1980 December Blinker

Page 1





















Soil or power . . . smoll or lorge-8e prcporcd! MARINE lNSURANCE, lile your life-soving ond fire'fighling equipment, hos no ure until disosler clrike:. tile your olher energency geor, youi insuronce should be in good order before you go roflool...we'll help you check oul your insuronce eguipmentl



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ON OUR COVER-The end of

OFFICERS a.*modore, Philip A. Watson

the boating season brings the rush of dinners to celebrate awarding o/ trophies and the likefor the season just ended. And here we have Otto

t' ce Commodore, Roy W. Spanjer aear Commodore, Homer J. Livingston, Jr

Grossman, Don Clark, Donnb

Sec.etary. Edward S. Macie l,easurer, Francis H. Beam, Jr.

Sloan, and Don and JaYne Buckingham at the Power Fleet Awards

Dinner. And limmY Hoddle accepting a new T-shirl that reads "#1 Finally." (Udell Fleet saYs he wore it ten days staight!) Pictures by Dick Nugent and Udellfleet.

DIRECTORS ',ry llrs E. Adams

Dr John J. Bergan

Richard H. Nugent John C. Cutler James V. Riley

Roberl H. Davis, Jr. N cholas C. Giovan V Wilbert Haag

William L. Robinson, Sr. James H. Roe

David Howell

William Templeman

Alan R. Johnston

OFFICERS Elected By Directors Bobert Davis Fleet Captain Herman T. Van Mell Judge Advocate Fleet Surgeon (Power)


John Bergan, M.D, Arthur Atkinson. Jr.. M.D. Samuel M. Clarke Vincent V. Glaviano, Ph.D.

(Sail) Li bra rian

I-lislorian Measurer

Assistant Secretary

Scott Graham David W. Howell

YACHT CIUB DECEMBER, 1980 / Number 234

CLUB STAFF Raymond M. Adams, General Manager Lewis Foster, Maitre d'hotel Douglas McElroy, Olfice Manager-Controller William D. Perry, Assistant to the TreasLrrer Sandy Keeney, Catering and Specia Part es Cary Norkus, Belmont Manager Frank O'Donnell, Belmont Marine Super ntendent Anrta Ayres, Monroe Desk and Reservations Virginia Geary, Monroe Desk and Reservations Charles Stevens, Chef

$1.50 o Fifteen Dollars Annually BLINKER STAFF Editor Jrm Roe Managing 6drtor. Drxre Dowrie

Assoclate Editor, Offshore: Rick Van Mell

Contilbuting Editors:

IN MEMORIAM Jeremiah Nolan CLUB CALENDAR Dec 7. Football Bnrnch (Green Bay) Belrnont ll:00 to 2:30. Bus leaves 12:25 Dec. 9 Power Fleet Annual Meeting MonroeStation-7p.m. Dec. l0 Offshore Sail Fleet Ann. Meeting MonroeStation-7p.m. Dec. I I Racing Yacht Fleet Ann. Meeting

Monroe Station 7 p.m. Dec. 14 Children's Christmas Party & Brunch Monroe - l2:00 Reservations Requested

Dec. 14 Football Brunch (Cincinnati), Belmont l0:15 to 2:30 Bus leaves l2:15 Dec.3l New Year's Eve Dinner Dance Monroe Station - 8:00 p.m. Dancing 'til 2:30. Reservations

Susan and Dave Froelich, Stars Rose Hoeksema, Solings Roland Rayment, Udells

Dixie Dowrie, L16s Larry Rosenzweig, Dinghy Richard Cantor, 22 Sq. Meter Marsha Dowd, Etchells

Photography: Karen Olsen Campia Carol Singer Henry Holzkamper

Photo Editor: Richard Nugent Photo Reporter; Mike Long Art Editor: Bill Aldrin


4 5 6 7

8 9


Power Fleel Awards Dinner STAR Fleet Finale Do Your Christmas Shopping at the Club L-16 Fleet & 22 Sq. Meter Fleet News Udell Fleet Trapshoot Schedule Secretary's Report, Applied for Membership

