News from Chigwell Spring 2018

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In this Issue 02 University Success

Staff Pantomime:

12 Puss In Boots

Duke of Edinburgh’s

16 Award Programme

and much more... FIND A WAY OR MAKE A WAY


University Success Chigwell is celebrating the success of the six students who have received an offer to study at either Oxford or Cambridge Universities. Offers from Cambridge have been made to: Thomas Lockley (Law at Pembroke College) and Daniel Trickov (Human, Social, and Political Sciences at Homerton College), while offers from Oxford have been made to Zuzanna Borawska (Medicine at University College), Tomasz

Cienkowski (Economics and Management at St Hugh’s College), Ruiying Jiang (Chemistry at Trinity College), and Imogen Osborn (Classics and English at Jesus College). In addition to his Oxford offer Tomasz Cienkowski been offered a place to study at the prestigious Yale University in the United States. Less than 15% of applicants to Yale gained a place this year and Tomasz went through a long application process. If he accepts this opportunity he will follow the traditional Ivy League liberal arts curriculum that involves

natural and social sciences as well as humanities. Chigwell Headmaster, Mr Michael Punt commented, “We are very proud of Tomasz, who is the current Head Boy. A growing number of Chigwell students are applying to study at universities abroad and we are pleased that they are taking a global view of their education beyond school.” Universities will continue to make offers until May, but

already Chigwell students are in a very healthy position overall, with over 75% of the year group holding offers from Russell Group universities at this point. The range of courses applied to is vast, ranging from medicine and engineering through economics and related disciplines to the performing arts. Congratulations go to these students and to the teachers who have worked so hard to support them. n

Higher and Extended Project Qualifications Year 11 and 13 students who have completed their Higher Project Qualifications and Extended Project Qualifications presented their research at the HPQ and EPQ presentation evening. Topics ranged from literature to nano technology, psychology to legal history, with a great deal more besides and students shared their conclusions and enthusiasm with members of Year 10 and 12 who have also expressed an interest in taking the qualifications. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


London Academy of Excellence Like nine other independent schools around London, Chigwell has helped to support this new sixth form college in Tottenham, the aim of which is to provide support for A level students in the area hoping to go on to selective universities. LAET admits students from less affluent backgrounds, 60% from the most deprived postcodes around Tottenham. Some students and staff spent the day with Chigwell students sharing experiences of starting A level. n

Senior Mathematical Challenge Congratulations to students who performed so well in the Mathematical Challenge which is run by the UK Mathematics Trust.

Ten Year 13 students gained a bronze, silver or gold award with gold going to Nikita Litovchenko, Ellie Li, Jane Jiang, Jerry Zheng and Lance Lan. Jane, Jerry and Lance now qualify for the UK

Mathematics Olympiad. In Year 12, fifteen students were awarded bronze, silver or gold with gold going to David Vepkhvadze, Aleks Bulira, Nikola Stanchev, Adrianna Wojtyna, Alex Barnes, Darie

Ducu, Ryan Huang, Ann Xu and Vito Yang. Darie, Ryan, Ann and Vito also qualify for the Olympiad. Congratulations to all who performed so well in this challenging competition. n

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Year 8 Success in the #I Can Engineer Competition Twelve Chigwell pupils were shortlisted for the Institute of Civil Engineers annual #I Can Engineer competition run by the Future Engineers Scheme. The six finalist pairs all designed a creative underground space in London for this year’s theme ‘Innovative underground spaces’. The teams were invited to the Awards Day at the Institute of Civil Engineers in Westminster, where the ‘London in its Times’ tunnel experience designed by Alannah Foskett and Sally Chapman was awarded the Sustainability Prize. This is a huge achievement as the competition was open to all schools in

the London area. All pupils involved had the opportunity to learn about how different types

Come Dine With Us!

of tunnelling are achieved in a series of interactive sessions run by civil engineers. They

Annual Epping Forest Schools Parliamentary Debating Competition The Chigwell team of Ziyad Chaudhary and Christopher Collins took part in the annual Epping Forest Schools Parliamentary Debating Competition.

Year 9 pupils in each of the four Senior School houses worked with the school caterers to create sumptuous threecourse meals for their families and teachers. The annual house PSHE dinner competition took place over four consecutive weeks.

