2002 Fall Blinker

Page 1



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#els ro)|u!18 stuatuoC lo algtiL

Calendar of Events of Directors



OCTOBER october 17

The Fine Taste of wine Sampling - white wine varietals Thtn'sday, Women's Committee Luncheon with Tuesday' October 22 Barbara Rinella Reviewing "Coco Chanel" The Fine Taste of Wine Sampling - Red Wine varietals Thur'sday'

October 24

Around The World With Robin Dayie

Thtrrstlttt', Ottober 2'l

Kurt P

One DesignAwards Dinner

Sattrrtlay' Oc'tober )6

Deane H. Tank, Sr. Raymond J. Teborek

Sunclcn" October )7

Children's Halloween Parly

Author Nathaniel Stone discusses his book "On the Walet" Wednesday, October '30 Gerard

NOVEMBER Associate Committee hosts First Friday

Friday, November I


Mackinac and Offshore Awards Dinner

Saturrdav, NoYember 2



hmday, November 3

of Directors

Cruising Sail Fleet Awards Dinner at


Belmont Station *Fall Dinner Dance (A la Carte Dinner)

Saturday, NoYember 9

Farr 40 Awards Dinner at Belmont Station Thanksgiving Day Festive Luncheon Buffet

Saturday, November 23


Saturday, November 23 Thursday, November 28

Start of Holiday ShoPPing!

Transportation to Loop today to kick off the Holidays Have Lunch at the Club, go shoPPing, and return for a Fin Fantasy Dinner in the evening!

Assf. Assf.





Fritloy, Noventber 29








Sundal', Decetnber

Associate Committee hosts First Friday T-10 Awards Dinner at Belmont Station

Fridctl:, December 6

*Children's Holiday Party

Satw'dcty, December 7

+Commodore's Open House

fumday, December l5

Brown Guidici

Frido-t, December 6

*Yule Concert-Chicago Syrnphony Center Lunch at Monroe Street Station and


Matinee Performance

Saturday December 2l

Transport Service To and From Conced

and Sunday December 22

*New Year's Celebration Gala Dinner and Dance

Tuesday, December 3


Orejudos McDonr

Anthony I * Denotes

further details to be published in upcoming issues

of The Burgee

Pleuse note that all eyents arc held at Monroe Stteet Station unless noted


Fall 20a2 / Blinher

othenvise Mitchell Tim McHenry


t22/ ut/g

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,,'acuefiecxg 3ungcetr3o uorlrPB[,,

rno anuEuol ot Sur^uts roJ PaPuerurum aq PForls JJels rno Pue (seellruruof, ftrEru rno Jo IP 'PrBog 3I{J 'elqEdorue lrora aqt eleru qtuv\ puE sraqurau auu luelu aql 'srnorl 3uo1 lueu sarrnber preog aW uo uoltlsod ftu alrqr{t lEr{t I IEep JEts (]earls aoruotr^{ rE 'sregtuaur ro3 llpuarr3 ssaf,f,E arour PIaq. eou stue^a aqlJo etuos elPueq o1 Peddmbe raDeq ag Ipre^o PuE 'drr{sraqrueu eql lq pesn sr tr. aorl puE uorlels eqr or se8ueqc e^r}Isod lueur [v\^' ]uolupg 'elqEIrE E eq ot sdrls tuersuBrt rltrlN teer? e e)pu 1p.^a >lro.^a peuueld aqr reqr areq ,(es lluo 111,u. I 'uor]E]S tuotulag le uonrnrtsuor eqt ot pre8ar rpvtt ,(purg 'dlqsraqruaur

asralrp rno eteporuuro)re ot tsaq.^ oq Surlpnrs erz sealnuurol snorre1 'qnl3 rreqt uro{ pasll{f,uBguoslp IeeJ dltq8u stue^e aq] ur stuedrf,nred tou aJ? oq1( srequeru te1 'qnll tr{cel ssell-plro1(r E sn aTeur stuele t?ogreaod pu? Ies puorteuJatur pue (plol 'setle8er eql sr .taerlar rapun os[V eseqJ ro(eur Sulrnp ere esnoqqnl) Surlrrd pasn pue tol Ipuoneu 'puor8ar ^\oq 'l;rts Jno pue 'spunoJ8 ar{t 'sragruaur Jno uo ureJts e ur srlnser qcrqrrr. 'ltreru ool anssr e.& lErP sruras rr 'e^ulaJJr alqrN 'rq3r51 uenaua^ pue lp[3o Prf aqr se qfns slue^e rorBtu 1e rog-fpo sserf,E roJ rar{}oue pue Sururp roJ pueqtsrr.^^ auo-l:l1od ,,purqtsrrl(, Sunsrxa agl Surrrral,tar lpuarrnc are aA\ 'tuele snoureJ-plJo,&\ rno Jo senrlDseJ aql lo(ua or ruooJ eJour pue eraqdsoune palsa8uoJ ssal t stsan8 fiegt pue srequeur a,te8 lrred ce141-ard rq8ru leprrg agr or cqgnd patr^urun eleunurle ol slroga s.qnlf orlJ, 'ssecre elfrqel lcua8rarua rog pue rsn rno roJ rersee pue suernsaped roJ rges eare pellonuo, pue pau,ro rAll ,,{r Surdaa>1 'a uC eroqs a>le'I pue spunor8 rno uae-^ueq e^rrp aqt ruog sJEf, Sulrrrot lla,r.lrce are acrlod ar{J'tol agr ur lred o} sJagtuaru aroru Sultrolp sr selnJ Suqred Suttsrxa 3o tuaurarroJua rr{J 'qnlf er{t te Sumurluor osle are se8uegc puorreradg 'oned .4 au sqnl3 erp uo Sururp raurruns erp fofue o] aurer nol3o lueru se 'paraldruoc uaeq seq uonets eoruotrAJ ro3 ueld >lro,& eqr (s,uau qnlJ or pre8ar qu2g 'slep 699 JoJ 'S'n aql ssoJf,e teoql(or e ur uorsJnrxa srq uo paseq Ielou E 'tpoqmo[ p ut yrualnv8ut,tartoxtq :u1aX4 aclJ uO >loog ,^aau sry tuog tdrecxa ue petcalas lleuosrad srq euots IeruEr{tEN ror{tne 'srapeer rno roJ llieuorrrppy 'uosees slqr patsoq seq qnl3 rno stuela ar{}Jo eruosJo sotogd are anssr srqt ur parnteal os[V 'suonrpuo] dreurproerua esogl ur pareJ axuaqa) .4aoq Jo epr Suqladurol E r{lu'r 'sregrueru aerf, f,roreg eseqt Jo auo ;o .&ors aqr srq8rfq8lq ,taquqg erp Jo enssr sqI 'slroJJa rrorarl

rnol rog nol3o Ip or queqr lW '.JII auo twal tEJo ssol prruerod E peue E suorlrpuof, asra pE rapun ru[e, ureureJ or &11qe rleqr pue ',4aerl ar{}Jo er{t 'stueruerrnber lra3es u.a,rerp dlryrq8noqt ot eruereqpe torJts uo ef,uetsrsur s.qnlf, aqJ IpJo IIHS 'uaJIO IIoN urerde3 jo pueuruor ar{r rapun Iassal prcraururoc 3uo1 looJ-g0/ {areu -rxordde ue'aux"t?W o8/V slroJJa anrsar agr ur Surrednnred 'ztpr{)S sel1,(g peurrro EE ryorlos e 'oruzyox lg ,ta.erc srr3o xrs IIe Jo anrsar er{t pue '>leals leeqllf{ lq peur'r.o <axuarJ?) Ipq-Dlnur rooJ-yV orp yo Surzrsdec erp rarye pue steog ueel'treg Soprp orper eqt ot peuetsrl pue 'qtnos eqt ot selru Eg rnoqe peleool



