1980 June
,.. n*b
FleetRevi?\v Sun.,JuneBth t
Done L Good Deed Lately? Now is the time of Year to do a double good deed-once for yourself, and once for the Sea Scouts. We all
Lisht Tlrcatre
wind up at least once each sPring digging through the bottom of the
locker as we put the boat together, and
just as often come to two conclusions: MICHAEL CU[-LEN and ARNIE SAKS
we must clean uP the locker; and, some
of this stuff ought to get tossed, but it might still be good for something. That's how you get to do Yourself a good deed and helP the Scouts too.
By arrangement with New York Shakespeare Festival
(roSEPH PAPP, Produce) Present the Midwest Premiere
A Cryer and Ford Musical
They are outfitting two fine vessels on which to train young sailors: the Soling Brigadoon and the ketch Sea Devil. Scouts are long on elbow grease and willingness to work, but they are even shorter than we are when it comes to
purchasing fittings. So look at it this way. You can't bear to throw out that old, but good fitting, line, block or other piece of gear. Old sails for these boats would be appreciated too, even if they are in need of some repair.
Just think how good You'll feel if
h,TbPnl Sta r ri ng
Book and Lyrics by Grctchen Cryer Music hy Nitnc! Fortl [)irce rcrl hy wt)Rl) ltAKl:R
55 S;ct , Shrewd, Folished, Likeable, Enjoyable, and Decidedly Old Fashion Show Biz Saga!99 ( hritiunsL't, li iltuttr
you donate it to the Scouts. Put it in a box and leave it with Frank at Belmont and it will get to them quickly. And if you leave your name, I'm sure the good scouts will be anxious to thank you for
your generosity, and the IRS will
accept your donation to the Boy Scouts of America, Sea Explorer ShiP #5870,
the Privoteer.
Van Mell
Raymond M. Adams
Named CYC Manager
Raymond M. Adams has been named manager of the Chicago Yacht Club'
Mr. Adams has had more than 26
years of experience in managing private clubs and in commercial hotel manage-
He is coming to the CYC from a general manager of the position -Brooksideas Golf and Country Club in Worthington, Ohio-a suburb of Columbus. He also served as general man-
ager of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. for three years, and
!!!ltllttltlltl!!tl FO R SALE
Spectacular view ol Chicago and the Lake. tor renrr The vantage po nt s Apartment 702, a co-op apartment rn thc Edgewater Beach Aparlments at 5555 N Sheridan Road The apartment has seven roonrs and offers the sccurrty of a lully
stalledbLrldingThcpriceincludestheproprrelaryeaseand200sharesofthestockolthe Edqewater Beach Apartment Corporation. nteTrnr owner f nanc ng an.J rentil t'orms are negotlab e. The Prlce is SB5 000 Please wrlle at call. Graydon 1\.4egan. 100 S York Strcet Elmhurst lL 60126, (312) 530-7170 lShowtt onlY bY aPPQl.!tnent )
Raymond Adams
as general manager of the Princeton Club in New York for 12 Years,. AppropriatelY enough, Mr. Adams served a hitch in the NavY. He and his wife Betty Jane have four children ranging in ages from 17 to 24. We are glad to welcome Mr' Adams to the Chicago Yacht Club.
OFFICERS & D!RECTORS 1980 OFF!CERS Commodore, Philip A. Watson Vice Commodore, Roy W. Spanjer Rear Commodore, Homer J. Livingston, Jr Secretary, Edward S. Macie Treasurer, Francis H. Beam, Jr.
DIRECTORS Willis E. Adams Dr. John J. Bergan
John C. Cutler
Richard H. Nugent
Robert H. Davis, Jr.
