogers

In memory of Tommy Sarwark JF Sarwark, M.D.

In memory of Marion and Eugene Zajackowski Anonymous

In memory of Alice Schoenberg Nancy Stern

In memory of Edward Zasadil Mr. Larry Simpson

In honor of Robert Coad Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III Mrs. David DeMar Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Finkel Ms. Roberta H. Rubin Mr. & Mrs. † David Shayne

In memory of Charlotte Garber Schwartz Ms. Terry Schwartz

In memory of David and Suzanne Zesmer Mrs. Lawrence Scheff

In honor of Marshall and Sharon Costantino Anonymous

In memory of Nancy F. Seyfried Ms. Judith Friedman


In honor of Dr. Christopher Culp † Neal Lenhoff

In memory of Bengt Sandberg Ms. Annika Christensen

In memory of Alan L. Shulman Ms. June Shulman In memory of Frank So Deborah Huggett

In honor of 7th Floor Administration Gretchen Sauer In honor of Mr. & Mrs. David K. Adams James and Rebecca Gaebe

In honor of Edith DeMar Mrs. Susan Maynard In honor of Janet Diederichs Yen-Li Thompson

In memory of Dr. Alvin D. Star Mrs. Evelyn E. Padorr

In honor of Jeff Alexander Charles Katzenmeyer Mr. Dean Solomon

In memory of Marjorie Stone Dr. Arvey Stone and Dr. Leslie Brookfield

In honor of Jeff and Keiko Alexander Mrs. Marsha Kamen

In honor of Baird Dodge Mr. Gregory Cameron

In memory of Jeanette Switzer (Mrs. Abol Jalilvand) Hill and Cheryl Hammock David Patton

In honor of Doris Angell Dr. Michael Angell

In honor of Uncle Bill and Aunt Willie Dooley Ms. Kerry Quinn

In memory of Anne Teeple Mrs. Julie Jaeger In memory of John E. Tetrault Evelyn Brom Laszlo Kulcsar In memory of Alice Trattner Jeannine Trattner In memory of Richard Trueheart Martha Trueheart In memory of Virginia C. Vale Mr. Peter Vale In memory of Lynne and Ron Wachowski Ms. Peggy Ryan In memory of Dr. William Warren Dr. & Mrs. Marshall D. Goldin

In honor of Lev Aronson Travis Casper In honor of Hillary August and Mitch Suter Mrs. Enid Rieser In honor of Peter Barack Mr. & Mrs. Norman Soep In honor of Jonathan Becker’s birthday Ms. Bonnie Forkosh In honor of Dr. Carlos Bekerman Mrs. Arthur A. Billings In honor of Ann Blickensderfer Patricia Kenney and Gregory O’Leary In honor of Doug Bolino Wendy-Jo Toyama In honor of Leslie Burns Ms. Gale Fischer

In honor of Louise Dixon M. Lynn Hughitt and James Shaeffer

In honor of Herb Drury Jill and Scott Gundy In honor of Kim Duffy and Lisa McDaniel Ms. Florence Connelly In honor of Mimi Elder and Dian Eller Penny and John Van Horn In honor of Jeff Enyeart Kathy O’Grady In honor of Judy Feldman Mrs. Lynn Altschul In honor of Isak Gerson Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III In honor of Emma Gerstein Ms. Sonia Csaszar Mr. John Thorne

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



In honor of Daniel Gingrich Mr. Robert Meyer

In honor of Joyce Noh Anonymous

In honor of Paul B. Glickman Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marcus

In honor of Michael J. O’Donnell Martin O’Donnell

In honor of Barbara Gold Mrs. Arthur A. Billings

In honor of Liz Parker Nancy J. Clawson

In honor of Mary Winton Green Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cohan

In honor of Clark Pellett and Robert Kohl Dr. & Mrs. Louis Philipson

In honor of Jennifer Gunn Mr. John Thorne In honor of Drs. Sadri and Sarah Hassani Dr. Dane Hassani In honor of Jack Hughes, UChicago ’20 Mrs. Sandra Hughes

In honor of Gordon B. Peters Peter Gallanis In honor of Charlotte Pfuhl’s 90th Birthday Kathy Maybaum

