Apply for UCL Landscape Architecture

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Contents Academic works 01 Natural Melody | Soundscape Landscape design of wasteland into people's park in Qingyang 02 Warm Glacier | Common Ground Landscape design of proposedGrønvold Park in Hovinbyen 03 Back to Gaodun | District Revival Landscape design of a famous history district in Suzhou 04 Between Stage | Installation Design Happiness with village

Other works 01 Kaufmann Desert House Model Studio Exhibition 02 Flower & River Bloom Garden Construction Festival 03 Photograph Horton Plains, Sri Lanka 04 Paintings & Calligraphy



01 Natural Melody I Soundscape

Landscape design of wasteland into people's park in Qingyang Site: Qingyang, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Group Work, 07-08, 2018 Collaborator: Jiahuan He, Chimin Fu Role: Research; Data analysis; Concept Design; Masterplan Design; Node A Instructor: zhuoya, Jason 2018 Zap Associates Summer Super Studio Best Design Award Urban sound has a huge influence over how we perceive places. Yet, city planning is concerned mainly with noise, simply because annoying sounds come to the attention of city officials in the form of complaints. In this project, we found a new method to picture the city sound to analyze them. With analysis, we designed a unique sound park here to solve the noise problem faced by local residents. During the survey, we study the relationship between soundscapes and emotions. We found that streets with music sounds are associated with strong emotions of joy or sadness, while those with traffic sounds are associated with angry and restless. Additionally, we study the relationship between soundscapes and people's perceptions and in so doing, we map which areas are chaotic, monotonous, calm and exciting. According to our map, we conclude that most sounds from nature can bring people a good experience, while transportation noise will leave people a bad mood. Thus, the natural melody soundscape park formed.


Site Analysis


Industrial area




Noise Range Noise intensity



The site is located in Qingyang District, 23 kilometers away form the city center. Next to the site are many residential blocks and a huge military airport. Survay shows that more than 40 percent residents find this community noisy.

23 kilometers

Site Legend: Qingyang

City center

Subway Greenland space Residential area

Normal traffic noise area

Noise range 0-50m

Major noise pollution area

Aircraft noise area

Noise range 50-100m

Chatty Map

History Analysis


1905 Barren land

Noise range more than100m

1980 Plowland

2000 2005 Aviation industry

2018 New industry & park

First time I knew Chatty map was from good city life website. Learning their precess, we made a chatty map for this special site.

Music Nature Building Transportation

Master Plan

Concept Before



Plant & cultivate


n Birds W ersio at m m

Flowers ins Hills e er

Tourists Enjoy natural melody Residents

Transform wasteland A soundscape park isolates annoying noise from the outside and gathers natural melody to provide a space of spiritual clarity

seum Freedom Nu I

Appeal tourists


Site B 1


6 9



Site E


Strategy Method A Cultivating noise-proof trees and bushes year by year to form soundscape shelters




Isolate noise


Site A

Music Law Trees cts

Appeal birds


Site C

6 Combination

11 13


Site D

14 15

6 16

Method B Raising up the terrain in the site Creating special terrain that can efficiently block noise

16 1 17 6


Method C Create a sunken space to enhance the sound of nature in the horizontal dimension.

15 1

We try to use three basic methods for modeling the terrain to reduce, isolate noise and enhance natural sounds. All three types can combine with each other to create a new method, thus, we apply the combination types to site.

0 50 100 200


1 Entrance 2 Greenland 3 Children's park 4 Sound pond 5 Sound plaza 6 Cascade garden 7 Forest trail 8 Sound museum 9 Outside theatre 10 Water boardwalk 11 Wetland 12 Soundproof gallery 13 Central plaza 14 Grassy slope 15 Lawn 16 Flower bed 17 Overpasses 18 Rest Square


Design Pattern Bushes

Node A

Node B

Node C

Node D

Node E

Cut off noise Use jungle and terrain to weaken the noise

Gather sounds Create a round square to enhance natural sounds

Transform sound Transform the winds into melody if pass the device

Dredge noise Combination A & B & C

Display melody Build a sound museum to memorize vanishing sounds

Main roads

Forest birds' sound

Natural water sound

Evergreen tree Deciduous tree Noise direction Water area Greenland Bushes Deciduous tree Evergreen tree Terrain line Water area Sound range Greenland Device isolation Tree isolation Noise center Sound range Melody


To achieve the most efficient mode of decreasing noise or enhance natural meolody, we choose round shape which has the best effects. In the plan, people laughs on roads; trees appeal birds' sounds; water pond brings sounds of fish and frog; jungle attracts insects. People will keep away from airport noise and learn to cherish natural sound.

