Music Choir Additionally, we have begun to rehearse larger groups as COVID restrictions have been lifted. These take place in Chapel and all pupils from these year groups are welcome to attend.
Live@6 We continue to be enthralled by the capacity of our pupils to bring live music to us through our Live@6 recital series. These have been streamed live through the School’s YouTube Channel. The current record for the greatest number of hits is 1,029 views, currently held by the Third Form from their recital. We are hoping that one of the recitals over this half term, from Upper Two, Lower Two, Third Form, Fourth Form, Removes and Lower Fifth will eclipse that record. Watch the recitals at:
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Third Form Choir: Thursday 4.00 - 4.30pm Fourth Form Choir: Tuesday 4.00 - 4.40pm
Staff News We are delighted to welcome Miss Joanna Roberts as Swallow Librarian in the Senior School library and Ms Ellen White as Assistant Librarian. We hope they will both be very happy here.
Instrumental Lessons The significant majority of one-to-one instrumental lessons are now back, live in person in the Music Department. If pupils would be interested in learning an instrument and or continuing with instrumental lessons which had been suspended due to COVID, please contact Mrs Jane Jackson the Music Department Administrator or if new, access the form here
We send our congratulations to Geraldine Brien and David on the arrival of their baby son River Caolan.