:taslx) aqt Jo e8prrg eqr uo se \ I ireeJ 000'<0/ re sdor pnop pue rnoq rad selrur 09 rrlo lE paprosar are. a spur \ 'depung sseu>lrep llrea arp ur lerg er{l ssorre pe^ou luo5 plo, p3ra.l.r.od lra,r.



rerpo aqr pue 31as&u roJ tue e prcads lre.r. e lr apeu drrr aqr rnoqSnorqt ,^ aro aqt Jo sseu[puar+ pue lrrprrdsoq erlJ 'spuv't 'Suorrs 3r (algero eJ ur rse3 Suqres steoq aqt peqltea I se lnoqe parap -uo.^A I terlt uorsrf,ep e '(ntlutyJ?W railn) g)Sn eqr uo aseJ ar{t les ot uorletrlur ue petdelle I 'e Eal ot urerp JoJ tre-/$. ot stuedrcrued Sursnec 'pelure sreoq dyrea eqt ueq,^ sdqs rrarp ur ilns arera lueyq 'lep aqr ur ret?l ruaqr parcadxa peg sdqs rraql asn sluedrcrued erer tel or pear8e oq,/vr puEIsI eqr uo sdrys eqr 3o sreploq-uoseeg 'srualgord srar{srurJ llrea arp pesner srr{J 'p rrre parcedxa rraqr

ro pear{e slnor{ p'Ersr arp,:?;X


j:.:r,Zir:l];X;)ffTffiiff,]":,]::fu r,

'srnoq ZZ Jo prooer ,{\eu aqt :eurn pesdela rsarse3 Surpnlrur les era,^ . sprorar pra aS 'tsaluoc s,read srqr ur paredrcrrred ggE tsoruly'ecer terlt ur Surredrcnred sreoq e,rg rsnIqt1lrt'868I ur peuels teqt tsetuof, aqrgo lrorsrq eqt ur tselseJ aqtJo euo ser'r r1 'paralduror sr acEU rel J ZOOZeq


cuaatg '[ yuorutuy ailyoruruo) tcq

l-Nf 1/\l/\loc s,fuocoy\ly\oc f Htlu2Luut0 c s<a.t0youtut0 c at/ L

ATale from the Mac

Survival in the NIac The Capsizing of Caliente by Mark ril Muehler

O , *e SandaJt euening ofJuly

told later that

21st, the 44-foot Chris \Yhite designed trimaran Caliente, capsized in the Straits of Machinac,

squall raced across the lake at speeds

while competing in Chicago Yacht Club's Race to Machinac Island. The 6-rnember crew consisted of

of 50 to 60 M.PH. with wind velocity recorded between 70 and 90 M.PH.

ounex Michael Such, Winfield, IL, Trey Rittex Libertyuille, IL, Bruce 'W'arthen, Libertyuille, IL, Tirn

\Thether a

Doran, Grayslahe, IL, Panicb Tierney, Eaanston, IL, and Marh Muehbr, Homer Glen, IL Thefol-

clusive. However, the force of the

wind that flattened

lounng is Muehler's account of tbe harrouting ordeal.

eased mainsail

microburst was involved is incon-

the Calientds fuJly seemed consistent

At about B:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time the Caliente rounded Shoal Buoy #3 into the Straits of Mackinac some 30 miles from the

with such a metrological phenomena.

Upon releasing the mainsheet, I

finish. \Wind direction was from

turned to see the

the southwest and boat speed 10-12 knots. No other racing boats were in view. The only vessel was a freighter approaching from behind

furled and the remarnrng portron of the sail flying

and to the west. A starboard jibe removed the Caliente from the freighters course. \7e had begun preparing dinner, when the western sky began looking ominous. After a brief discussion, with Tiey Ritter at the helm, Mike Steck, Bruce \Tarthen and Tim Doran began furling the screacher.

In less than a minute, Pat Tierney looked behind us and was terrified at what he saw. A wall of rain with white foam delineating the storm front was less than 200 yards away. He screamed over the roar of the wind, "Get the sails down NO\7!" Before even one halfthe screacher could be furled, the squall hit us. The loaded screacher sheet Tierney was tending tore through his hands and began burning his gloves. I was

screacher half

unsheeted in the

Caliente underway at the begining of the race. photos by Boatltix'com was digging into the water much like a submerging Fortunately, I had a self-inflating Mustang life vest. I popped back up submarine. The stern, where I was so fast, I cannot ever remember my standing lifted maybe l0-I2 feet. I thought we were going to pitch-pole head being in the water. I am aware of the controversy involving selfend over end. Instead within a few brief seconds, the Calien e sounded inflating versus manually inflating lift vests. My comment in this diswhat appeared to be a soft groan, cussion is had my head hit the pivoted, and with the full force of boom, I surely would have been the wind on her mainsail, which knocked unconscious and been was now pinned against the unable to save myself by pulling the shrouds, heeled to port. Time ripcord. seemed to be in slow motion. All I Everyone now in the water was could think was "This really isnt frantically trying to reach the safety happening. This shouldnt be hapof the overturned Caliente, except pening." But it was and we were for Steck who had retreated to the into water. I dropped the going boat's main cabin where he would shipt about 12 feet, missing the later exit through an escape hatch boom by a foot and a half.

wind. The bow


la4utlg / z00z llal

3 t o'q n1 t I c1 t t Io3r

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6I a3?{uo ?anuquor

ol PEq lBd 'rBog 8ury)}rd aqr uo ll -prf,edse 'lnc 01 tFlUJrp sE.&\ aurl-EJl

-ceds Suorrs aqJ 'eprs pre-tltpur.,ll aql ot ']urcd 8uqno3-lrue qtr.&\ >lrrTs 'llnq q8ry roo3 9 daars erll rolo peqturll

laurar1 lsel ]prus ou se4a ruorts

-laEuJ srrp ur uaql a^arJlal

oI 'esuas

alour ePeur e Eq Plno,4a lau eq] Jo ruouoq eql uo pelunoru 3eq eqr

8uu.eg 'eprsJepun aql uo .Iv\ou se/v\ lng 'leu eqt ol PaI] sE \ orPEJ cl{r\ PIeq-PuEr{ E PUE sarell PaurEluof

rlolrf '8eg luuepr eqI 'pau.taorp

a,rcg deu o \ ttrlt rq8norp egr re passardap aa.a.r8 sareurdqs rno 'elq -rssodrur aure)eg ter{t sees g8nor pue

'ef,uetsrp 'ssau>lJep r{tr^\ tng 'tq8rs ur sn Surdael uaaq per{ raury ',(prrlul 'leog erp Jo 1r{3rs tsol I pu" rur r

