ExpoStyles Hair Magazine January-June 2015 issue

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SUPPORTING LOCAL LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Jan-June 2015 Vol. 5 Issue 7 Printed US $5.00

Exposure Magazine TM The Ultimate Hair & Beauty Guide


Styles by Stylist Chiku’ Williams MODEL MAKEOVERS ROBERT PERRY PHOTOGRAPHY Cover Model


Valarie Collins-Harding WALLSTREET BAND

Poet Music Artist Brandi Hamilton-Moffett Jerica Wortham Soul Element Band J’Parle www.expostylesmag.com



Looking at the BIG PICTURE – sometimes in life we can only see a narrow view of a picture that is so much bigger than where we may be at any given moment. We have to remember beauty is skin deep. Your appearance isn’t the only thing that makes you Beautiful. It’s the confidence that you carry when walking into a room full of people and they notice a glow (a right/good spirit) about you. Being confidently beautiful is when you can speak highly of someone else’s accomplishments, encourage someone to follow their dreams, motivate someone when they are feeling their worst, and share the love that only you can give to your circle of influence. As I share the heart of ExpoStyles Hair Magazine, I would like to say “Thank You” to each and every person that has supported me in this journey. My vision is to share and help others use their gifts and talents – to follow their dreams in life; and thereby live in fulfillment.

Image by Robert Perry Photography

Publisher/ Chief Editor STAFF & CONTRIBUTORS Publisher & Founder Chiku’ Williams Content Editor Mrs. Arnetta Cotton Cotton Works LLC Marketing/Distribution/Sales ExpoStyles Modeling Staff Graphic Layout ExpoStyles Marketing Photography Taijuan Jones FortyPhotos Robert Perry Photography Kevin Kemp Photography GW Glen Photography Article Contribution Louis Anderson LPC,LADC Brandiy Hammon Pastor Pamela Wiely

CONTENTS JANUARY - JUNE 2015 Cover Model Jerica Wortham ROCKING Natural hair in Poetry Style & enhance your look with “Flirty individual Eyelashes” Music Artist Valarie CollinsHarding with Blackwall Street Exclusive with “The Hardings” Parry & Valarie the Power Couple Music Artist Brandi HamiltonMoffett Radio Personality Keisha Daytime Diva from 105.3 FM Music Artist exclusive interview with Freddie Neil “ Koolie High” UpScale Night Life with BLACKBIRD ENT. “FIRST CLASS FRIDAY” Lee Finch & Elgin Scott supporting live entertainment

“Business Relationships Matter” by Louis Anderson Fitness & Nutrition with Brandiy Hammon




Hair Gallery for Natural hair styles and care tips Williams Inflatables and Kids Styles Features: Stylist Melvia Williams Irving, TX Screen writer Hank Byrd Makeovers by Stylist Chiku’ with GW Photography Playful, Flirty & Boudoir looks Be Inspired by Pamela Wiely Beauty is Skin Deep

ON THE COVER: Poet Jerica Wortham MAKE-UP ARTIST Chiku’ Griffin, PHOTOGRAPHER Taijuan Jones FORTY PHOTOS/ BACK COVER: Music Artist Koolie High Photograph LDI Photography Copyrights ExpoStyles Exposure Magazine “The Ultimate Hair & Beauty Guide” is a bi-yearly digital & printed publication. All rights reserved, nothing in ExpoStyles may be reprinted, either wholly or in part without permission of the publisher consent.

Images by Robert Perry Photography Makeup by Stylist Chiku’ Williams

Jerica Wortham


NATURAL HAIR CARE Hair take tender 5 TIPS Natural loving care.

ce that enhan s e h s a L TRY Flirty our look y

Jerica &

Stylist Ch



1. Shampoo and Co-Wash as needed (Promotes a healthy scalp) use sulfate-free cleansers. 2. Trim those ends every 6-8 weeks, apply moisture products from roots to ends. 3. Low manipulation or protective styles, like twist or braids protect hair form breakage and moisture loss. 4. When combing through and applying products to natural hair work in 4-6 sections for full coverage. 5. Product that are penetrating is best, coconut oil and olive oil absorb into the hair.