James V. Riley
Nicholas C. Giovan V. Wilbert Haag
William L. Robinson, Sr James H. Roe
David Howell
Wililam Templeman
Alan B. Johnston
OFFICERS Elected By Directors Fleet Captain Judge Advocate Fleet Surgeon
Robert Davis Herman T. Van Mell
(Power) (Sail) Librarian
John Bergan, M.D. Arthur Atkinson, Jr.. M.D. Samuel M. Clarke Vincent V. Glaviano, Ph.D
Historian Measurer
Assistant SecretarY
Scott Graham David W. Howell
Assistant Treaurer
JUNE, 1980 / Number 230 $1.50 . Fifteen Dollars Annually
CLUB STAFF Raymond M. Adams, Manager Lewis Foster, Maitre d' William D. Perry, Assistant to the Treasurer Sandy Keeney, Secretary to the Manager Geri McLaughlin, Secretary Karen Schultz, Computer Entry Frank O'Donnell, Ivlarine Sup., Belmont Dee Moncada, Front Desk and Beservations Pam Gallagher. Bar Manager Charles Stephens, Chef Virginia Geary, Front Desk and Reservations
BLINKER STAFF Editor: Jim Roe Managing Editor: Dixie Dowrie Assoclate Editor, Ottshore: Rick Van Mell Associate Editor, Power: Charles Dempster Contributing Editors: Susan and Dave Froelich, Stars Rose Hoeksema, Solings Roland Rayment, Udells
Photography: Karen Olsen CamPia Carol Singer Henry Holzkamper
Photo Editor: Richard Nugent Photo Reporter; Mike Long Art Editor: Bill Aldrin
Dixie Dowrie, L16s Larry Rosenzweig, DinghY Richard Cantor,22 Sq. Meter Marsha Dowd, Etchells
Mrs. Henry T. Ricketts
JUNE 8th - Commitdore'i Fleet Review I2th - Rhumbline Stag Dinner l|th - Rhumbline Reception 2lst - Verve Cup
J 6 8 9
Ra1,*or, Adonts Named New CYC Managerf Sea Scouts New St.t'le Fleet Review Power Fleet Contests Coming Up Boatmen Ansx'er DOElJunior Sail School Needs Help Dinghy Fleet Actionf Junior News 22 Sq. Meter Fleet I Udell News L-16 News I MAC Updote I Easter Brunch Set'retary's Reports I Applied For Membership
BLINKER, the magazrne of th€ Chicago Yacht Club, is published monthly by the Chicago Yacht Ctub Publications Committee, Jim Roe, Chairman and Editor. Change of address and articles ior publication should be submitted not lster than th€ sth of each month to: BLINKER, Yacht Chicago yacht Club. Foot of Monroe Street, Chicago, lllinois 60603. Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, lllinois. Copyright Chicago Club, 1980 CYC BLINKER - USPS-1O4-O20.
Chairman Bill Robinson and his wife Mondo, abosrd their DEA MONDA
-Photo by Fred Countiss
New-style Fleet Review, SuIt., June 8. Fleet Review Chairman William L. Robinson, Sr. has announced a new and innovative procedure for the 1980 Chicago Yacht Club Fleet Review. Scheduled for noon and 3:00 P.M. Sunday, June 8, the Review will be structured to permit participating yachtsmen more time with their friends at the
Club, and less time circling outside the breakwater waiting to come in. At the
same time, the new procedure will permit all Club members and guests a more complete opportunity to inspect the participating yachts. Belmont fleet units will be inspected at 10:30 AM.
Sunday morning, everyone will dress ship, and remain at moorings. Brunch will be served at the Monroe Street Station at 12 noon, and all participating yacht owners and their aboard-ship guests will be able to attend this event. Notably missing will be the hour or so of circling beyond the inner breakwater, waiting a turn to pass in review.
