How CyberSecurity Affects Society

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How CyberSecurity Affects Society Chika Wonah

Due to the increasing number of devices and the threat they pose, the term cybersecurity has become more prevalent. It is the only thing that can keep this trend from becoming worse.

Over the past decade, the cost of cybercrime has increased significantly. In 2021, it is expected that the damage caused by the issue will reach $6 trillion, and it will reach $10.5 trillion in 2025. It is estimated that the annual cost of cybercrime is equivalent to the entire global trade in illegal drugs.

One of the most common types of attacks that the FBI is concerned about is the ransomware campaign. This type of attack, which is carried out by malicious individuals or groups, takes over a computer system and holds its data hostage.

How Does IOT Play into it? The rise of the Internet of Things has become an important technology area that needs to be protected. As more devices become connected to the internet, they are also becoming more susceptible to being exploited by attackers.

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