Headmaster's Letter to Parents - Michaelmas Term December 2020

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Headmaster’s Letter to Parents

December 2020

Dear Parents Although life has not been normal this term, pupils and staff have worked very hard to maintain the broad education which we believe is so important. Life has been punctuated with periods of self-isolation and remote learning for a few but all have adapted very well to the ongoing situation. Thank you for all your support through what has been at times a challenging term. I would like to thank all staff across the School who have worked hard in the unfamiliar circumstances and I hope that all of you have a happy and restful Christmas. Let’s hope that 2021 brings a return to greater normality. With best wishes

Yours sincerely

Michael Punt

Contents Page 1

Sunday Times Best Schools Best Schools Guide Act of Remembrance

Page 2


Page 3

3G Pitch Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Page 4

Howard and Mitchell Essay Competition

Page 5

Duke of Edinburgh

Page 6

Duke of Edinburgh

Page 7

Engineering Development Trust

Page 8

P.E. Games Cricket Success University News Bad Weather

Page 9

Girls’ Hockey OC Mitre Boys’ Football

Page 10


Page 11

Staff News

Page 12

Message from the Chaplain

Sunday Times Best Schools

Best Schools Guide

We were delighted that the Junior School was placed 9th in the Sunday Times national list of best schools:

The School was visited by Muddy Stilettos who produced the following review. We will be featured in their


best schools guide. https://www.chigwellschool.org/news/best-schools-guidereview/


Act of Remembrance This year’s act of remembrance was not the usual gathering of the whole community but important, nevertheless. The Chaplain’s Service can be viewed on our YouTube Channel, under the Chaplain’s Playlist. View online. https://youtu.be/iSz0j4OGqjc


Music https://www.youtube.com/user/Chi gwellSchool1629. Significantly, these concerts have received over 2000 views presently. Despite the more restricted measures we find ourselves in, it is wonderful to see that our music is reaching out further than previously seen. The on-line concert schedule for next term offers opportunity for all pupils from Upper One through to Middle Sixth to experience the studio setting and perform live on YouTube.

The music department has adapted to create a greater number of safe and distanced opportunities for pupils this half-term. Miss Ciara McCarthy has devised very popular Carol Clubs for Years 5, 6 and 7 respectively. Within these, pupils have come together to practise and perform on kalimbas, ukuleles and keyboards as well as their own instruments. In addition, Miss McCarthy has set up and directed an exciting and energetic Third Form Choir, all masked up and socially distanced. We hope you will see the product of their work in the School’s online Christmas service. Mr Michael Wright has worked with a guitar ensemble and a ukulele group which we hope to be rolled out further next term, giving pupils the chance to experience and work on improvisation skills. The newest facet of the department is the ‘live-streaming’ of year group recitals and concerts. These have given a broad spectrum of pupils the chance to perform in a rigged studio setting, but with the nervous excitement that live unedited performance brings. These can still be found at the School’s YouTube channel.


3G Pitch

sporting facilities. I should like to thank the support team for all their hard work in getting this facility to completion, despite the various headwinds faced over recent months. The pitch will be officially opened on 22nd January and more details will follow next term.

I am delighted that the School’s new artificial grass (3G) pitch is now ready and already being used by our pupils. It has been great to see sport continuing despite the darker evenings and recent wet weather. Governors are very keen that this is just the first step in improving the School’s

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion We engaged an external organisation to survey staff and students about their experiences of racism at Chigwell, our aim being to ensure that all are treated kindly and fairly, have equal opportunities to flourish and treat others well. A group of staff, parents, Governors and pupils met with the organisation, Flair, and we hope to be able to share the findings next term.


Howard and Mitchell Essay Competition At this year’s Howard and Mitchell essay competition prize winners’ presentation evening, staff and pupils gathered to support our winners, Zachary Edwards and Meenakshi Nirmalan. For the second year running, the competition was open to both Year 12 and Year 13 students to submit an essay based on independent research into either a science/maths topic (for the Mitchell prize) or the arts/humanities (for the Howard prize). With his talk on ‘Quantum flight; exploring the link between quantum mechanics and bird migration’, Zachary became the first person in the competition's history to win the Mitchell award two years in a row, adding to last year’s accolade for being the youngest person to win this prize! Continuing the trend, Meenakshi also set a new record, becoming the youngest person to win the Howard prize with her essay ‘Clare Quilty: A real character or a projection of Humber’s paranoia? A study of unreliable narration and the literary double in Nabokov’s Lolita. Both Zac and Meenakshi spoke eloquently and confidently and engaged the audience with their clear enthusiasm for their given topics. If you would like to watch the video of the winners’ presentations, it is available on our website: https://www.chigwell-school.org/news/howard-and-mitchell-essay-winners-2020/


Duke of Edinburgh Despite the pandemic, two DoE training expeditions took place over half term. All of the bronze participants who would normally have completed their award back in the summer, spent two days completing all aspects of the expedition, albeit in a shortened form. They can now look forward to moving on to their silver award if they so wish. Silver canoeists also completed their water training.


Duke of Edinburgh These were all shortened expeditions which we were able to complete but there are still other DoE students who will complete their expeditions next year.


Engineering Development Trust Inspired by a love of STEM (science, technology and mathematics), some of our Lower Sixth are working in collaboration with the Industrial Cadets, Engineering Development Trust and Leonardo (a national company in the Aerospace Defence & Security sector) to gain the Industrial Cadets Gold level award.

The students will work with their industry-based mentor over a period of sixteen weeks on a project, which will help them gain greater understanding of STEM in the real world. The group will benefit from twenty-five hours of guided learning, including webinars on project management, careers and higher education and a panel discussion with industry representatives who work in a variety of sectors. The students will build skills in areas of teamwork, problem solving and creativity culminating in a group presentation to a panel of assessors. This is the first group from Chigwell to pursue this gold level challenge and we wish them every success in their pursuits.


