Headmaster's Letter - February 2023

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Headmaster’s Letter to Parents

February 2023

Dear Parents

It hardly seems possible that half term has come about already. The Lent term always feels like a bit of a sprint, but we have managed to squeeze a huge number of events into the short time. I hope you enjoy the compendium of highlights of the half term; it is wonderful to see such a range of activities taking place, and we are immensely proud of pupils’ achievements.

Best wishes



Page 1Head’s Forum


Top of the Bench Competition

Page 2 English Department Play

Page 3ARTiculation Prize 2023



Page 4FPQ

Page 5 Staff Panto

Page 6 Mental Health Awareness Week

Page 7 Chinese New Year

Page 8 Netball

Page 9 Netball

Page 10 Boys’ Hockey

Page 11 Chemistry Olympiad




Page 12 Music

Page 13 Music

Page 14 University Application Day

Careers Convention

Quality in Careers Standard Award

Page 15

Staff News

Page 16Public Examinations - Summer 2023

Contingency Days

Page 17 Chapel

Page 18


Head’s Forum

We remain grateful for the continued support of parents at the many events which take place throughout the year. Having spoken with many of you individually at these events, I would like to increase the opportunities for parents to share their thoughts with me and the management team. To this end, I intend to instigate a termly Head’s Forum. This will be an opportunity for the school to present topical issues to parents, and also a chance for parents to present questions which they would like answered. We will be in contact about the first date for this next half term


Our brilliant Oxbridge cohort has had notable success this year, with four offers received. Kwame (PPE), Nyle (Psychology) and Jake (History and French) have received offers from Oxford, while Melody (Maths) has received an offer from Cambridge. We are proud of them, and also of their peers within the Oxbridge group who all worked tirelessly to prepare for a highly competitive process.

Top of the Bench Competition

The Top of the Bench competition is a Royal Society of Chemistry competition aimed at pupils in Years 9 to 11. It is a team competition, which starts with an online quiz, and the final was held just before Christmas at KEGS, with a practical section as well as buzzer rounds. Chigwell made the finals and in the end came third, meaning we did not make it to the national rounds this year. Nonetheless, this is an amazing achievement and in particular challenges the Year 9 and 10 pupils as they have not yet completed the chemistry course. Our team consisted of Johan, Rithun, Harry and Mishal.


English Department Play

In their production of Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge, the English department worked with students from years 11, 12 and 13 to transport us back to 1950’s Brooklyn — home to thousands of Italian-American dockworkers. Eddie Carbone is a hustler - a husband and uncle whose life has been spent working the Brooklyn docks to provide for his family, including his niece to whom he has become a father in all but name. The production, postponed due to poor weather before Christmas, asked us all to question what a good, loyal man does when the burden of his feelings overtakes reason and the community codes he lives by.


ARTiculation Prize 2023

Sebastian (Middle Sixth) took part in the London Regional Heat of the ARTiculation Prize 2023 at the Whitechapel Gallery London. This is a national public speaking competition talking about an artwork of the student’s choice. Sebastian spoke eloquently on the artist Richard Dadd’s 'Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke' and highlighting issues about mental health and other narratives within the piece. Nine schools took part in this heat and the talks hit the ‘wow’ factor. The adjudicator was artist Rachel Jones. Sebastian was confident in his presentation and he was praised for his engaging talk and use of digital graphics; the adjudicator said his talk was ‘brilliant'. A big well done for him in taking part and speaking so well in front of a packed auditorium. He was a credit to the School at such a prestigious event.


Mr Roderick Lonsdale took eight debaters to the Oxford Schools round at South Hampstead High School. Although the teams were unsuccessful in terms of making the Finals Day they performed really well and perhaps were unlucky in one of them not making the final cut. They all enjoyed the experience and look forward to the Cambridge Schools debate which will take place on the last Sunday (19th) of the mid-term break, at Haberdashers Boys’ School.


The FPQ qualification is now in its second year, offering Junior School pupils the opportunity to plan, research, write and present a project on a topic of their own choosing. In early February, twelve Year 8 students presented their FPQ projects on an extremely varied range of topics: feminism, sign language, make-up, Zeus, sports footwear, homework, climate change, Otto von Bismarck, keeping otters as pets, and conspiracy theories on the deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana. The evening was very enjoyable, and several comments were made regarding the high standard of the presentations. Well done to all the pupils!