Greenland buffer area

Sound devices

Node A

Section Melophus





Cinclidium Paradoxrn







4 5





Zoothera Aethopyga







1 Waterland path 2 Greening belt 3 Alameda alley 4 Sound-enhance set 5 Hydrophilic path 6 Lawn





Activities 0



Isolate noise & improve soil property. Round platform provide clearer natural melody and a chance to get close to sound center.



25 dB

Iris pseudacorus






Cinnamomum j

Ligustrum l

Cedrus deodarra

Ligustrum l

Viburnum o

The path increases the surface area mixed of land and water.

Osmanthus sp.

Round sets help to enhance the sound melody.

Elaeocarpus d

Sink terrain keeps noise away and enhance sound of microorganism.

40 dB

65 dB

We choose local plants which are considered to have good ability to isolate noise.

Rendering River beach

Sound museum Sound of birds

Sound gather device

Sound of ducks & fish

Sound of insects Water platform Sound of frogs

People can enjoy the natural melody when they walk cross the water platform without disturbing by noise. 07


We build a stereo sound ring museum to record sounds exisit in this site. Every animal which lives or lived in this site will be preserved in this museum. We encourage people to bring their records of animals' sound here and they can share with each other. Through this process, we aim to eduacte people to care about sound pollution.

Sound Display










Node E

Node D

Top view


People can walk around in the museum to enjoy the sound without interruption.

As the museum grounds rise and fall, the sound can be turned into melodies where people can enjoy it at favorite rhythms.


A: Sound transform beams

These top structures can make different sounds when the wind blows in different intensity.

B: Sound gathering corridor

The corridor can gather sounds and stop sounds from dissipating when they are out.

C: Sound experience gallery

When people walk across the gallery, they can hear the melody of nature.

D: Ring of tree pool

The ring device tries to create nature melody in a small scale.

Structure A

Aerial view Sound cylinder The device is located in the ground to visualize the intensity of sounds produced by people in this site by transforming the sounds into images. We hope that people can feel the invisible sounds' effects on daily life.

Structure B

Structure C

Axonometrical Drawing Structure D

Site D is the central plaza of the whole Natural melody park. All the devices are aimed to create an experience of transforming noise to melody for people.

The side facade of the entire sunken square is surrounded by lawns to keep the site quiet


Photo by my dear friend Coco Wong in Oslo



Warm Glacier I Common Ground Landscape design of proposed Grønvold Park in Hovinbyen Site: Hovinbyen, Oslo, Norway Individual Work, 03-05, 2019 Instructor: William Hu 2019 IFLA Student Design Competition Learning to live with change is a common experience that all life on earth share. Making sustainable choices for us and our communities calls for prevailing motivators, inspired researchers and practitioners, intelligent communicators and brave politicians. Sustainability is often critical where there is no democracy. The blue planet is our common ground. In this project I use three key points to optimize Grønvold Park: 1. Return the place to the public; 2. Meet the needs of all; 3. Adapt the site to changes of population and climate. Introducing energy-recycling, recreational spaces and individual identifying, we awaken the memory of Norwegians-- common memory of “Warmth and Nature” by combing "Matches" and "Glaciers" in our structure and space.In the future, a piece of common ground will be an essential public space which is in line with people's equal rights, spiritual needs and cultural awareness in dense cities. What the park does sets a benchmark for the coming reconstruction of public space in Oslo.


Site Analysis N

Climate Analysis +30℃ +25℃ +20℃ +15℃ +10℃ +05℃

0.0℃ -05℃ -10℃ -15℃ -20℃

22:00 20:00 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 08:00 06:00 04:00 02:00 00:00

Hovinbyen was a major former industrial area in central Oslo that is currently undergoing a large re-development. This site of the proposed Grønvold Park contains a historic farmhouse and small green spaces, the remains from the site’s use as a match factory in the 19th Century. Today’s development includes planning for a new primary school and mixed used development neighboring the proposed park. In addition, the 6000m² site will have no motorized traffic. IFLA 2019 vision for the IFLA World Congress, "Common Ground", addresses a vast theme including changes to the Earth due to climate change and population growth.