Jerica D. Wortham is a Tulsa, Oklahoma native with an international spirit. Jerica has been writing, and performing her poetry since the tender age of 11. In May 2012, Jerica founded J PARLE' LLC, and started J PARLE' Literary Magazine. This endeavor gathered artists from all around the country, and provided a platform for those who were, in some cases, more comfortable with the pen than with the mic.... The mission: to give every voice a chance to be heard. In 2013, she was presented with the opportunity to host her very first live show; and J PARLE' Live was born! On October 25, 2014, she hosted her first scholarship gala to raise money for the J PARLE scholarship fund. When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Webster, and their son, Solomon. If you're interested in being on her mailing lists, email JPARLELLC@ymail.com. You can also stay up-to-date through Facebook.com/JPARLELLC.



WHAT GRADE ARE YOU? Type 1 – Straight Hair: This type of hair is naturally bone straight and not typical of African-Americans or “black hair.”

Images by FortyPhotos

Type 2 - Wavy Hair: Soft or deep waves with little to no curl. Coarse and stays close to the scalp in long “s” shaped curves. Doesn’t usually have a lot of body. Type 3 – Curly Hair: Unique texture. Fine and soft “q” shaped pattern. Doesn’t have a lot of sheen. Has lots of body. Straightens when wet and curls as it dries. Type 4 – Coily / Kinky Hair – Very tightly curled and wiry. Type 4 is usually broken up into 4a and 4b types. 4a hair has a looser coil and strands have a spiral shape. 4b hair has a tighter kink. Strands have a zig-zag shape like the letter “z” and is the most fragile and driest of the types.

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Styles & Makeup by Chiku’Williams Model Tiffany Whittenberg Photographer Kevin Camp

Be Inspired ……. Proverbs 31:30 says, “Charm and looks can be deceiving, and beauty fades away, but the person who honors the Lord deserves to be praised.” It’s not your car, hair, clothes, your makeup, or the latest designer hand bag that make you who you are, it’s the plan and purpose that God has placed within you that gives you value. Now, before you hang me out to dry, how the package is presented is vitally important. We can be photo-shoot ready – hair whipped, nails manicured, face beat with the latest contouring techniques, and dressed to the nines for the runway; but it’s what’s on the inside that makes and gives you value. We must learn to live life from the inside out, not the outside in. Success comes to By Pamela Wiely

us when we discover our purpose. Walking in your purpose is what causes the favor of God to manifest in our lives. Living in your purpose is what causes you to excel in every area of your life. Discovering your purpose is God’s ability in you enabling you to do life with ease. Just as a car’s engine will eventually breakdown without the proper motor oil, fuel, or maintenance; trying to do life without purpose will leave us barren and unfruitful. Deuteronomy 28:8 ESV says, “The LORD will command the blessing on you in your barns and in all that you undertake. And He will bless you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” Suggested scripture reading: 2 Corinthians 4:18; Philippians 1:6; Jeremiah 29:11; and Proverbs19:21.

DREAD CARE 1. Find a good Locktician, it’s important in the beginning stages. Have a consultation to identify your objectives and desired look. 2. Massage your Scalp to good health. It promotes stimulation for hair growth and relaxation. 3. Don’t over twist, if you re-twist your locs to much it can start to create breakage and thinning. 4. Night Care for your locs is important to avoid breakage wear a silk scarf. It helps to keep the moisture in the hair and scalp. 5. Be patient, locking your hair is a journey that require patients. It may take you longer than other’s to loc your hair, but enjoy the process in your loc journey.


