WELCOME BACK Dear Parents I hope you have all had a very happy Christmas and I wish you a prosperous and peaceful New Year.
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Calendars Target 2.0 Social Networking Physics Olympiad Staff News
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Bad Weather
Battlefields Shortly before Christmas, fifty Remove
remembrance service at the Menin Gate
students travelled to Ypres Salient in
where they laid a wreath on behalf of
Belgium where they had a tour of the
Chigwell School.
battlefields. The tour started with the students watching a recruiting sergeant
The following day the students made a
at work, Serena Cooper being the
more specific pilgrimage as they went to
volunteer who joined up. From there the
the grave of 22 year old Captain Harold
students were given a trench meal which
Frank Barclay Turner OC. Venetia Bailey
consisted of a vegetable broth and a
read out the work that she, Tess Kelly
sausage, before they moved on to the
and Jasvinder Digwa had produced about
Later, they went to the
his life at Chigwell School and his career
Passchendaele Museum, where they
in the army, which was left in a frame on
furthered their understanding of what it
his grave for others to read. I understand
may have been like to fight on the
that the students were a credit to
Western Front during the First World
Chigwell School throughout the visit.
War. The group attended the nightly
Calendars be
extra-curricular activities that are on offer
distributed via Houses and there will be
including, for example, the lectures
spare copies at Reception in case you
through the Williams Project. There are a
need one. Please do encourage your sons
great many opportunities available to
and daughters to participate in the many
pupils at Chigwell and I hope that all feel
fully involved.
Target 2.0
Physics Olympiad
Four Chigwell students, Hugo Blogg, Conor
Congratulations to Bianca Andrei who
Caplan, Quentin Wu, and Margaret Oki
gained a top gold award in the first round
competed in the Bank of England Target
of the Physics Olympiad Competition
2.0 regional finals at the end of last term.
which is designed to stretch and
The team researched, prepared and
challenge the top A level physicists across
delivered an excellent presentation to
the country. Bianca’s result places her in
three Bank of England economists and a
the top fifty of the eighteen hundred
large audience, before facing a barrage of
entrants and she will be invited to
questions from the judges. The team were
participate in the next round of the
praised for delivering a confident and
competition. Ultimately, a small team
professional presentation, and for showing
will be chosen to represent the country in
a sophisticated understanding of the U.K.
the International Physics Olympiad
economy. They were awarded third place.
Competition in Mumbai.
Social Networking
Staff News
Please could all parents continue to
We welcome two new members of staff
remind their children to be aware of the
this term. Miss Jamie Kershberg joins the
dangers if they use social networking
Junior School as a maternity cover
sites. Many parents sensibly befriend or
follow their children on these sites so that
Sanjaye Gobin who will be teaching part-
they can be aware of the information that
time in the chemistry department. We
is being shared.
hope they will both be very happy here.
Also, we welcome back Mr
Choir Shortly after the end of term, the Chapel
this term’s choral concert on Saturday 14th
Choir led an excellent concert at Christ
March. If parents would like to sing in this,
Church, Spitalfields. So far, the event has
they should contact Mr Howard Ebden who
raised some ÂŁ13k for the charities Kids
will provide details.
Inspire and Smiles With Grace. Thank you to all families who supported this occasion
We have recently heard that the choir has
and the pupils and staff who worked so
been selected to perform at the Rotary
hard to make it such a success. Christ
Youth Makes Music Concert in the Royal
Church, Spitalfields, will be the venue for
Festival Hall later this term.
Bad Weather As usual, in the event of heavy snow or
would always be very reluctant to close
ice please consult the school website
the School, but are mindful of the safety
(www.chigwell-school.org) for confirmation
of pupils and staff.
of arrangements for the school day. We As always, the coming weeks are likely
With best wishes
to be very busy and I look forward to
Yours sincerely
seeing you at some of the many events that will be taking place.
Michael Punt
Term Dates Half term: Saturday 14th February to Sunday 22nd February Term ends: Friday 27th March 2015 Trinity Term First day: Monday 20th April Half term: Saturday 23rd May to Sunday 31st May (INSET day Monday 1st June) Term ends: Wednesday 8th July 2015 Michaelmas Term First day: Thursday 3rd September Half term: Saturday 17th October to Sunday 1st November Term ends: Wednesday 16th December