The Year 9 pupils in each house agree the theme for the evening, the menu, decorate tables, prepare and then serve the meal, all with the expert help of the school caterers. The performance of each group of pupils was then judged for the house competition. Pictured are some of the pupils from Penn’s house, developing skills that will hopefully serve them well for the future. n

also learnt about current civil engineering projects undertaken by the experts at the event. n

Christopher Collins was awarded a prize for the Best Performance. It was a great team effort and was the first debate for both boys. Special mention should go to sixth former Daniel Trickov who gave his time to help coach the team. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


Howard and Mitchell Essay Presentation Evening Nearly a hundred Chigwell pupils, staff and parents attended the annual presentation of the winning essays in the Howard and Mitchell Essay competition. This competition is open to Year 12 students who each independently initiate, research and write an essay for either the Howard (arts and humanities) or Mitchell (maths and sciences) contest. This year’s winners were (Mitchell) Yasmin Antoniou – “The Role of the Placebo Effect in Medicine”, and

(Howard) Tomasz Cienkowski – “What happens to Venus when the marble goddess turns metallic? Transformation of physical materials and of visual models in the ‘Metallic Venus’ by Jeff Koons.” Both talks were expertly prepared and confidently delivered, and the subsequent wealth of perceptive, and sometimes challenging, questions allowed the presenters to reveal how much they knew beyond what they had said in their talks. The presentations were followed by a dinner, which was concluded with some very sound and in some ways hard-hitting advice from the 2012 Mitchell winner, and now medical student, Stuart Innes. n

Tim Pruss Memorial Prize Year 13 student Isabelle Kearin said she was honoured to be awarded the Tim Pruss Memorial prize for her volunteer work with the refugees in Calais. Since the demolition of the ‘Jungle camp’ at the end of 2016, there have been hundreds of refugees in Calais

with nowhere to go or stay. Whilst there she worked with two charities ‘Help Refugees’ and the ‘Refugee Community Kitchen’, both of whom support refugees in Calais and in other countries. She spent her days being a ‘sous-chef’ in the kitchen, helping provide over 2,500 meals per day to refugees in the area. Her jobs involved chopping and slicing vegetables for eight hours a day. She commented that although it was hard work, the fact that she knew every slice was going to help feed someone spurred her on. On a couple of occasions she was allowed to help distribute the food to the refugees. This took place in a barren field on an industrial site with no running water or shelter. Overall, she thought that her trip to Calais was one of the best experiences of her life. She learnt so much from every person there, volunteers and refugees alike. In addition, she learnt to appreciate what she has and that we should give back wherever we can, as you never know when it may be us that needs help. n 04 | 05


BBC Sports Journalist Inspired Chigwell Linguists Chris Dennis, BBC Sport commentator and journalist, visited Chigwell recently to speak to Year 10 pupils about careers in journalism using Modern Foreign Languages. Chris explained the importance of using languages in our globalised society and highlighted how many doors had been opened to him because of his linguistic abilities. From travelling all

over the world to interviewing several famous faces, his love of languages has enabled him to enjoy an exciting and varied career in the media. Chris studied French, German and Mandarin at Leeds University before going on to work around the world in sports journalism, using his language skills to gain access where his monolingual counterparts cannot. Pupils were able to see the detail behind the scenes of Chris’ exclusive interview with the Togo and French Ligue 1 goalkeeper Kodjovi Obilale, whose career was tragically cut short in a gun attack on his team coach

in Angola several years ago. The interview opportunity only arose because of his ability to conduct it in French. The talk

was thoroughly enjoyed by all and provided some interesting talking points about the role of languages today. n

Year 8 Head to Broadcasting House Some of the Year 8 BBC School Reporters had a special treat when they visited Broadcasting House in London to take part in a live recording of BBC ‘Click!’ Each year ‘Click!’ has a special schools’ broadcast; this year, Chigwell was one of four schools present. ‘Click!’ staff escorted the pupils past the busy newsroom to an area set up with multiple displays where scientists and computer programmers guided them through an exciting array of activities. The pupils simulated drone flying and experienced new concepts in sound manipulation where discreet signals can be sent to individuals sitting next to each other. They saw levitation of polystyrene balls and played on Pacman-like games to identify invisible objects simply by holding their hands over a space in order to ‘feel’ it. Then, the show began. Radio Theatre was transformed into the ‘Click!’ set

and the audience witnessed a Star Wars-like drone war. They saw examples of augmented reality and even helped create ‘music’ simply by holding up programmed BBC Micro-bits. It was a fabulous, inspiring afternoon for the pupils. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