Hair & Makeup by Chiku’Williams Model Tiffany Whittenberg Photographer Kevin Camp



Images by FortyPhotos

Image by CKPhotography

VISIT US at www.expostylesmag.com



Business Relationshipss Successful relationships, whether personal or professional, must be built upon a solid foundation. A business relationship is unique in that there is a measurable desired outcome. We know if the relationship is working based on the feedback we receive. That feedback is then translated into increased clientele and income. It is, however, important to remember that a business relationship is not a friendship; it is instead a purposeful, goal-oriented relationship. It is great to be nice and to be friendly. But let's be honest, in business, a friendly demeanor is designed to drive customers through our doors or onto our websites. How then do we successfully create a healthy business relationship? There are many elements that need to be included, but for now we address the basics. I think you will discover that the elements that make a business relationship successful can also be applied to personal relationships; but that's another issue for another time. Integrity: Your word is worth more than any service you provide or product you produce. Say what you will do and do what you say you will do. It is fine to under promise and then over deliver; but it is never okay to over promise and under deliver. If you say you will deliver, then by all means deliver. If a problem arises that threatens your ability to deliver successfully or if a client asks for a service that you cannot provide, then speak up. Address problem issues with clarity; and if it is an undeniably unavoidable, give them a discount for any inconvenience that resulted.

Network: Find a mentor and others in your same field. Intentionally locate people who either individually or collectively know things that you don't know. Learn from their successes and mistakes. Share ideas, and sometimes resources with each other. No need to reinvent the wheel. Lean on them when you need to vent and be willing to be their ear when they need one.

Be Professional: Remember this is a business relationship. You must maintain your position as the provider of the service they need. Don't ever let them feel that you are not doing your job. Constantly improve your skills and knowledge base. You must attend seminars, classes, and read, read, read! Join professional organizations connected to your profession. Exceed whatever the local or state standards require.

Communicate: You must develop effective communication skills. Learn to write well. Use social media as a business tool. Work on becoming a great listener to your clients, employees, colleagues, and business partners. People want to feel heard, so make good eye contact, and then verbally respond so they know you are listening. Act as if you have a limit on the number of words you can use in a conversation. In other words, listen more than you talk. Lastly, stay in touch with current and former clients and associates. Learn their birthdays and send cards, notes to welcome new babies, and messages saying you appreciate them and look forward to seeing them again. And lastly, ask for referrals. Don't be shy. If you have delivered a good product or great service then ask your clients to refer you to others. Word of mouth on a job well done brings in new business without costing you a penny. So let's get busy with the business.

By Louis Anderson LPC,LADC

UpScale Nightlife

During the summer of 2010, Elgin Scott and Lee Finch II, stumbled upon a live performance by Brandi Hamilton in Jenks, Oklahoma. While sitting there being entertained by one of the most phenomenal vocalist on this side of eternity, they begin to form what would later become Tulsa’s premier late night, upscale, adult social experience – First Class Friday. The food was good, the lighting was just right, the drinks were on point, and most importantly there was no drama. It was then that they set out to design the perfect platform for performers, both local and abroad. Their goal was to create a production that would benefit every single participant. For five plus years, Blackbird Entertainment has been honored to have worked with Oklahoma’s finest. They have successfully produced events such as First Class Friday, Tulsa Poetry Jam, T-town Lyrical Soul, and many more. They are forever grateful for the love and support that Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and surrounding areas has shown them. And they don’t take any of it for granted! Both of these men are humble in their expressions of gratitude and appreciation for each of you. Moving forward, they promise to continue to provide the best in Live Music & Entertainment… ~BlackbirdEnt.~


Music Artist


Images by Robert Perry Photography

AFRO FOHAWK Stylist Chiku’ created a Simple Afro twist FoHawk on Music Artist Ms.Val. This style was created with one bag of Afro Marley braid hair from the Janet collection.

MaryKay foundation was applied to Ms. Val’s clear skin and Stylist Chiku’ use Bhcosmetics to add color to her eyes and cheeks. Looking for a Drama free atmosphere with great live entertainment “First Class Friday” is the place to be.