All yachts of the Review fleet will
remain at moorings until notified one by one, at which time they will depart their mooring, pass in review, and circle around the fairway back to the original mooring position. Thus each boat which participates in the Review
Here is the program:
will be under way only the 20 minutes to a half hour it takes to make the
Yacht owners who will be participating in the review will be assigned reserved space at the Club docks, beginning Saturday evening, June 7. On
circle. Once back at the mooring, the party continues. From 5:00 to 6:00 P.M. there will be
a cocktail hour (featuring complimen-
tary cocktails!) at the Monroe Street Station, followed by a cook-out on the patio. Dress for both the cocktail hour
and the cook-out will be informal.
Entertainment, too! Bill Bailey's banjo band will be there. Bill Robinson and his committee have also planned a package cost for the entire event: Sunday brunch, "starters" at the cocktail reception, and the Sunday evening cook-out: all for $17.50 per person. A great bargain. Participating yacht owners will also receive free dockage from Saturday night thru Sunday night. Not only does this new plan save fuel costs, it also allows much more time for everyone to be together. So, whether
you plan to participate aboard your own vessel or aboard your own two feet, be sure to attend!
1980 Chicago Power Boat Navigation Schedule 1980 will again offer to the Power
yachtsman the opportunity to enjoy his prized possession as he has season after season. BUT some skippers have overlooked one facet ofboating that is both entertaining and offers a pride of accomplishment in being a good, safe skipper with professional skills' Each year navigation contests are sponsored by local yacht clubs and boating organizations. These events are open to members of recognized yacht clubs of Lake Michigan Yachting Association (LMYA), Chicago Power Squadron (CPS), United States Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCGA) etc. Many hours of scheduling, rule mak-
ing and promotion is given so that skippers have available to them a program to improve their navigational skills. Safety at sea is alwaYs number ONE on every list of yachting priorities. Knowing the true sPeed of Your boat, having an accurate compensated compass and being able to steer a good course helps one to be a safe skipper. All this can be learned by participating in navigation contests. Experienced skippers are more than willing to assist and, new contestants in the art
knowing your boat . . . is an art! Listed is the 1980 Power Navigation Schedule for the Chicago
Contest Name
May 31
Clubl (hganization Contest Chairma4 Marvin B. trvine CYC 1074 Cobblestone Court Northbrook, lL 600f2
(H) 498-0513
July 13
Park Ridge, IL 60068
(H) 823-0146
(o) 927-5910 (B) 939-1r66
July 2l
Anton Pavelka 927 N. Waiola Ave. LaGrange, IL 60525
(H) 3s4-6203
(o) 162-7746
Raymond Grana 8800 S. Harlem, Lot l0l5 Bridgeview, IL 60455 (H) 5ee-0858 (o) 376-e7oo
1980 Chicago Power Boat Navigation Schedule Clubl Date August 9
Contest Name
Organization Contest Chairman
BPYC Anton Pavelka 927 N. Waiola Ave.
LaGrange, IL 60525
(H) 35+6203
(o) 762-7746 August 17
SSYC Mike Okal 4645 S. Harding
Chicago, lL 6M32
(H) 247-0183
area yacht clubs and the Chicago Power
Squadron. Only
Leon M. Delano, Jr. 209 N. Dee Rd.
(o) 247-0183
local *OPEN" events
are listed.
The Chicago Yachting Association sponsors the "Power Boat ofthe Year" series which includes five of the events
Iisted here. l. Commander's Cup
2. Marshall Nay Memorial 3. CYA Nite Navigation 4. Gim Hobelman 5. Bury (Hornsby) The skipper with the highest point standing in any four (one contest must be thrown out) events will be awarded the "Power Boat of the Year" trophy at the Chicago Yachting Association Ball on November 15, 1980. Please join us this year.