Requested BLINKER, the magazine of the Chicago Yacht Club, is published seven months of the year (February, April, June, July, August, October and December) by the Chicago Yacht Club Publications Committee, Jim Roe, Chairman and Editor. Change of address and articles tor publication should be submitted not later than the 5th of each month preceding issue date to: BLINKER, Chicago Yacht Club, Foot of Monroe Street, Chicago, lllinois 60603. Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, lllinois. Copyright Chicago Yacht Club, 1980. CYC 104 O2O. BLINKER USPS





POWER FLEET AWARDS DINNER That fun-loving grouP, the Power Fleet gathered at the club on Saturday evening, October I lth for the event of this season's awards. Thanks to these


fine photographs from member Dick Nugent, Blinker is able to show manY of the smiling faces of members and guests that were there to help make the evening a memorable one for the happy award winners. Marv Levine was Mas-

ter of Ceremonies.

(L to R) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hirn, Marv ltvine, Charles Dempster

n -.:l

















Marv ltvine and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wott

Past Commodore Wil Haag suruounded


I More interested award onlookers


Ite Haag enioys the presentations from the /loor -Photos

by Dick Nugen

a STAR BOATS-Finale at Lake Springfield The final weekend for Chicago starboaters ended as normal in Springfield with the fourth district finale on October I I -12. This year's finale was another unforgettable series for the 80 skippers


and crews. Bill Parks came awaY the winner as the premier C.Y.C. represen-

...,i .4.lice Templeman with Marv l-evine

tative. I was convinced that proper preparation was the key to success at a regatta

in foreign seas so I arrived at Lake Springlield at about 8:00 P.M. Friday evening and stepped the mast in the dark. Saturday morning I was the first with sails bent on and I had repaired a few items and cold tuned the rig in the lot prior to proceeding to the hoist. As my boat was beginning to get wet, Bill Parks pulled into the lot with his unprepared boat in tow, 30 minutes before the harbor start. Bill left Springfield wrth a confident glou'. first place trophl and 39 .lealous skippers in his path * hrle I lefr *ith a last place finish. and a customrzed t*o'piece mast. PreF aration mav not be the ansner. The ker !o success at the finale this \ear \\as probabiy beef. The breeze on

Saturdal u'as consistently above l8' knots *'ith cyclical blasts to 30 or 90 knots (above 30I close my eyes). Bill

Marv with Wil and I*e Haag

Parks and Bob Vickery weigh in someuhere above 450 pounds which proves ro be a tremendous asset in a Star if 1'ou know how to tune the rig for the

power. The heavies will admit You can't tune well enough to compensate for the loss in power if you only weigh in at 265 as Susan and I do. If You break your mast then your live weight becomes a lower priority as was the case for us in the race Saturday. Hav-



,rAlyce Templeman (center) and 2 guests.

ing a disabled boat allowed me to take

full advantage of Agnes Wright's binoculars to view the first race. Bill and Bob had their boat on a steadY Plane

down the first reach in the flat seas.

Others got on a plane but Parks & Co. sustained it with unbelievable balance. The reaches were nearly breathtaking to watch from shore but the beats were most interesting. On rare occasions a Star race becomes a boat speed test and in this case the untamed Shrew had a speed margin that was perceptible from a good distance away Betrv lcCourte (guest of the Nugents)

if only from the size and length ofthe

bow wave. The first race ended with

Bill a full minute ahead of the second place boat and the onlY boats close during the whole race were Bill Wright and Todd Cozzens.

The race course is only 100 yards off the club house of the Island Bay Yacht Club which provides not only an excel-

lent view for the gallery but allows contestants to come in and dock for lunch between races. This seems much more civilized than wdnging your soaked

sandwich from a box lunch while trimming the mainsheet. The second race was sailed in winds

not dissimilar from the first. The race probably both made and destroYed Mark Kastell's entire summer. With the help of good boat sPeed and aPpropriate use of the shifts Mark became the pacer for the first five of the six legs only to lose out on the shifts on the final beat. Parks was first and Jack

Rickard, our Wilmette friend, was second.