PE and Games

Cricket Success national

Congratulations to Sally Chapman

restrictions, we have continued to

who has been selected for the Essex

provide a full programme of physical

U17s County Squad. This is a fantastic

education through both our curriculum

achievement and we look forward to

lessons and games afternoons. PE

hearing of her future success.

has always had a high profile and both






boys and girls have continued to be active with the focus on wellbeing and fitness.

University News

The fundamentals of sport at Chigwell

Already a number of Middle Sixth

have not changed; we aim to

students have had some very good

encourage and motivate all students

university offers and others are still

to develop their full potential. Our

awaiting news. Over the holidays, we

PE programme continues to provide

encourage students to let us know if


they have more offers.





personal skills whilst encouraging

Bad Weather

tolerance of and respect for other

In the event of heavy snow or

groups and individuals. The vast


majority of our sports have continued


but without inter-school competition.

for confirmation of arrangements for

Both our PE and games provision

the school day. We would be very

continues to evolve and adapt to the

reluctant to close the School but

times, with even more choice and

we are mindful of the safety of pupils

variety now available.

and staff.

promoting the development of inter-







Girls’ Hockey Despite the current restrictions, school hockey like football for the boys, has been an avenue for pupils to train and play competitively. The girls’ attitude and approach has been superb and the numbers at training have been excellent. Although we have not been able to have external fixtures, the time spent on refining and practising skills, set pieces and game scenarios has been used to good advantage. The hockey coaching staff have seen some significant improvement and it is a shame that we will not have the opportunity to use them against other schools this season. We are remaining optimistic about playing some competitive fixtures in the Lent Term. As always we wish a fond farewell to our Middle Sixth players and hope they continue their hockey beyond Chigwell School.

O.C. Mitre

Boys’ Football

All Old Chigwellians are members of

Although we have not been able to play

the Old Chigwellian Association which

fixtures this term, on average two-

organises events throughout the

hundred boys in various groups have

year. In addition, the O.C. Mitre is

participated in training.

published annually and you might

We send our congratulation to George

be interested to read the 2020

Evans who has signed a two year deal

edition which is published on line

at Millwall FC which is a fantastic


achievement. We will follow his


progress with great interest.


Boarders Many of our Sixth Form boarders have not been able to return home since their arrival towards the end of August. Some are able to go back to their families for Christmas but others will be staying with guardians. They have been a really cohesive group and one of the many excellent events for boarders was the Polish evening put together by our catering manager Mr Craig Osmond and the Chartwells team. https://www.chigwellschool.org/new s/polish-inspired-dinner/ More recently, the students enjoyed a James Bond themed evening.


Staff News We send our thanks Mrs Stacey Wade

Mrs Pauline Dalton, the School’s

who is leaving us. We have greatly

General Secretary, joined us thirty-two

valued all that she has done in her role

years ago. Over the course of that

as a teaching assistant and, of course,


her huge contribution to sport. We

receptionist and science department

hope that she will be very happy at her

librarian. Pauline’s wise counsel and

new school.


We are very grateful for all that Mrs

appreciated and we will miss her

Anita Malah has done as Acting Head of

enormously. We wish her a very long

Psychology while Mrs Emma Taylor has

and happy retirement.

been on maternity leave. Likewise, we

We send our congratulations to Mr

say goodbye to Miss Sarah Cormack

Graham Sexton and his wife Lynne on

who has covered for Mrs Francesca

the arrival of their baby daughter Evie.

Hipson in the Junior School while she has been on maternity leave. Mrs Flo FitzGerald, teacher of religious studies, has decided not to return from maternity leave and we wish her every future happiness. Sadly we say goodbye to two colleagues who are retiring. Mr Bryan Porter joined the School in 2012 and during his time with us he has been a teacher of physics and a head of department. We wish him a happy retirement and do hope that he will stay in touch.









Message from the Chaplain We have been incredibly fortunate over

have his trademark long hair cut off. This

the last term that despite the challenges

year we are supporting a number of

of COVID, school has continued and

charities but in particular focusing on

flourished. Chapel both looks and feels a

those in our own area. The whole school

little different to previous years.

is raising money and donating goods to

Congregations are limited to single year

local foodbanks to help those struggling

group bubbles to allow distancing and of

over Christmas and I am grateful to the

course we have not been able to sing

team of Junior School Mums who have

since the outbreak began. This has

co-ordinated collection and delivery.

meant services are more contemplative and a number of students have said how

Inevitably the Christmas break will be a

much they have appreciated a moment

little unusual this year. However you are

of quiet in an otherwise busy day.3The

spending this time I hope you are with

chapel renovation continues with the

those whom you love and enjoy a

chancel and sanctuary being re-

peaceful and blessed New Year.

decorated and new carpet throughout. With all blessings

We are still waiting for the return of our pipe organ which is being rebuilt and

The Chaplain

once that is back in place, work on the chapel will be complete. Planning for Charities Week is underway as I write. Houses have had to come up with innovative ways to raise money given current restrictions. Top of the list currently is Cameron Simpson from Lower Sixth who is being sponsored to


TERM DATES 2020/21 Lent Term Staff meetings and INSET on Wednesday 6th January First day: Thursday 7th January Half term: Saturday 13th February to Sunday 21st February Term ends: Friday 26th March Trinity Term (Easter Day is 4thApril) First day: Monday 19th April Half term: Saturday 29th May to Sunday 6th June (INSET Day Monday 7th June) Term ends: Wednesday 14th July

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