c higwell School is set in the pretty village of c higwell on the north-east edge of London. i t provides easy access to the centre of London (c higwell is in Zone 4 of the London Underground) and to Heathrow, c ity, Stansted, Luton and Gatwick airports.
Boarding at Chigwell is rather different from the traditional model of a British boarding school
We specialise in helping international students adapt happily and securely to living and studying a Levels in the UK, and preparing them for successful entry into British universities and universities across the world.
QU inte SS entia LLY B riti SH S ettin G
o ur small, friendly international boarding houses provide a secure base for pupils from different countries to play a full part in a British school.
Here, we create a friendly and supportive home-from-home for approximately 30 international pupils living on campus.
t he pupils live in small boarding houses. i n each house pupils of different nationalities live together with their houseparents who are experienced teachers and academic staff.
Boarding houseparents are here in “loco parentis”: that is, in the place of parents, and look after the boarders at all times outside the school day; to help and advise, and take care of their safety and welfare.
c ULt U ra L di V er S it Y
We very much value the different insights that individuals coming from other countries bring to our school and are committed to the sharing of these insights, and to a genuine cultural exchange for the benefit of all our pupils. The resulting mix is usually very intellectually stimulating and close friendships formed across cultural and language barriers.
Boarding at c higwell is a mature community where independence and personal responsibility are valued and encouraged in all pupils , so that by the time they leave us they are well prepared for the adult world of university and beyond.
m rs a manda Goddard B.Sc. P.G.c e d irector of Boarding agoddard@chigwell-school.org
We L come to Boardin G
Chigwell School was founded in 1629 by Samuel Harsnett, the son of a Colchester baker
He was educated in c olchester but went on to study at c ambridge University where he became m aster of Pembroke c ollege. He was subsequently Vicar of c higwell, a rchbishop of York and Vice c hancellor of c ambridge University.
Using his savings, Harsnett founded c higwell’s original Latin and english School, which began with just 16 ‘poor, clever’ scholars.
o ver nearly four hundred years, c higwellians have gone on to make their mark across the world in a whole variety of different ways. William Penn, founder of the State of Pennsylvania, attended school in the 1650s and was said to have had his ‘first sense of God when he was 11 years old at c higwell, being retired in a chamber alone’.
t he School has seen many changes since its foundation, including becoming fully co-educational in 1997 and more recent developments such as the Pre Prep, established in 2013, and the Sixth Form c entre in 2016. o ur latest addition is our brand new Sport and Wellness c entre which opened in September 2023.
Grounded in tradition but preparing pupils for the future, we are now a medium-sized school of around 1100 boys and girls, which allows pupils to be known really well as individuals. Just like all the c higwellians who have gone before them, we aim to prepare pupils to contribute to the world, now and in the future.
t he School was formally founded by Samuel Harsnett, a rchbishop of York and Vice c hancellor of c ambridge University. t he original school building, known as ‘Big School’, is now the Swallow Library.
t he School started admitting girls at all ages, beginning coeducation at c higwell.
William c otton was a student at the Schoolhe later became Governor of the Bank of england.
i n 1801, he infamously set the Headmaster’s garden on fire, possibly during hay-making.
79 c higwellians were killed in action in the First World War.
t he School then had a total of only 80 pupils, but remained open.
t he Practical a rts c entre (now the a rt, d esign and technology d epartment) was opened by the Queen m other and ‘Queen m other Quad’ was created.
t he Sport and Wellness Centre opened to benefit both our school as well as the local community.
2013 c higwell Pre Prep was opened for boys and girls aged 4 – 7.
t he r isham Sarao Sixth Form c entre was opened by o ld c higwellian and t V presenter, Ben Shepherd.
t he School digitally delivered more than 10,000 live lessons during the c ovid-19 global pandemic, as well as producing 1,000 items of Personal Protective equipment (PPe) for the n HS, local surgeries, care homes and pharmacies.
“Having a small boarding community of around ten students in each house allows us to have better relationships between every single boarder.”
All boarding schools say their boarding houses are like a family, but ours really are!
Our family boarding system provides a secure home for new students, helping them to adapt to life in a new country. i n each house, a group of approximately 8-10 pupils of different nationalities live together with the houseparents and their families - which means our houseparents really can have plenty of time for everyone.
m ost of the pupils at c higwell live locally, close to the s chool.
t he boarders are able to get to know local pupils and their families and experience ordinary British life outside School.
o ur small boarding houses act like ordinary homes and boarders can socialise with their local friends nearby.
t he houses have all the essentials for modern family life.
e ach house has a well-equipped kitchen if pupils choose to prepare food for themselves, and cosy living rooms to relax and enjoy time together. t he houses are all situated on the School’s site and share the central School facilities including playing fields, dining hall, theatre, library and coffee shop.