The continuing ritual of the Saturday evening cocktails party was carried on in Springfield at the elegant quarters of Sharon and Rob Penrod. The Penrods proved a bit surprised to

find seven members of the Chicago contingent at their door 30 minutes

before the scheduled commencement of the festivities. Knight Coolidge convinced us all that Jack Daniels was already there, and somebody must be the first to park

in the driveway anyway. In true Star tradition it was an excellent party. Sunday morning's breeze was both docile and fickle. Dave Cornes was so convinced the breeze was totally innocuous, he put his boat in the water for the first time since June of this year. Dave had been waiting for the light air just so he could beat Parks, which he nearly did. Todd Cozzens narrowlY missed a third place finish only to see the wind depart when he was three lengths from the finish line. Bill Parks finished tenth to give him onlY a one

point edge for the regatta. It was a well run regatta on an

enjoyable sailing lake, and Susan and I will be there in '81.

-Dave Froelich 5

Tl Stuns lndustry With New Loran C Feature Texas lnstruments has just announced that the TI 9900 Loran Receiver will be

compatible with the NEW SYNTHESIZED SPEECH accessory to be available in 1981.

Imagine, you will be able to purchase an accessory (9900's will not be

factory equipped) which will call out warnings and provide spoken course data-"You are three tenths of a nautical mile to the right of the rhumb line." or "Your course is 63o true at a speed of 7.2 knots." The feature will allow programming

of 160 words and 60 phrases into 4 different speech modes. Frequency of spoken output is variable from continuous to 60 minute delay. Also included in this accessory will be the Input/ Output interface for connecting an Autopilot to the Loran. This unbelievable option includes a plug-in, water tight speaker and case.

Lad ies-lm prove

Yachting Skills!





(item M-2) $32.00


(item M-3) $35.00

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large,


(item M-4) $27.fi

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large,


(item L-1)



(item L-2)



(item L-3)


(item L*4)


Colors: Navy, Brown, White Sizes: Small, Medium, Large,

Men's Cardigan Sweater with Button Front 100% Orlon Colors: White, Bimini Blue, Navy, Red Sizes: Small, Medium, Large,

Men's Short Sleeve Sport Shirt with Collar 100% Lisle Cotton Colors: Marine Blue, Dark Creen, Claret, Navy, White Women's Pull-Over Sweater with'.V" Neck, 100% Orlon Colors: White, Navy, Light Blue, Pink, Lilac Women's Pull-Over Sweater with Mock Turtle Neck, 100% Cotton Colors: White, Light Blue, Navy, Yellow Sizes: Small, Medium, Large,

Women's Long Sleeve Sport Shirt open "V" style with Collar, 65% Poly/35% Cotton Colors: White, Light Blue, Navy, Yellow Sizes: Small, Medium, Large,

Women's Short Sleeve Sport Sleeve Shirt with Collar 100% Cotton Colors: White, Light Blue, Navy, Yellow Sizes: Small, Medium, Large,


ln addition to the Pickering line of clothing, we stock another line called Printwear. Their popular items, each with a silk screened "Chicago Yacht Club", are as follows: Nylon Shell Acryllic Fleece lined lacket (waterproof) with Quilted Sleeves Colors: Navy Blue, Dark Creen, Burgundy

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large (item M-5) $39.00 Nylon Shell Flannel lined lacket (waterproof) snap front Colors: Navy Blue (ONLY) Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large (item M6) $D.O0 Note: many of the above jackets are currently being worn by members'wives and daughters.



The newly formed Chicago Women's

Men's "V" Neck Sweatshifi ol 1007" Creslan Colors: Navy Blue (ONLY)

Sailing Association met at the Belmont station on November 10. The group voted to change the name to Chicago Women's Yachting Association so that women of power boat persuasion would feel welcome. The group will concentrate on improving the boating skills through study and practice. Lectures will be given on seamanship, boat handling, knots and splices, rules and tactics, weather watching and basic navigation. Summer will

bring opportunity to practice with

boats of the racing fleet on balmy (we hope) summer evenings. Next meeting will be December 8, at Belmont. The textbook is "Chapmans" and chapter 9 will be discussed, and first lesson in basic navigation will be demonstrated. Meetings are from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No food service on