Pue elru E Je o PsrlcEeJ PEr{ sn PUE arua?l?) aqr uae.&\teg uonr.redas eqr 'Sulzlsdec arp raUE rnoqJpq auo l.rea;asard oJII E ul uo,ta elglssod sr Suru-,u.orp rerp rg8noqr ap.(q paurr.ret ]eqr,r -euos pue Jatr^r ur 8ur4er IIns eJea aA lnq ']:.a1 7-7 ol PeruPr sa./\E.//\

salnulu 9l raJe lng 'uoDEnlIS snoll

-Jad Jno puagardruoc ot eurrl a Erl tou prp e^\ terp lsBJ os peuaddrq IP 1I 'anfseJ rno 01 PrEnD lsEoJ

aqr Surrg lllcrnb ppor'r. pu8rs

slr pue paloldap uaeg ptq 11UIdE arp ter{r adog agr or 3un1c arlN '8ul -puo)sep lpearp se./v\ ssaDIJEp pIrE se^e^\ tooJ L-g q\/L paSer llrs ur.rors

er{I 'Jolf,EJ pf,nrrf, e Suleg arun qlr{\ selrl Jno JoJ a133nrrs ? uI aJe t. sn Jo o.t\l eqr ,/v\oN 'punorS esolc llqrssod plnor e \ utrp re$EJ purl( agr lq u^\olg Sulaq pue ,(enre ne1

07 sB/y\ 1r eluerP] arp roJ PauJnl e.4a

uerlA 'srePlnPqs ,(ru paqqerS

aq sr ,,'ftutur.a nol e^Eel tpo^& I,, 'plts I ,,'eu qtl,l\lElS,, 'lno palrc

aH 'lUI{ o} urE^\s I 'alqnon ur se^{.

arl terp uorssardxa ppEJ slr{ lq eas ppor I 'd1aq rog ller ru1g prear{ I uar{ \ eur urory }eeJ 0€-92 }noqE sE,/v\ eH ']EoUE urrg daal ot etenbapeur s3.&\ 1"q1

lse eJrT ,,>IrEd alggng,,

olsnry r Surrear* su1't rrEJoC rurJ 'lau ar{r uo u1(oP 1r les ef,nrg

PslEIruI sry JAoureJ or PePeeu >lfels 's6JUIdE erp punoJ 3une11 'urgrc

elgeJoplsuor Suvrrolp-,rrs pIrE sa El,t aBng lq punore passot Suragjo

ntlv r(e1^e 1l .^l\olq or Pur,4a erP.roJ puof,es ulds r rng 1oot 1r 'uEquElN eql lsel eqr 3urpw11 'qorrq lcue8 -Jeua eqt q8norqr llxe ol tsel aJrT

uI aJa,4a a1!\ pezlpal a,4a 'Jal?,/v\ a>lEI

or{1 puB peprsgns pur,ry\ erp 'saln

-ullu oz-EI reIV '3lqnoJl snouas

paleurrunilr-tg8rqseg aqr q8no;gr

len sq paqrur eg 's8uluedo ,,JooU,

eqt orur Surddars JaUV 'qrJees

s,e{lntr parucqdruoc rlJlr{,l 'uado sa -rlltrrl Jno r{tr^\ sn rg8nec ruJots erp

yo paads ega 'Sulzlsde) B Jo tua a ur eurT JelE-/( arP a oqB ag 01 urqer ar{r ur Jal!\ol Pelunou ueag 3 ErI

plnoc sggldg arp paredrrnrrc uaaq uorlrPuof, lErp PEH 'PesJe eJ PrrE urrrop eplsdn srrur Surqilrar'a rnlou tarrazvroll 'lg81aq peer{ te petunoru

s$uldg-907 erF roJ Per{frBes aq

'tsre srr{ o} dn ra}ezrr uI 'peer{ eq} q urlq^. >lrnls (reloor ernsserd palg

ratE.&\ eqt llqeqord) rca(qo l,reag y 'eurrpeu Suqsezrr E ur eoqs :uu'l8 e o{rl pelqrunl Sulag ser'r. >pets 'urqrf, ureru oql 01 SunEeJleJ JaIV

'IIEJf eIPJo aPrs eel eq] o1 IUr{ PeFeq PUE eurl e luq 1\\alr{} uer{tJBlN'aJer{} ruo.rC 'rrrds,uog eq] ot etue erp papauuoJ regr lers-relsll1v\ alp Suop l,r.oq aqr or,fur"r. SIII apBlu laurara'stau

aql or PunorE rur^\s 01 PaJD ooJ 'trJq ParJrrrat,le1/.e ulrP 1l a Er{ PuE teog eqt Sursreyar3o rg8noqr aqr 5o^e.^.oH 'steu eql sE1( pJBogE >lfeg Sulgurqc ro3 rulod ssacce lpo atp peztlear e11 'gr8ua.rrs slg raqre8 unq dpq ot EruE er{t uo l"elr Sunlcop e peqryr8 tBd 'tl qf,ttr ot ure,!\s lyareradsap aq',fu.Lrr peUIJp rrEJEru

'&utzudru u{a {uya etuerpJ

-rrt ar{l ry 'palSuerua Sulag uor3 deal or learc rueqr palcra lpc -nuEU rr4 's8a1 slg rr 3u€3n1 seu{ rpll1 'teoq 3ur11o.r eqt qly( a8reu selv\ r{lg,l -qns ot SuluulSaq ^.ou 'lrEsurEru peueueu eq] uo papuEl daurar T 'teog arp ot >1f,"9 ruelu put pareJrns 'tsaa a;r1 agr paddqcun acnrg '8eus aqt opun ot arun eq] >lsrJ uerF JarPEu 'JerEAJePun rurq 8ur1pd '3ul33lr aqt uo paSSeus Jer{]a} srq 'ru.oqauros 'lassaa 8ur -a.sdec oqt uro5 eourtsrp oJES e eg ol tleJ or{ teq/!\ peurEturelu 'ssauJEr{ srl or paddqc rer{rel E Jo spue qtoq qtra ssauJtq/tse algtlelrul ue Sulreaa 'uaquE^\ 'eprs prE,4apur.4a arF uo papreoger lllcrnb pue Iessel pozrs

-drc arp ot asolc palrrs raltpuon

-Enlrs e rpns JoJ peu8lsap llasodrnd

r?yllaqt ruotl alyLV

Book Excerpt

Rowing America with Nathaniel Stone W ,rn Nathaniel Storue was seuen ledrs old, he hopped into a small inflatable d*sb witb the wood.en oars of a skiffand' discouered a newfound. indzpendrnce-as he s*uggledii ,o* fo, the uery first time. Wben he wy ten'

he spent hours t\acirug

the-North the wateruays oL hi, n ln, )nd d.iscouered a ,oilbination oj'*ntrry ,iirus that prouided an unbrobert path betw.een Lone Wyager, read Storue later Years of sorts. island an States Atlantic oni th, Gulf of Mexico, rendering the eastern [Jnited sail to had tried u,bo Gloucester fisherman Joseph Garland.'s blogr;phy of Howard Blirkburr, a late-nineteeruth-century 'oroLod in the island oltfi i^irr" United States without completion. Tbgether, these tbree seemingly innocuous moments on days maruL Stonel life prornptid h;m to ash himself two questiont Hoi many miies could he row in a day? Andfor bow end; Hi ais*rid thr* questions ,rrri yrr* lrter, afier setting out jiom the Brooklyn Bridge and arriuing in Eastpor"t, Mairue, ten months, six thoasand miles, and two million strokes later. On October 30, please join us at Monroe Street Statioru for aru d.??eardnce by Nat Stone. The aathor will be discussing his new book On Thi Watei with a personal selection of his slidrs foi our *rmbos enjoyment. For further information about this fiee euent, or to make your reseruations, clntdct the Front Desk at 312-861-7777.

Here is dn excerpt, selected by the author himself for our readers to enjoy.

either direction beyond view, narrow botanical barrens carved by the propeller of some powerboat jusr barely within its operating depths. Skates carnouflaged in the sand suddenly dart away when they sense the shadow of the hull, though I rarely see them as more than brief streaks in my peripheral vision.