BC 1600 Locating near the arctic pole, acient norwegians used to hunt and union with campfire.



1700 The farm was the main production mode before the industrial revolution.


1810 Construction of railway was begun and textile industry was develpoted.
























The charts show that Oslo has a moderate climates. However, its winter is quite long, for alomost half of the year. At the same time, the sunshine period is only about 1 hour in winter. Therefore, it is important to make use of the limited sunshine in winter in our design.

Historical Memory Union



1824 One of the biggest match factory was built in the GrØnvold, Oslo.

1980 During this period, many auto parts industry dominated this area.


Matrix & Reunion



The government decided to The site transformed to a Parking lots are removed , warm the city sidewalk to mixed use --residential & street space is back to people attract people to go out. commercial community. and people will reunion here.

Reasoning 0-19 year





Immigrant fusion

30% 20% 10% 0

Design concept


Achieve 57% 0-Emission Travel

Match factory memory pretection

Cultural conflicts

Return common space to the public

2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

The number of immigration is increasing every year. I propose more than one third of the population in Oslo will be immigrant population in the future 2 years.

Pedestrain-andvehicle dividing system


Remove 700 Parking Spots

Skiing and bike lane design

Chaotic traffic

Space will meet residents' needs

Heat and sunlight supply in winter Rain and snow recycling

Summer: Winter: 19hours 18hours

Environmental constrains

Group B

Open 354km Rivers&Streams

Group C

Set 36,000m² Natural Meadows

More green space

Group A

Adaptation to day and night and seasonal changes

More recreational facilities The young The old Officer

Insuffient infrastructure

All-year-round activities

Reach 60% Waste Recycling

Vision The young

The old

Skiing, chatting, running, walking, rolar-skating...


Dining, shopping, exercising, walking pets, taking children out...

Chatting, playing music, holding parties, watching stars, shopping...

Activity Analysis A facillity like jokul in winter is suitable for the site.

A plaza for skiing is needed for local kids.

Exothermic sites are highly prefered in the long cold winter.

Oslo is a good place for people to appreciate the stars.

A community park can be used for residents to chat and have a rest.

More sports facilities are needed for residents in the community park.


The memory of match factory and old farms should be reserved.


Climbing! Riding bikes

Going for a walk

Arts and exhibitions

Looking at the stars

Doing sports Picnicing & flying kites



Axonometrical Drawing

2019 Patterns selected from the shape of local glacier and different blocks

Devide the site


Population flow 1 Mix up 4 different types of people: students, officers, visiters, residents


Lower down two parts


Apply to precipitation route Lift up or lower down the ground for more space and more sunshine

2 5

Keysite D 6 Keysite E




10 12 Keysite C 9


1 Sunshine lawn

7 Outdoor dining

2 Stone seat landscape

8 Urban farm greenland

3 Dry spray plaza

9 Amphitheatre stage

4 Tree pool

10 Crossroads

13 Starry sky cabin

5 Bridge

11 Bicycle lane

14 Terraced geenland

6 Exhibition lawn

12 Starry avenue

15 Matchstick light



Seperated areas Connect the seperated parts by a loop and provide visiters a elevationpoint to enjoy view


Keysite B


8 Keep history lines to devide the site. Recall people's memory of the site


A block with varying levels

Considering the exsited condition of the site and changes in Olso society, I designed common memory of “Warmth and Nature� by combing "Matches" and "Glaciers" in s cherish the sunshine and prefer staying in the sunshine. Thus, I design a bridge ring to a Residents can enjoy the nature view in Site B E F to plant vegetables, lie on grass and w to skii, hold parties, enjoy the exhibitions and so on. For visiters and new immgrants, t integrate into the community quickly. Varied culture can be shared here and it will be th

ite A

Design Pattern Keysite A Starry avenue


13 Keysite F

Keysite B Central plaza



Keysite C Amphitheatre stage Day




Avenue can provide a great view of the street. Many holiday decoration can be put up here.