Mondays, so brown bag it. Future

meetings second Monday of each month,

dues $15 for the'"u'olr".di

Green 6

Approaching the holiday season, The Chicago Yacht Club would like its share of your Christmas purchases. Traditional and new merchandise is appealing, unique and attractively priced. lf you stop by the Front Counter at Monroe Street, you will find a colorf ul and varied assortment of clothing and other Club identified items that will be ideal for the stocking or under the tree. Our new Pickering fashion line, now in stock, is already very popular with members, and we're sure you will be impressed. lf you are not able to stop by, we can mail items to you or a third party (not gift wrapped) by phone or mail request. Send your card if you wish this to be enclosed. For shipping of the following items, a charge of $2.00 per garment will be made. Each of these is crested with a hand embroidered Chicago Yacht Club Burgee: CHICAGO YACHT PRICE Men's Pull-Over Sweater with "V" Neck, 100% Orlon Colors: Navy, Brown, Light Blue, White Sizes: Small, Medium. Large, (item $33.00 Men-s Pull-Over Sweater with Mock Turtle Neck, 100% Orlon


(item M-7) $15,m Sizes: Smali, Medium, Large, X-Large Men's Hooded Sweatshirt of 50qa Cotton-50or. Creslan, Zip Colors: Oxford Crar, Red Sizes: Small. \.1edium, Large, \-Large (item M-8) 920.00 A new,item that rt'e feel w jll be desrred by'some of the true Sailors is a: MARINE (Ship's) CHRONOMETER ln a solid Mahoganv Case with Rosewood Top (about 7" x7" x 3 deep) lVaterproof finish. Quartz Cry'stal Movement with Sweep Second Hand. Accuracy to within 50 seconds per year (at 72 degrees). (item H-1) giSS.00 Set of 4 "On the Rock Glasses (same style as the Club) "Chicago Yacht Club" and Eurgee in 3 colors. Dishwasher Safe. (item H-2) 915.00 Round (4%") Smoked Glass Ash Tray "Chicago Yacht Club" and Burgee in 3 colors. Dishwasher safe. (item H-3) 92.75 Our gift counter offers a number of other items, many of which would be for novelty or purchase. This includes bright Tu be Socks; Playi ng Cards; Burgee adorned Ladies' Chaims, Tie bars, and Tie Tacks; and a few others. Briefly, a few items that might be of interest to supplement your Christmas list might be:

Adult Tee-Shirb with C.Y.C. and Burgee Colors: Red or Blue Design on White Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large

(item M-9)


(item C-1)


Children's Tee-Shirts (same details as above) Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large

Children's Sweatshirts (same details as above)

Colori: white (ONLY) (item c-2) $ro.m Men's Zippo lighter: CYC & Burgee Brushed finish (item c-1) $8.m l-adies Slim Line Zippo lighter: same details as above (item c-2) $8.m Zippo Key Holder: CYC Burgee, Brushed finish (item c-3) $s.00 lf ordering by mail or phone, to avoid mistakes, be sure to state the "item code". Anita Ayres at The Front Counter is running this shop and will answer your questions and take your orders. Other personnel are on duty in the evenings and the weekends. We are sure you will like our new merchandise. Have very Merry Christmasl




22 Square Meter

: :


I said earlier that Jimmy Hoddle would get revenge on LALLA and he sure did! Master Hoddle on BRITA is the new season champion, having won the A and C series championships, and

coming in a close second to JAVELIN

on the B series championshiP. In the light air, he was able to set the pace going up wind and destroy every-

one on the down wind legs. In the heavy air, he was not intimidated although I must admit that LALLA was more than a match for him in the heavier air. Congratulations to Jimmy and BRITA on their stunning victory. BRITA won the Series A chamPionship with the wind howling at twenty to thirty knots. It was an A-4 and BRITA and LALLA each had a first and a second. It was a fast raceand the


= ..$

j t

(L to R) Fred Musser, 2 young guests, Host Mel Guthrie.