In honor of Hillary August and Mitch Suter Mrs. Enid Rieser In honor of Andrea Swan David E. Blatt and David M. Moore In honor of Helen and Dick Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kerth In honor of Penny and John Van Horn Ms. Lynne Golomb In honor of Frank Villella and Eddie Hernandez Ms. Janice Holling In honor of Charles Weinsoff Dennis Carbocci

In honor of Mickey Poland Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Ellis

In honor of Erina Yashima Julian Family Foundation

In honor of Howard Preis Mr. Neil Posner

In honor of John and Susan Yates Brian Yates

In honor of Dr. Amal Jubran Sally S. Feder

In honor of Mark Ross Ms. Lindsey Markus

In honor of Helen and Sam Zell Ms. Myrna Kaplan

In honor of Lori Julian Sally S. Feder Mr. † & Mrs. Marshall Matz Mr. Robert Napier

In honor of Dr. William and Joanne Sha Dr. Thomas Liao and Dr. Beverly Sha

In honor of Helen Zell Mr. Rowland Chang

In honor of Eleanor and Milton Shadur Ms. Beth Shdur

In honor of Michael J Zeps Mr. Michael Potts

In honor of Dr. James Sheinin Dr. & Mrs. Richard Evans


In honor of Qing Hou and Larry Neuman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weil

In honor of Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Dr. & Mrs. Louis Philipson In honor of Stephen Lester Ms. Helen Goldstein In honor of Roberta David Lynch E. and V. Combs Foundation In honor of Lisa McDaniel Ms. Janice Holling In honor of Heather McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hahn In honor of Jan and Lester Mehlman Mr. Robert Goldman In honor of Blair Milton Elaine Lebhoff-Ries, M.D., and Michael Ries, M.D. In honor of Diane Mues Cynthia Kirk In honor of Mimi Murley Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Hurd Cathy McGowan

In honor of Dr. John and Mrs. Connie Skosey Laura Skosey In honor of Peter Sorokoff and Marianne Combs Charles F. Smith In honor of Karen Spartz Jack Carter In honor of Christina A. Stables and John L. Stables Andrew Stables In honor of Irving Stenn, Jr. Mr. John Stiefel and Mrs. Lesa Ukman In honor of Ray Still Mr. David C. Barford In honor of Arthur M. Sussman Mr. Arthur Sussman

In memory of Ruth Anderson Hazel Fackler Pam Sheffield In memory of Edwardo and Mary Colando Judith Colando-Johnson In memory of William Conaghan Margo and Michael Oberman Mary Goodkind In memory of Hazel Fackler Penny Van Horn In memory of Robert Guido Penny Van Horn In memory of Terrence Ashton Jones Sheila Jones In memory of Charlie Kempf Hazel Fackler

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



In memory of John Kern Penny Van Horn

In honor of the Civic Orchestra Nancy and Don Woulfe

In honor of Claretta Meier Janice Young

In memory of Pamela Winans Lodal Beth A. Lodal

In honor of the Civic Orchestra Centennial Betsy and Enrique Beckmann

In honor of Penny and John Van Horn and Liz and Bill Adams, Civic Centennial Celebration co-chairs Mimi Duginger

In memory of Nancy Loewenberg Pam Sheffield In memory of George M. Mariner Jessica Jagielnik In memory of Joanne Maurer Karl Maurer In memory of China Oughton Pamela Sheffield In memory of Irene Patner Patty Weber Karen McGirr In memory of Ruth Ann Quinn Penny Van Horn In memory of Fay Stopeck Margo and Michael Oberman In memory of Ruth Miner Swislow Penny Van Horn

In honor of Edith DeMar Carol Sonnenschein In honor of Kim Duffy and Kayleigh Dudevoir (Civic Centennial) Penny Van Horn In honor of Mimi Duginger’s four years as League President Betsy Beckmann Judy Das Gupta Sarah Good Mary Goodkind Cheryl Istvan Lori Julian Judy Konen Marcia Lewis Mary Plauché Sally Techtow Penny Van Horn Bill Ward