Staff Panto

The biennial staff pantomime took place at the end of January and was very well received by all who were brave enough to go and see it!

It was the third time that the staff have put on Aladdin since the event began in 1999 which meant that there was plenty of old material to draw on. There were stalwarts and newcomers on show, songs and jokes old and ancient and, most importantly, the event raised a considerable amount of money for charities supporting Ukraine and the Tim Pruss School in India. Huge thanks must go to Seb Armstrong and his team of VI Form directors who not only managed to get the staff to listen to them but also to learn lines and directions in the space of just over a week. Congratulations to all involved!


Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental health is an incredibly important issue for pupils and teachers alike. It can have a profound effect on wellbeing, learning ability and overall success in school. Mental Health Awareness Week at Chigwell aims to create a dialogue around the importance of mental health, bring attention to the prevalence of mental illness and its effects on young people, and discuss ways that students can look after their own mental wellbeing. In chapel and assembly this week, pupils heard four of their teachers talk about their own experience of mental health. Our thanks go to Mr Andrew Long, Mr Michael Wright, Mr Neil Saunders and Mr Keith Ennis for talking to our students. The aim of these talks was to normalise conversations about mental health and reduce stigma around seeking out support when it is needed. Ultimately, teachers who are open about their own experiences can inspire students to do the same, creating a more supportive environment for everyone in the school community. Pupils were also introduced to Nina, our school counsellor, who is available for regular appointments or drop-in sessions.

The Equality Ambassadors also played a key role in making this week a success. Pupils have been busy preparing resources and tutor time activities, creating posters and mentoring their peers in our mentoring room. Mental health has also been the focus of discussion in societies this week, such as Biomedical Society who discussed mental health from a scientific point of view and Cultural Society, who discussed how different cultures perceive mental health. Mental Health Awareness Week is a great start in raising awareness, but we must continue to have discussions and bring attention to this important issue throughout the academic year


Chinese New Year

On Friday 20thJanuary the boarding and resident community celebrated Chinese New Year, welcoming in the Year of the Rabbit. It was wonderful to welcome back a number of former boarders to the dinner, exchange news and reminisce on their boarding experiences.

The conservatory was decorated in red, and Chartwells prepared an array of dishes. Following the Chinese feast, Thomas, a Lower Sixth boarder from Harsnett’s House, spoke about the meaning of the Spring festival and New Year traditions such as people cleaning their houses before the Chinese New Year to get rid of bad luck, and children receiving red envelopes full of money instead of wrapped gifts. A keenly-contested

Kahoot quiz tested how well we had listened, with boys form Hainault House coming top of the podium.



Netball this half term started a little slower than we would have liked. Senior and U13 tournaments over the first two weekends could not take place due to the cold and frost. Thankfully, once the weather improved, we were able to successfully run our U12ABC tournament hosting Bancroft’s, Forest, Highgate and St Edmund’s. The morning was a great display of competitive match play and enjoyment with the Chigwell U12B topping their group.

In fixtures, the seniors have had matches against Highgate, Saffron Walden, St Edmund’s and Bancroft’s. We have been able to get four senior teams out for most fixtures and have been impressed with the focus and competitiveness the pupils are putting in at training, games and during their matches.

The U15s, U14s, U13s and U12s have had fixtures against Park, Dame Alice Owens, Saffron Walden, Felsted, Forest and Bancroft’s and have enjoyed varying levels of success. The pupils have been working hard in training and their games sessions and we hope this level of focus continues after half term. The Junior School have also had some early fixtures

against New Hall, Avon House and St Aubyn’s. Pupils have been working on their game play and ball handling in training and games sessions with a focus on England Netball’s BEE netball initiative.

This has been a busy half term and it continues as soon as we return with more fixtures and tournaments across the school to look forward to. Well done to all those pupils involved in netball this term and thank you to the staff continuing to support and provide a busy netball programme.


Boys’ Hockey

The start of the term always proves to be challenging for the boys’ hockey season with the weather playing its part in disrupting games, after school practise and weekend fixtures. Despite these challenges, the pupils have demonstrated exceptional commitment, especially in the Junior School, and produced some brilliant displays in this extremely truncated half term.