Arkwright Engineering Scholarship for Abigail The Design and Technology department were delighted when Abigail Whelan (Year 12) was awarded the prestigious Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. This sought-after scholarship identifies students as some of the country’s future leaders in engineering and design, and puts potential candidates through a rigorous selection process before awarding the scholarship to just a small percentage of those who apply. In order to attain her scholarship Abigail had to complete a detailed application form, sit a two-hour aptitude exam and attend an all-day interview hosted at a top engineering university. The aptitude exam tests candidates’ flair and originality in solving engineering and design-based problems. At the in-depth interview the students are asked about their career aspirations and are invited to discuss an engineering project that they have conducted. During the interview day the candidates also take part

in a team exercise to solve a hands-on engineering problem, working with students from across the nation. Candidates and their parents also have the opportunity to tour the engineering facilities at the host university and explore the diversity of engineering and design careers available. As a result of the scholarship Abigail will receive a financial award to enrich her A level studies and have the opportunity to attend university ‘Headstart’ courses funded by Arkwright. We are also delighted that she has been paired with Rolls-Royce as her sponsor, who will also offer Abigail exciting opportunities including invaluable work experience, industry visits and a network group with those in the field of engineering. Abigail has already started to embrace these opportunities; she attended a two-week residential at Imperial College at LIYSF, the London International Youth Science Forum for 16-21 year olds. She had a thoroughly enjoyable and educational time during these two weeks, which comprised of lectures and trips, including a visit to Cambridge University. n

Art+ Workshop The Art and Design department were delighted to host an Adobe Illustrator workshop by graphic designer Kate Hirons. Kate graduated from the University of Lincoln in 2014 with a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design. Her most recent work has been in the field of branding focusing upon projects with both start-ups and established brands. Kate has worked on the

design, strategy and art direction for a variety of organisations including, ITV, Clarks, and Mothercare. Her current work has been created in collaboration with the company Coley Porter Bell and Kate has contributed to this company’s complete rebrand of popular supermarket chain Tesco. Mr Edwin Aitken, Head of Art and Design, commented that all of the pupils enjoyed using Illustrator and the digital characters they designed were excellent. It was a very interesting session. n 06 | 07


Steve Dowson Exhibition The School Gallery has been displaying a new exhibition of paintings and drawings by the artist Steve Dowson. Steve has exhibited his work in numerous places such as Los Angeles and Hong Kong. He studied at Chelsea College of Art & Design as well as the Royal College of Art. In 2012 Steve won the East of England prize in the National Open Art Competition and in 2014 he took part in the Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the



Year Award. The exhibition hosts a total of thirty-five pieces, in various scales, styles and media. Collectively the exhibition spans over almost 30 years of his career, with one continuous piece being a project that will take him over ten years to complete. Steve commented: “Whatever I paint and draw the essential subject is always the ultimate ground of being, and how this is manifest in the everyday. Drawing and painting are ways of looking outwards and engaging with the world while also being the observer.� n

Year 3 Artists Captivated by Owls Rita Wells from the Epping Owl and Hawk sanctuary visited Year 3 classes with ten beautiful owls. The pupils were told all about the owls, what they hunted and ate, and how they have excellent eyesight and hearing. They then spent the rest of the lesson sketching them. They studied Barn Owls, Little Owls, and even a great European Owl who was called Marlena. One of the pupils commented it was the best art lesson they had ever had. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


Team Chigwell Run for Charity Congratulations to those Chigwell parents, staff, Old Chigwellians and friends who were part of the team of nearly ninety who ran the 13.1 miles of the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon. Simon Ledsham, Director of Communities at Cancer Research UK, said “It is brilliant to see the team from Chigwell School take part in the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon once again in aid of Cancer Research UK. The way in which students, parents, staff and alumni unite behind this common goal each year is remarkable and it is difficult to overstate the positive impact that this act of community, togetherness and fundraising will have, not just on the work carried out by