Lawn, seats,spray are set on the plaza, residents can bring their children to play and chat with each other.

This cornor land plays an essential role. It can be used as greenland, musical festical, open-air cinema,etc..

Keysite D Dining & Exhibition Day

Keysite E Planting memorial land Day

Keysite F Sunken plaza Day




At here, people can show their works at the exhibition, and have dinner party after their exhibition.

The greenland is seperated as many squares. Residents can claim their own square to plant vegetables.

This plaza functions as a viewing deck. People can gather in the house to have a sight of the stars.

14 15

this unique park. I awaken the memory of Norwegians —— structure and space. Also, I noticed that in Norway, people absorb more sunshine to site. watch stars. They also have social activities in the others sites, they will have a place to communicate with local people and he sample of a wonderful community.



Match lamp


Match: light and warm Matchpost

Glacier: Natural yearning

Usage display


Bulb shape 0.6m




In this site, I designed a starry sky cabin for people. The cabin is located in the eastern of sunken plaza, and about 1/5 of the cabin is underground to keep warm in winter. To enjoy the amazing night view in all angles, the cabin is made of glass. The huge and thick glass can be warm and provide a space for people to gather here. I also set "match" like lamp heater in the cabin to make sure it will be warm. It will definitely be the unique experience which cannot be duplicated.

Secenary Music








Photo by Yiren Qian in Pingjiang



Back to Gaodun I District Revival Landscape design of a famous history district in Suzhou Site: Pingjiang District, Suzhou, China Individual Work, 08-10, 2019 Instructor: William Hu In the history of human urban construction, Venice, Italy, is famous for its unique water streets, delicate buildings and rich waterscape. Until now, it still attracts tourists from all over the world with its extrordinary charm. In the Far East of Venice, there is also a world-famous water city —Suzhou. Suzhou, a charming city where I was born and where I grew up has the most affections on my feeling of whole society. Suzhou is famous for classical Chinese garden which were built by artists, poets, politicians or rich people. The Pingjiang District is near those famous gardens, however, as a residential and travel district, it faces many problems. How to achieve a balance between the tourists and residents? How to improve the living condition of local people? How to protect the traditional buildings? More questions need to be answered. When I search for history information of the site , I found "Gaodun" depicted in old books. Its emergence, generation, and functionality can all address these issues and the relationship between them. However, Gaodun disappeared many years ago and the reason I cannot find. Thus, I decided to revival Gaodun to bring vitality to the district.


Site Analysis Suzhou, which enjoys the reputation of "Up above there is heaven; down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou", is located in the Yangtze River delta plain in the southeast of Jiangsu Province, with Shanghai in the East, Zhejiang in the south, Taihu Lake in the West and Yangtze River in the north. Suzhou was built during the Chunqiu dynasty, when Wu Zixu was appointed to build a city by the king of country Wu. From that time, this city has been more than 2500 years. This is extremely rare in China and even in the world. At present, it is the only famous historical and cultural city to be fully protected in China. Famous for: 500+ Ming & Qing Dynasty flourish 800+ Song Dynasty neighbor style 1000+ Tang Dynasty urban pattern 1500+ Buddhism & Taoism Culture 2500+ Capital city of Chunqiu 3000+ Chinese "Wu" Culture 5000+ Chinese Farming Culture

Double Chessboard Pattern Chessboard pattern

Double chessboard pattern


The normal pattern of city in China is fit into chessboard pattern, for example, the Forbidden City of Beijing. Different from the common chessboard pattern in Chinese city planning, Suzhou has the unique double chessboard pattern: One street accompanies with one river; houses are built along the water. All these features lead Suzhou to be a city with huge romance of watery setting.