For additional information call or write:
Raoul M. Allesee Raymond Grana 2933 Sheridan Rd. 8800 S. Harlem Chicago, lL 60657 Bridgeview,
EMPTY POCKETS-owned by Bill Templeman, Chairman of Power Fleet committee,
(H) s2s-3s73 IL 604s5 (a) 847-3737 (H) s9e-0858 (B) e22-s810 (o) 376-9700
\ *'. _,.:
Boat Owners
Fight Back
Dept. of Energy planners are considering how to alter proposed rules for the standby federal energy conservation plans. DOE officials said they were surprised at the magnitude of the
public reaction, and the agency has received about 15,000 pieces of mail. Officials are trying to put the restrictions in perspective, by telling reporters and others that such a plan wouldn't go into effect unless there is a severe supply interruption and only after state officials have submitted their own conservation plans to meet federal targets. But at hearings here, as well as in
those around the nation, boaters &
their representatives argued the proposed restrictions would unduly discriminate against one industry. Ten Congressmen and one Senator were scheduled to testify. Rep. Toby Roth, R-WI, mentioned a company-Mercury Marine-in Fond du Lac, WI, had laid off hundreds of workers at 'Just the rumor" of the rule. Roth told CEL that he doesn't expect much boating if there is a further crunch, but is concerned over the aspects of the plan.
JUNIOR SAILING SCHOOL NEEDS HELP It's a small push of the panic button parents, but what has happened in school enrollment has been happening to our CYC sailing school participation, it's down! Last year we were at 55, our Iowest participation in over 20 years of
and then sponsor them into the program.
3. Put the application uP on the bulletin board at work with a note
to see you for details if anYone is interested.
the program. What this means to You and I as members is that the expenses
4. If your children are of age and haven't gone, talk it uP and get
then are spread over fewer people and prices have to be raised as a result. The
5. Ask your yacht club friends with
program is getting close to where it may have to be curtailed just to keep the club supported deficit expense of it within a reasonable figure.
The capacity of the school is 100
students. Our facilities and equipment are based around at least an 8570 use of that equipment. We haven't been at that capacity for some time. What can be done? . . . YOU can help by:
l. Circulating the CYC sailing
school application to friends that have children over the age,of 10. The applications are available at
the front desk. 2. Ask your children to ask around at their schools for anyone that
might like to take sailing lessons
them and their friends interested!
sailing school program is desperately looking for children to enroll . . . and even talk to other yacht club friends. Remember, our CYC program is also available
to their children at yacht club prices!
We can not advertise for applicants so we must depend on our membershiP
to take action and spread the word. If you will take the time and the interest now to do this, we will continue to have an excellent instructional program in our club for our interested children . . . and parents! Junior Activities Committee,
Don L. Glasell
(Subsequently, the D.O.E. has reportedly withdrawn the proposed regulation regarding pleasure boats, but at the same time stated they are developing a similar regulation which would affect all kinds of reueational vehicles, including boats. Marine industry spokesmen feel this won't really happen, but that industy has spent a good deal of time with its head in the sand before, and it is ourfeeling that vigilance is appropriate. Certainly, testimony such as thot so ably prepared and presented by Chicago Yacht Club Past Commodore and present ludge Advocate Herman Van Mell is the sort of representation boat owners
Now thcre a,re better wrys to heep exeeutiues
and professionnls health,y. 6
children if they are aware that the
Your company's success depends on the productivity of its key people and the productivity of those people depends on their health and fitness. Our Basic Corporate Fitnesso and Total Corporate Fitnesso programs and the exclusive Executive Health Audito give your key people specific recommendations and detailed information on how to better manage their own health. For information on these low cost and effective ways for your company to promote improved executive health, please call: Graydon Megan, President,
The Megan Company - (312) 530-7170
100 S. York Street - Elmhurst, lL 60126
Sunday morning Waukegan Race 1978 - Picture it, The Race Committee is trying hurriedly to get the return from Waukegan underway. One of the recruited-on-the-spot R/C members looks up-"There's a big boat coming out of the harbor." Thinking it's NAMIS, I don't even look up. R/C member again - "Tom, that's a
really big boat. Isn't he going to interfere with the start?" The cannon fires and I look up for the first time to see the scene above! Somehow we postponed the next start to let the "boat" out. To the R/ C member I said pointing - "That, that and that ateboats.That, pointing at the incredible bulk is a ship." -Thomas E. Lilleberg
An Interval Ownership Resort Condominium Beat lnflation. Own Luxurious Furnished Suite. Ocean Beachfront Resort on Florida Seacoast. Enjoy Beautif ul Endless Vacations.
