Here’s to another successful year. The Associates Membership, led by the Associates Committee, is chaired by Nicholas Naber and vice-chaired by Hannah Pustejovsky. With the year coming to an end, the Associates Membership is excited to have welcomed 58 new associate members in 2021. Throughout the year, we have launched many new events including the Speakeasy Soiree, Oktoberfest, Comedy Night, and the Associates Playpen Raft-Up.
to drive cross-club collaboration and engagement.
We have launched an “Around the World” happy hour
Last but not least, it is important to the Associates
series with monthly themed events.
Committee that we expand the committee’s focus on
A big part of the New Year is about making resolutions
diversity, equity, and inclusion.
and we have some goals of our own for the new year.
We have a lot of fun events coming in 2022. As always,
We plan to harness momentum and creativity from all
we invite you to join in on the fun and meet the
the 2021 events and drive membership engagement
Committee at our next event or meeting. We hope see
forward. We also want to partner with other committees
you there! ✶
Blinker ✶ Winter 2021