“THE ULTIMATE LADIES NIGHT OUT” The CREW Shakera Cobb, Bridgette Robinson, Chiku’Williams, Shawn Stewart, Shana Martin





& lie High” s rtist “Koo Music A Chiku’ William er Publish

Elgin Scott & Lee Finch II Blackbird Entertainment

Lee Finch II & Publisher Chiku’ Williams

Music Art Publish ist Valarie C oll er Chik u’ Wil ins & liams




Music Artist Ms.Val Wallstreet Band

Stylist Mystee Scott OKC (405)532-0728

VISIT US at www.expostylesmag.com

n o t l i m a H i d n ra



Images by Robert Perry Photography MakeUp by Chiku’ Williams

Brandi Hamilton is a Singer/Songwriter and Actress who has been in entertainment for more than 12 years. From the day she sang for the honorable Rosa Parks, she knew her passion was on the stage performing. While working as a front desk Receptionist at a printing/recording studio, it was quickly discovered that Brandi Hamilton’s talent was not limited to clerical skills. Her unconventional voice quickly took her from the front desk and placed her in the recording booth. Although her first E.P. was never released, those who heard it were stirred by her unique sound.

The o


So Lady . s s i yM & onl


Miss Lady Soul & Stylist Chiku’

Brandi has embarked on a new journey with her band, The Soul Element. Her passion is to reach people through music simply because it makes them happy. The lyrics in her songs are filled with her own experiences of heart break, love, and life. Absolutely nothing about her is typical. Poised to take the world by storm, she is currently working on her debut album, self-titled with her onstage name, “Miss Lady Soul.” Her first single, "If" which was recorded at MAFJ Studios in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was released December 19, 2014. It is available for download on ReverbNation and on Sound Cloud. It’s time to experience Brandi Hamilton.

Brandi is currently recording her album to be released in mid June. Connect with her on Facebook @Brandi Hamilton





Images by GW PHOTOGRAPHY Makeup by Chiku’ Williams

D’Nitra Griffin

Shana Martin

Bridgette Tuggle-Robertson

When it comes to capturing lasting memories of yourself. It’s important to look your very best. Having a Glam team ( Hair & Makeup Artist) available to you at your next photo session is an added bonus. Ask Glen Willis ,GW Photography to book Stylist Chiku’ for your session. (918)381-7927


BRANDIY HAMMON The name is Brandiy Hammon, though I wear many titles including mother, mentor, case manager, and model, I’m more proud to be known as a motivator. I’m from Okmulgee, Oklahoma in which I was born and raised. But have plans to turn my small town living to big city living in the future, pursuing what I truly enjoy which is fitness modeling. That brings me back to that title of being a motivator. Modeling is a confidence booster, indeed. But being a fitness model involves motivating others as well to live healthy and stay fit. I’ve been a part of various shows and have done a number of photo shoots to get my feet wet in the business. But there is another level that I am going to that will not only open new doors for better opportunities but allow me to hopefully inspire others to recognize the importance of their wellness and well-being and be more confident in the skin they’re in. Be on the lookout for me!


Starting a workout regimen isn’t always an easy thing. Trying to figure out what exercises are going to be most beneficial for what you are trying to accomplish can be confusing and frustrating. One of the biggest mistakes people often make is not incorporating good nutrition in their regimen, which is the greatest portion of getting quality results. Incorporating good proteins and an array of vegetables helps give your body what it needs to perform for you. Just like a car, it has to have the right fuel to perform well. Also, drink plenty of water. Consuming half of your body weight in ounces of water is sufficient. But those who are more active may consume more. To kick start your workout, you want to begin with at least 10 minutes of good cardio.


from over exhausting your muscles and allowing them to rest. This is needed for proper growth and development. And incorporate and abdominal workout at least 3-4 days out of the week. Begin simple. Don’t overdo it when you’re just getting started. You don’t want to burn out before you get going. Here is a simple Leg circuit that the ladies can do 3-4 days out of the week if the gym is not an option. Or if you just want to add something extra to your leg day workout.

Warm up: Jumping jacks 1min, High step in place 1min (use your arms as if walking in place), Run in place 1min Pulse squats-3 sets of 20 Forward pulse lunges-3 sets of 15 per leg

This is whether you are beginning a regimen in the gym or at home. If you are going to be working out at a local gym, have a set day to work on certain body parts, back, chest, hamstrings, quads, shoulders. You do this to keep

Side leg raise-3 sets of 10 per leg (you may need to place a hand on a wall for balance until you are used to this move) Sumo Squats-4 sets of 15 (make sure you are sitting in your squat when you drop) Repeat this circuit at least 3 times. You can switch the order up for versatility.