The Big Bend of Florida begins at Apalachicola, leads northeast into Apalachee Bay, and then turns abruptly to the southeast, ending at Cedar Key. It is 150 miles of shoreline, an often lonely arc of Floridat coast protected from development by the shallowness of its depths. Two miles and more from shoreline I am able for long stretches to watch the bottom passing several feet below me, and when I stop to rest I can stand waist deep in the water. Now and then as I pass

The shoreline from a distance is for miles on end a blur of salt marsh with a backdrop of trees, but I ve been of a mind to row and not explore, and have watched as unpeopled points ofthe coast pass by at a

the mouths of tannin-rich 1iys15-d1s Econfina River, the Steinhatchee River, and the Suwannee-the clear water goes dark, the color ofthe deepest red wine, or of blood as it clots. If I dropped a knife here, though it would be within my reach, I wouldnt be able to spot it through the organic dye, produced by the decay ofvegeta-

Aathor Nat Stone, On The Water: Discouering Arnerica in a Rowboat.

tion in inland swamps. But otherwise I watch as I row above thousands of acres of plant life, thick blades of grass, forests of what look like the miniature trees used by architects to suggest landscaping around models of enormous buildings, and varieties of other leafy growth. Here and there I float above Shermanesque scars a foot wide and extending in

rower's speed, emerging at first into mirage ahead of me, then slowly evolving into detailed focus, then fading again toward mirage and out of sight. It rarely occurs to me while rowing that I could drive the distances ahead of me in a fraction of my rowing time, and that thousands of people on parallel roads are doing just that. But

when such a thought does suddenly cross my mind it passes just as quickly, irrelevant. Hundreds and thousands of strokes of the oars which pull the boat through water are sometimes arduous, sometimes mesmerizing, but most often, as breath, very nearly unnoticed. I find the rate at which the occasional buoy of a crab trap discontinued on facing Page


!'all 2002 / Blirker

w w a. c h i c d g o y a c lt t c lu b. o r g

5 taff N ews

Jose Colon Retires Artr, 42 Years of Seruice by Barbara Matthopoulos

rriving A morning, first

at Belmont Station one beautiful August the person I saw with a grand smile on his face was Chicago Yacht Clubt Jose Colon. \Torking near the herb garden at rhe entrance of the Club, it was clear that Joe, as many know him, was taking in the sweet smell of home. After 42 years of service at Belmont Station, Jose Colon has retired from his full-time position at the Club. Before he left, I sat down to chat with the "Joe of all trades" to learn more about the man behind the scenes at Belmont. Born in Puerto fuco on September 8, 1940, Jose attended school through his pre-teen years before beginning treacherous labor, in the regiont sugar cane fields. In the earliest days of his first job, Joe recalls earning a weekly salary of $20.00. After Joet mother carne to Chicago, Joe left Puerto Rico in the winter of 1959, at the age of 19, to join her. 'When ]oe first arrived to the \7indy City, he immediately began working for a lumber company, followed by a temporary position working for a tool manufacrurer.

"Life is too s/tort. . .!ou neaer hnoru. " Joe was living in an apartment on the cityt north side when he met Lou, a Chicago Yacht Club staff member

in the maintenance department. Lou told Joe that he was looking for an employee to work from 11:00 at night to 7:00 in the morning. The eager young man instantly took the job. During this shift, Joe recalls the various responsibilities he had. "At night, I would clean, buff the floors, set the tables. Back then, we did everyrhing," Joe exclaims. \W/hen he first started at the Club, Joe says he was making $1.25 an hour. After working nights for six years, Joe was transferred to a day'time shift.

appears behind me entirely acceptable.

Particularly along this stretch I stop to look down into this separate world, and watch as a wilderriess of grasses and Lilliputian forest sways in its own liquid wind. As I sit in the bow and lean my head over the side, I can see the biological and mineral seadusr suspended and drifting in the tide, and, in undulating reflection precisely where the uppermost elevation of the water seamlessly meets the lowest point of sky, I can see myself leaning over the wooden gunwhale. For a lucid,

w w w. c h i c a g o 1, a c h t c I r b. o r g

In 1965, at a friendt house for Thanksgiving, Joe's life changed forever when he met a beautiful woman named Ida. Also born in Puerto Rico, Ida had five children of her own when she met Joe, as she was

recently widowed. Joe courted Ida for twelve years, in which time the

couple had four chil-

Colon at Belmont Harbon

Joe dren of their own, two girls and two boys, before getting married in 7977. Raising a family of nine, Joe worked at the Club for 42 years, never having taken one paid sick day. Recalling his many memories at the Club, Joe laughs at

the winter seasons past at Belmont. "The barge would move all over the place. \7e would tie the trophy case with rope to keep it from falling down." Joe adds, "Belmont is and always has been a true sailors' club. The barge is like my second home."

John Cummings, Chef/Manager at Belmont Station, has worked with Joe for more than 15 years. Cummings reflects on the many days of work they have shared, "It was Joe Colon who influenced me on the art of longevity in the workplace. Joe has taught me to do this with the way he has humbly accepted his role here at the

Club". \X/hile Joe feels it will be hard to be away from the Club on a full-time basis, he has other plans that will definitely keep him busy. The grandfather of seven has many people waiting to visit with him after he sells most of his belongings and vacates his apartment. In the fall, Joe will visit his daughter in Miami, and then head to Puerto Rico for the rest of the year to spend time with

his sister. Joe ended his conversation with me by giving me these brilliant words of advice, "Life is too short...you

never know." Indeed, truer words were neyer spoken. Thanks Joe. lWe are all going to miss you.

stunning moment, as when one is wholly distracted, transfixed in deja vu, I am no longer myself with a name and a history of associations and preferences, but reduced simply to a breathing, observing presence, and the feeling of the slightest breeze on my arm, the long oar whose red blade floats idly on the ware! and a single architectt tree amid the miniature, aqueous forestscape below are all utterly astonishing. ON THE WATER: DiscoueringArnerica in a Rotaboat (Broadway Boohs; Jub 9, 2A02; Hardbound; $23.95).

Fall 2002 / Blinktr


Spe c i a l Eve n t

2002 Opti Nationals Sarasota, Florida


by jenny Goldberg

n July of 2002, the Chicago Yacht Club sent six of its Opti sailors to compete at the Opti Fleet Nationals at the Sarasota Sailing Squadron in Sarasota, Florida. The team members were Molly Boyd, Jordan Factor (both of whom sailed in the Green Fleet), Jenny Goldberg, Van Sandwick, Sandy W illiams, and Michael Whitford (all of whom sailed in the Red, White, and Blue Fleets). Jim Hughes and John Vandermoer were coaching every step of the way. On the first day, everyone got to stand in long lines with their boats, spars, sail, and blades to get them meas­ ured. We were taken out onto the water for a practice race, and were rushed back in due to a storm. We had safety tags with numbers on them, which were to be taken off of a board in the morning and put on our life­ jackets before we went out on the water. The tag would later be taken off of our lifejackets and put back on the board at the end of every day to ensure everyone had gotten in safely and chat no one had met with a shark. Because we were sailing in salt water, the boat wash, a wooden arch with water springing out of it, was highly recommended after each day's racing. Also provided were barrels of deaning solution for us to dip our blades into. The second day, the Red, White, and Blue Fleecers started off with three races. The temperature in Florida lived up to its reputation. Over 100 degree weather found us as we rigged our boats, drinking two to three bottles of water in the morning on land! We 1ried to cool off by wading in the beach. The girls picked up shells, but in one shell we disturbed a hermit crab's sleep. The boys were teasing a walking crab in the shallow water and it got its revenge by snapping at their toes. Pelicans watched us from the pier. The third day we squeezed in four races. There were many false starts. It took over an hour for some races to finish, which resulted in us not coming in until 8:00 pm. Not many people hear this, but we were cold not to get up early in the mornings, to conserve our enerzy for the day. Because there is no wind in the morning in chis part of Florida, the first race of each day was planned for 1 :00 or later, and sometimes we were still on the water into the late evening. On the fourth day we did three more races. During


Fall 2002 I Blinker

jenny Goldberg (center boat) during the Nationals.