One of the highlights to date has been the Junior GK Workshop. Nine pupils took part in a specialist session led by a specialist level 3 England Hockey keeper coach, learning everything from the highly skilled actions required in goal, to organising your defence at penalty corners. The morning proved to be a huge success and a similar session for the Senior School will also take place after half term. Also in the Junior School, the U13s have had an excellent start to the season with fixtures going ahead against Haberdashers and John Lyon, whilst also performing at an exceptional level at the IAPS tournament hosted at Culford School. The U12s set down a marker by finishing runners-up at the Essex School Hockey Tournament despite not conceding a goal on the day. This was the first time Chigwell has hosted the competition

and the boys certainly made the most of the opportunity. The U12s now qualify for the regional rounds on 16th March at Redbridge Sport Centre. At the lower end of the Junior School, in KS2 every pupil in Lower Two and Upper Two has had the opportunity to represent the school in competitive fixtures and after school on a Thursday night remains the best attended session of the week.

In the Senior School, hockey remains at a very competitive standard but has faced the challenges of a stop start season, making it difficult for teams to achieve consistency on the pitch. Nevertheless the teams from U14 – 1XI continue to make good progress allowing them to prepare for the majority of their tournaments which come later in the term.


Chemistry Olympiad

Twenty-six students from Years 12 and 13 took part in the Royal Society of Chemistry Olympiad 2023. This involved a two hour exam aimed at Year 13 students with challenging questions similar to entrance tests and university style exams. As in previous years, nineteen of our Year 12 chemistry students volunteered to take part - more than 60% of the Year 12 chemistry cohort. These opportunities for pupils to extend themselves outside the classroom are incredibly important, and we look forward to hearing how they got on.


Twenty-five pupils from Years 7 and 8 were selected to represent the school in the Essex Schools Cross-Country Championships held at Writtle University College. Pupils attended a trial and weekly sessions in preparation and we look forward to sharing the results with you in the next newsletter.


After half term twenty pupils from Years 5 to 8 are taking part in the IAPS swimming event at Culford School. Pupil are competing in a variety of individual and relay events and we wish them all well. We look forward to sharing the results with you once we have them.


Just before half term, the A Level Middle Sixth drama classes performed their scripted pieces to a visiting examiner. These are monologues and duologues as well as group performances lasting between 30-45 minutes. With a range of texts from modern playwrights such as Bryony Lavery, Stephen Berkoff, Sarak Kane, Dario Fo and Duncan Macmillan, this was two evenings of impressive theatre. Hard hitting social commentary, farce and disturbing dystopian fantasies were all part of this exceptionally rich range of experiences. Candidates offered a range of skills from acting, lighting, sound, costume and set design.



The Live@6 programme continued this term with an enchanting recital from our Lower Two, encouraged by the wonderful group of supportive parents. Our Live@6 Removes recital will be rescheduled on Monday 27th February and the Senior Live@6 Recital on Monday 6th March.

The final Thursday of the half term was a splendid celebration of music in the Junior and Middle School, featuring ten of our ensembles, including Saxophone Ensemble, Ukulele Orchestra, Intermediate Cello Group, Guitar Club, Band Club, Stringles, String Quartet, Junior Cello Ensemble, Intermediate Orchestra and Junior Chamber Choir. Well done to all those who participated in such an exciting and diverse evening of music making.


Chigwell School London Spring Concert

Monday 27 March 2023, 7.00pm, Cadogan Hall, London


Year 5 & 6 Choirs

Key Stage 3 Choir

Chapel Choir

Massed House Music Item 1

Choral Society

Old Chigwellian All Stars

Chigwell School Big Band

Ben Copsey Bass Trombone Soloist

Redbridge Brass

Tickets may be purchased by following the link HERE or on 020 7730 4500.


University Application Day

Mr Simon Coppell is arranging a University Application Day for the Lower Sixth on the last day of this term: Wednesday 29th March. They will be off-timetable all day listening to presentations by internal and external speakers including course and institution choice, strategies for supporting your own mental health, and advice from former students about getting through the application process. Advance notice too that just after Easter he will be holding a talk for Lower Sixth parents and students from 6.30pm on Thursday 20th April about the UK university application procedure.

Careers Convention

The Trinity Term will see the return of our annual Careers Convention. We are pleased to be able to host this event in-person again and we are looking for volunteers to speak to students. As always, the aim of the event is to help students consider the possible future career options that are available to them and enable them to meet representatives from different employment areas. More details will be sent out after half term, but if you would like to take part or would like more information, please contact Miss Roxanne Darkin.