Cancer Research UK, but on the younger generation at the School. Our ambition is that by 2034 we will see three quarters of people diagnosed with cancer survive the disease. The support and commitment that you have demonstrated to both Cancer Research UK and active, healthy lifestyles is an essential

part of making this ambition a reality. I hope that you all feel a genuine sense of pride and accomplishment and what you have achieved and I can’t wait to see what’s next for the Chigwell School Team.” In addition, congratulations go to Miranda and James

Baldwin who also ran to raise £3,000 for Homerton Hospital which supported them so well when their daughter Ava was born there earlier in the year. Ava even ran the last half-mile with her Mum to cross the finish line and collect her medal. n

Mini Marathon Marvels The Pre Prep’s Mini Marathon, which took place on a very misty morning was a particularly energetic and fun event.

The marathon was held to raise funds for one of the school’s charities, Cancer Research UK. There was a great deal of happiness and excitement as pupils jogged and ran through the schools extensive grounds. Year 2 pupils were proud and delighted to have run over two miles in a very short amount of time, with a few completing it ahead

of their teachers! Reception and Year 1 pupils were equally proud of themselves as they managed to complete a one-mile course. All children received a medal as recognition of their efforts and success! Mrs Gibbs, Head of the Pre Prep, said that she was pleased with all of the pupils’ efforts in what has become an

annual event for the whole of Chigwell School Pre Prep. ‘I am particularly impressed with how far the children ran, how quickly they completed the challenge and by the team spirit which was clearly evident on the day. Our parents, as always, were extremely generous with their donations. We are pleased to have raised over £250 for this very worthwhile charity’. n 08 | 09


Chapel Choir in Broadgate The Chapel Choir supported the ICAP charity day in Broadgate. This prompted a member of the public who works in the area to write to say that he was so impressed by what he heard that he left his desk several floors above the performance, to come to hear more in person. n the start. The House song in Item 3 was also won by Penn’s with an old House Music favourite, Blame it on the Boogie. The judges used the terms ‘pianissimo’ and ‘crescendo’ in their summing up which indicated that it was one of the best items 3 in recent memory. This meant that Penn’s also won the Barnes Cup for the overall competition.

House Music

The annual House Music competition was as popular as ever. Item 1 was an a capella performance of Follow that

Star by Peter Gritton. The four Houses treated the song in contrasting ways with Swallow’s being judged the best for their accuracy and attention to detail. Item 2 was won by Penn’s with

an acoustic performance of Seasons of Love from Rent. This was beautifully sung by a choir of ten, sensitively accompanied on the piano and grabbed the audience’s attention from

The evening was the culmination of a great deal of hard work from pupils and staff, especially the praefects in each House who organised their own arrangements and choreography, and was greatly enjoyed by the parents who packed New Hall to see it. The evening also raised funds of £750 for the Tim Pruss School in Tamil Nadu, India. n

Streets2Homes Visit: Distributing our Harvest Festival Donations Sixth form students helped deliver harvest food gifts to Streets2Homes in Harlow. Streets2Homes is a charity which manages a day centre, providing a safe and friendly environment for the homeless. Both the charity workers and

the homeless people were overwhelmed by the generosity of the Chigwell School community. The donations included everything from cereal to washing powder, and filled up the entire minibus. Chigwell families have now supported the work of this important charity for nine years and a huge thank you goes to all who contributed food towards this year’s harvest collection. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


Memorial Football Match Played for Charity

The annual Eren Pars memorial football match took place between the Year 12 and the Year 13 students. “Eren, who died in 2012 after leaving Chigwell in 2009, was a very popular member of the school, loved his football and always had a smile on his face. This match, while taken very seriously, was played in that same spirit”, said David Gower (Deputy Headmaster, and one of the teachers at Chigwell who knew Eren). Many family and friends came back to the school to watch the match which was won by the Year 12 team 5-0. The money which Mr and Mrs Pars generously donated was sent to the charity Smiles with Grace which was the choice of the victorious side. n