L to R: Sandy Williams, Jenny Goldberg, Jim Hughes (coach), Mike Whitford, and Vtm Sandwick.

some of the races, we met friendly dolphins swimming on the race course. On the fifth and final day we all got soaking wet wait­ ing out a big storm. When the storm ended, we could tell chat there would be no wind even before we went out, but we had only done ten races and the race com­ mittee wanted us to do at least one more so we could have two throw outs. We went out but sure enough at 3:00, after we had been sitting on the water, the race committee blew the horn, raised the abandonment flag (to many loud cheers) and sent us in. At the end of day was the awards ceremony. There were about 280 sailors from all over the U.S. and even other countries. Jordan Factor came home with a 9th place trophy for the Green Fleet. Ocher than racing, the team visited Kilwin's Ice Cream Shop, where you could find candies, homemade fudge, chocolates, and a big assortment of ice creams, including one flavor named after Mackinac Island. We went shopping at the beach stores and watched scary movies in the evening. We also had a good time having chicken fights in our hotel pool and drinking pina coladas (non-alcoholic, of course)! Next summer will be even more exciting when the 2003 Opti Nationals come to Chicago!



t)21 il1lg

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rellr sulrors Suorrs aqr or prrll -qr-rtrr lpralS aJe.{\ sJurn pJofar asaqt 'lepsanl'l,n{V g0:Z punor?


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122/ iltlg

/ z00z ll?c

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nl f,auott,

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lasnr: prcads l-re,t snp3o slua r rqr pr -uoddns oLI.{\ euolrf,.{e ot s{uerll ,(ut]\ dtar:og


aqr3o dal.uor3 srrq3

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poon r{llou roJ AetooH sluana tzruMns

).r o qn7tIqttIolattqt



upu.qaqury fitoW [q sooqd 'trno s1sani Zuryax l:a)tr) saDIooJ

/ z00z llvl


i:un[ rxarr asrn-r: ]tal8

lerllou" ot p-re,{\.ro-l 3ut1oo1 e;,ar16 'palr:dr:n:td oq'n auolre'ta ot s>luELIt dur:ry 'lea-{ :a5e :tad slxoq llrtll ertqs oq'&\ srrg -ru3ru sSlnl3 aqlgo lltso;aua8 eql or Pnr^\roJ >1oo1 s'(e'u1t pue rr"d tr"r,i.r, qr-r13 .qr qu.{\ P3sI11-Ir r^Etl slsrng agi3o duery 'aIIIE '<slsorl pur srsan8 lq pa,(o[ua drp r:a3:ad t sE'^a ]I

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'elurruory ur p:aqdaqg Poo) ulo! sauo-radtq: PU? slurPrseJ

a:a.tt srsan8 rqJ, '92 eunf uo Jsnrr3 P:rlqrsrC ltnuut rpEZ rr.\\od qnlJ ltpt aqt - Suunp aurldls s,o8r::rq.-l lofua or ]ra]Cslsan8 o8rorq3 eqt tuog srqced ual PrPreog 91 1 :e't6;

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s,wa[ vql Zu1tny azlq aqt ot "to1ot Suttq uatluuutds pttlnoaq '?utm ou qflm uaal

u?ru\a2luuA [11o7,17 fq soruqd

'aua&aY dn3 antarl

'rttu3:: s.lr"l tltlt Jo s:nrAn\{ pul: r.)Llll?J\^ :t1t 1o :5t:tuenpn Iool os,lP st.:ttB Puu s-raqr-u:tu ,{uuy1


uZtsag aug aql ut Sutaladrurr af,u"ssrcue5

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l-) I l'lo -lo s).1()tls )Ll I itt t u I 1 A ;rnol;tp1 3

'\ lu)AJ \.1 )JA\ JLl',l rr:al3 dut ur qlr.tl 'suorlEtq ruotulafl PUE rorLIoW sqnlJ

rn o q8no.r qr sr uudt:tt:tcl

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B]leOeU dnC onJon oL,lI sluana t?ul ul 11 s


Summer Etents

The Old Guard Gathered Our mlst loyal Ctwb members erujoyed a day together text dnd Photos by Fred Gorr

T ,. old Guard commirree is composed of members with the lowest rwenty five senioriry numbers in the Club. New members this year are: Geoffery Gummersall

Herbert R. Soellner Russell J. Clayton

Henry "Bud" Angsten \Tilliam Fox James McHugh All members of the committee were invited to compete in boats graciously furnished by our Thrtan 10 class fleet. Because of the the weather, with high remperatures, the race was abandoned. The cocktail party and wonderful dinner at the Belmont Station featured videos of Club history. Members who attended the dinner were #42 Biil Fox and wife Nancy, #22 Russ Clayton and wife Barbara, #20 Geoff Gummersall and wife Joan, #19 Commodore Bill Parks, #18 Mel Guthrie and wife Sue, #12 Bill Dannhausen and wife Phyllis, #11 Kenny Kohanzo, #10 Birger Juell and wife Anne, #2 Buddy Buker and wife Betty and our #1 member Bob Cameron and wife Thudy. OId Guard committee members also in amendance were Don and Marge Glassel and Fred Gorr.

Front Row L to R: Commodore BillParkg Budy Bukea Bob Cameron, Birger Juell. Second Row L to R: Bill Fox, Mel Guthria, IJill Ddnnhdusen, Russ Clrtyton, I{en Kohanzo, and Geoff GrLmmerca/1.

L to R: Joan Gummersa/l, Barbara and Russ Cldyton

* .j. a

#1 Bob and Tiudy Cameron.

tstrldy and Bett.v Buko'.

lVdncy and Bill Fox.

Phyllis and Bill Dannhausen.

Sue and Mel Guthrie

Anne and Birger Juell.

w w w. c h i c a g o 1, a c b t c I a b. o r g

Fall 2002 / Blitker


Summer at Ghicago Yacht Club

Past Gommodores' Dinner

lsland Goat's Kids

photo by Herman T. Van Mell

photo by Fred Gorr


r'|lt *{





l1 I


At their biennial dinner onJufu 17, 2002, Commodore Raymond J. Green, AIA, and the Past Commodores wel' comed Commodore Waber G. Vartan (2000/01) into their group by praenting him with the traditional gold medal. L to R: Past Commodores Van Mell, Delaruo, Parhs, Wright, Jr., Liuingston, Vartan and Stocker.

Bilhorn Returns After Five Year Adventure Club member Bob

Bilhom has returned tc,


L to R: Ryan Barthold, Reed Bartbold, Kelsey Bosman, Hana Danl1, Charlie Brown, Grace Brown, Betsy Harthold, Kara Bosman, Clay Danly, Britton Barthold, Annie Brown, and Kirtsen Bosman.

The Tradition of Yachting Excellence lives on in 56th Fleet Review photo by Molly Winkelman

Chicago after a five year, 50,000 mile, circumnavigation around the globe. Bilhorn and his cusrom Srevens 47, Thlly Ho, traveled the globe with a total crew of almost 100 people.