VISIT US at www.expostylesmag.com


” A V I D E M Y T Y A D ESHA “


Kesha Vonnice Wilson, better known as Kesha Ya DayTyme Diva by radio listeners in Tulsa, Oklahoma was born on June 22, 1971 in Chicago, Illinois to Frenchell and Robert Wilson. The oldest daughter of three children, Kesha is known for her outgoing party-girl attitude; and her coined phrase, "Mama's got treats!” Kesha is an on-air radio personality with Tulsa radio station, 105.3 KJAMZ, which is owned by Perry Publishing & Broadcasting Company. Kesha is the Public Service Announcer and News Director; and does the daily production for The Rickey Smiley Morning Show. She can be heard every morning keeping the Tulsa community updated with the latest events, news, fundraisers, and the infamous, "What's Going Down in T-Town”. Each Saturday, she hosts her own radio show – “The Krunk Session" from 2-6pm; with popular segments like the Grown and Sexy hour from 3-4pm. Prior to her career in radio, Kesha was a customer service representative for several different companies providing service with a smile, keeping customers happy. She has always had the gift of gab! So after being laid off, Kesha went to Broadcasting School and decided to pursue a career in something she loved to do – talking and entertaining. Throughout her career in radio, which began in September of 2005, Kesha has had the pleasure of hosting several musical concerts and parties; and has become know as "the hostess who's always parting and doing the mostess".


In 2008, Kesha was awarded DJ of the year; and continues to blaze the airways daily. With two failed marriages and no children, Kesha continues to be an Independent Woman of Radio of a mere 44 years young. It is Kesha’s desire to meet our Nation's 44th President, Barack Obama; and advancing her career to television.

Stylist Chiku’ & Kesha Red Carpet HairShow Tulsa,OK

Images by Robert Perry Photography Makeup by Stylist Chiku’ Williams


Styles & Makeup by Chiku’Williams Model Christina Rashell Photographer Kevin Camp


Styles & Makeup by Chiku’Williams Photographer Kevin Camp


POWER COUPLE the HARDING’S In the music world, Mr. and Mrs. Harding

are the quintessential power couple. Married for nearly six months, they are better known to many as Parry “Pfunk” Harding and Valarie “Ms. Val” Collins. It’s difficult to say which of these talented artist is the bigger star, but it’s easy to see how they came together. It was a clear case of mutual admiration between a vigorous Tulsa guitarist and a singing Muskogee belle.

Music Artist Valarie

Parry and Val are both prime members of The Band Wallstreet, which also consists of the peerless bassist, Darryl Templeton. Parry has been a guitarist for Wallstreet since the early 90’s. Years later, he became the band’s overseer. In 2004, Valarie joined the group as lead vocalist – coming straight out of the church choir. They both have put in a lot work for the band bringing them closer as a couple and business partners. After being together for eight years and having a beautiful daughter, they finally brought both of their families together as one on October 24, 2014. Valarie coordinated their beautiful wedding, making it into a wedding concert, which featured many of Tulsa’s top artists and entertainers. Although she had never planned a wedding, she put her heart and soul into their big day, and it was a tremendous success. Parry and Valarie have worked together, fought together, laughed together, cried together, loved together, and obviously stayed together with God’s grace, through it all.


Images by Robert Perry Photography

Bride M u Stylist/M sic Artist Val ari akeup A rtist Ch e & iku’





KIDS HAIR CARE Kids hair care:

Moisturizing is essential, kids hair can get extremely dry. If, your child have tight kinks and curls, you’ll want to add extra virgin olive oil or jojoba oil to shampoos and conditioners. Stick to water base moisturizers to keep hair soft. In between washes use natural oils like coconut oil, argan oil and shea butter to nourish and lubricate your child's hair before styling. Detangle the hair with a wide tooth comb gently section by section. Young Scalps need shampooing more frequently do to being ex-

posed to school environment , sweat and petroleum based oils. Help your child's scalp breath to promote hair growth.