Luders 16s Despite the vagaries of the weather during the sailing season of '80, we have gleaned the final scores for the Ll6s. As expected, CIAO, Alan and Sally


lead changed twice. Coming up to the

last downwind leg, LALLA had a short lead, and she rounded the mark

Draht's boat won the Season. Next in line and down the line were:

2 GLEAM Sam Clarke 3 MIDGE Buenz-Broeckl 4 SPARKLE Dennise and Lee Schwerin and Frank Gutowskv 5 MISTY Annette and l-arry Schramm 6 FROLIC Sue and Mel Guthne 7 COCK ROBIN Nancy Broecki 8 TRIO Barb and Rob Falconer 9 Tie ORQUE Larry Booth CITATION Carl Yudell I I AMBITION Fred Musser 12 CHARRETTE Tim Desmond l3 AMIGA Warren Hutchings

Joon == Gauthter. George Gauthrer, .\'ancv Broe: i:,' ..t,7i42 ft. ;,;)1 Lee anC Dennise. sa:1ing u jth Frank

shou ed great pronrse and drd r en lreli. \\ e hare no score ior GI\\IE \{.\E. Stan \{ehafiel - uhere u'ere 1ou Star:l HECTOR. Dar.e BellamY :i:o*ed rarelr'. as did DIANE, Carl Kester. ESQUIRE, Mark Heatwole, and BRISKET. Fran Hammerstrom,

Perhaps next I'earl

The Luders were used bY the Old Guard rn August for their Annual Cho*der. Marching and Singing SocLer) meeting. What the Fleet really loves is parties. Saturday lunch at the CIub u'as a mini-party, as was Satur-

(L to R) Anne Koch, Nancy and Tont Broeckl, Bob Koch.

da1' dinner. The Internationals were not held here as planned, so the Fleet had a "No-Regatta" Party. On Saturday, September 6th the First Annual Yard Cleaning Party was held at Mel's DO-it-yourself boat yard. The invitation dispensed by T. Broeckl, self-appointed chairman read, "If you can't come that's O.K., just send cold beer or buy the drinks at Big John's or store your boat at Palmer Johnson's".

Labor Day Sunday Mel and Sue Guthrie hosted a cook-out in their garden after a Moon Regatta race in which there were three f,rnishers: CIAO, GLEAM and SPARKLE, in that order, weather again. Anyway, everyone had fun in 1980.


-Dixie Dowrie larry Booth, John Buenz, Oogie Buenz.

and attempted to set her spinnaker. BRITA blew by and LALLA was not able to catch her. You may ask where was JAVELIN. JAVELIN was not about to spend the summer sinking. It was as if Neptune himself was riding with JAVELIN on the B series. She posted A series firsts and tightened

up the whole fleet. Don Jirka was going for a third straight season's

championship and if any other boat wanted it, they were going to have to take it away from him. The B series was a continuous set of match races between JAVELIN and BRITA. It was soon apparent that the season's championship would come

down to the last races of the C series.

By this time, LALLA still had a chance albeit remote. RUSH, with Karen Prendler back at the helm, and Gina and Bill Hall crewing, were caus-

ing the pack to take note that theY sailed in our fleet too. BRITA, however, pressed on, with JimmY at the helm and David Prendler on the foredeck. We could all hear their incessant

chatter, causing the bo4t to surge ahead and win the C series and the season's championshiP.

The season's highlights were fleet captain Tim von Aschwege assuring us all that in fact SOLVE did exist. Fleet secretary Kathy Doore assuring Tim that in fact his boat does exist. The wild crazy summer rafting party and the Red Horse dinner, when on both occasions the 22 and Udell fleets proved that we are a strong 22 square meter association. See You all next

Yri?l,l"ro cantor 7

UDELL Summary Three spies, two little birds and one grinning coconut named John Gummersall have told me the 1980 racing season at Belmont was great. John thought the season was so wonderful he was the only man (or woman) to

Photos by Mike Kamerlink

loyal Mike Kamerlink raced ECLIPSE to a 5 for the season. He would have been second or third at least, but he

often had to stop during a race for repairs. Actually, ECLIPSE looks better under his care than she has for several

show up at the Red Horse Dinner in a coat and tie. It was also the first time I have seen him with a lady under 50.

years. If Carl Hilton charters her to Mike for several more years she will be in perfect shape.

Very lovely!! The leader board showed that ONDINE had to fight very hard to again win the Season Championship; His average score per race for the 8 requted races was 3 I 4 of a point. Rumor has it that his average winning time margin over the second place boat was two days. But John, Wait till next year-! Did you see that 4 x 6 foot protest flag given to Craig Travis that says "Protest by Craig?" Next year the entire fleet is going to have one and they are all going to say'PROTEST ONDINE!'