Of his experience abroad, Bilhorn exclaims, "The four most important tools need for a successful voyage are social skills, social skills, social skills, and some sailing knowledge."

Bilhorn ventured to numerous places, including the Galapagos Islands and the shores of the Red Sea. tWith new time on his hands, Bilhorn plans to volunteer at Chicago's Field Museum.

lt Commodore Green addresses members and guests at this year's Fleet Reuiew.

Commodore Raymond Green, AIA, and the 2002 Flag Officers proudly reviewed and saluted yachts, both power and sail, at this yeart Fleet Review. \Vhile the weather was gloomy, the spirits of attendees were brighter than ever in the traditional inspection of the

Clubt fleet.


Fall 2002 / Blinher

w u w. c h i c a goy ac h tc lu b. o t

2002 Race Results

The 2002 Race Results RACE TO MACKINAC RACE RESUTIS WINNERS OVERALL: Mackinac Cup: Illusion - Robert J. Brandenburg, Jr. Ma&inac Trophy Holy Toledo - Tom Andrews Multihull: Merloe - H. L. Enloe Mackinac Cup (Large Boat PHRF) Section: I

Kokomo Schulz,.Ves 2. Pyewacket Disney, Roy 3. Sassy Schmidt, E. Russell 1.

Section: Farr4O 1. Heartbreaker Hughes, Robert

2. Sorcerer 3. Bandit Section: Farr395

l. Chaos

Mosquito 3. Ragged Edge 2.

Landwer, Mark

Majic 2. Fast Eddy 3. Villie J Section: 3 l.Illusion 2. Bacchant 3. Pronto '

3. Habenero Section: 4 1. Broderi

2. Burden 3. Gadget

Section: 7

1. Lucky Comet Giampoli, Frank 2. Cheep N Deep Kuhn, Randy

Lhamon, Rusty Metcalf, Bruce Lynch, Kevin

3. Collaboration Vckery Robert Section: T10

Kolar, Brooke And Robert DeBoer, Guy Seaman, Villiam

Tompkins, Charles Bernbaum Amedio, Mr. Schroeder Radtke, Dave Boelkins, Chuck

Section: 2 1.

135 l. Grace E 2. Bozos Circus

Ruley, Dorsey Buerger, Edward

Petter, \i7illiam

BrandenburgJr., Robert Sullivan, Jerome IGissofi, Joel


1 Finesse McMillan, Alan 2. La Tempete \7eber, Tom and Deb 3. Bushwacker Anderson, Frances and Gerald

Section: GL70 Section Position Bmed on IMS Ocem for PCS- Division Position Bmed on LMPHRF

Nitemare 2. Holua 3. Stripes 1.

Neill, Tom



2. Billy Bones


XS Nana

Thornton, Peter Martin, Bill Chicago-Mackinac Tiophy ($naII Boat PHR-F)

3. Spirit of

Section: 5

Section: 9


Thunderbolt Burch, James

Geronimo III

2. 3. Esta Es Section: Jl05

Cochran, Donald

lTilliam McCaffrey, Alan Baske


l. Banu

McCarthy, Gene

II Edman, Tom & Marilyn Dubie Siegal, Len Vytis Perkus, Tomas

1. Pronto

Toledo! Andrews, Tom Retriever Verdier, David Lionheart Roake, Steve

1. Holy

Gustman, David Kuber, Thomas DeVries, James

2. Cynthia

Forney, Bob

2. Lucky 3. Section: 6 2. 3.

Syndicare \Turtzebach, Mark


3. Top Section: 8 2.

Strilky, Rick The \Y4ritford Phantom

3. Providence Miarecki, Jerry and Greg Section: Americap Section 1. Ruley, Dorsey 2. O'Neill, Jerry and Shawn 3. Serenissima Munden, Robin Section: Multihull Seition-Open Division

Majic Eagle


Merloe Gamera

2. 3. High Priority

Enloe, HL Scharl, Matt

2 Shneider, David

PREDICTED LOG RESULTS 2002 Angsten Tiophy, ChicagoYacht Club Boat oftheYear

John Mack Memorial - Belmont Yacht Club 7 t30lo2

3.Zenon (Ben) Bienduga Poppyseed

2. Peg & John Vignocchi Rip R"p 3.-Cookie & Bob Merens Cookiet Cutter 8th Annual Giovan Memorial - Chicago Yacht Club 8/3/02

l Peg & John Vignocchi RipRap 2. \Tilliam Templeman Empry Pockets

2002 Chicago Yachting Association Boat of the Year

Vgnocchi RipRap Templeman Empty Pockets Gaston Timt Too Tirne Up Contest - Chicago Yacht Club 6/11/02 1. Jane Bloomquist Independence 2. Chuck Goes Digiplay 3. \William Templeman Empry Pockerc Northbound Tirrnaround - Chicago Yacht Club 6t22t02 l.Zenon (Ben) Bienduga Poppyseed 2. \Tilliam Templeman Empty Pockets 3. Peg & John Vgnocchi RipR"p Twilight Twister - Chicago Yacht Ch$ 6122102 l. Peg & John Vignocchi tupR p 2. Jim Mescall Caveat Emptor 3. Ray Grana Mickey Charles W Dempster Tiophy - Chicago Yacht Chtb 6t26lo2 1. \filliam tmpleman Empry Pockets 2. Peg & John Vignocchi fupR"p 3. Tom Tyrcha Sybarite Diversey Yacht Club Contest - Diversey Yacht Cltb 7 l25lo2 l Lisa Gaston Timt Too 1. Peg & John 2. \Tilliam 3. Lisa

2.Zenon (Ben) Bienduga Poppyseed 3. Peg & John Vignocchi Rip Rap

1. Lisa


Timt Too

1. John



2. William Gmpleman

Empty Pockets 3. Peg & John Vignocchi tup R"p Leukemia Cup - Chicago Yacht Club 8l24lo2 1. Peg & John Vignocchi Rip Rap 2. Richard



3.Zenon (Ben) Bienduga Poppyseed Rhumbline - Chicago Yacht Club 8l24lo2

l.Zenon (Ben) Bienduga Poppyseed

2. Lisa Gaston Timt Too 3. Peg & John Vignocchi tup Rap 'Wind Up Contest - Chicago Yacht Club 8127102 1. lValter (Sonny) Lisowski Mirage

Templeman Empty Pockets Hampton Collective Ambition Marshal Nay - Burnham Park Yacht Club 913102 1. Peg & John Vignocchi tup Rap 2. \Tilliam 3. Glen

2. !?'alter (Sonny) Lisowski Mirage 3. \William Templeman Empty Pockets Commander's Cup/Father Roll -Chicago Power Squadro n 9ll4tl2 1. \Tilliam Templeman Empty Pockets 2. John

Brazill NEM Vignocchi Rip Rap

3. Peg & John

continued on next ?age w w w. c h t ca golac h t c I u b. o rg

Fall 2002 / Blinbcr



t o' g n 1 c t t1 t r I o 3 r t t t1 t' n m m

auolsuqof nrs 29 gog - UDL'q uosur?rTlrJ{lrPr3]llH/uePr?c - ssoH'z sdm,{.I - auu8ara4 '1


t21ut1g / z00z 1l"l


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dNf, iTf,NACNEdiICNI'S'N dooul1 rallgutcr.raury'g ruoPrEur3g/snuo]d oSuEJ'z