Melva Williams has been an inno-

vative Hairstylist since 1992 and the sole proprietor of “Something Special Styling Salon” in Irving, Texas since 2001. Early in her career she worked in corporate America in various industries such as: call centers, medical billing and retail, all the while staying with her first love as a stylist. In her current position, her main philosophy is the mind, body and spirit technique. The purpose and goal is to use her talent and her tools to minister to women in all areas of their lives; spiritual, nutritional and family values. Helping them to understand that their bodies are temples and everything starts from the inside especially having a healthy head of hair. Her main duty is to consult them concerning previous and present hair care, then to present solutions for healthy hair resolution that will begin from the inside out. She has also began to empower women everywhere by giving healthy hair seminars to educate how our medical issues and hair issues are related. Melva resides in Grand Prairie with husband and business partner, Ryan Williams, and one of her four children and 3 grandchildren. Her hobbies include fashion, reading, writing and quality time with her family.

Melva's website: www.somethingspecialstylingsalon.net


Call a Stylist for a consultation at least a month in advance to decide the best hairstyle that suites you with the type of dress you will be wearing prom day. It’s very important to plan ahead for all your beauty appointments such as hair, nails and makeup services. Planning ahead, frees your mind for your special day.

Styles by Chiku’ Williams


GW PHOTOGRAPHY Ideal clients for this product? 

Client who wants no chemical commitment

Client who is transitioning

Client who wants to elongate natural curl pattern

Client who wants styling versatility

Client who wants to maintain natural texture in between blow drying

TEXTURE RELEASE Stylist Chiku’ has applied Avlon Texture Release system to teen client Tiara’s curly hair. Tiara loves wearing her hair bouncy & straight. Texture Release allows Tiara to style her hair with her natural curls or straight. Call Stylist Chiku’ for a consultation (918)3817927 Great product for Mixed Chicks

Beauty Professionals Purchase system from LAMOORE BEAUTY SUPPLY 1736 NE 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73111 (405) 427-6571


BUSINESS DIRECTORY Beauty Professionals OKLAHOMA Stylist Chiku’ Williams (918)381-7927 www.expostylesmag.com Stylist Lele Lachelle www.lelelachelle.com TEXAS Stylist Melva Williams www.somethingspecialstylin gsalon.net Entertainment MAC Time Productions Muskogee, OK tracycole116@gmail.com Blackbird Entertainment Tulsa,OK Leefinch2@gmail.com

Photography Robert Perry Photography repphotos@gmail.com GW Photography Gwphotos7@gmail.com FortyPhotos fortyphotos@gmail.com Kevin Camp kevincamp@gmail.com Editorial Arnetta Cotton, Cotton Works LLC arnettacotton@gmail.com Kid Fun Williams Inflatables (918)378-7085

Travel Hair & Makeup Artistry by Lele Lachelle (918) 814-1073 e:lelelachelle@yahoo.com www.lelelachelle.com

Available for Film, Photo & Video shoots, Pageants, Theatre & Concerts



Exclusive interview by Chiku’ Williams ESEM: First, I would like to say, "Thank you Koolie for being willing to do this interview with me." Koolie: It's all my pleasure, thank you for having me. ESEM: Tell me a little about yourself. Koolie: I was born and raised in Oklahoma City into a family that is musically inclined; so I was blessed to receive the gift of singing also. I've been singing all my life. Right now I've been branching out doing live entertainment for various venues. ESEM: When did you discover your gift of singing? Koolie: At the age of six my mother put me on the spot and made me sing a solo at church. Jesus is Mine was my first song. I was always a background singer until my mother discovered differently. ESEM: How long have you been performing on the platform you are on now? Koolie: I really started performing at the age of 18 with a popular band called Casino Band in Oklahoma City. I stayed with them for four years, and then decided to take a break. I’ve been performing now for the last five years. I love what I do.

