Celebrating the Release of Jackie Wilson

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Chicago Torture Justice Center 641 W. 63rd St. Chicago, IL 60621 www.chicagotorturejustice.org CONTACT: Rodney Walker, rodney@chicagotorturejustice.org, 773-962-0395

Celebrating the Release of Police Torture Survivor, Jackie Wilson, While Remembering Those Left Behind Chicago, Monday, June 25th, 2018 Survivors, family members, and staff of the Chicago Torture Justice Center celebrated this weekend upon learning that Jackie Wilson, police torture survivor, was granted a recognizance bond on Friday and is home after over three decades of incarceration. As we celebrate Jackie’s return, survivors and family members from the Chicago Torture Justice Center want to make sure we don’t forget the countless other police torture survivors who remain incarcerated and waiting for their taste of justice. “It has been a long time coming and we finally we see some light for our brothers and sisters who remain locked up. No one should be left in prison after having confessions beaten and tortured out of them by police officers,” says Anthony Holmes, a police torture survivor and member of the Chicago Torture Justice Center’s Board of Directors. Members of the Chicago Torture Justice Center’s community group, RISE, have been advocating for an end to the long delays in processing cases for individuals who survived police torture, yet remain incarcerated. “The judge’s decision to grant Jackie Wilson a bond gives other family members hope that we may one day be reunited with our loved ones,” said Taliah Carter, wife of juvenile police torture survivor, Carl Williams, who’s been incarcerated for 24 years and is still waiting for his case to wind its way through the painfully slow criminal justice system. The Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission began receiving claims from incarcerated police torture survivors in 2011. They currently have a backlog of over 460 cases, limited staffing and resources, and an end date to receiving claims of August, 2019. “The message this sends to communities most impacted by police violence is that the justice and freedom of individuals abused and tortured at the hands of police matters little to city or state officials,” stated Cindy Eigler, Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives at the Chicago Torture Justice Center. Survivors, family members, and staff from the Chicago Torture Center remain steadfast in their support for all survivors of police torture and violence and their families, and will continue to advocate for the release of all incarcerated survivors until justice has been won. The Chicago Torture Justice Center seeks to address the traumas of police violence and institutional racism through access to healing and wellness services, trauma-informed resources, and community connection. The Center is a part of and supports a movement to end all police violence. ##### Chicago Torture Justice Center * 641 W. 63rd Street * Chicago, IL 60621 773.962.0395 * chicagotorturejustice.org

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