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6I sepotry dn3 aa.ran .raddll3 uosdurrS'7 aPnrg P'^r'$reg'1


ul-9 lm8nY

rosel zue8eg earel roSmf 7697

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souPsd 's soupe4


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II oluord '€


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6 iruHd eue8eg eroqs5o dn3 a,rran

II3qrS lar53o qrnoJ'€ B.raquararg aurrr8eg'7 II"ur1rcN {coqsraIv'I

ulqoJ amsE3w roj emsEew '€

ra1 log aldure5

r{s3reqJ f,eruJJlulurBsl'I

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aoA-y-1ce['g seqlq locaq'7 raqsrgT.ralr"r.q UIssBssv'I rruosuEs / flIHd Ert"SaU aroqs#O dn3 earen

xreeruoC zllog uIIraW

lauuoqrry rsrnblyall lseldruoytr

IreN,O/ua1ilog 1crt13 ldd41 'g

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z {uHd zutta6 eroqs:so dn3 earan I aryre51 'g

ullr"w 7 rallDlulBd'€ uaPunw eulsslueJas'z suDl1aog eSpg ps88ug '1

ve)ueJ'z 3uo5 ua.rr5 '1

IelN.O ssuroqJ


ueuBr{f,s laals urcw 'I I itgHd uuztal 3roqgo dn3 aa.re1

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v asmoS


VIIV)flU dNf, flAUEA sllnsaa 2r"a 2007


ta2/ ullg

/ z00z l/ul

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lpsrc qclgrn parp euo ou (f,rBEJt se^\ Surzrsdec aql q8noql ue E 'tsenbaJ

>lurJP rno PelEPoruruo)cE dlsnorf,EJS

rePuetJeq eql {rols Jno ot SuruetsrT uodn ]ng 'Surprnsred eptr1 E >lool 1I 'ru'E EO:ZI sE^\ 1r reg aql lE Pera -{r# p a.4 eurn aql lfl luo41ur4 3rl] ]e IP) lsEI ePEtU ra^e PEr{ sn Jo auou (safEJ f,Etrl{ snor^eJd rno u1 'pelerJteJ 8rq lrnuepc

[E]r agl

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qcea lq parJJEr sa lu>I arp JJe \ [E]

-uerunJtsur'os1y'lra,rocal InJsssf,fns rno o1 P3r]rrf, sJea orPEJ PUE seJ"u gu,ra. Seq lrnuepc arp lgacadsa pue 'sgdJdg-g1rz ercp-ot-dn aqr

(>lrats e{rw,(q

papltord tuaudrnbe

-lrrodele l11cmb tleJ Ip a..ra rEeJ pue &axue aq1 'sareudrr{s Jno rpl pa ^. -truneJ eJe \ a \ 'lproqg ,cery I/66I aql ur uo PelrES uEJoc Iesse aql puE aurEu snor,ra.rd s gE ryoqrs aqr sE1( r{rrr{,tr ,,'luour.lr11 eq} (,^aoleg

'parurtpxe rur T

il srr{J,r

pa.raqsn Suraq

uodpl '&ors rno IIet ot pe rT pue rpeap pareJ per{ alN 'ayqrrraSro3un aq IIpa urosueJt soutoyox aqr dn paIneq Surag 3o uorlertlrTrc eqJ

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PJEoqe ,^aar) erll Jo rePurerueJ ar{t r3

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I 'luaruoru tEql tV 'orpBJ erp Ja o

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eA\ 'JeAo sE1I^' IEaPJo rno PezrleaJ

3to qr7ttqttIoirttt1

t aam

'uaas peq axuall?) aqt uo sererudlqs

;ng rarg8ra5 erp Jo gcee.r puolaq ralBil ra


olur PeurJP PEr{

J,& peuJEal I puB rur T 'enrsal erll

Jeuv .'sn ruo5 PsurElurEu Iessa^ eql eouBtsrp egr tr paxald.rad a.la.,'r. e/N 'uof,Boq rlcrtes yryremod e qrrrur. rqSru

aqt Surreururnllr stl.r agg 'rq8lerrg fEuDIJEJ J aqr Surrarua uodn

aues eq] se.^a aurretrAJ o31y leq

&W pw ar"l1 eql or Surpuodsar aux.t"W oflV wq?pq uerprueJ tooJ-008 orp sE t rr 'lpenrcy 'prrnD tseoJ orp eg o] pe^raf,Jad lperyrsru

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-ut paurnlrelo aqt teqt perrodar

tuellesxe aqJ 'oJIIJo ssoy cr8err

&ur arrr ,JarpBa.lvr aqt ot alrlueDe

91 .\teau) ure,ra. dluoruurorun selv\ Jarea oIEI aqr 'llareunrroC 'relelt aql ur salnurur 96 ruads I pue rull 'Lra,tocar Jno r{lr,,rr.qnlJ lrlle

-e9 e reae uorsr^rP Jraql urld plnoa otuo4oy) 'epotu Suroer req peunsar outoToN agl se Sunroyd esrnoc pue sa8uegc pes ot pauqs euars poJJns aqt 'sgeg Suldaays rure,v'


sl ',{er'te sp.re,( perpunq mag e lluo

E ol pa.rreJsu?Jt eg ool tur.u larp

Pe>lse arro er{r ,,ilessa^ prEnD tseo]

.rarlrEa rnor{ Pu? PaPro E arr rarq8ra.U

e,& r{rrr{^r 'srq8q Sulgceordde aes

PEaq eql luou Peuor{sEJ ueeg


e Eq plnor rorpoue pue Surdaals roJ elgslrE^E sE^\ >lung euo 'urqEl

ureu eqr ol peteeJlfi e^Er{ ppoc larp 'lressacau JI 'UEr eJrl alqels

llarua;txa uE eruooeq peq lesureur

PUE lsBru PslJa^ur sll ql!,!r uEJEur

rarey sarrudgs

E ueeg a Eq PIno3 tEr{^r PePro.&E stuarua.rrnbar lra3es s,qnl3 tqlt1

o8ec513 arp qty,r acuellduroc ur auop sE ,\. }€qt qonur 'ue{ot etues eql

lg 'SurzrsdeJ erfl perualerd a,rrq

arour ueaq e I per{ 'tcadsola.r u1

('pannpep sE/\^. sserpJJ elnurur

- of,eJ ot papaaco.rd zruoyox 'anf,ser rno ot dn tq8r.r retEA\Jo stunoure snopred ul 3ur4er r{tog are,{6. e,/v\ puE au ol SulSurTl pqddes se,l qlSuals s,rrBJoc 'rurod tap or dn ra8 -uep rurcglu8rs e eg ot aru.legrodlq rlal snJo reqtreN '(saa#ap

esre^EJI PUErD erF ruoS tE >lroq)s e buoqox Iessel Surrer eqt ple 01 luEeq E PerPEals PUE Jete./vl aql ur sn perq8ls ratr{8rag oqt Jo ,&\arf, arll

pue pooJ tor{ qty( pateradnca.r e,la. a11qru.'rq31-1q3ru por e3o zuro18 ryos aip q 'u]aql qly\^. a)Er eql qsruu 01 paprlap a 4, (efror{f, arp ueru8 os 'sE

lassa^ aqr aes ot pezEruE eJe./$. I pue uEJoc 'axuaq?) 3rl1 uo ruEaq r{fJEas

oC isJo rl;ns luetu r oH,, 'setn -ullu EI ot 0I rerpou€ lpo ro3 uo pleq a Er{ ppor aq rq8nogr erl ter{l 3lu 01 PePUuor IurI <urEJts esus]ur er{t uJoU Suqgruat ilrls suJrr Jno tarpaSot tBS I pue uEJoC sV ' \eJr l0utolox aqr Pu? rarpo rPEe rPVl\ partr{s aaa. dnpaprruor eqr q}l^\ pa