ESEM: How long have you been with Brown Suga Entertainment? Koolie: About three years ago, I was looking to expand, that’s when I met Keith Brown (KB), owner of Brown Suga Club in Oklahoma City. We stayed connected over the years; and about a year ago he became my Booking Manager. ESEM: What would you tell someone that needs a little encouragement to follow their dreams/goals in life? Koolie: If you have your mind and heart set on something, stick with it. When you feel like it is what God has put you here for, just do it. Don't look for anyone else's approval when you already have it from Him. There will always be negative people out there trying to discourage you, but don't listen to them. Put God first and follow His plan for your life. ESEM: How long have you been growing your dreads? Koolie: I've been growing my dreads for two years now. Before dreads, I was rocking a natural afro. I had always been interested in trying dreads, so I just decided it was time for a change. I love my dreads! My fiancé maintains them for me.

ESEM: Ok, so you have a fiancé! When is the wedding? Koolie: YES! 2016 is our year. ESEM: Congratulations! I'm looking forward to attending. Koolie: Most definitely! Looking forward to having you there. ESEM: Once again, thanks for taking out the time to talk with us at ESEM

Brown Suga Entertainment is a contemporary, up-scale group that caters to the 25 and older professional clientele who enjoys quality entertainment and dining in a sophisticated atmosphere. Top-notch live entertainment and quality disk jockeys are staples of Brown Suga Entertainment-sponsored events that offer opportunities for venue owners to expand their customer bases and showcase their businesses. Brown Suga Entertainment is owned and operated by Keith and Karen Brown, Oklahoma City professionals who have worked in their specific crafts for over a decade. Keith is a master barber who has been in business for over 15 years, and Karen is a registered nurse (RN) at Oklahoma Heart Hospital. She is currently working on obtaining her Nurse Practitioner’s license. The couple formerly owned the highly respected Brown Suga Lounge in Oklahoma City. Since 2007, Keith’s passion for barbering led to the creation of Hair Explosion, a showcase event that individuals in Oklahoma and surrounding states look forward to and participate in on an annual basis. Brown Suga Entertainment has assisted a number of local artist further their careers. And now, Brown Suga Entertainment is very excited about providing management for the very talented, versatile, soulful, and very popular Oklahoma artist, “Koolie High”. Their goal is to market his talent nationwide! They started off 2015 by having him open for Eric Benet and Jon B. Many doors of opportunity opened after his riveting performance. Brown Suga Entertainment is working hard for Koolie High, so look for him to do big things in the future!!





Henry C. Byrd (aka Hank Byrd) writer of the sci-fi screenplay “Dinner with Harry”, was born April 16,1972 in Augusta Georgia International Film Festival Best Live, Screenplay Reading honor in 2010. Heartened by the award’s confirmation of his creative original work, Byrd was propelled to create a trilogy seamed together by one mysterious black gym bag is, “The Take”, a crime drama that was the film festival’s 2011 official selection and the audience choice winner for the mini feature. Byrd, a father of 5, who served in the US Army during the Gulf War grew up as a self described army brat. His exposure to military life, travel, various cultures and film styles advantageously equipped his writing with a global perspective and the hardiness to start Cinemental Filmwork in 2009 on his own. To inquire about future projects & auditions EMAIL:screenwriterhank@gmail.com

MEN GROOMING TIPS * Stop washing your face with soap, it will overtime dry your skin out. Invest in a men’s facial skin care product line. *Put SPF on your face daily especially if you are a hard working man that’s outside most of your working hours. Daily sunscreen application reduce risk of melanoma. * Pedicures aren’t only for women, take care of your feet. Schedule time to pamper your feet once or every other month. * Keep your lips soft and kissable by exfoliating them with running a toothbrush over them to remove any dead skin, then apply liquid lip balm.

SUPPORTING LOCAL LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Jan-June 2015 Vol. 5 Issue 7 Printed US $5.00

Exposure Magazine TM The Ultimate Hair & Beauty Guide





Music Artist “KOOLIE HIGH” www.expostylesmag.com




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