In honor of Barbara Dwyer Mimi Duginger In memory of George Mitchell Williams Janice Young Barbara Wright-Pryor In honor of Jan Erickson In memory of Ralph Young Sharon Mitchell Janice Young In honor of Mary Goodkind In gratitude for 250 dedicated and Edith DeMar hardworking CSOA League members Sue Bridge In honor of Alexandra Hoffman, 2019 League of CSOA Civic Scholar In honor of Jeff Alexander, President of Margo Oberman the CSOA Chicago Chamber Music Society In honor of Cheryl Istvan and Amy Boonstra, co-chairs of Fall in Love In honor of Jeff Alexander with Music Penny Van Horn Penny Van Horn In honor of Pam Andrews Betty Symkal In honor of Sue Bridge, League President Mimi Duginger In honor of Thad Cameron Theresa Cameron In honor of the CSO, during these troubling times Carol Nykiel

In honor of Lori Julian Dea Brennan Sonya Doumanian Sarah Good In support of the League of the CSOA Tribute Fund Sarah Good Kathy Solaro Garret Van Weezel William Ward In honor of Carol Lennox, 2019 Love of the Symphony Award recipient Carol Brosk

In honor of Penny Van Horn and the Civic Centennial Committee Lori Julian In honor of Penny and John Van Horn and Liz and Bill Adams, for planning such an outstanding Civic Centennial Celebration Sue Bridge In honor of Erina Yashima Lori Julian In honor of Helen Zell Penny Van Horn

Contributed Gifts and Services The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is grateful to Steinway & Sons for its generous support. Elisabeth and Bill Adams Allium String Quartet American Airlines Apland Baker & McKenzie Banfi Chris and Katie Barber BBJ Linen Belvedere Vodka Big Foot Media Blue Plate Catering Boleo Booth Hansen Boston Consulting Group Bridges Mavrakakis LLP Brightwok Kitchen William Buchman Sarah Bullen Leslie Henner Burns Elliot Callighan, Ramova Music Capstone Financial Advisors Oto Carrillo Li-Kuo Chang Chicago Bears Chicago Cultural Center Chicago Magazine Chicago Tribune Company DLA Piper LLP (US) Duckhorn Portfolio Melissa and Jamey Fadim Forbidden Root Four Seasons Hotel Chicago

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020



Four Seasons Westlake Village Frederick C. Robie House Susanna Gaunt Gemini Graphics, Inc. Daniel Gingrich Goddess and the Baker Goose Island Beer Co. Greenwich Studios David Griffin Grgich Hills Estate John Hagstrom Haymarket Opera Company Hewitt Associates HispanicPro Iron Galaxy Studios Iwan Ries & Co. Jarvis Estate Winery Jet’s Pizza Jewell Events Catering Robb Jibson, So Midwest Gabrielle Johnson Kathy Jordan Nicholas Joseph Carole Keller Lagunitas Brewing Co. Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises Lincoln Park Zoo

Gifts listed as of July 23, 2020


Yo-Yo Ma Beth Mannino and Paul Schick Maple & Ash Mayer Brown LLP Judy and Scott McCue McKinsey & Company Metropolitan Brewing The Napa Valley Reserve National Hispanic Sales Network Nicado Publishing / NegociosNow Nico Osteria Shelley Ochab and Chester Gougis Jonathan Pegis PianoForte Studios PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP R. Crusoe & Son Roy Estate Lora Schaefer Courtney Shea Steve and Megan Shebik Show Services Slover Linett Strategies James Smelser Mike Smith, Photographic Services International Soldier Field The Sound Co-Op, LLC

Spring Mountain Vineyards Steinway Piano Gallery Chicago Susan Synnestvedt Brant Taylor David Taylor Benjamin Teichman Theatrical Lighting Connection Think-cell Tiffany & Co. Time Out Chicago Tootsie Roll Union Station United Airlines Virginia Woolf Virtue Cider Walgreens WBBM WBEZ WDCB WFMT Wheaton College WLS-FM Wrigley Field WXRT Cynthia Yeh Yuan-Qing Yu Sam and Helen Zell

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