Historical Development Analysis War of liberation

Since 2000

Qing Dynasty

Republic of China

Song Dynasty

Land usage

Time Line

The river network began to extend to eastern part

More rivers were destroyed in the war

Some rivers were lost during the inner war

The government tries to dredge it again

Water network


Origianl river network

Roads came with water

"Xiang" & "Nong" existed with increased population

Roads became denser

Double Chessboard pattern existed

Chinese traditional gardens existed

Silk & Redwood factory existed






Continued to develop

Part of roads vanished

Factory out & Shops opened this time

Factory & Residential quarters Greenland

Original road


As Oriental Venice, Suzhou used to have 82km rivers ( in city) with 328 bridges, ancient and classical. It is an attractive and wonderful city. However, many rivers, birdges and mounds disappeared during these years. Only 35.28km of rivers with 168 birdges. As a result, there are lots of problems such as floods and traffic jams and historical culture.

New road

Distribution diagram of mounds

Street: Board roads (6m usually) with shops/houses on one side or both sides. "Xiang": Roads (3-4m usually) that used to connect two main streets. "Nong": Special roads (1-2m usually) between two old buildings. (Only used in Jiangsu & Zhejiang provinces) The perfect "Gaodun" map was destroyed during the 1900s, luckily, Suzhou zhi records the location of parts of all Gaodun including those in site and I drew this map. Street




Mounds in street

Mounds in "Xiang"

Mounds in "Nong"

According to the diagram from Qing dynasty, there were 31 Gaodun (mound) in the old city and they existed until The republic of China. These mounds were made of construction waste and sludge from rivers or pounds. Most mounds were barren land or used as graveyard. In the past, people bulit pavilions, planted trees, chatted with each other and played on mounds.

Climbing Chatting Chessing

Chatting Chessing Planting

Sitting Chatting Planting

Nowadays, there is few mounds and people lost their common area. Thus, we can renew mound which can serve as public space.


Building Analysis Now Residence


ion School 20% m seu u M ed on Shop nd a Ab

Problem: Most buildings are damaged and residents are unable to renew them. Almost all buildings are mixed used and have bad environment.




Chinese Garden

Mounds disappeared BC560


Wu Dynasty

BC306 Yue Dynasty


Chu Dynasty

589 Qin Dynasty



Sui Dynasty

Tang & Song Dynasty




1980s 2019

The reform and The Republic The People's Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty of China Republic of China opening-up

Function For traditional Chinese buildings, people use N "Jin" N "Lu"( N as number) to describe the size of houses. "Jin": Normally, one building with one "Tianjin" ( Garden with one courtyard) in front of the building is called one "Jin". "Lu": A long and narrow "Nong" (Usually between two buildings or in one building next to the wall) that goes through the whole residential areais called one "Lu". Fourth "Jin"

Third "Jin"

Second "Jin"

First "Jin"

"Jin" "Lu" 1 2


Temple Religional Usage People went to temples mostly on traditional festivals such as Qingming.



Bedroom Residential Usage This 2 -floor building is usually used as master room.

Servant Room

Study Room

Reception Space

Living Room

Residential Usage

Official Usage

Social Usage

Social Usage

This building is also called "Xiang Fang". It is usually sited perpendicular to the main building and servants live in it.

The room is used for children or host to study and deal with daily staff.

The space is used for social life. The family can invite friends, watch live Suzhou Pingtan and have meal.

The building is used for receiving guests. They can chat and have a cup of tea here.

Shop Economical Usage Buildings next to the street are mostly used as shops. Tradings are happened here.

Requirements & Problems Children below 18

Young people 19-30

Young people 19-35

Middle-aged people 36-55

Old people over 56


More space to play with friends; less More neighborhood communication tourist shops; more convenience shops space; rest place; not enough security

Update buildings and courtyards; more recreational facilities

Rebuild some dangerous building; need people clean street ruins and rubbish

More green space; lack of parks; space to take exercise; less tourist noise


More space for special activities and festivals such as Mid-Autumn Festival

More greenland; fewer mobile vendors; feel the true citizen life

More local traditional food restaurants; more inns to enjoy local life

More shops for sitting, chatting and chessing; more greenland; fewer cars

Feel the real features of the block; unique crafts shops like SZ embroidery

Strategy A "Double Chessboard" renaissence

Renew the special Street and Lane system in Jiangnan watery city.

Before Some cars makes the street congested. Too many similar shops and most do not sell local products Also, the water was unaccessible.

After Cars are limited; more recreational seats are provided; people can be close to water by steps. Reduce some shops.

Recreate traditional interactive activities and reduce similar tourist shops.