Dave Kipley ran the school ship GRAIL. He has been designated "Training Master" for the fleet. His students

WINDJAK, skippered by Jerry

Hodlmair and critiqued by Steve Ameluxen, came in second for the season. If the season had gone on for another 2 or 3 years they might have caught

ONDINE as WINDJAK, came in third for Series A, second for B and first for Series C. Good show boys! Third place for the season that went by so quickly for this author, went to that venerable gentleman Doug Turnbull and SKIPJAK. Doug, look that one up in your dictionary, if you have one. The difference between second and third place was decided at the last

race of the year-and WINDJAK, skippered by Steve Ameluxen, beat Doug and SKIPJAK by 2 or 3 seconds for second place in the race and first in Series C. Jerry Hodlmair-a true sports-

man-felt so badly about Doug's narrow defeat that he gave Doug a hand-

are well qualified now as, according to Dave, they made every mistake in the book this year and still managed a 6.

Now that Dave has invested all that mental effort in these nice people, they are NOT available to others. We need them for the War of '81. This author is extremely indebted to Dave for racing the boat this year and keeping her competitive. The "Master Skipper", Peter McKinney, stepped aboatd to compete for the only two trophys he has never won, the Reimers and the Nutting. With Dave Kipley bleeding on the fordeck he carved out a clean sweep of all 3 races in the Reimers Regatta and a l-2-l finish in the Nutting for the first place trophy. He then bowed, accepted the accolades due and opened a sailing school-for tax reasons of course. Mr. Protest, CraigTravis on VINST and FOCUS skippered by Tom Ryerson tied for 7 for the season. At times, both boats showed good potential with a 2 for FOCUS and a 3 for VI\ST.

Venerable (it is sucii a good *'ord and so appropriate at times) Geoffrel' Mayhew has promised to coach Gary Grolle in the fine art of sailing VALKYRIE. Actually, Gar-v-', who has now assumed an equity position, did very well on his own in the Red Horse

some trophy at the Red Horse Dinner.

Regatta. Just remember, John Bergan

When you push the appropriate button it emits a raucous laugh. Warwick Coppleson and AUF WIEDERSEHEN back doored a 4 for the season and took third in Series B and C. The fleet chipped in and purchased

used to bring that lady home first with

for him a brush and some varnish for his bright work. We want it to continue

to shine so beautifully! We also got him a new rat trap so that he can continue to attract the caliber of crew to which he is entitled. Naturally, he wore out the old one. The short, fat, squat, dumb but very


Tom Ryerson holding a wire brush givenfor the

"Gel-Coa/' Trophy.

frequency. Gary, your task is clear! Geoff and his lovely lady now live in Memphis but we look forward to seeing them often during the coming summers. After all, someone has to put the new ribs in VALKYRIE each year. Ralph eampbell and his lovely wife Doris spent a good part of the summer in Sweden at the invitation of Knud Reimers to help celebrate the l50th

Anniversary of the Royal Swedish

Clyde Turnbuckle, with assistance from Mike Kamerlink, pressing the "laughter button" for

3rd place award given by 2nd place winner Jerry


Rohnd Payment accepting the " Rat Tiap Award '

for llarwick Coppleson himself with honor. He has some wonderful stories to tell about the love for meter boats by the Swedes. Naturally, RUSH FOURTH, felt lonely, sad, and neglected until Martha Mills came along to provide some TLC. She promises to help the yacht live up to her potential in 1981. Poor KONA is still crushed by the fact that her bottom has not been wet for 2 years. Bob Christie has worked hard and should have her ready by next year. In the mean time, he has been getting lessons in humility from Mayhew and Grolle,-neither one of whom is qualified to teach the subject. All in all it was a fun year capPed bY the Red Horse Regatta which was won

by-guess who-ONDINE. Second was that ringer Grolle in VALKYRIE (save a protest flag for him next year) and third was SKIPJAK, which drank aquavit from Sweden in honor of the origin of the Red Horse.

Maria Ryerson did a magnificent job this summer. It was, by far, the best

Yacht Club. Ralph raced a 22 sq. meter

job of Fleet Captain ever done in the

for the 22 sq. Meter Cup and acquited

(continued on page 10.)