Other Charity Activities

Cake sale for Pancreatic Cancer UK Chigwell’s Got Talent

Charity Week – Cake and Sweets Sale

Gifts for Operation Christmas Child 10 | 11


Year 10 GCSE Drama Showcase

The Showcase featured scenes from Jessica Swale’s Blue Stockings and was not only wellacted but thoughtprovoking. With late 19th-century costuming, stage make-up and old-fashioned mannerisms, the cast took the audience back to a time when many men’s attitudes to the education of women was for us today, simply shocking. The play revolves around the right for women studying for degrees to be actually awarded them when they finished their studies and exams. It seems preposterous that this could not happen and certainly in England there was this discrimination against those who were ‘physiologically unsuited’ to intellectual pursuits! The cast handled this issue and the debates that surrounded it with aplomb and suitably adjusted accents. Apart from entertaining the audience, this half-hour presentation showcased the undoubted talents of the pupils. n

Hobgoblin visits Pre Prep

Stage Make-Up Workshop

Wizard of Oz with the Hobgoblin Theatre and Pre Prep pupils

Rosemary Swinfield, author of Stage Make Up, the text book that GCSE Drama pupils use at Chigwell, held a workshop for Year 10 and 11 pupils.


News From Chigwell | Spring 2018

Biannual Staff Panto: Puss In Boots

Chigwell Staff took to the stage to raise money for charity. Directed by Head of School Maddie Lovett, twenty members of staff took to the boards to present a version of Puss in Boots and, through ticket sales and thanks to the generosity of the audiences at the end of the performances, over ÂŁ2,000 was raised and split between local charities Haven House and Smiles with Grace. The usual mix of slapstick comedy, audience participation and local references which was much appreciated by the packed houses. Deputy Head David Gower who played the villain commented that it was amazing to see what could be achieved in such a short rehearsal period and was delighted with the amount of money raised. n 12 | 13


Christmas Inspire Service at St Margaret’s Church, Westminster

Shortly before Christmas the Chapel Choir helped to lead the stunning service at St Margaret’s, Westminster Abbey, known as ‘Christmas Inspire’, which is in aid of the charity Kids Inspire. The congregation included some 700 people, and readers included Vassos Alexander (BBC sports journalist and presenter), Dr Michael Scott

(author and Associate Professor, Warwick University), Levi Roots (musician, chef and businessman) and the Right Honourable James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. The service was conducted by the Reverend Dr Fiona Stewart-Darling, Priest Vicar. Based in Chelmsford, Kids Inspire works to support some of the most vulnerable young people across Essex, many of whom have had to cope with huge trauma in their lives. The service raised £6,000 to support their work as well as other charities. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


Chapel Choir at St Paul’s Cathedral At the invitation of St Paul’s Cathedral, Chigwell’s Chapel Choir returned to perform and conduct Evensong.

The building, with its famous dome, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Europe, designed by Sir Christopher Wren and built between 1675 and 1710. It was filled with hundreds of visitors from around the world coming in to hear the service. The Choir, under the direction of Director of Music Mr Howard Ebden, and organist Mr Simon Winters, demonstrated their ability to perform with such zeal, maturity and professional poise. The Shephard Responses and Psalms resonated with glorious beauty and clarity that exuded understanding way beyond their years. The Canticles, The Gloucester Service by Herbert Howells, a harmonic stalwart in the Anglican repertoire, was sung with conviction while the double motet Faire as the Heaven provided the controlled beauty and shade required of such a colossal acoustic. n

Evelyn Glennie Masterclass Josh Copsey had the privilege of attending a masterclass by the acclaimed percussionist, Evelyn Glennie. The all-day workshop was part of the Cambridge International Jazz Festival held at Fitzwilliam College Auditorium. In order to gain this coveted opportunity, Josh had to make a recording of himself playing a percussion instrument. However, Josh’s entry featured him playing several different instruments, layered into a rich, percussive sound that secured his place in the masterclass. At the end of the day Josh played marimba in front of a packed audience. n 14 | 15


Junior School Concert The Junior School concert saw more than one hundred and fifty pupils fill New Hall with an outstanding showcase of music. Pupils had been preparing all term to participate in the full variety of ensembles including the musical theatre group, junior jazz band, rock band, ukulele group, boys’ and

girls’ choirs through to the classical works played by the flute group, two string quartets, stringles, cello group and junior orchestra, as well as a variety of soloists. Junior School Head, Mr. Stubbs, commented, “Music is such a delight and strength of the School. It is so good for the children to have the chance to perform and be supported by their parents and peers. It highlights the strength of our school community and helps to unite us.” n