B Gaodun park

Before Constraction and river ruins were left. Because of the narrow street, trucks cannot carry out trash.

After Ruins will be landfilled here free of contamination; more trees; people can exercise at the "hills".

Reuse the construction and river ruins. Make ruins to be Gaodun space. Recall people's memory of their history life by building a Gaodun park.

C Tianjin renovation

Before Most gardens were unused and weeds run riot. Houses and gardens are seperated from each other.

After Remanage the courtyard; introduce some local flowers and trees; open part of the 2nd floor space.

Re-grooming the internal space and relationship of building communities. Rebuild the garden and landscape inside protected buildings.



"Double Chessboard" Renaissance

5-meter-wide Street Section This kind of street allows only for pedestrian and bikes. Some structions are remained for residents to dry clothes in the sunshine.

Shopping Communication Carry goods

Wash Clothes Sell Vegetables Wash Clothes

Streets scenario in the past This painting represents characteristics of Suzhou city culture: Xiang Nong culture. It has become the gorgeous background of Suzhou. As a place for leisure and entertainment, playing, trading and other activities, the street exists some features.

8-meter-wide Street Section More trees and seats are set. The new design can be a safer street.

Traditional pattern of Suzhou streets and lanes

12-meter-wide Street Section Neighbourhood

History Before

Future 24




Two tree pools successfully seperate the bikeway and walkway. People will be safe to go shopping along the street.

g Pingjian

Street Pattern Catalog Organization pattern of street river and building Type 1



River | Street | Building

Xuanqiao Xiang

Type 2


River | Building | Street

Shop Street

Through the unique River-Street structure, rich spatial level, appropriate spatial proportion and diversified citizen life, the traditional streets and alleys in Suzhou fully express the continuity and directionality of the streets and alleys, and create a good physical appearance and humanistic style. These spatial factors are the important expression of the traditional street and Water Lane spatial image, which contains the content of physical beauty, and also contains the relaxed and idle life mood it embodies.


Type A

Type B

Type C


The traditional streets and waterways in Suzhou not only have charming physical appearance, but also have fascinating spiritual connotation, which is also the historical and cultural tradition to be inherited by modern street reconstruction.


The picture shows the design after effect of Type C. We can see that people gathering here to shop, to walk, to fish, to have a rest, to watch the on-water Suzhou Pingtan show.







1 4 1

1. Glass sunshine house 2. Sitting chair 3. Outdoor catering platform 4. Hydrophilic stone platform 5. Water show & sell

6. Flower bed along the river 7. Greenland 8. Tourists' shop 9. Fishing 10. touring by boats






Gaodun Park


Gaodun, made up of constructions, ruins, soil, used to function as the disheartened space in the community. Residents used Gaodun space to communicate, play chess, climb, etc.

Site Analysis Extract elements from the three types of "Gaodun"


Wastes & Ruins Parking lot Water



Set up some stone and wood platforms

ang X



Build several irregular green islands

Design some unique bridges between islands




Attach people's needs to the pattern




River Parking lot Under construction

Under construction

The origin greenland was full of ruins, several houses not demolished and used as a temporary parking lot. Almost all the former residents moved out of this area, but some trees were left here. The terrible environment cannot fit in the Pingjiang district and is Add some recreational in urgent need of repair. facilities to the area

Add some exerxisers such as basketball stands

Plant more trees and flowers around the road

Sectional Drawing Rainfall


Central plaza Hydrophilic platform




Axonometrical Drawing

14 4 3 14



1 Plant island 2 Sports island 3 Activity island

11 3




13 10


5 8

6 7 9

To reuse this land, I designed 6 different Gaodun and 2 platforms for people to enjoy in daily life. Children can play on lawn Gaodun where they will not hurt themselves. Older people can dancing and exercise on plaza. Young people can do sports on sports Gaodun. People can get close to the nature, listening the sound of water and animals. Visiters can have a birds' eye view on the bridges which connects all the seperated areas, At here, all the people will have a nice experience.

