t22l utlg / z00z tdawils 'I WsrlH uawx [q otorlrl 'tumtayun sla7 cuTy atplo Sutuunt I00Z 2t/J
ufnoc uno No s,^ aN Jeqruew
'qn13 lqce o6ectqC
eql Iq ZOOZ 6l ]q6ur(do3 slueluoc ;;y
suolssttlqns lle ltPe ol lq6u eql o^Jaser e A sJeqlunu xel pue euoqd pue 'sseippe 'eueu lno^ q1r,vr uonectlqnd 'alqrssod ro^euaqm ro] srus]l lle peuuuept oq^,tluepl lsnu uollectlqnd loJ paplul -qns sqder6oloqd ul 6uuBedde slenpl^lpul 6ro qn1c1qce,{o6ectqc@suotlectunuuoc '
lreu-e ro onqrrg?-zle xel'e0909 11 'o6ectq3 'lS eotuoy\ 3 00t'qnl3 ]qoe o6ecrq3 !o]!pf :ol sqder6oloqd pue
^doo lle lruqns 'sroqlne ol suollcnrlsul
]ualuluo) seroPouruol aI{J
srNfl lruvdfo efeu Jo errloN PITUJO
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"ll 'o6ecrqC 'lS eotuot/{ f 00,'qnlC
N \)
sl st. S (\)
1qce1 o6ecrq3 o1 pues esee;d 'pelsenbag ecr^.roS o6ueqC ssalppV :Jelseulsod
:UfISVyll_SOd secgo Eutlleuu leuou
auoq ]E rqSrr yea3 nol aleu ot spood >llrq pue "'lEIAtr or o8tcrq3 ruorg
TZ sopodoquay,y a&qwg
.S \
'augzedeu oql Jo slualuoc aql o] elnqul -uoc ol polrnul ele sJoquel4 s.rrege fue1 -!llru puE cr^rc se lleM sE suollcunl qnlc ur uooedlctued pue lsoJelut loquleu elou
-o.rd o1 pue 'sortr^rlce slr pue qn19 oql lo uorle:edo pue uotleztue6lo oLll ol elnqu] -uoc oqM osoql oztu6ocel o1 s1 esodlnd :nO Ourlqcer(loloul puB ltes leuolleoJoel pue enrlrleduoc ut uotledtctyed lteql puB sJeq[uol.! pue solll^l]ce qnlc ]noqe selclue Llsrlqnd e1tr'ltcglod uollt3llqnd
xet )o ?tzz-t99-0e9 euoqd /8t09 -ll 'uoleeq^ lC 1,n ggg 'cu| '6unuu6 paluud s )etluttg re}uud oraqllely {q^Ueqr-l 'tO9O9 ll 'o6ectq3
'lS ooJuo4 0O? 'qnlC 1qce1 obectqg 1o4u!tg ol seEueqc sserPPe PuaS
-rppE le pue 11 'o6ectq3 1e pted ebelsod slecrporred qnlp 1qce1 o6ectq3 eq1 pelq6u^doC slequtau qn13 o1 ,(|uo fllenuue gzg st alEJ uotlducs elqelrE^e ^q -qns aql t6?9-t0909 -lt 'o6ectq3 '15 eoruor\ f 00t'oaulLuuloc suollmllqnd qnlo lqce o6ecrq3 eq1 [q (llel louuns '6uudg !e1ur1fl i(pepenb peqstlqnd
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s\\ t\l \i.
xFr c)
\rt) e)
sr '99t roqrunu enssr '(676-791, 56561)
rol ut lg'trollel,4roru! uollec!lqnd
86t-L-198-Zlt, :l
uonnlos taNerEU aqr qrl^a Surlleg qloous
uo!lels luorI|leg
\-r \Jl
uollels laorls eoruol/ll
0?8l.-1.98-z[e:l LLL/-t98-Zrt, tr
,r&u9 2 qSnH JEW eqr utqa ra88rg sE,\{ terlt arEU ar{I
ilaqrllw slrtl] sro!ullr
r{csJrH uer") ueur1a1urr1tr l1o7rtr
p.rog llraaag sraqder6oloq4 6u;1nqg1uog
solnodoquul4J ru?qrag salg ra8unol g8norqr f,EW or Suqrrg
p.rog l1;a,r.ag
a1r:dy,q uraa;tr
ourle eT auuerJPY raruor4 uef
olT)ng P?qr?w
TEuDIf,EW ot erEU aqr or nol seulorle,^ qnlf
tqre o8rcrq3 aq1
otrsodsg I3EqrIW
ilors rns
prtog ltlrol!pf
[apg '171J y"ruqrly qqanuoH aqJ iere5 f,EuDIrEtr { o} o8ecrq3 el{r ot euollel1
suLIlffiH lrIN :rs 'IueI'H ausac
surs PPuou
solnodorpreytr E.IEgrtg
9 sfunIVfJ
.rol!pf 6u!6euelU
$. \\
\\ (\J \ \ \
$loorg 'v ql)g
#tls ra{ullg stualuo C lo alqa L
lueJneJsaa ,ilPofl
pueqsuil e lnoLlly opb eql le sleiloA ual fu4ue ry pepaeu spueqsuAA
p?lc/4seJ s acuepueilv esndH-BmiEIFIe--Ilu0i :I
Ipe6 s,.rolpg ung feg
t0100/t -1010091.