CYC Tirne Up
Great Anerion BuY. Trade! Travel! Prices start at $3500 LAS OLAS BEACH CLUB
1215-25 Route A1A
satellite Beach, FL. 32937
9:00 A.M. MAY 31, 1980 The Annual Shakedown for CYC Power Yachts Skippers meeting at Monroe Station at 9:00 A.M. A short navigation exerciseto check your running gear, compass, etc.
Lunch immediately following. Leon M. Delano, Jr. Tune Up Contest Chairman
Vi Matey & Hannah Cantrell Phone 305/777-3224
Member Resort Condominiums lnternational
Welcome to the Chicago Yacht Club (We're holding a block of rooms for you)
Enjoy fine accommodations and
food when you visit Mackinac Island. For reservations call toll free:
SPRI],|G, 1980
Junior Fleet News Saturday, April l9th, the Jr. Fleet held their 3rd annual Jr. Invitational
Yacht Club and Jack Whitmer of Winnetka Yacht Club in third. After lunch we remained in the
other yacht clubs particiPated. In the morning we attemPted to sail
harbor and quickly sailed more races. The Chicago kids were too experienced with the shifts of Belmont and the
Regatta at Belmont in which four
the series out of the harbor, but the gusts up to 20 m.p.h. were too strong as one boat capsized. We then moved the series into the friendly confines of Dinghl- Chairman l-arry R osenzweig
the harbor.
Friendly indeed! as sailing in the harbor had winds only from 5 to l0 knots and the westerly wind was bounc-
ing off of the buildings. We finally got the first race off, it was a simple windward - leeward and the race was over before we knew it with Shawn O'Neill takinga quick lead over his confused competitors. The second race was lengthened and
Knight Coolidge (9a9T in the Penguin fleet
lowed by Mike Considine of Chicago
Mike Considine was able to tie up the score with Shawn O'Neill. We sailed two more races an{ then broke for lunch with Shawn O'Neill of Chicago Yacht Club in the lead fol-
others were left behind as Shawn O'Neill held his lead to win the series with Steve Gaudet of Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club in second, and Mike Considine in third. The Junior Fleet Officers would like to thank the people who were able to man the crash boats and Larry Rosenzweig for working the Race Committee.
Mike Considine Final standings
l. Shawn O'Neill
23 314 CYC
26 I 14 CCYC 2. Steve Gaudet 3. Mike Considine 30314 CYC
4. Jack Whitmer
37 314 WYC
49 59 60 70
5. Paul Tenagery 6. Timothy Putney 7. Robin Keech 8. Scott Kyle
i, tt tq
Flying J unlor fleet
Photos bv Carol Sinse:
Consultants, Engineers, Architects for the Chemical, Petroleum, Pulp, and Paper, Piastic, and Manufacturing lndustries. Utilities, Energy, and Pollution Control Systems. _
One North Wacker Drive. Chicago, lL 60606 (312) 346-0700
Joseph Barth. Steve Barth . Ed Barth
W I [ffi W I Ieffi
Wi ! lett
srNcE 1868
Udell News
paper on wood, the smell of varnish and paint creeps into my nose, and ogr
OK everybody, grab Your checkbooks-the 1980 Racing Season is
I hear the distant sounds of sand-
friends who own fiberglass boats want to know in a disparaging way when are
we going into the water. Last month the 22 OPen Fleet had
its monthly meeting. The fleet captain, Tim Vonaschwege, asked race chair-
man, Don Jirka, for his rePort. Don told us about the problem of finding
from the depths of destruction. Nobody has heard a word from John Gummersall and Ondine. TheY are probably preparing some secret method to try and maintain their preeminent
position in the season's championship standings. Jerry Hodlmair on Windjak
when the construction was completed, except for the deck, eight guys picked
may give Windjak and crew a few pointers early in the season. Doug Turnbull on Skipjak must Ue grimlY determined to improve his standing over last year. He is so friendly to all his competitors that one becomes ap-
