2 minute read




Welcome to summer 2022, and the Cruising Sail Fleet (CSF) is making this one to remember. After a cold rainy early summer where most of us splashed and delivered our boats to Chicago in the chilly weather, the heat and sun are here. This is a busy time for our fleet, and I wanted to share information about previous events this summer, and other events to come this summer. We started off on Saturday, May 7th at Monroe. About thirty club members took part in a presentation “Safety at Sea for Cruising Couples.” This class was highly informative, and everyone took a little more safety home with them that afternoon. After the presentation, the fleet gathered for “Meet and Greet the Fleet” party on the deck. Although it was a little chilly, and some of us huddled under the heaters, the conversation and laughs made for a warm inviting evening. On the weekend of June 10th, we had seven boats participate in a cruise to Kenosha. Most of the fleet arrived on Friday afternoon in less-than-ideal sailing conditions, but ready to mingle, eat, and talk sailing. We enjoyed dinners on Friday and Saturday, including additional members joining by land-yacht, with good conversation and fun evenings enjoyed by all. Upcoming events include a busy August with the Cruise to South Haven the weekend of the 5th. What better than an August weekend in South Haven! Next, the Fleet is co-sponsoring a charitable cruise on the 9th with the CYC Foundation for foster children under the care of SOS Children’s Village. “Ladies Skipper Race” is Sunday 14th. This casual event with ladies at the helm is perfect for bragging rights. Please reference the CYC website for all CSF events. On September 17th we host our final cruise of the season to New Buffalo.

The Cruising Sail Fleet is dedicated to having fun on the water with fellow members who share the same sailing passions. We are always looking for new or current Chicago Yacht Club members to get involved with our fleet. Please feel free to contact Jerry Gurthet with any questions about our group, or just plan to be involved and join one of our events. ✶

Dwain Lutzow ‘s boat heading for Kenosha

CSF ladies at the Kenosha Farmer’s Market

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