4 Central plaza 5 Entrance 6 Bridge 7 Exercise plaza 8 Boulevard 9 Parking lot 10 Lawn 11 Tree pool 12 Entrance plaza 13 Boardwalk 14 Water area 15 Hydrophilic platform

Evaporating Gaodun island


Purging Run-off




Tianjin Renovation "Tianjin": Courtyard in Chinese

Building system background



Tianjin group




Historical Building Style

Building on stilts


Tianjin group


The appearance of the building is rhythmic and variable. The height and scale are basically unified, forming a continuous building facade, which makes the building in a balance. At the same time, the layout of a group of buildings has ups and downs, changes in the same, but changes follow certain rules, which is not monotonous Lanes and groups of houses make up of neighbourhoods, and different lanes and houses form different neighborhood characteristics.

Step 1 Reorganize the circulation

Building on terrace

Nowadays, since 2-4 family live in one building, more entrances are needed. To reduce the interacted routes, I break some walls to make new entrances for each building. Also, the aisle can be used as common space. Without interference, some argument can be solved.

Building behind water

Site Analysis



Step 2 Open the inner space The inner space of the old building is lack of sunshine and damp all year round. To introduce sunshine into the house, I choose 4 types of interior space to be semiopen space. 1. Inner space next to the wall 2. Unused doorway space 3. Blocked attic space 4. Part of the 2nd floor space


Unused & old garden


24 3



3 2

2 3




Step 3 Set essential equipment


Chosed area

Wei Dao Guan Qian area


Garden & Courtyard

Dark & damp aisle (Full of sundries and ash)

These protected buildings lacks many needed space. Less kitchen space, no park space, no green space, etc.. And their garden is a mess. Each garden will be arranged with following new sets: 1. Washing space for food & clothes 2. Greenland for planting 3. Space for party & parking






Master Plan

I select a typical area in Weidao Guanqian. The following master plan includes the most important buildings in this building group.




F-1 2F

Building D & J was called Da Ting which was used for master to meet friends, hold banquet, arrange exhibitions, etc,.


Building F was called Lou Ting which had multifunctions, such as learning, living, and washing. 2F


D 1F

Building A & H & G was Men Ting in Chinese and was used as ancestral hall. Building B & I was Jiao Ting in Chinese and was used to park owner's palanquin.

Building C & E was called Xiang Fang which was used as bedroom. Now, Only Building A remains the former function, others are all used as people's house. The muilti-functions appears within one building.


1. Bamboo & Glass frame 2. Flower bed

I 1F


B 1F

3. Land for planting 4. Greenhouse (local flowers) 5. Table & chairs (chess & mahjong & party)


6. Parking area (eletrombile & bike) 7. Washing set (food & clothes) 8. Protected local trees


9. Lawn 1F


10. Sculpted stones 1F


11. Pond (fancy carp & lotus) 12. Wooden trestle 13. Glass trestle

A Ancestral hall

B-E & G-I

One story living building

F & J Two stories living building

14. Chinese traditional pavilion


Axonometrical Drawing

Washing table set

Outdoor table & chair

Chinese round arch gate

Chinese corridor gate The special frame is inspired by residents. They build bamboo pole as tetragon to store varia. This frame can be used to hang clothes, grow climbing plants and so on.

New washing set can solve the problem of limited inner area. People can wash clothes and food. Some simple meals can be make here.

Tables and chairs are needed for people to have dinner and play chess with friends.

The new gates leads to new living routs. People donnot need to break house wall to have own gate.

Connect neighbours

Corridor is common in Chinese garden for sitting, chatting and climbing plants.The glass style can get more sunshine.

The traditional glass pavilion will create a feeling of Soochow landscape for people, and it is the epitome of Chinese painting.

Most local residents prefer to planting own crops and vegetables. They also like growing flowers. Thus I design enough flower beds to meet needs of each family.

Flower bed

Flowers can be planted all seasons and party can be hold in here.

Glass pavilion Semi open Sunshine space Greenhouse

Glass Corridor

People can enjoy view from house


Bamboo & glass frame

I'd like to use this design project to commemorate my and my grandmother's childhood. I spent six years of happy primary school time in this district, whose the picture of life and Xiang Nong warmed me. Thanks to my grandmother, she accompanied me to visit local family. She used to have a happy life here and the house was reclaimed and transformed into a beautiful homestay. Finally, thanks to a grandmother who lives next to The First High School. She gave me a cup of hot tea during my rainy day research, and we had a wonderful talk at her house. All these memories are the most precious treasures of my project. I am so lucky.