the boat up and physically moved it. Now that's incredible! Everyone who saw the film was amazed at how fast the workmen moved. Our May meeting will feature ex-
commodore and current USYRA president Richard Latham as speaker. Jimmy Hoddle wanted to knowif he could be appointed official photogra-
pher for the Royal Swedish Yacht
about to get underway. Bob Christie is working diligently to get Kona ready for the season. He has salvaged her
people to man the race committee boat and the attendant problems if there aren't sufficient people to man the committee boat. Rick Cantor was elected treasurer and everyone else was appointed members of the steering committee. The attendance at the meeting was excellent and Ralph CamPbell loaned us the film he has of Rush III's construction. It truly was an interest-
ing movie and if you can believe it,
about Carl Hilton's plans for Eclipse
22 Square Meter FIeet
has encountered minor distractions and will not be able to race the entire
does not beat Grail for the season's championship this year. If that unlikely event does occur I may have to
season. He does plan on participating in 75-80%a of the races however. Jerry forgot that a sailors first priority is to
scintillating ladies around the country-
his boat, not his family. Somehow he managed to volunteer as coach of soccer and Little League teams. The rumor mill has it that Steve Ameluxen
Naturally, the boat to watch in 1980 is Grail. She is owned by this author and Peter McKinney. Our crew is so eager to win that they have even volunteered to wet sand the bottom prop-
Club Festival this summer in Sweden.
erly. A fair warning to you John, be
Karen Phendler promises she will be available this summer and win the season's championship for Rush III. Bill Miller insists that this is the year he will show us all how to sail the olympic course. And us folks on Lalla figure to clean everybody's clock.
prepared! Ralph Campbell and Rush IV should be active this year if Ralph can find time from his manY triPs around the world. I know the Ryersons are most anxious to improve their position on-
A final note. I saw Orn at Port Supply last week and the restoration that Jim Gibbons did looks super.
but we certainly hope that the demands on Carl's time will abate this year and that he will be able to participate more often. Everybody get Your Protest flags ready as Warwick CoPPleson has ordered some new hot sails from his native Australia. He advises that his sailmaker is a real genius and can make even AufWiedersehen go faster. I would appreciate all the help the rest of the fleet can give in seeing that Warwick
board Focus. After another year of seasoning and education under their belts, I feel certain they will improve significantly. This author has not heard
honor my wager to stoP smoking. In between squiring a varietY of
side, Geoffrey Mayhew is putting a whole series of new ribs in Valkyrig so
that his crew can concentrate more on racing and less on pumping. Actually, perhaps Geoffrey would do better if he pumped and let the crew sail the boat. We have no recent word on Vinst but I suspect that Craig Travis is getting her polished for the season. Weather perrnitting, and with heartfelt thanks to all the people who are
working so hard to provide a race committee for the one design fleet for 1980, we look forward to a great season. Special thanks should be offered to our able, capable and person-
able marine superintendent Frank O'Donnell and to Larry Rosenzweig and Carol Wittwer for their time, efforts and valuable assistance and input in making possible the 1980 racing schedule. Late news from Carl Hilton. He will be unable to race Eclipse this year. She
is available for charter or use for the 1980 racing season. Is there a good skipper and crew to uphold her honor?
