Caturra Vanity Magazine On behalf of our Publisher, Cornell ‘Chico’ Stevens. We would like to officially welcome you to Cattura Vanity Magazine. ‘Cattura’ is Italian for ‘to capture’ and we plan to capture and bring to
Publisher Cornell Chico Nieves
you STUNNING, INTERESTING, AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL IMAGES, PEOPLE AND PLACES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Chico vision for Cattura Vanity was to bring you fashion from all for
Editor-in Chief Jetta Cruz
all women. So, together, we will be be celebrating beauty diversity through fashion and lifestyle. We look forward to receiving your stories, submissions and ideas and bringing you the best of the best.
Graphic Designer Sarah Marie Station
Cattura Vanity Magazine will officially launch
This Edition Featuring Valeria Goncharova Barrett Fashion designer
in 2014 until then please enjoy our series of mini-mag features on women in the fashion industry making a difference.
Simplicity Strength Sophistication
10 Questions with
Valeria Goncharova Barrett
1. Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from? What’s your educational background? What are your general professional and non-professional interests?
I was born and raised in Eastern Europe into an extraordinary family of artists who lived and navigated through a harsh life under Soviet regime during a stagnant era. I started my creative career at the age of 5 by painting a giant watercolor artworks in Vincent Vango-style, and lunched my design business at the age of seven by fashioning a pair of shoes from scraps of fabric and rubber.
While earning my fine and decorative arts credentials in Belarusian State University of Arts and Culture, I began showcasing my first fashion design work at the fashion shows in Belarus and Russia. I was immediately noticed by the press as a talented designer after my first high-fashion international show in Belarus. After several costume projects for VIDARIS theater, conducting art and design workshops at the Municipal Department of Arts and Culture, as well as creating costumes for Belarusian
pop-singers and song writers, I moved to the U.S. to continue my fashion design career.
My educational background and degree is in Fine Arts History, Applied and Decorative Arts, Fashion and Costume Design, Graphic Arts, Arts and Culture Management, Metaphysics and Psychology.
I went through many interests and passions in fashion, art and entertainment industries, but ultimately all the roads led me to the spiritual aspect of life, new age movement and holistic conscious lifestyle.
2. What are some of your accomplishments as a designer?
-Was critically acclaimed as the most innovative, cutting-edge emerging designer at the 1st International Belarus Fashion Festival in 1993. -Designed for Soviet music stars and US celebrities and public figures. -Created a Sci-fi, futuristic collection ROVA in 1999 which inspired some well-known celebrities today.
“I went through many interests and passions in fashion, art and entertainment industries, but ultimately all the roads led me to the spiritual aspect of life, new age movement and holistic conscious lifestyle.�
-Received an award of the Best Designer of the
3. Tell us more about who you are and what
Year in 2002 by New York City’s TIMMY Awards.
you do?
-Was interviewed by various radio and tv networks, magazines and newspapers.
Besides being a fashion and a costume designer
-Transformed a low-performance costuming team
for over two decades, I am a Light Worker! One
into a top-performance costume production
of my mottos is — “Spread The Love and Beam
department at The Walt Disney Company.
The Light Through Fashion”. I believe the reason
-Lunched a new company with a new age
why we are all here on this planet, is to unite
progressive vision of holistic lifestyle and
humanity. So through my appearance and the
introduced a new type of fashion concept called
way I dress, I manifest my motto whenever I go
“metaphysical fashion”.
whether it is to the Oscars or to the supermarket.
-Mentored several emerging designers and models who are now on their way to become the
4. How long have you worked as a designer?
top-professionals in the fashion industry. -Published book about a new conscious
It is now over two decades that I am working in
lifestyle called “Valeria ROVALUTION: Living
the fashion, entertainment and art industries,
Life Consciously”.
including companies like The Walt Disney
-Created Valeria ROVALUTION online radio
Company, Modich Inc., Panacea Company, M.
show broadcasting a series of new
Midalli Fashion Group, Burlen Corporation,
consciousness content including the
the off-Broadway theatrical ballet group Serzh
metaphysical fashion concept.
and The Metropolitan Museum Of Art. It also
-Became a radio host for the 24-hour Russian
includes many years of hard work at odd jobs
radio “Radio Premier USA”.
raising money to self-fund my first company,
-Became an Executive Member a the Fashion
ROVA. In 2000, after working for numerous
Group International LA.
fashion, entertainment and art companies, I launched my first own successful fashion company in New York. And in 2013, I created a new company called Valeria ROVALUTION in Los Angeles.
5. Where do you get your inspiration?
and publish it in 2013. Now in 2014, I entered the final stages of my second book publishing. The book
My first inspiration in life was and is my mother
is expected to be released by the
Natallia Hancharova-Goncharova, who is an
end of 2014.
extraordinary artist and visionary. Also, I have realized that my often inspiration is the life itself;
7. How would you define your personal style?
the nature, the people, the cities, the countries... Everything in life is like in the movie; you have an
To explain my personal style concept in a few words
idea, then you write a script and then you produce
is not easy so I described it in a great detail in my
it. Anything in your life can inspire you if you want to
book. There are no accidental elements in what I
be inspired!
wear – everything has a meaning. This life is too short and precious to be chaotic. I respect my body,
6. Tell us about your book?
my presence and my time. I will not waist my life on been sloppy and meaningless.
My book “Valeria ROVALUTION: Living Life Consciously” is about a revolutionary approach to
8. What are some of your favorite fashion
life. If you are tired of your current life and you feel
websites, magazines, or books?
trapped and helpless, my book is for you. It will answer many of your questions and will give you the
I am an observer and scholar by nature, so I do pay
new ideas and tools to propel you into a new era – a
attention to everything that surrounds me. However,
new way of living, the “conscious” living. It is about
I do prefer a cutting-edge, out-of-the-box artists and
the process of rebuilding yourself with a new way of
magazines. When it comes to books, for me it is all
looking at your past life, a new conscious physical
about science, astronomy, physics, metaphysics,
exercise, a new simple diet and empowering
psychology and arts.
fashion. It took me only thirty years to write this book
“There are no accidental elements in what I wear – everything has a meaning. This life is too short and precious to be chaotic.”
9. How would you define the style your line exemplifies?
When I work with my clients or on my new collection, it is all about new ways of looking on fashion. My approach is very “new age”, it is about the “apparel with a higher purpose” which is one of my mottos. I can give you just one hint of my new fashion concept; I built my new fashion vision on a group of specific colors that contain a certain vibrational frequency... But to learn more about my new age fashion style and how I can help you to change your life through your personal image, please check out my book and get in touch with me through my social media channels. - Pinterest (
10. Where can readers find out more about
you and your work?
- YouTube ( ValeriaROVALUTION)
You can find me and what I do on:
-Yelp (
- Website (
- Facebook (Business page: http://www.facebook.
- My radio show (
com/ValeriaROVALUTIONpage) (Fan page: https://
- My book on Amazon (
- Twitter (
- Instagram (
- LinkedIn (
- My book on Barnes & Noble (http://www.
- IMDb (