Quality in Careers Standard Award

We are pleased to announce that we have signed up for the Quality in Careers Standard Award. Our commitment to taking part in this process will give us the opportunity to celebrate our existing good practice and to continue to develop our outstanding careers provision. By going through the rigorous assessment process for the award we will continue to develop a robust programme, ensuring our students make informed decisions at key stages about their study pathways and career opportunities.

This is a two-year process, and we are looking forward to working with our students, parents and Governors on how we can continue to provide excellent careers education here at Chigwell. If you have any questions about careers, please contact Miss Roxanne Darkin rdarkin@chigwell-school.org


Staff News

This term we have welcomed two new temporary members of staff. Mr Clive Brand has joined the Economics department and Mr Richard Bull is working in Learning Support. Also, we are delighted that Mrs Katherine Douglas has taken over from Mrs Heather Arrowsmith as a teacher of English. We hope all new colleagues will be very happy here.

We send our congratulations to Mrs Natasha Spicer and her husband Sonny on the arrival of their baby boy Theodore Harry James.

With effect from the beginning of the Trinity term, we are pleased to

announce that Mr Graham Sexton will be taking over as Housemaster of Penn’s.

We also congratulate Mrs Evelyn Gibbs for her promotion to a new role in the school; Head of the Pre Prep & Junior School, which will start in September. This new role will subsume Mr Andrew Stubbs’ role as Head of Junior School when he retires at the end of this academic year.

With best wishes,


Public Examinations - Summer 2023 Contingency Days

Please see the message below from JCQ:

The awarding bodies have collectively agreed a contingency day for several years now which is always scheduled at the end of the GCSE, GCE AS and A-level exam timetables.

The contingency day is in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams in the United Kingdom, being part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for exams.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, further resilience was needed within the exam timetables. A single contingency day was not felt to be sufficient if a national event or incident had a significant effect on the exam timetable. For example, summer exams could be affected by extremely high temperatures.

For the June 2023 exams, the awarding bodies have therefore introduced two additional half-day contingency sessions. These are on Thursday 8 June 2023 and Thursday 15 June 2023. The standard contingency day remains at the end of the timetable being scheduled on Wednesday 28 June 2023.

Schools and colleges should ensure candidates and parents are aware of the contingency arrangements on these three days. They should consider the contingency day of Wednesday 28 June 2023 when making their plans for the summer. Candidates must remain available until Wednesday 28 June 2023 should examinations need to be rescheduled.


We have continued to have a busy time in Chapel as we try to reflect the needs of the whole community. This term we have been considering the ideas of diversity of friendship, the environment and mental health week. I have been delighted at the way our young people show respect for Chapel and for each other. It is very much a great strength of the school that we share a diversity of belief and outlook. I am sure that the way our young people

learn from each other will equip them well for the modern world where careers often require a deep understanding and respect for those who are different to ourselves. As a Christian I am beginning to look towards Lent and how to prepare myself for the great celebrations of Easter. I pray that each one of us will find comfort in the hope that this time of year can bring.

With blessings, David.



As we approach Chigwell School’s 400th anniversary in 2029, we continue to evolve engagement with parents, Old Chigwellians and the wider community to promote philanthropy. Simply put, we seek to raise awareness, volunteerism, and money to enhance funds for everything from bursaries to buildings.

What is philanthropy? From Greek and Latin origins, ‘philanthropy’ loosely translates to ‘love of humankind’. Put more simply, we consider philanthropy as ‘people helping people.’ As Chigwell’s Philanthropy Department, we try to help people, help people.

Chigwell School’s ambitious goals include funding a sports centre. In line with our holistic approach, we are developing physical education and sport in young people. Additionally, we wish to increase access to a first-class education to pupils, regardless of their financial ability. We do this best through raising money for the Bursary Fund.

Please do contact us to learn ways you might be able make a positive impact on the lives of our young people.



Lent Term

Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 9th January

First day: Tuesday 10th January

Half term: Saturday 11th February to Sunday 19th February

Term ends: Wednesday 29th March

Trinity Term

(Easter Day is 9thApril)

First day: Wednesday 19th April

Half term: Saturday 27th May to Sunday 4th June INSET Day Monday 5th June

Term ends: Wednesday 12th July

Michaelmas Term

Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September

First day: Wednesday 6th September

Half term: Saturday 21st October to Sunday 5th November

Term ends: Wednesday 13th December

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