-Ro Rayment
Richard Cantor
'//1/,n,r y'j1o,,,,\'' (//,,,,
f ,,,,,,/
B.; .y',|,t/ 2;i .7i tl" !y'1,,"1 11 no.yn, . lil,, n,;t (
lnvestmentSecurities TaxShelters
107 multi-purpose acres with 2075' trontage on the Black River. New three bedroom home with garage and huge f ireplace. Air-conditioned, etc' [and can be used for farming, recreation and/or held for future development. Price - $195,000. Owner financing available.
Contact Mary fo Ameluxen
P.O. Box 46 South Haven, Michigan 49090 616-637-4290
The Glassic is Coming
The Luders 16 Fleet has plans for the
A record number of applications for
summer. Alan Draht, our esteemed Fleet Secretary has informed the members that the Internationals will be held
off Belmont Harbor from August 13 through August 16. The visiting Yachtsmen, hopefully, will come from fleets
at Newport Beach, Indian Harbor, Bermuda, and the you'lls from New Orleans who trounced us roundly there last September. The visitors will use the local boats, but their own sails. AIan has warned the Fleet that everyone had better volunteer for committees before they're drafted. The season should be a very good one, with such new contenders as the
Frank Hammerstroms, the Ric Curetons, #22, Frank Plimpton #96, Tim Desmond and Jim Eilers #141, and Bruce Uphaus#204. Erstwhile Fleet Secretary Dave has abandoned us for the Stars-we wish him luck and good starts.
Dixie Dowrie
Easter Brunch Photos b),Ditk Nugent
entry into the 73rd running of the Chicago to Mackinac Race has been received by the Committee. The start of the Race is scheduled for 26 July at high noon. The Port Huron Fleet has augmented
the entry requests in great numbers because of their race start a week earlier. Many other boats from fleets around Lake Michigan are requesting entries.
The race this year will be sailed by yachts competing in three divisions. The regular IOR and LMYA divisions will sail for separate trophies, as will
the new (to Lake Michigan) MHS
division. The Measurement Handicap System, administered by the USYRU,
will be used to compute corrected times directly in this new division. MHS will also be used as the base measurement rule in this year's traditional Bermuda Race. Startifg sequences and division compositions will be determined by the distribution of entry numbers in each division. The Home Fleet has its usual dazzling array of yachts ready to go.
Summer Sollitt.
COTTRGC FOR R€NT DOOR COUNTY, IUISCONSIN Beoutiful vieur ovorlooking Loke Michigon, neor Boileg's Horbor
& Sistor Bog. Truo bedrooms, one both, living room ond countrg ki'tchen. Rccommodotes foor people. Minimum tu.lo-rleek intervols, Juno, Julg ond l?ugust. $280 per Lloek plus utililies ond moid service.
(Ru (312) 5s8-s735
fo, dependability fo, corlsistertcy MONARCH PRINTING CORP. 1130 WEST ADAMS STREET o CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60607
(312) 243-6000
ln,:.rnth,t ng,l,,rurr Lmh r il,hrrrh n ,'ri.t, , nik(.n rirL
Z+hour satehou* staff and mobile parol asures the safery and pivaq
H,lls addre* Y,ucrnar M,ssror -l'hc luruo Ctrtn Cluh \illase rr,nJonnium ar.l n,r'nhomes
Make your new addres a whole neq way oflmkine at the wolld Visit Mi$ion Fhlls
here aru'*t,n rhr: mrJsr ofr crrat
Thcr orerLd,k the lush grccn larr*ays anJ clerr gids oir,ur
ls h,..),rmrL rsh f q t;,,ur< A I rh, \i. !$ nef..,r ,! | ,n
nd,n aDd,ruid.$r ssimminr trbls ron s cL,unanJ a prl"at'club hour qth gourmer Jin,ngand iullv cquiprLl hcalrhclub An exccllcnt *cunty sv*cm uhLrh Lncludes 6r nreret (cncing
Sandes Road, ju* noth of Willow Road in Nofthbrol(fl lllinois. Phone (312) 498-3200. Opn weekdays 10 to 6. Saturday and Sunday 1 I to 6
filflOll JL[:=r/L
Secretary's Report The March meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Yacht Club was held at the Monroe Street Station
on Tuesday evening March 18, 1980. Treasurer Francis Beam reported that the capital improvement fund has been completely repaid, for all funds
borrowed from it for operating expenses.
