CYC FOUNDATION: DOING GOOD STUFF By Dr. Gerald F. Bober, CYC Foundation President & Past CYC Commodore Thirty years ago, CYC leaders recognized that an organization
encourage them to appreciate maritime oriented topics they
that developed and undertook good works in the Chicagoland
would likely not have otherwise experienced. In addition,
community was important to the Chicago Yacht Club. And,
CYCF contributes funds to several Civic activities including the
as one might expect, the theme of those good works should
Chicago Christmas Tree Ship, the Chicago Maritime Museum,
relate to the nautical arts and boating, thus, the CYCF mission
the US Coast Guard Foundation, adaptive sailing, and US
statement. The directors/trustees of the Foundation use its
Sailing, all non-member activities.
stated mission as their guide to funding, as, of course, is the promise to those who contribute to the Foundation. The Foundation and its Board, all of whom at this time are CYC members, was formed to do the job of deciding which
CYCF video: Yacht%20Club%20Promo.mp4?dl=0
programmatic activities best serve the interests of the CYC
The Chicago Yacht Club Foundation always welcomes
community. There are numerous worthy charitable targets, so,
suggestions as to how to improve. The CYCF BOD invites
the difficult decisions to identify appropriate programs to fund
members to share their thoughts about what our Chicago
are left to the directors of the CYCF.
Yacht Club Foundation ought to be doing in our community.
The vast majority of funded activities involve non- CYC members, a highly diverse ethnic population. The Core activities bring city kids to the lakefront, to boating, and to
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