Aecom UrbanSOS Competition 2014

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site survey and analysis


landscape master plan


ecological design

storm water management


social bonding


economic vision


pop art studios and graffities’ square


productive landscape

Chi Kong, YEUNG & Xiaoyan, JIAO

Site Survey and Analysis

Site Location & Evironmental Conditions Sheffield

Important linear habitat for wildlife

River Don

High Flood Risk

Source: Report of Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)

Source of Noise & Air pollution


UK Sheffield City Centre

The University of Sheffield

Site Extent

Sheffield Hallam University

Sheffield Railway Station


City Parks and Green Spaces Connectivity of Habitats is needed Northen Expansion of City Center is proposed by the City Development Plan


Colonisation of Invasive Plant Species - long-term management plan needed

Source: Google Earth



a valley

High Site Extent


River Don

Direction of Runoff

Fallopia japonica (left) and Impatiens glandulifera (right) - both abundant along river bank

Buddleja davidii - commonly found in derelict spaces and car parks

Site Survey and Analysis an industrial district famous for making steel in the past

Land Use

Cycle Lane

Listed Buildings

Key View

Semi-Public Open Space Existing ‘Little Kelham’ Residential Development




Mo wb ray Str e

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Bri dg e

Poor Interaction with watercourse

l R esid e



rel ic

1900 -1919

Not Well-used Space


De Source:




er eli c


Ch ur ch


(Currently Car Park) (Currently Car Park)

View 1



Poor Interaction with Watercourse






Design Strategy



Source: (1) Office for National Statistics, UK (2) UK CrimeStats

Percentage (%)

View 2


Derelict Space






Brid ge



Rich of historic buildings Kelham Island Museum bringing in tourists Many nice view points along river The river is a valuable landscape feature


Poor Interface with watercourse Lack of quality public open spaces Lack of a strong character of this district Lack of visual cue for the coming destination Dangerous cycle lane

Opportunities The demolition of the central space offer chance of design alternative to Little Kelham


Medium rate of crime Valley that increases chances of flooding High flood risk along the south of the goit Invasive plant species


A post-industrial site Male more than female in this neighbourhood Mainly inhbitated by youngsters, i.e. students

Landscape Master Plan

Urban Sucession

Kelham Island used to be an active industrial area that manipulated the energy from River Don to produce countless quality steel and cutlery. As globalisation has been growing quickly, its role of the production house of steel in the UK has gradually faded out. However, the good qualities of this area remain. The most obvious ones are the intimate space along riverbanks and the historic buildings which subtly remind people how energetic Kelham Island was. Inspired by the ecological succession happening along River Don, it is believed that by undergoing multiple aspects of succession, including the green infrastructure, the stormwater management, the social bonding, the economy, the emerging industries and the greener life style, Kelham Island will move on to another stage of succession which will comprise a more complex structure of community. It will be home for long-established and new residents and a place for relaxation, production and research and development.



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Eco-Ribbon (River Don)

Children Water Play Area

Flood Control Park

Urban Farms and Nurseries

Central Ramble

Kelham Island Square

Memory Avenue

Skateboarders’ and Bikers’ Park

Graffities’ Square


Main Car Park


Rain Garden


Green Road


Semi-public Open Space


Scenic Bridge Kelham Island Resort Craft and Art Studio Kelham Island Library Felicity Estate AgriCentre Algal Power Columns Pop Art Studios Eco-Boardwalk

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1:3000 @ A4


Ecological Design Sectional elevation a-a’ 1:500

As the watercourse has already been establishing a ecosystem, minimal intervention to it is intended to encourage further ecological succession. It is believed that the animals listed below which has been identified within the site will benefit from this approach of design. Heron

Daubenton’s Bat Grey Wagtail

Daubenton’s Bat Information Source: The Riverlution, Environmental Agency, UK and Sheffield Local Biodiversity Action Plan


Water Vole Brown Trout

Salix purpurea

Alnus glutinosa

Dryopteris filix-mas

Lysimachia vulgaris

Proposed Key Native Plant Species

Iris pseudacorus

Lythrum salicaria

The current riverbank is extensively colonised by invasive plant species, such as Himalayan balsam and Japanese knotweed. A long-term management plan (e.g. 10 years plan) that gradually introduces diverse, native riverbank flora is proposed. The selection of plant species will take account of both aesthetic and ecological values. During the course of time, the populations of the invasive species is expected to gradually reduce to a unharmful level. The diversity within plant communities will further support the local fauna as both a shelter and a food source.

“To us, Mother Nature is the most powerful landscape architect in the world. By offering as simple as a boardwalk along River Don, people can once again walk along the riverbank whenever they want to appreciate the stunning, provocative and ever-changing landscape created by Her.” iv

Storm Water Management “Together with the intertwining green infrastructure, storm water management, especially for Kelham Island which is located in a valley, will make it a more liveable place.”

Edge of cycle path is defined by bioswale for greater comfort and safety

Bioswales, storm water planters and green roofs are applied to the whole site to form a network of green infrastructure and also to make a significant cumulative effect on storm water management. The main road that wraps around the site is identified to be a key site for installing these features because they can reduce the runoff going towards the internal area of Kelham Island. The plant materials and the water detained can trap the pollutants emitted from vehicles, so a better internal environment can be created.

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er ant l k p sin er t t a x w ne rm he t Sto o t off run Semi-Intensive - range of herbaceous plants


Since most of the buildings in the site have pitched roofs, it is expected that extensive green roofs will be more common in this area, but occasionally some roofs are flat that can accommodate more complex or heavier green roof systems, especially for the new buildings. The different types of green roofs will also contribute to provision of diverse habitats for wildlife, other than detaining storm water.