gyg sebe uerWLlC osnoH puelsl eq 1o peficeg
lpe6 s,ply
10100/ t, - 101009 t
qnlS iqce puelsl ceul)lcet/\
luouereg plemy cBulIcEW ol ocEU suoreJS 'JolceJ!o 6uue1e3 drysteqweyy
'Jellc eNlncexS
I0l009t-ICl00?|, zooz'tzl$n1'Iepsenl
oq E le@ s/ ssaJ6 'l1ug uogellrtul
iEIotrFuEISEiII /tye6 1;e11co3 eq1
slels cEuDlcel^l ol oceu JJEIS
10l0t6t - 1010t/t
ZOOZ'lZ {np 'fiepung
1039 r,9 r, - 10C002 r,
)au lo pul lsel
p sleog ecey 1o bwne11 ra;6 [ne1 lB slEog Io opEJEd
rer6 {ney
pue qnp 1e butpeol
ICC000 t, - 1c3000l,
1CC9tgt -
oslnJc cel,l| dh
j0C0060 ZOOZ'OZ I;np'fieptnleg
uetX g ueddryg s;san6 pe;e,tsr6e.r D sJoqwory
p45irFerci-55uEFu6w slcop pue ur Bl luoJl qnlC lqce o6ectq3
[pe6 eceg-el6
- 103008l,
tlCgtgL P 101 6w4ted 'X o6ec1t1X 6u1aee1 wbeq sesng tr unosnu\ ploll 01.11 10c008t - 10c00/t
6u;1ea61 s;edd;19 .ti:t:tt:ttittl:ti:tj:tt:t::tt:t::t::t'illt:lrilu0U0,mi:In:qpYt:llll
efi 8 poc s/ ssa;g 'fi1uo uofie11tu1
IC3009 t - ]CC006
u;-u6;g redd;19
t0c000z - 10c00zl
uedg sqloog .rosuodg eceg
10c0002 - 10c008 I
uolldEooE dt^-
ZOOZ'61[;np '[epu3
::l:rrrtrrlt*6 jOQOj:r.iilt:F,U.0.U;6€.}{i::,,r lr'r.tr,rl,r].i].:r::lllJSl::1lU(tItiliiH rtp-UEO, O,r,rrl
rtrirrrtr,.rr::r,'rlrr,rr:ir:,irOyCOlS,:,HtiUnXlil.l ., ri i,.,,,...,rr, :r:lllaNio U/V,\eqS ,i]ii, .,., r,,1. rr .'t',rtUJOlA SeUef rti:l,.l.,,.rli l,:l,'l..:,,,.:,,:t,:t,:t,:t,,:,tt'i,
t,UeqOl IJ!Ol
rt:tirtlif ]ltlouoi.f ,9u
jvir. jrrls€uief :rr:r
srol3aro lo preog z00z
/ense3 ssau/sn8
s/ ssoJg 'l1uo uogeyaul
rcc000z - lcc008 t 1CC000z - rc300z t
uadg sqloog .tosuodg aceg auyew rsolvl lq peyese4 odx3 ceu;yce6 ol ooBU
IC30002 - rcc00z t,
l0c006 t - rcc000l.
u;-u6;g redd;19
ZOOZ'gl finp'Iepsrnql
10c008 t, - 103002l,
uedg sqloog;osuodg eceg auqery lsail lq paluase4 odx3 ceurlcel1 ol ocBU ur-u6;g radd;yg
ue6ay .3 ut4o7'fueyenag uosJelsnC'C uuelC ldnseotl lnec I pr^ec 'aropouwoc Jeea or^euo,o yaqlv'alopowwos &tA
10c0002 - 1c3002t, 10c006 l, - 1c3002l,
ZOOZ' Ll llnp'Iepseupel4
sluo^f Jo olnpol{cs oceu ceul)cet/\ ol ooeclqc
vlv'uaeJc p puouriey 'eropowwoc sJacl$o
siuana lo alnyaqtg
3t o' q n7 tt q t a,{o3r t t t1 t a a n
\ilv (uaerD 'f puourltS
'JelEA\ aI{} uo nol aes 'Ja a uosEes Surreog lsag Jnol Jegluetu e Surag sr sl{t tpl{r adoq I 'srnof sEI{ 1I erns IuB I se aJII Sulleog &u pagotrua sEI{ gnP snouIEJ PIJo'{a JnoJo rnol lue eJd 'furu sapg .ueqr tuo5 sllnsal leqt J"ls lq nol ot ualrg suonf,eJlp JaAo suJef,uor ro tueurss?JJegure a8ernocua 1 paJor{rnp-Jaguau asaq; .pr^ frrrqr*r3 Jno 'eg leru astcraxa eql sE IJP 'selnr eseql PBaJ 01 os[E no/ 'BerE eul uI gnll lr{rEl lsag alf /o[ua o] lq8u Pnba uE aAEr{ sn Jo eJa,4a laI{I 'rueqt tueualdur l1a,ussar88r or uEI PalreJIP a^Er{ Ip lpri] os sJaqrueur ,(q l1rep8a; porrpdn eJE pue ueurJlr\ elN .stJoJJe sq rcelp legt saruttsur .(ueu ul sE seln1 ar{} qtl^\ JEITIuTEJ eruorag seq te8eue141 PJeuaD /rau Jno se 'ue1
'a8urqc lressaceu ]ueu -aldtur ot le^t elnlalJa alotu E osp $ ]I 'saFU PunorD PUE esnoH s,qnll oql ul Paulllno st Jleslu Jo uel qll'\r JeqleJ sJaglueW tnq Jegruau JBts aqr qtr.^r ]ou esarlt ssnfslp Ppor{s ecueurrprad ro suoll)E lJt}s lnogE Paur3,uof, eJE oq'u
-raJrp ruarsrsuof, pue rrelr ernsse ot SurleeuJ ,(gaa.tr E e^"q uEI puB JEts,tuarua8euruJ la;4 Siers ]raJIP oI{,44 srost"t:adns " q3norgr Sur4ro,l suorleJado lep-or-&p rrSrrr- pue suoltf,aJrp s.dlqs.rapeel oq_] sluaualdrur 'grrtuS ur1 ta8ruelAl (prtog pue Sryg aql uo sa,utetuasatdal Papale rlagr q8norql'sraqual1 IeJeuoD JnO
