Innovation Persona

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10 faces of innovation Learning Persona As a learning persona I am definitely an experimenter. I do not have a problem when it comes to taking risks, testing and experimenting outcomes. Even though I have a harder time collaborating with others because I am a perfectionist and like doing things myself, I definitely enjoy the entire development from the moment an idea is in my head, until the last second when I actually see it come to live. I think experimenting is basic when it comes to design, because by trial and error it becomes possible to solve problems and only with various attempts will I be able to achieve success. I do have to learn better to collaborate with others in order to save time and join forces.

Organizing Persona I am a Hurdler when it comes to the organizing persona because I love challenges and creating ways to get out of them. I think only when being confronted with a challenge is it possible to create and innovate new ways to solve it. Obstacles always bring the designer to a crucial point to make them come up with a solution that will solve the issues. Only by trying many times will the problem begin to clarify and the ideas begin to take shape until they become a success, even when some felt it could not be done to begin with.

Building Persona Just by reading the description I knew I was in the experience architect persona. I realized this, first because I like to focus and work individually to better achieve tasks, and also because I always try to create great things even from the smallest details. I believe that with the appropriate attention and passion: products, services and events can become something extraordinary. Every time I see products or designs I always think to myself how they could possibly be improved and what added value I could bring to them.

Upholder and Maintainer I knew I was an upholder and maintainer right away. I have always been very inflexible when it comes to my personal values and principles. Whatever the consensual decisions if it is not acceptable with my principles I will not do it. I am so committed with the environment that I am a vegan, and even have plans to make a masters degree in ecological design. I will develop projects that are up to the standards of my personal integrity and that are sustainable and sociably responsible. I am very keen on following a line of projects, services and/or products that comply with the principles of social, economic and ecological sustainability.

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