CHICAGO YACHT CLUB 1 980-81 Trapshooting Schedule 12



N00N 11/1/80 SAT

6:00 P.M.

11 I 12t80








(All C.Y.C. members welcome) 12 N00N

12t7 t80







Restored colonial beachhouse on four-acre estate on LiShthouse Road in Ne1gri1. Jamaica. Entirely private, two beaches,

Air Jamaica Tour Air Fares ITOIMlLPOl

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to NeSril.

l-ivery service from MonteSo BaY

Snorkeling gear, bicycles, a Windsurfer, and a native duBout canoe are available at no extra charge.



For color brochure write: Llantrissant P O. Ilox 11440 Chicago, I1 60611 Cal]l \3'12) 248-1277








1 t21 181


12 N00N

2t22t81 3/8/81


E.G.C. 10:30 6:00






at E.G.C.



FINAL TRI CLUB SHOOT at C.Y.C. (Last day ol shooting) 10:30

Providing tine petroleum products



motoroit protection LAIG*r"your car and boat engine


NOTE: Mark your calendar NOW . . . Saturday, November 1 is opening day. Members and guests are invited. lnstruction is available. Join us for an exciting, fun-filled day! ln addition to the above scheduled events, remember. . .

shooting every Saturday, beginning at 12 Noon at the



needs with TROP ARTTC MOTOR OIL Available at the CYC Gas Dock

Yacht Club.


tF Sunday, 0ecember I4, 1980, l2 l{oon


The Chicago Yacht Club's Annual

Children's Christmas Party Brunch


Families and Guests lnvited Reservations musl be made. Call the desk. Clown Actsl Entertainmentl Gilts lor the Kidsl



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UDELLS continued from page 8.

Udell fleet-and she does not even have the honor of the title. Maria, you are the most creative, hardest working, most energetic29year old I've everhad the pleasure of knowing. If you and Judy Housten will keep up the good

work, I'll be Fleet Captain again in 1981.

In the matter of sails. We all know that ONDINE's are much larger than ours so we will have a measuring party

on Friday December 5th at 6 p.m.

Hopefully, we can do this at Belmont where the unpure among you can get a drink. Only sails that have been measured may be used in 1981. The word "spinnaker" is enough to start a conversation. Many yachts need new ones so we shall measure, read rules, plan and do battle and come up with a new 3 year plan that will work. If you want your ideas heard, show up at Belmont on Friday, Oct. 24th at 6 p.m. This author feels compelled to advise you that he has been resting during the 1980 season for the sole purpose of generating enough strength to humiliate you-all of you-in 1981. He is

even going to a sailing school to be taught by Dennis Conner this winter.

Ted Turner called and offered me lessons but I felt constrained to thank him while graciously declining. After all, he did lose this year!! But enough of my secret plans. It shall suffice to caution you all to be on

your guard for the coming season as I intend to be shot frequently by the Winners Cannon. Actually, I could have raced a lot this year but Warwick, who never beats me, would not give me

a note for Norma saying it was all right. A rotten conspiracy!



Secreta ry's

Report The October meeting of the Board

of Directors' of the Chicago Yacht Club was held at the Monroe Street Station on Tuesday evening, October 21.

The following individuals were accepted for membership:


William Goodrow Gary Grolle Harry League Shephard Plotner Associate

Robert B. Christie David C. Gustman Peter E. Phelps Cris Storgaard Jeffrey Wittenberg


Junior Charles Gifford

The following applicants were approved for membership by the Admissions Committee at their meeting Friday, November 14, 1980:

Admissions Committee, c/o The Club

Office. All such communications will be held in the strictest confidence.




William Beihl ..... Hill Blackett, Jr. Robin Demouth ... John D. Moyers Danny Denizman... T. D. Flanagan Salvatore Dimiceli ... . P. G. Poulos Hans G. Heymann... K. M Campia Carl Leigh . .. John J. Krucek Don Lence..... Ralph O. Campbell Richard Pavia. . Daniel J. McCarthy Hayes Ryan.... P. O'Donavan, MD R. H. Sidell, MD... Howard Kastel Edwin Sittler Kenneth Campia John Trollman . .. . A. Wenzel, DDS Arch Van Meter. E. J. Lange Regulor Transfer R. Champion, Jr. . . . . F. D. Countiss Gary M. Cohen . E. L. Lange John F. Higgins . .. . Phil M. Cornes W. A. McNickle..... C. P. Sandine Associole

Craig J. Goldberg .. Howard Kastel

Robert W. O'Brien. . Jules G. Wayne

Regular Carl Fetkenhour laurence S. Kaplan l.awrence A. Kohl Richard Pavia Richard H. Sidell, M. D.