Stations Committee Chairman Vice Commodore Spanjer reported that the house rules were being revised. Since these rules constitute a portion of the annual directory, each rnember is encouraged to read the house and ground rules upon receipt of the 1980 direc-
tory. Distribution of the directory is scheduled for late May. Rear Commodore Livingston, president of the Yacht Owners Association, reported on the government's proposed restrictions on voting and commented on the excellent job done by Judge Advocate Herman Van Mell in representing the Chicago Yacht Club at the recent Department of Energy hearing. Mr. Livingston also urged everyone to
write to the government stating their objections, and agreed to undertake a mailing to CYC members enclosing a form to be forwarded to the Department of Energy. The following individuals were accepted into membership: Regular
Richard Burns Jack Pease Richard Kemplin Bobby Schmidt Andrew J. Kiener Frank C. Schora Bernard Kornhaber Howard Shapiro David Meeker Robert G. Paretzkin
Paul Akers
Roland M. Bellington Michael Carroll Michael Morgenstern Dea Monda Steinbach
The following have applied formembership. If any member wishes to comment, please address your information to the
Junior Fredrica P. Gorr
Admissions Committee, c/o The Club Office. All such communications will be held in the strictest confidence.
The April meeting of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Yacht Club was held at the Monroe Street Station
on Tuesday evening April 15,1980. The following individuals were accepted into membership in the Chicago Yacht Club:
Len Carlson John Held
Irving V. Boberski Richard Danly Lorraine Freeman W. Mitchell Lamotte James R. Lewis
Ann Bromley Philip Franklin William Hinman Thomas W. Neill Frank S. Plimpton Cathleen Considine
Theodore Tieken, Jr.
Fleet Review Committee Chairman
William Robinson reported on plans to alter the review procedures this year, in a manner which will allow owners and guests aboard participating boats more time at the Club docks, will allow other guests the opportunity
to observe the fleet review boats at the
your car and boat engine needs with TROP ARTIC MOTOR OIL .Al^irf Available at the CYC Gas Dock
Ira Kaufman . .. . Victor J. Cacciatore Henry O. Marcy . Rex Fritschi Donald J. Mertz, . . . A. Joseph Barth Sheppard Plotner .. . . .Leonard Fript Elliot Tarson . . .. Robert Irsay
Arthur Ryan .
Brian G. McCarthy Daniel J. McCarthy
SHOREOIL Get the motor oil protection
. . John G. Phillips . . Edward F. Lekan
Associate Tronsfer Louis Freidheim, Jr. .
John H. Batts ... Gene T. McCarthy
Craig E. Anderson . . . . R. J. Burchett Robert Boyd . . . W. Ted Ritter Robert B. Christie. . Roland Rayment Timothy Desmond ... . T. E. Broeckl George J. Efstathiou. . . M. P. Bucklo David C. Gustman . . .. Jordan Peters Peter Van Der Meulen .. Dirk Lohan
docks, and will save fuel.
Sam Schiphorst
Providing tine petroleum products since 1919
Applied For Membership
Stephan Crandall
R. E. Grundin Deane H. Tank . Theo. Tieken
Junior Jonathan T. Burchett . . R. J. Burchett Thomas W. Humphrey. .D. L. Glasell Siegfried M. Musser . .. F. M. Musser Paul O'Keefe .. ... W. P. O'Keefe, Jr.
Junior Transfer Carl Hanke, III .. . William W. Parks Marisia Rogowski .. . W. S. Rogowski
TNSL,RANCE Corporate and Personal lnsurance Counsel
I75 W. Jockson Blvd., Chicogo 60604 Phonc: 922-1O22