.gnp er{rJo uorlreJrp aqr p"al
'lp roJ acqd algr
-,(ofua alolu telleg E lr e{plu ot rapJo ur'qnlo ogtJo uo[)eJIP eql aruenuul ol slIr>IS JIerPJo esn eql PUE uollseJelul 'reer8 er? >lro1'a eqr Jo ruaurlo(ua ,rrqi r, -rgr io3 onb ord plnb aqa 'lepor sr ]I lEI{^a qnP eq} e>lBru suo5e rlagl ppos ' 'oroq'old rreqlJo sn or srueuoq ar{J'uoseas ,rqi,8,rrrtp lluo srro33a 8uo1-real (soettlruuror JnoJo lrtrofeur aqr r(ofua pue tueururEtJetua puE 'suoltEls 'suollBslunuuroJ-seelllurruor eruos Jo {ro^r eI{J p tlal sr a,{a lnq tee.(
.suopels r{tog lE petunotu eq lproqs aJoru '^{eN &ldslp uo eJE ltgr sSur lpzrr 's8ur,ue.rp tueJrnf, rBal xaN -,r,rerp uglsap {rea qrv'r tB petuq ueaq eAEq sa8ueqc esaql 'ruerua,tordrut JoJ u.In1 suolltls }uourleg eq illrll .aJntxor puB rolor ppe urcyd ;agrrr ag1 .s8ulrueld erour qir
s8ulrurld qr1a,r pefuel{ue uaag sEI{ uotuod -&o1s auo er{l Jo IP1( }sea ueaq sEI{ qnp alpJo uoltrod .&ors-orru arpJo luog ur aceds-uae'r8 eqa
IIIra reqr 'prgrrrle
'alqrssacce lypy /y\ou aJE onrd pue eoueJtua oEI I ar{J 'acue.readdt ralplr E qrog 8ur,u8 Sulted >lf,IJg ,ttou a^Eq sarutrtua rEtr { puE ureru eql 'sprJateru rueld Sunse.ratul eJour Sulsn auopal ueeg sEI{ luoou Surulg urcW rno eprslno eerr Sunueld eqJ'speou Jno tlns rattag reql ruarudmba PIm alnllu 'sno -Jry qrr.^a JaDel sr{} pBaJ nol auIl arp ,{q pareldruoc eq ilpa orred pa,red >l3IJg aau v ^eau -rpoultuof, aJoru pue JePI.u ert rrqr a8pa tsta PuE tllJou rno uo $lp1d elerf,uof Pue IP'^ Eas '/rtau .rg8F2X eof a;opouruoS elE-I agr3o l]IsoraueS aqr 01 $lu3r{1 uoll?)ol .^ eu e uI
y l11ure; E.r5
palplsul uaeg sEr{ alodSeg
v 'uosEes srql slueurs^ordul 3o regunu e sBr{ uorlBls aoruow
.pur,{a egt orur turod leqr sr s8ulrootu rrar{t tE Sulqqoq st"oq Jo ltatre,r aprzn eq] aes pue Jele.r\ ar{t Je o rno >lool utc no,,( uaglt a1qe.(o(ua _arour are lagr lpunore rcatr 1y ury ere suolltts o,^at JnO 'sJogrer{ aql or sltogJo lruoferu agr s8urrg ft1J taqree JalB.^a el{l uI slEoq rrer{t ra8 qnos lprrq -uay e alrqAyuosees Supeoq ere \ lI qsllA I pue 'Sqreog erE suosees (uo[fnJlsuoc :suosEas o.4u erB aragt sueoBe)II{J lsotu JoC o^\t eqt .sn JoC .uopf,utsuor ou pue
tegtual [
<uaat) '[ yuorur(uy 2.to?oruMo) [q
IN f t/\ l/\l oc s,=lu oc o l/N 1/\ oc
Hr =l
1U2ruru0 C s,2,40?oMao a at/ L
YI elcome
July 2O, 2AO2
GREETINGS As Mayor and on behalf of the City of Chicago, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone participating in the chicago Yacht club Race to Mackinac. Since its founding in 1875, the Chicago Yacht Club has served generations of Chicago families both as a home for their boats and as a center for social gatherings and sailing lessons. This year marks the 96'h running of the Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac, an annual competition that draws participants from Chicago and beyond in a test of skill and speed. I welcome all those visiting Chicago for the race and hope that, while you are here, you will take time to discover all that makes our city a great place to live and visit. I know you will like what you find, from our great architecture to our beautiful Lake Michigan shoreline with its refurbished Navy Pier, from our exciting nightlife with famous restaurants and theaters to our many world-renowned cultural institutions. excellent shopping and inviting neighborhoods.