-loq TEIq pue IInq augu, Suruetsq8

stl paperrp .rarq8la.r3 er{r uaqr,tr\ 'uorlrsod Jno sPJE-1r^.ot auLruw

o\V rq, papm8 pur rgSy egons lur

ppo) rur T 'euru uorls E urqtrlN 'uo

1r P3uJnl PUE lsu^r ftu punore prcluq aqr paddrls 'eurJo ]uo5 ur lpcarlp Suneog tr .tl'es J 'ur tas clued arojag 'euo8 sr,u rr 'rg31 Supej arp ur ogorts ar{l JoJ ParPEar I ueq^r tng 'uorlf,E lq pa8polsrp


eAE r tualorl ro IIEJ erp

ureq peq tuatudrnba Sur,rus aJII slqr rerp uorcrdsns 3ur33eu &u peledslp 'Suzrsdrc eqr per{ >peql snor,nard


o1 roud lsnf rsa a3g lu ol paq)"ue lprseg peq 1 rg8y egorls aqr

esn ol g8noua >lJEp srrrr lr ,rnou


'leaa. aqr uo ag uoos plno r. dlaq pue

.^rolloJ plno.^a pc leq leyrq e ,rnau1

a26 l1s Surualcelg eql otur Sunpre erEIJ tsJL arp


3.4a uar{,{i Pa l^eJ

orarn slrrlds lur pur suEJoo

'ecueJnsur Sunro3ruo: ag

ppol( fuq lrruepc arp ul sasselS 3ul -ppeJ lud r 8uu.eq 'sJolrts perqSrs Jo Jo{ 'suorlfaJrP aJEL eql PBaJ -JEJ

ppo put uorsrl asolf, poo8 a,req lau;ag pue uErllJElN ,lpteunlrog 'tno tr arn8g or pa8rueu

laqr 'uon1sr3 3uqrcs enJt ur 'aJEL arnqcered prJee uE paqcunel llsno -r,rerd peq ,^ eJr rr{l Jo auou 'q8norp ur E 'Eapr poo8 e uaag aAEq plno^

8ur8fuq lrp alqnog 'alru8r or llnruJrP PUE Pe>[Eos area serBl] PIeq puer{ eql 'pa>leal pug 8eq lrurepc arp paJa^of,srp aeJf, agt '&aaocar

uodn Jlasturq tnc ol 1ou InJercl ag I a8ud ruo{yanuquor


It o'q n1 tI t1 tt Io3t t t t a ma

t24u1lg / z00z llsc




268t-tzq (ezz) xvr

nzsg-Ezs (ezd ruoua sleadde uollexPl alelsA PaX

ur SullBJlueiuo) sluelledxa sftett tZ

LZOO-\ZZ(ZI€) :xE{

ooo0-8zz(zl€) :auor{d

60909 srourlll'obec;q3 'a^v puelqsv's to8t 9e6L SCNIS

,uroJ 60ll 6urs4.renp[

6o1e1e2 eetT rct ileC rc tlg dolg xcors Nl srcNIAOUd 'SSlVrs-sNo-rrvN ]'lv lo scvlt s:l'todcvll


l@l Al-rvrc,rds ano @ slEu615 leuo$ed pue

I0909 slouqll'o8ecrq3 ssJnof,uo] 9 allns a^rrc rogreH qlroN EEI

ls r(aurolly

^&B-I 'v tsIErf, uururng

s6el1 qnlC ltlcu1 ltlopnC

SCUI{ llslt 8 il0J



illAeraer aery 3 roJ IPf,


SCflt Ctllltl0 SCUIJ 'S'll'



ur0)'lll,lDlal0ls ur0l aFlS $oullll 'uol6uluool[ 3o)!ll0 ouoH . (t|,|) IuDduo) /UruuaPul

(fll ur lou) luodm) oruorrsul ollqouolnY lDnlnll urli 01015



r'aratlt st rutnll alnls 'tot1t13tau pooB

o ay1

'3ro'qnprqca(oBectqc6suotref, Iunu'uro) 1? sn Fru-3 Jo 'LLLL-I9y QtO rc 'sopodorprtytr "reqr"fl

ta8eueytr suoll?f,IunruuroS s.gnll aql

009r-989/' LL 11 'oBectq3

wuvJ lrvls

seapr ,{-rofs

tf,"}uoJ .sar.rrnbur suoE?f,runuruo, J3r{}o pue rnod trulgns ol ro '.Pr"J alEU PV ..rDlullg,' rno'( rog

pd >1;ed 3ut,tr1 16 9971

lue8y '111e11,O u.lleqs

:cu ies luf,:no,{ ernsut ot auo,{ue lsn[ ]sml l.ttoC

'lsrq -/v\ou{ nol eldoad aql qreau 'uotltzluz8ro Lra'r


rragt atoruo:d rer{ury 01 uoga ue ur dnor8 pare8rer , qrru or lrrunrroddo aql eleq sJasIueAP" 'dpuerrodurr lso141 'Sursrua,rpe

lrrpnb Pu" uollsnPord 3o prepuers

q8rq srr ro3 dlpuorreu pazr.u&ocat st aurzeBtru rno



-r*ra. ,o ssaulsng rnol Sursrua'rpB JoJ s3lllunlJoddo run



-rurard sepr,rord ..'ra1ur1g,, 'estzY?evt PpIJJo Eqnll


v xsv $nt

uilyNllg rno^ qnlc rno^


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Kent Taylor

KENT MARSHALL TAYLOR Kent Ma,fshall tylor was a member of the Club for 27 yeass before passing suddenly at the age of 41 Known by many for his love for sailing began in his avid passion for power boating, childhood, when he attended the Club's Sailing School in the early 1970t. Kent's late father, Harold, was a member of the Club, as is his brother, Hunt Thylor. A graduate from the Latin School ofChicago in 1978, Kent continued his education at Bradley Universiry in Peoria, where he earned a bachelort degree in computer science. \7hile Kent was also wellknown for his position as vice-president ofSanders Tools & Supplies, to his family and friends, he was a dedicated husband, father, son and




Kent is survived by his wife, Karen, their three children Philip, Andrea and Steven; mother Dolores Thylor; brother, Hunt (Susan) Thylor; as well as sister, Jacquie (Jim) Thuber.

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Fall 2002 / Blinher

Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) Title of publication: BLINKER; Pub. No.: 104020 Date of filing: october 3, 2002 Frequency of issue: qua(erly Number of issues published annually: four Annual subscription price: $25 Location of known office of publication: Chicago Yacht CIub, 400 E. Monroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 Location of the headquarters of the publisher: Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. Monroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 ' Publisher: Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. lvlonroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 .Editor: Beth Brooks; Managing Editor: Barbara Matthopoulos Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. Monroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 Owner: Chicago Yacht Club, 400 E. Monroe Street, Chicago, lL 60603 Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mo(gages, or other securities: none The purpose, function anrl nonprofit status of this organization and the excempt status for federal income tax purposes have not changed during the preceding twelve months. No copies Publ. Avg. No. nearest filing date Preceding 12

copies mos.

Total number of copies printed: Mail subscriptions: Total paid circulatlon: Free distribution by mail: Total free distribution by mail:

Total Distribution: Copies not distributed:

990 1463


930 1439


1439 281 281 1720 210

1463 305 305 1 768 222 1 990 83%



Percent Paid:


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