Chigwell School’s Annual Prep and Primary Music Festival Children from a variety of local schools came to Chigwell for the annual Primary Schools Music Festival. More than 70 children joined Chigwell pupils and spent the Saturday rehearsing for a concert at the end of the day

which was performed in front of several hundred parents and friends. A 116-voice choir learned and performed spirituals and songs by Abba, the Beatles and Take That, led by Director of Music, Mr Howard Ebden. Meanwhile Assistant Director of Music, Miss Felicity Leach, wove together the wide-ranging talents of more than 80 students in a scratch orchestra that featured two fabulous works by I McKenzie and the Star Wars theme by John Williams. In addition, all the pupils who were not in the orchestra had the rare opportunity to experience playing different brass instruments, a percussion workshop and music technology. The Director of Music

commented that “The power of music is a wonderful thing which brings people together and makes them smile.” The children showed amazing concentration throughout the day’s activities. They made new friends and worked together very effectively to produce remarkably polished performances by the end of the day. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme Growing numbers of pupils have taken on the challenge of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme at Chigwell. Award programmes are at three progressive levels which lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The programme is all about going the extra mile; gaining new skills, pushing yourself physically, helping others and exploring new territories. At the same time gathering friendships,

experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. Pupils select and set objectives in each of the following areas: — Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community. Many pupils have worked with animal trusts, libraries, charity shops, helped in homeless shelters and taken on coaching roles to achieve this aspect. — Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities. Skills: developing

practical and social skills and personal interests. Some pupils continued to improve existing skills, like cookery, whilst others took on a completely new skill such as reptile keeping or lifesaving to accomplish this aspect. — Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey. Exciting training and qualification expeditions have been undertaken such as the Gold Award canoeing expedition on the Caledonian Canal in Scotland. So far this academic year, we have awarded 51 Bronze awards, 17 Silver awards and a Gold award to Aaran Vijayakumaran, who will visit Buckingham Palace to collect his award. Currently, there are 58 pupils completing their Bronze award, 29 pupils their Silver and 26 their Gold. During half term ten students from Years 12 and 13 completed their Gold canoe training and

practice expedition in South Wales. The first two days were focused on paddling skills, rescue training and navigation practice. These were carried out on Llangorse Lake at the edge of the Black Mountains. The students spent their evenings attending lectures on camp craft, equipment training and route planning exercises. The second phase of the training was the practice expedition where the group completed a two day/one night expedition which was remotely supervised. They completed a stunning 40 km route on the Brecon and Monmouth canal. The group camped close to the canal at Park Farm campsite near Crickhowell. The students are now fully prepared to tackle the qualifying expedition in July where they are planning to paddle the Great Glen in Scotland. This beautiful, but gruelling, 120 km paddle includes the famous Loch Ness. n

16 | 17


Madrid Football Tour

Fifty pupils from Chigwell took part in a football development tour to Madrid. The U13 and U12 boys stayed in the north east region of Madrid and took part in two

training sessions at the Real Madrid Academy under the gaze of the foundation coaches as well as a training session with La Liga side, Athletico Madrid. The four squads played two matches each against local club sides, AD St Pascual de Montpellier and Sporting Hortaleza. The

Fantastic FOC Fireworks Over twelve hundred parents, pupils and friends assembled on Top Field for the annual Friends of Chigwell (FOC) firework display. The excited audience were treated to a spectacular show of fireworks, along with a fine array of stalls, music and food. The whole event was

prepared and run by the parent volunteers on the FOC which works unstintingly throughout the year to plan events which bring Chigwell families together and raise additional funds for the school. We are very fortunate indeed to have such a committed team of parents who are prepared to support us in this way and give of their time so generously. n

standard of opposition was very good and all eight matches were extremely competitive. The squad visited the main tourist attractions in the city as well as the Santiago Bernabeu, Real Madrid’s stadium, and the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium, home to Athletico Madrid.

Chigwell was the first English School to tour this new stateof-the-art stadium. The group was complimented on their behaviour on many occasions during the tour and were great ambassadors for their school, both on and off the pitch. n

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


Other Activities...