Best wishes for a successful and memorable event. Sincerely,
5um",c, )002
w w w. c h i c agoy ac h tc lu b. o rg
tr1il1lg / z00z t2u14ks
3 t o q n1 tI q t tt,(olt
s r t1 t'm
uEruJrEr{J 33EU 3EuDIr?tr J
oPlrng aIry{
i,(uo4 agr lE no,( 3es PUB >llnl PooD
'sn ol SuIJq uEf, uods sII{r ,(luo lBrP alJ3P"Jeru"f,
pue serJotuelu Jo euIteJII B Jo a3uelsgns eql 01 slnqlJluoc llultua: [r,/v\ af,EJ s(J?al slq] '{qsluu
-,rrr ro ul25 'SrlngrriSo 11r""I sezlJd rtrrrrr8 al{lJo auoJo sJJUuIr\Jo lsII lJorls reqr ulof o} lsenb serlur?uef,un eql o} uolluell? Jno uJnt ol elul} eqr sI 1I /(oN Jno ur Jarll?a^\ pue 3f,uer{f, ,erur} Jo
'sJ"od ls?dJo ualsls PIJS
llreau apu'
ssluI ro rlq aq] u"r{} raq}Er a>lB'I eqr Sulssorc JaUE }eeg Jno Jo uoIl"3UIluePI elelduo3 -ord ot panadxa sl r{3lrl,^a rq8rl pot15 nolluzry r{lroN er{r r" srnP
-aroJd ul ilel PeJInbaJ E P$nPorlul e^"q a,rl JEo/ slqr ]Eqr PJlou
.esr^\e>lr-I .asuarJ3dxa a1qe,(ofua .o*rng a4!w e.teq nor( ;irr6 3o af,BoN 3r{} ur ]sorulB uE 01 papJo ue 3o Suqreluos uIoS PsAIo^a szq ssacord .txaq) zasxlanuo) n?y uopEJlSrSeJ acer-ard aq] lBrp pe^Jasqo a,teq ltru no,(,,tnou lg
rpuxrr?w 01
qnl) tcppf, o8anq3
'plro^l 3I{1 uI sa)?J rel?.&\ qsarS rsa8uol eql Pu? Na euo Jo uolrlPerl reel mo; PuE PerPunq euo agr 8um:es -plo ali] ' '-ard Jo alpr llays pu? luauaSeueru str qlog ur asEJ rno a,rordrul pue,frtdruls ot sdats aAIlISod ueler rea'( slqt ule8e e^Er{ alN 'PuBISI 3EuDIf,"trAJ 01 ef,?U ZOOZ eyt o1 nol aurof,le \ 1 'aaulrutuo3
a)EU sBuDIreIN al{t Pue qnlS }qr" o8mrq3 arll Jo JIeI{eq
uaruiln(l) \r?V r?uxYr?w <olYng 24!w [q
ceullceyN ol oceu qnlc lr{ce^ ooeclqc z00z oq] o] oLUocloAA 2ruor/2 M
ta4utlg / z00z t2tutuns 'tu?tsuoc sde,la,p ere s8urgr
auos 'a8trtqr lSolouq:ar pu" suolt?rJ -ue8 se ue,re 'lpu::eddy ,,'urttop srrp pur.{\
aqt urr{^\ roJ ralle,^ s l,g t,, 'papuodsa.t llererparuur rlols 'rnolll.^^ pue]sl rql or dn oB rJAJu plno^\ rI{ tEL.l.^^ pJIs" urt6 ,,'a^eq ot peau nol Surqraruos sI rurrutlturuoJ,, 'serelf,ep rror5 ,,'aldoad tagro uo.rj Surqrlra^r peur?al J^EI{ L, ,,'f,El4 .1o ued lsrq rqr {1par sr sreleoq nqlo qtr.Aa sauols Sur8uer{rx3,, 'Jtult poo8 e Hur.teq sr Jf,EU sqr 3o r.red tsrrlu eLIl 'ramor{s pe
-preu-qf,nr.u E raUE tErll stslsur llors 'PuElsr aqr uO ,,':.r:qr dn lertt :.tt:ua eqt lrrs
op rou pp eq sles epuetz 'Pu?lsl eqr uO ,,'as?,
rr.1l Jq lou rq8ru :eqr ,trou 'rse8unol agr sE,^A I 'rErI lsel,, 'JJEJ stt{l uI JJPIo tsuIJq sllerer rq se sr13ne1 p1o reel-E1 rr.1f 'or prE/!\lo+ Ioo[ or Eutq::uos Jtu J^Eb Pu? srrll1q" dru parser t?qt tr?ts arf s?1( ]I,, 'satets ,,terJef, lur ur auolsalru "PueIZ se,l,r rEr.lJ,, 'l13urp:or:u :eoq e l1:rrugap aql Suusnfpt ur Surdlaq PUE 'raq]Ee/d aqr Sulpe:.r sem rrEU rsrU slq Pleoqe srlrl lrqrsuodsar ellro^EJ sp.pualz,,'rEuDIf?W or r:3 or srnor{ ZE 11oo)'pqas ')eog
lrPun uoos fEuDlJEIy'{.ol SJ)EJ o/t^-l tllrlN
8urles arp ul Eluor o: s8urqr :aueq
se,t\ eq PUE ol ruB./t{ l.uPIP lJquJul .^ rrr
ruo 'J)Er eqrgo Suruur8Jq JI1 rV 'uolr
St o q n1t l q t r Io3a c t q t'm m a
rrrJE 'srf,allof,rr r8erll ,,'PooJ^rtuos la8 Pu? lBoq eqrlo rlb or PEI; AllBnlfE I,, 'Pu?lsl Jr{l Eurlnol ol PJE.lv\loJ se./(
PaT_ool rsolu eq s.{Bs rbrel{,'fEuDllEIAJ
ot HurfEr Jo rrJJ ,rjr Sutralduo: lagy