Photo of one courtyard in site


04 Between Stage I Installation Design Happiness With Village

Site: Danling Village, Meishan, Sichuan, China Group Work, 11, 2019 Collaborator: Youchen Hua Role: Research; Concept Design; Analysis; Rendering Instructor: William Hu "Plain and original village" is the biggest characteristic of happy ancient village. The folk dwellings in western Sichuan with green tiles and earthen walls are built against the mountain, facing the river, well-arranged and integrated with the natural environment. It is a rare ancient village with relatively complete preservation. We have explored the forgotten "Dengxi" culture here through "Between stages" to arouse people's memory, recall the beauty of stage culture, and promote the communication between people. The whole device takes square as the element, which comes from traditional stage. The cascade structure comes from the local terrace culture. Among them, the color of the acrylic board top comes from the main color of the traditional costume, and the juxtaposed acrylic films represent the magnificent play. The revolving translucent doors on both sides symbolize the stage curtain, which drives the whole space. People can adjust themselves and create a semi closed private space.


Site Analysis Located in Danling Village, Sichuan, the whole village takes the green mountain forest as keynote, the red sandstone culture as the foundation, the folk houses, courtyards, ancient roads, trees, bridges, and rare stone landscapes as the representatives. We expect to refine nature beauty in a slight way, with the least amount of change and the most primitive beauty.



Activity Analysis Children

Temporary shed Settled stage Theatre Outdoors "Deng Xi" is the mapping of rural social structure, which is performed in traditional festivals and also in festivals of sacrifice.


Residents Original stage

Past stage

Terraced field

Recent stage

Red brick

Master Plan


House Ancient gingko


Field Field

We use "Between Stage" to arouse people's memory, recalling the beauty of old stage culture, and promoting the commzunication between urban and rural areas. The whole device takes square as the main element, which is from the square traditional stage. Also, the cascade structure comes from the local terrace culture.



Structure Color transparent acrylic board

Ecological wood

Red brick color acrylic board Ecological wood

Translucent linen

Red brick color acrylic board Ecological wood

Embedded wooden seat

Red brick pavement



During the day, people can use the space according to their needs. When the light penetrates the translucent acrylic plate, the beautiful color can be reflected on the ground. In the evening, the colorful acrylic board can be interest, refract beautiful lights, and form a beautiful landscape in the village.


Other works 01 Kaufmann Desert House Model Landscape Design Studio Exhibition, Learn from masters 02 Flower & River Bloom Garden Construction Festival

03 Photograph Horton Plains, Sri Lanka Landscape photography Studio

04 Paintings & Calligraphy Course Assignments


Experiment Trees of Mixed Matrials Handmade, Pearl Needles, PVC, Paper,UHU, 2017

Kaufmann Desert House Model

Kaufmann Desert House Model

Final Review in Model Studio, 900mm*1200mm, 2017

Handmade, Final College Exhibition, 900mm*1200mm, 2017


Design Concept The theme of garden is Bloom and Convergence which means the process that leaves absorb nutrients for its flowers. We highlight the veins by tiles, and use white sand to imply cold and hardship. We want to show the beauty of overcoming difficulties.


Flower & River Bloom

Flower & River Bloom

Hand drawing, Mark pens, 2018

Garden Construction Festival, 2000mm*2500mm, 2018

Bushes and Road

Chimney Pool

Red deer

Photograph, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka, 2017

Photograph, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka, 2017

Photograph, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka, 2017

Sunrise in Jungle



Photograph, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka, 2017

Photograph, Galle, Sri Lanka, 2017

Photograph, Horton Plains, Sri Lanka, 2017






Innerspace Photography, 2019

Innerspace Photography, 2019

Innerspace Photography, 2019

Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Cellection

Calligraphy, 500mm*2400mm, 2017

Beside Jinji Lake

Rural of Luhe

Outskirts of Moscow

Acrylic Painting, Landscape Exhibition, 2017

Acrylic Painting, Landscape Exhibition, 2017

Oil Painting, Landscape Exhibition, 2017


YIREN QIAN Tel: +86 18851196682 E-mail: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | 2019

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