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Hard paving removed for a wider bioswale that detain more water

Extensive - mainly composed of Sedum spp.

Green Roofs

Fl R at fs oo

er lant k p r t sin ate x w e m en Stor o th t ff o run

Intensive - more shrubs and trees After Section b-b’ 1:200

Stormwater is detained in bioswales and green roofs. Then it is transferred to other sinks

Su newitable f buil or din gs

Fl R at fs oo


er lant ink p r xt s e ate n w e m to th Stor ff o run

Social Bonding Memory Avenue Let’s make our environment a better place to live in.

Many Semi-public Open Space

Kid, see that tree? It’s planted by your pa and your grandpa.

Pa, our tree is growing amazingly well. See? How strong it is now! Memory Avenue

Darling, do you still like my artistic, trendy, phenomenal, futuristic, exploratory, modern, post-modern and contemporary sculpture?!

This sculpture is lovely <3

Central Ramble

P-P-PP-Pa...Pa... Hey, where are you, mate? I’m at the Foster Works! There’s a bloody rock band!! Really?! I’m coming now!

Semi-public Open Space Abi, this week’s band is so much better than last week’s 8D

Oh ya, Babe! But can we go to the adjacent yard for some folk? :-/

One of the weaknesses identified in the site is lack of quality public open spaces for people to socialise and build up bonding to this community, although there are constructing, newly built and old residential buildings. In order to address this issue, two schemes are proposed.

Social Sculpture

The idea is adapted from the German artist called Joseph Beuys. In Kelham Island, planting of saplings by local community is kept, but companying the trees are sculptures with a theme of steel to commemorate that Kelham Island used to be a industrial site producing quality steel and equipment made of it. The concept is to encourage the local community to “sculpt” their living space and making their memory together. While taking care of their own trees, they will experience the process of changes year by year and making the cityscape a common memory.

Semi-public Open Space

Many open spaces surrounded by buildings on the northen side of the site (south of Mowbray Street) has not been fully utilised, so it is proposed to collaborate with land owners, local bands, musician and other arts associations to hold events every weekend in these spaces, so as to provide a platform for the local artists to interact with the local communities.


Economic Vision “We envisage that Kelham Island will be a hub in Sheffield holding

Potential Buyers of Produce and Art Work Families






events ranging from local community, national to international functions, and advancing urban agriculture and art industries, through which the local economy can be stimulated.�












Pop Art Studios & Graffities’ Square “We

Memor y Aven u

treasure the quality of existing post-industrial buildings and wish that by taking a sympathetic approach to regenerating these buildings and their associated spaces will give people a brand new experience while the younger generation can still see how their parents and grandparents lived in the past.”


Existing Frontage of the Proposed Pop Art Studios

Visualisation showing how graffiti injects vibrancy to the derelict building.

Sheets of external structures are placed in Graffities’ Square. Some are interacting with the derelict building and the others are free-standing or twisted. These abstract sheets act as art boards of the graffiti artists as well as a good site for skateboarders and bike riders. These sheets are meant to blur the boundary of the building, so that the space and itself will function as one system, providing a common ground for artists and sports enthusiasts.

Reference has been made of Kunsthaus Tacheles in Germany which became a hot tourist spot till its demolition. Photo depicting tourists roaming inside Kunsthaus Tacheles (Credit: http://www. pc/display/26569099)

Although the main function of Graffities’ Square is for artists to create their art work, it also serves the need of skateboarders and bikers. The difference between Graffities’ Square and Skateboarders’ and Bikers’ Park is that the former capture more the urban quality and the latter will have more naturalistic features in countryside..


Productive Landscape “Not to mention the therapeutic benefits of farming and gardening, what food can be healthier than those grown by yourself, your lovely families and neighbours?” AgriCentre

A hi-tech centre, adapted from a derelict historic works, combining both food production and R&D of urban agriculture and biofuel

Urban Orchard

Fruit trees are planted to be part of the landscape of the central green space and form a botanical garden featuring edible trees.




O2 Chemical Extraction




Flood Control Park

People can sit beneath the goit enjoying their refreshment and hanging out with friends. Ones can also fish in here.

Localised Nurseries

Gardening is deeply rooted to the British culture, so the demand of horticultural plants is high. Making localised nurseries can meet the demand while saving carbon footprint. The native saplings will be the material for Social Sculpture.



Algal Power Column

Algae cell

Algal Power Columns act like not only a tree that fixes CO2 and releases O2, but also produces fertiliser and biofuel via chemical harvesting process

Kelham Island Resort

It takes less than 5 minutes for tourists to reach the central open space

Algal Power Columns

A futuristic landscape feature that showcases the prototype of using algae to convert photon to energy-bearing chemicals which eventually will be converted to biofuel and fertiliser supporting the AgriCentre and farming fields respectively. (See visualisation and illustration on the left)

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Algal Power Column

The Algal Power Columns will be the future landmark of Kelham Island

Urban Farming Fields

Organic farming and permaculture will be practised in this open field. Contrasting with the indoor productive environment in AgriCentre, local Communities are expected to get more involvement in this.


NPK Fertiliser ix

Information Source: Mascarelli, A.L.(2009) Algae: fuel of the future?. Environmental science & technology. America, American Chemical Society, 43(19), pp.7160–1.

Existing Conditions of AgriCentre

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