rltr. {l $lf,I]s ]I '3tulr Jo lunolue lrol{s
'rno ll JJnEU ol
rno '>Fo.^ ru?elJo lol ? sa^lo^ul ]I,,
'uoDue^uof, IrES rIIr rE 666I ^Flurs eql tnog? peureel ur ruerSord srnors EeS
-?f,rPaul sseu{lrs ?Js {ool IP e,u Pu? eJer{] rno Suro8 err.4^ %N,, 'JEW lsrg.{-ro,r stq uo sE^\ sllerJl lrols sarJors :sa:earE JqrJo euo
:o3 1er:uerod rqt ser.{ vpu..tz uEg '.rlaq srg
Pu? )DIJEU lno^JI
r:3 or lpoqdra^r qrr,l,r lro.dluerr Jo ro1 E sr{BI rT 'Plo auros PuE 1(Ju auros 'eld -oad enla,nru tlll.^^ lEoq rql uo eJ,no^,, 'PuEIsl rr.ll e1 1:3 ol stqSru ae:qr aqr slFler PUE'6661 uI ef,eu r"w er{t Paro eaPu3 }sru PIo reel-31 aga
(wuery trefJI
'rrulrgrl e urft rsel llr.Aa ]Eql srtr -oureru rr{r rr"r.1s urq d1:r1 or sorogd alzl
:r:leuurds aqr u/v\op 3ur4elslres agr 8ur -sr er pJpnl)ur J^Er{ san l lq rsu odsa; snotrreld srq 'Irrprloj aql uo llsnoro;I^ BuDIrolN 'a8uno; rnq Surqrlue srop lrors 'preoq uO
E r{Jns Jo-I qrnr.u os uJEel nol, 'JJTeu -urds rqr Jo Surlu^rl{r Pu? trdlror JLI] ur PJlslss" JoIIES tsuno^ rl{l 'sultls rnoq-xrs 3u9.ro46 ,,'dleq uec og,,v' JuoJruos >lsE '.oP ol lBtl/v\ ,^^orDl l.uoP
pJru no^ 'nurr{rJruos PuErsrePun l.uoP nol,l'-fl,, 'srrElrrP etserlJ ,,irrqratsor ll
3 rl,req .rage ::u:u:dxa r^EJ rsru slq ul r.red loor epuetz'E1 3o :He ueru allt tV
's1res Sur8ueqf luoJ.I ur 3un1,ro.rnt pue 'lJels aq: Sur.rnp rtoq eql Surlrerrp
rurrr euo aqf 'rJnrry aq] ut e:u:tladxa q8nolqr erotu lol e urerl or_rlrI plnom 'lEW auo q8nolqr u:aq 3ur.,req rer3e
,,'sll?rts eqr q8norgr dn Suro8 looc llper osp sr tI 'tr?ts aqt 1? tueuretrf,xe aqt ot PJ?,^aroJ >lool I,, 'lue^a eq].ro llrrr{t eql $Jaes roll"s snolrlglu? eql
'r)Er prql srq Suraq srqr qtpN 'rEuDIrEIAl ol JJEU rsrrJ srr.{..1o eiue[[Eqf, ,I{r uo >loor uors '9 t Jo rBB eqr ty 'urz.r3o.rd aqr ol JrnqrJluor or ::u:u:dxa jo pep rea.r8 sr uots 'la E r{tr,,vr tnols EaS E
uJr{l uEr Jq sE (EJeruE) stq sr lnoqll.&l )etrlr{ ol oB ;a,neu plno,&\ Jq s.(es :3a414
lnq 'eruauadxa aqr lnoqe:uelrseq llarrul
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pu" 'uortrp?Jt cew erlt Jo rouoq uI
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,,'Iro,rruert p;rnq sd1er1
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]eql peterulrsa acqod aq1 pauq eldoad 000'002 'de8 raang aoruotr J eqtJo ]sea teal 00E'.I
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: r:;;:: ;; ;; ;":r:;:;r;;r;;
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r?W aqt avql ra33rg
The Mac Cornmittee
N/leet the NIac Committee It takes many gredt PeuPle working hardfor afwll year to haue the race run utith a?pdrent ease. Here they are'
Front Row (L to R): Janet Crnbb,'lom Llclntosh, Angeh Grahdtn' Middle Row (L to R): Geratd wo$ Rick Lill\, varwick CoT,pleson, Bob olins, Pey. sntt. Ken Chambers, Bach Row (L to It):'Bob Hough,'Don Gtaseil, JeffMonger, An4 l{irnrr, Torn Neill, Mlke Bucklo, Midrecki' Greg O'Neill, Shawn Schweers' Dlck Brenda Sollitt, Ron Wbite, Not pictured: Ann Moorman, Mike Kamerlink.
u.ry summer. shorrly after the VIac racers return to their t-.l"-. port, planning begins for next year's Mac Race. It is th. *o.k of the mi-bet. 6f th--. Mac Committee that makes each race come off with consistent success. Here we introduce those
! E
dedicated men and women.