The playing fields house a brand new Sport and Wellness Centre with a six-lane swimming pool, gym, fitness suites, climbing wall and even a cafe. t he School has 100 acres of beautiful grounds, but the facilities are in close proximity to each other so only a short walk from each of the boarding houses.
c higwell’s family boarding houses receive frequent visits from past pupils who return to see what they consider to be their ‘first home’ in England and exchange news with their old houseparents.
“My time at Chigwell has been quite special, I settled in very easily and the boarding community here is tight-knit with a strong sense of belonging and emotional security.”
mentors volunteer for their role in the year prior to a boarder’s arrival.
This contact has a significant impact on the confidence with which boarders settle.”
Boarding houses are run by highly qualified and senior academic staff
Our houseparents include the d irector of Studies, a number of Heads of d epartments and experienced staff, teaching a range of subjects. Pupils live in an academic atmosphere and have easy access to support. e ach boarding house also has two additional tutors who spend an evening a week in the houses. there is always someone at home to ask for help and to discuss ideas with.
career S GU idance
Our dedicated Head of Careers offers advice and guidance, supporting our pupils every step of the way for the next part of their educational and career journey.
en GL i SH L an GU a G e SUPP ort
t he language of our boarding houses is always english as we have so many nationalities. Because it is so easy to make friends with local British pupils , our international students quickly find themselves speaking english all the time. t here is also english Language Support, taught by individual tutorials with specialist language staff, one of whom is a resident houseparent. Boarding tutors also work with pupils one-to-one.
mentorin G SYS tem
e ach international pupil at c higwell is given two mentors – a local pupil in the same year, who knows c higwell really well and helps our new boarders to settle in and meet people and a boarder who lives in the same house and has been at the school for a year. t he mentors contact new pupils before they join, meet them in their boarding houses when they arrive and take them to lessons on their first day. Pupil mentors are here to introduce c higwell’s pupil life, explain our customs and help pupils get to know the local community.
U ni V er S it Y a PPL ication a SS i S tance
We run a dedicated programme to guide potential oxbridge applicants through the rigorous application process. t his involves talks, mock interviews and appointments with subject specialist teachers in order to give our pupils the best possible chance of securing a place at oxford or c ambridge. Support is also provided for those applying for m edicine, d entistry or Veterinary Science; Law; degree apprenticeships and overseas universities.
We are a very busy school, with a wide range of co-curricular activities to suit all types of pupils. We also take time to be together both as individual boarding houses and as a whole resident community.
SP ort
Sport plays an important part in the life of the School and we are fortunate to enjoy expertly maintained facilities including a 3G pitch, playing fields, astroturf, a brand new state-of-the-art Sport and Wellness Centre, with a gym, fitness suite, climbing wall, a six-lane swimming pool and even a cafe, of which our boarders enjoy membership. Saturday sport is very inclusive at c higwell. Football, hockey and cricket are played for one term each. Because there are five football teams for the Sixth Form, regardless of ability, if boarders wish to play competitively and put on the c higwell football shirt, they can! We also offer netball, tennis and we support pupils to pursue other sporting interests too.
Scan the Q r code to obtain more information on our Sport and Wellness c entre:
academic S ocietie S
academic societies provide the chance to compete in local, national and international competitions such as the m odel United n ations and inter-school debating. o ur boarders have an excellent record in the m athematics and Science o lympiads, with a past student competing in the final of the Physics o lympiad competition in i ndia and Switzerland.
comm U nit Y and c H arit Y
community service and charity work are two more important aspects of chigwell life, and boarders have been involved in strengthening the bond of union beyond the School and the local area by volunteering. they are also involved in our newly created Sustainability committee.
m US ic and drama
t here is also a thriving music department and drama department with an impressive state-of-theart 150-seat theatre - where we host our popular classic film nights and put on our theatre plays.
B oardin G acti V itie S
We celebrate birthdays and barbecues, decorate the houses for christmas, and regularly cook a house dinner together on Fridays. each year we enjoy a number of formal dinners as a community including the Headmaster’s Welcome d inner, the annual chinese n ew Year d inner and o rthodox christmas celebrations.
da Y tri PS and W ee K end e X c U r S ion S
Boarders enjoy regular outings such as ice skating at Somerset House in London, and various theatre productions, such as “Les m iserables” and “Hamilton” as well as day trips, in places like Brighton, oxford and c ambridge.
“My houseparents are like my family here and have helped me settle in right away.”
Mental health and wellbeing are very important to us. Our extensive programme includes pupil training, dedicated tutor time and visiting speakers
a QU a L i F ied team t H at care S robust safeguarding procedures are implemented by an expert safeguarding team, including excellent support from the Health and Wellbeing centre, the chaplain and deputy designated safeguarding leads in all parts of the School.
PSH e is built around developing emotional intelligence and resilience. Skills for good mental health are covered, as well as supporting pupils to stay calm and focused, particularly during their exam years.
W e LLB ein G centre
With the appointment of our new Head of Wellbeing, we have further enhanced our individualised support for parents and pupils, enabling them to thrive and embrace all the available opportunities as well as face the pressures of the 21st century.