Year 7 at Gilwell Park

Year 7 at Gilwell Park

Year 7 at Gilwell Park

Pre Prep making shelters

Scouts at Winter Wonderland

Year 7 at Gilwell Park

Pre Prep mobile zoo visit

Year 4 Verulamium visit

Year 6 Gardening Club 18 | 19


Chigwell Secure Place in National Football Finals Chigwell boys secured their place in the final of a national 6-a-side tournament recently. The U13 team competed in the regional final of the IAPS tournament, held at Chigwell School, along with fifteen other teams. Each school was competing for one of the top three qualification spots in order to proceed to the national finals which will be held in Taunton. The teams were organised into four groups with the top two progressing to the knockout

stages and a strong Chigwell team topped their group. Both the quarter-final and semi-final games were won by exciting sudden-death penalty shootouts. The final was also a very close encounter with Chigwell’s opponents scoring a winning goal in the last minute but this did not prevent the boys from qualifying. Mr Kevin Farrant, Head of PE and team coach, said, “I am very proud of all eight squad members, who worked exceptionally hard throughout the tournament and fully deserve their shot at a national title.” n

Football at Chigwell…

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


Chigwell Hosts Annual Netball & Football Festivals Chigwell School held the annual U11 primary schools’ netball and football festivals recently. Fourteen netball teams competed and there were some excellent displays of netball across all six courts. There

were some extremely wellmatched games played and all players appeared to be enjoying themselves. Every team then had one final play-off match against the team finishing in the same position in the other group. This was a great way to end the day with everyone getting one more match before placings were established. The festival gave the

U14 Netball Success for Chigwell

girls a wonderful opportunity to get some intensive play which hopefully created high levels of enthusiasm for the girls, their coaches and the spectators for the coming season. The girls gathered together at the end of the festival for the announcement of the results and to celebrate their achievements.

was excellent. Most importantly of all, the players performed in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Congratulations to all the schools that took part and to those who worked so hard behind the scenes to make the event happen. n

Meanwhile, alongside the netball festival twenty-one teams from local primary schools took part in the annual U11 football festival. Teams were placed in three pools of seven and played six friendly matches. Each game was competitive in its own right but the event was a festival of football, the quality of which

Chigwell School U14 netball squad played in the County Round of the National Schools’ Netball Competition at Highwoods Sports Centre, Colchester. This competition is open to all schools in England and there are a series of rounds to play through. The U14’s played seven matches in the group stage and won all except one. They played exceptionally well and were a credit to the School both on and off the court and their focus and determination helped them to finish top of their group. They were drawn against New

Hall School in the semi-final and although the players were tired, both physically and mentally, this did not show as they played brilliantly winning the match 8-4. They met Southend High School in the final and although they played well, lost 8-3. This meant they finished the competition as U14 East Essex County runners up, successfully qualifying for the Regional Round of the National Competition which is a first for Chigwell School. Head of Netball, Mrs Stacey Wade, commented that she was extremely proud of the squad and what they had achieved. She added that she hoped the girls took confidence from this success for the future. n

Ice Skating Essex Junior Squash Girls U15s, 2018 England Inter-Counties Trophy Silver Medallists – Chigwell’s Brooke Smith in the centre.

Team Phoenix-Lee Valley win Gold, British Synchronised Skating Championship 2018 in Nottingham – Emily Webster on the right. 20 | 21


Hockey at Chigwell…

Cross Country

News From Chigwell | Spring 2018


National Swimming Success

Many congratulations to Jasmine Iley who won the 200m backstroke event in the ASA National Meet held in Sheffield. Jasmine achieved a time of 2:20.80, three seconds ahead of the next competitor which is a fantastic result. Not to be outdone, her sister Emily competed in the British National Finals where she won a silver medal in the 50m freestyle and a bronze in the 100m backstroke. Emily achieved this despite being a year younger than other competitors. We are very proud of both girls and will continue to follow their success with great interest. n

Cricket News

Golf News

Essex County Cricket Club Player of the Season Awards for Hilary Howson (Under 11s) and Sally Chapman (Under 13s). n

Haaris Usman hit two brilliant hundreds and Oliver Irow bowled an excellent hat-trick during a memorable season. n

Ria Prabhakar has had a busy and successful time on the golf course. She competed in the US kids British Championship held at Celtic Manor and she also scored well in the Weewonders British Championship at St Andrews. n 22 | 23



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