Michael Bucklo Position on Committee: Chairman Length of Time on Committee: 12 Yrs Primarv Occuoation: Attornev Orher ?achting & Chicago Yacht Club (Club) Committee Resoonsibilitiei: Past Diiector, Chairman NOOD Committee, Pasi Member oF Offshore Commirree. Past Sailins 6 Yachtinr Experience: Sailboat racing for over 30 year, - O#thore & O"ne Design. Raced 25 Chicago Mackinac Ra..s and numerous other miior distance races and regartas in the Midwest and on the \7est Coast
Richard Lillie Position on Mac Committee: Vice-Chairman Lengih of Time on Committee: 2nd year
Pririary Occupation: Real Estate Development
Orher Yachtinn Ar CtuU Commitree Responsibilities: fuea lll Fleer Captain,"Clrrb Offthote Chairman. Past Presidenr Tarran Ten National Association. Past Sailing &Yachting Experience: Thrtan 10 sailor/boat owner 15 years, Completed 18 Mac races
sutrnr.; )00)
Ken Chambers Position on Mac Committee: Technical Advisor & Scratch Book Design Lengrh ofTime on Commirree: 2 Years Pririarv Occuoation: Real Esrate Tax Consulrant Other Yachting and Club Committee Responsibilities: Chicago Y.C. 6ne Design Committee, T-10 Board of Directors, Chicaeo IMS Committee. Pasr SZilins & Yachtins Experience: Raced in 1l Chicago to Mac Races, T-l-0 NAC plaied ist in 1999 and 3rd in 1998' Etchells One Design Sailing.
Coppleson, MD
Position on Mic Committee: Chief Judge Length of Time on Committee: 5 Yrs
Primarv Occupation: Physician Other Yachting & Club Committee Responsibilities: Chief Judge for Chicago Y."C., Senior U.S. Judge, and Internatio-r1a]Jgdge and is the Reglonal AdminisrrativeJud-ge. Member oFLMSRF appeals Commitiee, Member of the US Sail Judges Committee. Pa"st Sailing andYachting Experien-ce: I-earned
to race yachts on
Sydney Hirb"r. One Sesign and Offshore Sailing since coming
to Chicago Crabb Janet -Position
on Committee: Housing, Sign-In,'!feb site Coordinator
Leneth of Time on Mac Commirree: 3 years Orhir Yachring and Club Commirr"e Responsibilities: CIub Race Coirmittee since 1981, Club Protest Committee' Past Sailing Experience: Dinghy, One Design and Offshore sailing
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rosr^pY Frrurpel :oaDruuroJ
TlTrlirfr,ffig a211xruruoc r?ol 2q L
Spring Events at the Club Easter Brunch, Auto Show, Mother's Dn! and. Fashion Shout
Easter Brunch photos by Norris McNamara
The Chicago Yacht Clubt annual Easter Brunch was once again a bountiful delight for all. A4any kids (and adultsl) enjoyed themselves with our very special guest, the Easter Bunny, while feasting on the Club's classic holiday accoutrements.
This grand family affair attracted several tables of three, even four generations of Club members. A tradition, indeed, as families continue to spend their most precious occasions in the luxury of our Club.
Auto Show On May !, members brought some exotic and unusual dates with them to Monroe Station... their cars. The annual Chicago Yacht Club Auto Show and Brunch greeted many car lovers and their pride and joy.
The parking lot was filied with beautiful automobiles, all in their glorious luster and shine. The fascinating wheels varied from antique models, to some of the newest, hottest trends on the road today. Members enjoyed a fantastic brunch with the finest of carving stations, fruits galore, and ice sculptures that kept everyone coming back for more.
Summer 2002 / Blinke r
ww w. c h i c a goy ac b tc lu b. o r g
The 2001Mac
Looking Back at the 2001 N/ac Captured momeruts of the Race from Chicago photos by Boatpix.com, Karen L Hirscb and Molly Winbleman
Summer 2002 / Blinher
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Welcome New Members! The following persons have been granted membership in Chicago Yacht Club \7e welcome them on board
Associate ll Christine Cover' Ms. Cover is vice president of lt/arketing and Client Services at lt/id-Continent Capital, L.L.C' She resides in Chicago and crews for Slren Song and G/rder. 0S
Karl Gross- lt/r. Gross is an attorney at Leydig, Voit & tt/ayer. He resides in Chicago and enjoys sailing.
Regular Karen Alber- tt/s. Alber is vice president of Quaker Oats Company' She resides in Chicago and is joining sailing.
