2021 Winter Blinker

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One of the Core programs of the Chicago Yacht Club Foundation is our education program. Over the years the Education Program has evolved and grown to include




expanding on our existing after-school curriculum. Our education sessions take place at CYC’s Belmont facility. It’s the perfect setting along the lakefront, and the kids get a kick out of the fact that our clubhouse sits on a barge. I remind them that technically speaking, when they step on the barge, they are on a boat (of sorts). Something that we club members take for granted, just walking onto the barge; for the kids we host it’s an adventure just to come visit our club. The core after-school education session includes classroom teaching, followed by a hands-on portion,

is a hands-on experience; in good weather we take the

and concluded with a pizza buffet. (One young boy

kids out sailing on the yacht club’s Sonars. During the

this past fall declared chef Michael’s pizza “the best

winter months and when there is inclement weather,

pizza ever!”) The Foundation has been partnering with

we have a module that teaches the kids how a boat

the Union League Boys & Girls “Club One” group from

floats and have the kids build their own “cargo ship” out

Pilsen for over the past five years, hosting a group of

of Legos. So far, the record for the most cargo was set

15-20 kids in each monthly session during the school

during the December 2021 session with an impressive

year calendar. Our typical sessions start out with some

cargo carrying capacity of 67 machine nuts for the

classroom training; a module that teaches them a little

team from Pickard elementary school with their cargo

bit about the Great Lakes and its influence on Chicago’s

ship named “Big Blue”. (Hint, I had told them I was a

economy and growth to become an important global

Naval Architect from University of Michigan, so I think


Did you know there is a mnemonic to help

they were trying to influence the teacher!) The kids

remember the names of the five Great Lakes? H-O-M-

get into creating their ships, and really understand the

E-S: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior! It’s fun

importance of maximizing the displacement of their

to see how the kids are amazed at what’s happening

designs. It’s always a moment of wonder when they

in the water around them and how important it is to

realize that indeed (with some help from aluminum foil

commerce, recreation, and just plain old drinking

for watertightness) their boat can actually float! And

water! Many of the kids that we host in our education

then the suspense begins as we load up the ship with

program have never been to the lakefront, and very few

machine nuts for cargo. Each session I can recognize

have been on a boat. The second part of each session

some potential future engineers! Blinker ✶ Winter 2021


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