Roger R. Simon . . . A. Wenzel, DDS Sharon R. Stocker . . . . R. L. Stocker

Robert Van Mell ... H. T. Van Mell Associate Transfer Claude Kalter .... Lindy D. Thomas

Kristine Turnbull .. . C. D. Turnbull

Applied For Membership The following have applied for membership. If any member wishes to comment, please address your information to the

Junior Michael F. Stocker . . . R. L. Stocker


Edward S. Macie

u"uJll ir::iarrll:larltl.ir:i,,i':r,3:


fo, dependability fo, consistency \I/





John Gummersall attired in hat and glasses given for the "Fair Weather Sailor's Award".


(312) 243-6000


Abright future of Chicogo, Fellow Yachtsman, In many cases, eda:ational programs are responsible for training the yachtsman cf :he iuture. At the University of Chieago a comprehensive pl-ar -.':).?'e offers educational, reereational- and raclng oppOrtunities has be::- in existence for the past four years. The sailing club has p::-,r-ied these servlces to the members of the universlty communr:;,' ..:tc unaf filiated persons, the only requirment being a genuine -r--e:.sr tn sailing. The popula:-...' anc success of the program has been unprecedented. However, 1-i= l:,:ne unexpected growth 1n the size of our sailof the Universlty of Chicago ing communlt1,,,:.1=:l':sent facilities Sailing Club hav= .eccne inadequat,e. The program 1s sound in its organization, bu', -.: -s rn need of expansion in order to meet the Our plan is to purchase B ever increasing cer.::-js placed upon ii. Achieving this goal, to 10 new boats anl :t:::spcndin$equipment. we will- again be ac-- -J .:-ng top quality sailing lnstruction and In order to facilitate recreation to all ';::ls: ,.,-hc are interested. oal of 20 000 dollars has been set. the required expansio:r, s appeal-i-ng o e ChiThe Universit.r :i l hicago Sa I ng cago sai-1ing commun---r.' : or he1p. We would graclously accePt d onatlons of any lorrn and ,',: welcome any suggestions. Naturally, a1I gifts are tax deducttc-: . We look forward to hearing frgm you in the near future. a1


At your s ervi e Si


John Podmajersky III Commodore

A11 inquiries are encouraged and should be made to The Sailing Club John Podmajersky III Ida Noyse Hal1 23L9 N. Orchard St.

t2t2 E. 59th St. and, or Chicago, 1111nois 60614 (312) \72-1.869 Chlcago, Illinois 6o6Zt AIt Checks should be made payable to Th e University of Chicago trnd earnark them for the sailinz c1ub.




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Have a private as ',+,



*. it

.:^"#j gatehouse staff and Imagine having a fairway .ri Lrf mobile patrol assures the number rather than a * safety and privacy of our street number for an community. address. You can at N4ake your ne\\' Mission Hills Counrry address a whole ne\\' \\'d\ Club Village. The luxury p*-. looking at the u'orld. of condominiums and townHil1s. Tri'o Mission Visit homes here are set in the bedroom condominiumt private midst of a country rvith den. Sanders Road. iusr nt'rtil .'i club. Willo',r'Road in Northbr.,.'k. lllrr-. :Thev overlook the lush sreen fairPhone (3lZ) 498'3200 Cper, ri er'kways and clear ponds of oui lB-hole 10 to 6. Saturday and SunJar 11 t., b days p go[f championshi course. And they're just steps away from indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts and a private clu-bhouse with gourmet dining and fullyCountry Club Village equipped health club. Developed by Eugene R. Corley BuiLders An excellent security system which in joint venture with includes perimeter fencing, Z4-hour lhoenrx Murual Ltfe ln.utanc.

Hartford. Cc,nn

Final Selection of condominium residences $139,0OO.$25OIOOO


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