Chad Johannesen- Mr. Johnannesen is an Associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP. He and his wife, Kristen, reside in Chicago and own a 25'Larsen. CS
James Mello- I\/r. tt/ello is a student at the University of
Charles Anderson- It/r. Anderson is president of C.E. Anderson &
Chicago. He resides in Chicago and enjoys sailing'
Associates, P.C., a structural engineering/ architect comp. He and his wife, Rita, reside in Oak Park and have two children: Keith, 14 and Brian, 11. He owns a 54'Sea Ray, Sonb Too V. P
Gregory Schulson- ttlr. Schulson is president of Burrito Beach
Brett August- Mr. August is a partner at Pattishall McAuliffe, a law firm. He and his wife, Carey, reside in Chicago and have one child: Hillary, 17. He owns a 30'Catalina, La Pnncrpessa. CS
Bill Vignocchi- ltllr, Vignocchi is treasurer of John Keno and
Ed Bidanset- lt/lr. Bidanset is vice president of IFC Credit Corporation, corporate financing. He resides in Chicago and owns a 30' Catalina, Jusf Lfe. CS
Mark Davis- lVr. Davis is a partner of O'Keefe, Ashenden, Lyons & Ward, a law firm. He and his wife, [\4ary Sue, reside in Chicago and have one child: Matthew, 7. They own a 34' Sabre, Spring Wind.
LLC, a restaurant business. He resides in Chicago and owns a
37'Jeanneau. CS Company, lnc. He and his wife, Megan, reside in Lake Forest and are co-owners of a 52'Jefferson, RrpRap. P
- Britt Winterer- [/r. Winterer is a development coordinator at
' Catellus Development Corp., a real estate comp. He and his wife, Rosemary, reside in Chicago and enjoy sailing.
Associate lll - Crew Ken Guttentag
Michael Delaura- [/r. Delaura is president of MK Financial Corp. He resides in Barrington Hills and enjoys sailing.
Peter Ellis- lt/r. Ellis is a partner at Skidmore, Owings & tt/errill, a design architect comp. He and his wife, Paula, reside in Chicago and have one child: Cara,14. He enjoys sailing and looking to purchase a boat.
Glen Hampton- Mr. Hampton is chief technology officer of RapidApp lnc., a computer consulting comp. He and his wife, Cathleen, reside in Northbrook, and have two children: Donovan, 4 and Logan, 3. He is co-owner of two Tqan yachts, Co//ecfive Ambition and Collective Aspiration. P
Michael Schulson- [t/r. Schulson is president of Lunan Corporation, a restaurant management corp. He and his wife, Nancy, reside in Chicago and have two children: Greg, 32 and Marci, 29. He is interested in purchasing a sailboat this year.
Nate Simpson Jr,' Mr Simpson is president of Fit Corp. Ltd., a recreational center. He and his wife, Cindy, reside in Flossmoor and have four children: Valencia, 41, Brandon, 21, Nate lll, 5 and Lindsay, 3. He owns a 39' Searay, Ktten. P
John Streur- IMr. Streur is CEO of The Burridge Group, LLC, an investments comp. He and his wife, lt/ary Kleihege, reside in Chicago and have four children: Ryan, 10, Liza,B, Jessica, 8, and Jacqueline, 5. He owns a 38'Chris Craft, Bul/nose. P
Michael Tadin- Mr Tadin is president of Marina Companies lnc., a transportation comp. He and his wife, Lee, reside in Chicago and have two children: Michael Jr.,24 and Christina, 7, He owns a 48' Sea Ray, ltlarina ll.P
J. Regan Thomas- Mr. Thomas is chairman of the Dept. of Otolaryngology, at the University of lllinois at Chicago. He and his wife, Rhonda, reside in Chicago and own a 30'Sea Ray, Rhonda C. P
Srmmer 2002 / Blinleer
Mary Lindsey Duda Van Sandwick Spencer Seufert William Stueben Sandra Williams It/atthew Woodworth [t/ichael Woodworth
Alexis Goettsch Henry Holzkamper Stephen Phillips
Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) Title of publication: BLINKER; Pub. No.: 104020 Date of filing: October 19, 2001 Frequency of issue: quarterly Number of issues published annually: four Annual subscription price: $25 Location of known office of publication: Chicaqo Yacht Club, 400 E. lt/onroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 Locati-on of the headquarters of the publisher: Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. lVonroe Street, Chicago, lL Publis-her: Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. Monroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 Editor: Norris McNamara; Chicaqo Yacht Club,400 E. Ivlonroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 Ownei: Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E, Monroe Street. Chicago, lL 60603
Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding Dercent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, 0r other securities: none The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the excempt status fdrfederal income tax purposes have not changed during the preceding twelve months. No copies Publ. Avg. No. copies nearest filing date Preceding 12 mos. '1
Total number of copies printed: lVail subscriptions: Total paid circulation: Free distribution by mail: Totallfree distribution by mail: ' TotalI Dishibution: Copies not
distributed: Tot'al: Percent Paid:
3125 't533 1533
975 975 2508
2500 1541 1541 310
310 2508 649 2500
Publication of this statement was originally in the Winter 2001 issue.