S c H oo L co U n S e LL or
Our school counsellor is available to our pupils five days a week. Pupils may arrange an appointment themselves. All appointments are confidential, and take place in the Health & Wellbeing c entre.
“Pupils’ appreciation of diversity and equality is excellent ”
“It’s a really easy environment to settle into, so throw yourself into it because you will be so welcomed.”
Y ear 13 B oardin G S t U dent
Church House
G ir LS’ B oardin G H o US e
i t is not known exactly when c hurch was built, but the oldest part is estimated to have been erected in 1600. t here are many famous stories concerning the house, one being that c harles d ickens once stayed here, writing one of his novels – Barnaby rudge.
c hurch House is run by m r and m rs Leroux. m rs Leroux is the Head of French at c higwell School and also teaches Spanish. m r Leroux is an adventure tourism guide who has worked across n orth a merica and europe guiding kayak, cycle tours and skiing. c hurch House aims to provide a nurturing and open environment where different cultures are shared and celebrated. t he girls work hard, and we aspire that they feel at home and well supported in their academic journey at c higwell School.
m r and m rs Leroux
c hurch House Houseparents
Hainault House
B o YS’ B oardin G H o US e
Hainault House was built in 1874 in grand Victorian Gothic style and is run by m r and m rs r abbitte, who have a young family. m r rabbitte is the Head of Geography at c higwell School and his wife is a qualified social worker.
Hainault House promotes an environment where pupils can flourish both academically and pastorally. They practice a firm but fair, and usually fun approach to boarding, to ensure that the boarders get the best support when it comes to their school life and their own personal and emotional safety and wellbeing.
Bright, airy rooms and plenty of room to work and socialise enhance the friendly, family atmosphere that is the hallmark of Hainault House. i t enjoys the advantage of being at the front of the School and is surrounded by a large garden, where barbecues are a feature of the summer term.
m r and m rs r abbitte
Hainault House Houseparents
G ir LS ’ B oardin G H o US e
Harsnett’s takes its name from the Founder of the School, a rchbishop Samuel Harsnett, a rchbishop of York and m aster of Pembroke c ollege c ambridge, who founded the School in 1629 as a school for the poor boys of the parish when he was vicar here. Harsnett’s is a family home run by m r and m rs Saunders, who live there with their three children.
m r Saunders teaches m athematics and is the d irector of Studies. m rs Saunders teaches French, German and Spanish, and is responsible for english as an additional Language (ea L) for Year 12.
m r and m rs Saunders Harsnett’s Houseparents
International pupils at Chigwell are very successful and the vast majority go on to study at top
universities, including Oxford and Cambridge
Poland LS e (London School of economics and Political Science) m anagement
Hong Kong University of Bristol aerospace engineering
Bulgaria U c L (University c ollege London) Biological Sciences aaa
c hina University of cambridge n atural Sciences
c hina King’s c ollege London Physics and Philosophy a*aa
c hina U c L (University c ollege London) economics a*a*a
Japan i mperial c ollege London m aterials Science and engineering
Bulgaria Long i sland University, USa Pharmacology aaaa
Poland University of St. a ndrews c omputer Science
Poland University of cambridge m edicine
Poland University of a msterdam Liberal a rts & Sciences
“Outcomes for boarders are excellent and meet the aims of the School. Boarders are happy, confident, polite and engaging.”
“It’s the little things that make a big difference and you would never find it in any other large boarding school with
their big dormitories and hundreds of boarders.”
Y ear 13 B oardin G S t U dent
WH at Y o U need to a PPLY
You will need to complete our registration form. We require certain documents in order to support your application, so please make sure you have the following:
• Your ie Lt S report (or equivalent)
• Your current and previous school reports
• Personal statement
• registration fee
• c opy of your passport.
Please do feel free to ask us any questions you may have about any part of the application process. You can email us at BoardingAdmissions@chigwell-school.org
WH at H a PP en S ne X t ?
every applicant must sit entrance tests, usually in english and m aths, and an additional chosen a Level subject. these can be sat whilst visiting us, but can also be sat at one of our authorised education agencies or a British Council office. Please contact us if you have any questions about this. a ll applicants also have an interview with the Head of Sixth Form, either in person while visiting the School, or conducted by Skype or other online video program. We understand that visiting the School may be difficult, but we do encourage you to come and see us if possible. it is important to see the place where you are considering spending two years living and studying, to help you decide if it is right for you. We look forward to welcoming you and giving you as good an idea as we can about school life at chigwell.
We will acknowledge receipt of your application and request any further documentation we may need. You will need to return your acceptance form along with your first terms fees and your deposit to confirm your place. If you require a visa to study with us we will send you an email detailing the tier 4 visa application process.
For information on our fees, as well as our full terms and conditions, please visit www.chigwell-school.org
m iss roxanne d arkin Head of c areers and Sixth Form c oordinator rdarkin@chigwell-school.org