ut w w. c h i c a go.y a t h t c lu b. o, g
contin ued frorn preuious p age recognized this strength and determination from his presence on many race courses. Most recently, Garry raced regularly aboard Eagle. He participated in the dinghy program and Frostbiting at Belmont often serv-
The Mac Committee
ing on the Race Committee or as a Judge. He began sailing scows as a child in Lake Geneva and continued on to revive the Illinois Institute of Technology sailing team in college, while studying engineering. Garry also worked hard to become an accom-
Robert A. Olins Position on Mac Committee: Tiaditionalist/Guru Ler-rgth of Time on Committee: ?-0 years Pririary Occupatior-r: President, Comrnunications Research Inc. Other Yachring ar CLuU Committee Responsibilities: N4easutement rrrles committie. power flcct cotnntittee. membcrshil. committee. admissior-rs committec, lormer director, forward plann i ng commicrc. Past \ailittg 6 Ynthrittg Exlricncc; l')B I L)vcr.rll Winrrer Chicrg,, N4aclinac.*l 98I Chiciuo Boar.,lthe Year Awald. Winner oFrirttr. l' ly every sailing trophy ihc club oflers on Shifdess. Owner of varior-rs racing saiJl,.,ai", lgsl Chris Craft Super Sport, 1965 Huckins, etc.
plished Laser sailor.
Garry also firmly believed in giving back to the sport he loved. He contributed to the annual Timme Angsten collegiate regattas and chaired the Jimmy Talbot regatta, bringing the event to national attention. Garry was also a delightful friend, companion and husband. Five hundred people, including many Club members, attended his memorial service on February 9. He touched many lives very deeply and will be profoundly missed. Garry was a very giving person with a passion for sailing that could only be matched by the size of his smile. Contributed by Jill Vinter
Former Commodore Joseph \Wright died March 11, five days short of his 91st birthday. He served as Commodore of Chicago Yacht CIub from 1975 to 1976.His racing sailboat Siren Songwx a legend on Lake Michigan. Commodore \Tright also served as chairman of Zenith Corporation for many years as well as being the company's chairman of the board. The Late Commodore also served on the boards of many corporations including Amoco and Commonwealth Edison. He has been commemorated with the dedication - in his name - of the new flagpole at Monroe Station. \Tright was a dedicated sailor who enjoyed the competition and adventure of being at sea. He also competed in the Newport to Bermuda Race, and the Southern Ocean Racing Circuit, and several Mackinac races. His wife Jane recalls, "There was one Bermuda Race where they hit a terrible hurricane. He didn't think they would get through the storm alive, but he met the challenge
like he always has." His son, Former Commodore Joe \7right, Jr. and three stepsons, Michael, David, and Jeffrey Stroud survive him.
continued fiom pdge 13
Shawn O'Neill Position On Committee: Spor-rsorship Liaison Lcngth of Time On Committee: 5 yrs Primary Occupatiort: 5trte Farm Insutancc Agettt Orhcr Vachting & Cluh Comrnittee Rcspon'ihiliries: Club FrostbitJChairman for 10 years, Ir4ichigan State lJniver:sin' Sailir.rgTeam Captain l9B2 - 1986. Past Sailing Expirience: Completed 23 Chicago to Mac Races, First Overall tVir.rner l986 & 1991, Raced Lasers for the past 14 years. Raced OfRrhore in Chicago sir.rce 1979, 15 Consecutive Boat of rhe
Year Awards.
Dick Schweers Position on Mac Committee: N4ackinac Island Coordinator Length of Time on Committee: 22 years Primary Occupation: Cornmodities Tiader Other Yachtir.rg & Club Committee Responsibilities: Club Race Committee Since 1981, US Sailing Senior Race Officer. Club Race Committec Representarive - Area IV 1997 &- 1998. /'nsr Sailing & Yachting Experienr; ()lF'lrore Sailing & Racing .irr.. 196(r, Raced Chicago to Mac 6 times and 1 Lake Huron N4ac. Pete Stott
Position on Mac Committee: N4ember Length of Time on Committee: 1st Year Primary Occuprrion: Manager-El\4C Corp. Oth.r, tachti,rg and Club C"om-ittee Rcsponsibilities: Skigrper-Privateer, Sea Scout Ship. Past Sailing and Yachting Experience: Sailing for 30 years and racins for I 0 years. Ron White Positior-r on Mac Committee: Chief Measurer Lerrgth of 'l'irne on Committee: 5 years Prinrary C)ccupation: Stockbroker/Pension Consultant Other Yacl.rting er CluS Committee Responsibilities: Club Board oi Directors, Spoirsorship Committec, 1999 and 2000 Mac Chair. Pd't Sailing &Yachting Experience: Sailine since 1981. Racing sincc 1q9-3 including (r Chiiago N4ac's, 5 Port Huron Mac's, 7 St Clair Solos, 7 Huron Double Handed.
Gerard Wolf Position on Mac Committee: N4ember Length of Time on Committee: 7 Years Primary Occupation: VB Software Company Other Yachting & Club Committee Responsibilities: Chairman, Leukemia Cup; N4ember, Club Board of Directors; Club Offshore Committee; Club Area III Representative. Past Sailing 6 Yachting Experientr: A sailor for .15 years. First conrpetitive sai-iing was in Collegc xs r member of thc Sailir.rg Team. Currently pari owner of Mirage, a Santa Cruz 70. Previoush' o* nec o orher boats rangirrg from J4 - 52 lcet in lengrh. Has raced or cluiscd in rhe Ballic, N4edirerranean, Arlantic. Carihbean, and P.r.rrt. Ocean. Sailed in 25 Mac races.
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